Download - No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Page 1: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC


Page 2: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

How much soil is there?

Pretend that this apple is the planet Earth, round, beautiful, and full of good things. Notice its skin, hugging and protecting the surface.Water covers approximately 75% of the surface. Right away, cut the apple in quarters.

Toss three quarters (75%) away.


Page 3: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

How much soil is there?

The three quarters (75%) you just removed represents how much of the earth is covered with water - oceans, lakes, rivers, streams. What is left (25%) represents the dry land. 50% of that dry land is desert, polar, or mountainous regions where it is too hot, too cold or too high to be productive. So cut that dry land quarter in

half and toss one piece away.


Page 4: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

How much soil is there?

When 50% is removed, this is what is left. (12.5% of the original) Of that 12.5%, 40% is severely limited by terrain, fertility or excessive rainfall. It is too rocky, steep, shallow, poor or too wet to support food production.

Cut that 40% portion away.


Page 5: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

How much soil is there?

You are left with approximately 10% of the apple.

Peel the skin from the tiny remaining sliver.


Page 6: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

How much soil is there?

The remaining 10% (approximately)- this small fragment of the land area - represents the soil we depend on for the world's food supply. This fragment competes with all other needs - housing, cities, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, land fills, etc., etc. And, sometimes, it doesn't win.


Page 7: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC


A. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC forces. Weathering & microbial decay of organic matter are examples of DESTRUCTIVE forces, while the formation of NEW minerals & the development of different layers are synthetic forces at work.

Page 8: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC


5 tons of topsoil spread over an acre is only as thick as a dime. 5 – 10 tons of animal life can live in an acre of soil. Natural processes can take 500 years to form 1 inch of topsoil.

Page 9: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC


Page 10: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

1. Physical Weathering Soils: B. Types of Weathering

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2. Chemical Weathering

CO2 + H2O = Carbonic Acid This mild acid etches the surface

of rock gradually weathering it away.

Soils: B. Types of Weathering

Page 12: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

3. Biological Weathering


Soils: B. Types of Weathering

Page 13: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

3. Biological Weathering


Soils: B. Types of Weathering

Page 14: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

"The threat of nuclear weapons and man's ability to destroy the environment are really alarming. And yet there are other almost imperceptible changes - I am thinking of the exhaustion of our natural resources, and especially of soil erosion - and these are perhaps more dangerous still, because once we begin to feel their repercussions it will be too late." (p144 of The Dalai Lama's Little Book of Inner Peace: 2002, Element Books, London)

Soils: C. Erosion

Page 15: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

1. Water

The rain drop on impact with the soil throws small particles into the air. Flowing water then picks these soil

particles up and carries them away.

Soils: C. Erosion

Page 16: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

1. Water

An unprotected crop field severely eroded after a rain storm. Much of the good top soil has washed to the bottom of the field. Other amounts have washed down into an adjacent stream.

Soils: C. Erosion

Page 17: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

2. Wind

With wind erosion, dry soil particles are dislodged by other blowing soil particles. The

1930's photo depicts a town soon to be enveloped by a giant dust storm.

Soils: C. Erosion

Page 18: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

2. Wind

With wind erosion, dry soil particles are dislodged by other blowing soil particles. The

1930's photo depicts a town soon to be enveloped by a giant dust storm.

Soils: C. Erosion

Page 19: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

3. Ice

Large rock being moved by an Alpine glacier. The figure on the right is almost 6 feet tall

Soils: C. Erosion

Page 20: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

3. Ice Soils: C. Erosion

Page 21: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

3. Ice Soils: C. Erosion

Page 22: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

1. Mineral: 44% - 49%

2. Organic: 1% - 6%

3. Soil Water: 25%

4. Soil Air: 25%

Soils: D. Soil Components by Volume

___% pore ___ % solid50 50

Page 23: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Relative Size Comparison of Soil Particles

Soils: E. Classification by Particle Size

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Relative Size Comparison of Soil Particles Barrel

Sand (feels gritty)

(2.00 - 0.05 mm, USDA) (2.00 - 0.02 mm, ISSS)



(feels floury) (0.05 - 0.002 mm, USDA) (0.02 - 0.002 mm, ISSS)



(feels sticky) (< 0.002 mm, USDA) (< 0.002 mm, ISSS)

Soils: E. Classification by Particle Size

Page 25: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soil Components How Soil Particle Size and Surface Area Affect

water holding capacity.

Soils: E. Classification by Particle Size

Page 26: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: E. Classification by Particle Size

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Component H2O Holding Capacity Aeration Fertility




Physical Nature of soil separates.

Low None

Poor High

Low Good None



Soils: F. Physical Nature of Soil Separates

Page 28: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: G. Soil Texture Define: The percentage of sand, silt and clay that a soil consists of.

H. Define Loam Soil: Approximately equal amounts of sand, silt and clay.

Page 29: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC


Page 30: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: I. Soil Solution Define: The liquid phase of soil & the dissolved solutes that are in it.

J. Soil Air: The gaseous phase of soil. The relative mixtures of O2, N2, and CO2

Page 31: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: K. Soil pH 1. Define pH: degree of acidity or alkalinity.

Increased acidity (High H+ concentrations)

Increased alkalinity (Low H+ concentrations)


Range of pH for soils common in Arid regions (S.W. Deserts)

Range of pH for soils common in Humid regions (typical Midwest & East Coast)

Extreme pH for acid peat soils (as in Peat Bog)

Attained only by alkali mineral soils (Utah Salt Flats, Nevada)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Page 32: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: K. Soil pH 2. pH Scale

Page 33: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: K. Soil pH 3. Humus

The dark residue remaining after the complete decomposition of organic matter.

Page 34: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: K. Soil pH 4. Why is soil pH so important? a. Soil pH & nutrient uptake

Clay or Humus Particle


Na+ Mg+





Cations from particles exchange with cations in soil solution.

Ion exchange

Ion exchange Roots pickup

cations from soil solution.

•Nutrient uptake and microbial activity depends on soil pH.

Page 35: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: K. Soil pH 4. pH Scale

b. What is the ideal pH for microbial activity and nutrient availability and uptake?

Page 36: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: K. Soil pH Plant adaptation to acid soil

Page 37: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: II. Soil Problems A. Acid Soils

1. Define: excessive amts. Of hydrogen ions [H+] that interfere with normal plant growth & development.

2. Amendments used to cure acid condition.


CaCO3 + H+ CO2 + H2O + Ca++

CaCO3●MgCO3+ H+ CO2 + H2O + Ca+++ Mg++


To Raise Soil One Unit of pH

Hydrated Lime Dolomite Ground


Light Soil 100 sq. ft

11/2 pounds 2 pounds 2 1/2

pounds Heavy Soil 100 sq. ft.

3 1/2 pounds

5 1/2 pounds 6 pounds

Page 38: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: II. Soil Problems B. Saline soil

2. Sources of salt: a. Evaporation of water. b. Geological deposits of salt.

3. Remedies for saline soils: a. Use higher quality water. b. Deep water (flush). c. Deep plow. d. Grow salt tolerant crops; like alfalfa & cotton.

1. Define: contains excessive amts. of water soluble salts that interfere with normal plant growth & development.

Page 39: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: II. Soil Problems C. Alkali soils

1. Define: Excessive amounts of Na (sodium) that interfere with plant growth and development.

2. Remedies for alkali soil: a. Soil sulfur or b. Gypsum (CaSO4)

Soil sulfur.

To Lower Soil One Unit of pH

Soil Sulfur

Ammonium Sulphate

Iron Sulphate

Light Soil 100 sq. ft

1/2 pounds

2 1/2 pounds

3 pounds

Heavy Soil 100 sq. ft.

2 pounds

6 1/2 pounds

7 1/2 pounds

Page 40: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: II Soil Problems D. Caliche or hardpan

1. Limestone fused with gravel and rock by evaporation of water. 2. Characteristic of soils south of the Mogollon Rim. 3. Impenetrable to roots.

Page 41: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: III. Cryptobiotic Soil A. What is cryptobiotic soil?

1. Means “hidden life”. 2. Crust on the surface of the soil that consists of numerous

microbe species.

Scabby crust common in the Sonoran Desert.

Page 42: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: III. Cryptobiotic Soil B. Importance of cryptobiotic soil.

1. Increases fertility. 2. Slows runoff of rain (increases soil moisture and stabilizes the soil. 3. Protects against erosion. 4. Affects abundance, diversity, and health of plant species.

Page 43: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: III. Cryptobiotic Soil C. How are human’s activities negatively affecting cryptobiotic crusts?

1. People, cattle, and vehicles crush the crust. 2. Squashed crust produces less nitrogen and


Page 44: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: III. Cryptobiotic Soil D. How can we manage cryptobiotic soil?

1. Drive only on developed roads & jeep trails. 2. Hike on established trails. 3. Camp in a minimized zone of impact.

Page 45: No Slide Titlelarur76621/b105common/images/Section 05 Soil slides.pdfA. Define soil: product of nature having both depth and surface area, resulting from both DESTRUCTIVE and SYNTHETIC

Soils: III. Cryptobiotic Soil

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Soils: IV. Compost Making A. Compost Pile

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Soils: IV. Compost Making B. Worm Composting