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February 2015 Shevat — Adar 5775 Volume 44, Number 6

The Rabbi blessing the fruits during a celebration by the Belz Hasidim of the Jewish feast of 'Tu Bishvat' or Tree New Year in Jerusalem.

Tu Bishvat (the 15th of Shevat) is the New Year for Trees. The halachic significance of Tu Bishvat applies primarily to the mitzvot of teruma, maaser, and other agricultural mitzvot, most of which are only binding in the Land of Israel. "On the first day of Shevat is the New Year for trees, according to the school of Shammai; but the school of Hillel says it is on the fifteenth of the same month" (Talmud Bavli, Tract Rosh Hashana 1:1). Why so? Said R. Elazar, in the name of R. Oshyia, because at that date the greater part of the early rains have fallen, although the greater part of the season is yet to come. The rabbis taught: It once happened that R. Akiva picked the fruit of a citron tree on the first of Shevat, and gave two tithes of them, one according to the school of Shammai and one in accordance with the school of Hillel …. From

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Nanuet Hebrew Center Published monthly by the Nanuet Hebrew Center

Paul Kurland Rabbi Barry Kanarek Cantor Bruce Pollack Co-President Adam Sayer Co-President

Marcy Karsenty Vice President Jeff Schragenheim Vice President

Todd Steingart Vice President Nathan Schlanger Treasurer Jeffrey Tepper Financial Sec'y

Gail Kaiser Corresponding Sec’y Paul Borsuk Recording Sec’y Lisa Green Sisterhood Co-President

Renee Leffler Sisterhood Co-President John Fogelman Ritual Comm. Chair Joel Gondelman Men’s Club President Jeff Schragenheim Fundraising Bulletin Advertising Tamar Luscher Educational Director Cynthia Schneider Catering Estelle Eisenkraft Tree of Life/Stones

For your information… Rabbi Kurland (845)623-0407 [email protected] Cantor Kanarek [email protected] Tamar Luscher [email protected] Ellen Abrams (Educ. Comm.) [email protected] Mollie Friedman (Gift Shop) 735-6146 John Fogelman (Ritual Co.) [email protected] Judy Friedlander [email protected] * Nathan Gross (Kitchen Coordinator) [email protected] Chesed Comm.: We are looking for volunteers All contributions for the Bulletin must be received by the 15th of the month for publication the following month, subject to space availability and editor's approval. Contributions may also be edited as necessary.


Please let the shul know of all important events and occasions, including births, weddings, etc., as well as illness and death. Please call the shul office if you know of these happenings.

We have evening minyan at 7:30 p.m. except Saturday and Sunday. Friday evening Shabbat services are at 6:00 p.m. except the first Friday of the month at 7:00 p.m., Family Service. Story and Oneg.

Saturday morning services begin at 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning minyan begins at 9:00 a.m.

Please try to attend minyan and regularly scheduled services to enable mourners and those who are observing yahrzeits to say Kaddish.

Candle lighting times (NYC area only)

Dates Starts Ends

February 2-3 5:01 6:02 February 13-14 5:09 6:11 February 20-21 5:18 6:19 February 27-28 5:26 6:26

* Editor’s Note: Please remember — when emailing us about the Bulletin, please include “Bulletin” on the subject line, so there is no chance we will miss your message or contribution. And, if possible, please email it rather than leaving a printed page in the Bulletin mailbox.

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This Issue:

From Rabbi Kurland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 From the Co-Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Principal’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Programming Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 USY/Kadima News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Sisternood Book Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 18 Helping Hands at NHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Tzedakah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 33

Dates to Note: (For more information see Presidents’ letter or weekly email report)

Volunteers Needed

Do you have an hour or two once a month to spare? We are looking for volunteers to help assemble our monthly bulletin. Usually we meet the last Tuesday or Wednesday of the month in the am. If you are available please call the office and we will add you to our list. We will call in the beginning of the week. If you are available that is great! If you are not we will call again next month.

“Be an ALS Angel” … Please contact Jessica Braunfeld Turnof if you can spare about an hour on one or two evenings a month to help our congregant, Charley Braunfeld, by driving one of his aides from Spring Valley or Nyack to his home in Tappan. Jessica can be reached at [email protected]

Blood Drive

NHC’s winter blood drive is Sunday, February 8 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. For those who have donated in the past, thank you! For those who have never donated, it is simple. Donors save lives! Blood is needed for cancer patients, premature babies, surgical pa-tients, people with anemia, and many accident victims. Plain and simple there is no sub-stitute for blood! Donating a pint of blood takes about an hour. For an hour of your time you will be helping sustain someone’s life. You have not lived a perfect day unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. This is your chance for a perfect day!

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From the Rabbi: I have always believed that every member of a synagogue should be obligated to do certain things that show that they are true members of a religious establishment. For example, I would desire that everyone enhance the communal Shabbat experience and daily minyans with, at least, one monthly appearance. But I know how some would be turned off by a synagogue ‘demanding’ such things. Therefore, to engage more people in these important pursuits it is left to every rabbi and committed congregant to try to inspire and motivate those around them.

We all choose to become members of several different organizations and groups based on our individual needs and desires. When there is something that an organization provides us with, we join. Usually organizations supply us with social contacts, support and/or opportunity. Simply put, organizations give services that we want.

Joining a synagogue is quite similar to joining an organization or club but it is also much more and, therefore, different. Successful synagogues include expectations that people strive to reach beyond the consumer mentality and experience more than they feel they presently need. For synagogues stand for something greater than individual needs. They stand for communal needs. If not, they become commercial establishments waiting only for the requests of the consumer. And for decades studies have shown that congregants with consumer mentalities are rarely happy.

True congregational happiness comes from greater engagement in the spirituality of the congregational family. And yes, this means that the quality of one’s happiness comes from what one gives to the community and far less from what one receives. Again, this is what all of the studies have ever shown. Once one becomes a shareholder rather than a mere consumer the dimensions of his/her satisfaction expand. It is a fascinating finding that most reach the higher levels of contentment not by what they were looking for but rather what found them, spiritually. Story after story has congregants looking back and saying, “I can’t believe that I’m doing such and such. I wasn’t looking for that when I first joined.” These words are always said with pride.

At every synagogue I have ever been a part of, this played out in numerous ways and times. For some, being the 10th at minyan filled them with pride. For others, being one of only 8 has awoken their desire to never be the reason why someone else was deprived a quorum. They begin to see what their presence offers others rather than what they receive. They become “family”. Isn’t that exactly what we want our Family Services and other gatherings to provide?

Ask yourself, have you connected to other generations in our congregational family or do you only hang out with your own generation? Those who have made the multi-generational connections know how blessed they are. After all, Nanuet Hebrew Center strives to be a close, compassionate and caring congregation. And it’s so easy for everyone to become part of the “us”. You will find many who admit that they originally came as consumers and become spiritual shareholders. They see it as the greatest blessing of membership.

This is what a Shabbat and minyan obligation is all about; becoming part of the spiritual “us” on many levels. So take the challenge and commit yourself to coming at least once a month to both a Shabbat service and a daily minyan. No one will ever resent being part of such worthy endeavors. Most, if not all, will be thankful that we connected them to a greater part of the community and a greater part of themselves. I have only seen it play out positively. B’Shalom, Rabbi Paul Kurland

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From the Co-Presidents: Helping Hands for the Homeless of Rockland is a not-for-profit organization that provides “Safe Haven” for men and women 18 years and older during the cold season, and a broad range of homeless services throughout the year. NHC, for several years, has assisted this organization in many ways, most recently, as a part of their Safe Haven network, by opening up our Synagogue home for two nights in January to provide food and shelter for close to 40 of the homeless. These individuals otherwise might not have had a place to find shelter on these cold winter nights. We can’t thank enough all of the volunteers – both adult and youth who helped out at NHC in coordinating their stay. This includes Jacob Morenberg’s school string quintet who provided everyone with a wonderful background music concert.

On a separate note, we wish to remind you of the importance of helping us to make Minyan. In addition to Saturday morning services (9:30am), we hold a weeknight minyan every Monday through Thursday at 7:30pm (unless otherwise noted), Friday evening service at 6:00pm [6:30pm during July and August] (unless otherwise noted) and Sunday morning services at 9:00am (unless otherwise noted). On an almost daily basis, we have congregants and others from the community joining us who need to say Kaddish. Please help us to be there for them, by attending our minyans and services as frequently as you can.

The following are a few upcoming save-the-dates. Details on these events, and more, is found in our weekly announcements, flyers at NHC and in the Bulletin, website ( and Facebook page (

Sunday, February 1st: Morning Minyan including World Wide Wrap at 9am NHC’s Adrienne Milich will be honored by Israel Bonds at The Rockleigh at 9:30am

Friday, February 7th: Family Service at 7pm Saturday, February 7th: NHC’s All-Day Shabbat Experience and Family Fun Night (for all ages) Sunday, February 8th:

Blood drive from 9am to 1pm Jewish Federation of Rockland’s “Super Sunday”

Wednesday, February 11th: GALIM Program at NHC for students in grades 8-12. 6:15pm – 7:45pm Monthly Informal Family Game Night at NHC from 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Sunday, February 15th: Cake Decorating at 10:30am Friday, February 20th: Tot Shabbat (ages “0-6”). Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors! Saturday, February 21st: 1940s’ Dance Hall Party at 8pm. This promises to be fun for all ages! Sunday, February 22nd: Lend a hand to help assemble Purim Baskets. (Immediately after 9am

Minyan.) Sunday, March 1st: Purim Carnival from 12 noon to 2pm Wednesday, March 4th: Purim Program for Pre-K through 3rd Grade from 6pm to 6:45pm Sunday, March 22nd: Art Auction. Preview at 7pm; auction at 8pm continued next page

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see also save the date of Sunday, April 12th for our 75th Anniversary Journal Event and Brunch Reception. This will be held at The Rockleigh starting at 11am. In addition to celebrating our rich history and founding and longtime families, we will be honoring Linda Russin as recipient of our Stanley Blumenthal Community Service Award. Volunteers are needed to help with all aspects of this event. Please contact the Office if you are able to assist. We hope you will pay tribute to NHC and our honoree with an event or journal ad sponsorship, as well as joining us at the celebration!

L’Shalom, Bruce Pollack and Adam Sayer Co-Presidents

Volunteer Wanted to assist with NHC Bulletin Advertising. After 25 years of coordinating the advertising for our monthly Bulletin Newsletter, Ilse Spatz has opted to step down. We sincerely thank Ilse for the tremendous job she has done over these years. If you might be interested in taking over this position, or may know of someone who is available and qualified, please contact the NHC Office.

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Programming Committee Jeff Schragenheim

The programs at NHC are drawing more and more people seeking to make new friends and seeking to have fun. On December 24th, our annual Chinese dinner event was enjoyed by approximately 80 people, many of them new members. There have been requests for future community dinners, please share your ideas. On December 31st, we held our second annual New Year’s Eve party. Families enjoyed great snacks, great music (by our own Cantor Kanarak and Bruce Pollock), and a midnight “champagne” toast. Kids enjoyed karaoke, Wii, and movies on DVD. Please make an effort to join us next year. Fun for all is guaranteed. The next few months prove to be very busy. On February 21st we will be celebrating NHC’s 75 year legacy with a “1940’s Dance Hall Party”. This will be our second dance of the season. Our last dance was a huge success. Please be a part of all the fun. On March 22nd we continue honoring NHC’s legacy with a 75th Anniversary Art Auction. Art and memorabilia will be on display for purchase at the auction. Dessert and coffee will be served. Please get the word out about this event. Bring friends and family. The more we fill our room, the greater our earning potential for this event. Finally, On April 12th, we will culminate our anniversary year celebration with our annual journal event. This year we will be honoring NHC’s legacy and history, as well as bestowing upon Linda Russin the Stanley Blumenthal Community Service Award. In an effort to “GO GREEN” we will be trying something new this year. We will be presenting an electronic (online) journal as well as online registration for the brunch at the Rockleigh Country Club. For those who still wish to submit their ad the traditional way, we will also make paper registrations available. The journal event is the most important fundraiser of the year. Please consider volunteering your time to make this event successful. Also please consider helping us solicit ads to honor our history and Linda.

[email protected]

USY / Kadima News Michael Kassan, Youth Advisor

February is looking like another busy month for Nanuet Hebrew Center's teens. At the end of January, USY and Kadima went skating at the Rockland Boulders' stadium. Nanuet Hebrew Center will follow that up by hosting a sleep over open to teens (9th through 12 grade) from the area for the annual Shul-In. We will go bowling and have frozen yogurt at 16 Handles before returning for the night. At the end of the month, USY and Kadima will prepare for the annual Purim carnival, an event open to the whole community. For NHC's teens, the year's shortest month was long on experiences

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NHC needs to provide TEA (box of tea bags) or PEANUT BUTTER for Rhoda Bloom Kosher Food Pantry. Please drop off Kosher peanut butter and tea at the box outside of NHC office. In addition, each month one synagogue is responsible for providing additional volunteers to support the Rhoda Bloom Kosher Food Pantry, located at the new JCC-Jewish Family Service entrance. Our turn comes every February. If you have any questions or wish to volunteer at any time, please call Susan Saffar 352-1711. Thanks in advance!

Sisterhood of the Nanuet Hebrew Center Book Discussion Group 

The book under discussion was Joshua:   A Brooklyn Tale by Andrew L. Kane.  The novel incorporates historical facts with fiction as it tells the  interrelated  story  of  three  protagonists.    They  are:    Rachel,  a Chassidic  daughter,  Joshua,  a  struggling  black  boy,  and  Paul,  an unhappy, privileged Jewish boy. 

The relationships of the three characters play out against the background of  race relations and the Crown Heights riots.  We see a tense  picture  of  the  contacts  between  the Chasidic  community  and  the  Crown Heights black community.   We  are  privy  to  the  struggles  of  each  of  the main  characters.    Rachel  desires desperately to become a doctor—this  is  in direct opposition to her obligations as a good Chasidic wife.  Joshua struggles to dig himself out of a life of crime and poverty.  Paul must come to grips with the fact that his love for Rachel is unrequited.   There  are  many  minor  characters  that  lend  interest  to  the  book:  Joshua’s struggling mother, his unidentified father, Paul’s bitter wife, among others.   The  book was  generally well‐received  by  our  group  and  sparked  several  lively discussions.             Marilyn Brenner


Please join us on Wednesday, March 11 as we discuss Infidel  by Ayaan Hirsi Ali 

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Catering • Bakery Appetizing

“The taste you’ve

Been missing”

Dine in — Take Out

Wesley Hills Plaza 455 Route 306

Wesley Hills, NY 10952


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Now you can pay your membership dues using VISA MasterCard

American Express or Discover

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In Our Mailbox

Dear Rabbi Kurland We really appreciate your generous donation to support the activities of Hillel of Rockland. Your generosity enables us to continue our efforts to connect Jewish college students and faculty with their heritage through our extensive program of Shabbatons, study groups, Jewish Heritage Month, Holocaust Commemorations, guest lecturers, trips, discussions, concerts, art workshops, community service projects and other exciting activities. Please accept our warm wishes for healthy winter! Sincerely, Rabbi Dov and Shevy Oliver Directors Dear Rabbi Kurland, On behalf of all of us in the Jawonio family, we thank you for your generous holiday gift in support of the 2014 Early Intervention Campaign. Sadly, the Early Intervention Program is an at-risk program being considered for closure due to increasing losses. Every dollar helps keep essential therapies and educational services going. Your gift will change the life of one child, one family. one community at a time. There are many worthy causes locally and around the world that you could have given to this year and we are grateful that you chose Jawonio. In the words of former Jawonio parents John & Ingris Bauer, “every single professional including Ally’s therapists, teachers, teachers aides, support team and administration at Jawonio were extraordinary. Ally was given a chance, an early start, and the opportunity to reach her highest potential while at the same time, allowing us to have confidence in our own hope and aspirations for our beautiful daughter.” Rabbi Kurland, we thank you and your family for your donation and your continuing support Best wishes to you and your family for a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year. With Gratitude. Jill A. Warner, LCSW Executive Director/CEO Vice Chancellor and Chief Development Officer Dear Nanuet Hebrew Center Family, On behalf of the Rockland Jewish Academy I would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your contribution to our school. By contributing to our Annual Campaign you enable our students to have access to the latest technology which will enhance their education and enrich their classroom experience. Without the generosity of supporters like you, we would not be able to fulfill our mission, which is to ensure our future through innovative education steeped in Jewish tradition. We are honored to be the beneficiary of your contribution. Sincerely, Michelle Kezner Business Manager

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Dear Rabbi Kurland, On behalf of The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, we would like to thank you for your recent donation to the USCJ Calendar Campaign. Without your support, we could not renew our commitment to formal and informal Jewish education experiences through our Kehillot that transform the lives of youth and seniors alike, and reaffirm our commitment to Israel. We want to thank you for your compassion and wish you well. Sincerely, Jonathan Boiskin Chief Development Officer Dear Rabbi Kurland, Thank you for your gift to JTS. JTS graduates impact the future of Jewish life in America, reaching out with a vision of Judaism that includes the arts, ethics, social entrepreneurship, immersive Jewish learning, and connections to Israel. As rabbis and cantors, educators and administrators, lay leaders and chaplains, they bring transformative action and leadership to classrooms, camps, synagogues, Jewish communities and beyond. I thank you for your partnership, and for helping JTS create new models of Jewish engagement across North America and around the world. Sincerely, Marilyn F. Kohn Vice Chancellor and Chief Development Officer Dear Rabbi Kurland, I am delighted to share with you the latest promotional materials tor United Synagogue Youth’s 2015 Summer Program offerings! For more than 50 years, USY has sent Jewish teens to Israel, Europe, and across North America, creating a safe environment in which they feel comfortable expressing their Judaism As you are well aware, fun, immersive Jewish experiences have a long lasting impact on teens. That is why we hope you will help us ensure the future of Conservative Judaism by displaying our poster in your synagogue, circulating our brochures to teens, grades 8-12, who you think may benefit from or have an interest in traveling with USY, and/or speaking about the benefits of a USY Summer Experience from the pulpit. With your help we can reach somebody’s grandchild, child, Hebrew High School students, and other young members of your congregation, to instill in them Jewish values that they will carry through life for years to come. Thank you for your help Sincerely, Rabbi David Levy Teen Learning Director

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FROM 6:30 P. M. TO 9:30 P. M. Open to everyone

Bring a game you would like to play, learn or show to others. This is a great night for socializing and making new friends, or just beating your opponent. Remember, board games only, no electronic games.

Some of the games listed below will be generously supplied by:

Hobby-Town USA of Nanuet. Dominion Power Grid Ticket to Ride Trans-am Civilization Drum Roll To name a few, and of course you can bring your own game.

Call Nate Gross at 845-558-4595 for questions or other details.


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Please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in the

Bulletin. Their generous support

helps pay for about 80% of the cost of the Bulletin.

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*Includes, at no charge, Shabbat prayers, candles candle lighting, songs, etc. and a Shabbat dinner.

SHARE-A-SHABBAT Do you know someone who is home-bound that would like to share the pleasure of Shabbat, with a volunteer from Rockland Jewish Family Service (RJFS), once a month in the privacy of their own home?

Please call, or have the interested person call, Roberta Leitner at RJFS, 354-2121, ext. 151, for more information.*

Don’t forget — You can help support the Synagogue at

no cost to you — PURCHASE SCRIP — It’s easy: Contact

NHC Office @ 708-9181 • Marcy Karsenty @ 634-7370

E-mail - [email protected] Mail - 411 South Little Tor Road New City

We have gift cards for Pathmark • Shop Rite • Stop & Shop • DeCicco

You can make purchases by cash, check or charge. Pay by cash or check and receive credit towards your dues once you meet the minimum requirement. Rather receive miles or points? Charge your certificates.

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February Yahrzeits/יזכור/יארצייט

22 Carl Hans 23 Harry Drachman Frank Schlossberg Phyllis Handelman Jeffrey Gottschalk Jenny Daichman Daniel Roher Samuel Silverman Werner Spatz 24 Morris Weitzen Eli Rothstein Harry Kiesler Joseph Zucker Paul Oberman Ida Buchman 25 Bernard Engel Bessie Horenstein 25 Bessie Sicklick Hilda Blumberg Rose Lehr Regina Himmelbrand Benjamin Kaplan Celia Kimmel Martin Opperman Shlomo Azran 26 Soni Lisman Kurt Hillelsohn Gussie Kshonz Sarah Mittleman Adelia Peskin Victoria Packer Oscar Schenkel Soni Gellis Morty Slotnick 27 Philip Frendel Sarah Sperber Roslyn Porcelli Shirely Rubinstein 28 Abe Pechman Fred Ackerman Emanuel Mack

1 Mary Pesner Max Weiner Bernard Altman Rachel Markowicz Sam Caplan Hy Haleo Arlene Rymer 2 Barry Warren David Warren Max Leffler Ann Rubin Sidney Stoll 3 Arline Vogel Morton Metz Lynn Darvin Nettie Wiessen Lynn Zeidner Shirley Oberman Louis Klein Morton Murray Esther Goodman 3 Pauline Sitver Alan Sculman Albert Sperling Clara White Leon Elias Jean Cohen 5 Issac Pesner Louis Lerner Helen Lassaw Emil Judd 6 Cynthia Marino Robert Brandenburg Stuart Landsman 7 Irving Gartenlaub Samuel Ratchick Theodore Jacobson Elias Kupchik 8 Lillie Hecker Arthur Weber Helen Bonn Abraham Savitzky 8 Lillie Hecker Clara Flachner 10 Ida Goldblatt Liesel Leib David Slotnick

10 Tzvi Frishman 11 Isidore Berkman Margaret Singer 12 Benjamin Bornstein Anna Elson Irving Berkman Harvey Green George Berlin Daniel Klein Rose Engel Abraham Rothman Sarah Schwartz 13 Steven Berkowitz Yetta Moskowitz Dora Pollack Peter Weiss 14 Saul Savitzky 15 Philip Wiessen Hyman Block Charles Hallen Pearl Abrams 16 Joseph Richtol George Schweitzer Abraham Edelman Harry Waldman Jerry Richtol 17 Anna Coopersmith Sylvia Pechman Selma Frendel 18 Ida Schreier 19 Max Schwarz Josephine Weiner 20 Dorothy Zuckerman Regina Rosenzveig 21 Harold Jaye Irving Spitzer Evelyn Jacobs Dorothy Green William Smith Moses Shliferstein 22 Samuel Kreps Leon Pesner Herbert Diamond Alex Weintraub Sherwin Patsner Harry Peskin Shirley Faerman

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March Yahrzeits/יזכור/יארצייט 1 Pauline Michael Harold Abrams Gustov Fuld Martin Weinstein Betty Aloff Rose Stelzer 2 Rose Schuman Bella Studnitzer 3 Charles Rahm Irving Elson Pearl Cohn Ruth Lipnack Mark Tischler 4 Lillian Kurland 5 Joseph Felenstein Elaine Carl Benjamin Newdow Martin Epstein 6 Charles Scharf Erich Hirsch Selma Osias Seth Abrams Annette Greenwald 7 Bertha Groupp Harry Auster Liza Passick Lillian Warren Irma Peskin Irving Hudesman 8 Leah Chadick Jane Geller Gussie Reichner Bertha Seidenstein Martin Adolf 9 David Chadick Davidd Levy Fannie Gordon Jack Levey Frances Alpert Irving Cooper Barbara Harap Benjamin Hurwitz Sol Chernoff William Kimmel

9 Hannah Schoenberg 10 Elka Karel Louis Bassik Abraham Silverman Meda Newhouse Sol Abrams Louis Reiter Elias Schwartz Golan Scwarcz Beatrice Bula 11 Harry Karel Moe Schwartz Bertha Morenberg 12 Edith Pesner William Casper Roberta Kaplan 13 H. Peter Gasman Steven Blau Herta Weintraub Judy Rosenfeld Jacob Zuckerman Mathew Wunsch Stanley Blumental 14 Max Brown Max Pesner Harry Ackerman 15 Barbara Elba Katie Litwin Jon David Lucille Issak Audrey Hartglass 16 Oliver Canton Elliott Kleinberg Benjamin Krieg Sheldon Stelzer 17 Celia Olitsky Herbert Engel 18 Isadore Mintz Clement Rose Harry Rubinstein Sarah Slotnick 19 Eleanor Bragman Sam Reich Anna Gordon

19 Beckie Kupchik Leon Schertzer 20 Esther Wachtel Aron Winer Helen Schwartz Frances Rostholder 21 Benjamin Fogelman Hannah Kaymen Kail Housman Freida Asinofsky Max Schweid 23 Bertha Kay Fred Gottschalk Sylvia Casale Irving Horowitz 24 Rose Landsman Monte Melamed Samuel Coopersmith Michael Flaster 25 Louis Moskowitz Benjamin Silberman Victor Adler 26 Ricardo Rabinovich Ann Stein Joseph Newhouse 27 Myrna Schultz Sheila Schertzer Jack Waldman 28 David Groder Boruch Eliscu 29 Muriel Rifkin Jack Berman Tillie Riess 30 Evelyn Darvin 31 Mark Ruff Nathan Schnur

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Condolences/ íéîåçðú

March Anniversaries Mazal Tovs/áåè ìæî

Engagement Mazal Tovs/áåè ìæî

Birth Mazal Tovs/áåè ìæî

February Anniversaries Mazal Tovs/áåè ìæî 1 Dr. David and Jana Fisher 6 Louis and Beth Kaplan 18 Richard and Robyn Bollinger 19 Dr. Lisa and Michael Lieberman

20 Stuart and Gwen Polansky 21 Madelaine and William Gallin 25 Harold and Mollie Friedman 25 Lawrence and Leslie Schiller

Speedy Recoveries/änka äàåôø

2 Scott and Amy Rockower 9 Anton and Joy Klein 13 Jason and Rachel Meltzer 17 Larry and Amy Fox 17 Irwin and Selma Stelzer 18 Howard and Rochelle Kowlowitz

18 Joseph and Sybil Weingast 19 Steven and Shari Winkler 24 Kieran and Wendy Spelman 25 Mathew and Lori Dorfman 25 Charles and Joy Slater 26 Bruce and Renee Schnur 31 Cantor Amy and Cantor Barry Kanarek

Lisa & Michael Lieberman on the engagement of their son Daniel to Samantha Birkenfeld

Marriage Mazal Tovs/áåè ìæî Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter Anya to Jason Glassner

Susan Ross on the death of her mother-in-law Magda Rebecca & Jacob Ross on the death of their grandmother Magda Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother Michael Gardner

Susan Sklaver Harbey Heilbronn

Judy & Mordechai Friedlander on the birth of their granddaughter Addison Rebecca Hart Rachel & Andrew Benner on the birth of their daughter Addison Rebecca Hart Bea Cozewith on the birth of her great grandsons Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen

Honor Mazal Tovs/áåè ìæî

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Mazal Tovs/áåè ìæî Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank

Mazal Tov to Aaron Adams on being accepted to Clarkstown South National Honor Society Chapter Mazal Tov to Adrienne Milich for being honored by Israel Bonds


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Tzedakah received and recorded by the 10th of the month or the first business day after, will be acknowledged on these pages. If the office is closed because of holidays falling on these days, only donations received before the holiday will appear. Please also note that acknowledgment or lack thereof on these pages

does not constitute an official receipt of your donation by the shul. In the event that acknowledgment of your donation does not appear, please let the synagogue office know and we will print it in the next issue of the Bulletin.

Planning Ahead Now is the time to start the planning that enhances the work of the congregation by raising the necessary funds so dues need not be raised. Our ongoing fundraisers include the Rabbi's Walk and the Tree of Life. To reserve a brick on the Rabbi’s Walk or reserve a stone or a leaf on the Tree of Life, call Estelle Eisenkraft in care of the office at 845-708-9181.

Donations to General Fund Jesse Blecher In memory of father, Harry Blecher Nadine, Ken, Jillian & Greg Blumberg Condolences to Susan Ross on the death of her mother-in-law, Magda Ross

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Lisa & Michael Lieberman on the engagement of their son, Daniel to Samantha Birkenfeld

Marilyn Brenner & Murry Wolf Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Mildred & Fred Chalfin Get Well wishes to Mollie Friedman

Mazal tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen Jill David In memory of father, Robert Green In memory of grandfather, Harry Lieberman Marilyn & Barry Felenstein

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank

Stuart Fenster In memory of mother, Theodora Fenster Diane & Arthur Fishman Get Well wishes to Karen Schragenheim Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Mollie & Hal Friedman Get Well wishes to Karen Schragenheim Get Well wishes to Renee Leffler

Mazal Tov to Cindy & Alex Hattem on the engagement of their daughter, Ivy to Josh Hollander Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner

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Mollie & Hal Friedman Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank Mazal Tov to Judy & Mordechai Friedlander on the birth of their granddaughter, Addison Rebecca Hart Benner born to their daughter, Rachel & Andrew Benner Mazal Tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen Condolences to Susan Ross on the death of her mother-in-law, Magda Ross Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner

Marion & Milton Fuld Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank

Claire & Joel Gondelman In memory of grandmother, Clara Berkman In memory of mother, Rose Berkman Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Bernetta, Andrew, Anya & Molly Gordon

Condolences to Susan Ross on the death of her mother-in-law, Magda Ross and to Jake & Rebecca Ross on the death of their grandmother, Magda Ross

Arlene & Myron Hecker Get Well wishes to Bruce Schnur

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner

Roz Hurwitz Get Well wishes to Bruce Schnur

Mazal Tov to Cindy & Alex Hattem on the engagement of their daughter, Ivy to Josh Hollander Mazal Tov to Ivy Hattem on her engagement to Josh Hollander Mazal Tov to Judy & Mordechai Friedlander on the birth of their granddaughter, Addison Rebecca Hart Benner born to daughter, Rachel & Andrew Benner

Gail & Michael Kaiser Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Helene & Ira Kornstein Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Tamar & Jim Luscher Mazal Tov to Ivy Hattem on her engagement to Josh Hollander Kenie Mittleman

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen Mazal Tov to Judy & Mordechai Friedlander on the birth of their granddaughter, Addison Rebecca Hart Benner born to their daughter, Rachel & Andrew Benner

Sid Moskowitz Mazal Tov to Marion Fuld in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Adrienne Rubenstein in honor of her birthday

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Sid Moskowitz Mazal Tov to Ilse Spatz in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Nancy Savitt in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Cindy Hattem in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Selma Stelzer in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Mollie Friedman in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Estelle Nelson in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Susan Saffar in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Susan Schneider in honor of her birthday Mazal Tov to Cynthia & Philip Schneider in honor of their anniversary Mazal Tov to Phyllis & Sy Reiner in honor of their anniversary Mazal Tov to Henny & Werner Neuburger in honor of their anniversary Mazal Tov to Marion & Henry Reichner in honor of their anniversary Mazal Tov to Ingrid & Mark Sheiman in honor of their anniversary Mazal Tov to Ilse & John Lang in honor of their anniversary

Mazal Tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen

Werner Neuburger In memory of mother, Helen Neuburger Naomi & Eliott Newman Get Well wishes to Bruce Schnur

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Get Well wishes to Karen Schragenheim Get Well wishes to Renee Leffler

Eva Nordhauser Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Phyllis & Sy Reiner Mazal Tov to Marion & Milton Fuld on the engagement of their son, Jay

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner

Sheila & Allen Reiter Get Well wishes to Karen Schragenheim

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner

Ira Rifken In memory of father, Joseph Rifken Eileen & Alfred Rossi In memory of brother, Brendt B. Altneu Linda & Barry Russin Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Julie Schatz In memory of father, Henry Pearlman

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Cynthia & Philip Schneider Mazal Tov to Marion & Milton Fuld on the engagement of their son, Jay

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen

Susan & Jesse Schneider Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner

Melissa, Greg, Jeremy & Daniel Siegel Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner

Flora Silver Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank Mazal Tov to Marion & Milton Fuld on the engagement of their son, Jay Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Mazal Tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen

Marty Sklaver In memory of mother, Eva Sklaver Ilse Spatz In memory of father-in-law, Dr. Albert Spatz

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner

Selma & Irwin Stelzer Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper Condolences to Susan Ross on the death of her mother-in-law, Magda Ross

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank

New Building Fund Phyllis & Ken Benjamin

Mazal Tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen

Ilse & John Lang Mazal Tov to Cindy & Alex Hattem on the engagement of their daughter, Ivy to Josh Hollander Get Well wishes to Karen Schragenheim Get Well wishes to Renee Leffler

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Ilse & John Lang

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Lisa & Michael Lieberman on the engagement of their son, Daniel to Samantha Birkenfeld Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank Condolences to Susan Ross on the death of her mother-in-law, Magda Ross Mazal Tov to Bea Cozewith on the birth of her twin great-grandsons, Nathan Eli & Andrew Owen Mazal Tov to Judy & Mordechai Friedlander on the birth of their granddaughter, Addison Rebecca Hart Benner born to their daughter, Rachel & Andrew Benner Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Jane, Stephanie, Mimi, Risa, Sue, Susie, Sylvia, Paulette, Debbie, Elyse, & Leslie Aviva Adamsky In memory of father, Betalel Barber Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank Condolences to Susan Ross on the death of her mother-in-law, Magda Ross In memory of father, Albert Ashkenas In memory of mother, Dora Ashkenas

Norman Friedman In memory of wife, Faye Friedman Martha Geller In memory of mother, Esther Cosnowsky Roslyn Hirsch In memory of mother, Mary Ackerman Michele, Eric, Aaron & Alana Leder

Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner

Henny & Werner Neuberger Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Michael Taraboulos In memory of father, Henry Taraboulos Sybil & Joseph Weingast In memory of father, Solomon Weingast Sheila & Gilbert Weisman Condolences to Sid Moskowitz on the death of his wife, Rhoda Moskowitz Susana Yarjovski In memory of husband, Isaac Yarjovski In memory of father, Bessalel Hasson

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Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

Michele, Eric, Aaron & Alana Leder Get Well wishes to Karen Schragenheim

Hebrew School Fund Ellen, Steve, Mitchell, Jared, & Zoe Abrams

Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank Mazal Tov to Bernetta & Andrew Gordon on the marriage of their daughter, Anya to Jason Glassner Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner

Gladys & Ira Blassberg Get Well wishes to Karen Schragenheim Adrienne, Scott, Brandon, Arianna, & Ilyssa Milich Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner Allison, Todd, Scott, & Jacob Steingart

Mazal Tov to Rita & John Fogelman on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sarah Frank Martin Zweigbaum In memory of mother-in-law, Sonia Reiff In memory of brother, Howard Zweigbaum

Shabbos Club

Marilyn Brenner In memory of father, C. Harry Scheine Sandra Fogelman In honor of Nanuet Hebrew Center Norman Friedman In memory of sister, Florence Becker Susan & Leo Karpfen In honor of Nanuet Hebrew Center Howard Kowlowitz In memory of mother, Ruth Kowlowitz Kenie Mittleman In memory of husband, Max Mittleman Estelle Nelson In memory of brother, Earl Fox Tillie & Morris Schwartz In memory of brother, Jacob Meltzer

Prayer Book Naomi & Elliot Newman Condolences to Marjorie Wineburgh on the death of her brother, Michael Gardner

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Wanted!! Haftorah Readers. If you are willing and able to

chant a Haftorah, please contact Lenny Sitver

@ 845 354 9449. There are many days open and you

may have your choice.

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