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Words From the Editor


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Nyjah Huston talks about his epic new video part for element

Rise and Shine


Partying, skating, partying, travelling, skating....Nick Garcia talks about his endless summer

Richie Jackson talks about the eccentric world of the hippy skater

Endless Summer

Hippy talk






Big Bang

Torey Pudwill’s new video part sets a high standard for professional skateboarding

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Rise and Shine


Endless Summer


ConnectTop 5

20 Questions

One Day With

Staff’s Pick

Spring 2012 Gear Guide

9 Frames Per Second

David Gonzalez

Shawn Hale

Torey Pudwill

page 8

page 18

page 42

page 16

page 31

page 33

page 35

Big Bang

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Rise And Shine!After a gnarly year of accomplishments that included getting back on Element, dominating almost every Street League stop and basically blowing minds with every bit of surfacing coverage, tomorrow the world will see exactly what Nyjah has in store for us all. Last month I spoke with Nyjah while he was still stacking a few last minute tricks for “Rise & Shine”. Have a read and see what Nyjah had to say about tomorrows highly anticipated part, his Hollywood High Back 270 Noseblunt and more.

You’ve been super busy, especially with all the contest stops this summer. How were you able to put a full part together so quickly?

It can be a little hard definitely, to balance out the street skating and contests. You just have to keep a balance. You can also think about when you’re doing a trick at a street spot, it can be practice for a contest. But the way I go about contests, I don’t really think about it like I’m training. I just skate around and have fun. I never really go to the skatepark and think, ‘I’m going to go here and do all my tricks.’ If I real right, you know, it’s all good.

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This has been a big year for you. Back on Element, all these contest wins; do you feel there’s a lot riding on this part?

Yeah, definitely. I feel like there’s a lot of expectations. But I don’t feel like I have to prove anything to anyone really. I just want to give it my all. I’m definitely going into the end of filming just trying all the hardest stuff, getting all my bangers and just trying to make it the best it could be.

How do you go about finding spots that are worthy of being in your part?

I’m not too picky about my spots but I definitely want them to be good. I honestly just like skating famous spots, like known spots. I like the feeling of watching videos and going

to a spot with a trick in mind that hasn’t been done yet. I think when kids see a video part and see a trick at a spot that hasn’t been done on that same spot, I think it’s kind of exciting for them. And I really like that…to roll away from a new trick at a legendary spot. I think it makes it that much more better.

Any significance to the name of the part, “Rise & Shine”?

It’s the name that Element came up with and we all thought it was cool. But I guess they thought it was cool because the “Rise” is like me getting back on Element and doing all the contests this year. I guess this is the year where I “Rise Up”. And the “Shine” part could be me shining with a fresh look without my dreads. But I don’t know.

Are you still filming for the part?

I am. I have about ten more tricks in mind that I want to do. I’m a little hurt right now. I took a hard fall a few days ago. But I’m gonna get back at it as soon as possible.

Your consistency has always stood out, especially in your contest skating. What do you attribute your consistency too?

When I skate a spot, a lot of the tricks I do are pretty big. And normally those big types of tricks shouldn’t really take you too long. If a really big trick is taking you more than 20 tries, it’s probably not the best thing to keep doing because you can get hurt real easy. If I land a trick early in the day and I still feel





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When I skate a spot, a lot of the tricks I do are pretty big.

good and I’m not hurt or anything, I’m still down to skate two more spots that day. I’ll be hyped up and will just want to keep skating. Me and my homies will go out, skate all day, all night and get home at like 8 in the morning. That’s how we like to do it.

You grew up a lot differently than a lot of kids. Now that things have changed for you, do you feel like you have more freedom to be a kid?

I definitely feel like I’m able to catch up on that part of life now. But I’m still only 16, gonna be 17 years old, so it’s not like I’m too old for it. My dad was a strict, protective person. He always wanted me to stay focused on skateboarding and not get distracted by other things. I’m honestly real thankful for that. I think it worked out because if he wasn’t that way I

probably wouldn’t be where I’m at now. He helped me stay focused on skating and that’s literally all I thought about for the early years of my life…and that’s what allowed me to get to where I am now. And I’m mature enough now to stay focused enough and still have a good time.

The 270 Noseblunt at Hollywood High. Was that sketchy or what?

Yeah, it was kind of sketchy because I hadn’t done that trick in a while. I had done it at Street League, and maybe down The Berrics rail. I threw on a few 270 Lips to get the feel for it. I just spun into them and kicked them away. And after that the 270 Noseblunt felt pretty good. So after that I knew I had it.

How many tries did that take?

I think around 15 tries.

So what’s next for you Nyjah after the video drops?

Element’s doing an Am video next and after that they’re gonna start working on a pro video. They’ll be some other things in the works. And by the end of this year I’m trying to lock down a good clothing and shoe sponsor. Besides that, I’ll always be out there skating, challenging myself, learning new tricks and having fun.

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Video Parts:

1. D. Way and Colin, Plan B, Revolution.2. Chief, Dying to Live.3. Marc Johnson, Fully Flared.4. Koston, Mouse.5. Rodney Mullen, Second Hand Smoke.

Influences Outside Of Skateboarding:

1. Family.2. Music.3. History.4. Nature.5. People with compassion.


1. BMX.2. Guitar.3. Legos.4. Outdoor fun.5. Daydreaming.

Guilty Pleasures:1. Musicals are great.2. Music all others hate.3. Candy way too much.4. SpongeBob5. Shirley Temple drinks.

Top 5Guitar Solos:

1. “Hotel California,” Eagles.2. “November Rain,” Guns N’ Roses.3. “Here Is No Why,” Smashing Pumpkins.4. Bodom, anything.5. “Funeral For A Friend,” Elton John.

Father/Son Activities With Wyatt:

1. Skating.2. Biking.3. Wyatt daddy day.4. Legos.5. Light saber duels.

Revelations About Starting Your Own Company:

1. Schedule everything in your life.2. Hard tasks paying off are worthwhile.3. I hate being “boss” when I have to be mean.4. Work is 24/7 in your brain.5. My family is the best support.

Hardest Things About Raising a Family While Being a Pro Skateboarder:

1. Leaving for a trip when your kids say “please stay with us, I’m gonna miss you” while crying.

2. They grow while you’re gone.3. Kids act crazy when you’re gone.4. Wife has two kids 24/7 for weeks. That is hard.5. Not being able to bring them.

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Endless SummerAn Interview With Nick Garcia

It started the moment he got kicked out of his first middle school for trading in his textbooks for skate mags, kept on going when he received a generous sum of cash to buy a car with as a high school graduation present (which he instead chose to squander on the best summer vacation ever), and now seems secured by the fact that Element put him on right when that money ran dry. So by the looks of it, Nick’s been on a perpetual summer break for half his life, all without putting forth any real effort to chase after it. And if he keeps skating the way he has been, he’s never really gonna have to either. Must be nice…

Some people trot the globe year round in search of the sun, tirelessly chasing the endless summer. They’ll hit the southern hemisphere when winter’s encroaching on the northern half, and quickly jump back down south as soon as the seasons reverse—constantly flip-flopping between the two to keep the sun blazing and good times rollin’. Shit, there was even a small budget movie made about it in the ‘60s that instantly became a mainstream smash. It’s pretty much the life everyone dreams of. But somehow Nick Garcia lives it without ever having to leave the comforts of his Long Beach apartment.

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People might not remember, but you turned am for Element based on winning that Flow Footy contest they did a couple years back, right?

I guess, kind of. I don’t know. I’m pretty sure the contest was supposed to be like you get to go on tour with the team for the prize, but that thing was sort of a weird situation.

Didn’t you win by one percent or something crazy like that?

Yeah, one percent. I barely made the cut [laughs].

Damn, did you just call all your friends and extended relatives up to vote for you?

Shit, I wasn’t doing that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom was [laughs’. I like to think that’s not really what got me on the team. It’s kind of weird because the prize was to go on tour with the Element team, and when I found out I won, I was on tour with the Element dudes [laughs].

Well, it seems like you’re getting tons of coverage nowadays. How’s it feel to finally see all the hard work pay off ?

It feels awesome. It doesn’t feel like I’ve really been working too hard [laughs], I just do what I’ve always been doing, but it definitely feels cool to see my photo in the mag. It’s like a dream come true.

Does it ever bum you out that everyone always lumps you and your cousin Julian Davidson into the whole family package, rather than just focusing on you in your own right?

Hell no. That was a dream of ours, for sure—to do this thing together. To be on the same team together was always a pipe dream of ours, and now it’s a reality. So, no, we don’t mind it at all. We love it.

There’s no sibling rivalry going on?

Hell no, dude. We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember, and we just try to push each other and get each other hyped. There’s no rivalry whatsoever.

On a different note, when we were up at Element Skate Camp, you mentioned you went to a lot of different schools as a kid and bounced around a lot. What was your childhood like?

My parents are both awesome, amazing people, but they just struggled a little bit financially. My dad was always jumping around from job to job, and so we just moved around a lot whenever my dad would find a new opportunity. It’s rough, just my parents having three kids; it’s hard out there. My dad wanted us to be comfortable and he’d try his hardest to keep us in a house that was comfortable for us, and that just leads to a lot of eviction notices, and whatnot.

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What happened with your first middle school? You got kicked out, right?

Yeah, I got kicked out for not maintaining a good GPA. You had to keep a certain GPA to stay in the school, and it was right when I started getting really stoked on skating, so I kind of just didn’t do anything and got kicked out.

How many schools do you think you went to while you were growing up?

We counted it the other day, actually. I think I ended up going to around 12 or 13 schools altogether. But I made a point of graduating [high school], just to make my mom happy. I really didn’t want to, but I kind of made it a personally goal just to make my parents happy. And it did.

Oh yeah, someone was telling me that when you graduated, one of your relatives gave you a bunch of money for a car and you guys just kind of took it and had like a crazy summer of fun. What’s the story behind that?

When I graduated, my grandpa hooked it up with some money to buy a car, like 3500 bucks. We pretty much pissed it away on food and beer and a super kick ass summer. I don’t know how else to explain it. I kept telling myself I would buy the car, but I ended up not having enough money to buy it. My grandpa’s never said anything about it, though, which is super cool of him.

To be on the same team together was always a dream of ours, and now it’s a reality.

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What was the typical day like?

That summer we would go surfing a lot in the morning and party with all the buddies. Right out of school I didn’t plan on going to college that first semester, so we just went off [laughs]. I’m super thankful my grandpa didn’t get in my ass too bad about that, because he definitely has a right to. I’d be pissed if I gave someone 3500 bucks and they just pissed it away on bullshit [laughs].

Yeah, but at the same time, there aren’t that many times in life where you’re able to do something like that and not have repercussions.

Oh, hell yeah. I don’t regret it, that’s for sure. I had a lot of good times off that money. I just didn’t want to bum out my grandpa because he hooks it up all the time.

What’d you do when the money ran out?

Nothing. It was pretty convenient, actually, because by the time the money ran out, I just started getting free boards from Element. That was pretty much all I needed money for besides the other shit like party materials, so it worked out. I would just scrounge by, bum smokes off friends for a few months there.

Kinda random, but on a different note, someone showed me a Nylon Magazine you had an interview in. I saw some pretty embarrassing photos in there. How’d that come about?

No, dude! No! I was kinda hoping nobody would really see that. I thought I got off scot-free [laughs]. The old Element team manager hit me up and asked if I’d be down to do this photo shoot. When they told me they other dudes that were doing it, I was like, “F—k it, if they’re doing it, I’m down.” I went there and was skating and the photographer who was shooting it was this super fashion lowcut V-neck guy and you could tell he didn’t know a goddamn thing about skateboarding. I was just thinking, “Dammit, I hope nobody comes to this spot right now.” And then Arto [Saari] rolled up to the spot, and he’s one of my favorite skaters. I was so bummed that Arto saw me shooting those photos, but whatever. At least Theotis [Beasley] was in there, too. I didn’t feel too bad about it.

How’s your new little guitar hobby going?

Me and Evan [Smith]’s band?

Yeah, isn’t Brian Gaberman in the mix, too?

No, Evan and Gaberman have their own little band. I’m in one of Evan’s other side projects.

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So, you’re not good enough to play with Gaberman?

No, I’m not the real guitar player [laughs]. Evan plays all the cools stuff and I just play the two bottom strings over his cool shit. He stayed at my house for like two weeks, and we’d just sit around when we were bored and record songs on his iPhone. We made pretty much a whole album when he was staying here. It was pretty cool.

Going back to skating, at Skate Camp you were just blasting over the mini mega ramp super casually and doing back noseblunts on the vert wall. How’d you learn to skate tranny so well?

I honestly didn’t get too into tranny until a few years ago. My dad used to skate pools when he was a kid, so I was always pretty psyched on that and learning how to skate that shit. I dunno, it’s just the funnest thing to skate. I’d just skate around at our local park all day. But I was definitely strictly a street guy up until a few years ago. All I had was the drop-in and the rock and roll for a few years.

Now that you’re on your own and have an apartment and all that, what’s the best advice you could give someone who’s just now finally making it happen for themselves?

I guess pay your taxes [laughs]. I haven’t done that yet, and it’s definitely stressing me out. They haven’t come to get me yet, but I’ve heard horror stories. That’s pretty much a big thing to stay on top of. Other than that, just pay those bills. But I dunno, I suck at giving advice [laughs].

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Staff’s Pick

Shwood SunglassesGet these dope sunglasses hand made from quality wood before your friends do!

Supreme Spring LineYour favorite five panel hat just came out with a ton of new styles for the spring season! Check them out at

Enjoi Champs HoodieSuperbowl? Stupidbowl....

NikeSB Stefan JanoskiOne of our favorite shoes at here at Nollie Pop. Stylish, simple, comfortable, and they can take a beating. Grab ‘em online at

Nixon Rubber WatchesComes in tons of colors! These watches are stylish, affordable, and they even tell you what time it is.

Spring 2012 Gear Guide

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Good Wood | Spring ‘12 Decks










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