Download - NEWTOWNARDS MODEL PRIMARY SCHOOL...Newtownards Model Primary School. An original birth certificate should accompany all applications. Applicants should note that the provision of false






Dear Parents

Newtownards Model Primary School is widely accepted to be a ‘State of

the Art’ school, resourced for teaching and learning in the twenty first

century. This deserved reputation has been achieved through the delivery

of a high class academic education and a belief in ‘rounding our children’

through exposure to ‘sports’ the ‘arts’ and real life experiences. While we

expect the highest standards both academically and morally, we aim to

create independent, motivated and socially adept pupils who can achieve

their potential and be ‘model’ citizens of the future.

All of these experiences occur within a caring environment where children

feel safe, secure and stimulated with our dedicated staff continuously working towards providing

such an atmosphere.

Some parents who already have children attending our school will be familiar with policies and

routines but for others this prospectus is designed to give information that will allow you to help

your child settle easily and quickly into their new surroundings.

It is my ardent hope that you have an enjoyable and rewarding association with Newtownards

Model Primary School working with us in educating your child.

J Stewart


Principal: Jeremy Stewart, B.Ed. Hons. Cert Ed. Advanced

Scrabo Road, Newtownards, Co. Down BT23 4NW Tel:028 9181 2113 Fax: 028 9182 6004

E-mail: [email protected]

Web site:



Newtownards Model Primary School is a controlled, co-educational primary school within the South

Eastern Region of the Education Authority. Our school currently has 413 four to eleven year old children

on roll, with each year group having two classes. In addition to our classroom teachers, our school has

part time Music and Physical Education specialists and two part- time Learning Support teachers. This

highly experienced and dedicated teaching staff is supported by 11 classroom assistants, 7 supervisory

assistants, 2 secretaries, a building supervisor, 4 cleaners and a school patrol crossing supervisor to

complete an excellent team. A cook assisted by 3 dining attendants provides dinners in the school canteen.

The South Eastern Region of the Education Authority has its headquarters at Grahamsbridge Road

Dundonald, BT16 2HS, its telephone number being (028) 9056 6200. The Education Authority publishes

details about education in the area and copies of this information are obtainable from that address.

The school became fully delegated in April 1994 and from that date the Board of Governors was

completely responsible for the full budget including salaries. The Chairperson of Governors is Mr W



Working as a team within a respectful, safe, caring, and secure environment we will develop

the intellectual, physical, moral and creative abilities of all our pupils, so that each child

becomes responsible for their own learning and develops to their full potential.


Mr W McAdam ) Transferors’ Representative

Miss P McMillan ) Transferors’ Representative

Mr D Roberts ) Transferors’ Representative

Rev K Hyndman ) SEELB Representative

A N Other - Transferors’ Representative

Mrs M McIlroy - Parents’ Representative

Mr N Morrison - Parents’ Representative

Mr D Hill - DENI Representative

Mr D Watson - Teachers’ Representative


STAFF 2015-2016

PRINCIPAL Mr J Stewart B Ed (Hons) Cert Ed Advanced


Head of Key Stage Two & P5 Teacher Mrs E Simpson B Ed (Hons) PQHNI

Head of Foundation Mrs P Langley B Ed

Head of Key Stage One Mrs E McCulloch B Ed (Hons) TEFL

Mrs K Bryans B.A. (Hons) Mrs E Gould B Ed

Miss C Beattie B Ed (Hons) Mrs L Ryan MA B Ed (Hons) ALCM

Miss Lee-Ann Dalton B.A. PGCE (P3 Job Share) Miss L Owen BA (Hons)

Mrs C Myles MA MEd LGSM Miss S Cooper MA MEd PGCE

Mr D Watson B Ed (Hons) Mr C McCullough BA (Hons) PGCE

Mrs P Turtle BSc (Hons) PGCE Mrs K Raphael BSc (Hons) PGCE

Mrs R Thompson B Ed Learning Support Mrs C Ringland B Ed Learning Support & P3 Job Share)

Mrs C Leathem B Ed ATCL Music Specialist Miss E Graham BSc PGCE P.E. Specialist

Mrs S O’Donnell B.Ed. (Hons) (P7T Job Share) Mrs L Braniff B.Ed. (Hons) (P4L Job Share)


Executive Officer Mrs R Dornan

Clerical Officer Mr N Keery

Buildings Supervisor Mr S Rollo

Classroom Assistants (P1&2) Mrs A Hill, Mrs A King, Ms K Fulton, Mrs L Boyd

Classroom Assistant (SEN) Mrs P Dines, Miss K Ferguson, Mrs D McFeeters, Mrs N McBride

Miss E Donnelly

Classroom Assistant Mrs K Tannock, Ms E Webber,

Road Patrol Supervisor Mr K Brennan

Cleaning Staff Mrs B Johnston, Mrs S McClean, Mr K Filson, Mr S Pyper

Senior Supervisory Assistant Mrs I Reid

Supervisory Assistants Mrs S McGouran, Mrs K Bittles, Mrs A Creaney, Mrs D Bill,

Mrs B Johnston, Mrs K Tannock

Cook Mrs L McVeigh

Kitchen Assistants Mrs V Murphy, A N Other, Ms L Aulton




A child who is 4 years old on or before 1 July may be enrolled in the school the following September

provided there are places available. If the school is oversubscribed the Board of Governors will apply its

Admission Criteria to ascertain the 58 places which The Department of Education dictates is our P1 intake


Parents are welcome to visit our school on the Open Night held annually in December or on the Open

Morning held annually in January. Parents may also make arrangements for a personalised tour of our

school if they are unable to attend the Open Night or Open Morning.

Criteria for the Admission of Children into P1

P1 Intake

If the school is oversubscribed pupils will be admitted according to the following criteria:-

1 Children of compulsory school age with a member of their family* currently in attendance at

Newtownards Model Primary School. (Applicants must state the family member currently in

attendance on the application form).

2 Children of compulsory school age whose parent is a permanent employee in Newtownards Model

Primary School.

3 Children of compulsory school age whose parents or members of the family* previously attended

Newtownards Model Primary School. (Applicants must provide Name/Maiden name of family

member and year of leaving Newtownards Model Primary School on the application form).

*A member of the family will be defined as brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, step brother, step

sister, foster brother, foster sister.

4 Other children:

In the event of over-subscription in any of the above criteria, taken in order, the following

sub-criteria will be applied in the order stated.

(a) Applications where Newtownards Model Primary School is the first choice.

(b) Children whose normal place of residence is closest to the school, as measured using Google Maps

Distance measuring Tool (Driving).

In the event of two children living equidistant from the school, the eldest child will be given


Waiting List Policy

P1 Admissions

Should a vacancy arise after placement letters have been issued all applications for admission that were

initially refused, new applications, late applications and applications where new information has been

provided will be treated equally and the published criteria applied. This waiting list will be in place until

the end of the academic year applied for.


The school will contact you if your child gains a place by this method and parents must reply to the offer

within 48 hours otherwise the next child on the waiting list will be offered this place.

Parents must inform the school if they wish their child to be included in the P2-7 waiting list.

P2-P7 Intake

In considering applications for admission to P2- P7 classes, the governors will apply the same criteria and

in the same order as listed above for admission to P1. This will be on the basis that no child will be

admitted to a P1- P7 class which already has 30 children or more, and on the overall enrolment figure for

the school not being exceeded.

In the case of all applications for admission, a multiple application for siblings, will be considered first and

the criteria applied before single applications.

NB: When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Board of

Governors will only take into account information which is detailed on or attached to the

application form. Parents should therefore ensure that all information pertaining to their

child and relevant to the school’s admissions criteria is stated on the application form or

attached to it. Examples of such information include details of family members currently in

attendance in the school and details of parents or family members who previously attended

Newtownards Model Primary School.

An original birth certificate should accompany all applications.

Applicants should note that the provision of false or incorrect information or the failure to provide

information within the deadlines set by primary schools can result in the withdrawal of a place and the

inability to offer a place on the part of any school nominated on the applicant’s application form.

UNIFORM GIRLS Grey pinafore or skirt Navy cardigan or jumper White blouse School tie White socks (navy tights may be worn in cold weather) A navy gingham dress may be worn in the summer term Black flat soled shoes, laced or with Velcro straps

BOYS Grey trousers Navy jumper White shirt School tie Black flat soled shoes, laced or with Velcro straps P.E UNIFORM

Children in P1 do not change for P.E. (P1 Children change into gutties for P.E.).

However there is a P.E. uniform for all other classes.

The P.E. uniform consists of branded white polo shirt, branded navy shorts, branded track suit bottoms

and white socks. (A track suit top is available but is optional).

P.E. uniform can be ordered through school and is available from David Crawford School Wear and Select




A Breakfast Club, supervised by school staff, runs every morning from

8.00am to 8.45am. (Last admittance is at 8.30am). The cost is 50p per

morning and the children are supplied with a nutritious breakfast and get

the opportunity to play games with their friends in a relaxed but secure

environment. All our children are eligible to use the service.

School Wrap Around Provision

To support parents with children in different Key Stages which have differing finishing times, our SWAP

programme allows children in P1, P2 and P3 to remain in school under supervision until 2.55pm. The cost

is £2 per child and children using the programme are supervised by Classroom Assistants and Supervisors

who engage the children in educationally based activities during the hour.


Dinners are prepared on the premises and served daily in the school canteen. The school dinners are

extremely nutritious, varied, tasty and meet all regulatory standards regarding school meals. These are

paid for on a Monday although a dinner may be purchased any day if special circumstances arise.

Cheques must be made payable to the Education Authority. We would ask that parents pay for small

amounts (£2.50/£5/£10) with cash as our school is charged 36p by the bank for every checque.

Children whose parents are in receipt of INCOME SUPPORT, JOB SEEKERS ALLOWANCE (Income related

or Pension Credit) or CHILD TAX CREDIT (with earnings under £16,190), will be eligible to apply for free

school meals and a uniform grant.

Parents and guardians may apply for Free School Meals and a Uniform Grant if they are in receipt of

WORKING TAX CREDIT and have an annual taxable income which does not exceed £16,190.

Further information and application forms for free meals may be obtained from the school office.

Children in P1 & P2 may be collected from school at 1.15 pm or they may remain in school where they

can consume a packed lunch or a school dinner, play under supervision in the playground and be collected

at 1.55 pm. (For P1 pupils this timetable only takes effect after September. Prior to this children do not

stay for dinner and are released at 12.15pm)).


P1 - P7

Children may bring packed lunches to school to be eaten in the canteen under supervision. Please name all

lunch boxes. Drinks in glass containers should not be brought into school.

Parents should note that our school is a Nut Free Zone. This is due to children who have allergies that

are potentially serious and are triggered by nuts or nut traces.

During a staggered lunchtime children visit the canteen to eat their lunch and then have supervised

playtime in the playgrounds.


All children should come to school at 8.55 am for a 9.00 am start. Children go directly to their class

where they will be supervised. Teachers are available in their classrooms from 8.45 am and before this

time there will be no supervision. Any child coming to school before 8.45 am and not attending the

Breakfast Club should wait in the Middle Playground. P1 & P2 children enter school via the side door

outside Mrs Langley’s classroom and parents may accompany P1 & P2 children to their cloakrooms or

classroom up until Halloween. Thereafter, parents are asked to leave their children to the side door only.

P3 - P7 parents should leave their children to the front door. If a parent wishes to speak with a teacher, an

appointment can be made through the School Secretary in the Office.

All parents should use the pedestrian gates at the front of the building. The car park entrance must not be

used by pedestrians.


P1 at play

The end of the school day varies according to the class and time of year.

P1 9.00 am - 12.15 pm (Until the end of September)

9.00 am - 1.55 pm (From the start of October)

P2 9.00 am - 1.55 pm

P3 9.00 am - 2.00 pm

P4 - P7 9.00 am - 3.00 pm

Our P1 - P3 children must be accompanied to and collected from school by an adult.

P1 day trip to Crawfordsburn Beach


Our P1 & P2 classes have a system in which the children are given a nutritious snack each morning at a

cost of £5 per month. For our older children, nutritious fruit and yogurt are available every day for 30p

and on Wednesdays and Fridays a healthier treat option is available. Children are encouraged not to

bring confectionary or chocolate for break.


School Holidays 2015/16

Start Tuesday 25th August 2015

Halloween Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October 2015 (5days inclusive)

Christmas Monday 21st December 2015– Friday 1st January 2016 (10 days)

Start Tuesday 5th January 2016

Half Term Monday 15th February – Friday 19th February 2016 (5 days)

Easter Monday 21st March 2016 – Friday 1st April 2016 (10 days)

Bank Holidays

Monday 31st August 2015 (1 day)

Monday 2nd May 2016 (1 day)

Monday 30th May 2016 (1 day)

Baker Days

1. Tuesday 18th August 2015

2. Wednesday 19th August 2015

3. Thursday 20th August 2015

4. Friday 21st August 2015

5. Monday 24th August 2015


1. Monday 2nd November 2015

2. Monday 4th January 2016

3. Monday 23rd May 2016

4. Tuesday 24th May 2016

5. Wednesday 25th May 2016

Parents are strongly discouraged from taking their children out of school for holidays during

term times. Likewise medical/dental appointments should be arranged outside the normal

school day.



All items of clothing, including gym shoes (slip on type for the P1 - P3 children) and lunch boxes, must be

clearly marked with the child’s name. Although every care is taken of pupils’ property, the school cannot

accept responsibility for loss or damage.

Parents are asked to ensure that the best possible care is taken of all textbooks, exercise books and

equipment given to their children for use at home. Textbooks should be backed, as in the present financial

climate other children will undoubtedly have to use them.


Due to health and safety constraints, children are not permitted to wear hooped earrings at any time. One

small stud earring may be worn in each ear but must not be worn to school on a day when they need to

be removed for PE or swimming as removal/storage and the potential for replacement with someone else’s

earring could lead to loss or serious infection such as Hepatitis.

The Physical Education Policy and Uniform Policy give further information and can be found on the School

Website. Hard copies of these policies are available from the School Secretary upon demand.


Formal parental interviews take place twice a year in October and March. Parents also receive a written

report in June. Parents are also invited to a Year Group Meeting in early September when teachers will

give parents information about the year ahead and the curriculum covered. Parents also receive a

substantive booklet at the end of every year giving information about their child’s teacher for next year and

changes to routine and structure that may be encountered when entering a new Key Stage or year group

Parents are also encouraged to communicate with teachers if they have concerns or queries about their

child’s progress. Informal interviews can be arranged by contacting the School Secretary


The Revised Curriculum is now firmly imbedded in our school and the values underpinning the ethos are

very clearly evident in how our children are developing. Standards have risen and the children are

developing greater social skills such as self- confidence, independence, self- organisation and team work.

The curriculum being followed reflects a changing society and the skills being developed are those that our

future citizens and work force will require. While personal and inter-personal skills are important, so too are

the basic elements of Literacy and Numeracy, which continue to be the foundation of all our learning and

teaching. These two elements continue to be the main focus in our curriculum.


There are two classes per year group and our P1 classes are arranged, from the information available, to

create two balanced mixed -ability classes. The classes are then restructured at the end of P2 and P5, as

over time the balance of classes can change. Internally classes may be organised in groups i.e. groups of

mixed ability, peer and random groups or as a whole class. This enables teachers to affect the most

efficient form of learning.

Internal Assessment and Tracking

In Newtownards Model Primary School we place a huge emphasis on the use of internal assessment data

and the tracking of children to ensure high quality teaching and learning. From P1 our children complete

Standardised Tests in Literacy and Mathematics. This data allows us to monitor the progress of each child

in the early years. In P4 and then P6, our children also complete Cognitive Ability Tests on -line and from

the results of these tests; we are able to ascertain how the children are performing in Literacy and

Mathematics against their cognitive ability. Underperforming children are identified, using this data


alongside professional judgement and any identified children are then given support within the classroom or

by our Learning Support teachers and they are targeted for improvement.


Each teacher will provide a full programme of work for all children in their class whatever their ability.

Where pupils with special educational needs are identified, they will be allocated individual learning

programmes in literacy and numeracy. Regular monitoring of pupils’ progress is carried out and

home/school links and parental consultations are a regular feature of the school year. Where necessary,

advice and support is sought from the Education Authority’s Psychology Service. Learning Support

teachers are employed to give extra help in literacy and numeracy to children who require assistance.

Special Educational Needs

Newtownards Model Primary School is incredibly well resourced in this area, given that our SENCO

(Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) Mrs Ringland, supports children who are identified as requiring

additional support in literacy and Mrs Thompson supports those children who have been identified as

requiring additional support in Mathematics. Intervention from Mrs Ringland and Mrs Thompson is usually

initiated in P2 with an emphasis on closing any educational gap quickly. A Special Educational Needs

Register is drawn up each year with identified children being placed on the register within the confines of

the Code of Practice. Parents are informed at every stage within the process and there is a close liaison

between school and home should a child be identified at any stage as requiring support. The Special

Educational Needs Policy can be found on the school website and hard copies can be obtained upon












LEVEL 1 1.75%

Not available

0% Not available

LEVEL 2 47% Not available 49% Not available

LEVEL 3 51% Not available 51% Not available

Level 2 or















LEVEL 3 18% Not available 14% Not available

LEVEL 4 53% Not available 52% Not available

LEVEL 5 28% Not available 34% Not available


Level 4 or






*Some information was Not Available because of industrial action


All schools are now required to have written policy statements for their educational provision and care:

e.g. Behaviour for Learning, Anti-Bullying Policy, Charging and Remissions Policy, Safeguarding Policy,

Homework Policy etc. These can be found on the school website and are available on request from the

School Secretary.

Cast from the Nativity Play P1 pupils receive a visit from the

local Fire Service



Parents will be invited to attend an evening meeting in school in early June. At this meeting parents will be

given general information about the school and administrative details concerning Primary One. Parents will

receive copies of our, “Getting Ready for School,” booklet and our Head of Foundation will advise parents

how they might best help their child prepare for starting Primary One.


Parents will be invited to bring their child to school for an afternoon visit in mid- June to sample school life

in Primary One. During this afternoon the child will see their new classroom, sample the play materials and

meet the teacher. This visit is intended to allay any fears the child may have and to ease the transition

from home to school.


Newtownards Model Primary School believes strongly in the value of homework. Through homework :

(a) Work done in school is consolidated

(b) Parents see what their child has been learning in school

(c) A project or investigative piece of work may allow parents and children to work together in a

creative way

(d) Your child becomes accustomed to completing tasks outside the classroom and becomes familiar

to a routine they will expect to encounter in Key Stage One and Two and in post primary



Our Homework Policy is available on the School Website and upon request.


All of our classes get the opportunity to go on Educational Visits. These visits help reinforce facts and

concepts the children have covered in course and topic work. All children have at least one trip each year;

our older children will have the chance to go on a number of visits to factories, historical sites and places of

educational interest.

In P6 our children have a residential at an Outdoor Pursuits centre and our P7 children travel to the

mainland to experience cities such as Edinburgh and York.

P6 at Greenhill

P7 at York


Our school has close links with the other primary and secondary schools in the area. Primary 7 pupils are

given the opportunity to visit local secondary schools and representatives from the schools visit regularly

during the final year and liaise with the Principal and Primary 7 teachers regarding the transition.


The school has a policy of maintaining good links within the local community. Our P1 - P3 Christmas

Concerts and P4 - P7 Carol Service are both greatly appreciated by parents and the school community in

general. Our school choirs perform for senior citizens, hospital patients and other groups in the local

community on a regular basis.



The school enjoys an active and dedicated Parent-Teacher Association, which provides annually a varied

and attractive programme which caters well for the social and educational aspect, as well as generating

welcome financial resources.

When children enrol at Newtownards Model Primary School, their parents automatically become members

of the PTA, and when they see their parents coming to school and enjoying it, the benefits for children are

invaluable. It is therefore in your child’s interest that you become actively involved in the PTA.


The school supports many charities. As demands are constantly being made to schools, we select wisely

the charities we will support each year. The British Legion Poppy Appeal, Wings and Christian Aid are

supported each year, while other various charities, e.g. NSPCC, Children in Need are supported in special

projects undertaken. We try to balance our support for Northern Ireland charities alongside national and

international charities.


The health, safety and pastoral care of all our children is paramount. Our Safeguarding Team of Mrs

Simpson, our Designated Teacher and Mrs Langley our Deputy Designated Teacher, supports the emotional

and physical wellbeing of our children. Children are all aware of this team and know that they can seek

support overtly or privately through a Worry Box system A copy of the Safeguarding and Child Protection

Policy can be found on the school website and a hard copy is available upon request. Likewise a copy of

the school’s Drug Policy is on the school website and a hard copy is available upon request.

The school currently has six staff trained in First Aid. Minor injuries are dealt with in school by trained

First Aiders and in the case of more serious injuries, school will ask parents to come to school to consult

about an injury or the pupil will be transferred to hospital by ambulance if the circumstances demand.

Parents will be informed if the injury is deemed to be more than minor.


Teachers will only supervise administration of prescribed medication after a Protocol, (available from the

Principal), has been completed and signed by the GP or Paediatrician and the Principal. Non-prescribed

medication can be administered by parents during the school day after arrangement with the Principal.

Other than prescribed medication administered after completion of the Protocol, no medicines should be

brought into school.


Non-denominational Religious Education is given to all classes. While this is firmly bible-based, a thematic

approach may be used, with such concepts as forgiveness, honesty, the family and caring for others to the

fore. Religious Education is also presented in a meaningful way, relevant to everyday life as found in

school, at home or further afield.

On Fridays P4 - P7 children attend Morning Assembly when visiting clergy may participate whereas P1 -

P3 children hold their assemblies on Wednesdays. Special services are held at Christmas, Easter or for

specific purposes such as Harvest and Christian Aid. In Newtownards Model Primary School we aim to

show that Christian characteristics should form the foundation for a self-controlled caring life.


If parents do not want their child to be taught the RE Curriculum or to take part in the short act of

worship they must let the school know by making arrangements to speak to the Principal concerning the

matter. It is your right to withdraw your child from religious education classes.


If your child has been absent for any reason, his or her return must be accompanied by a letter

explaining the absence.

It would be appreciated if appointments to the doctor, dentist etc could be made outside

school hours. If this is not possible to arrange, the school cannot allow a child to leave the premises

during school hours without a written request from the parents. Parents must collect children from the

school office in these circumstances.

Parents of children with poor attendance will receive a letter from the school highlighting the level of

concern. If attendance continues to be below acceptable levels then the Principal will contact the

Educational Welfare Officer. The same will apply if persistent lateness becomes an issue.

An Attendance and Lateness Policy which gives further information can be found on the School Website

and is available upon request.


Mobile phones are not permitted in school. There are various reasons for this, the most notable being the

potential misuse of the camera, phone or text facility along with the possibility of loss or damage.

If children need to contact their parents they can do so, depending on the situation, either via land line in

the classroom, under teacher supervision or via land line in the office under supervision of the secretaries.

A Model School News Sheet giving diary dates, holiday dates and other important information is sent to

parents via the children on a regular basis. This information will also be on the school website.

(Gaming consoles or devices which have a camera facility are not permitted in school for the same reasons

as listed above.)


Children who cycle to school must dismount at the pedestrian gates and walk with their bicycle through

the grounds of the school to the cycle rack behind the kitchen block. Children using the patrolman to cross

the Scrabo Road must also dismount while being supervised at the crossing.

Children must not cycle or walk through the car park and bicycles must be locked as the school can not be

responsible in cases of theft. It is expected that children will wear a cycle helmet at all times while cycling.


A report on pupils’ progress is issued each year. This comprehensive report is issued in early June.

Newtownards Model Primary School always encourages an ‘open door’ system and parents may visit the

school at any time to ascertain the progress of their children, to seek clarification on information received,

or to make teachers aware of a problem which has unexpectedly arisen and which may effect the child’s

learning process. (These times should always be mutually agreed between teacher and parent).


Newtownards Model Primary School has always enjoyed a reputation for good behaviour, a characteristic

of which we are justly proud. We do not dwell on the negative but reward positive behaviour in school.

Each class has a reward system in place for good behaviour and positive attitudes and this is reinforced by

Principal’s Awards which are given to pupils each month.


A range of sanctions is available to teachers to deal with issues of misbehaviour and these are included in

our Behaviour for Learning Policy. Serious issues are dealt with by the Principal and parents will be

informed. Our Behaviour for Learning Policy along with a number of other Policies can be viewed on our

school website and hard copies are available upon request.


Our school recognises the value of sport and physical education in the overall development of our children.

P4 - P7 children have PE lessons taken by a specialist Physical Education teacher. Our Foundation Stage

children also have daily opportunities to play outside on large and small apparatus. This structured play

helps develop social, emotional and gross motor skills.

Staff v Pupils fun Hockey Match Staff v Pupils Football match

To facilitate and encourage our children we have a plastic multi-sports pitch on site. This provides a true

surface within the safe environs of the school and this fantastic facility encourages participation.

Classes are also timetabled to use our Activity Centre on a weekly basis. The Activity Centre not only

provides an enjoyable, challenging environment but helps develop strength, agility, co -ordination and

balance. The playground also boasts table tennis tables, ground markings for various games and activities,

a mini basketball court and basketball boards for small group activities.

An outside gymnasium complements all our team-based activities by encouraging our children to stay fit.

Our P4-7 children also benefit from an IFA coach who is employed to take classes for soccer skills at

lunchtime each day on a structured timetable.


Our P5 - P7 classes attend swimming lessons at Ards leisure Centre for

two terms. The children are bussed to the Leisure Centre where they

receive 30 minutes tuition from a qualified Swimming Coach each week.

Parents are asked to support the cost of the swimming programme and it

is vital that all children attend as a small number of non-participants in

each class quickly makes the costs unworkable. Children unable to

participate for medical reasons must bring an explanatory note to their



We offer a range of after-school activities for our children. The list of activities includes:

Senior football Junior football Basketball


Boys Hockey Girls Hockey Senior netball

Needlecraft club Drama/Production/Music Recorder club

Computer Club Scripture Union

Art Junior netball

Newtownards Model Primary School places great emphasis on children’s experience in Creative and

Expressive subjects. The refurbishment of our school includes the creation of a specialist stand-alone Art

Suite. This facility will make it easier for children to participate in art-based activities. The room has been

specifically designed to meet the needs of our teachers and pupils and it is hoped that such a facility will

help develop this important and enjoyable area of the curriculum.


Each classroom in our school is equipped with an Interactive

Whiteboard. This allows teachers to present stimulating lessons

encompassing downloaded visual and auditory clips, DVD’s and

PowerPoint presentations. Each whiteboard has a range of resources

available which will only add to the enjoyment and depth of learning.

To develop children’s computer skills and allow whole class teaching,

our school also has a new computer suite with enough computers to

allow each child to work on their own. This will complement the

allocation of computers to each classroom.


The annual attendance rate for 2014/2015 has been calculated at 95%.


In 2012/13 77 applications for admission were received and 60 pupils were admitted

In 2013/14 70 applications for admission were received and 60 pupils were admitted

In 2014/15 61 applications for admission were received and 60 pupils were admitted.


There is a statutory requirement to make certain information readily available to parents. This includes

curriculum details, statements of school policy, formal papers sent by the Department to the Principal and

procedures for complaints about the school curriculum and related matters. Copies are held in the school

office and can be viewed by making a written appointment with the Principal.


The information provided in this prospectus is correct at October 2015. It should not be assumed that it

will remain current throughout the school year.

If any significant changes to the above information are envisaged notice giving details and effective notes

will be circulated in advance.