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“No hands up”

Reduce feelings of victimization

Reduce panic in children

Can encourage differentiation

Provides greater opportunity for AFL

Improves attention levels

Important assessment tool

Stops pupils putting their hands up before they have had time to think about the question."

Most able pupils often did not volunteer answers for fear of being labelled as "boffs" or "swots".

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What problems might/ do you encounter

with the no hands up policy?

Please discuss within your group

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Problems you may encounter with the no hands up policy

3 Scenarios

Do you agree with the situation?

Have you seen it happen in your classroom?

What could you do to avoid the situation?

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Student A

Mark is a very quiet and well-behaved student but is essentially very passive in class. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and takes Ritalin to control its symptoms. He never puts his hand up to ask or answer any questions but he does respond if asked. He speaks very quietly and slowly with something of a monotone to his voice but the substance of what he says is very interesting, showing that he has much to contribute to lessons. In the no-hands approach Mark doesn’t get asked very many questions because there is considerable effort needed to hear and understand what Mark is trying to say, and the rest of the class often get restless when he is talking.

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Student B

Tony is very confident and articulate, although what he says is not always accurate or thoughtful. Tony likes to contribute at every opportunity and if he feels that he is not getting his turn then he will start to butt in or sometimes engage in quite disruptive behaviour. Tony tends to get asked more questions than the other students because if he doesn’t get to make a public contribution very regularly then he becomes quite difficult to handle in class.

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Student C

Sarah has lots of interesting ideas to contribute but is very shy and doesn’t like to speak in class. She participates willingly with her classmates but when it comes to choosing someone to give an answer she avoids eye contact. If she is chosen then she presents herself reasonably confidently although sometimes relies on the rest of her group to help her out. Sarah tends to answer less questions than the rest of the class because she is skilled in avoiding being chosen.

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Some approaches to use

with no hands up

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Don’t forget the cuddly toy!!!

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Phone a friend!

Ask one of them, but let them "phone a friend" (ie ask someone else) and then get them to repeat the answer their 'friend' has provided.


Can you give me pi to 5 decimal places


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Provide alternatives

"Johnny, was Magna Carta signed in 1215 or 1915?" or "Before or after the Domesday Book?"

If you have ICT resources, a Powerpoint slide with alternatives

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Flooding occurs when

a.Glaciers melt

b.It rains

c.A river bursts its banks

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Make it blindingly obvious!

"Magna Carta was signed in 1215 at Runnymead. Where was it signed, Jenny?"

When they get into answering, when they perhaps feel less threatened, it opens up the opportunities for them to risk other answers in a 'can-do' culture.

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White boards

Use mini whiteboards for them to write their answers on and hold up, This way they all have to make a response and you get to choose who gets to give an answer while also being able to check who needs extra support.

There are different ways you can interpret this methods.

Lets have a go and I will show you

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Marker pens at the ready!Question 1 (Boards hidden from everyone)Name one type of saw that you can use in a resistant materials lesson

Question 2 (Boards hidden from peers)What is photosynthesis?

Question 3 (Boards displayed to all)

Which of these was not a cause of Hitler's rise to power? A.Hitler was given power in a seedy political deal.

B.Hitler was voted into power after a number of successful election campaigns.

C.The world economic depression created poverty and anger, which made people angry with the government.

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The teacher should ask the class a question

When the children have an answer, they should indicate this to the teacher by nodding their head

(rather than calling out, or putting up their hands)

The child can be chosen at random to answer the question

When the child has stated his / her answer, the teacher should call out "Thumb Up! Thumbs Down!". The rest of the class should put their

thumbs UP if they think the answer is correct, and their thumbs DOWN if they think it is incorrect

So lets have a go!

If I was playing in a game of rugby and my team scored a try, a conversion & a penalty how many points would we have?

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Or try

Instead of the teacher asking a question and getting children to answer, the teacher makes a statement

e.g. 6 x 5 is 30.

The children work it out and give the teacher the thumbs up (if they think the statement is true) or thumbs down (if they think the statement is false).

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These questioning techniques can also be

effective strategies for implementing AFL into your classroom

Traffic Lights & No hands up

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Relating this back to thinking & learning

It is important when using these techniques that you give students time to think

For Example;

1 minute to jot down their answer, 30 seconds to discuss with a neighbour, 20 seconds to share with two others, then share with the class.

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Any finally,

– A way that we can combine no hands up, questioning techniques, AFL and thinking and learning is instead of worrying about setting our learning outcomes why not focus on setting key questions

Setting Key questions 1.30