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1. All smokers have misconception that smoking lower come depression and it’s a cure to lower come the tension state. Starting cause of smoking differ from person to person but one thing is common among them that is the wrong lesson about smoking and mostly people are guided through their friends or some ads that it reduce the depression state.

2. Mostly teenagers start smoking by two main causes (1) peer group (2) inspiring from some one. But peer group is the most common factor specially in teenagers to start the smoking because if one friend smokes so he offers to other friend or other friend gets inspire from him.

3. Teenagers start smoking age between 12 to 24.this is very sensitive age in case of smoking because in that period of age a person is immature and he can start it by any two main reasons mentioned above.

4. Start as occasionally for fun and style and then regularly because as a person start smoking just for sake of fun and style as he doesn’t know about the demerits of this disease but later on it becomes his or her habit and he becomes dependent of smoking.

More than 30 years, if start smoking for fun so they smoke occasionally right on those whom start for depression overcome, they use regularly. more than 30 years people are normally mature and they know the demerits of smoking as compare to teenagers so if they start for sake of fun so they smoke just occasionally right on those mature people who start just for depression problem so they are using regularly and habitually and that’s the main

difference between teenagers and mature people.

Demerits Smoking can wreck your lungs and reduce oxygen available for muscles used

during sports. Smokers run slower and can't run as far, affecting overall athletic performance. Tobacco smoke can make your hair and clothes stink. Tobacco stains your teeth yellow and gives you bad breath. Short-term use of spit tobacco can cause cracked lips, white spots, sores, and

bleeding in the mouth.

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Surgery to remove oral cancers caused by tobacco use can lead to serious changes in the face. Sean Marcee , a high school star athlete who used spit tobacco, died of oral cancer when he was 19 years old.

Smoking Gives you Bad Skin and WrinklesBecause smoking restricts blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen and nutrients like Vitamin A from getting to the skin. Smoking also affects the body’s production of collagen and elastin — fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. As a result, skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely. Lines tend to develop around the mouth from sucking on cigarettes, and around the eyes from squinting through smoke.

Smoking Increases Your Risk of Injury and Slows Healing TimeYour skin is not the only tissue that is composed of collagen: this fiber is also present in your tendons and ligaments. Therefore if your body’s ability to produce collagen is hampered, injuries involving damage to tendons and ligaments will heal more slowly. These types of injuries are common, especially for those people involved in sports.

Smokers' broken bones also take a lot longer to heal. Nicotine, a main ingredient in cigarettes, constricts blood vessels around 25% of their normal diameter. Since the new formation of bone depends on a adequate supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients reaching the injured area, bones tend to heal more slowly in smokers because lower levels of nutrients are supplied to the bones.

Smoking Increases Your Risk of IllnessStudies show that smokers get more colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia than non-smokers. In addition, people with certain health conditions like asthma, become sicker if they smoke (and often if they're just around people who smoke). Because teens who smoke as a way to manage weight often light up instead of eating, their bodies lack the nutrients they need to grow, develop, and fight off illness properly.

The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels. This can cause heart attacks and stroke. Not surprisingly, heart disease and strokes are more common among smokers than non-smokers.

Smoking Causes Age-Related BlindnessBritish studies have recently shown that smoking increases the chances of going blind as you get older. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) results in severe and irreversible loss of central vision, especially in people over the age of 60. Experts warn that smokers are twice as likely as non-smokers to lose their sight in later life. Some of these experts further argue


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that the link between AMD and smoking is now as strong as the link between smoking and lung cancer.

Smoking Could Burn Down Your HouseSmoking is the cause of many house fires, some of which cost human lives. According to a worldwide study published by the University of California Davis in 1998, smoking is a leading cause of house fires and fire-related deaths. In particular, smoking in bed is a major cause of accidental fire deaths in homes because people fall asleep with burning cigarettes on their beds.

Smoking Can Cause ImpotenceGuys, take note: smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by around 50% for men in their 30s and 40s. Most of us know that eating fatty foods can increase cholesterol and fatty deposits inside our arteries, but less people are aware that smoking also increases these fatty deposits. And a long-term build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries that carry blood to the penis can decrease the flow of blood into that area.

Smoking Dulls Your Taste budsChemicals and tar from cigarettes coat the inside of a smoker's mouth, including their taste buds, which leads some smokers to over-season their food. The chemicals and tar in cigarettes also hamper the functioning of the cells of the taste buds and nose "buds". And since our sense of taste depends largely on whether or not we can smell what we’re eating, “dulled” olfactory cells will lead to dulled taste.

The most dangerous side effect of smoking is to become its dependent and until a smoker who is habitual doesn’t smoke, his whole body specially his brain is not workable because of its dependency just like an infant child is dependent on his mother.


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Both of these lungs are of a same age people but left one is a non smoker’s lung while right one is a smoker’s lung.

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Bullet and cigarette, both are dangerous for a human health but bullet kills quickly and cigarette kills slowly and sturdily, smoking is just like a sweet suicide for a smoker.

Smoking is very harmful for a pregnant woman and her inborn child rather than normal conditions and really can damage can damage the reproduction ability of pregnant woman and her inborn child.

☻ Preventions (for teenagers) ☻

For teenagers, parents and their teacher should teach them from start the demerits of smoking and keep a close eye on their daily activities and friends because peer group is the main cause of starting smoking in case of teenagers. Parents are the first school for a person and maximum of his attitude and personality develops through this stage of life so if parents give a proper guidance to their children bout smoking demerits so they may stay away from this disease

Teenagers must keep a good peer group and should avoid Smoker’s Company. Peer group is the main reason in teenagers for starting this bad habit so they should keep away from these sort of companies so that is the best way for teenagers to be saved from smoking.

Media has a very vital role in promoting or protecting teenagers from smoking. Inspiration from some one is also the main factor for that case. teenagers are effected by their friends are mostly are inspired by different commercials and ads of cigarette so media should a protection message through their different channels so that is a best cure specially for young people to stay away from that smoking.

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☻ Preventions (for mature people) ☻

The smoker's own will is very important to quite. according to the doctors to quite

smoking is not possible until the smoker his self decide strongly to leave that bad habit so the smoker own will is too vital than any treatment and medicine.

Should quit slowly in process not in one day in case of habitual smoker. this should keep in mind that a habitual smoker is dependent upon smoking so to quite it in one day is not possible because his whole physical and mental power is dependent upon smoking and until he is not smoking he can’t work normally. so for a habitual smoker it is recommended to quite that habit in steps and slowly and sturdily and that is best.

Vaccines should be used to quite smoking. if the condition is tough so doctors recommend some vaccines to quite the smoking and that is a best cure to leave smoking in now a days

. these vaccines effect your brain in a way that u start hating smoking and it seems just like a poison to you so u quit smoking in that manner.

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