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  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start January 15, 2008



    Information and specifications publi shed here are current as of the date of publication of this document. Tridium, Inc. reserves the right to chan geor modify specifications without prior notice. The latest product specifications can be found by contacting our corporate headquarters,Richmond, Virginia. Products or features contained herein may be covered by on e or more U.S. or foreign patents. 2008 Tridium, Inc.

    Demo Quick Start

    Welcome to the NiagaraAX Framework! This document will get you up and running with a demo station.

    If you are new to Niagara, then you might want to check out the NiagaraAX User Guide section Tour ofthe Workbench GUI.

    Note: If you are a Java software developer working with the NiagaraAX Framework, you should also see the

    Niagara Developer Guidefor details on Baja and Java usage in NiagaraAX.

    The following sections are in this Demo Quick Start document:

    Get the Demo Up and Running on page 1-1 Tips on Navigating the Demo on page 1-5

    Learning More on page 1-6 Stopping the Demo Station on page 1-6 Troubleshooting the Demo on page 1-7

    Get the Demo Up and Running

    Step 1 Start Workbench.

    Your host PC appears in the Nav tree (My Host in left pane).

    Note: If you dont see the Nav tree, turn on side bars. See Tree Not Visibleon page 1-7.

    Step 2 Right-click your host in the Nav tree.

    From the popup menu, click:Open Platform.

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Get the Demo Up and Running Demo Quick Start

    January 15, 2008

    Step 3 In the Open Platform dialog, type your Windows administrator-levelusername and password.

    Click OK.

    Your host expands in the Nav tree, showing Platform highlighted. The various platform views are listed

    in the right-side View pane.

    Note: If your Platform does not open, it may be a host signon issue, or the Niagara platform daemon may be

    stopped. See Cannot Open Platformon page 1-8.

    Step 4 In the view pane, double-click theApplication Director (formerlyStation Director).

    The Application Director appears in the view and lists available stations.

    The demo station appears with a status of Idle.

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Demo Quick Start Get the Demo Up and Running

    January 15, 2008

    Step 5 Right-click the demo station in the Application Director.

    From the popup menu, click Start (or, with the demo station selected, click the right-sideStart


    The demo status changes to Starting, and messages start appearing in the view.

    After several seconds, the demo station status changes to Running.

    Step 6 Right-click your host in the Tree.

    From the popup menu, click:

    Open Station (fox).

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Get the Demo Up and Running Demo Quick Start

    January 15, 2008

    Step 7 The Open Station dialog appears (here, you login using astation user account).

    In the Username field, type admi n

    Leave Password blank, and click OK.

    The demo station opens in the view and appears as a node in the Tree.

    Note: If it does not open, a signon issue is likely. See Cannot Open Stationon page 1-9.

    Step 8 To explore the station, just click on expand controls in the Tree to browse the stations hierarchy. Simplydouble-clickon items of interest to see item contents in the view.

    Note: The Config node represents the actual station database, and holds components with wire sheet and

    property sheets views, among many other view types.

    See Tips on Navigating the Demo on page 1-5 forsome of the many Workbench navigation features.

    Note: You can exit Workbench without stopping the demo station, and then restart Workbench and reopen the

    demo again (until your PC is rebooted). Start with Step 6on page 3.

    If youd rather, you can also stop the demo station first. See Stopping the Demo Stationon page 1-6for

    more details.

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Demo Quick Start Tips on Navigating the Demo

    January 15, 2008

    Tips on Navigating the DemoConsider the Workbench GUI as the NiagaraAX super browser, combined with other familiarWindows-like applications (e.g. Windows Explorer).

    On the toolbar, use the Back and Forwardbuttons to retrace or advance your steps. Both of thesebuttons offer a visited drop-down menu.

    Also, anUp Level button is available when you are at some child level, say under a stations Config node(also with its own drop-down menu).

    Instead of a normal text-only URL address bar, Workbench has a graphical locator bar.

    The locator bar displays not only the full path of the item in view, but also features a drop-down menu (atevery level) that lists immediate child items.

    The right-side of the locator bar is the view selector, another drop-down menu that lists all availableviews for the item currently shown in the view pane.

    Right-click menus are woven throughout the Workbench interface, both in the sidebar (Tree, by default)as well as in main views.

    Note: Often, multiple ways exist to perform the same operations, either working in the sidebar (e.g. Tree), main

    view, or from the menu bar or toobar. For example, this document provided mostly right-click instructions.

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Learning More Demo Quick Start

    January 15, 2008

    Learning MoreTo learn more about NiagaraAX, see the online Help. To learn more about features of Workbench, seethe the User Guide sections About Workbench and Tour of the Workbench GUI.

    Note: Please understand that NiagaraAX Help evolves as a work in progress, with many topics still placeholders

    (or with minimal details). However, we are committed to delivering a consistent, unified, Help system to

    lessen the need for printed documents (PDFs). Furthermore, as PDFs on NiagaraAX become available, they

    will reflect the same source content as found in the online Help.

    Stopping the Demo StationNote: If you exited Workbench without first stopping the station, the station remains running.

    Step 1 In Workbench, expand your hosts Pl at f or min the Nav tree.

    Double-click the Appl i cat i on Di rect or .

    Step 2 Right-click the demo station.

    From the popup menu, click Stop (or, with the demo station selected, click the right-sideStop button).

    Step 3 A confirmation dialog appears. ClickYes.

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Demo Quick Start Troubleshooting the Demo

    January 15, 2008 Tree Not Visible

    The demo station status changes to Stopping, then to Idle. The station is now stopped.

    Note: If you had the demo station opened in Workbench, notice that it is now ghosted and collapsed. You cannot

    open (connect) to the demo again until you first start the demo station, using this Platform view (Appli-

    cation Director).

    Step 4 If finished looking at NiagaraAX, you can simply click the Windows Close control (X in upper right) toexit as shown, or from the menu bar select File > Exit.

    When starting Workbench the next time, your host PC will be collapsed again in the Nav tree.

    To restart the demo, expand your host in the tree and double-click the ghosted Platform, then continuefrom Step 4 on page 2. Or, begin anew with Get the Demo Up and Running.

    Troubleshooting the DemoPossible demo issues are covered in the following sections:

    Tree Not Visible Cannot Open Platform Cannot Open Station

    Tree Not VisibleSymptom: Workbench starts up withoutthe left-side tree (Nav tree in sidebar area), showing only a singlepane with view. This occurs if Workbench was last used with sidebars not shown.

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Troubleshoot ing the Demo Demo Quick Start

    Cannot Open Platform January 15, 2008

    To fix this, from the menu bar, selectWindow > Side Bars > Show Side Bar

    Note: From theWindow > Side Barsmenu, you can also select additional items to see in the left pane


    Cannot Open PlatformSymptom: Authentication dialog keeps reappearing after you click OK.

    Cause: Username and Password (as entered) do not match a Windows adminstrator-level user accounton your PC.

    To fix: Confirm Windows administrator privileges for the PC, then re-enter your Username andPassword.

    Symptom: Nothing happens for a few seconds, and Cannot display page appears in the view.A popup Error dialog appears on first attempt, as shown here.

    Cause: The Niagara Platform Daemon (service) is not running on your PC. This occurs if in the lastNiagaraAX installation step, you unchecked Install and Start Platform Daemon. The platform daemon(service) is needed for local platform/station operations.

    To fix: Install the platform daemon and retry connection (next).

    Step 1 From the Windows Start menu, select:

    Start > All Programs > Niagara 3.n.nn > Install Platform Daemon

    Step 2 In Workbench, retry Open Platform to your host (Step 2 on page 1).

  • 7/29/2019 NiagaraAX Demo QuickStart



    Demo Quick Start


    Demo Quick Start Troubleshooting the Demo

    January 15, 2008 Cannot Open Station

    Cannot Open StationSymptom: Authentication dialog keeps reappearing when you click OK.

    Cause: Username and password (as entered) do not match demo station defaults:

    Username: admi n

    Password: (leave blank)

    To fix: Re-enter login information as above.

    If the demo stations admin account password has been changed, you need to enter the changedpassword.