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Norley News—December 2012 1

going since.

A further boost came recently from last month’s sell out

Comedy Night at the pub – where veteran comic Don Reid

entertained paying guests, to raise further funds.

Why these particular charities? The Breast Cancer one came

to the fore when a cycle team taking part in a fund raising ride

used the Tigers Head as a stopping point. Claire House came

about through links between Tigers’ Head customers and the

charity. It costs £6000 a day to keep Claire House going, so

this money is sorely needed.

Tracey thinks that the fund for this year will be closed off

now, and a further charity chosen for next year. This is likely

to be Ronald MacDonald House at Alder Hey Children’s

hospital. This house allows parents and children to stay

together while children undergo treatment. There may be a

second charity too – Tracey isn’t sure yet.

In the meantime, Tracey would like to extend her thanks for

The Tiger’s Head has been raising money during the last half

of 2012 for two charities, Breast Cancer Breakthrough

Awareness, and Claire House at Clatterbridge. The first is self

explanatory, the second is a children’s hospice.

The impressive total stands at £1040. Our picture shows Nick,

Tracey and John from the Tigers Head with the now famous

change bucket, which has helped them raise this cash.

Since the Jubilee in summer, customers’ small change has

been collected in this bucket. Tracey had the idea to start this

during the Jubilee fireworks event, and the idea has kept

Tiger’s Charity Fund Passes The

£1000 Mark

News Inside

End of An Era school

Leader in her field .............................................

Scouts Honoured ..............................................

February Deadline...................................12 Jan

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2 Norley News— December 2012

the generosity of her customers, who have helped the pub

achieve this great result.


Say Hello, Wave Goodbye As 2012 draws ever closer to an end and we look forward to

the New Year, it seems a particularly fitting time for Norley

School to be announcing the departure of its Head Teacher

Mrs Ann Griffiths as she moves to take up a new post at

Sutton Green school in Ellesmere Port, and to also announce

the appointment of our Acting Head Mrs Helen Kelly.

Ann became the Head at Norley School in September 2006,

following a crippling Local Authority strategy entitled

“Transforming Learning Communities” (ironically forever

since known as TLC, as it was anything but a strategy of

Tender Loving Care!) which , despite winning the battle

campaign to “save our school” , had left the village

community confidence reeling with worry about its long term

future. A front page article in the December 09/January 10

edition of Norley News featured Ann and gave the village a

valuable insight into her background and ambition to rebuild

this confidence.

With a valuable background in Marketing, and what the

previous article described as “the desire to have a positive

impact on other’s lives”, Ann has been a prominent face and a

consistent link to the community since her arrival at Norley

School. I know that she felt honoured to have been asked to

feature in important calendar events such as presenting

awards at the Village Garden Show and switching on the

Christmas Lights at the Tigers Head. And so , in saying a

fond farewell to Ann, the wider community , not just that of

the school, will be a saying a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ for

putting Norley School firmly back on the map – we even have

a road sign on the corner of Hough Lane/Fingerpost Lane to

prove it thanks to her ! Our year on year rise in pupil numbers

means that Ann leaves the school almost at full capacity, to

the point where we were oversubscribed in September 2010

and again in September 2012*.

Ann will be the first to admit, that she has always had a

fabulous team of staff and supportive governors behind her

at Norley School whose passionate belief in the ‘whole

package’ of benefits that a village church school education

brings, professional expertise and pure love of teaching has

produced outstanding results over the most recent years .

Ann is confident that the school will continue to go from

strength to strength as she leaves behind a team that is

stronger than ever and a Governing Body with an

unwavering focus on the Leadership of the school.

And so to introduce Helen Kelly .To those of you who may

not have had the privilege of meeting her yet, Helen came

to Norley School in September 2007 and has quickly

established herself as a team leader in teaching and learning

who’s Faith, love of children and commitment to the overall

ethos of our village school is her driving force in achieving

excellence. I know that I am not alone in recognising just

Congratulations to both Helen Kelly & Ann Griffiths in their new roles

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A Thank You Celebration for Mrs Griffiths

As you aware by now, Mrs Griffiths will be leaving Norley School at the end of

the autumn term, after being our headteacher for six years.

We will be holding a farewell coffee afternoon on Wednesday 19th December,

at 2.00pm. All past pupils, parents, governors and friends of the school are

invited to join us for this event.

We would like to mark this occasion by presenting Mrs Griffiths with a gift, to

show our appreciation of her contribution to the success of Norley

School and to convey our best wishes for her future in her new post.

If you would like to make a contribution towards the purchasing of a gift, please send it into school, addressed to Mrs Tomlinson, by Friday 14th December.

how good she is at what she does and what an asset she is to

the school. Since being appointed as the Year 5/6 class

teacher in 2007, her efforts have produced some astounding

academic results. This year’s KS2 SATS results (which are

included in the new School Prospectus and can be accessed

via the school website) rank amongst the school’s best ever

performance figures. Level 6 is equal to attainment

expectation in year 7/8 at high school! The Governing Body

is therefore delighted that Helen has accepted the

appointment of Acting Head Teacher and will be taking the

school forward from January.

So, that’s the breaking news from Norley School. 2013 looks

set be another exciting year in a changing landscape. The

children are enjoying the new classroom created this year to

accommodate their increasing numbers, and the Governing

Body will be working closely with Helen Kelly to progress

some exciting new ambitious projects to extend the building

and create a fabulous new outdoor education and play space

for the children to learn and enjoy. On a very final note

therefore, whilst many of you will be no doubt enjoying the

celebrations of the festive season at a Christmas or New Year

party and will be dancing the night away “Gangnam Style, I

hope that there are many amongst you, perhaps 60’s ‘Baby

Boomers’ like me, who will be full of nostalgia and will be

singing along to the 1982 Soft Cell classic “Say Hello Wave

Goodbye”! .....

Joy Rutherford—Chair of Governors

*Important Note: The deadline date for applying for a

Reception Class place at the school for September 2013 is


January 2013. The Reception Class cohorts in recent

years has included a high proportion of siblings, but as this

will not be so for 2013 there is an excellent opportunity for

applicants to be successful in achieving a place who only

meet our lower Admissions Policy criteria. If you have friends

or family outside of the village therefore please let them know

so that they don’t miss this opportunity. As 2014 looks set to

be a ‘bumper year’ for siblings it would also be best to

register your early interest directly with the school bursar

Kath Tomlinson as this will enable governors to review the

school Published Admission Numbers accordingly to avoid


Sponsor Your Norley News Many of you have told us how much you appreciate the colour and production quality of the new style Norley News. We plan to do even more in future, but we need your help. We are deeply grateful to our advertisers, and the Parish Council who have supported us over the years. All volunteers with the NN give their time for free of course, be they editors, or delivery volunteers. BUT we need extra funds! If you are willing to sponsor us - we suggest perhaps £5 per home per year - this will be enough for us to carry on, and to provide the Norley News you want. All you need to do is to leave your donation at the shop in an envelope with the tear off slip below. Thanks!

YES I do want to support the Norley News

Name .................................................................................................................................................

email address .................................................................................................................................................

Donation .................................................................................................................................................

I WOULD/WOULD NOT like my name to be included in any lists of sponsors that might be published in the future.

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CE Primary


December News Dear Readers,

This will be my last edition for the Norley News. I would

like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has

made me feel so welcome over the past seven years. Norley

has a wonderful community spirit!.

The school appreciates the support it receives from the local

community, and I feel fortunate to have been the

Headteacher of such a lovely school, and I will take many

happy memories with me.

Wishing you all peaceful and happy Christmas

Mrs Ann Griffiths HT.

Spooky Disco

The spooky disco on the 31st of October was scary. There

were Witches, Vampires, Zombies, Skeletons and

werewolves. The costumes were different and all


When you first came through the door you got a spooky

goody bag filled with sweets, chocolate and a drink and

much more horrifying stuff. In class 4 there was frightening

art and crafts area where children could do their own

spooky art work.

In the hall there was a spooky disco where you got to

choose your own horrifying song. Everybody got on the

dance floor and showed off their dance moves.

We would like to say a big thank you to the PTFA for

putting this spooky disco together.

Dan and Sandy

This event was to raise

money for Children in Need

on Fr iday the 16 th

November. All the children

came to school in their

pyjamas and gave a donation.

Our school sold wrist bands

for £1.00. Altogether, we

raised an amazing £160 for

Children in Need.

This was an activity everyone over England took part in.

There have been many donations by very thoughtful people.

We thank the school council for organizing this event.

Ryan and Baden

Local (Knowledge) Hero!

Norley resident Professor Sue Wray has been voted

Liverpool Echo Knowledge Hero, as part of the first

Liverpool Knowledge Festival. Better known in Norley as

Sue Eisner, she moved here in 1999 with her daughter and

two sons. The two boys, Tom and Mark, attended Norley

School and with their sister, Emily, also Helsby School.

The Festival was jointly organized by a group of leading

scientific, academic and medical organisations in Liverpool,

alongside Liverpool Vision and DHA Communications.

Echo readers were asked to vote for the man or woman who

had done the most through their knowledge to make the

world a better place.

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Norley News—December 2012 5

Sue is an internationally recognized expert in the science of

how the womb works. She is the director of the Centre for

Better Births, a project led by Liverpool University (where

she works) and Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

Competition for the honour was fierce – with competitors

from areas of science and knowledge as diverse as the

genome sequencing of wheat, and sport science.

She was thrilled to receive the award – firstly because she

believed it would give a big boost to her team in their work

to make childbirth safe – but also because she was the only

woman on the short list.

Jon W

Eggheads The popular Norley Christmas Quiz is in circulation once

again. For as little as £3.00 you have 250 fun questions to

answer until the final date of 5th January 2013 - just leave

them lying about the house for family and Christmas guests

to pick up and dip in or challenge yourself to completing it


The first prize is £150 voucher for handmade garden

furniture and there are 3 runner up prizes. Funds raised will

contribute to the Norley village facilities, including the

Village Hall and playground, both worthy causes I'm sure

you'll agree.

Available from the Stores or Hilary Wilson - 01928 788014

Many thanks,


Royal Honour for Norley’s

Scouts Mersey Weaver Scout District (of which 1st Norley Scouts is

a part) has been awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee

Award for Voluntary Service by Groups in the Community.

The Royal citation honours all the Scout leaders in the

District, and includes the 13 leaders at 1st Norley.

The citation is for “outstanding voluntary work in the

community” in helping young people achieve personal

skills through events and activities.

Our picture shows Group Scout Leader Bruce Lane and

some of the 13 leaders with the citation. The recipients


Ann Crawford, Alison Ford, Mark Relf, Richard Schofield,

Simon Schofield, Bruce Lane, Lisa Holland, Graham

Newton, Mary Dimelow, Colette Bennion, Victoria Rigby,

Ross Heaton, and Jack Bennion.

Congratulations to all involved, from the Norley News!



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6 Norley News— December 2012

event, let John Davidson or Martin Bell know and we will

arrange this.

[email protected].

Season’s Greetings A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to

Everyone in Norley and Beyond

I could never manage individual cards or letters to all the

lovely people I know in the three villages N, C & K. Thanks

to the people who keep the Norley News going month on

month. We are catching up, I got Hopeman's Monthly Village

Entertainment Guide yesterday called 'Nae Excuse'!

As I sit writing this I am looking out on a beautiful sunny

morning but I know that there is a cold wind as the dog,

Amber, and I have had our coastal path walk already. We had

a lovely mild, sunny day recently as the south of England had

snow. That 'cold and wet' place that I was moving to was not

what it has turned out to be. In fact the farmers were

concerned about the barley harvest as it was so dry. All went

well, but if there's a shortage of whisky you'll know why!

The year of my residence in Hopeman has passed all too

quickly. I have met so many people in this and the villages

either side, they remember my name but I cannot remember

theirs (old age!).

It has not been a very easy year at times as my health has not

been as good as when I arrived. I have not managed to

explore the area as much as I would wish. I was taken for a

drive on Sunday and the autumn colours were fantastic, so

vibrant. As good as New England!

It is good to keep the contact with old friends and lovely to

have the visitors who braved the long journey to the north of


Best wishes to everyone,

Sylvia Clarke


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Neighbourhood Plan Update We are working towards completing the first part of

producing a Neighbourhood Plan which is to describe all

aspects of Norley as it is now. (‘The Baseline Report’) This

is the first stage and it will, hopefully, be complete by mid

February, We are planning a “drop in” on Saturday

16th February from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. in the Village Hall, so

everyone will get a chance to have their say on the possible

issues facing Norley over the long term future. Come along

and have tea/coffee and cake with us, see what we're up to

and tell us what you think you'd like to happen in Norley.



It will be the best time to contribute to the Plan and

comment on it as it develops.

To prepare our report we still have some more data to

collect before mid February. We are just in the middle of

doing a survey of all the businesses which are located in

Norley to establish what views businesses have about

working here, and what changes they would like to see. We

need all businesses to answer the questionnaire they will be

receiving and send it back. Just in case we’ve missed

someone off the list, if you have a business in Norley could

you contact David on [email protected]

We are also doing a survey of all land in Norley, so as to

map the land use, so we know how much is agricultural,

commercial, recreational, for domestic use, etc. Also, as you

can see elsewhere in this edition of Norley news, we are

looking in detail at the natural environment, particularly

Biodiversity in Norley. Finally, we plan to visit some of the

many societies and clubs in the village to get their views on

the present and the future. If your club wants someone from

the Neighbourhood Plan Group to come to your meeting or


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Page 7: Norley News Deember 2012

Norley News—December 2012 7

entitles the pass holder to 12 months free car admission,

seasonal e-newsletters and exclusive offers. To purchase on

line visit

Delamere Forest 2013 Summer Concert Tickets

The 2013 Live Music concerts will be announced

iminently, with the first tickets going on sale in early

December. For more information and to buy tickets visit

Norley Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes

10/11/12 Norley Methodist Church 9.00am. 97. Apologies

Councillor Wild, and Councillor Crawford sent their


98. Present

Councillor Davidson, Councillor Greenacre, Councillor Ford,

Councillor Duncalf, Councillor Greasley, Cheshire West &

Chester Councillor Oultram attended the meeting, along with

some 30 or so parishioners. Councillor Brewin and Councillor

Taylor attended the meeting at 9.20am.

99. Opening

The Chairman opened the meeting explaining that as agreed

at the last full Parish Council meeting held on 18/10/12, each

Parish Council member had taken a section of Cheshire West

and Chester Council’s Local Plan Preferred Policy Document,

to read/feedback to other members at a meeting to enable

them to discuss and draft the Parish Council’s comments to

this consultation.

This meeting had taken place on 06/11/12. He explained that

the purpose of today’s meeting was to formally agree that the

Parish Council’s response be submitted to Cheshire West and

Chester Council.

The Delamere Forest 41 Club Christmas float will be around the village on the

evening of Thursday 20th December, approx 7.15pm -

8.45pm. The float will be collecting for the following


St Luke's Hospice

Help for Heroes

with thanks,

John Leleu

Christmas in the Forest Delamere Forest is set to be transformed into a magical

winter wonderland again this Christmas, from Wednesday

28th November to Wednesday 19th December.

For the first time ever families can visit Santa and choose

their Christmas tree after school as the Christmas event will

be open to the public from 3pm Monday to Friday, and two

late night Fridays, 7th

and 14th

December until 8pm, as well as

throughout every weekend.

The Christmas event will be held at the Whitefield site,

featuring real Christmas tree sales, Santa’s Grotto, land train,

and a magical Victorian street fair offering hot food and a

licensed bar.

The Land train will run from 3pm daily, and throughout the

weekend, taking families on an enchanted trip through the

ancient woodlands.

Schools nurseries and pre-schools can book to see Santa in

his grotto during the week. For more information visit:

Christmas gift ideas at Delamere Forest

The Delamere Forest Discovery Pass makes an ideal

Christmas gift for friends and family. The annual pass

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8 Norley News— December 2012

Individual parishioners are encouraged to submit their

own comments to the consultation.

Why the Parish Council had changed its stance, since the

Parish Council meeting in July 2012, and now supported

mixed and cross subsidy development of affordable


The Parish Council responded that their stance had not

changed, explaining this consultation was not for just

Norley but the whole of Cheshire West and Chester

area. Also, at the July meeting, the Parish Council

agreed to defer the affordable housing project to the

Neighbourhood Plan. It did not agree to oppose

affordable housing in general. The issue of mixed and

cross subsidy developments was not discussed at the

July meeting.

Objection against parishioners not being given the

opportunity to oppose this response, having not had sight

of the Parish Council’s response prior to this meeting,

feeling that this response should be torn up and rewritten.

The Parish Council explained that every person had the

right to comment on Cheshire West and Chester’s

consultation, with the Parish Council’s response bearing

no more weight than any other individual, urging

parishioners to make their own response if they did not

agree with the Parish Council’s comments. Explaining

that it was impossible to consult with parishioners, over

every issue, reminding them of the democratic process.

That Parishioners had a clear understanding of the

democratic process, reminding Councillors that each

Parish Council Member had not needed to be voted on to

the Parish Council due to the number of candidates, and

that Parishioners would not make the same mistake at the

next election.

100. Parishioners Comments

Chairman asked whether there were any parishioners that

wished to comment, allowing those parishioners that wished,

to speak for 3 minutes each, the views of these parishioners


Whether the Parish Council’s role was to represent the

parishioners’ views, as this Parish Council’s response to

this consultation was not a fair representation of the views

of the village, particularly concerning rural exception

sites. That there were feelings that the Parish Council

were going off at a tangent, doing what they wanted

instead of listening to what the villagers wanted.

The Parish Council responded that the consultation response

provides its own collective view as a statutory consultee.

It is not possible to canvas the views of the whole village.

The Parish Council has no way of knowing whether the

village as a whole would agree or disagree with the views

expressed by the parishioners attending the meeting.

Urgently Needed Norley News deliverer for Cow Lane &

Moss Lane - only 25 copies.

This is currently being covered by a

volunteer deliverer who already delivers

60+ copies.

Please help to share the load!


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Norley News—December 2012 9

Parish Council agreed that any parishioner could put

themselves forward as a candidate to join the Parish

Council at that time.

Question asked where the Parish Council got support from

with regard to changes to Green Belt.

The Parish Council explained that the only changes to Green

Belt that were expected involved Chester and not Norley.

Any development that had to take place should be on Brown

Field sites only.

Objection raised against some Parish Councillors’ views that

‘development will happen anyway’

Objection at PD12, particularly ‘the gentrification of villages’

and questioning which rural employers struggled to fill job


Fear that this response would have a detrimental impact in

Norley, possibly for the next 10-15 years.

Parish Council should support paragraph 440.

Parish Council stated that in response to PD4 Question 5

they had commented that Paragraphs 440 and 443 should

be adhered to at all costs.

Councillor Ralph Oultram stated that the Parish Council had

discussed each individual issue of the consultation and

believe the response to reflect the consensus of their

comments. He explained the process, explaining these were

the collective views of the Parish Council and not a

referendum collating the individual views of all residents in

the village. This can only be done by individual responses and

Cheshire West want to receive their comments and was

pleased to see that a good proportion of the people attending

had replied

101. Norley Parish Council Reply to Cheshire West and

Chester Council Local Plan Consultation.

Chairman Councillor Davidson asked the meeting to vote on

submission of the draft response without amendment to

Cheshire West and Chester. The motion was proposed by

Councillor Ford, who stated that a great deal of time had been

spend by the Parish Council on this issue and he felt that they

had reached a balanced view and that this should be

submitted as the Parish Council’s response to the

consultation, this being seconded by Councillor Greenacre.

The Parish Council voted unanimously in favour of this

proposal. Clerk instructed to submit comments to Cheshire

West and Chester by 12/11/12.

The meeting finished at 9.30am

Megan Rosney—Parish Council Clerk

Norley WI AGM November 9th at 7~30

Norley Village Hall

Helen, our President, welcomed two

tellers from Cuddington, Elizabeth Brown and Margaret


Plus visitor Ann Boot, and new members Michelle, Pat

Keane and Claudia Wild.

Last months minutes were on the table for all to see plus

last years AGM minutes.

Arising was the Christmas Dinner ~ 8th December, 7 for

7~30. Husbands welcome.

The resolution supporting Midwives was ready for

signatures on the table.

Group Carol Concert, 10th December. Weaver Vale Choir

will be singing.

Spring Group meeting, Wed. 15th May. Speaker to be a

very popular Pastry Chef from the Palace.

Our finances are very good and the Barn Dance was a very

good evening which made £383.64p for funds with 80

people attending.

Correspondence ~ Please sign up if you wish to join the

Quiz team.

Poetry Competition about Norley. Forms to be in by 31st

December. Prize ~ £1,000.

Outings ~ Skittles, Bickerton Poacher 22nd Feb. £13

including carvery.

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Media City ~ Sat. Feb 9th ~ 10.45 ~ Village Hall Car Park,

£8.15, Car share.

Wicked ~ 23rd October 2013 ~ Matinee/stalls ~ Train to

Oxford Road, £47.50 plus travel.

Walk ~ Nov. 30th Vill. Hall 10am. Bring own lunch.

New year walk ~ Dec 29th. To be decided.

AOB ~ Winner of the £10 prize for the ‘Old’ quiz was

Margaret Holmes. We sold 51 at a £1 a head and made £41

profit. Well done Helen’s Mum.

Flowers to Olive, Jenny and Barbara who all have broken

bones and congratulations to Kathleen MacVicker who

celebrated her Golden wedding last month.

AGM report.

Mr Dunning was impressed by our accounts and has

promised to vet them again next year.

Last years minutes were approved by the committee.

Presentation & adoption of Financial Statement ~ Proposed

by Carol Love, seconded by Ann Hilditch and a show of

hands by all present.

Helen gave the Annual report which was approved by all


The new Committee will be ~ Jane Birchall, Helen Ebbitt

(President), Gill Morrison, Joan Higgins, Collette Holder,

Carol Love (Hon. Treasurer), Marry Ramskill, Margarest

Soutar, Diana West (Secretary) and Claudia Wild.

The Presidents Competition Cup was 1st Collette Holden,

2nd Katherine MacVicar, 3rd Jan Overland.

Helen thanked everyone for coming including our Tellers

and closed a very busy meeting.

Mary Ramskill

There were a large number of Remembrance Day parades

across the area on Remembrance Sunday which all passed

off peacefully. Thanks to all the local motorists who treated

the delays with good grace.

We have had a number of houses broken into this week

across the area including Kingsley Mickle Trafford

T a r p o r l e y C u d d i n g t o n a n d F r o d s h a m .

Computer equipment and jewellery have been targeted in

m a n y o f t h e s e b r e a k s .

Please take time to review your home security measures

ensuring that windows and doors are closed and locked and

items of value are not left on display.

The Frodsham and Helsby areas are also suffering with

overnight garage breaks where expensive pedal cycles are

being stolen. During one offence in the early hours of

Friday morning, three males were disturbed in a garage at

Langdale Way, Frodsham. As a number of bikes have been

taken at the same time in previous offences, it appears that

this may be a team, working on foot. Please be vigilant and

report any suspicious activity.

On Monday night, 5 Nov, a sledge hammer and shovel were

stolen from an insecure shed in Acton Bridge and then used

to try to gain entry to a neighbouring business premises.

Fortunately, entry was not gained and the tools have been

returned to their owner, but this serves as a reminder to

keep all tools securely locked away.

We have received lots of calls in early Nov about suspicious

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14 Norley News— December 2012

Nativity on Nativity on Nativity on Nativity on

the Move...the Move...the Move...the Move...

The Parishes of Norley, Crowton and Kingsley invite you to a...

Join us as we move around Crowton village to hear the real story

of Christmas through drama, readings and carol singing. The

evening will finish on the farm as we gather in a stable with the

wise men, angels and shepherds.

Walking is involved so please come in warm clothes and suitable

footwear. Bring a torch or lantern!

Meet outside: Crowton

Village Hall at 4pm

Refreshments served afterwards.

16th December


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Norley News—December 2012 15

Hollow Lane Kingsley (Next to the Horseshoe Inn)


[email protected]—tel 01928 787870

Christmas GiftsChristmas GiftsChristmas GiftsChristmas Gifts Come along and choose your special gifts.

All ESPA gifts beautifully wrapped.

Aubergine gift boxes with white ribbon /gift bag.

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callers to front doors and also suspicious activity, all over

the rural area. All calls are responded to, and have lead to

some very worthwhile checks of individuals and vehicles.

Remember, the police cannot hope to combat crime

effectively without the support and information from you,

the public.

As the nights draw in, it is very easy for burglars to see if

there is anyone at home, even during the day – Most people

will now have lights on if they are at home. Please take care

to give the impression that someone is at home – leave a

light on, put a table light on a timer to switch on and off

during the day (even better, do this with two lights, to give

the impression that someone is moving about the house!).

Put a radio on a timer.

There have been a small number of reports of suspicious

callers at front doors, and also possible telephone scams,

trying to obtain peoples bank details. Fortunately, most of

these have been refused at the door, or people have

identified the telephone scam and terminated the call. Please

continue to be mindful of these risks, and make sure that

any vulnerable relatives and neighbours receive the support

and guidance required.

Please remember to utilise basic security measures,

particularly during the dark evenings on the approach to

Christmas – Ensure that strong locks are always used on all

doors and windows (even on garden sheds!); Set timers to

operate lights and radios/tv’s, to give the impression that

someone is at home; Ask a neighbour to park their car on

your driveway, during the hours that you are away from


Inspector Keith Curbishley

Thanks To All Our Sponsors for supporting Norley News. We do obtain money from our

advertisers and the Parish Council contributes towards the

cost of community advertising, but it is sponsorship money

that makes it possible to produce 10 issues a year. So, if any

reader wishes to become a sponsor and help us in the

continuing development of the ‘News’, please contact

Penny Clarke— 2 The Spinney, Norley, WA6 8LS, tel

787496, email [email protected] Liz and Tony Lavin John Patten Frodsham & District Choral Society The Wednesday Club Bill & Libby Appleton Les & Gladys Archer Sophie & Martin Gambrell Mary Ramskill Joan Hunt Helen Welburn Mrs I Preston Monica Stewart Norley Horticultural Soc Tony & Katie Simpson James & Megan Posnett Bob & Ruth Downes Pauline & Mike Kay The Basnett Family Barbara Jones Norley Bowling Club Marie Cliffe Gill & John Lunt 1st Norley Scout Group, Norley WI Mary Owen Judith Hull Rosamund Walley Darren and Jane Stubbs Delamere Stores Anon (x14) Norley CE Primary School The residents of Hatchmere Park

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16 Norley News— December 2012

Helen and Mike Ebbitt Bette Ashbrook Pat Dixon Stephné Douglas Bruce & Ruth Lane Liz Robinson Frazer & Katrina Higson John & Maureen Lewis

Advertising & Editorial Info Full Page 185mm wide x 274mm high £30.00 Half Page 185mm wide x 135mm high £15.00 Half Page 90mm wide x 274mm high £15.00 Quarter Page 90mmwide x 135mm high £7.50 Please send your ads in a graphic format, preferably JPEG or

high res PDF, including fonts and embedded images.

Due to the patronage of the Parish Council, local organisation

a d v e r t i s i n g i s F R E E !

All new or single advertisers please pay ‘up front’ or ask for a

pro forma invoice.

All contributions (as a simple text document), compliments

(and complaints) to Penny Clarke, 2 The Spinney, WA6 8LS,

tel 787496, email [email protected]

Do let us know if any contact details need updating, or if you

wish to add email addresses or website details.

All copy and adverts for the next issue to be with us by the

date on the cover page ‘News Inside’, preferably by email.


Community ‘Classifieds’ PUBS: Tiger’s Head 01928 788309 ~ Carrier’s Inn 01928

787877 Chinese Restaurant:~ Fortune Palace ~ Eat in or out (No

delivery) 01928 788293/Fax 01928 787682 Holland Pharmacy ~ 01928 788559 Electrician:~ SWP Electrics 01928 740415 or 01928 740237 Electrician ~ Kingsley Electrical, Frank Pilgrim 01928 788971,

07711 258677 General Household maintenance, rubbish removal, general

joinery ~ Munroe & Son 01928 787025 or 07875 304664 Property Repairs:~ Mike Kay 787292 ~ ALL EXTERIOR &

INTERIOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. The Ovencleaners ~Lorraine~ 01928 723 906 or 0795 8610

403 or [email protected]

Black Cat Chimney Sweeps


HETAS Approved Chimney Sweeps / Fully Insured / Certificates Issued

Calls Answered 8am—8pm 7 Days a Week

Registration Numbers

NACS 94/341


(Kingsley) 01928-787428

(Northwich) 01606-781714

Sweeping Across Cheshire Since 1992

Norley 0-5’s… Meets every Wednesday during

term time, from 10.00 until

12.00, in the school hall for play,

craft, music and stories for

little ones and coffee and chat

for the grown ups! Come along

if you can and/or phone Jane

on 07977426923 for more


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Norley News—December 2012 17

Childrens' Dance

Classes at Norley Village Hall

on Thursdays, 4:30 - 6:00pm.

To include: baby ballet, tap & street


Contact Sara 07837053539

Yoga Class @ Norley Village Hall Fridays 1115—1215

For more information contact Lyndsey on

07919 563075

Brian Wainwright


Winsford CW7 2LZ


“Inside or Out – Give DAVE a Shout” (Honest and Reliable)

No Job Too Small (Anything Considered)

Free Estimates, Fully Insured, Age Concern Approved

Painting and Decorating e.g. Wallpapering Painting Windows, Doors, Weather Boards, Fences,

Sheds etc. Creosoted

Contact: Dave Williams 0151-356-9044 or 07706 829726

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18 Norley News— December 2012

UÉÜÇ Uxtâà|yâÄUÉÜÇ Uxtâà|yâÄUÉÜÇ Uxtâà|yâÄUÉÜÇ Uxtâà|yâÄ

Kingsley Community Centre

Saturday February 2nd 2013

at 7.30pm

An enjoyable evening event for all women…Beauty from

God’s perspective.

People look at the outward

appearance, but the LORD looks

at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

• Dinner

• Quiz

• Discussion

• Pampering

• Jewellery

New Saturday Morning Outdoor Adventure Club Starting Saturday 5th Jan 2012

9 am - midday We are Outdoor Education providers that specialise in Forest Schools and we are starting a NEW OUTDOOR

ADVENTURE CLUB on a Saturday morning as requested by many of our previous clients.

� The club is based in a beautiful, welcoming woodland and is run by qualified Outdoor Education providers.

� The club is for children who love to be outside in the fresh air and

want to learn and do new exciting things. � Are club allows and encourages children to learn life skills through

their play. � Our play is natural play, there are some elements of play that have

controlled risks and are more exciting and fulfilling than "soft play".

� The play encourages children to explore their thoughts and ideas

and use them to be creative as possible. � Our club promotes team play as well as individual play.

We are located at New Pool Wood, Finger Post Lane, Norley. Price £15 per child. (Sibling £10) We are offering a 25% discount for the first 20 bookings for each session.

To book, or for more information, contact Debbie Shering:

0778 684 7824 - [email protected] - www.facebook/naturefun1 -

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What’s On In Norley – December 2012 and January 2013 Day Dates Event

Time Details

Village Hall Diary For information about Village Hall availability or any other booking enquiries ~ contact Marie Cliffe tel 01928 788181



Discontinued for the time being. Contact Penny Clarke for more information 01928 787496

Tuesday Dec 4 11 18 January 8 15 22 29

Ladies Badminton

1 :00pm – 3:00 Contact Shirley Craven 01928 787251

Tuesday Dec 4 11 18 January 8 15 22 29

Private Badminton 5pm – 6pm

Tuesday Dec 4 11 18 January 8 15 22 29

Senior Badminton 7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776

Wednesday Dec 5 12 19 No meetings in January

Wednesday Club

2pm Contact Joan Barclay 788394

Wednesday Dec 5 12 19 January 2 9 16 23 30

Zumba Classes 7 :00 – 8:00 Contact Sara 07837053539

Wednesday January 23

Messy Church 4:30 – 6:30 Contact Joe Smith e.mail [email protected]

Thursday December 13 January 10

W.I. 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092

Thursday Dec 6 13 January 10 17 24 31

Children’s dance classes 4:30 – 6:00 Contact Sara 07837053539

Thursday December 6

Private Booking – Norley


6:00 – 10:00pm

Friday Dec 7 14 21 January 11 18 25

Yoga 11:15 – 12:15 Note new time Contact Lyndsey 07919 563 075

Friday Dec 14 21 January 4 11 18 25

Senior Badminton 7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 or Jean Welch 01928 731776

Friday December 7

Carol Concert 7 pm Contact Judith Hull 01928 788803

Saturday December 8

Scout Christmas Fair 9am – 1:30 pm

Saturday December 8

WI Dinner Contact Helen 01928 787092

Saturday January 19

Private Party 4pm – 11pm

Sunday December 16

Private party 11am – 1pm

Sunday Dec 2 9 16 23 January 6 13 20 27

Private booking 4pm – 6pm

School Diary For more details on booking the School Hall call Cath Tomlinson – 01928 788471 Saturday 1 December

PTFA Christmas Fair From 1 pm

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Parish Council Meeting 7pm

Monday 20 February 2013

Parish Council Meeting 7pm

Other Events

If you have a forthcoming event planned, email the details to us and we can include it here