Download - NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

Page 1: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This


NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1

Objectives: I can: 1. Describe early models of our solar system. This means I can:

A. Explain the geocentric model of the solar system and how retrograde motion brought change to that model.

B. Describe the contributions and changes to solar system arrangement due to the following scientists: Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo.

2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This means I can: A. Explain Kepler’s 1st Law and its relationship to the following terms astronomical unit, focus, major

axis, semi-major axis, the Sun, and eccentricity. B. Determine the relative shape (elongated oval, oval, circle) of an orbit when given its eccentricity

value. 3. Relate gravity to the motions of celestial bodies.

A. This means I can: Describe how mass, center of mass, and distance between 2 objects affects their gravitational pull on each other.

4. Apply scientific reasoning and evidence from ancient Earth materials, meteorites, and other planetary surfaces to construct an account of Earth’s formation and early history.

A. This means I can: Explain why some planets have visible craters and others don’t based on the planet’s age, composition, atmosphere, erosion and presence of plate tectonics.

Section 29.1 Early Astronomers Research & Ideas 1. Ancient astronomers could recognize the difference between stars and ______________

A. Planets move, stars are stationary & do NOT move 2. Geocentric Model –1st model of solar system

A. Geocentric = ___________ is the center of the universe

▪ Believed the Sun, planets, and stars _____________a stationary _____________

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Page 2: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

B. Problem: Didn’t explain ________________ motion

i. This is a sudden change in planetary motion when planets suddenly appear to move


ii. Very hard problem to solve

iii. Scientists began looking for a better model of the universe/solar system

3. Heliocentric Model = _________-centered

A. Suggested by Copernicus in 1543

B. Explained retrograde motion…So WHY do we see planets moving “backwards”?

i. Inner planets move _____________ than outer planets around the sun

ii. Earth will “pass” a slower moving planet

iii. The slower planet temporarily appears to move_____________________

C. Galileo’s discoveries also support heliocentric

i. 4 moons orbited ________________ not the Earth

ii. Therefore, Earth ___________________________________of the solar system

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Page 3: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

4. Kepler’s 1st Law: Most planets orbit the Sun in an _____________, NOT a circle

A. Ellipse = Oval that is centered on _______points (__________), not 1 like a circle

● (Focus – singular, _________ – plural)

B. Most planets orbit the Sun in an _____________________ shape

i. Earth being the exception

o Earth believed to move between an elliptical orbit and a circular orbit every 100,000 yrs or so.


C. Planets orbit while staying centered around _____________points.

i. The ____________________ is one point

D. Orbit is around the “_______________of mass” of the 2 bodies (Sun & planet)

i. Sun is _________ the center of the orbit, but is 1 of the 2 ________

Eccentricity = HOW oval-shaped the orbit is, and is based on the ratio of distance between the 2 foci to the major axis.

1. Planets vary in their distance from the Sun, therefore the distance between focus points is different for each planet

2. A planet is NOT at a constant distance from the Sun

3. 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) = the average distance between _____________________

● Is the unit used for distances between the Sun and planets.

4. Major axis: runs __________________________ through both foci.

● Is the ______________________ diameter

5. Semimajor axis: _________________ of major axis.

● Is the planet’s ____________________ distance to the Sun

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Page 4: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

Eccentricity Mini-Lab Data Table: Eccentricity = _________________________________________

Distance foci are apart

Length of major axis in cm

(Longest length) **Use 1 decimal

Equation / Calculation

(Show your work)

Eccentricity Value

(Calculation answer)

Describe/Draw Relative Shape of Drawing



0cm (Just use 1


Eccentricity Mini-Lab Questions, Analyze and Conclude:

1. What do the 2 pins represent?

2. For planets orbiting in our solar system, what is always one of the foci?

3. How does the eccentricity number AND the shape change as:

A. The distance between the foci (pins) gets larger?

B. The distance between the foci (pins) gets smaller?

4. What is the eccentricity value of a perfect circle? _____How far apart are the foci of a circle?____ Eccentricity Notes Continued:

6. Eccentricity has a value between ______________

▪ 0 = ________________ (Distance between the 2 foci is _____)

▪ 1 = very __________________________ Note Outline Our SEM & Climate Impact 17-18 - 4 -

Page 5: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

GRAVITY: Recreating Galileo’s Experiments: Experiment: Testing Gravity’s Influence on Falling Objects **Pick 4 objects of different weights from across the room. You can use anything safe to drop. If you want to use anything of the teacher’s, please ask before you grab it. **Record your object choices in the data table below: Predictions:

1. Out of all the objects you selected, what will fall to the ground most quickly?

2. Out of all the objects you selected, what will fall to the ground most slowly?

Object Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #3 1.





1. Time to test your predictions. 2. Go into the hallway and mark a height on the wall using masking tape. This is your start position from

which each object will be dropped. 3. Pick the first 2 objects in your data table and hold them up to the start line. 4. Count to 3 to give the timer time to get the stop watch ready. 5. Drop the objects. 6. Repeat the above steps so both pairs of objects has a total of 3 trials. 7. Grab the next pair of objects, switch jobs, and repeat steps 3-6.

GRAVITY: Post Lab Questions:

1. Were your predictions accurate? Why or why not?

2. What relationship did you observe between the speed an object falls towards the Earth and the amount it weighs?

● Did any object defy this relationship? If so, why do you think this happened?

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Page 6: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

Galileo & Gravity:

1. In the late 16th century early 17th century Galileo was working with gravity.

2. Performed experiments dropping objects off the Tower of Pisa and rolling balls down inclines

3. Gravity accelerates the fall of all objects at the ________________________

4. ________________________ causes lighter objects to fall ____________________ Sir Isaac Newton & Gravity

1. 1687 Newton published his Law of Universal Gravitation. ▪ Also called the inverse square law

2. This theory helped discover Neptune.

▪ Watched Uranus’s movements: o Gravity of something large was affecting the movements of the planet.

3. Basics of the Inverse Square Law:

▪ Any two objects ______________________each other

▪ Depends upon their _____________ AND the ___________________ between them.

3. Inverse Square Law (Summary of Law of Gravity): ● The larger the objects the stronger the force of gravity between

them. ● The farther apart the objects the weaker the force of gravity.

Earth vs. Moon Impact Crater Comparison

▪ Describe the difference in the presence and appearance of impact craters:

▪ What do you think causes that?

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Page 7: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

Impact Crater Lab Summary Table A: Density of Impactor

Impactor Material

Density Description of Impactor

Describe the surface appearance of the sand after impact




Table B: Velocity (Height) of Impactor (using Steel Sphere)

Drop Height

Describe the surface appearance of the sand after impact

30 cm

45 cm

60 cm

Table C: Surface Material

Surface Material

Describe the surface appearance after impact




Impact Craters:

What it is?

- Impact Crater: a crater on a __________________ or ____________________ caused by the impact of a meteorite or other object.

How was it made?

- A space born object (i.e.__________________) impacts the surface.

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Page 8: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

- Impact site is typically ____________________ in nature.

Why they are important? What do they tell us?

- They help us determine the _____________________ of the land being impacted.

- The absence or presence of craters helps scientist understand the process that are happening on the planet or moon surface (ie.___________________________)

Erosion Forces Activity

Erosion Force How did the force change the impact craters?

How did the effect vary depending on crater size?

Describe the appearance of the impact craters if the erosion force was absent.



Plate Tectonics (Colliding & separating pieces of land)

Erosion Forces:

Erosion is the _______________________________ of sediment.

What are they?

● ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These forces change the ________________________ of the Earth.

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Page 9: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

Wind and Water: ● The presence of an ______________________ gives a planet _________________________ (wind and rain).

● Wind blows _____________________ into the impact crater, __________________________causing it to disappear.

● Water from rain ________________________________ of the impact crater and ______________________ sediment into the

impact crater, filling it up causing it to _______________________________.

Plate Tectonics: ● Plate tectonics is the ______________________________of planet’s crust.

● The __________________________________of the planet’s crust _______________________________ out the impact crater causing it to disappear.

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Page 10: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This


NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 2

Objectives: I can:

1. Identify the relative positions and motions of Earth, Sun & Moon. This means I can:

A. Explain what causes earth’s day and night, seasons. B. Compare and contrast summer solstice, winter solstice, autumnal and vernal equinoxes. C. Describe the following motions and their effects on Earth’s climate: rotation, shape of revolution and

tilt of axis. D. Compare and contrast high & low tides as well as spring & neap tides according to sun and moon

alignment, tidal range, frequency and location.

3. Describe the lunar phases:

Motions of the Earth

1. Rotation: _______________of the earth around its ________________

A. Daily motion

B. Causes __________ & __________, and ___________ & ____________ of the sun

C. Causes the __________________ of the sun rising in the east & setting in the west

2. Revolution: ____________ motion around the___________

A. Annual Motion

B. Year = the time to __________________ 1 revolution

C. Ecliptic: _________________ in which the Earth orbits the Sun Effects of Earth’s tilt; Seasons

1. Tilted at _______ compared to the ____________

2. __________ AND _____________are both needed to cause seasons

3. Tilt causes the intensity of the Sun to vary with location

a. Direct Light = ______________ (more intense) Note Outline Our SEM & Climate Impact 17-18 - 10 -

Page 11: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

b. Indirect Light = _______________

4. Hemisphere tilted TOWARDS the sun;

a. Has ______________daylight

b. Is in the _______________ season

c. The sun appears _______________ in the sky

5. NOTE: Seasons due to TILT (_________________________)

Solstice: Is the day when the sun reaches its ________________ distance ____________of the equator Solstice: Is the day when the sun is the greatest distance _____________of the equator

1. Summer solstice (for N. Hemisphere) is when the sun is furthest _______________________

A. ________________ amount of daylight, ______________ night

B. Most direct light is at _____ – _____________________

C. _____________

D. Arctic circle has _________________

E. Antarctic has ____________________ 2. Winter solstice (for N. Hemisphere) is when the sun is the furthest ________________

A. __________________ amount of daylight, _______________ night

B. Most direct light is at __________ – _______________________

C. _________________

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Page 12: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

D. Arctic circle has ___________________

E. Antarctic has __________________

Equinox: Sun is _________________ over the ______________________

1. ________________ amount of daylight and night

2. _______________ hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun

3. Autumnal equinox: ________________

4. Vernal (______________) equinox: __________________

Earth-Sun Relationship Variations: Are there ever any changes to the tilt, revolution and other Earth – Sun relationships? YES!! 3 Main Variations in the Earth – Sun Relationship:

1. Angle of Earth’s Tilt 2. Shape of Earth’s Orbit 3. Sunspot Activity

How do those changes affect Earth’s climate?

• Are they short-term or long-term climate changes? Tilt Variation

• Review: Earth’s current tilt is _______________

• Currently, Earth’s tilt is ________________ slightly.

• The tilt angle varies within a narrow range; 22.0o – 24.5o

o The variations are caused by the ______________________ tug of ____________ planets, such as _________________-.

o Cyclic changes in the tilt angle occur over 40,000 years

• This creates l_______________changes in climate

o When the tilt is 24.5o, the seasons are _________________. Why?

o When the tilt is 22.0o, the seasons are __________________. Why? This small change in tilt combined with other factors such as orbit shape and sunspot activity, alter the ______ and _____________________________________ of sunlight falling on the earth. Orbit Shape Variation

o Over time, Earth’s orbit changes from slightly elliptical to circular.

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Page 13: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

o Review Time!

o Highest Eccentricity possible is _____ and shape is __________________________

o Lowest Eccentricity possible is _____ and shape is a __________________________

• This cycle takes 90,000 to 100,000 years

• It is a normal ________________ form of climate change on Earth.

• Earth’s eccentricity values

o Current eccentricity is 0.02

o It varies between 0.005 - 0.06

o All of these values are VERY CLOSE TO 0; Earth’s orbit is almost a ______________________ Sunspot Variation Sunspots = regions of darker color on the Sun

• Caused by ____________________on the Sun’s surface

• Release ________________ amounts of ________________________

• 11 year cycle of Sunspot activity. o It is normal to go from very few to quite a few sunspots in an 11 year period of time.

o This is normal __________________________ variation in Earth’s climate.

o If sunspots stay on the 11-year cycle, there is not much effect on climate.

• If the number of sunspots stay too high or too low for longer than the usual 11 year cycle, Earth’s climate has a _______________ change (decades or hundreds of years).

o Too few sunspots = ___________________ ▪ Example: Maunder Minimum; ___________________

o Too many sunspots = _________________solar energy output

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Page 14: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

▪ _______________ than average temperatures are found Tides Tides are the periodic ________ and ________ of sea level ● Caused by the _______________________attraction between Earth, moon & sun

● Moon’s gravity causes Earth to __________________

1. Moon’s gravity has a _________ effect on the Earth’s tides than the Sun’s due to the moon’s ___

A. Remember the ___________________________________________________________

2. High tides occur on the sides of Earth ___________________________ of the moon

3. High tides occur every ____ hours. Low tides also occur every ____ hours

4. Spring tides occur when the earth, sun & moon are _____________________

A. __________________ tidal range: ______________ high tides & ____________low tides

5. Neap tides occur when the moon is at __________________ to the earth & sun line

A. ______________ tidal range: _______________ high tides &_______________ low tides

Moon Notes Moon Phases

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Page 15: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

Questions & Challenges of the Day 1. Draw the best diagram of our solar system that you can in your notes.

Make sure to include labels! Review #2: What was the problem with the geocentric theory? How did we fix the problem? Review #3: Compare and Contrast Heliocentric and Geocentric Theory. Review #4: Review your knowledge of eccentricity using the diagram to the right.

A. Estimate the eccentricity value of the orbit.

B. Explain your estimate. Review #5:

● What is retrograde motion?

● Who fixed this problem?

Review #6 – Solstices & Equinoxes

1. Describe an equinox

2. Describe the two solstices

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Page 16: NOTE OUTLINE Chapters 28 & 29: Sun-Earth Moon (SEM) Part 1 · Nicolaus Copernicus, Kepler, Isaac Newton,Galileo. 2. Examine the modern heliocentric model of our solar system. This

3. Does the distance from the Sun cause the Earth’s seasons? Why or why not?

4. How are the seasons in the northern & southern hemisphere related?

5. Why is the tilt of Earth on its axis important?

6. When the North Pole experiences 24 hours of daylight, what is happening at the South Pole? Review #7 –Seasons & Phases 1. What are the causes of the seasons on Earth? 2. What would our seasons be like if Earth’s axis were not tilted? Explain. 3. If Earth’s axis were tilted 45 degrees, at what latitudes would the sun be directly overhead on the

A. Summer and winter solstices?

B. Vernal & autumnal equinoxes?

C. How would our seasons be different? Review #8 – Miscellaneous

1. What causes day & night?

2. How long does earth’s rotation take?

3. What type of tide is shown in the diagram to the right?

What moon phase is occurring?

4. How often does low tide occur?

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