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Non-Infectious and Infectious diseases

Case study

By: Nidhi Kontham

Skin Cancer and Malaria

Page 2: Non infectious and infectious diseases case study-Nidhi kontham

Cause and TransmissionThe cause of malaria is a bite from a mosquito infected with parasites. There are rare cases were a person can be infected if they come in contact with infected blood. -> A fetus can get malaria if the mother is infected. -> Malaria is not infectious by touch -> Malaria can also be transmitted through blood transfusions, organ transplants or shared needles contaminated with blood.

Symptoms flu High fever Chills Muscle pain Damage to- heart, lungs, kidney, brain

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TreatmentMedicines can normally cure the disease. There are also oral quinike, but if that doesn't work the parasite has evolved and has developed. There is also artemisinin therapy that can be used.

Prevention• Taking medicines before, after and when you

are in a country where malaria is common can help prevent it. however, in come countries some parasites are resistant to these medicines.

•  • There are also nets and sprays that can be

used for prevention against bites.

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Incidence • places:• Subsaharan africa• Asia• Latin america• Some parts of the middle east• Some part of europe• Malaria often occurs in tropical and humid places.

• Malaria can only occur when the temperature is above 20 degrees. Therefore malaria is not common during colder seasons in some countries or in the colder areas of countries. This is because the mosquito cannot survive in these conditions

•  •  People with any age can get malaria, there is no age were it is common. People can even get malaria when they are a fetus and if their mother is infected with the disease. However children under 5 years old have a weaker immune system and tend to get it worse.

Page 5: Non infectious and infectious diseases case study-Nidhi kontham

Cause and TransmissionSkin cancer is caused by long term exposure to ultraviolet rays. Skin cancer can also be caused by artificial sunlight including tanning booths and sunlamps.  The exposure of UV rays to skin causes skin cells to swell. The skin breaks down and causes wrinkles

Symptoms unusual spots on skin Spots, moles or freckles that change in size or shape or

colour A sore that doesn’t heal Spots that bleed

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Treatmentmoh's surgeryCancer is removed in small parts and checked under the microscope. Used to treat large skin cancer and areas that are diffi cult to treat e.g. near the eye Chemotherapy can also be used to remove the cancer. It is used to slow down the growth of the cancer and stop them from dividing

Prevention protecting the skin- wearing protective

clothing, applying sunscreen Reducing exposure to the sun, makes skin

cancer less likely for you to get

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Incidence• People normally get skin cancer in

summer season and season where there are very strong UV rays and times when being sunburnt is more likely.

• Skin cancer is caused by exposure to UV rays. It is more likely for someone to get skin cancer as they are older, if they do then their skin becomes wrinkly and they develop moles and spots.

 • Skin cancer occurs in places with strong

UV rays and places with heavy exposure from the sun. in the countries with the darkest shades there is the most sun exposure and most cases of skin cancer


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3 sources-Malaria Human diseases by elizabeth sakker, catherine odlum, robert garner

• 3 sources- Skin Cancer•


•  • Human diseases by elizabeth sakker, catherine

odlum, robert garner•  •
