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Page 1: Newsletter-Winter-2010


outh Greyhound Homefinders

NewsletterPublisher: Lynda Eden Issue Number: 16 Date: Winter 2010

A Note From The Editor:I just can’t believe that Christmas is almost upon us once again! Today as I sit at my computer the snow is gently falling and my dogs are loving it! Even golden oldie Nigel is enjoying a run around! However, Millie the diva can’t wait to get back inside to where it’s warm!

Thanks to Philip (sorry I don’t know your surname) the dogs in the kennels are keeping very much warmer this winter. Thank you so very much for your kindness and generosity, not to mention skills! Philip has donated his time, materials and expertise and insulated each individual kennel. So, along with their heat lamps, they will be cosy and warm. If the dogs could say “thank you” I’m sure that they would!

As always I’d like to thank each and everyone of you that volunteers your time and assistance, either at the kennels, the stadium or fundraising. We’d not be where we are now without your help.. thank you so very, very much.

Following on from the good news in the last newsletter that Harry had found his forever home I can now report that our other sponsor dog, Wesley, has also had the good fortune to be homed!

Please remember the dogs that will still be in the kennels over Christmas. Any donations received will be spent on extra treats for them over the festive season.

Cheques can be sent to me, Mrs Lynda Eden, 20 Bernard Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9AW or we would be very pleased to see you at the kennels any Saturday between the hours of 11am to 2.30 pm when you would be able to give the dogs a treat or two yourself.

Happy Christmas and very best wishes for 2011 to you and your dogs.


Harry (Hartwood Tiger), has settled down really nicely in his new home and is very happy with his new friend Kam.

Stanley (Lughill Sammy), getting in to the festive spirit! Read more about Stanley further in this newsletter.

Zac (Pernos Star) proving that greyhounds and cats can happily live together. What a beautiful photo!

Biscuit (Grab The Biscuit) obviously very happy with his new friend Mimi!

Thank you to the ladies who attended my Body Shop At Home Party in October. We raised the fantastic amount of £146 which will be put towards the costs of refurbishments to the kennels

Kennels Located At Hainford, A140. Open Saturdays 11am-2.30pm otherwise by appointment. Phone 0845 458 3797

Editor: Mrs Lynda Eden, 20 Bernard Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9AW. Email: [email protected]


Yarmouth Greyhound Homefi nders, a branch of the Retired Greyhound Trust Registered Charity No: 269668

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Hi, Spot, Downunda Spot, reporting from sunny Ipswich. I have settled in very well and I am enjoying my new life. I am getting spoil and am loved by all of the family. The cats were a bit wary of me at first but we have made great progress and I now sit on the settee with them. I still wear my muzzle in the house with the cats but not my lead. The cats tease me sometimes by playing with my tail and licking my ears but I am being very good!

I spent my first night in the kitchen but I didn’t like that so now I sleep upstairs with everyone else. Charlie likes me to sleep in his bedroom. I do have a bed on the floor but much prefer his bed!

I sleep very well but like to get up early, about 6am, and then wake everybody else by jumping on their beds! I go for at least two walks a day and we go to the beach most weekends. We also go to the woods, which I love.

I am trying hard not to beg for, or steal, food and generally I do lie down when I am told to. I was told that I couldn’t take over the settee but, as long as I’m good, my owners are letting me get away with it!

As you can see from the photos Spot obviously enjoys watching the nature programs on the tv!

Email me a funny caption and the best one (in my opinion!!) will win a portable drinking water bottle for your dog. [email protected]

Spot has now been joined by Tilly, Smooth Mover.

Hello this is Tilly reporting from her happy home in Ipswich. I have settled in nicely with Spot but I’m still not too sure about the cats. I’m ok if they don’t come too near to my face but I have tried to chase them a couple of times but I am going to improve in that department! I am enjoying my walks in the woods, at the beach and the local golf course. I like to watch tv on my masters bed in the mornings and watching the football.

I sleep on Charlie’s bed and Spot is now pushed on to the floor but he doesn’t mind really! I have been given a big bed with two duvets to sleep in during the day. Spot

sometimes tries to get in but he has the settee to sleep on. My family love me and Spot loads.. except when we wake them up at 5.30am for a wee!!

Hello Timmy, Oghill Tip, here.

I have moved from Sheringham to Cromer, with my maid Jane and a new butler Martin. My maid took my toys and my special dishes with me that I have my drinks and food in. When I first moved in I cried at night so I got my own way and now sleep in my maids and masters bedroom. I even jump up on the settee. I was never allowed to do that in my other house! I get taken for long walks on the

beach but don’t like the stones!

I’ve trained my new master well. In the mornings we have toast together and when he’s coking sausages I always get one or two!

We go to get the paper together in the mornings. I am a very busy dog these days, sleeping and eating, meeting new people and other dogs! Love to you all, Timmy

Hello from Oklahoma Don

I’ve been with my “mum” since February and I’m so pleased “the old girl” took to me even though the first night I gassed the lounge out!!

We go walkies twice a day to the cliffs at Caister Holiday Camps and I am making friends with a lot of the children. They like stroking my silky black coat.

My 91 year old mum has taken me to two dog shows. At the first one I won a 3rd and a 5th place. At the second show I won two 5ths, one 1st and best veteran! I was so excited I grabbed the sausage roll from mum! Well, she should not have been holding it so low!

Don in his den behind the sofa

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I am now living in Fakenham with my new mummy, daddy and girlfriend Dora. Also two chickens named Fluffy and Scruffy.

I have been good for most of the time since I arrived. I’ve been very clean in the house with not a single “accident”. I found the kitchen floor a little slippery so dad put some old rubber mats down for me so I don’t fall over. I particularly like to lie on the one right in the middle of the floor. This is not so as to be under everyone’s feet, it’s because I can see all of the comings and goings!

Recently I had to spend a day at the vets to have my teeth cleaned and also twenty teeth taken out! I am feeling much better now and dad is happier for me to breath on him when I’m sitting next to him on the sofa!

I am enjoying my walks although at first I was a little scared of the large lorries. Mum has reassured me they won’t hurt me and I am much braver now! There are lots of dogs near where I live so lots of friends to make. I do like to bark “good morning” to nearly all of them. There is a puppy next door called Buddy who I like to talk to through the fence. That is when I’m not helping mum clean out the hen’s nest box or chasing apples from the tree. I haven’t tried to eat one yet but Dora does. She also likes the plums too….. they make her very “smelly” though!

In the evenings we all settle down in the lounge. I’ve stopped waiting for an invitation to get up on the sofa. I’ve figured out that they don’t mind, and as you can see from the photo I match the throw and cushions perfectly!

Thank you for helping me to find such a happy home and I shall continue to try and be good. Particularly now that the breadbin has been moved so that I can’t empty it again!

Lots of licks and wags, Rupert Three Zeds, Rupes or Roo Bear!

I have settled very well in to my new home where I get lots of fuss and attention. Also lots of doggy treats! I have had fun chewing my owner’s slippers but I

have my own toys to play with too! I also have a nice comfortable bed to sleep in and I think I have fallen on my feet! I can’t wait until the wood burner is lit on those cold winter nights, I’ll never move! (Think that the time has arrived Lynda!) Lowry (Droopys Lowry)

Teds Told Me So Also I certainly fell on my feet when my man chose me! I’m living a life of luxury. I ran off once but I soon came back, I know where my bread is buttered!

Wishing everybody at YGH a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

I’m now living with two other dogs; Bobby a toy poodle and Duchy the lurcher. When I first came home I made a few mistakes - chewed Mum’s new boots, the remote control for the TV and all newspapers. I made a couple of mistakes on the floor but didn’t get told off; Mum just said, “You will soon get used to home life.” Now Mum and Dad say I’m a good boy. I have long walks in the park or we get in the car and go to an old airfield where they keep me on a long lead - but Bobby and I still chase rabbits! Mum and Dad took the three of us on a boat to a place called the Broads. What fun! Two weeks, a different place every day chasing ducks and swans away from the boat. When we’d moored Dad, Bobby and I had a nap after working hard - me on lookout, while Mum cooked dinner. They said the three of us were so good we’re off again soon, some place called Sandringham. I’m looking forward to that. Love from King (Blonde Keano)

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Red, Redrock Canyon, has settled very well indoors but we still keep him muzzled when out but the distraction/ignoring him technique is working well. He’s only had a couple of “accidents” indoors but he soon learnt that mum doesn’t like him doing that.

He is greatly admired by all and sundry and his coat is starting to gleam! He is a grand lad with his paws well and truly under the table and we will give him the retirement that he deserves!Many thanks to all at Homefinders, Allen and Sandra

Wink, (Come On Wink, on the right) is now named Mickey. Unfortunately since this picture Minnie, the other dog, has passed away and we send our sympathies to Wink and the family.

Smiler (Stamina King) and his owner getting in some practise ready for next years “look-a-like” class at the greyhound show!

David will be attending the stadium to make a gate collection on Boxing Day morning. Start time is at 9.30am and stay a couple of hours. If anyone is able to help David and can bring their dog with them please give him a call on 0845 458 3797. He would be very grateful for some company.

A place for you to lie

Is it your feet he can hear

Lightly clipping through our kitchen at night

Do you return from the stars to visit us while we sleep?

Matty’s bed is where yours used to be

Is that where you slumber each night,

And he chooses the sofa

So there’s a warm, familiar place for you to lie

You know he’d let you up there with him

But you always preferred the floor, ‘dragon-pose.’

Winter will be here soon, old girl

Will you be there again, in front of the fire?

There will always be room, sweet Lady.

Sadie Tattersall

TenfoldThe sun’s first rays turn your black body to gleaming bronze.Drops of dew on your face, oh, you happy boy,

What pleasures for you in the scented grass!

Still, you settle more, revelling in our love for you.

Your glorious neck curves up to me as I brush, silken boy,

I smell your sweet head, and remember my own newborn; I can’t get enough.

The day ends; pale leaves shine like spots of light on the dark earth.

You lean against me as we walk, trusting me to keep you safe.

My heart is yours; my beautiful boy, and still you give it back, tenfold.

Sadie Tattersall

Please send your stories and photos for inclusion in a future newsletter to:

Mrs Lynda Eden, 20, Bernard Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9AW.

Or email me at [email protected] It’s always a pleasure to receive your letters.

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Co-ordinator’s bitOur greyhounds make a huge impact on our lives, which makes things all the harder when we lose them. I am always so sad when I get a call telling me a greyhound has passed away. So you can imagine how I felt to hear about 4 in the last month or so. I know all the families the dogs belonged to were extremely upset, but all have some lovely memories. Tammy (Broken Times), Tudor (Knockatudor Nan), Annie (Rum Baba), Amber (Wood Solo) and Harley (Kiers Flyer-who fronts this year’s calendar) all passed away and will be remembered with love and affection.

They would be delighted that loads of their friends have found homes this year and I am so pleased to say that at the time of writing we have well surpassed last year’s number of homings. One very interesting, some would say spooky, fact to come out of the homings this year is as follows:

Last year we homed our 100th dog, Blonde Keano (King) on Oct 31st. This year we homed our 100th dog, Biltan Tinka (Tina) on Oct 31st………and………Tina is living with King. How about that!

Our last Open Day of the year was extremely well attended, surpassing our expectations and it was lovely, as usual, to give hugs to the greyhounds that came to see us. A big thank you for the generosity of everyone who came along.

Keep your eyes well open for a new event next year, probably in May. We are organising an Open Day at the STADIUM in Caister with all the usual attractions, yes all the dogs for homing at that time will be there.

I hope you have your copy of our 2011 Calendar, which has had rave reviews and is currently in its third reprint. If not then call David on 0845 458 3797 and order one.

Here are the dogs who have been homed since the last newsletter. A big thank you as always to everyone who now has one of our lovely greyhounds I hope they are all behaving themselves!!!

Poppy (Perfect Image) to Hemel Hempstead, Bonny (Burgoyne Bunny) to North Walsham, Laura (Blue Impulse) to Norwich, Mora (Smooth Mover) to Ipswich, Bryn (Meenala Mentor) to Hemsby,

Melda (Bit View Melda) to N. Walsham, Babs (Local Gossip) to Norwich, Karina (Swift Karina) to Caister on Sea, Foxey (Tarsna Firefox) to Aylsham, Rusty (Canary Blue) to Bawburgh, Mickey (Come on Wink) to Potter Heigham, Tilly (Dunmurry Maya) to Carbrooke, Alanna (Killeacle Alanna) to Coltishall, Prince (Honest Ruler) to Scarning, Toby (Ullid Ace) to Loddon, Tina (Biltan Tinka) to Kettering, Sparky (Bridgewater Lad) to Yarmouth,

Vicky (Droopys Jankovic) to Loddon, Jigger (Rogaire Dubh) to Bradwell, Mojo (Hartwood Mojo) Bunwell, Squiggle (Dalsha Delight) to Wramplingham, Silas (Sarahs Secret) to Wramplingham, Cory(Oh So Cool) to Lowestoft, Lindi (Misguided Event) to Hevingham, Kerrie(Newtown Kerrie) to Thetford, Dottie (Toomuchtoosoon) to Yarmouth, Brandy (Deben Brandy) to Holt, Pye (Pyro) to Lowestoft, Cleo (Smooth N Cool) to Cromer, Glen(Glen Storm) to Weybourne, Babe (Unnamed) to Norwich. Finally at the time of writing we are very pleased to say that Wesley has found a new home and hopefully will be upside down on the sofa by the time this newsletter is delivered.

Wesley’s new owners wanted a more challenging pet, not one that is swiftly homeable, they spent time with Wes and Milo before deciding. Wesley’s new owners live in Caister, the plan is for them to finalise Wesley’s training that Gillian had put so much effort into. Wes will make it well worth the effort.

Wow did we really find homes for all those? It has been great to meet old and new friends. Please give them a big hug from all of us.

During the year we have tried to give our help with problems, concerns, difficulties and eccentricities regarding pet greyhounds. Some advice has worked a treat, some needs time and patience to work and some has not been so successful but the problem has been solved in other ways. We do the best we can given that we are enthusiasts not experts. Much of the problem solving is up to you when you have received the advice as it is you that has to put the work in to make it successful. The main thing is patience, the dogs have loads of things to learn and patience is very important in successful learning. We are always very happy to help where we can but remember we do not do miracles! If you have asked for help I hope it has had a satisfactory outcome. (I know the person in question wont mind me giving the following example of help required as I thought it was a lovely problem to have and one we all share. I was asked if there was anything one could do to stop feeling awful when your dog looks at you with those big pleading, starving eyes all through the day and especially ten minutes after they have been fed!!)

This year has been a really good one for us and I hope it has been good to you and your greyhound. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas.


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Lady (Stonecliffe Lady) is now named Maisie and living in Hertfordshire. Apparently she spends most of her time lying down!

Dylan, (Dilton Slaney) obviously very contented in his new home! Seen here with his little brother Ben and his sister Phoebe

Another happy hound! Otis (Oopys Jim)

Just a quick message to let you know that our Indii, (Indigo Bird) is settling in a treat. She is a real little treasure. She greats us with a huge grin and helicopter tail every morning, I’m quite concerned that she is going to take off one day as she wags her tail so fast! Pringle and Bertha (our other greyhounds) love her especially as she has learned to open the back door and let them in when we are making their dinner!!! Her tummy is all healed now and she just had her bed upgraded to a king size duvet which she really loves. She is a beautiful little girl and we so glad she chose us to be her owners. Julia Taylor.

Sponsorship News:

As mentioned earlier our sponsor dog Wesley has found a home! We will all miss him but are very happy that he will now get to spend his time enjoying his creature comforts.

So, please say hello to our new sponsor boy, Milo. Another handsome chap. Another black and white boy!

We are sure that some day soon Milo will find his new home but, rest assured, he is loved by one and all at the kennels! He’s a cuddly and affectionate boy who isn’t even three years old yet.

To sponsor Milo please send a cheque for £12 (suggested donation) payable to:

Yarmouth Greyhound Homefinders, Mrs Lynda Eden, 20, Bernard Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9AW.





You will receive a photo, a certificate and a welcome gift.

As a sponsor you are always very welcome to come and visit your dog any Saturday during our opening times. He would certainly appreciate a fuss and a cuddle and maybe even a treat or two!

You would also be able to take him for a walk around the paddock.

Icons of Speed and Glamour.

The History of the Greyhound in Art and Design talk given by Mary Alexander on 26th November was just brilliant. The whole evening went really well, despite the poor weather, and the many that attended were totally enthralled by Mary’s wealth of knowledge and the fantastic imagery she has collected. Mary took us on a magical greyhound journey (Yes she did use the Greyhound Bus logo) from ancient Egypt to modern design and motivated us all to look more closely the next time we are in a church, art gallery, magazine store, etc. for images of the greyhound. We are very grateful to Mary for providing such a lovely evening. David

I’m so sorry to have had to miss this, obviously, fantastic evening! Lynda

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Stan here, or to give my full name, Stanley Alvin. That little girl wanted to name me after a chipmunk, so Alvin had to be in there somewhere. At least it’s not my first name – that would’ve been so embarrassing.

I came to live here at the beginning of September so thought I’d update you on the progress my person is making. I reckon I’m training her quite well, but I need to keep working on it.

I was, of course, on my best behavior when I first moved in – and I can tell you, that was so hard. She has two sofas, so the temptation almost killed me, but I stayed on my bed and only snuggled on the sofas during the night. I always managed to get off them just before she came into the room in the morning. Anyway, she’s so well trained now that not only does she refer to the smaller sofa as “Stanley’s bed”, she’s put a cover on it for me!

I’ve only done two wees in the house. The first one was in the kitchen when she wasn’t trained enough to know when I needed to go out. The second one, I’m ashamed to say, was in the early days when she had to go out. She thought I shouldn’t be left alone, so imported these two complete strangers to stay with me – so I did a wee in the living room. I’m not proud of myself I can tell you. Now she knows it’s better to leave me on my own. I then have the choice of beds – 1 – her sofa; 2 – my sofa; 3 – my bed (I’ll let you work out which one I go for!).

I do quite a lot of teeth rattling ‘cos I’m really happy here. Sometimes during the night she says she can here me snoring downstairs.

We have some brilliant walks – two a day. On the long walk we get to see donkeys, pigs and their babies, chickens and a Shetland pony who is as tall as me. I sometimes see pheasants too, but they make me jump when they fly up out of the bushes.

Two Sundays ago we went with my friend, Melda and her person, for a real run! 5 acres of safely fenced space. I think I was really good – I mostly explored some of the open buildings, so she could get my lead back on easily. Melda took off though, and her person had to get into the car and drive round to find her. It’s not a good thing to own up to, but neither of us came when our names were called. Must try harder.

I must go soon, but have to tell you about one final bit of naughtiness. The mail had arrived and she’d left it on her sofa. Then she went upstairs, so I thought I’d check it out. There was one letter that was really glossy and it had a photograph of me in it in her car. I guess I thought it smelt a bit like food, but no matter how small the pieces that I tore it into were, nothing was edible after all. I didn’t know it was the Homefinders newsletter!

Obviously Stanley didn’t think too much of my efforts with the newsletter! Lynda.

Illustration by Sadie Tattersall

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Designed and Typeset by Michele of Design for print and web Printed by

We adopted Jet in April this year. We were looking for a greyhound to keep Fizzy, the greyhound we adopted in 2008 company after our beautiful Monty was put to sleep in January this year.

What can I say? Jet is a wonderful dog and settled in from day one. Of course, any food is there for the taking!

We’ve found out that he doesn’t like thunder but once in his “den” in the corner he is fine. Fizzy is definitely the boss but really likes Jet.

He has made friends with all of the local dogs and their owners.

Jet did have a time when he was waking between the hours of 3am and 5am but after some very good advice from David he’s now sleeping through the night. Thank you David!


Karina (Swift Karina) exploring her new garden.

SETH’S TRIVIAGreyhounds are the oldest, purebred dog, dating back to the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Paintings inside the tombs of the great Pyramids depicted greyhounds

I’m not that old am I? Seth

A law passed during the reign of King Canute stated, “No mean person may keep any Greyhounds.” The law also stated that the destruction of a Greyhound should carry the same capital punishment as the murder of a man.

Those waves never catch me I am too quick for them! Seth

Because of their low body fat and short coat, a greyhound has very little - if any “doggy smell”.

Wrong, I can clear a room easily!! Seth

For many, many years the American make of car the Lincoln had a greyhound as its hood ornament.

I know a greyhound called Lincoln! Seth

And Finally…I’ll finish this newsletter as I started it with a huge thank you to every one of you that spares time as a volunteer, has adopted a greyhound, has donated gifts for raffles and tombolas, treats for the dogs, helped at the kennels, stadium and on the stalls. I can’t name you all as there are, fortunately, far too many of you!! So, THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything that you do!

If you would like to join our happy band, you know what to do… pick up the phone and dial 0845 458 3797

Some of the dogs waiting to find their new owners, so please give David a ring on 0845 458 3797 if you think you could offer a home to any of these gorgeous boys or girls.

Toby Elmer

Bernie Sunny

Foxey Milo

And last but most certainly not least, Zoë