Download - November 10, 2009COMS W41561 COMS W4156: Advanced Software Engineering Prof. Gail Kaiser [email protected]


November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 1

COMS W4156: Advanced Software Engineering

Prof. Gail Kaiser

[email protected]

November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 2

Topics covered in this lecture

• UML overview (reprise)

• Structural modeling

• Implementation diagrams

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Unified Modeling Language

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Reprise: What is UML?

• UML = Unified Modeling Language • A standard  language for specifying, visualizing,

constructing and documenting software artifacts• Standardized by Object Management Group (OMG)• Uses mostly graphical notations• Helps project teams communicate, explore potential

designs, and validate the requirements and architectural design of the software system

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Goals of UML• Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual

modeling language so they can develop and exchange meaningful models

• Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to augment the core concepts

• Be independent of particular programming languages, design methodologies and development processes

• Encourage the growth of the tools market• Support higher-level development concepts such as

frameworks, components and patterns• Integrate “best practices”

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Our Focus: the LanguageUnified Modeling Language

• Language = syntax + semantics– Syntax = rules by which language elements

(e.g., words) are assembled into expressions (e.g., phrases, clauses)

– Semantics = rules by which syntactic expressions are assigned meanings

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• The basic building blocks (syntax) of UML are:– Model elements (classes, interfaces, components,

use cases)– Relationships (associations, generalization,

dependencies)– Diagrams (class diagrams, use case diagrams,

interaction diagrams)

• Simple building blocks are used to create large, complex structures

Building Blocks

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Types of UML Diagrams

• Each UML diagram is designed to let developers and customers view a software system from a different perspective and in varying degrees of abstraction– Use Case– Behavioral– Structural– Implementation

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Structural Modeling

• Used to model the “things” that make up the software system

• Model class structure and contents

• Emphasizes the structure of objects, including their classifiers, attributes, operations and relationships

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Structural Diagrams

• Show a graph of elements connected by relationships

• Kinds– Class diagram: classifier view– Object diagram: instance view

• Shows the static structures of the system (not dynamic or temporal)

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Class Diagrams

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Class Diagrams

• Shows how the different entities (people, things and data) relate to each other

• A class diagram can be used to display logical classes, not necessarily code classes, which are typically the kinds of things the business people in an organization talk about — music bands, CDs, radio play; or home mortgages, car loans, interest rates

• Use domain vocabulary

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Example Class Diagram

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Class Notation

• A class is depicted on the class diagram as a rectangle with three horizontal sections (“compartments”)

• The upper section shows the class's name

• The middle section contains the class's attributes, optionally with initial values

• The lower section contains the class's operations or behaviors (methods)

• May be abbreviated to show just name, or just name and attributes

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Class Example

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Class Diagram • Draw a generalization relationship using a line

with an arrowhead at the top pointing to the super class, where the arrowhead should a completed triangle

• Draw an association relationship using– A solid line if both classes are aware of each other– A line with an open arrowhead if the association is

known by only one of the classes (pointing to the class known by the other one, i.e., direction of potential navigation)

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Example Class Diagram




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Generalization Example

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Association Example

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Construct Description Syntax

class a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships and semantics.

interface a named set of operations that characterize the behavior of an element.

component a modular, replaceable and significant part of a system that packages implementation and exposes a set of interfaces.

node a run-time physical object that represents a computational resource.

constraint a semantic condition or restriction.

«in terface»

Core Elements

{constra in t}

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Construct Description Syntax

association a relationship between two or more classifiers that involves connections among their instances.

aggregation A special form of association that specifies a whole-part relationship between the aggregate (whole) and the component part.

generalization a taxonomic relationship between a more general and a more specific element.

dependency a relationship between two modeling elements, in which a change to one modeling element (the independent element) will affect the other modeling element (the dependent element).

realization a relationship between a specification and its implementation.

Core Relationships

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Implementation Classes

November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 23

Implementation Class Diagrams

• Class diagrams can also be used to show implementation classes, which are the things that programmers typically deal with

• An implementation class diagram will probably show some of the same classes as the logical classes diagram

• The implementation class diagram won't be drawn with the same attributes, however, because it will most likely have references to things like Vectors and HashMaps

• May add compartments such as responsibilities and exceptions, even gist of method body

• May indicate attribute and operation visibility: public, private, protected, package

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Example Implementation Class

bill no-shows



guarantee()cancel ()change (newDate: Date)


match to available rooms


invalid credit card

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Visibility Markers

• Signify who can access the information contained within a class

• Private visibility hides information from anything outside the class partition

• Public visibility allows all other classes to view the marked information

• Protected visibility allows child classes to access information they inherited from a parent class

• Package restricts visibility to the encompassing package

November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 26

Example Class Detail


display ()

size: Areavisibility: Boolean

hide ()



+default-size: Rectangle#maximum-size: Rectangle

+create ()

+display ()

+size: Area = (100,100)#visibility: Boolean = true

+hide ()

-xptr: XWindow*



+ = public- = private# = protected~ = package visibility

November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 27

Method Body Example

report ()


isTripped: Boolean = false


1 station


{ if isTrippedthen station.alert(self)}

alert (Alarm)

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• Often represents inheritance at implementation class level

• Abstract class names given in italics

• Possibly multiple inheritance

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Generalization Example Equivalent Forms

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Generalization ExampleShape




Shared Target Style

Separate Target Style

. . .

. . .

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Multiple Level Generalization ExampleVehicle








{overlapping} {overlapping}

November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 32


• Reflect connections, e.g., implemented as an instance variable in one or both classes

• Connector may include named roles at each end, cardinality, direction and constraints

• Self-associations permitted• May indicate choice (xor)• May be N-ary (not just binary)• Association classes allow an association connection

to have operations and attributes

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Association Example

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Association Class Example

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Cardinality (Multiplicity)

• Indicate the number of instances of one class linked to one instance of the other class

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Association Examples














November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 37




goals forgoals againstwinslosses





Ternary Association Class Example

November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 38

Aggregations • Aggregations are a stronger form of association

between a whole and its parts• Drawn with a diamond next to the class representing

the target or whole (parent)• open vs. closed diamond indicates usage vs.

containment semantics• Containment may be indicated by composition rather

than relationship lines

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Aggregation Example

November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 40

Aggregation Example

Polygon PointContains









November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 41

Composition ExampleWindow

scrollbar [2]: Slidertitle: Headerbody: Panel


scrollbar title body

Header Panel

2 1 1








November 10, 2009 COMS W4156 42

Dependencies • Dependencies are a weaker form of association without

semantic knowledge• Often used early in the design process where it is known that

there is some kind of link between two elements, but it is too early to know exactly what the relationship is

• Later in the design process, dependencies may be replaced with a more specific type of connector

• Shown with a dashed line (e.g., from client to supplier)• <<label>> on line specifies kind (stereotype) of

dependency, e.g., <<instantiate>>, <<import>>, etc.

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Dependencies Example

«friend»ClassA ClassB






ClassD ClassE

«refine»ClassC combines

two logical classes

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Dependencies Example










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Interfaces• All interface operations are public and abstract, and all

interface attributes must be constants• By realizing an interface, classes are guaranteed to support a

required behavior, which allows the system to treat non-related elements in the same way – that is, through the common interface

• A class may implement multiple interfaces• An interface may be drawn in a similar style to a class, with

operations specified• Or may be drawn as a circle with no explicit operations

detailed (when drawn as a circle, realization links to the circle form of notation are drawn without target arrows)

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Interface Example

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Interface Realization Example

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Adapted from Fig. 23 [EJB 2.0].

























Interface Example

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Types and Implementation Classes Example



* elements




1 body



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Object Diagrams

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Object Diagrams

• Refer to a specific instance of a class• Special case of a class diagram• Does not show operations but may show runtime

state• Object names are underlined and may optionally

show the name of the classifier from which the object is instantiated (or may be unnamed, but with the class specified)

• May compose multiple specific instances• May be drawn as glyphs

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Class vs. Object Diagram Example

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Run-time State Example

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More Object Examples

triangle: Polygon

center = (0,0)vertices = ( (0,0),(4,0) ,(4,3))borderC olor = blackfi llColor = white

triangle: Polygon




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Composite Objects Example



awindow : Window





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Implementation Diagrams

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Implementation Diagrams

• Additional structural modeling (beyond classes, interfaces and objects)

• Show aspects of model implementation, including source code structure and run-time implementation structure

• Kinds– Component diagram– Deployment diagram

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Component Diagrams• Describes the software components that make up the

system• Not necessarily the same as the components of

component model frameworks• Provides a physical view of the system software• Shows the dependencies that the software has on the

other software components (e.g., software libraries) in the system

• A component is illustrated as a large rectangle with two smaller rectangles on the side, lollipops represent interfaces

• Dashed lines with arrows between components indicate dependencies

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Component Diagram Example

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Deployment Diagram

• Visualizes the physical architecture and the deployment of components on that hardware architecture

• Shows how a system will be physically deployed in the hardware environment, with distribution of components across the enterprise

• Its purpose is to show where the different components of the system will physically run and how they will communicate with each other

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Deployment Diagram Notation• A node represents either a virtual machine or a

physical machine node (e.g., a mainframe node)• To model a node, simply draw a three-dimensional

cube (or box) with the name of the node at the top of the cube

• Use the naming convention [instance name] : [instance type] (e.g., " : Application Server")

• Associations show communication connections between nodes (e.g., over a LAN)

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Deployment Diagram Example

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• UML is effective for modeling large, complex software systems

• The basics are simple to learn for most developers, but UML also provides advanced features for expert analysts, designers and architects

• It can specify systems independently from the programming language or implementation technology

• 10-20% of the constructs are used 80-90% of the time• Structural modeling specifies a skeleton for the structural

elements that supply the behavior (sequence, state, activity diagrams) and implement the use cases (use case diagrams)

• Implementation diagrams extend structural modeling to source code and run-time structure


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• — The official UML Web site• — Information on Argo UML,

an open source UML modeling tool built in Java• — Information on

Umbrello UML Modeller, an open source UML modeling tool for KDE

• - IBM’s UML resource center (IBM bought Rational in 2002)


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Final Notes

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Next Assignment

• Demos November 4th-12th

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Upcoming Deadlines

• Demos November 4th-12th

• First Iteration Final Report due November 13th

• Midterm Individual Assessment available by November 13th, due November 20th

• Second Iteration Plan due November 24th

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COMS W4156: Advanced Software Engineering

Prof. Gail Kaiser

[email protected]