Download - NO. 37 22/11/2016 · 2016-11-22 · ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 28 SANDHAM STREET ELSTERNWICK 3185 NO. 37 22/11/2016 2016 TERM DATES Term 1 Fri 29 January – Thur 24 March Term

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NO. 37 22/11/2016


Term 1

Fri 29 January – Thur 24 March

Term 2

Mon 11 April – Fri 24 June

Term 3

Mon 11 July – Fri 16 September

Term 4

Mon 3 October – Fri 16 December


26 November (Saturday) St Joseph’s Fete ‘RIO CARNIVAL’

2 December (Friday) SCHOOL CLOSURE

7 December (Wednesday) P&F Meeting & AGM @ 7:30pm

16 December (Friday) Last day of School for 2016 – Dismissal @ 1:00pm

PHONE: 9528 1614 FAX: 9523 0221

Email: [email protected]

Web Site: After School Care: 0417 231 301 (Voicemail/SMS Bookings)

St Joseph’s Saturday 6:30pm

Sunday 9:00am & 10:30am

Holy Cross Sunday 10:00am

TERM 1 2017

Wednesday 1 February – Friday 31 March


Uniforms can no longer be purchased via FlexiSchools

There will be one final sale of uniform after assembly on Friday 9th December. More details

to follow after the Fete.

Hats can still be purchased from the Office for $11.50 (same price as Nicholls)

After the sale, Nicholls will be the only supplier of our uniform.

Thank you

Di Hermus

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26th NOVEMBER 12pm - 6pm

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @sjelst1


Your Fete Check List For This Week

1. Buy Wristbands

Buy Now:

$40 – unlimited rides/activities

$25 – 10 rides/activities

Wristbands purchased on Try-bookings – will be available for collection from the school office THIS WEEK or at the GATE on FETE DAY

The Kates will again be selling wristbands this WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY morning from 8:30am… CASH ONLY

2. Drop Raffle Books back to office

3. Bring In Your Jars Filled With Goodies

4. HELP! Put your name on a List and ask your Rep, “What Can I Do?”

5. BAKE BAKE BAKE – Delivery to the tuckshop area on Friday 25 November or prior to midday on Fete Day

6. Bring in your Garden Goods – Plants, seeds and fresh home-grown produce!

7. Buy Wine – Check your CareMonkey … no brainer!

8. ENJOY! Have an awesome Fete Day! Dear Families & Friends,

Only 4 more sleeps until our big fete, Rio Carnival. The children are so excited in anticipation of this wonderful community celebration. Historically, St. Joseph’s does it like no other, so let’s ensure we all roll up our sleeves, pitch in and make it our best yet!

We hope that most families have now purchased the wristbands for the various rides and activities on the day and returned raffle tickets to the front office. Along with the quality stage performances, the amazing silent and not so silent, auction items will certainly draw great interest on the day. Thank you to those families and local businesses that have so kindly donated to our fete, and the team of mums who have organised and gently encouraged this level of support.

As the energy continues to grow (and perhaps a degree of anxiety) within the community with many parents filtering through the building coordinating drop offs (plants, jars, champagne, popcorn) and discussing finer details for the day, I cannot begin to thank our team enough who have been instrumental in bringing this all together. Whilst the emails remain constant, the tone has always been positive, as parents tweak the layout, preparation and indeed the important pack up schedule. In fear of sounding like a broken record, we continue to encourage as many families as possible to put their hands up and help out over the coming days, it’s not too late and simply cannot be done without your support.

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Whilst there are simply too many to mention, our three Kates (Kate F, Kate S & Kate G) and the P & F have been incredible, investing so many hours into the coordination of this day. This massive task is hard to encapsulate in a newsletter, but rarely goes unnoticed. We’re confident the rewards on the day and acknowledgement on our children’s faces will affirm this significant commitment. Thank you!

Welcome back Mrs Tobin (O’Dowd) after a few weeks away enjoying your precious honeymoon. The children and staff have missed you and enjoyed hearing about your travels and adventures. How interesting being in America for the election? Monday morning, Mrs Tobin dropped into my office and said, “I cannot wait to see the children, I’ve missed them so, so much.”

A special thank you to Mrs Wood and Mrs Quitt who covered Year 4 during this time. We’re so grateful for their combined efforts and providing a vast array of engaging science and learning opportunities for our students over this period. Mrs Quitt continues with her role in the senior school until the end of the year.


Congratulations Mrs Sargent and Year 4S for the terrific assembly on Friday, showcasing the amazing learning over the term. The students were fantastic and the script and content reflected the capabilities of this cohort. Gently influenced by their teacher, this was their work!


In the past 12-18 months we have unfortunately had a few mishaps on the playground requiring slings and the application of non-perishable first aid supplies. The school generally applies a custom $25 sling or ice pack under these circumstances. We ask if these could please be returned as soon as possible. Although not overly expensive, many ice packs have also gone home. Last count 50+ missing this year. Over time, this all adds up.


This week, Mrs Moore and I will meet with each team to look over the student assessment data, particularly in relation to their achievement standards. This is a great opportunity to reflect upon, and celebrate, the student growth this year. Lots to celebrate at St. Joseph’s! Thanks Mrs Pepper and Mrs Nugent for assisting all staff with this valuable practice.


Well done and thanks Mrs Sargent & Miss Cauchi for finalizing the two Prep classes for next year. The balance across both grades has been well considered and we have many excited students and families looking forward to the New Year. It’s been pleasing to see many pre-school faces at the weekly assembly supporting this transition.

All classes for next year are being drafted and these will be confirmed on our ‘moving up day’ in early December. Interestingly, some schools do not release their lists until the first day of the school year.


Next week, I will confirm all staffing for 2017 and the new arrangements with our before and after school care programs. Both these programs will be offered again next year, and we are exploring options for a holiday program to support our working families with our new provider. An information evening will be run by the provider to outline the program and explain the convenient and user friendly online parent portal for all bookings and payments. This will greatly assist with the administration and convenience of this program for our families.

Only 4 more sleeps,

Simon Collis Principal Important afterthoughts… 7:10am Monday and Tuesday morning, the Wilcox family tending to the plants and garden supplies for the fete on the front verandah. Amazing!

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Next year we will be introducing ‘Coding Club’ as an extra-curricular option for our students. This will run each Thursday during recess and lunch, and will cost $12 per student for each session. The Coding Club will be available for Year 2 to Year 6. We are thrilled to have ‘Code-It!’ working at St. Joseph’s to provide this opportunity - please see the attached flier for more information, and guidelines on how to enrol your child. As always, first come, first served!

Computer Coding Club St Joseph’s Elsternwick is

excited to partner with Code-IT! to introduce computer coding

every Thursday at school during recess. Code-IT! is familiar to

many of our kids who already do afternoon and holiday classes.

Your child can make their screen time productive and create their

own computer game or animation.

Grades 2-6

Cost: $12 per week

Billing done by St Joseph’s

All equipment is provided

Limited Places – book now Contact Ms. Michelle Moore: [email protected]

Also, a heads up regarding our 2017 school production (details of which show to be announced next year). More details of how this will roll out will be shared next year, but there will be an expectation that those Year 5 and 6 students who take on main roles will have rehearsal times mainly outside of class time (ie lunch/ recess/ after school). All other grades will be involved in just one scene as ensemble groups. The production will take place at The Auditorium at Glen Eira Town Hall on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th September, which is the last week of Term 3, so please hold back on booking the family holiday for those days! Have a great week everyone and looking forward to a wonderful community celebration on Saturday! Thanks to all parents who have contributed to make this such an amazing event for St. Joseph’s! Michelle Moore [email protected]


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Do you have some fantastic books at home that are no longer needed or used?

Are you wondering where you could donate them and know they would be loved as much as you loved reading them with your child?

We would love your good quality books!!! St. Joseph’s would appreciate any books that are good quality, very good condition and still with lots of joy to bring. We would like to build our classroom libraries in 2017 and your contribution would really help.

We would like any;

Quality picture story books Fiction or nonfiction books Mini-series e.g. Hey Jack, Billy B. Brown, Zac Power etc Junior novels e.g. Boy vs Beast Novels Comic Cartoon books

It would be greatly appreciated if you could drop your books in the boxes outside Mrs Pepper’s office before Monday 12th December 2016.

Thanking you all in anticipation. Regards, Geraldine Pepper

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St Joseph’s


Energy School of

the Year 2016

A huge congratulations to the St Joseph’s

community and our Year 6 Environment

Leaders. We have won Energy Primary

School of the Year 2016. On Friday 11th

November we went to the iMax theatre and

Melbourne Museum to take part in the 2016

ResourceSmart Schools Awards.

The leaders, Mr Collis and I

participated in workshops at the museum and an amazing

awards ceremony that somewhat resembled the Logies. Energy

Primary School of the Year was the first award to be announced,

we were very nervous and excited. As the winner was

announced, the girls let out a shrill of excitement. It was a

marvellous day and a wonderful testament to the hard work and

dedication of, not only the leadership team, but the students and

entire community. Well done St Joe’s. Next stop ResourceSmart

School of the Year 2017!

Bottle Cap Mural

We are taking part in the Glen Eira Council’s Bottle Cap Mural

Project. Each school taking part in the project will be provided

with a section of the mural and once completed the sections

will be linked together to make a great visual display. They will

be exhibited at Glen Eira’s Party in the Park on February 19th

2017 at Princes Park in Caulfield South and other possible


We will be collecting plastic bottle caps of every colour, shape and size to complete the project.

Please place them in the collection box outside Year 2R.

Claire Ryle

Sustainability Leader

[email protected]

St Joe’s section of the mural

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Plant, Fresh Produce and Gardening Stall

PLANTS TO SELL: This year for the fete we are hoping that EACH FAMILY will donate a plant to sell at the school plant stall. You can either grow something yourself or buy a plant from a nursery, the supermarket or hardware shop. Plant donations can be left on the school front verandah (in front of Mr Collis's office). Please DO NOT bring your plant donations until the WEEK of the FETE. You can start bringing in your family’s donations from MONDAY 21st NOVEMBER until the day of the fete, OR you can drop your plant donation early on the day of the fete (Saturday 26th November) directly to the plant stall. In the past we have found that the most popular plants to sell are herbs, veggies, succulents and pretty flowering plants. It would be great if your plant has an identifying tag on it- especially if you have grown it yourself. Thankyou in advance.


On the day of the fete, we will also be selling fresh, home-grown garden produce. So if you have any fruit (eg. lemons, limes or rhubarb) or vegetables (eg. zucchinis, tomatoes) or herbs (bunches of parsley, rosemary, lavender, mint or bay leaves) that you are happy to donate - it would be marvellous! Once again, due to their perishable nature, fresh produce is best donated on Friday the 25th of November (on school front verandah) or early on the day of the fete directly to the plant stall. Thank you!

JOEY’S GREEN THUMBS: JARS, SEEDS AND POTTING MIX DONATIONS WANTED PLEASE This year at the plant stall, kids and adults can plant up their very own green-house garden, for the cost of three dollars ($3). Participants will be able to plant seeds in “green-house” jars to take home with them. We would love donations of clean glass or plastic jars. Please make sure that your jars are label free, have lids and large enough openings for children's hands to reach into them. Also donations of seeds (like bean seeds) and bags of potting mix would be much appreciated! Donations of jars, seeds and potting mix can be left at the school’s front office or in the boxes (near the notice board) in the tuckshop foyer area Direct any enquiries to Wesley Wilcox or Jane Blight-Wilcox (or Abbey Wilcox - Grade 6E) on 9532 - 4995 or at their shop just around the corner from school (Blight Shoe Repairs - 405 Glenhuntly Rd, Elsternwick)

Happy Gardening! Thanks again, the Wilcox Clan (Wes, Jane, Bridie & Abbey)

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A Catholic education for boys.

De La Salle College is offering bursaries to students in Years 7 to 12 in 2018. The purpose of all bursaries offered by De La Salle College is to provide a Catholic secondary education to students of families who would otherwise not be able to afford one. For this reason all bursaries are means tested and applicants will be asked to provide current financial documentation. Preference will be given to families with greater financial need. Applications are now open, closing on Friday 17 February 2017. Visit the bursaries page on our website for full details. Please contact the Registrar on (03) 9508 2186 if you would like to enquire further. 1318 HIGH ST MALVERN PH: (03) 9508 2100 EMAIL: [email protected]


I’m a local, 19 year old Monash University Science student and swimming instructor. I have a Working With Children’s Check, first aid certificate, driver’s licence and car. I have flexible hours, so feel free to contact me to get more information.

Rachel Bainbridge Mobile number: 0405 270 827 Email: [email protected]

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TERM FOUR – 2016

Assembly: Year 1D Principal’s Award: Bringing a great attitude to learning and class

Week 8 NOV 25 Fri Assembly

26 Sat Rio Carnival – FETE @ 12:00-6:00pm

Assembly: Year Principal’s Award:



28 Mon School Captain Speeches for 2017

29 Tue

30 Wed P&F AGM @ 7:00pm

DEC 1 Thur Student Move Up Program

2 Fri SCHOOL CLOSURE (Staff Planning & Handovers for 2017)

Assembly: Year Principal’s Award:


5 Mon Year 4 Camp Year 3 Camp

6 Tue Board and P&F End of Year Soiree

7 Wed Parent Helpers’ Morning Tea P&F AGM

8 Thur Year 3 Camp

9 Fri END OF YEAR MASS @ 3:00PM & BBQ @ 4:00-7:00pm

Assembly: Year Principal’s Award:



13 Tue

14 Wed Reports home

15 Thur



2017 SCHOOL YEAR COMMENCES Wednesday 1 February 2017