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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion


    Significantly enhanced the practice of cardiology over the pastfew decades.

    InvasiveCoronary angiogramPulmonary angiogramAortic angiogram

    Non-Invasive2D echocardiographyNuclear imagingPositron Emission TomographyCardiac Magnetic ResonanceCardiac Computed Tomography


    Visualize the heart directly in real time using ultrasound(lower frequency sound)Instantaneous assessment of the myocardium, cardiacchambers, valves, pericardium, and great vesselsFlat image (2D) is seenCan also use the principle of Doppler

    Doppler echocardiography

    Velocity of moving red blood cellsAlternative to cardiac catheterization for assessment ofhemodynamics.2 methods

    Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE)

    Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)

    Basic Principle

    Ultrasound reflection of cardiac structures to produce imagesof the heart

    Doppler effectDescribes the influence of a moving object on sound wavesAn object travelling towards the listener causes sound waves tobe compressed giving a higher frequency; an object travellingaway from the listened gives a lower frequency

    The higher the frequency and amplitude, the closer theobject to the observerOne can observe the blood flow towards and away fromthe heart or the hemodynamics (output, murmur,


    Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE):

    Performed with a handheld transducer placed directly on thechest wall

    less clear due to presence of impedance from the skin,

    muscle and lung parenchymaIn selected patients, a TEE may be performed, in which an

    ultrasound transducer is mounted on the tip of an

    endoscope placed in the esophagus and directed toward

    the cardiac structures.Views the heart from the surface (sagittal view of the heart;visualizes the right ventricle, which is the most anterior part ofthe heart)

    Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE):

    An ultrasound transducer is mounted on the tip of anendoscope placed in the esophagus and directed toward thecardiac structures.

    Esophagus clearer and better view; more proximal to

    the heart; less impedance; high definition; better reception

    and resolutionInvasive; seeing the heart from behind; posterior viewAdvisable for patients with valve problems and congenital heartdisease


    Short Axis View

    Right and left ventriclesCross-section of the heart. The left ventricle is more

    muscular and circular. The right ventricle is bullet-

    like and more trabeculated but less muscular.

    There is a decrease in the left ventricular cavity size

    during systole as well as an increase in wall thickening

    Parasternal/Long Axis View

    Right ventricle (especially the right ventricular outflowtract), left ventricle, left atrium, aorta

    Evaluate the heart by looking at the thickening of the

    walls. During systole, there is normal thickening of the

    myocardium and reduction in the size of the left

    ventricle (LV); valve leaflets are thin and open widely

    Function of the heart is measured by the ejection


    LEGENDNormal text : lecture and recordingItalics : Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 17


    NON-INVASIVE CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGINGRodney M. Jimenez, M.D. November 30, 2010

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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion



    Calculate by measuring the area during diastole minus the area

    during systole divided by the area during diastole

    Standard orientation of the heart, the left ventricle is at theright side. It is the largest chamber.

    Parasternal Long Axis View:

    Used when you want to see the relationship between the leftventricle, left atrium, and aortaViews mitral and aortic valve defects. Detects flow disturbanceinvolving these valves.

    Only 2 of the aortic cusps will be seen

    4 Chamber ViewView when the patient is vertically oriented (heart isvertically oriented)From the apex: left and right ventricles, left and rightatrium

    Sagittal section. Right ventricle is smaller5 chamber view includes the aortic lumenUsed especially when considering septal defects

    Using Doppler effect: if color goes from leftventricle to the right ventricle, there is VSD; if

    color goes from left atrium to the right atrium,there is ASDRight to left shunting (pulmonic circulationpressure > systemic circulation pressure). Whenthere is irreversible right to left shunting, theEisenmenger phenomenon occurs.Involves pulmonary hypertension, cyanosis, etc.

    When there is a sandy effect, it indicates stasis of the blood;blood flow is slowAlso guided by ECG to note when the heart is in diastole

    Diastole is atrial contractionDuring diastole, the ECG tracing will be after the T wave

    (The start of the hearts relaxation in the ECG is at the Rwave. QRS complex is the start of systole but the heartbegins to relax at the R wave)

    Clinical Applications

    Two-Dimensional Echocardiography

    Cardiac chambersChamber sizeLeft ventricular hypertrophy 2D Echo is the gold standardRegional wall motion abnormalitiesValveMorphology and motionPericardiumEffusion

    TamponadeMassesGreat vessels

    Stress Echocardiography

    Stress test is done by having the patient go on a bike ortreadmill thus simulating the hearts conditions at stress levels

    The stress test is mainly used to diagnose ischemia, assessfunctional capacity, and BP control.The hearts most important function is to pump blood and

    distribute oxygen during stress. Stress testing assesses ifthe heart is normal or functional during stress.ECG is used to check for presence/absence of ischemia.ECG and stress testing only have sensitivity and specificity

    of 60-70%. Large chance for false positive or falsenegative.Can only be used for patients with intermediate to highprobability for ischemic heart disease but not for low riskor super high risk.

    Normal Stress Echocardiogram should show myocardialthickening and decrease of the diameterduring contraction

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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion

    During ischemia, there will be hypokinesia. Some parts of themyocardium will not thicken because of weakened contractility.

    Ischemia is an imbalance between the oxygen supply andoxygen demand.Chest pain is a delayed response to ischemia

    Two-dimensionalMyocardial ischemiaViable myocardium


    Valve disease

    Doppler Echocardiography

    Valve stenosisGradientValve areaValve regurgitationSemiquantitationIntracardiac pressuresVolumetric flowDiastolic fillingIntracardiac shunts

    Transesophageal Echocardiography

    Inadequate transthoracic imagesAortic diseaseInfective endocarditisSource of embolismValve prosthesisIntraoperative


    Portable (hand-held) and can be wheeleddirectly to thepatient's bedsideAbility to obtain instantaneous images of the cardiac structuresfor immediate interpretation.Handheld echocardiographic units weighing 6 lb (

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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion

    severity of the stenosis can be ascertained from a directplanimeter measurement of the mitral valve orifice

    Assessed with color. With disease, there is turbulenceor jets of color will be seen

    presence and the etiology of stenosis of the semilunar valvescan be made by 2D echocardiography

    but evaluation of the severity of the stenosis requiresDoppler echocardiography.

    by assessing velocity. If there is stenosis, there isimpedance/stenosis and flow is compromised

    diagnosis of valvular regurgitation must be made by Dopplerechocardiography, 2D echocardiography is valuable for determining the etiology of

    the regurgitationas well as its effects on ventricular dimensions, shape, and


    Pericardial Disease

    2DEmodality of choice for the detection of pericardial


    In myocardial-pericardial effusion, fluid or lucencyseen in between the myocardiumIf with thickening, calcification is seen outside of the

    myocardiumblack echolucentovoid structure surrounding the heart.pericardial tamponade can also be seen

    dilated inferior vena cava, right atrialcollapse, andthen right ventricularcollapse, usually at the base ofthe ventricle.oRA and RV have thin muscles

    During diastole, RV will need to relax to collect the venousreturn. But during tamponade, the RV is pushed by the effusionduring relaxation. There is decrease in venous return resultingin decreased output.

    There is a need to perform pericardiocentesis to take outthe fluid

    Echocardiographically guided pericardiocentesis is the

    standard of care.Especially with large pericardial effusion

    2DE can directly visualize the location of the pericardial fluid toguide the entry point of the needle.If there is effusion, the heart is pushed by the fluid resulting indecrease size. (the pericardium is of limited size) There isresulting problem in contraction and relaxation of themyocardium.


    Basic Principles

    Doppler echocardiographyuses ultrasound reflecting offmoving red blood cells tomeasure the velocity of blood flowacross valves, within

    cardiac chambers, and through the great vessels.

    Color-flow Dopplerimagingdisplays the blood velocities in real time superimposedupon a 2D echocardiographic image.colors indicate the direction of blood flow (colorassignments)

    red toward the transducerblue away from the transducergreen superimposed when there is turbulent flow.

    Tip! BARTBlue Away, Red TowardsPulsed-wave Doppler

    measures the blood flow velocity in a specific location onthe 2D echocardiographic image.

    Continuous-wave Dopplermeasure high velocities of blood flow directed along theline of the Doppler beam, such as occur in the presence ofvalve stenosis, valve regurgitation, or intracardiac shunts.

    These high velocities can be used to determineintracardiac pressure gradients by a modified Bernoulliequation:

    Pressure change = 4 x (velocity)2

    If there is no problem with the valve, the velocity of blood

    flow should be equal from one heart chamber to the next.derived pressure gradient can be used to determine

    intracardiac pressures and stenosis severity.

    Tissue Doppler echocardiographymeasures the velocity of myocardial motion.velocity of myocardium is several magnitudes lower thanthe velocity of moving red blood cells.can be used to determine myocardial strain rate

    a quantitative measure of regional myocardialcontraction and relaxation

    Valve Gradient

    Valvular stenosisincrease in the velocity of blood flow across the stenoticvalve.continuous-wave Doppler beam is used to determine an

    instantaneous gradient across the valve.

    Mitral Stenosis

    most common cause in the Philippines is rheumatic heart



    there is a doming effect during diastole

    Valvular Regurgitation

    diagnosed by Doppler echocardiographythere is abnormal retrograde flow across the valve.Color-flow imaging is the Doppler method used most


    visualization of a high-velocity turbulent jet in the chamber

    proximal to the regurgitant valvesize and extent of the color-flow jet into the receiving

    cardiac chamber provide a semiquantitative estimate of

    the severity of regurgitation

    Mitral Regurgitation

    Insufficient mitral valve (overly compliant)

    There is backflow of blood from LV to LA

    Occurs during systole

    High-pitched systolic murmur appreciated

    Aortic Regurgitation

    There is backflow of blood from the aorta to LV during diastole

    Occurs during diastole

    Other Uses of Echocardiography

    detection of congenital stenotic or regurgitant valvelike in VSD, color flow abnormality will be seen across theseptum

    detection of intracardiac shunts and determination of patencyof surgical shunts and conduits

    can measure the pressure in the pulmonary artery and thepressure across the aortic valve

    measurement of cardiac output

    Volume flow rates (or stroke volume and cardiac output) is

    calculated as the product of the cross-sectional area of the

    vessel or chamber through which blood moves and the

    velocity of blood flow (time-velocity integral) as assessed

    by continuous-wave Doppler determination multiplied by

    the heart rate

    indicators of myocardial ischemianew regional wall motion abnormalitiesa decline in ejection fractionan increase in end-systolic volume with stress

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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion

    determine LV size and function, right ventricular size andfunction, and the presence of acute valvular regurgitation andpericardial tamponadenoninvasive evaluation of ventricular diastolic filling and

    dectection of diastolic dysfunction

    transmitral velocity curves reflect the relative pressure

    gradients between the left atrium and ventricle throughout

    diastole which are influenced by the rate of ventricular

    relaxation, the driving force across the valve, and the

    compliance of the ventricle

    progression of diastolic dysfunction can be assessed byDoppler flow velocity curves

    Early phase of diastolic dysfunction

    impairment of LV relaxation, with reduced early

    transmitral flow and a compensatory increase in flow

    during atrial contraction


    As disease progresses, and ventricular compliance

    declines, left atrial pressure rises, resulting in a higher

    early transmitral velocity and shortening of the

    deceleration of flow in early diastole so that the filling

    pattern becomes normal

    Restrictive filling pattern

    seen in patients with the most severe diastolic

    dysfunction; there is further elevation of left atrialpressure and early diastolic flow velocity

    detection of acute mechanical complications (e.g., papillarymuscle rupture, ventricular septal defect, myocardialperforation with tamponade, and right ventricular infarction)


    injection into the patient of an isotope that emits photons(energy)

    generally gamma rays generated during radioactive decaywhen the nucleus of an isotope changes from one energylevel to a lower one.

    uses a special camera that images these photonsexpressed by using x-rays with colors. Isotopes are used as

    a dye.

    Clinical Applications

    Assessment ofventricular functionuses equilibrium radionuclide angiography, also known as

    multiple-gated blood pool imaging

    involves the imaging of99m

    Tc-labeled albumin or red cells

    that are uniformly distributed throughout the blood


    Resting images of the blood pool of isotopes within the

    cardiac chambers are obtained by electrocardiographic

    gating through multiple cycles

    provides an accurate, reproducible method for assessment

    of LV function

    most commonly used when echocardiography is technically

    difficult or when poor LV function requires accurate


    Assessment ofmyocardial perfusion by gated single-photonemission computed tomography (SPECT) - but too large andmore expensive.

    utilized to assess ejection fraction and regional wall motion

    usually performed post-stress by gating the acquisition of

    SPECT myocardial perfusion images using99m

    Tc- labeled


    determines the endocardial borders of the LV cavity and

    calculates the ejection fraction

    Myocardial Perfusion

    Two phasesCheck perfusion during RESTCheck perfusion during STRESS (again, to diagnoseischemia and cardiac function)

    Compares the stressed image and the relaxed imageof the heart.

    Scanning should involve the heart at rest and theheart at stress phases. Normal results show equalcolor distribution of both phases.What happens? If the isotope is injected during REST isotopes would go to the heart and give it color If theres no problem with the blood distributionisotopes will distribute well and give color to themyocardium making a donut-like shape.Were concerned with the left ventricle more because

    it is the one pumping blood to the system. Checking is

    from apical to the base.When you inject the isotopes to a problematic heart it will scan and reveal a blockage by revealingless/no color, since the isotopes stick to the blood.Treatment includes reperfusion by invasiveprocedures.The heart should accommodate a lot of blood during

    STRESS. If there is problem of the blood supply as

    impeded by the obstruction of the coronary arteries,

    then there will be a problem in perfusion.

    Abnormal perfusion during rest and stress infarct

    Decrease perfusion ischemia

    produce images of myocardial regional uptake proportional toregional blood flow

    Circular shape of the LV at cross section is imaged as aperfect donut during rest. If there is problem with

    perfusion, there will be a bite-like appearance of the


    Maximal exercisemyocardial blood flow is increased up to fivefoldabove the resting conditionIn the presence of a fixed coronary stenosis, there isan inability to increase myocardial perfusion in theterritory supplied by the stenosiscreating a flow differential and inhomogeneousdistribution of the isotope.

    patients who are unable to exercise:pharmacologic agents ---> to increase blood flow and

    create similar in homogeneitiespreferred pharmacologic (increase blood flow to a similardegree as exercise)

    adenosinedipyridamoledobutamine (does not increase myocardial blood flow tothe same extent) may be used as an alternative in patientswith bronchospastic lung disease.

    First do the stress test. Then inject the isotope and place the

    patient under the camera. If there are abnormalities in the

    coronary arteries, then there will be stenosis (plaque). It will

    then reflect as an abnormality in the image. Blood in the image

    is colored yellow. Absence of blood flow in the cardiac muscle

    causes the bite-like image of the ventricle. If the stress image

    is almost similar to the rest image, then it is normal.

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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion


    Abnormal Perfusion Image


    201Tl (thallium) - first isotope used for this purpose99mTc, largely replaced 201Tl

    higher photon energy

    shorter half-life, permitting the injection of larger dosesresulting in scans of higher quality.Two technetium-labeled in common use:


    both distributes to the myocardium in relation to blood

    flow, and their uptake requires an intact cell

    membrane and a viable myocardial cell


    a type of beta-decay of an unstable isotope.this unstable isotope, a proton

    undergoes spontaneous decay into a neutron, a neutrino,and a (+) particle (positron).

    positrons interact with electronsrelease of gamma-radiation (photons) upon collision withtissue.gamma emission detected by the gamma camera in the PETscanner.high energy of the photons results in far less scatter than withconventional nuclear cardiology techniques.

    PET cameras are considerably more expensive thanconventional nuclear cardiology cameras

    Rubidium-82the most commonly used positron emitter

    available from a generator and does not require a nearbycyclotronpharmacologic stress with dipyridamole, adenosine, ordobutamine is preferred for PET scanning

    Clinical Applications

    Assess myocardial blood flow and myocardial metabolism.Myocardial metabolism of the hibernating muscle of the

    heart. Hibernating to reserve energy for more stressfulevents.Muscles will regain normal strength whenreperfusion/bypass/angioplasty is done

    Positron emitters or isotopes to assess myocardial blood flow:Nitrogen-13 ammoniaOxygen-15 waterRubidium-82

    Positron Emitters

    permit measurement of absolute regional blood flows,In contrast to the relative blood flows that is assessed with

    201Tl- or 99mTc-labeled compounds.This advantage has been utilized for research purposes buthas generally not been exploited clinically.

    For myocardial metabolism

    fluorine-18 deoxyglucose.permits the detection and quantification of exogenousglucose utilization in areas of hypoperfused myocardium.

    PET Scan is also used to survey cancer because more

    metabolism shows the area of metastasis

    Clinical Uses

    been best studied clinical application - assessment ofmyocardial viability.

    if the myocardium is still viable, you can subject the

    patient to revascularization procedure to open up arteriesangioplasty or bypass surgery.

    pattern of enhanced fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in regions ofdecreased perfusion

    glucose/blood flow "mismatch"

    even with good blood flow, if the myocardium does notmetabolize glucose, it is no longer viableeven if the heart is contracting weakly but it stillmetabolizes glucose, it is still viable (may have hibernatingmuscles)

    indicates the presence of ischemic myocardium that haspreferentially shifted its metabolic substrate toward glucoserather than fatty acid or lactate.pattern identifies regions of ischemic or hibernating

    myocardium that are likely to improve in function afterrevascularizationgold standard for the assessment of myocardial viability

    also the most expensiveidentify ischemic or hibernating myocardium in 1020% ofregions that would be classified as fibrotic (infarcted) by201Tl- or 99mTc-labeled compounds

    more advantageous than 201Tl- and 99mTc-labeledcompounds for obese patients in assessing myocardialperfusionPatient is not allowed to eat for 4 hours before the procedure to

    prevent splitting of blood flow and energy/isotope between the

    stomach and the heart.

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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion


    Basic Principles

    a technique based on the magnetic properties of hydrogennuclei.magnetic field induce nuclear spin transitions from the groundstate to excited statesas the nuclei relax and return to their ground state, they

    release energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation that isdetected and processed into an imageGadolinium, a contrast medium, frequently employed toproduce magnetic resonance angiograms (MRAs).provide enhanced soft tissue contrast as well as theopportunity to obtain rapid angiographic images during the firstpass of contrast through the vascular systemstatic and cine images can be obtained using

    electrocardiographic triggering

    images can be used to quantify ejection fraction, end-systolic

    and end-diastolic volumes, and cardiac mass with high

    accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility

    Normal Cardiac MRI

    Cardiac MRI is challenging due to rapid physiologic motion ofthe heart and coronary arteries

    Clinical Applications

    defining anatomic relationships in patients with complexcongenital heart disease and cardiomyopathies

    characterize cardiac masses and their relationship to normalanatomic structures definedallow characterization of the severity of valvular disease as well

    as quantification of shunt volumes

    examination of choice to determine whether a mediastinal orpulmonary mass has invaded the pericardium or heartcharacterizing pericardial effusions or pericardial thickening inpatients with indeterminate results on echocardiographySpecialized pulse sequences measure the velocity of blood in

    each pixel of the image for accurate determination of flow

    across valves and within blood vessels

    standard technique for imaging the aorta and large vessels ofthe chest and abdomencoronary MRA is not yet an accurate and reliable clinicaltechniqueAssessment of ventricular function and wall motion at rest andduring infusion of inotropic agents

    by injecting a bolus of gadolinium contrastrelative perfusion deficits - reflected as regions of low

    signal intensity within the myocardium.for detecting subendocardial ischemia -cardiac MRI is more sensitive than SPECT imaging due to

    its enhanced spatial resolution.

    myocardial viabilityby imaging the heart 1020 min after gadolinium injection


    Relative contraindicationspresence of pacemakers or internal defibrillatorscerebral aneurysm clipsclaustrophobic and unable to tolerate the examinationwithin the relatively confined quarters of the magnet bore.However, open-bore magnets are now available to deal

    with this problem.clinically unstable patients, since close monitoring isdifficult.

    image quality in patients with significant arrhythmias is oftenlimited.


    Basic Principles

    CT is fast, simple, noninvasive, and provides images withexcellent spatial resolution and good soft tissue contrast.conventional CT was too long to freeze cardiac motion.electron-beam CT and multislice spiral (helical) CT haveimproved temporal resolution and routine imaging of thebeating heart

    It uses the principle of x-ray; better imaging of structures withcalcium (ex. bones, atheroma, calcified pericardium)

    Clinical Applications

    constrictive pericarditis is easily detected by CTcharacterizing pericardial thickening, cardiac masses,particularly those containing fat or calcium.

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    TRANSCRIBED BY: PREGO, Jessica Grace QUAN, Nathalyn REAL, Maricar SINCO, Emma Concepcion

    imaging patients with suspected arrhythmogenic rightventricular dysplasia ---> ability to detect small amounts of fatCine images can evaluate wall motion and determine ejectionfraction, end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, and cardiacmass.

    calcium is shown as white densities

    Calcified Pericardium

    Calcification is hypodenseMay be caused by tuberculosis

    CT Angiography

    accuracy similar to MRA in imaging the aorta and great vesselsthe examination of choice in the evaluation of patients with

    suspected pulmonary embolus.excellent imaging modality for the diagnosis ofaortic dissectionor penetrating ulcers.

    initial diagnosis as well as follow-up of patients with aorticaneurysmal disease can be done.

    number 3 signcoarctation of the aortasimilar to the MRI except that CT uses x-ray

    Coronary Calcification

    Calcium in the coronary arteries occurs in atherosclerosis and is

    absent in the normal coronary artery

    CT is very sensitive for the detection of coronary artery


    CA Calcium Scoringcounting the number of calcified coronary arteriesvery sensitive for the detection of coronary artery calcificationpromoted as a noninvasive modality for the screening anddiagnosis of CAD.

    Detects patients with high risk for CADquantity of coronary calcification (coronary calcium score) isrelated to the severity of CAD.

    Mild, moderate or severe moderate and severe indicates

    more than 50% calcificationvery high sensitivity but low specificity.should not be used for the diagnosis of obstructive coronarydisease

    Score = Area x Hn x-factorHn x-factor (Agatston Scoring)

    Peak CT

    130-199 1

    200-299 2

    300-399 3

    >400 4

    Contrast-Enhanced CT Angiography

    accurate assessment of luminal narrowing in the majorbranches of the coronary arteries (high temporal and spatialresolution of multislice spiral CT)high sensitivity (>85%), and specificity (>90%) of CTA ascompared to cardiac catheterization.a very high negative predictive value of 98-99%highest accuracy - noted in the left main and theproximalportions of the left anterior descending and left circumflexarteriesfast, irregular heart rates and body motion limit the accuracy ofCTA.

    "noninvasive coronary angiography" concept has generatedgreat interest in the widespread utility of CTA.major well-accepted indications for coronary CTA

    evaluation of suspected coronary anomaliespatients with chest pain syndromes

    intermediate pretest probability of CADunable to exerciseuninterpretable or equivocal stress test.


    dependence on ionizing radiation (in contrast to MRI)problematic in patients with renal insufficiency or contrastallergy.

    radiation doses tend to increase as the spatial resolutionimproves

    doses for coronary CTA exceed those delivered duringstandard diagnostic cardiac catheterization.


    LV Function and Size

    2D echocardiography

    primary imaging modality for assessment of LV cavity size,systolic function, and wall thicknesslow cost and portable

    provides ancillary structural and hemodynamic informationMRI and CT

    highest quality resolution of endocardial borderthe most accurate of all modalitiesHowever, expensive, lack portability, and do not provideconcomitant hemodynamic information asechocardiography does

    Valvular Heart Disease

    2D and Doppler echocardiography

    the first test of choiceprovides images for valve motion

    provide both anatomic and hemodynamic informationregarding valve disease


    can also visualize valve motion and determine abnormalflow velocities across valves but there is less validation of quantitative

    hemodynamic measurements in comparison toechocardiography.

    Pericardial Disease


    first imaging modality of choice (suspected pericardialeffusion and tamponade)hemodynamic analysis that occurs in pericardialconstriction (Doppler echocardiography)

    MRI or CT scanning

    suspected constrictive pericarditisvisualizes pericardial thickening

    Aortic Disease

    CT scanning and MRI

    provides images of the entire aorta

    imaging modalities of choice for stable patients withsuspected aortic aneurysm or aortic dissection.

    TEE or CT scanning

    for rapid diagnosisfor the acutely ill patients with suspected aortic dissectiondefinitive diagnosis of a suspected aortic dissection usually

    requires a TEE, which can rapidly provide high-resolution

    images of the proximal ascending and descending thoracic


    Cardiac Masses

    2D TTE

    first test to rule out an intracardiac massmasses >1.0 cm in diameter - well visualized

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    Solid masses appear as echo-dense structures, which can

    be located inside the cardiac chambers or infiltrating into

    the myocardium or pericardium


    smaller size may be visualized.provides high resolution images required for further

    delineation of myocardial masses, especially those