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Northeast American Diocese

Annual Centralized Examination

June 30, 2013

Grade VIII


Examination Rules

1. Total time limit for this examination is 2 (two) hours.

2. If needed, please ask for separate answer sheets that will be provided.

The separate answer sheets must have your registration number and grade filled out.

3. Do not write your name anywhere on this examination booklet or on any

of the separate answer sheets that you include.

4. Return the entire examination booklet with all separate answer sheets

inserted into the booklet, upon completion.

5. Students may answer the whole exam or part of it in Malayalam or in

English script of Malayalam.

6. Students may not leave the exam hall/room until 60 minutes have expired.

7. Please use only black or blue ink pens. Pencils are NOT allowed. 8. No electronic or communicative devices of any kind, including cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), iPods/iPads and the like are allowed.




Centralized Examination - 2013


Time: 2 hours Total Points: 100

Note: Questions in this Examination Booklet are taken from the prescribed text books for Grades VII

and VIII, published in 2011, the Chapter on History of Malankara Orthodox Church from the Handbook

for the Malankara Orthodox Church and the Worship Hymns Syllabus, Prayer Syllabus and

Vocabulary-Phrases Syllabus, all prescribed for Grade VIII in 2013. (One or two essential General

Knowledge questions are included)

Part I. Fill in the blanks (1 x 10 = 10 points)

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. “And calling to Him a child, He put him in the midst of them, and said, ‘…unless you change

and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” According to tradition,

this child became a saint, named _Ignatius__. (G.VII, p. 53)

2. Part of our Creed says, “We believe…in one Lord, Jesus Christ…, begotten, not made, of one

essence with the Father… ” This phrase was included to counter the false teaching of a priest of

Alexandria, by the name of __Arius__. (G. VII, p. 57, 58)

3. Part of our Creed Says, We believe…in the one living Holy Spirit, the life giving Lord of all …”

This phrase was included to counter the false teaching of a man by the name of

__Macedonius__. (G. VII, p. 60)

4. We pray, “Forgive our debts and sins as we have forgiven our debtors.” At the start of the Great

Lent, there is a service to forgive, called _Shubukono (Shubkono)_. (G. VII, p. 66)

5. At the burial of St. Geevarghese Mar Dionysius of Vattasseril, Moran Mar Baselios

Geevarghese II, Catholicos of the East remarked that Vattasseril Thirumeni was similar to a great

leader in the Bible. Name the leader that he was referring to: __Moses__. (G. VII, p. 70)

6. Jesus said, “Yet I tell you, even Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these.”

What did Jesus refer to when He said, “one of these”? Lilies (of the field)/Flowers. (G. VII, p. 102)

7. The Council of _Nicaea/Ephesus_ defined the Church’s teaching regarding the Holy Virgin

Mary. (pp. 52,51) Note: Either answer would be OK! I had framed this question with the understanding that the answer

would be “Ephesus” but in the light of the fact that most of the Creed including the statement on the Virgin Mary was already

framed at the Council of Nicaea, the more correct answer would be “Nicaea/Nicea”. The Council of Ephesus was primarily to

refute the heresy of Nestorius regarding Virgin Mary. To give credit for either answer.

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8. A priest can administer all the sacraments of the Church except the sacrament of __Holy

Orders/Priesthood_. (p.107)

9. _St. Stephen__ was an archdeacon and the first of the Christian martyrs. (p.57)

10. During the Holy Qurbana, all our five _senses_ are engaged in worship. (G. VII, p. 75)

Part II. Who said to Whom (1 x 5 = 5 points)

Complete the blanks to answer ‘Who said to Whom’

1. “Did you not know that I must be in My Father’s house?” (St. Luke 2:49)

____Jesus________ to ___His parents___ (G. VII, p. 12)

2. “I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?” (St. Matthew 3:14)

____John the Baptist_ to ___Jesus____ (G. VII, p. 14)

3. “You come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the

Lord of hosts.” (1 Samuel 17:45).

____David________ to ___Goliath____ (p. 8)

4. “As Thou didst send me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” (John 17:18)

____Jesus_________ to ___God the Father/His Father __ (p. 41)

5. “You pity the plant, for which you did not labor..,” and were sad when it died. “And, should not

I pity Nineveh, that great city…” (Jonah 4:10,11)

____God/ The Lord_ to ___Jonah____ (p.24)

Part III. True or False (1 x 10 = 10 Points)

If a statement is TRUE, circle T; if it is FALSE, circle F

1. T F The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church is one of the most ancient Churches in

Christendom. (History of MOSC, p.1 of 3)

2. T F David became the first king of Israel when he was 30 years old. (pp. 8,9)

3. T F Jonah was happy when God forgave the people of Nineveh. (p. 24)

4. T F It was Emperor Constantine who ordered the convening of the Council of Nicaea in

325 A.D. (G. VII, p. 57)

5. T F The Jerusalem Temple was built by King David. (G. VII, p. 88)

6. T F The day of Pentecost came forty days after the Resurrection of Jesus. (G. VII, p. 34)

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7. T F In the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, the bridegroom and the bride are crowned as the

king and queen of their new family. (G. VII, p. 74)

8. T F Egyptian monks taught Christianity in Switzerland and Ireland. (p. 103)

9. T F St. George of Cappadocia, whom the Malankara Orthodox Church venerates as a great

saint, is the patron saint of many nations. (p. 84)

10. T F Some monasteries became schools for higher learning. (p. 103)

Part IV. Matching (1 x 15 = 15 points)

Place the letter of the BEST matching answer from the right, next to the corresponding number

on the left.

1. _K_ Prophet Daniel (p.17) A. “The Pillar of faith”

2. _H_ Saint Luke (VII, p.37) B. Church Constitution of Malankara Orthodox

Syrian Church

3. _M_ Mount Tabor (VII, p.24) C. Soldier who became a saint

4. _A_ Saint Cyril (pp. 58,77) D. The Council of Chalcedon

5. _J_ Martyred in 72 A.D. (Hist of MOSC) E. Prophet of renewal and unity

6. _G_ 1912 A.D. (Hist of MOSC) F. “Contra-Mondum”

7. _B_ 1934 A.D. (p.91) G. Establishment of the Catholicate in India

8. _D_ 451 A.D. (p.78) H. Wrote the ‘Acts of the Apostles’

9. _C_ Saint Menas (pp.82,83) I. “Tome of Leo”

10. _O_ Saint Paul (VII, p.37) J. Saint Thomas

11. _F_ Saint Athanasius (p. 69) K. Showed symbols of Trinity

12. _N_ Saint Basil (p.73) L. Jesus ascended to heaven

13. _E_ Prophet Ezekiel (p. 19) M. Transfiguration of Jesus

14. _L_ Mount Olives (VII, p.34) N. Composed ‘the Longer Rule and the Shorter Rule’

for monks.

15. _I_ This came from a Bishop of Rome O. Apostle of the Gentiles

(p. 78)

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Part V. Multiple Choice (1 x 10 = 10 Points)

Circle the letter of the most appropriate answer, as found in the text book(s)

1. The orphan girl who became queen and was able to perform a great role in saving the people of

Israel from death was:

(a) Ruth

(b) Mary

(c) Esther (p.111)

(d) Elizabeth

2. The Holy Father who started the difficult mission to reorganize the Syrian Christians in India at

the age of 92 was:

(a) St. George

(b) St. Gregorios

(c) St. Pachomios

(d) St. Eldho Mar Baselios (p. 92)

3. The book of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament records the life and gospel work of

the Apostles of Jesus Christ and mainly the life and gospel work of:

(a) St. Paul and St. Peter (VII, p.37)

(b) St. Paul and St. Barnabas

(c) St. Paul and St. Luke

(d) St. Paul and St. Mark

4. The man of Christ who baptized Saul in Damascus, upon Saul’s conversion was (Saul’s name

subsequently changed to Paul):

(a) Ananias (VII, p.39)

(b) Eutychus

(c) Silas

(d) Timothy

5. The first Roman emperor who accepted Christianity was:

(a) Nero

(b) Trojan

(c) Constantine (p. 47)

(d) Caesar Augustus

6. Name the king of Judah to whose life 15 years were added, at the time of Prophet Isaiah:

(a) Ahab

(b) Ahaz

(c) Solomon

(d) Hezekiah (VII, p. 92)

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7. Monasticism was first known and developed in these deserts where the great monastic leaders

taught their disciples from all over the world:

(a) Syrian

(b) Arabian

(c) Egyptian (p. 94)

(d) Mojabi

8. The first council in the life of the Christian Church was held during the time of the apostles of

our Lord. This council was held in:

(a) Jerusalem (p. 44)

(b) Antioch

(c) Nicaea

(d) Contantinople

9. Among the great Church Fathers, St. Athanasius is known as the “Defender of the Orthodox

Faith” because of his outstanding role in the Great Council of Nicaea. At that time, he was a:

(a) Bishop

(b) Priest

(c) Deacon (p. 67)

(d) Layman

10. Among the five canonical fasts, name the one that is observed as a preparation of the Nativity

(Birth) of our Lord, in terms of the number of days observed:

(a) 3 days

(b) 13 days

(c) 15 days

(d) 25 days (VII, p. 63)

(e) 50 days

Part VI. Word/Phrase Meanings (1 x 10 = 10 Points)

Write the meaning of the following words/phrases used in our prayers and Holy Eucharist.

Either the literal meaning or any of the implied meanings, is acceptable.

1. Kurielaison _Lord, have mercy (“Lord, have mercy on us/me” is also acceptable)_

2. Halleluiah _Praise the LORD (“Praise be to God/the Lord” is also acceptable)_

3. Anin Moryo _Answer me, O Lord_

4. Bathraihoon _In both worlds_

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5. Nibyo _Prophet_

6. Shubho l’abo w’l’abro walruho qadeesho _Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

Holy Spirit (“Glory/Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit/Ghost” is acceptable_

7. Men ‘olam w’adamo l’olam ‘olmin _From the beginning and forever and ever (From the age

and unto the age of ages; from eternity to eternity (“From age to age for ages” is acceptable)_

8. Trisagion _Thrice holy_

9. Aloho _God___

10. Ruho Qadeesho _Holy Spirit___

Part VII. Short Answers (2 x 5 = 10 Points)

Answer briefly any Five (5) of the following questions, in the space provided.

1. According to the traditions, who founded the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and when?

The original Christians in India were called by what name?

_St. Thomas_ (1/2 Point) _52 A.D___ (1/2 Point)

_St. Thomas Christians__ (1 Point) (Answers are from the History of MOSC)

2. What was the Lord’s Covenant with David? When was it fulfilled? (p.10)

(a) The Messiah will be born of his (David’s) family (1 point)

(b) The covenant was fulfilled when Jesus was born of Virgin Mary. Both his parents (?)

belonged to the family of David. (1 point) Note: The question is difficult to answer from the narratives given in the text. The children’s wordings, though different from

given above, as long as they make sense, may be credited.

3. What incident in Jonah’s mission would you consider as representing Christ’s death? And what

incident in his mission would you consider as representing Christ’s resurrection? (pp.24, 26)

(a) Jonah being thrown into the sea and/or his being in the belly of the big fish three days

and three nights (Either one is OK!) (1 point)

(b) Jonah getting vomited onto the shore (from where he arose and went to Nineveh)

(1 point)

4. What three pictures (ideas) of the Messiah do we see in Isaiah’s prophesy? Which one of the

three is the most prominently shown? (Full sentences are not necessary)

(i) _The Messiah – God Incarnate _ (1/2 point) (pp. 12-14)

(ii) _The Messiah – The Suffering Servant_ (1/2 point)

(iii) _The Messiah – The Everlasting King _ (1/2 point)

_ The Messiah – The Suffering Servant_ (1/2 point)

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5. Why was St. Athanasius known as “Athanasius Contra-Mondum”? (p. 69)

St. Athanasius’ life was full of bitter times. Once when he was told, “the world is all

turned against you, Athanasius,” he answered, “Me too, I am turned against the world.”

So he was known as “Athanasius Contra-Mondum.”

6. Why did St. George, when he was a soldier in the Roman Army, resign his military post? What

was the punishment given by Emperor Diocletian? (p. 85)

(a) Emperor Diocletian began to persecute Christians. (1 point)

(b) St. George was imprisoned and tortured. (1 point)

7. How did St. Clement attain martyrdom after he was banished to a far off place near the Black

Sea? (p. 64)

He was bound to an anchor and thrown into the Black Sea. Thus, St. Clement

attained martyrdom.

8. This is a General Knowledge Question. a) Write the full name of the Catholicose of the East. (1 point)

His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II (‘Moran Mar’ is not

necessary, if ‘His Holiness’ is there)

b) Write the full name of our Diocesan Metropolitan. (1 point)

His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos

Part VIII. Short Paragraph Answers (4 x 3 = 12 Points)

Answer any Three (3) of the following questions, each in a short paragraph, in the space provided.

1. What is monasticism? Who is the Father of Monasticism? How did he prepare himself for a

monastic life? (pp. 94,95)

Monasticism is a way of life where the people who follow that path leave ordinary life and spend

time in prayer, devotion, reading of the Bible and helping others. They usually adhere to the

three vows of chastity, obedience and poverty.

St. Anthony is considered the Father of Monasticism.

St. Anthony sold his property and distributed the proceeds to the needy after leaving some

proceeds for his sister. His left his sister with a Christian family and went to the desert to live as

a hermit.

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2. What are the three categories of the Holy Orders? What are the main functions of each?

(pp. 106-108)

The three categories of the Holy Orders are Bishop, Priest and Deacon.

Bishop is the head of the Church (as per the text) and a shepherd of his diocese. He preaches,

teaches and administers all sacraments. He cares for his people in every way and guards them

against wrong ideas and doctrines. Priest is ordained by the Bishop to watch over his parish as

an honest steward taking care of the mysteries of God. He can administer all the sacraments

except the sacrament of Holy Orders. Deacon should be a good servant of the Church. He bears

the task of social service for the widows, the orphans and the poor. He oversees the different

activities of the Church.

3. What are the important points we learn from the Lesson on Jonah, the Symbolic Prophet?

(pp. 24,25)

(a) Importance of confession and surrender – Jonah confessed to the mariners the truth and

volunteered to be thrown into the sea. He confessed and submitted himself to the Lord in the

belly of the fish.

(b) We get a lesson of God’s limitless love and mercy in forgiving the people of Nineveh. Even

though Jonah was angry that God forgave, God taught him the importance of forgiveness, mercy

and love.

(c) Jonah was shown as a symbol of Christ in that he was in the belly of the fish and was vomited

onto the land as a fore-shadow of Christ’s own death and resurrection.

4. How did St. John Chrysostom get the name “Golden Mouthed Chrysostom”? What was the

reason for his arrest and exile? (p.71)

Once a simple woman who heard one of his sermons told him, “you are golden-mouthed and your

words are beautiful but your teaching is like a deep well and my mind is like a short rope. It is difficult

for me to dip up the water of your wisdom.” From that time forth, the title of ‘Golden Mouthed

Chrysostom’ became popular. But John remembered what the woman said and changed his manner of

speaking from ‘difficult’ to ‘simple’ that went straight to the people’s hearts.

The emperor’s wife who was conceited and arrogant resented the sermons of John (who had

become the Bishop of Constantinople). She was successful in persuading the emperor to arrest him and

have him exiled to a distant country on the shores of the Black Sea.

5. Describe how St. Geevarghese Mar Gregorios of Parumala dealt with an epidemic of smallpox in

a village in Kerala. (p. 88)

When a smallpox epidemic (a near fatal disease at the time) struck Thumpamon (a village

in Kerala) and surrounding areas, Thirumeni personally visited every home that had been

affected against the protest from the loved ones. He comforted the sick regardless of their caste

or creed. This was at a time when those affected by such a fatal disease were shunned even by

close relatives.

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Part IX. Worship Hymn (5 Points) Write one (1) of the following Worship Hymns, as in the Holy Qurbana Book, at the end of the booklet. Include the

question number.

By Thy light we see the light…......... Deeds of righteousness to do.

(The first 2 stanzas)

[Velivu niranjoreezo Nin velivaal..............Sangathi varane njagalkku]

OR Blessed are those servants good……….Halleluiah – setting on their heads.

[Yajamaanan varum annerathu………..Haaleluiah – choodum makudathil.]

Part X. Common Prayer(s) (5 Points)

Write one (1) of the following in full, at the end of the booklet. Include the question number.

O Thou full of mercy, renew Thy creation…..and give life to the dead. Amen.

& O Jesus Christ, our Lord, close not the door…..Have mercy upon us. Amen.

(Write both prayers)

[Anugrahangal niranjirickunnavane….nilavilichu parayumaaraakename

& Moran Yezu M’shiha…..njangalude mel karunayundakename] (Write both prayers)

OR I will lift up my eyes to the mountain….Meet unto Thee, O God, is glory. Barekmor (Psalm 121)

[Njaan parvathathilekku ente kannukal ooyarthum….Deivame sthuthi ninakku yogymaakunnu.


Part XI. Essay (8 Points) Write an essay of about One and a Half Page on any ONE (1) of the following, at the end of the booklet. Include the

question number at the beginning of your essay. (Note: It is understood that because of the individual writing

practices of students, your actual essay could be more or less than a page and a half. What is important is to answer

questions matter-of-factly without digressions.)

1. What is the faith of our Church? In answering this question, consider the different parts of

‘The Creed’ and the role of the Great Ecumenical Councils in the formulation of ‘The Creed’

(Note: There is no need to write the whole Creed) (VII, 59, 60 & VIII, 52-54)

2. “The offering of the Holy Eucharist is divine and when we partake of it, it opens before us the heavenly

realms.” Expand on this statement regarding the Holy Eucharist with particular focus on the following


a) Fellowship with the heavenly hosts

b) Fellowship in remembering the saints and the faithful departed (pp. 32-34)

3. Describe the role played by St. Geevarghese Mar Dionysius of Vattasseril in establishing our Church’s

identity. Make sure to include his special talents and qualities. (pp. 89-91)

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XI. 1. The faith of our Church, in a nutshell, is contained in the ‘Nicean Creed’ or simply ‘The Creed’

that starts with “We believe in one true God,…” Although the Creed is generally known as the

Nicean Creed, all the three Great Ecumenical Councils (of Nicea, Constantinople and Ephesus)

had some part in the formulation or confirmation of the Creed. Most of the Creed was

formulated at the Council in Nicea. However, the Creed formulated there ended with a simple

statement on Holy Spirit, “We also believe in the Holy Spirit.” It was at the Council of

Constantinople that the qualifications of the Holy Spirit, like, “the life giving Lord of all” etc.

were incorporated. Therefore the Creed is also sometimes referred to as the Nicene-

Constantinople Creed. The Creed as a whole received further confirmation at the Council of


The Creed has preserved the Christian faith according to the Scripture and the teachings of the

Apostles and Church fathers.

Belief in the Trinity

Belief in the Holy Trinity is a fundamental aspect of our Orthodox faith and it is clearly stated in

the Creed in 3 major sections, each one starting with “We believe in one true God, the Father

Almighty..”, “We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ..” and “We believe in the Holy Spirit..”

The section that deals with the Son of God, Jesus Christ is by far the longest, going into His very

nature and existence – He was God Himself, was born of the Father before all worlds and not

created, was one essence with the Father and participated in creation – and speaking of His

incarnation to redeem mankind, suffering, death, resurrection, ascension and of His expected

second coming. The Holy Spirit is also referred as the Lord, the giver of life and the one who

spoke by the prophets and the apostles, meaning He was from the ‘beginning’ as well.

Belief in the Church

Belief in the catholic (universal) and apostolic Church is mentioned in one sentence towards the

end of the Creed. All the Orthodox Churches believe in apostolic succession. The Malankara

Orthodox Church prides itself as having her succession from Apostle St. Thomas.

The last part of the Creed also deals with our acknowledgement of baptism as the means for the

remission of sins and our looking forward to “the resurrection of the dead and the new life of the

world to come.”

St. Mary as Virgin and the Mother of God

This aspect of Orthodox faith is seen in the Creed as a corollary of our belief in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is spoken of as “incarnate of Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.”


The Great Ecumenical Councils were convened primarily to answer heresies. However, these

Councils brought together the fathers and leaders of the Church from various parts of the world

in the early centuries of Christendom and helped formulate a Creed that spells out the essential

features of the faith of our Church.

XI. 2. Introduction

“The offering of the Holy Eucharist is divine and when we partake of it, it opens before us the heavenly

realms.” This statement from the text about the Holy Qurbana (Holy Eucharist) finds its true meaning

when we contemplate on what is really happening during the service of the Holy Qurbana.

Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross in the place of all of us. The Holy Eucharist is a

continuity of this sacrifice, as commanded by our Lord at the Last Supper, “Do this in remembrance of

Me.” Therefore, the Holy Eucharist is an act of sharing in Christ’s death, His resurrection and confirming

our expectation for His second Coming. At the altar, the heaven and the earth find one another. The

humans on earth find fellowship with the heavenly hosts and the saints including the faithful departed.

Fellowhip with the Heavenly Hosts

The Holy Eucharist is a fellowship between God and believers as well as a fellowship between the seen

and the unseen Church.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is Himself present at the altar during the Holy Qurbana.

Consequently, we believe in the presence of angels and archangels standing before Him.

St. John Chrysostom said, “…all the hosts of heaven attend and participate in the hymn of praise, and the

place nearest to the altar is crowded with angels that make supplication with the priest…therefore, how do

you, Oh Christian, dare to attend the offering without due reverence and awe…for the Church is none

other than heaven itself.”

Fellowship in remembering the Saints

The prayers of the liturgy reveal the fellowship that exists between the living faithful and the departed

faithful including the saints. The living faithful including the Priest prays for the forgiveness of the sins

of the departed faithful, invoking upon them the mercy of the Lord. At the same time, we believe that the

departed faithful including the saints are praying for God’s mercy on the living ones on this side of the

veil. As per the liturgy of St. Basil, the priest prays, “…forgive our sins… for the sake of their

(the saints’) prayers for us.” Included in the saints are St. Mary, the Mother of God, the Apostles

including St. Thomas, St. Gregorios of Parumala, St. Dionysius of Vattasseril, St. Basil and others.


Thus, during the Holy Eucharist, the heaven and the earth are brought together in an unbreakable

harmony and fellowship. The angels in heaven and the departed saints and other departed faithful pray

for us that our faith may be perfected and in turn the struggling Church prays for them. In this fellowship,

the Church gives a prominent place to St. Mary whose name is mentioned several times in prayers and

hymns of praise.

XI. 3. Introduction

St. Geevarghese Mar Dionysius of Vattasseril, otherwise known as Vattasseril Thirumeni, was

the Malankara Metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church for 25 years. He was

known as the Malankara Sabha Bhashuran (The Great Luminary of Malankara Orthodox

Church) in recognition of his rich contribution to the Church. Later, he was proclaimed as a


The Legacy of Vattasseril Thiumeni

The Patriarch of Antioch had asserted both spiritual and temporal authority over the Malankara

Church. The Patriarch came to India and wanted Vattasseril Thirumeni to sign a document

declaring that the Patriarch had temporal powers also over the Malankara Church. Vattasseril

Thirumeni refused to sign. The Patriarch, therefore, ‘excommunicated’ him. Those who sided

with the Patriarch became known as “Bava Party” and the other “Metran Party” and litigation


Thereupon, Mar Dionysius of Vattasseril brought down the Senior Patriarch, Mar Abdul Messiah

and had a Catholicos enthroned, establishing the Catholicate in 1912 A.D. Thus the Malankara

Church gained the authority to consecrate our own bishops and to consecrate Holy Mooron.

In 1934 AD, the Royal Court (of the British Government) rejected all appeals from the

Patriarchal side (Bava Party), thus recognizing the authority of the Malankara Metropolitan and

the Catholicos over the entire Church. Mar Dionysius had played a great role in all this. Also,

he was instrumental in establishing the Church Constitution of 1934 which is the legal document

of the Church.

Catholicos, Moran Mar Baselios Geevarghese II who succeeded Vattasseril Thirumeni as the

head of the Church remarked in his speech at his burial that Vattasseril Thirumeni was a great

leader like Moses who led the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt.

An Extraordinary Life

Vattasseril Thirumeni was a disciple of St. Gregorios of Parumala. Under Parumala Thirumeni’s

guidance, he became a great Syriac scholar. In recognition of his expertise in Syriac and

Theology, he received the title of Malankara Malpan. In 1909, a year after his consecration as

Bishop, he became the Malankara Metropolitan and rallied the faithful.

He was a great orator, well aware of the vitality and moral persuasiveness of words in rallying

the faithful. He avoided spiritual hypocrisy and arrogance throughout his life. Prayer and

fasting were the pillars his strength. He spent time in private prayers and silent meditations

behind closed doors. In spite of his busy schedule, he used to focus on three to four lessons from

the Holy Bible every day.


The Church declared Mar Dionysius of Vattasseril as a Saint in recognition of his extraordinary

life, as the second one to be declared so, after Parumala Thirumeni. The role he played in

establishing the identity of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church is unique and we are ever

grateful to him. Let us praise the Lord for his contributions.