Download - nonet: SU(3) mass splittings and strong, electromagnetic, and weak decay rates [Phys. Rev. D 69 , 014010 (2004)]

Page 1: nonet: SU(3) mass splittings and strong, electromagnetic, and weak decay rates [Phys. Rev. D               69               , 014010 (2004)]

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 69, 059901~E! ~2004!

Publisher’s Note: Ground-state scalarq̄q nonet: SU„3… mass splittings and strong,electromagnetic, and weak decay rates

†Phys. Rev. D 69, 014010„2004…‡

Michael D. Scadron, George Rupp, Frieder Kleefeld, and Eef van Beveren~Received 20 February 2004; published 17 March 2004!

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.69.059901 PACS number~s!: 14.40.2n, 11.30.Rd, 13.25.2k, 13.40.Hq, 99.10.Fg

This paper was published online on 28 January 2004 with a typographical error repeated nine times in AppendiceB. The termd̄4 was converted improperly tod24 in Eqs.~A1!, ~A2!, ~A4!, and~B1!; in the first and third lines after Eq.~B2!,and the second line after Eq.~B3! in the second column of p. 7; and the first and second lines after Eq.~B7! in the first columnof p. 8. These errors have been corrected as of 20 February 2004. The text is not correct in the printed version of the

0556-2821/2004/69~5!/059901~1!/$22.50 ©2004 The American Physical Society69 059901-1