Download - November 2012 Newslette

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Normal proceedings will then resume. Please

make an effort to join us in this very poignant


The final Community Services talk will be held

straight after lunch. Matters on Dementia will

be discussed and details can be found inside.

The Community Services team has done well

to plan these talks which hopefully have been

beneficial to our members. We hope to see

many of you attend this last session.

The Sports & Games team has organised a

Family picnic on the 25th of November at AP

Hinds Park Bayswater. There will be lots of

games for the kids and family. Please check the

details inside.

The Christmas Tea Dance on the 2nd December

will be a cosy change from all the hectic late

night Christmas parties that we usually attend.

Come, let us immerse ourselves in the

Christmas spirit! Please see inside for more


The Christmas Sunday Lunch & Children’s

Christmas Party is on the 9th of December.

There will be carolling and yummy

traditional Eurasian food for the adults (main

hall) and games and presents for the kiddies

(the other room) and of course SANTA! This

year the whole family can be together for our

EA Christmas celebration. Please make sure

your kids forms are handed in by the Nov


Speaking of forms….nomination forms for our

3 EA Awards are now open. Please get them in

early to avoid any disappointment. Details

inside or contact Kevin De Souza.

Take care and see you soon!

Hello my dear members! The

days are getting warmer and

the hint of Christmas is in the

air. The build up to the festive

season begins!

Our build up usually begins

with the always popular

October Senior’s Sunday lunch, which lived up

to expectation, once again, attended by almost

190 people. We were well entertained by

Bobby Beins Karaoke, fantastic yodelling from

Uncle Horace Sta Maria and Mel Nerva and

then the room turned amazingly silent as soon

as the Bingo commenced! A big thank you to

our very active Senior’s committee and our

many helpful volunteers, cooks, kitchen

helpers, servers, cleaners and everyone who

assisted us in making the lunch successful.

The weather held and the friendly soccer game

went ahead as planned. 10 children ran rings

around their slower opponents but the sleek

skills of the 7 dads’ came through in the end

for a sweet but painful victory! Thanks to all

who helped make it a fun day for the kids….

A superb TAFE dinner on the 18th of October

was organised by the Senior’s committee

where everyone left feeling very satisfied

indeed! The team has also got the Melbourne

Cup afternoon all sorted out for the 6th of

November so please look inside for details if

you don’t want to miss out!

The activities continue with the 11th of

November Remembrance Day lunch dedicated

to the memory of members who have passed

and our own family members and friends. The

solemn ritual begins with the Last Post and a

minute silence and culminates with the burning

of the memories of our loved ones and the

release of the ‘in memoriam’ balloon.

Chad Beins —President

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Remembrance Day

Sunday 11th

November 2012 Great Food & Entertainment with

friends & family


Chicken Briyani

Char Siu Rice

Mee Siam

Fried Noodles

Assorted cakes

Menu subject to change

Regular Sunday Lunches

Venue : Redcliffe Community Hall Corner Morgan Road and Field Avenue

in Redcliffe entrance also from Grand Parade.

Tickets given out strictly on a first come first served basis.

Tickets will not be given out for

those who are yet to arrive.

Lunch served from 12 noon.

Members bringing guests, please sign in the Visitors Book

at the door. THE EURASIAN

Sunday Lunch 2

News & Changes 3

Sunday Lunch/Soccer Photos 4

Sports, Golf & Family Picnic News 5

Community Services Notice 6

Christmas Tea Dance & Gig Guide 7

Seniors Report & Future Outings 8

Members Affairs 9

AEAWA Awards Notice & Classifieds 10

Remembrance Day 11

Our Calendar 12


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To serve the lunches faster, purchase a pre-

paid lunch voucher. This is how it works:

When you arrive you get a numbered

ticket as usual.

You then purchase a lunch voucher at

the entrance, currently $6 (half price for

over 80’s). You may also purchase a

side dish voucher.

When your number is called, present

your numbered ticket plus the voucher

at the kitchen and get your meal.

(N.B: One ticket = one main meal + side dish).

A gentle plea - please have the correct amount

handy to save us running out of change.

In the unfortunate event that we run out of all

meals, we will refund your money.

Hamper Draw 1st prize - Penny Fernandez

2nd prize - Sandra Vernie

We raised $267 for the chil-dren’s X’mas party. Thank you so much for the overwhelming generosity especially to Derrick Holmes who donated the Black Label for the 1st prize and also to Valerie Whittaker for the la-dies toiletries & bottle of wine for

the 2nd prize. Again, no raffle draw for the Nov lunch but 2 more beautiful ham-pers to be won for the children’s

X’mas party.

Member’s Draw

Specials for our

over 80s and 90s

Members aged over 80

will be given 50% off the cost

of their main meal.

Members over 90 years

will receive their main meal free

AND get table service.

For the first name drawn

So be there to win it!!

The winner was Barbara & Leonard Martinus. Congratulations!

The Management Committee

encourages and welcomes con-

structive feedback from mem-

bers. All signed suggestions

will be responded in writing.



Letters to

the Editor

If you have some interesting news or

things to celebrate, please write to:

P O Box 875


email : [email protected]

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Friendship at its Best

Should you object to your photos being posted or published on the Newsletter, webpage or

Facebook page, could you please advise any of the committee members accordingly,

so it can be removed.

1st prize hamper winner

Penny Fernandez

A bottle of wine for Table

Bingo Winners

Table winners

For naming the celebrities

Karaoke Entertainer

Bobby Beins

Horace Sta Maria

& Mel Nerva

Our dedicated Sunday Lunch crew

A very relaxed goalie

— Tim Weng

Young vs Young at hearts

guess the celebrities

Dads vs the

new generation team!

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Sports & Golf News

Family Picnic Day

October Golf

Thanks to all who played, and to our partners who joined us for the lovely

lunch at Yip Kee’s.

Nov Sunday 18th - TBC Burswood, otherwise Rosehill

Dec TBC Saturday 15th or Sunday 16th – Araluen, otherwise Port Kennedy

Early Tee Off’s for all games during our warmer months (between 7am-8am)

Picnic in the Park - Bring the Family

Nov Sun 25th at AP Hinds Park (Milne Street) Bayswater

Located next to Rowing Club at Garratt Road Bridge

Meet between 10.30 – 1100 am

BYO Food & Drink, BBQ’s available at the park. Games provided.


Milne Street

Williamson St

Garratt Road

AP Hinds Park Swan River

For further details please contact Graeme Mitchell (0403 336 899)

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Come to the AEAWA Community Services Talk!!!


from Alzheimer’s Australia WA

Date & Time : Immediately after the Sunday Lunch on

Sunday 11 Nov 2012 from 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm

Place : Redcliffe Community Hall

Corner of Morgan Road & Field Avenue, Redcliffe.

Entrance also from Grand Parade

There are 24,000 West Australians with dementia in 2011. Without a

medical breakthrough, this number is projected to increase rap-

idly and in less than 10 years, will reach 36,500 - a rise of almost


Dementia can happen to anybody, but the risk increases with age.

Come and learn more about dementia and how it may affect us

and our loved ones, the care involved and how to cope with it.

It is just an hour’s talk but a lifetime of knowledge.

Organised by the Community Services Team, AEAWA

Kevin, Gary & Jim

Email: community [email protected]

Mobile: 040044882 (Kevin)

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As part of our community service to the association and if you are looking

for a good night out why not come and support our talented musicians!

Fridays Soul Corporation - Moon & Sixpence U2ME - Woodbridge Hotel Passionworks—North Ale House

Mirrabooka 8.30 p.m. till midnight

Saturdays Soul Corporation - Universal Bar

Sundays Klassworks - Maylands Peninsular

Golf Club 5.30 till 8.30pm Passionworks—Morley Ale House Walter Road 2.00 till 5.30 p.m. Krystel – Nollamara Sports Club 18th Nov, 16th Dec.

Christmas Get


Tea Dance

Dress to suit the occasion with Christmas colours of

Greens, Reds, Gold

&/Or Silver

Sunday 2nd December 2012 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Band : Passionworks BYO Drinks & Nibbles (Finger Food on sale)

Venue: Redcliffe Community Hall Cnr of Morgan Rd & Field Ave

Redcliffe. Entrance also from Grand Parade

Members $10 Non-members $15

0410 478 334 for tickets

Sunday 9th December 2012

11 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Venue : Redcliffe Community Centre Annexe (adjacent to the hall) Cost : Members only - $20 per child Member grandparents entitled to

register one grandchild at $20

Final Registration is the Nov Sunday Lunch

Lots of games, candy floss, food and of course Santa’s gift.

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1. Thanks to all those who supported the dinner at The Bentley TAFE on 18th October 2012. Food, wine and com-pany made the evening an enjoyable night.

2. Melbourne Cup (Tues 6th Nov 2012)

50 people have booked for the outing on the bus to the Crown Casino, at the usual price of $10/p.p. Pick-Up, only at Morley Infant Jesus Parish car park @ 9.45 a.m. Belmont pick-up was re-jected. Ring me by 1st Nov 2012 if you are interested.

3. To celebrate Senior’s Week : the following has been advertised in

the ‘Have a go ‘ papers

(a) The Bendigo Bank Seniors Week Festival : Channel 7 Station Tours will be held from Mon 19th Nov to Fri 23rd Nov 2012.

AEAWA Date : Wed 21st Nov 2012 Time: 1.15 p.m. for a prompt start Cost: Free (Afternoon Tea will be provided)

Those who have registered please con-firm by the 11th Nov Sunday Lunch, as seats are limited. So far 18 have regis-tered.

(b) Grandparents' Day at Perth Zoo. Date: Sun 18th Nov 2012 Cost: Free entry to Perth Zoo for Grandparents and their grandchildren.

Entry from 9.00a.m Free morning tea for Grandparents and Grandchildren only.

Booking:-via internet only.

For more activities please refer to “Have a Go” newspapers Issue247 Oct 2012. 4. Alcoa Discovery Tour:- Date: Wed 14th Nov 2012 (Change of

date due to free bus service from Mandurah Train Station)

Transport: Own Transport to Man-durah Train Station.

Cost: Free

More details at the Nov Sunday Lunch. 5. Week-End-Away: (Expression of Interest) Date: Fri 1st Mar to Sun 3rd Mar 2013 Place: Kerrilly Park Farm Stay. Cottages can accommodate 28 peo-

ple. So far 14 names are registered. Those who are interested please put your name down.

God Bless and see you at the November

Sunday Lunch.

Joan Reincastle

... not just for seniors ... but for all members & friends ...

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to our new members :

Jerry & Elizabeth Lean

Ian Gomes

Kelvin & Sherylann Surin

Robin Reakes


Jacqueline Lewis

To become a new member obtain an ap-

plication form from the Management Committee or from the net -

To renew your membership, please post

the form below with your cheque.

Payment (either cheque or cash) can also be handed at our Sunday Lunch .

Pay directly to AEAWA

Account Name: Australian Eurasian

Association of W.A. Inc. Bank : Bank West

BSB: 306 042 Account Number: 082 139-5 Reference: Subs (name) or

(membership number)

Fees for 2012

Pensioner: 1 yr $15 or 3 yrs $40.50 Single: 1 yr $19 or 3 yrs $51.30 Family: 1 yr $28 or 3 yrs $75.60

Members Affairs

Charles Reincastle


Name(s) ……………………………………………………………………………… Address ………………………………………………………………………….…. Amount $ ........................................................ Membership No ……………………………. Send this form to AEAWA Members Affairs PO Box 875, Cloverdale WA 6105

Reminder Renewal of Membership for

2013 is due on 31st December 2012.

Payment can be made at the Nov & Dec Sunday Lunches

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Business Classifieds

THERMOMIX Thermomix TM31is the most advanced kitchen appliance on the market today! Contact Hellen Tay for your own in-home cooking demonstration. Ph: 9450 4381 Mob: 0414 340 947 or [email protected]

INFINITE FINANCE AUSTRALIA Let us assess your current loan to ensure that it isn’t costing you more than it should. Call Troy Quintal 0415 764 672 for all your finance needs (CRN 399480) Office ph: 9382 1125 [email protected]

D&L LINTELS For all your Structural Steel Solutions. Suppliers of Galvanised, Dimet & Duplex coated. Call David Mikaere 9356 1797 or 0438 661 739

Keith & Angie’s Dance Classes Why not add another dimension to your social life and learn to waltz, rhumba, cha-cha, rnr and slow rhythm. Call 9207 2819 or 0419 907 960. Prepare2Drive – Automatic Driving Lessons Fully qualified, friendly and patient driving instructor. Automatic vehicle with power-steering & dual controls. Price covers one full hour with pick up and return. Call 0418 237483 now to book.

PlaneTorque Australia Pty Ltd

An aviation consulting company providing a range of technical, administrative and logistical services. Visit : Contact Alan Jupp on 93774669

Learn to Dance! Beginner Ballroom and Latin dance course at the Maylands Golf Club commencing Sunday 1 July 2012 from 4:30 – 5:30pm before the band starts!

For bookings, call Basil or Clara on 0478 616 766 or at [email protected] $90 per person for a six week course. Plus get $5 off your meal! Singles welcome. Limited numbers, so book early. THE EURASIAN




Nominations open to current financial

members for the following AEAWA








The application forms are available in

the “Download” webpage found on

the AEAWA website

Application forms will also be avail-

able at all AEAWA Sunday Lunches

prior to the closing date.

If you would like a form emailed or

posted to you, please email to

[email protected] or

call Kevin de Souza at 93251700.

The decision of the Awards

Committee is final.

All applications must be received by the

closing date which is 31 January 2013.

Details of how to submit the applica-

tion form are found in the form itself.

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Our Warmest Thoughts are

with . .

all of our members and their

families who are unwell or

grieving. If you know of some-

one who would like to share

their loss, or just need a prayer,

please feel free to contact the

committee or drop us a line.

A Note from the Editor .... Sharon

On behalf of my mum Helen, sister Jacque-

line, brother Trevor, in-laws & children, I

would like to express my heartfelt thanks

to the Management Committee & AEAWA

for their condolences on the death of my

father Felix “Mike” Beins on 4 October


Your kind words & support have been

overwhelming. We can only say “Thank

You” for helping us through this very diffi-

cult & painful moment in our lives.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the

guns below.

We are the dead. Short

days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw

sunset glow,

Loved, and were loved,

and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with

the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

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President Chad Beins 0402 113 897

Vice President Kevin De’Souza 0400 044 882

Secretary Brian Leicester 0419 944 323

Treasurer Carol Richards 0411 812 981

Seniors Joan Reincastle 0419 906 719

Member’s Affairs Charles Reincastle 92769439

Catering Margaret Chowdhurie 0403 179 505

Catering Sue James 93321294

Functions Kay Klass 0410 478 334

Sports & Games Graeme Mitchell 0403 336 899

Sunday Lunch Derrick Holmes 0409 119 387

Sunday Lunch Gary Aviet 0413 240 429

Please contact any one of the Committee if you have any questions or ideas.

We are always happy to hear from you! THE EURASIAN

Nov Dec Jan 2013 Feb 2013

Tues 6th 11 am

Melbourne Cup

Sun 2nd X’mas Tea Dance

3—7 pm

Sun 10th 11 am

Sunday Lunch


Sun 11th 11 am

Remembrance Day Sunday Lunch

Sun 9th 11 am

Sunday Lunch inc. Children’s Xmas

Sat 23rd 24th Anniver-

sary Ball Details TBA

Sun 18th Golf @ Burswood or


Sat 15th or Sun 16th

Golf @ Araluen or Port Kennedy

Sun 25th 10.30 am

Family Picnic Lunch by Swan River