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Non-linguistic and Linguistic Strategies

for Teaching Academic Vocabulary

Page 2: Non-linguistic and Linguistic Strategies for Teaching Academic Vocabulary.

Non-linguistic and Linguistic Strategies

for Teaching Academic Vocabulary


Page 3: Non-linguistic and Linguistic Strategies for Teaching Academic Vocabulary.

Averil CoxheadThe Academic Word List

• high-incidence and high-utility academic words

• for Secondary School, Higher Education, Career

• 570 words are grouped into 10 sub-lists that reflect word frequency and range.

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Averil Coxhead’s Sub-list 1

1. analyze approach area assess assume authority available benefit concept consist context constitute contract data define derive distribute economy environment establish estimate evident factor finance formula function income indicate individual interpret involve issue labor legal legislate major method occur percent period principle proceed process policy require research respond role section sector significant similar source specific structure theory vary

3 in your teaching - Thumb

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Isabelle Beck’s Three Tiers of Vocabulary

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Basic VocabularyRarely require instructional attention to their meanings in school

Examples: clock, baby, walk, happy

High Frequency WordsUsed by mature language users and found across a variety of domains

Examples: affect, features, created, condition, specific

Content Specific WordsFrequency of use is probably low – limited to specific domains

Examples: isotope, lathe, peninsula, refinery

Content specific

School Task Vocabulary

Literary Vocabulary

Academic vocabulary

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Robert MarzanoBasic (General Vocab)Beck’s Tier 1

Advanced (General Vocab)Beck’s Tier 2Coxhead’s Academic WordlistAcademic (All subjects)Beck’s Tier 3

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Time Out!

Bricks and Mortar

...building understanding

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Where will they encounter these terms?

• Content Area Text – Book, websites, supplemental handouts, articles

• Benchmarks• CST Standards• CAHSEE• CELDT

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How/where do we find them?

Show me theMoney!

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• You can use the Problem-Solving Guidelines to help you translate a problem into an equation and solve it. Algebra 1

• In the atmosphere, temperature, precipitation, and other environmental factors combine to produce weather and climate. Biology

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CST and CAHSEE Q’s• What element of "trapped" makes it suitable for

adaptation as a drama? 9th Grade ELA CST

• What makes the preceding statement ironic? CAHSEE

• What feature of modern Western democratic government reflects Aristotle’s view as given above? 10th Grade History CST

• A mineral supplement designed to prevent the common cold was given to two groups of people during a scientific study. After eight weeks, neither groups reported a case of the common cold. Which of the following would have made the outcome of this study more valid? 10th Grade Science CST

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• You can use the Problem-Solving Guidelines to help you translate a problem into an equation and solve it. Algebra 1

• In the atmosphere, temperature, precipitation, and other environmental factors combine to produce weather and climate. Biology

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CST and CAHSEE Q’s• What element of "trapped" makes it suitable for

adaptation as a drama? 9th Grade ELA CST

• What makes the preceding statement ironic? CAHSEE

• What feature of modern Western democratic government reflects Aristotle’s view as given above? 10th Grade History CST

• A mineral supplement designed to prevent the common cold was given to two groups of people during a scientific study. After eight weeks, neither groups reported a case of the common cold. Which of the following would have made the outcome of this study more valid? 10th Grade Science CST

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Common• Knowledge Rating System• Explicit Direct Instruction Process• Definition, explanation, description• Meaningful Interaction• Multiple Exposures

• Picture/Graphic• Sentence frames• Part of Speech


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Knowledge Rating ChartI don’t know this word yet

I think I know I this word

I know this word

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Explicit Vocabulary Instruction Models

• Kinsella - Vocabulary Note-taking Guide

• ASCD What it is…What it is not Vocabulary Form

• Marzano -Vocabulary Processing Sheet

• Effective Approach – Cognitive Content Dictionary

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Word Meaning Examples (Oral/Written) Practice

WordPart of Speech

Definition (Cloze) (note taking skill)

Sample sentences with word in it as Cloze to complete. (note taking skill)

Sentence or Response starter

Writing Practice: Sentence Starter or Cloze

WordPart of Speech

Definition (Cloze) (note taking skill)

Sample sentences with word in it as Cloze to complete. (note taking skill)

Sentence or Response starter

Writing Practice: Sentence Starter or Cloze

Vocabulary Note taking Guide

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Word Meaning Examples

exemplify ex•em•pli•fy (verb)


Forms of the word.


To give an __________ of something.

This outfit ______________ her taste in clothes.

His dedication to weight lifting _____________his work ethic.

My ________ exemplifies ____________ by _____________.

example exemplifies



hard workpatiencecompassion

Vocabulary Note-taking Guide

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Page 20: Non-linguistic and Linguistic Strategies for Teaching Academic Vocabulary.

What it is…What it’s not..

Definition Characteristics/Explanation

What it is What it’s notWord

Write your definition as simply as possible so that others can understand it.

List words or phrases that further describe what the word means.

Think of several examples that show this word in action.

Think of several examples of actions or ideas that are the opposite of this word.

Write the word.

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What it is…What it’s not..

Definition:1. show or illustrate by example 2. to furnish or serve as an example of (something)

Characteristics/Explanation:To exemplify is to show by example, to take an action

that demonstrates…

What It Is:It is an action, it is to show by doing something, e.g. one can exemplify honesty by telling the truth.

What It’s Not:It is not a thing, not an example.


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Marzano’s Six Steps forEffective Vocabulary Instruction

Six Steps1. Teacher provides description, explanation or example of new term

2. Students restate the explanation in their own words

3. Students create a non-linguistic representation of the term

4. Students are periodically give activities that help them add to theirknowledge of vocabulary terms

5. Students are periodically asked to discuss the terms with one another

6. Students are periodically give opportunities to play with the terms

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Vocabulary Processing Sheet

Category: (standard, unit, semantic cluster…)

Term, phrase: (word or words) Picture/graphic

Description: (What it means)

Related terms, phrases: (Other words I think of)

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Category: verb

Term, phrase:


Description:To exemplify, a person must take an action, and that action must end so well that others will use it as the example.Related terms, phrases:show, illustrate, demonstrate

Vocabulary Processing Sheet

His laughter was heard around the corner and exemplified the joy he felt upon hearing the good news.

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Cognitive Content Dictionary

Vocabulary Word PredictionStudent Friendly

Expectations(includes example)

Visual Representation

Vocabulary Word PredictionStudent Friendly

Expectations(includes example)

Visual Representation

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Cognitive Content DictionaryVocabulary Word

Prediction Student Friendly Explanations(includes example)

Visual Representation

exemplify to make an example of something?

To exemplify, a person must take an action, and that action must end so well that others will use it as the example.Best dancer

Motivation, Let’s see what it means!

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Connecting Students to Words

• Connect vocabulary to a piece of text (18% to 33%).• Integrate new vocabulary with existing knowledge

(Visuals, explanations). • Meaningful interaction with a word (within text,

sentence frames and response starters).• Repeated exposures to the word (games and reviews).• Teach word families/Semantic Clusters (connect to

cognates, organize by topic/theme, common roots/prefixes/suffixes).

• Utilize mnemonic devices (symbols, rhymes, sketches).

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The Great Race (Partners)Semantic Clusters

Describe Things Associated with Outer Space



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Linear Arrays (Partners/Group)Most --------------------------- Least

List most academic way to say “this shows”.




(exposure to related words, shades of meanings)

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Every teacher in every classroom needs to address their student’s English language development needs. This commitment to vocabulary instruction is pivotal to a school wide effort confronting the achievement gap in language and literacy.

Kate Kinsella

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There is no longer an excuse for any student to leave school lacking a general knowledge of…the basic general terms, the advanced general terms, and the academic terms…necessary for success in U.S. society.

Robert Marzano