Download - NIDIII GIIANI'IES LIilIITDI) - REPORT_2016.pdfNIDHI GRANITES LIMITED Resolution Required : (Ordinary) 1 - To



NIDIII GIIANI'IES LIilIITDI)Regd. office:9, Popat Bapa Shopping centre, 2nd Floor, Station Road, santacruz (west),

Mumbai - 400054'

T e\: 022-26 49 IA 40 I 2648548 1 e -mail - pushp raj rd gias b m0 1 .vsninet' in

CIN: L5 1 900MH 198 1 PLC02567 7

1st october, 2016

Corporate Relations Department (Listing)

The BSE Limited

Phiroze JeejeebhoY Towers,

Dalal Street, Fort,

Mumbai- 400 001.


Subject:- Voting Results of 34th Annuat General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on

29th SePtember, 2016.

Dear Sir/Madam,

pursuant to Regulatio n 44 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,

2015, we enclose herewith results of voting (both remote e-voting as well as poll at AGM) in the

prescribed format for the resolutions passed at the 34th Annual General Meeting of the members

of the Company held on Thursday, 29th September,201.6 at 11.00 a.m. at the Registered Office of

the Company at 9, Shopping Centre, Station Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 054'

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.

Yours Sincerely,

For Nidhi Granites Limited

PR^ln*'Ophelia Rodrigues

Chairperson of the 34th Annual General Meeting


Resolution Required : (Ordinary)

1 - To receive, consider and adopt the Financial statements of the company for the Year ended on 31st

March, 2016, including the audited Balance sheet as at 31st March, 2016, the statement of Profit & Loss

for the year ended on that date and the reports of the Board of Directors ("the Board") and Auditors

NOn/hether promoter/ promoter group are interested in

:he asenda/resolution?

Category Mode ofVoting

No. ofshares held

No, ofvotesoolled

% of Votes Polled

on outstandingshares

No. ofVotes - in


No. ofVotes


% of Votes in

favour on votes


% of Votes

against on votes


t1l t2l l3l={l2ll[1,l ]x 100 I4l Isl t5l={t4ll[2]]* 100 [7]={[s]/[2]]* 100

Promoter and Promoter




L09425 24.8L92 L09425 0 100.0000 0.0000

Poll 29103 1 66.0100 29r03r 0 100.0000 0.0000


Ballot 0 0.0000 0 0 0.000t 0.0000

Total 40045€ 90.8292 40045€ 0 100.000c 0.000c

Public lnstitutions



0.0000 0 0 0.000( 0.000c

Poll 0.000c 0 0 0.0000 0.0000


Ballot 0.000c 0 0 0.0000 0.0000

l-otal 0.000c c 0 0.0000 U,UUUU

Public Non lnstitutions



48235 r"5.700s 48235 0 r"00.000c 0.0000

Poll 0 0.000c 0 0 0.0000 0.0000


Ballot 0 0.0000 0 0.000c 0.0000

Total 44235 15.7009 48235 C 100.000c 0.000t

Iotal 750000 44869L s9.8255 44469L c 100.000c 0.000c

, 5 1i ifet NlLttrt v




lesolution Required : (Ordinarv)

2 - To appoint Director in place of Mrs. Nidhi Aggarwal (DlN 00785248) who retires by rotation and being

eligible, offers herselffor re-appointmentTo appoint Director in place of Mrs. Nidhi Aggarwal (DlN

00785248) who retires bv rotation and beins elisible, offers herself for re-appointment.

IJhether promoter/ promoter group are interested in:he aeenda/resolution?


Category Mode olVoting

No. ofshares held

No. of votespolled

% of Votes Polled

on outstandingsha res

No. ofVotes - in


No. ofVotes


% of Votes infavour on votes

polled% of Votes against

on votes polled

1 l2l t3l={l2llt1l}*100 t4l 5 t5l={t4llt2l}*100 t7l ={ Isl /121}+ 100



I09425 24.8792 10942: 0 100.0000 0.000t

Poll 291031 66.0100 291031 0 100.000c 0.0000

3 roupPostal Ballol c 0.000c 0 0.000c 0.0000fotal 400456 90.8292 400454 0 100.000t 0.0000

Public lnstitutions



c 0.000c 0 0.000c 0.0000Poll c 0.000c 0 0.000c 0.0000

Postal Ballot c 0.0000 0 0.000c 0.0000

Total c 0.000c 0 0.000t 0.0000

Public Non lnstitutions

E-Voti ns


48235 15.7009 48235 0 100.000t 0.0000

Poll C 0.000c 0 0.000t 0.0000

Postal Ballot c 0.000c 0 0.0000 0,0000fotal 4823 15.7009 48235 0 100.0000 0.0000

Total 7s0000 448691 59.82s5 448691 100.0000 0.0000






Resolution Required : (OrdinarY)


.^r -^-^--r ^raa+ihd .^.1 i^ ,rlhoriTe the Board to fix their remuneration.

NOWhether promoter/ promoter group are interested in

the agenda/resolution? ,

No. ofVotes


% ofVotes in I

favour on votes l% of votes against

Dolled I on votes Polled

Category Mode ofVoting

No. ofshares held

I % of votes Polled

No. of votesl on outstanding

oolled | ,hrre,

No. ofVotes - in


t1l I2l t3t={l2lll 1l}* 100 t41 Isl t6,l={t4lll2l}* 100 I7 l={lsl/l2l}*100

Promoter and Promoter


E-Voti ns


t0942 24.8192 r09425 100.0000 0.0000

Poll 291031 66.010C 29 103 1 100.0000 0.0000

Postal Ballot 0 0.0000 C 0.000c 0.000c

Total 40045€ 90.8292 400456 100.000( 0.000(

Public lnstitutions



0.000t 0 0 0.000( 0.000(

)oll 0.000( 0 0.000( 0.000(

Postal Ballot 0.000c 0.0000 0.0000

Total 0 0.0000 0 0.000( 0.000(

Public Non lnstitutions

E-Voti ns


48235 15.7009 4823 100.000c 0.000c

Poll 0 0.0000 0 0 0.000( 0.000(

Postal Ballot 0.000t 0 0.000c 0.000c

Total 48235 1s.7009 48235 100.0000

Total 75000( 448697 59.8255 44469L 100.0000 0.0000

ts NtDtit


sRANtI E9 t.iB


Designoted PortnersCS Bhumitro V. Dhol<rkio8.A., L.L.B., C.A.l.l.B, F.C.S.

CS Nrupong B DholokioB.Com., A,C.S., L.L.S'(Gen.) D.C'L', E.P.CORP


Combined Report of Scrutinizer for Remote e-Voting and Poll


Ms. Ophelia RodriguesThe Chairperson of 34th Annual General Meeting of Nidhi Granites LimitedHeld on Thursday, the 2gthSeptember, 2016 at 11,00 a.m. at 9, Shopping Centre, Station Road,

Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 054.

Dear Sir,

l, CS Nrupang B. Dholakia, Designated Partner of M/s. Dholakia & Associates LLP, CompanySecretaries was appointed as a Scrutinizer by the Board of Directors of Nidhi Granites Limited("the Company") pursuant to Sections 108 and 109 of the Companies Act, 20L3 read with Rulesmade thereunder to scrutinize the electronic voting (Remote e-Voting) and the Poll Process forthe resolutions contained in the Notice of 34th Annual General Meeting ("the Meeting") of theCompany, submit my combined report as under:

1'. The Management of the Company is responsible for the compliance of Sections 108 & 109of the Companies Act, 201-3 read with Rules 20 & 21, of the Companies (Management andAdministration) Rules, 201,4 and my responsibility is only to the extent of making a

Scrutinizer's Report for ascertaining the votes cast in favour or against for respectiveResolution.

2. Mr. Rajkumar Thard, Ms. Pushpa Thard, Members, Promoters and Directors andMr. Dattaprasad Kulkarni, Member and Director of the Company vide their letter dated26th September, 2016 requested the Chairperson of the 34th Annual General Meeting of theCompany to disregard/treat invalid their votes cast by way of Remote e-voting as they byoversight selected 'Dissent'option instead of 'Assent'. Since, they are not allowed to modifytheir votes after the same are confirmed, they made the said request to the Chairperson.(Letters are annexed to this report).

3. Ms. Ophelia Rodrigues was appointed as the Chairperson and she allowed the request ofthe aforesaid Members and allowed them to vote by way of Poll at the venue of theMeeting,

disregard/tre d the votes cast by way of Remote e-Voting. (Letter is annexed to thisreport).

Scrutinizer's Report * Combined (Remote e-Votrng and Poll) - Nidhi Granites Limited - 34d'AGM

Regd. Office : N302, KhernagarSarvodayCHS LTD., Bldg , No. 11, Nr. P F Office, Khernagar, M,H.B, Colony, Bandra (E.)Mumbai -400051 Te| +91 2226580309/+91 2226471302Fax +91 2226476280E-mait :[email protected]

M/s Dholakia &Associates a partnership firm has been converted into Dholakia &Associates LLP (a Limited Liability partnership)w.e.f 21st November.2014 LLPTN MC 9552

4. She instructed me to consider the votes of aforesaid Members cast by way of Poll and


5. Hence, as per the instructions of thethe above request was not made,reported below.

Continuation Sheet

Chairperson, I have tabulated the votes accordingly. lfthe voting pattern would have been different then


After the time fixed for the poll by the Chairperson, one (1) empty ballot box kept forpolling was locked in my presence and members who were present.

The locked ballot box was subsequently opened in my presence and in the presence ofMr. Vishvesh G. Bhagat and Mr. Vidyut R. Vasavada who are not in the employment of theCompany' (Declaration attached) The poll papers were diligently scrutinized. The pollpapers were reconciled with the records maintained by the Company and M/s. UniversalCapital Securities Private Limited, Registrar and Transfer Agents of the Company and theauthorizations and proxies lodged with the Company.

8. The poll papers, which were incomplete and / or which were otherwise found defectivehave been treated as invalid and kept separately.

9. The Remote e-Voting commenced on September 25, 2016 (9:OO am IST) and was closed onSeptember 28,2016 (5,00 pm tST).

10. The Remote e-Voting Result was unblocked at Mumbai from the website of M/s. CentralDepository Services (lndia) Limited i.e. after votes cast by poll at theMeeting was counted by me and the Excel File containing the Result was opened in thepresence of Mr. Vishvesh G. Bhagat and Mr. Vidyut R. Vasavada who are not in theemployment of the Company. {Declaration attached)

scrutrnrzer's Report - Combined (Remote e-Voting and Poll) - Nidhi Granites Limited - 34thAGM Page 2 of 13


11' The Combined Resurt (Rernote e-voting + poil) is as under:

I ffithat date and the reports of the Board nf Friror+a, c rtr+L^ D^-.-r,,rthereon.

Number ofMembers whocast vote/pollPapers received

No of Equity Sharesof the NominalValue of Rs. tO/-each {Votes cast}

A. Remote e-VotiTotal Votes received nV -"fu.tro"i.

Less: Total Number of lnvalid tot* 2,9r,031_

Total Number of Valid Votei

TotalVotes received by poli

Less: Total Numbe, of lnurlid Vot",

Total Number of Valid Votes

C. Combined {A+B)Total Votes received bt- ""^i.mode and poll 7,39,722

Less: Total Numb", of tnuJd Vote, 2,91,031

Total Number of Valid Votei


Scrutinizer's Report - Combined EPage 3 of 13


(ii Voted in favour of the resolution:

(ii) Voted against the resolution:

Number of Memberswho cast vote/pollPapers received

Number of Votes castby them

% of total numbervalid votes cast



Number of Memberswho cast vote/pollPapers received

Number of Votesby them

% of total numbervalid votes cast

A. Remote e-Voti

C. Combined (A+B)

Scrutinizer's Report - Cor'bined fO"_Page 4 of 13


Number ofMembers whocast vote/pollPapers received

No of Equity Sharesof the NominalValue of Rs. IOI-each (Votes cast)

A. Remote e-VotingVotes received by electronic

Less: Total Number of lnvalid Votes 2,9I,O37

Totgl Number of Valid Votes

Total Votes received by poll2,91_,031

Less: Total Number of lnvalid Votes

fglal Number of Valid Votes

C. Combined (R+gTotal Votes received bV


mode and poll

Less: Total Number of lnualid Vote, 2,91,031,

Total Number of Valid Votes

Scrutinizer's Report - Combined e"Page 5 of 13


(i) Voted in favour of the resolution:

(ii) Voted against the resolution:

Number of Memberswho cast vote/pollPapers received

Number of Votes castby them

% of total numbervalid votes cast

A:lerng!9!-vgl'ngi,,5i,660) -- 1oo oo

2,9I,O3LC. Combined (A+A)

Number of Memberswho cast vote/pollPapers received

Number of Votes castby them

% of total number ofvalid votes cast

A. Remote e-Voti


NILC. Combined (A+e)

Sr:rutinizer's Report - Combrned (RPage 6 of 13



ditOrs of the Comnanv fn hnlnt nffi-^con this Ann the



a ize the Board to fix their

Number of I No of Equity SharesMembers who I of the Nominalcast vote/poll I Value of Rs. t}l_

- __l Papers tacg_tl1q LSgq!_(yg!"! .qrt)A. Remote e-Voting

4,49,691Total Votes received by*i.

Less: Total Number of lnvalid Votes 2,91,,03'J,

Total Number of Valid Votes

Total Votes received by poll2,91,,031

Less: Total Number of lnvalid Votes

Total Number of Valid Votes 2,gl,o3tC. Combined {A+B

7,39,722Total Votes received by

"t".troni.mode and Poll

Less: Total Number of lnvalid V"t". 2,91,,O3I

Total Number of Valid Votes

Scrutinizer's Report - Combined (R.-Page 7 of 13

DHOI.AKIA & ASS@NTES LLP Continuation Sheet

(i) Voted in favour of the resolution:

(ii) Voted against the resolution:

Number of Memberswho cast vote/PollPapers received

Number of Votes cast

by them%o of total number ofvalid votes cast

A. Remote e-VotingNIL NIL NIL

B. Poll


C. Combined (A+g)


9. A Compact Disc (CD) containing a list of equity shareholders who voted by Poll at theMeeting and who voted 'FOR', "AGAINST" and those whose votes were declared invalid forthe resolution is enclosed.

L0. The aforesaid Combined Report is tabulated on the basis of Acceptance ahd Rejectionprovided in the Annexure attached herewith which forms an integral part of this Report andthe points stated above.

11. The poll papers and all other relevant records were sealed and handed over toMs, Ophelia Rodrigues, Chairperson of the 34th Annual General Meeting authorized by theBoard for safe keeping.

12. You may accordingly declarethe result of the Remote e-Voting and Poll.

Number of Memberswho cast vote/RollPapers received

Number of Votes cast

by them% of total number ofvalid votes cast

A. Remote e-Votihg10 r,57,660 100.00

B. Poll

4 2,91,031 100,00

C. Combined (A+B)

t4 4,48,69L 100.00

Scrutinizer's Report - Combined (Remote e-Voting arrd Poll) - Nidhi Granites Limited - 34*AGM Page 8 of 13


Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

L3' The Register of Remote e-Voting will be e-mailed to the chairperson after the chairpersonconsiders, approves and signs the minutes of the Annual General Meeting in compliancewith Rule 20(a)(xv) of companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 201,4.

Continuation Sheet

CS Nrupang. B. DholakiaDesignated partnerDholakia & Associates LLp(Company Secretaries)ACS:34722CpNo: tlg84


Place: MumbaiDate :1't October, ZOj,6.

Scrutinizer's Report - Combined tO.*Page 9 of 13




Member has voted only through Remote e-Voting i.e. electronic mode except as per theChairperson's instructions as stated in point 4 above.


1 lffr::rril

or dissent has been given bv anv other mark, the poil paper has been









Joint shareholder(s) has/ have signed the Poll paper instead of first named sharehorder; thevote(s) cast by the joint named sharehorders has/have been considered.

shareholder has assented or dissented without mentioningthe number of shares, the entireshareholding has been considered.

shareholder has voted for less number of shares than his actual shareholding, the numberof shares {votes) indicated/cast has been considered.

;::rrj:ilf:;.""t"0 for more than his actuat sharehotding, the actuat sharehotding has


corporate / lnstitutional Members (other than lndividuals, HuF, NRI etc.) who have notuploaded the scanned copy of the relevant Board Resolution / Authority Letter / power ofAttorney' etc' on the website www.gvotingindia.coryhave been considered invalid.

Board Resolution / Authority tult",. f Powerof Attorney, etc. do not grant power in favourof the person who has exercised voting right.

Scrutinizer,s Report _ "o-Otr..O Page 10 of 13



3. shareholder has not put any mark on either assent or dissent.

4. Poll paper is not signed.

5' specimen signature of the shareholder with the Registrar and share Transfer Agent differswith that of the signature in the poll papers

6' The specimen signature of the beneficial owner is not provided to the Registrar and shareTransfer Agent by the Depositories and consequently there is no way to verify the signaturewith the specimen.

7' shareholder has put tick mark for both assent and dissent without indicating number ofsh a res.

8. ln case where a Poll Paper has been signed by Authorised signato ry f power of AttorneyHolder and certified true copy of Board Resolution / powerof Attorney / Letter of Authoritynot provided to the company / Registrar and share Transfer Agent.

The Poll Paper is received torn or defaced or mutilated to an extent that it is difficult forthe Scrutinizers to identify either the Member or the number of votes.

lf both shareholder and Proxy have signed and deposited the poll paper, the poll paper ofthe Proxy has been rejected and treated as invalid.

lf the Name of the person is not found in the Register ofan Authorised Representative of the Body Corporate, thetreated as invalid.



1"L.Members or proxy Register or asPoll Paper has been rejected and

t2' lf the ldentity of the Person Voting is not l<nown and there is no other way to trace his/herldentity due to incomplete Poll Paper, then the Poll paper has been rejected and treated asinvalid.

Scrutinizer's Report - Combined e"*


For ltem No. 1:

ii. For ltem No. 2:

Total number oflnvalid votes (Equityshare of Rs. I0/- eachl

No. of forms/electronic votes

As per instructions of Chairp"rron *stated in Point 4 above.



No. of forms/electronic votes

Total number oflnvalid votes (Equityshare of Rs. 10/- each)

As per instructions of Chairperron .sstated in Point 4 above.


Scrutinizer's Report - Combined tiPage 12 of 13


For ltem No. 3:

No. of forms/electronic votes

Total number oflnvalid votes (Equityshare of Rs. 10/- each)

As per instructions of Chairperson .istated in Point 4 above.


Place: MumbaiDate :1't October, 2OL6.

CS Nrupang B. DholakiaDesignated PartnerDholakia & Associates LLp(Company Secretaries)ACS:34722CpNo: LZ8B4


Scrutinizer's Report - Combined tOa*o Page 13 of 13


w.,..\.r.Shv*.rx. (", F,h?.i..*.:...,n0 NrDyvr B y nsf:nl(. hereby

state that the Polling Box, in which Equity Shareholders of Nidhi Granites Limited ("the

Company") cast their vote by way of Poll at the 34th Annual General Meeting of the Company

held on Thursday, the 29th September,20!6 at 11-.00 a.m. at 9, Shopping Centre, Station Road,

Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 054, was opened in our presence as required under Rule

21(1Xf) of Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 and the same were in

sealed condition and without any tampering.

Witness 1

Name: \ts"r vEgr4 G l3hfte. n f

Address: . \ f "?. Pnaunrt XA ru Sr ox/, og tt Df D, K ll fra a

Gr<+nu"r .KoA-D i\4vFrlflf 4ou aoY

Witness 2

Name:\rfYUz Rv*S*rna)0Address: C-\uO t &esi

v^.N tA D C t_.r C-ST), tnurnh+ [ - Lt r,- 06 Q.

signature: \' ( \C*.af*-CIr--

*., \..1:h:-'.f h,..G., .81391,0:r]..).''Yll.I:...R.,..y..f,€fl.u?+,P1, hereby state

that the Excel Sheet containing the Results of e-Voting of Nidhi Granites Limited ("the

Company") for the 34th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Thursday,

the 29th September,2016 at 11.0O a,m, at 9, Shopping Centre, Station Road, Santacruz

(West), Mumbai - 400 054 was unblocked from the website of M/s. Central Depository

Services (lndia) Limited and opened in our presence as required

under Rule 20(4Xxii) of Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014.

Witness 1

Name: \

Address: cf r{. P**unrt Xnr!,cN, .P14. D( D.i3 lam!a

Witness 2

Name: *

Address:C*Liol, K Rtgftr-fr {-esi)1enc-f, Rl H <ur"'>ea tu-OqtrL

Signature: '!, R.\f,nt"va+-

6rR+-*r R.,A-j>

26th September, 20l-6


The Chairman of 34th Annual General Meeting of Nidhi Granites Limited

to be held on Thursday, the 30th September, 201,6 at l-1.00 a.m.

at 9, Shopping Centre, Station Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 054.

Sub.: Remote e-Voting error

Ref.: Client lD :ll\|30154933396931

Dear Chairman,

l, Rajkumar ManmalThard, Member, Managing Director and Promoter of Nidhi Granites Limited ("the

Company") holding L20481- Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each.

I have cast my vote by way of Remote e-voting on the website of M/s. Central Depository Services

(lndia) Limited i.e. on 26'h September,2016. Due to oversight lhave selected

'dissent'option and confirmed my vote.

As per note no. 12 (xv) of the Notice of Annual General Meeting, I cannot modify my vote once


Please note that I have approved the resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting as a

Director of the Company.

I would like to request you to allow me to vote at the Annual General Meeting in order to rectify the said

error. Kindly consider my voting done at the Annual General Meeting and disregard my voting done

through Remote e-Voting.

Please note that I am the Chairman of the Company and would not like to chair the said Annual General

Meeting and request Board of Directors or in their absence members of the Company to decide on this


Thanking you,

Yours FaitllfuI]b-(

s t----

lr---Rajkufnar ManmalThard

26th September, 2016


The Chairman of 34th Annual General Meeting of Nidhi Granites Limited

to be held on Thursday, the 30'h September, 20j-6 at 1L,00 9, Shopping Centre, Station Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 054,

Sub.: Remote e-Votins errorRef.: Client lD : 1N30036010576974 / tN30154933401246

Dear Chairman,

l, Pushpa Rajkumar Thard, Member, Director and Promoter of Nidhi Granites Limited ("the Company")holding 1,57,300 Equity Shares of Rs. j.0/- each.

I have cast my vote by way of Remote e-voting on the website of M/s. Central Depository Services(lndia) Limited i.e. on 26th September,2016. Due to oversight lhave selected'dissent' option and confirmed my vote.

As per note no. 12 (xv) of the Notice of Annual General Meeting, I cannot modify my vote onceconfirmed.

Please note that lhave approved the resolutions as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting as a

Director of the Company.

I would like to request you to allow me to vote at the Annual General Meeting in order to rectify the saiderror' Kindly consider my voting done at the Annual General Meeting and disregard my voting donethrough Remote e-Voting.

Please note that I am the Chairman of the Company and would not like to chair the said Annual GeneralMeeting and request Board of Directors or in their absence members of the Company to decide on thismatter.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,

P"'t,.1-' R.-R"qPushpa Rajkumar Thard

26th September, 2016


The Chairman of 34th Annual General Meeting of Nidhi Granites Limited

to be held on Thursday, the 3Oth September,2016 at 1l-.00 a.m,at 9, Shopping Centre, Station Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 054.

Sub.: Remote e-Votins errorRef.: Client lD : 1N30048410089161

Dear Chairman,

l, Dattaprasad Narhar Kulakarni, Member, Director and Promoter of Nidhi Granites Limited("the Company") holding 13,250 Equity Shares of Rs. 1O/- each.

I have cast my vote by way of Remote e-voting on the website of M/s. Central Depository Services(lndia) Limited i.e. on 26'h September, 2016. Due to oversight I have selected'dissent' option and confirmed my vote.

As per note no. 12 (xv) of the Notice of Annual General Meeting, lcannot modify my vote onceconfirmed.

Please note that I have approved the resolutions as set out in the Notice of AnnualGeneral Meeting as a

Director of the Company.

I would like to request you to allow me to vote at the Annual General Meeting in order to rectify the said

error. Kindly consider my voting done at the Annual General Meeting and disregard my voting donethrough Remote e-Voting.

Please note that lam the Chairman of the Company and would not like to chairthe said Annual GeneralMeeting and request Board of Directors or in their absence members of the Company to decide on thismatter.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,


Dattaprasad Narhar Kulkarni

NIDIII Gru\NITES LIMITDI)Regd. Office: 9, Popat Bapa Shopping Centre, 2"d Floor, Station Road, Santacruz (West),

Mumbai - 400054.

T el: 022-2649 I0 40 / 2648548 1 e - mail - pushpraj @giasbmO 1 .vs n1net. inCIN: L5 1 900MH 1 98 1 PLC02567 7

29th September, 2016


Mr. Nrupang B. Dholakia

Scrutin ize r

Dholakia & Associates LLP

(Company Secretaries)

MHB-11-, A-302, Sarvodaya Co-op. HSG. Soc. Ltd.

Near Bhavishya Nidhi Building,

Service Road, Kher Nagar,

Bandra (East), Mumbai- 400 051.

Sub.: Votins at 34th Annual General Meetins of Nidhi Granites Limited

l, Ophelia Rodrigues, DIN 006553843, Chairperson of the 34th Annual General Meeting ("AGM") hereby

allow the Following members to vote by Poll at the AGM as per their letter dated 26th September, 2016:

Kindly consider their voting done by Poll and disregard / consider invalid votes cast by them by way ofRemote e-Voting.

Kindly issue us the Scrutinizer Report on the basis of the above.

Thanking you,

For Nidhi Granites Limited

()4oJ^,^-^u-.UOphelia Rodrigues

Chariperson of the 34th Annual General Meeting

Sr. No. Name of the Member Client lD No. of Shares held1, Mr. Rajkumar Manmal Thard N3015493339693 1 120481

2. Mrs. Pushpa Rajkumar Thard N30036010s76974 /N30l_54933401246


3. Mr. Dattaprasad Narhar Kulkarni N30048410089161 13250