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Northwold Primary School Weekly newsletter 7 July 2017 | Issue 141

News and events from Northwold Primary School


After School Clubs / Music Lessons


Celebration Day

Mayor’s ‘Count On Us’ Maths Challenge

Workshops – Architecture & Science

Nursery, Reception , Year 1, 2 and 4 trips

TV Show Applications

eSafety – Under 5’s Online

School Dates – 2017-18

Get in touch

Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email: [email protected]

Golden Achievement Pupils Congratulations to the following pupils for being the golden pupil of the last week and this week:

Class Pupils

N Mexico Louisa Rittilaemthong

N Pakistan ChristianMonteiro Da Silva/Faatima Alibhai

R Ireland Evangeline Ike-Michael

R Somalia Daniel Ewiah

1 Bangladesh Albert Watson/Blazey Humphrey

1 Ghana Yusuf Gokce/Ali Erdogan

2 Barbados Doruk Akhan

2 Poland David Davidson-Ikpefuran

3 Nigeria Jayden Marshall/Charmiah Semper-Stewart

3 Spain Ahmed Jabbar/ Joyce Nlandu

4 Brazil Tiago Faria Lima

4 Jamaica Arda Devir

5 Russia Shayden Weekes-Miller/ Muhammad Mohoshin

5 Turkey Tiana Warren/ Esma Baraku

6 China Payal Chowdhury/Mohammed Sidyot

6 India Haitham Guthmy/ Elif Akhan

Next Week at Northwold – w.c. 10.7.17 Here are the key events for the upcoming week; it’s a bit quieter than last week, but we are building to a huge crescendo of the final week of term:

Day Event/Trip

Monday Sports Day – Springfield Park

Tuesday Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday Music Concert

Thursday Seaside Trip – Champion House’s Prize


After School Clubs / Music Lessons Please note this coming week is the last week for After School Clubs. However Music Lessons will continue into the last week of term.

Summer Holiday – Newsletter Supplement With the six week break only two weeks away, we’ll be providing an extra newsletter full of great ideas for things to do over the summer break. Watch out for the separate newsletter in the next day or two.

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Summer Term – IMPORTANT DATES Please note below important dates in the calendar for the last two weeks of the Summer Term.

JULY Mon 10th July Sports Day (all year groups at

Springfield Park) All Day Weds 12th July Music Concert 11.00-12.30 Thurs 13th July Champion House Prize -

Trip to the Seaside All Day

Mon 17th July Reports Afternoon

2.00-6.00pm (School ends at 1.45pm)

Tues 18th July - The Jungle Book – Year 6

11.00am – Performance to school 2.00pm – Matinee performance for Parents 6.30pm – Evening performance for Parents

Weds 19th July 100% Attendance Prize Trip Thurs 20th July Class Parties Afternoon Year 6 Leavers Party 6.30-8.30pm Fri 21st July Celebration Event

Prize giving and music performances at The Round Chapel. 10.00am-12.00pm

SUMMER TERM FINISHES – Parents can collect children directly from the Round Chapel.

Celebration Day – Round Chapel As you all know now, Ms Kriel, our Headteacher, will be retiring from her headship of Northwold at the end of term. For parents who wish to say good-bye to her, please come to the Celebration Day event on Friday 21st July.

Mayor’s Maths Challenge - Finals Huge congratulations to Hiba, Cori-Ann and Farhaan, who were finalists in the Count On Us Primary Challenge Final 2017. This was our first year in taking part in the competition to find the best mathematicians in London and getting through to the finals is a remarkable achievement. 107 London schools took part and we were one of the 15 finalists. Many thanks to Mr Williams, Ms Brown and Mr Johnson who coached the children for the competition.

Summer Fair – Saturday 8th July 2017

On Saturday 8th July, we hosted our school Summer Fair. The rides were fantastic – Northwold’s own Mini Theme Park! We were blessed with great rides, food, smoothies, music and weather! There were some fabulous raffle prizes (A number were unclaimed; please check with the Office, if you didn’t wait to hear the Raffle Draw results.) Many thanks to Shaida and Michael for pulling the whole event together and to all of our community for working so hard to make it such a success.

Year 4 – Architecture Success Both Year 4 classes took part in the ‘Architecture in School’ competition put on by Open City –the brief was designing your own open city neighbourhood (as reported in Newsletters # 134 & 138) This year's programme saw over 800 children take part from 19 London primary schools, submitting almost 100 competition entries: We are very pleased to inform you that Northwold Primary School has won the following:

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Year 4 – Best Class Effort (Future City - Brazil Class)

& Year 4 – Highly Commended Class Effort (Jamaicatopia)

Science Institute Workshop On Tuesday 4th July, all the Junior classes were treated to an electrifying and explosive exploration of the science of electricity. The workshop – ‘Feel The Power’ – explored electricity at the atomic level, looked at hair-raising plasma balls (and how humans can conduct electricity – only small amounts, please!), batteries and electrolysis (and an explosion) and finally electromagnetism (with an gigantic explosion thrown in too). “I loved the explosions and seeing how a battery is put together.” – Farhan “It was really enjoyable. There was all these interesting experiments, which we don’t usually do every day. When Barbie’s hair stood on end, I couldn’t believe my eyes.” – Ksanet

Nursery Trip – Old MacDonald’s Farm “We had an amazing time at Old MacDonald’s Farm. The

children explored the different rides such as the merry-

go-round and train rides. We also saw different animals

such an ostrich and kangaroos.” – Ms Lewis

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Reception Trip – Southend Sea Life Somalia class went to the Sea Life Adventure in Southend and then it was onto the beach for some fun.

“On the beach there was some hard rocks and we saw a crab.” – Coco. “I really liked paddling in the water.” – Mu’Adh “I saw a jelly fish, lion fish and a gigantic cat fish.” – Mutasimbillah. “I liked it when we ate the ice cream and we had so much fun!” – Tare.

Ghana Class Trip – Whipsnade On Tuesday, Year 1 visited Whipsnade Zoo. They saw so many animals, doing wonderful things. Ghana:

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“We went to Whipsnade Zoo. The part that I liked was when the elephants were walking down the road. They were all holding each other’s tails. I liked when the lion came close to the glass, I stepped back because I was a bit scared.” – Tashay. My favourite animal was the pigmy hippo because it was cute. I loved playing in the park on the climbing frame and slides.” – Yusuf G “I liked the boars because I got to feed them myself.” – Vika. “I liked the giraffes because they were really tall. I learnt that their tongues are black. The day was amazing!” - Isabelle

Bangladesh: “My favourite part was when the elephant was playing football.” – Blazey. “I would love to come back with my family.” – Percy.

Year 2 Trip – Southend

On Friday, all Year 2 visited Southend’s Adventure Island, enjoying all sorts of fun rides, a jungle gym and a picnic on the beach. “My favourite ride was the boat ride,” – Shakyra. “I loved the boat ride too. When the boat went down, there was a big tingle in my tummy.” – Kevelle “I loved the pirate ship. It was so scary!” – Benjamin. “My favourite bit was going in the Jungle Gym and climbing up and down everywhere. It was like a maze!” – Yusuf. “I liked dipping my feet in the water. When I walked up the beach, the pebbles felt hard.” – Xylo.

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Northwold Primary School – No sky too high

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Tel: 020 8806 6352 | Fax: 020 8806 6315 | email: [email protected]

Year 4 Trip – Leeds Castle Both Year 4 classes visited Leeds Castle (in Kent, not Yorkshire) last week. Here’s what the children thought of their trip back in time. "My trip to Leeds Castle was outstanding. I learnt about King Henry VIII. We also went through a maze and, to get out, we had to go through the Grotto. It was amazing. I want to go again" – Riley.

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Northwold Primary School – No sky too high

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"The Leeds Castle trip was great. We had a lot of fun. We learnt a lot about Lady Baillie, and the kings and queens who lived in the castle. Inside the castle were many amazing historical items such armour and shields. I love the adventure park. My history is very rich." – Umaimah.

“It was exciting and fun. We learned about how the queen’s room was used for showing wealth and power and not for sleeping. My favourite part was the maze.” – Temar “What an awesome experience! When you are rich, like Lady Baillie, you can buy a castle just for having parties. Cool!” – Imtiaz. “It was exciting and enjoyable; my favourite part was the maze. Getting lost and eventually finding way out was awesome.” – Tayiba.

Mexico – Clapton Library Trip The children listened to a story that they were not familiar with – We're Going to a PARTY! They had to guess the mystery animals from the clues. The animals were all going to a party dressed up as each other. The second story – Wow! said the Owl – was just as exciting and the children got to join in with the sounds. They could name all the colours and remember the sequence of things the owl saw. The children were all very engaged with the stories.

Here’s what the books look like, if you want to borrow them from the Library too:

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Casting – Two TV shows We have been contacted by two TV production companies who are looking for people to be on their shows: 1) Save Money: Good Food It’s the 2nd series of ITV’s Save Money: Good Food programme with Susanna Reid and Matt Tebbutt. They are currently looking for families around the UK who would like the opportunity to help reduce their food shopping bill and learn some tasty new recipes. See flyer below for how to get in touch.

2) The Boss It’s the second series of the BBC quiz show that demands incredible general knowledge combined with identifying and using the whole team’s specific areas of expertise to secure the maximum possible prize. The producers are looking for new contestants for the new series. Use the contact details below to get in touch.

Monogrammed Clothes For a charge of £1.75 parents can now have their child’s name embroidered by the uniform company at the back (just below the neckline) of their jumpers, cardigans, and sweatshirts. This is what the lettering looks like on Cynthia’s sweatshirt:

Forest School – READY FOR ALL WEATHERS Forest School is an important part of our school curriculum. It will only be taught indoors if we are experiencing severe weather conditions, like blizzards or high winds (yellow on the BBC weather charts). We ask you to ensure you send your children to be prepared for all weathers – the cold, rain, sun, and high temperatures. We are not able to accommodate requests to remain in school because of the weather. We thank you for your cooperation in this. As it’s the Summer Term,

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please remember to send in your child with a sunhat and sun-cream on sunny days.

P.E. – Correct Kit and P.E. Day Please see the list below for the correct kit. On your child’s P.E. day, your child will come to school in their P.E. kit* (NOT SCHOOL UNIFORM) and wear it for the whole day. Your child needs to wear the school’s P.E. kit: Black school hoodie (with your child’s name in

house colour)

House colour T-Shirt with your child’s name

Plain black jogging bottoms (Leggings, jogging

bottoms in other colours or with logos are not


Plimsolls or trainers

The P.E. day for each year group is as follows: Monday: Year 2 Tuesday: Nursery & Year 5 Wednesday: Reception, Years 1 & 4 Thursday: Year 3 Friday: Year 6

* Nursery to Year 4 children MUST also come to

school in their P.E. kit on Forest School days.

Wednesday Coffee Morning – Ms Wilkinson Next Wednesday on 12th July, Ms Wilkinson will be hosting the final coffee morning of the term and

the year. She will be going through the latest

developments in the Early Years classes and

curriculum. We look forward to seeing you in the

Canteen at 9.00am.

Class Coffee Mornings – Summer Term The Nursery classes finished off this term’s coffee morning schedule last week and there won’t be any more class coffee mornings until the autumn term.

Class Assemblies The next class assembly will be performed by India, on Friday 7th July. The assembly will start at 9.30am and last up to half an hour. Below is the timetable

for the rest of the school year, so you can put the dates and time in your diaries. It really makes a big difference for children to see their family in the audience; we hope you can make the time for them.

Summer 2017

Week Beginning


10.7.17 India /China*

* China class’ assembly has been moved to Friday 14th July. Playcentre Menu – Week 2 Please see below the Playcentre snack menu. The menu runs on a 2 week cycle. This coming week is Week 2:

e-Safety – Under 5’s Online Keeping with the new and fantastic resources on

the Childnet website, take a look at this article

about how to manage online activity for under 5’s.

If there’s a device at home that can access the

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internet, it’s almost 100% certain that any young

child in the household has also used it to go online.

The article looks at 8 FAQs that Childnet receive

from parents of younger children (in fact, it looks

familiar to advice we give to parents of older

children and, of course, the best way to establish

safe practices online is to start working with your

child from as young an age as possible) –


If there are any areas of e-Safety you want to know

more about, please feel free to discuss it with Mr

Braune, your child’s teacher or one of the school’s


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Next Week’s Menu

Week 1 Please note that there are also different salad options on different days.

Term Dates for 2016-17 Below are dates for our 195 teaching days, including 5 days for the purpose of teachers’ staff development (INSET). These days can be taken as INSET days or equivalent twilight sessions. Academies, free schools and voluntary-aided schools are able to set their own dates but have been asked to set the same or similar dates in the interest of parents who may have children at different schools.

Term Dates – 2017-18

Here are the dates for the next academic year:

Summer Term 2017

First Day Half Term Finish Number of Days

Tuesday 18th April 2017

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2017

Friday 21st July 2017

63 (28 first half term, 35 second half term)

Sports Day – School Packed Lunches NO SCHOOL DINNERS