Download - No. 1 October 26 th - November 02 nd 2015 Year X No. 44 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information.

Page 1: No. 1 October 26 th - November 02 nd 2015 Year X No. 44 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information.

No. 1October 26th - November 02nd


Year X No. 44

This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in this report is obtained from different sources, including the evaluation made by our risk consultants. This report doesn’t warrantee any risk control. PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA., is nor responsible for the accuracy of the facts here described, the opinions or comments expressed in the report don’t express the company position.

Colombia Weekly Security Report

Page 2: No. 1 October 26 th - November 02 nd 2015 Year X No. 44 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information.

2. Hith Level2. Hith Level

3. Medium Level3. Medium Level

4. Low Level4. Low Level

1. Critical Level1. Critical Level

HIGH ALERT LEVEL. It is used to indicate significantly high threat areas such as points and sectors that have reported actions and attacks by illegal armed groups, or in which the active presence of the same is reported.

ALERT LEVEL MEDIUM. It is used in situations in which it is known of the presence of illegal armed groups, but under the current conditions of analysis, are not perceived as a direct threat not recorded activity and the area is controlled by the police.

ALERT LEVEL LOW. The level of alertness Under implies that the threats are assessed as relatively identifiable, it feels normal and security in the area, with a minimum level of risk.

WARNING LEVEL CRITICAL. It is used to indicate the presence of emergency events that involve being alert and insecurity terrorist actions. The critical level for violent actions continued and active presence of groups is characterized by illegal.

Colombia Risk Colombia Risk Map Map

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Summary of the week:

How was the political map in Colombia after the regional elections?

In regional and local elections, statistics give more votes to the ruling Partido de la U (U party), however, the supremacy of this formula is competing with emerging forces like Cambio Radical (radical change), driven by Vice President German Vargas Lleras, who already begins to aspire to the presidency in 2018.According to the President Juan Manuel Santos’ party report, in these elections doubled the regional representation if it is contrasted with the elections four years ago, but not in the crucial political areas of Colombian politics.However, media highlights that the greatest achievement of these elections is that they were peaceful in a country which has suffered an armed conflict for more than fifty years. The impact of the peace process between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Havana was evident, although a person died during the election day in a confrontation with the ELN. The most frequent complaints during the elections were electoral transhumance and vote-buying, a recurrent practice in that country, according to reports of the Mission of Electoral Observation (MOE). In total, 68 people were arrested for these crimes and 50 of them were candidates, explained the State Prosecutor's Office. Analysis of several Colombian media, including Semana magazine and El Tiempo newspaper, also highlight the Colombia’s Vice-President engagement in the political scene, having won seven governorships and six mayors capital with own candidates, in addition to the successes achieved in coalition with opposition parties to the Juan Manuel Santos’ government, such as Democratic Centre. While Santos’ party won the governorships of Valle del Cauca, Córdoba, Cesar, Norte de Santander, Caldas, Arauca, and Vichada, Lleras - and their alliances--won La Guajira, Magdalena, Huila, Cundinamarca, Sucre, Amazons and Vaupés governorships.Lleras managed to position himself in several important cities of the Colombian coast which are, by tradition, the ones that "define" presidential elections. The so-called "jewel in the Crown" was also Lleras’. It's Bogotá city which returned to the hands of the Right-wing party with Enrique Peñalosa, after being driven for twelve years by the left-wing party. In addition, Cambio Radical was the most voted party for the Council and became the first political force in the Colombian capital with 14 seats, said Semana. The loser was Álvaro Uribe. His party, Centro Democratico, aspired three governorships and four municipal governments in main cities, but only the governorships of Casanare and Tolima won, the latter in coalition. The former President’s candidates lost the elections for Municipality of Medellin and Manizales, that were supposed to be the bastions.However, the triumph of the Uribe’s candidate in Casanare "implies a huge challenge" for the Government of Santos, because that Department is "priority for the peace talks”, considered Semana, alluding to the fierce opposition of Uribe to the development of negotiations with the FARC in Havana.

Projections:• The permanent alert about El Niño phenomenon continues as it has aggravated the drought faced by some regions of Colombia and at the same time it has increased the risk of more wildfires due to increased temperatures, said the Institute Of Hydrology, Meteorology And Environmental Studies (IDEAM last Monday.•Meeting of outgoing and incoming governors in Villavicencio, 32 governors-elect and 32 outgoing. President Juan Manuel Santos will be in the meeting celebrated on 12th and 13 th November.


Page 3: No. 1 October 26 th - November 02 nd 2015 Year X No. 44 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information.

Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups

Caribbean RegionCaribbean Region


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INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide)

San José de Ure (Córdoba) October 27: Battalion of the Eleventh Brigade managed to find a cove with 15.755 grams of pasta base of coca in Versailles village.

Morales (Bolívar) October 27: A cross fire occurred in the evening at Morales municipality, Southern Bolívar department by ELN) guerrillas.

Pailitas (Cesar) October 27: The National Army operations allowed the arrest of three persons and the seizure of hallucinogens ready for commercialization, in Los Llanos, jurisdiction town.

The border point at Paraguachón has been opened. The measure is temporary and runs to clear the accumulation of cargo trucks at this border zone with Venezuela. Close to 10 o'clock on Wednesday, the Colombian border with Venezuela was partially reopened in order to allow trucks of each side to continue their journey. The temporary re-opening decision was taken by the Venezuelan Government. However, the border will remain closed as the Venezuelan Supreme Court recently ratified. Other interesting facts were presented:

•The users of the “Via al Mar” between Cartagena and Barranquilla, reported on Wednesday the dangerous practice by inhabitants of Lomita Arena (Bolivar) of asking for money which happens year after year, by this time.•The closing of the Tayrona Park for thirty days during the month of November is a blow to the livelihood for some people, but for indigenous people is due to the need of a break to the territory and also a spiritual service to the ecosystem.•More than $1,600 million have been given by the Government to victims of the conflict in Magdalena. •There are still long queues in Valledupar to fill up the gas tanks.•The Hospital in Maicao has been temporarily closed.•Municipalities such as Moñitos, Puerto Escondido, Los Cordobas, San Bernardo del Viento, San Antero, Lorica and San Pelayo rose early to go to the polls. On November 2nd it was reported that elections were quiet in 7 municipalities of Cordoba, which were “pointed” last week by the director of the police, general Rodolfo Palomino, for alleged connections between some would-be mayors with the criminal gang Clan Usuga even when the eyes of the National Police authorities were focused in those towns.•UniGuajira is going to strike for lack of payment to teachers.•Hernando David Guerra Barahona, 31 years old, was kidnapped by five men who broke into his ranch in rural area of the municipality of Astrea. The police is trying to rescue the rancher Backed by a helicopter and operational field, police looking for safely rescuing the rancher.

Page 4: No. 1 October 26 th - November 02 nd 2015 Year X No. 44 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information.

Pacific RegionPacific Region

Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide)

Tadó (Choco) October 26: The ELN guerrillas triggered a minefield to the passage of the troops of the 15th Army Brigade, where four of his men were wounded, which were evacuated to Quibdó.

San Sebastián (Cauca) October 26: The subversive Front José María Becerra attacked for more than 30 minutes the Police unit of this municipality in the South of the Department. Victims in these incidents were discarded.

La Sierra (Cauca) October 26: Supporters of former candidate for mayor of that municipality, Eduardo Tróchez, did not withstand the delivered results and determined take way of fact and incinerate the Registry Office located in the village.

Tumaco (Nariño) October 27: Supporters of the candidate to major, Diego Angulo, conducted a demonstration up to the building and threw stones, among other objects.

Samaniego (Nariño) October 26: Troop of the third Division was in a minefield that had been installed by members of the FARC guerrillas’ structure at San Antonio village.

Caloto (Cauca) October 26: The National Army troops found several explosive devices in the area known as Campo Alegre, La Plaça village, which apparently belonged to the FARC.

Tadó (Choco) October 29: Operations carried out by the National Army troops allowed the neutralization of a terrorist act against the troops who sought to pre-empt guerrilla of the ELN at Moindo area.

Itsmina (Choco) Ocober 29: Special Army troops with the support of the National Police seized important war material and communications belonging to Guerra Ernesto Che Guevara SAT-T ELN, after an air raid by the Colombian Air Force on this terrorist structure camp.

El Tambo (Cauca) October 29: The National Army’s 29th Brigade team of explosives and demolitions located and neutralized two explosive devices employed by illegal armed organizations to attempt against the security forces and the civilian population, the explosives belonged to terrorists of the gangs of the ELN Lucho Quintero.

Yacuanquer (Nariño) October 30: Men of the Infantry Battalion N. 9 Batalla de Boyacá, attached to the 3rd Brigade 25th ranked a hideout in which subjects were hiding a gun caliber 7.65 mm, two radios, two meters, a provider, and a hammock, belonging to ELN’s factions of the gang Jaime Toño Obando.

Tambo (Cauca) October 31: Organic troops of the Infantry Battalion General José Hilario López, located three manufacturing mines at Huisito area, belonging to members of the gang Lucho quintero of the ELN.

Pradera (Valle del Cuaca) October 31: In a coordinated, inter-agency work with the Gaula and Sipol of the National Police, troops of the Apollo task force, assigned to the third Division of the National Army arrested alias donkey monkey ringleader of the terrorism network support in the FARC’s moving column Gabriel Galvis.

Imues (Nariño) October 30: The National Police caught in flagrante delicto a subject who transported 15 cardboard boxes in a van with four jars in aluminum, after verifying the content it could corroborate the existence of a substance that resembled the sulfuric acid that apparently was going to be marketed in nine million pesos.

Samaniego (Nariño) October 30: In an operation coordinated between soldiers and the National Police found two plant nursery with approximately 30,000 bushes of coca that belonged to the Comuneros South front of the ELN..

Tambo (Cauca) October 30: National Army troops attached to the twenty ninth Brigade found a laboratory used for processing coca paste base, according to research this material belonged to the ELN Lucho Quintero terrorists gang.

Cali (Valle del Cauca) October 30: Members of the Technical Investigation Body (CTI) of Cali and the National Police caught 18 people, five of them in flagrante delicto, who belonged to the criminal gang known as ‘Los de H', '40' or ‘Los 40', dedicated to execute killings and drug trafficking.

Samaniego (Nariño) November 1: Soldiers of the Pegasus Task Force found a rustic lab valued in approximately 700 million pesos, belonging to the ELN’s Jose Luis Cabrera Ruales company. This coca complex capable of producing two tons of cocaine hydrochloride was destroyed in a controlled way by troops of the National Army.

Communities call for a public hearing about the energy mining g in Cauca. With the purpose of enabling a space through which communities can report the consequences generated by the expansion of extractive projects and the Affectations of the locomotive energy miner in various areas of Cauca; social organizations of this Department convened a public hearing on November 27 th at the Centro Deportivo Universitario - CDU-in Popayan.

Other interesting facts were presented:

•Freight and passenger transportation in Nariño enters a new the Government launched key works that will facilitate the economic development of the region.•Increase in suicides of about 67% recorded by the authorities of Pasto, in comparison to the year 2014, as it was announced by the Commander of the Metropolitan Police of Pasto.•Indigenous ask for the transfer of Feliciano Valencia. The indigenous leader meets a sentence of 18 years in prison at San Isidro de Popayan.•More than 900 affected by Avalanche in Guapi (Cauca). The fact was submitted to four hours of the urban seat of the municipality, Coordinator of the Emergency Committee of Guapi (Cauca), Sixto Orobio, confirmed that it arose a flood that brought the water level up to the home’s roofs at San Francisco and Napi villages.•Rescued baby kidnapped in Cartago, Valle del Cauca. The youngest of eight days old was abducted from his mother's arms.•Indigenous people of northern Cauca will symbolic activities to commemorate the first anniversary of two guards of Toribio’s death, who were killed by FARC guerrillas in November 2014.•Afros and indigenous people in Chocó: "Let's reclaim what we deserve, a dignified life" "If the Government is not committed, in 2016 we will stop".

Page 5: No. 1 October 26 th - November 02 nd 2015 Year X No. 44 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information.

Orinoquia RegionOrinoquia Region

Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide)

Mesetas (Meta) October 26: Troops of the Land Combat Battalion N.18 located and destroyed a hotbed with 5,000 coca leaf shrubs belonging to terrorists of the FARC’s gang Jacobo Arenas.

Cumaribo (Vichada) October 27: The special Brigade against drug trafficking were able to catch two members of the FARC’s 16 front in the municipality of Cumaribo.

Arauca (Arauca) October 29: National Army troops managed the seizure of a rustic laboratory involving members of the Pedro Martinez front of the ELN, for the processing of coca. The action was recorded in the village rural are.

Arauquita (Arauca) October 29: The development of offensive operations by the Army, allowed the defeat of different criminal actions by the ELN, seeking to affect directly against the civilian population, the Security Forces and the strategic assets of the nation.

Arauca (Arauca) October 29: Gaula group of Arauca and the Infantry Battalion N ° 52 caught the two suspects of kidnapping an airplane of the Saviare company, which had to land in the airport emergency Santiago Pérez Quiroz of Arauca.

Puerto Concordia (Meta) October 30: The National Army caught three individuals and seized important warfare material, communications, administration and two vehicles. This material belonged to the Bloque Meta’s organized crime structure.

Colombian authorities prevented an apparent kidnapping attempt of a light aircraft belonging to Saviare company by two unidentified persons when it flew by the Department of Arauca bordering Venezuela, said the Civil Aeronautics.The plane, with HK-5058 registration, and whose model was not specified, had departed from Villavicencio, capital of Meta Department, and was heading to Arauca, capital of the Department of the same name, with a stopover in the town of Hato Corozal (Casanare).

Other interesting facts were presented:

•The attention of the authorities of Meta Departmenta is set on Mapiripan, remoteness, Guamal and San Martin, where last Sunday night were public nuisance by riots and unreasonable claims of supporters of candidates who lost during the elections.•The 32 elected governors and the 32 outgoing in the country will come to Villavicencio. The visit will also have President Juan Manuel Santos on November 12 th and 13th.•To six years in prison was condemned in Bogota alias "Kike", Chief Financial Officer of the criminal gang Bloque Meta. He was accused of being behind the extortion to ranchers and merchants in Los Llanos Orientaless.•The National Army troops seized 450 kilos of black sand with a high concentration of metal tantalum, titanium, niobium, iron, aluminium and Silicon in the Department of Vichada. The soldiers found the loading on a truck which is mobilized by means of inspection of new Antioch, in the municipality of La Primavera. The seized material was contained in nine packages and it is presumed that it is product of the illegal mining that criminal gangs operating in the region.•John Jairo Torres, better known as "John Calzones" by having sold underwear in the past, was elected Mayor of the town of Yopal, in oil region of the Llanos Orientales, 34,33% of votes (24,515), according to the first official count of the election. Torres was arrested on 14 October last by "alleged illegal urbanization" in Yopal, reported at the time the Prosecutor's Office, which can lead to a sentence of 10 years in prison.

Page 6: No. 1 October 26 th - November 02 nd 2015 Year X No. 44 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information.

Amazon RegionAmazon RegionEvents against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide)

Doncello (Caquetá) October 26: Troops of the Infantry Battalion managed the location and destruction of an abandoned camp by guerrillas of the FARC, located in Las Delicias village.

San José del Guaviare (Guaviare) October 27: Organic troops of the 2nd Brigade 25th located a antipersonnel mine in the rural area of the San José del Guaviare town.

Morelia (Caquetá) October 28: The Gaula military of the Sixth Division of the National Army managed to catch alias 'La India' and another subject identified with the alias of 'Gustavo' from the terrorist FARC’s 46th southern front.

Cartagena del Chaira (Caquetá) October 29: The National Army reported that four subversives, apparently from the FARC’s 14th front, were killed in fighting with Army troops in a rural area of the municipality Cartagena del Chairá.

Cartagena del Chaira (Caquetá) October 30: Troops of the Moving Brigade N. 6 of the Cauguan specific command located a clandestine warehouse where explosives, ammunition and quartermaster material were hidden by the terrorist FARC’s 14 southern front.

Orito (Putumayo) October 27: Effective twenty seventh brigade reported the discovery and destruction of the illegal structures, where pasta coca base was processed. The laboratory belonged to the FARC’s 48 gang.

Puerto Rico (Caquetá) October 28: The Infantry Battalion troops managed the neutralization of a laboratory belonging to FARC’s structures that offenders in vicinity of La Oquidea trail.

Leticia (Amazonas) October 31: Police members in coordination with the branch of Criminal investigation (SIJIN) seized a cove where a large quantity of narcotics was hidden.

Leticia (Amazonas) November 1: The National Police reported that the authorities placed a Cove where a significant amount of narcotic drugs was hidden. "At the site were found about 93 capsules in latex with approximately a kilo of cocaine valued at nine billion pesos, 28 packages with 14 kilos of pressed marijuana and cash that masqueraded as construction material", communicated the entity.

Six agreements related to planning, education, border, public sector and sports were signed by the Governments of Colombia and Peru, during the second Bilateral meeting that took place in Medellin.The President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, announced that, together with Peru and Brazil, created a program unprecedented to protect the Amazon shared by the three countries and avoid effects due to climate change. There will be an investment of 600 million dollars, of which 113 million dollars will be provided by the Global Environment Fund. The program includes the management of nature reserves, land use and restoration of vegetation cover.

Other interest ing facts were presented:

•Vias Para La Equidad 070 Consortium will make the works related to the improvement and paving of 24 km of the South corridor, San Miguel - Santa Ana, in the Department of Putumayo. The general director of INVIAS informed that the Institute awarded by a proposal for a value of $115.278’067.551 to the consortium consisting of CASS construction & CIA SCA (50%, Colombia) and Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte (50%, Colombia), then assess 14 offers received, 11 national and 3 international, on September 24th. These works will facilitate the interconnection between the departments of Putumayo, Caqueta and Huila to the center of the country, which will energize the binational trade between Colombia, Ecuador and said Garcia Montes. Also, this project will reduce the times thus motivate oil exploitation, agricultural and tourism development in the region.

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Events against the civil society Events against the Public ForcesEvents against infrastructureActions related with drug traffickingActions against Illegal Armed Groups


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Andean RegionAndean Region


INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide)

Guican (Boyacá) October 26: 12 soldiers were killed in an attack by alleged members of the ELN guerrillas in rural area of Guican, Boyacá. During the facts several civilians also disappeared, according to intelligence sources.

Neiva (Huila) October 27: Illegal groups yet to be set by the authorities in the District of 21st century, close to La Paz, two subject settlement hurled a grenade at a residence. The fact there were no victims only material damage.

Algeciras (Huila) October 28: Illegal groups caused a strong explosion that rocked the center of the municipality of Algeciras, North of Huila and after that, an explosive device was activated against the Church of the municipality.

Garzón (Huila) October 26: Soldiers of the ninth Brigade found a mined area with two explosive devices, in El Recreo village.

Bogotá (Cundinamarca) October 27: Soldiers of the ninth Brigade dismantled a criminal structure dedicated to the theft of car’s parts of cars in the area of Parque Tecer Milenio.

Gramalote (Norte de Santander) October 27: The National Police could establish that in a building explosive devices, ammunition, and quartermaster materia were hidden The RAID was carried out at a house in the village of Mongui.

Guican (Boyacá) October 27: The National Army caught three alleged ELN subversives who would be some of the perpetrators of the massacre of 11 soldiers and a policeman in an indigenous reservation of U'wa.

Guican (Boyacá) October 27: 400 men are involved in one of the most important operations of the Army in recent months. Their targets are the guerrillas of the ELN who murdered the 12 uniformed. The military came in nine helicopters from the military base of Saravena to three municipalities in Arauca and Boyaca boundary.

Baraya (Huila) October 27: Anti-explosive experts managed to destroy in the last hours two mines belonging to terrorist gangs of the FARC in development of registration and military control operations in Rio Negro village.

Algeciras (Huila) October 28: Units of the Army managed the location and destruction of three deadly traps in the Department of Huila. The find was recorded at La Laguna, in the municipality of Algeciras,

Ibagué (Tolima) October 28: After an operation carried out by the police SiIJIN, alias "Giner“ was caught, who had already been prosecuted for crimes of extortion and murder. The capture took place in the District San Antonio.

Bogotá (Cundinamarca) October 29: Police dismantled a gang known as 'The ‘tomaseras' dedicated to the theft downtown Santa Fé Bogotá city.

Rionegro (Santander) October 28: Soldiers of the second Division of the National Army and the CTI managed the location of about 70 kilos of marijuana pressed on this town Misiguay.

Urabá (Antioquia) October 28: The National Police seized 301 kg of cocaine hydrochloride that was camouflaged in boxes of bananas and whose destined was the port of Belgium.

El Tarra (Norte de Santander)October 30: Troops of the Moving Brigade mobile N. 33 at a military checkpoint caught two individuals who apparently had 2.5 kilograms of a substance recognized as coca pasta base.

Teorama (Norte de Santander)October 30: Troops of the Moving Brigade N.33 placed ten rustic laboratories where coca pasta base was produced, belonging to structures dedicated to drug trafficking in Norte de Santander, in the place offenders stored liquid and solid supplies.

Bogotá (Cundinamarca) October 30: Troops of the Battalion of Military Police N. 13, attached to the thirteenth Brigade of the National Army, in coordination with the CTI Bogotá of the General Prosecutor of the nation, managed the seizure of 70 kilograms of narcotic drugs in the South of the capital.

Teorama (Norte de Santander) October 31: Troops of the Moving Brigade N.33 found and destroyed a laboratory that processed alkaloid, used by members of the ELN Hector gang.

Ortega (Tolima) November 1: Troops of the National Army and the CTI against transnational criminal organizations, caught Rogelio Marulanda Marín, main member of a network of organized transnational crime dedicated to drug trafficking in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

El Tarra (Norte de Santander) November 1: Featured thirty Brigade troops found and destroyed a laboratory where alkaloids were processed and used by the ELN’s gang members Heroes del Catatumbo.

At least 357 municipalities of Colombia did not record homicides between January and SeptemberThe Ministry of Defense said that "currently 357 municipalities - which represent 32% of municipalities of Colombia – did not record cases of murder between January and September of 2015, compared with 276 municipalities which had this same trend in 2010". This report stressed that the departments of Boyacá with 76% of its municipalities (93 out of 123); Santander, 70% (61 out of 87 municipalities), and Cundinamarca with 40% of its municipalities (52 out of 116), head the list of regions with the lowest rates of homicide in Colombia.Besides those, Antioquia (with 12 municipalities), Bolívar, Caldas, Atlántico, Cauca and Chocó, among others also appear. The Minister of Defense, Luis Carlos Villegas, said that "this is the lowest murdering rate of the last 35 years, which currently (for September this year) is 19.3 per every 100 thousand inhabitants. Which shows how the cases of killings dropped by 6% between January and September of this year, which means that we saved 554 lives of violent deaths".

Other interest ing facts were presented:

•Transit operation ended in disturbances in Bucaramanga. Clashes between police and drivers became more frequent.•A leader of the Democratic Centre of El Bagre, Antioquia was killed. The President of the Centro Democratico party at El Bagre town, Bajo Cauca de Antioquia, Edison Blanco Correa was killed inside his house.•Suspended activities at the University of Antioquia because of threats.•INVIAS wins contract for works between Boyaca and Norte de Santander.•Seventy two corpses were exhumed at Cimitarra (Santander) cemetery. Commission of Legal Medicine and the Prosecutor's Office seeks the identification of victims of the conflict.•In Tinjacá (Boyaca) the white vote won. They will have to repeat the elections. It also won in Prairie, but there they did elect a representative.•Schemes of land set of laws are strengthen in Cundinamarca.