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F I R S T E D I T I O N J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 6












Thank You,

Phyllis and


O G M P O B O X 2 2 0 C A T A L D O , I D A H O 8 3 8 1 0 1 - 2 0 8 - 6 8 2 - 9 0 0 9

Paul and Phyllis in Argentina

A beautiful student

gathering in Argentina

gave all of us a new

understanding of

community and


Our wish list...... (wish lists means that these are things that we could use and if you could assist, we would be happy to receive!)

• a scanner compatible for MAC• moderators for chat rooms• data base care person• video editor• photographs of our events

•reiki treatments for continuing processes!•fax machine•japanese translator

Phyllis’s Letter......

I have read many of my old newsletters. It seems that I am saying the same things over and over. I speak of the changes in my life over and over. On the outside, perhaps my life doesn't really look as if it is changing. On the inside, the feeling of my life moves through peaks of ecstasy and in to valleys of confusion. I wonder why I keep writing. I realize that I write for myself. To declare myself in the public so I won't be so tempted to fall back into my old patterns, to slip into old ways of doing things that are not suitable for me any more.

During the last two years, I have been mostly "being at home" in a time known as my sabbatical. I tried to have groups this last summer and no one came. This was a clue that this was not what I was to do. Now, in the autumn of our northern hemisphere, I am starting another round of traveling and I find it difficult. There are many external reasons for this but the most important differences are inside.

During these first twenty some years, I traveled because I had a need. The need was to find parts of myself that I had lost through neglect and ignorance. I found many of these parts of myself through my personal relationships, through the demands of students in the different cultures, and through the deepening respect I have for this practice, Usui Shiki Ryoho.

This passion of mine has not gone away but it is being balanced by a need to fill the personal part of my life; being a part of a community where I live, having a rich and fulfilling personal partnership, and being a Reiki Master. It seems like the parts of me that have to do with Grand Master or lineage bearer are becoming more internal. The Reiki Master part of me wants to have a few communities in which I teach and express my commitment to this system through teaching. There is the personal Phyllis part of me that wants some time now. The end of my life is coming and now it is time for me. With-out this balance, none of the parts of me will flourish and become more conscious. I sometimes say to myself that I could have started earlier. Yes, I could have. But the balance of my parts twenty years ago was simply different than now.

So I offer this schedule to you. I hope that I will be able to fulfill the traveling to which I have committed time and attention. In 2007, I will not be traveling unless the call is to go for myself.

Now I am traveling because I long to see you, to hear your voice, to be sure that all is well with you. I miss you. I don't have a place to invite you to nor a place where I am "at home."

Another motivation for traveling is that I wish to complete some of the rela-tionships with some communities in the which I do not feel com-plete. It is important to me in personal relationships as well as relationships with communities that I feel complete inside. This does not mean "finished." It means a cycle is complete and now another begins.

Some of you know that my way of loving is fierce. It takes much more than disagreement or physical separation to lessen my love and my support for you. In fact, I have noticed that my love and my support simply grows with each year and with each time we meet. This love, which is not physical love nor higher plane love....but the acknowledgment that my heart is open for you, that you and I are related on many levels of being.

I am learning to love myself with this same fierceness and the change de-mands that I let go of my desire to see you every few years. It means that I must trust our connection even if I don't see or hear from you again. It means that I must use the remarkable gift of Usui Shiki Ryoho to maintain relation-ship without the usual physical presence.

Many times I have asked myself why have I initiated this person? Am I to have a life time relationship with him or her? How do I maintain this? How do I acknowledge this? How do I nourish this relationship that connects us in the deepest part of human being? What I need to have confidence that when I give myself a treatment, when I shift a dysfunctional pattern, when I weep with gratitude for the rain, when I move into internal peace; I am nour-ishing us. I am acknowledging us. I am continuing the flow of energy and support that feeds us all.

I turn to myself now. You are welcome to come to me. I nourish us by nour-ishing myself. Come 2007.....another shift is coming and it is my gift to myself...Now let us see about 2006!

Yours, Phyllis Furumoto

Around the circle from left to right..... Hawaii, Germany, Argentina (in the middle also), Homeland of Idaho, and Mexico.

Paul’s Letter......

In this year I will turn sixty. I don’t know how or why it is, but we seem to make this birthday into something special. Could it be that humans have noticed that things begin to change around this age? Am I just generalizing from my own experience or is it rather common? I feel that I am in a period of reflection and wondering, looking back, access-ing, evaluating, and…wondering. Where did I start, where have I been, who am I now, who am I yet to be, how much time do I have left.

My energy is changing, I can’t do all the things I could do before and once I stopped clinging to those things, find I don’t want to do them so much. I find I am not as good a person as I would like and am sometimes puzzled by why that is so or what keeps me from being that better me. Perhaps St. Paul’s comment about the spirit being willing but the flesh being weak is accurate in my case. By “the flesh” he may mean my mind that is not as disciplined as it could be, my emotional body that I seem to give too much power when I say “I feel” or “I don’t feel”, and allow that to influence so strongly what I choose to do or not do.

I feel that I am on some spiritual quest, funny to say that because that is how I would describe my whole life. But there is the “doing” of life, rela-tionship, children, work, play, making a living, chopping wood, carrying water, all those things. Now there seems to be persistent urge to touch that place of deep longing, longing for…? Sometimes I see it as union with God, illumination, seeing the divine in every moment, every thing, every person.

And at the same time, all those other things are still here, relationship, children, work, etc. I have always loved the little Zen story where the young monk asks the elder enlightened monk, “What did you do before you were enlightened?” “Chopped wood, carried water.” He replied. “And what do you do now that you are enlightened?” And again the reply, “Chop wood, carry water.” Ah, but that tiny little missing bit that seems to make such a difference! I am open to a little illumination should anyone be handing it out.

I know, I know, it is up to me, but maybe not.

I have been having trouble with digestion and have come to see it as an allegory. Someone has helped me see that and has given me a list of assignments to work on which I am doing pretty faithfully. I appreciate how we can help one another. Helping ourselves, helping one another, seems like a good way to spend our time. I am happy that the Reiki community does its best to express this value.

Sometimes hard to be exposed to the media and to see how often and how much we as humans spend our time not helping, but harming one another either through direct action, indifference, or blindness. I try not to expose myself too much to the media because mostly I just get upset. At the same time there is the persistent question of where do I stand and what should I be doing to help.

It is good for me to remember that I am a member of an international community of people, the Reiki community, and we are doing good things together. In many spiritual and religious traditions there are symbols, sacred objects, building, shrines, paintings, and so on that are created just because they have a power to bless, to bring greater harmony and balance simply by existing. I feel this way about the Reiki community in general. Specifically I feel this way about The Reiki Alliance and here is why. I think just because this group of people who happened to be Reiki masters continue to be together, to come together, to do things together, to build, maintain, try, fail, try again, refine, define, re-define, leave, come back, hurt one another, heal--that this entity is a sacred object, a sacred being. And this sacred endeavor adds harmony and balance to this planet.

In the midst of so much fear and famine, wealth and poverty, distrust and jealously and greed, here is a group that constantly works to hold one another, to understand one another, to honor and respect one another, to transcend age, education, race, culture, background, varied life experience and whatever else could possibly divide us. Reiki community around the world I see as a sacred entity, worthy of its being, a blessing. I am humbled and proud to be a part.

Yours, Paul Mitchell

OGM Schedule for 2006

January 20-22 First Degree Reiki Class $150 USD Contact: Karen Orlosky [email protected] 1-330-242 3378Teaching by Paul Mitchell Ohio For people who wish to enter the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho.

The Usui System of Reiki Healing is a healing art used by many people throughout the world. It is a simple, hands-on practice that increases and supports the body's own capacity for health and balance. The Japanese word, "reiki", means "life energy" or "God-power". Anyone who has the desire can learn this practice and use it for self and others.

January 31- Feb 5 Winter Silent Reiki Retreat $440 USDContact: Paul Mitchell [email protected] 1-208-682-4427Facilitation by Paul Mitchell Cataldo, IdahoFor Reiki Students who wish to deepen their experience of silence in the company of Reiki.

This winter retreat is a time to be quiet, go within, and immerse ourselves in our Reiki practice. The day's schedule will include self-treatment, giving and receiving a full treatment, distant treatment for second degree students, and reflection on the four as-pects of Usui Shiki Ryoho. These are healing practice, personal development, spiritual discipline, and mystic order. Paul will be available daily for consultation as needed or desired. Retreat will begin with dinner on Tuesday and end with a circle after lunch on Sunday. Cost includes room and board and retreat.

February 8-12 Adventures of Personal Development 630 Euro Contact: Michael Hartley [email protected] 49-5829-300 Translation provided: German Wettenbostel, GermanyFacilitation by Phyllis Furumoto and Michael HartleyFor Reiki Students having a desire to have more peace with their personality.

What is personal development? What is the connection between personal development and the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho? How does one begin consciously changing pat-terns of relationship and communication? How long does it take to connect to another person? Michael and Phyllis will lead the group in communication work, discussion of the aspect of personal development, conscious use of the practice of Reiki in furthering maturity in emotional issues.

Feb 27-March 3 Usui I Master Intensive 1000 Euro Contact: Christa Zaat [email protected] 31-55-367 0345 Translation provided: Dutch, German, and French Heerde, the Netherlands Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul MitchellFor Masters of all forms of Reiki who wish know the most recent under-standing of Usui Shiki Ryoho.

The OGM offers this Intensive for masters who wish to renew or become acquainted with the essential form of the practice, Usui Shiki Ryoho. This time will include dis-cussion of the nine elements of the practiced form, questions, and sharing the compan-ionship of other masters. Physical form and teaching of the second degree symbols and the initiations will not be included.

March 5-11 Usui II Master Intensive $2100 USD Contact: Olga Khodinskaya [email protected] 7-095 3921439 Translation provided: Russian Moscow, Russia Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul MitchellFor Masters committed to Usui Shiki Ryoho and wishing to deepen their de-velopment in the System.

This intensive is for masters who have attending the Usui I, have taken time to resolve issues, integrated shifts that were stimulated by Usui I, and who are willing to commit to the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho. Paul and Phyllis will share the form of Usui Shiki Ryoho in detail during these five days.Arrival on site by 5:00 p,m. on Sunday, March 5, depart after breakfast on March 11.

March 11-12 Student Gathering $140 USD Contact: Olga Khodinskaya [email protected] 7-095 3921439 Translation provided: Russian Moscow, Russia Facilitation by Phyllis FurumotoFor Reiki Students wishing to spend time with the lineage bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho.

A short weekend for all students of Reiki who wish to deepen their understanding of their practice of Reiki and who wish to spend time with the lineage bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho. This weekend will begin Saturday, March 11 at 11:00, end Sunday, March 12 at 18:00.

March 13-19 The Way to Harmony 700 Euro Contact: Irene Gelmi [email protected] 49-40-6561 397 Facilitation by Paul Mitchell Wettenbostel, GermanyFor Reiki Students wanting to develop self-awareness, balance, and center.

Aikido taught me an inner sense of balance and center. It gives me techniques for deal-ing with difficult situations and also helps me understand and practice the Reiki Princi-ples better. I reach the spirit of Aikido in a six-day residential intensive called "The Way to Harmony." In this workshop students learn to know themselves better, learn tech-niques to deal with relationship in a more open and powerful way, and explore challeng-ing issues such as defensiveness, resistance, being a victim, and fear of and use of power. This workshop is an integration of my life in Reiki, my own style of Aikido, and all that this healing path has given me. I find it very powerful and rewarding to work with stu-dents who are already committed to their healing and personal development. March 24-26 Practitioner Support Program for The Reiki Association in England Contact: Milly Cain: [email protected] or Kate Jones: 44-1584-890 284 Facilitation by Paul Mitchell For Reiki Students in public practice wishing to further their understanding of “being present” for their clients.

Stepping into the public domain as a practitioner of Reiki, what is my inner posture, what is the quality of presence that I bring to my clients? Dr. Usui offered us directives for devel-oping a certain quality of being through the principles. Inspired by Morihei Ueshiba, Koichi Tohei created the Four Principles of mind and body unification. I find the interplay of these principles stimulating, fascinating, and strengthening. In this weekend training, we will learn and practice the Four Principles of mind and body unification and deepen our understanding of the Five Reiki Principles. We will explore how these gifts strengthen and enhance the quality of our presence and the environment of healing and support we want to bring to our clients.

April 25-May 2 The Annual Reiki Alliance Conference Contact: Conference Team [email protected] 1-208-783-3535 Participation: Paul Mitchell and Phyllis Furumoto Kellogg, IdahoMasters who are members of The Alliance or masters wishing to become members are welcome.

May 5-11 Way to Harmony $680 USD Contact: Paul Mitchell [email protected] 1-208-682-4427 Facilitation by Paul Mitchell Cataldo, IdahoFor Reiki Students wanting to develop self-awareness, balance, and center.

Aikido taught me an inner sense of balance and center. It gives me techniques for dealing with difficult situations and also helps me understand and practice the Reiki Principles better. I reach the spirit of Aikido in a six-day residential intensive called "The Way to Harmony." In this workshop students learn to know themselves better, learn techniques to deal with relationship in a more open and powerful way, and ex-plore challenging issues such as defensiveness, resistance, being a victim, and fear of and use of power. This workshop is an integration of my life in Reiki, my own style of Aikido, and all that this healing path has given me. I find it very powerful and reward-ing to work with students who are already committed to their healing and personal de-velopment.

May 26-28 Family Constellation Workshop $300 USD Contact: Paul Mitchell [email protected] 1-208-682-4427 Facilitation by Timothy Cunninghamm and Paul Mitchell Cataldo, IdahoFor Reiki Students who are ready to discover and promote healing within personal family patterns.

Family Constellation is an amazing therapeutic healing work developed by the German therapist Bert Hellinger. This weekend will be organized primarily for Reiki students and will be facilitated by Timothy Cunninghamm, a gifted and loving facilitator of this work. Paul will assist. This process can gracefully facilitate profound personal healing.

May 13-19 & May 21-27 The 2nd Annual Reiki & Golf Classic $1500 US/weekContact: Joyce Winough [email protected] 1-208-699-0772 Coaching by Dori O'Rourke and Phyllis Furumoto Blanchard, IdahoFor Reiki Students who see the game of Golf as a way to personal awareness and discipline.

Golf, like all sports, gives the avid player a way to relate to the lessons of life along with a clear view of the priorities of living. As my priorities have shifted from being perfect to having fun, my golf game has improved! Thanks to the energy of the group, inspired coaching, and practice. I cannot say that your Reiki will “improve” or your

golf game will be more “healing” but I can say that this is a possibility to observe how the two passions and commitments integrate in your life.

The week...Arrival: May 13 or May 21 by 4:00 p.m. Departure: May 19 or May 27 after breakfast. Your fee includes lodging at the StoneRidge Golf Resort, green fees and practice balls for the driving range for four days. cart rental for four days, Coach-ing fee, and meals. The group will stay in comfort in the condominiums at StoneRidge Resort. web site:

June 24 The Reiki Principles II $85 CDN Contact: Karen Johnson [email protected] 1-613-249-9454 Teaching by Paul Mitchell Ottawa, CanadaAn Open Day of insight provoking exercises, discussion, and deepening in the Principles.

Dr. Usui referred to the Principles as "the secret method that summons happiness." In this one-day workshop we will research what he is trying to teach us, what our own heart tells us about the principles, and how we might live them more vibrantly. Come for a day of insight, provoking exercises, fruitful discussion, stories, and sharing.

June 25 Reiki Student Workshop Day $85 CDN Contact: Karen Johnson [email protected] 1-613-249-9454 Facilitation by Paul Mitchell Ottawa CanadaFor Reiki Students wishing to take a step towards physical and spiritual balance. Ki-Training and Aikido have been an intregal part of my path in Reiki, complementary and deepening. In this one-day workshop I will share the basic inner teaching of Ki-Training and beginning Aikido and show how they can support and deepen our prac-tice of Reiki, especially the Reiki Principles. This will be a day of being clearly in our bodies in a centered way and finding the gifts of physical and spiritual balance.

July 5-10 Master Candidate Intensive $700 USD Contact: Phyllis Furumoto [email protected] 1-208-682-9009 Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul Mitchell Cataldo, IdahoFor Second Degree Students who are preparing to be Masters of Usui Shiki Ryoho.

The focus for this retreat is the Aspect Personal Development in Usui Shiki Ryoho. Many of the early generations of masters have been through the Self Assessment Work that Phyllis and Paul with a number of other gifted masters created in the 1980's.

After many requests, Phyllis and Paul are beginning to introduce an older, wiser re-treat that will include daily treatment, working on communication skills, and ways to use the treatments for self awareness. Paul and Phyllis plan on incorporating their in-dividual skills in communication, conflict resolution, and application of the practice of Reiki to assist master candidates in their next steps of preparation for a life of mastery.

Masters of the master candidates are welcome to join the Intensive. Interested masters please contact Phyllis or Paul.

July 12-17 The Four Aspects of Usui Shiki Ryoho $700 USD Contact: Phyllis Furumoto [email protected] 1-208-682-9009 Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul Mitchell Cataldo, IdahoFor Reiki Students who are intrigued by the Aspects and wish to have an experience of each Aspect as they relate to each other.

An open retreat based on the Four Aspects of Usui Shiki Ryoho. Introduced in Ger-many in 2005, this four day retreat will give the students who participate an experience of the spectrum of the system through dedicating one day of the retreat for each of the Aspects. Each aspect will include a hands on treatment and discussion time with the group. This retreat is open to all students of Reiki and all levels of initiation.

July 21-23 Sixth Annual Conference on Public Practice $260 USD Contact: Phyllis Furumoto [email protected] 1-208-682-9009 Facilitation: Phyllis Furumoto Cataldo, IdahoFor Reiki Students interested in participating in preparing a program to support Public Practitioners.

It was observed in 2005 that the first four years were a process of discovering the different qualities of a folk art practice, a public practice, and the professional practice. Though this discussion is not by any means over, the conference in 2005 drew 8 masters who were in-terested in finding the next step. And also finding the conversations valuable on an indi-vidual level as well as looking out to the public and the need for an offering from a collec-tive of masters. In 2006, the conference agenda will be open for spontaneous contributions, the introduction of a Public Practice Program for certification by the collective, and one module from the program as a way for those who attend to gain understanding and to ex-perience the energy of the program itself. Cost: $260 USD including a contribution to travel for those paying more than $500. Does not include lodging or breakfast. Conference begins at 9:30 a.m. Friday and finishes at 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Dinner is not provided on Sunday evening.

August 11-13 The 22nd Annual Breitenbush GatheringContact: Sally Wiley [email protected] 1-541-687-4747 http://www.nwreikigathering Breitenbush, OregonCome and spend the weekend in the company of Reiki students and masters at the 22nd anniversary of the lovely annual gathering. The natural hot springs, clear river, and pine forests are a beautiful setting for this time of treatments, sharing, and inspiration

August 15-20 Second Degree Immersion Retreat $700 USD Contact: Cristina Aguilar [email protected] for Spanish or Joyce Winough [email protected] for EnglishTranslation provided: Spanish Copper Canyon, MexicoFacilitation by Phyllis FurumotoFor Second Degree Students wishing to go to the unknown of their Second Degree Practice.

"Part of my schedule this year is devoted to introducing students of Reiki to out of the way places in the world that will assist in connecting with the mysteries of the practice. Using the second degree symbols and practice, the group will explore the depths of their own understanding of the profound places within." There will be preparation for this work at the edge of the Copper Canyon in the north-ern Mexican mountain range, the Sierra Madre. Participants will be asked to use the distant treatment to explore their own path before arriving at the Retreat. In mid-August, autumn is already coming to this area of Mexico. Participants will need to bring a coat, warm clothing, hiking/walking gear, and their longing for explo-ration of the unknown. Arrival is Tuesday, August 15 before 5:00 PM. Departure is Sunday, August 20 after breakfast. Transportation arrangements to Creel, Mexico is the responsibility of the participant. Pick up in Creel to the Hostel will be provided.Cost: $700 (or $7500 Pesos) includes room(double occupancy), meals, organizational costs, translation, and facilitation. Does not include transportation to and from Creel, Mexico, extra nights at the Hostel, and other personal expenses.

August 24-27 First Degree Reiki Class $150 USD Contact: Alma Altamirano [email protected] 1-915- 731-8732 Teaching by Phyllis Furumoto El Paso, TexasFor people who wish to enter the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho.

The First Degree is the way to begin the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho, a form that provides access to the energy of Reiki and a way of living that encompasses all realms of human development. This class is four three-hour sessions, one each day.

September 15-17 Family Constellation Workshop $300 USD Contact: Paul Mitchell [email protected] 1-208-682-4427 Facilitation by Timothy Cunninghamm & Paul Mitchell Cataldo, IdahoFor Reiki Students who are ready to discover and promote healing within personal family patterns.

Family Constellation is an amazing therapeutic healing work developed by the German therapist Bert Hellinger. This weekend will be organized primarily for Reiki students and will be facilitated by Timothy Cunninghamm, a gifted and loving facilitator of this work. Paul will assist. This process can gracefully facilitate profound personal healing.

September 22-24 Reiki Student Retreat Contact: Rita Freyeisen [email protected] 34 91 551 40 89Teaching by Phyllis Furumoto Madrid, SpainReiki Students who wish to spend a weekend with the lineage bearer and ex-perience spiritual community.

This retreat will focus on the element of spiritual lineage. How has having the living spiritual lineage affected individual student’s practice? What affect does the lineage have with the other eight elements of the system? What is the relationship of the ele-ment, spiritual lineage with the element of history?

September 29-Oct 1 First Degree Reiki Class 150 Euro Contact: Marion & Aloys Weber [email protected] 49-6706-8804 Translation provided: German (Cost of translation is added to the 150 Euro)Teaching by Paul Mitchell Bad Sobernheim, GermanyFor people who wish to enter the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho.

The Usui System of Reiki Healing is a healing art used by many people throughout the world. It is a simple, hands-on practice that increases and supports the body's own ca-pacity for health and balance. The Japanese word, "reiki", means "life energy" or "God-power". Anyone who has the desire can learn this practice and use it for self and others.

October 1-3 Second Degree Reiki Class 500 Euro Contact: Gabriela Riedig [email protected] 49-6203-601 999 Translation provided: German (Cost of translation is added to the 500 Euro) Teaching by Paul Mitchell Schriesheim, GermanyFor First Degree Students who are called to take the next step of Usui Shiki Ryoho. Second Degree Reiki Training is for the First Level students who have used Reiki and realized that second degree is the next step in their practice.

October 11-15 Retreat: Spirituality and Reiki in our Lives Contact: LiLi Holm [email protected] Translation provided: DutchFacilitation by Paul Mitchell HollandFor Reiki Students who wish to look deeply at the roots of personal spirituality. In this Retreat, we will look deeply at the roots of our personal spirituality. How do we choose to work with the spirit that is ours? What is the call of our soul's Journey? Using the healing, strengthening, and clarifying tools we have in Reiki, the Principles, our early spiritual formation, and using the Ki-principles, Family Constellation, and other inspired techniques, we will come to the "ground of our being" to step into our lives anew. We will begin with circle on Wednesday, October 11 and end mid-afternoon on Sunday, October 15.

October 12-14 Reiki Australia Conference Contact: Reiki Australia [email protected] Participation: Phyllis Furumoto Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland, AustraliaReiki Students interested in creating and participating in Public Practitioner Programs to be recognized by the Australian Government.Note: Conference finishes at lunch time on 14 October

October 14-15 The Application of Usui Shiki Ryoho in Public PracticeContact: Reiki Australia [email protected]

Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland, AustraliaFor Reiki Public Practitioners who are committed to Usui Shiki Ryoho in their practice.

This is a weekend to explore the way the Four Aspects and Nine Elements of Usui Shiki Ryoho can be applied to a public practice of Reiki. This application has a differ-ent focus from the folk art practice because the intention of the practice is different. For a folk art, the focus is the self. For a public practice, the focus is the client and the interaction with the health care community. Note: This Practitioner Seminar commences after lunch on 14 October

October 17-19 Masters’ Circle- Usui Shiki RyohoContact: Reiki Australia [email protected]

Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland, AustraliaFor Masters of Usui Shiki Ryoho recognizing the lineage of Usui Sensei, Hayashi Sensei, Takata Sensei, and Furumoto Sensei.

An opportunity for masters to deepen their understanding of practising the system of Usui Shiki Ryoho, and to explore ways to support the public practice of this particular system.

October 20-22 Regional meeting for The Reiki Alliance MembersContact: Eleanor Anderson-Leighton [email protected]: Phyllis Furumoto Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland, AustraliaFor members of The Reiki Alliance to discuss issues within the organization, to contact each other in person, and to engage in communication with the other regional meetings and with the membership at large.

October 24-27 Retreat for Master Candidates and Masters initiated by PhyllisContact: to be announced Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland, AustraliaFor those masters who were initiated by Phyllis and for those second degree students wishing to be initiated by Phyllis to come together.

October 27-29 Retreat on the element of History Contact: to be announced Facilitation by Phyllis Furumoto Redcliffe Peninsula, Queensland, AustraliaFor all students of Usui Shiki Ryoho

The purpose of the weekend Retreat is to explore the “new” information that has been published in relationship to the oral history of the system that is taught in the First and Second Degree Classes. There seems to be too little information about Mikao Usui and Chujiro Hayashi; and too much about Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Furumoto. What is the nature of the energy of the story? What is the purpose of the History? What information seems to not convey the energetic of the story and therefore could be distracting? What parts of the story seem to be unbelievable? In addressing these questions, we will come to a clearer understanding of the nature of oral tradition and be able to provide clarity for the more recent portions of the history.

More Australian Schedule in the planning. Stay in touch with the web site for more information.

October 16-22 The Way to Harmony 780 Euro Contact: Beatrice von Schlick 49-228-210 750 or Jean François Roussot [email protected] Translation provided: FrenchFacilitation by Paul Mitchell FranceFor Reiki Students wanting to develop self-awareness, balance, and center.

Aikido taught me an inner sense of balance and center. It gives me techniques for dealing with difficult situations and also helps me understand and practice the Reiki Principles better. I reach the spirit of Aikido in a six-day residential intensive called "The Way to Harmony." In this workshop students learn to know themselves better, learn techniques to deal with relationship in a more open and powerful way, and ex-plore challenging issues such as defensiveness, resistance, being a victim, and fear of and use of power. This workshop is an integration of my life in Reiki, my own style of Aikido, and all that this healing path has given me. I find it very powerful and reward-ing to work with students who are already committed to their healing and personal de-velopment.

October 28 The Reiki Principles II 65 EuroContact: Hanne Fritzbøger [email protected] 45-48-30 13 61 Translation provided: DanishTeaching by Paul Mitchell Copenhagen DenmarkAn Open Day of insight provoking exercises, discussion, and deepening in the Principles.

Dr. Usui referred to the Principles as "the secret method that summons happiness." In this one-day workshop we will research what he is trying to teach us, what our own heart tells us about the principles, and how we might live them more vibrantly. Come for a day of insight, provoking exercises, fruitful discussion, stories, and sharing.

October 29 Student Reiki Retreat Day 65 EuroContact: Hanne Fritzbøger [email protected] 45-48-30 13 61 Translation provided: DanishFacilitation by Paul Mitchell Copenhagen DenmarkFor Reiki Students wishing to stretch the boundaries of how we can integrate Reiki into our lives.

Using a paragraph from Dr. Usui's memorial stone, we will spend the day exploring our Reiki practice in the context of our daily lives, imagining what Dr. Usui may have in-tended for us. We will stretch the boundaries of our understanding of how Reiki can in-tegrate in our lives.

November 4 The Reiki Principles Contact:Translation provided: PolishFacilitation by Paul Mitchell PolandFor Reiki Students who wish to explore and experience the Principles in action. November 5 Our Common Roots in Reiki and Unity Contact:Translation provided: PolishFacilitation by Paul Mitchell PolandFor Reiki Masters to come together and experience the common roots and experiences as masters.