Download - Newsletter No 35 8th November 2018 - · 8th November 2018 Newsletter No: 35 ... 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. Poppies, badges and wrist


Email address: [email protected] Website:

Phone: 5976 5500

School Vision Inspiring a passion for learning and personal

excellence, whilst preparing students to become globally responsible citizens.


Premiers’ Reading Challenge

The 2018 Premiers’ Reading Challenge has now

finished and at last week’s assembly there were a

number of awards given out to students who read

high numbers of books and to others who took control

of their own Premiers’ Reading Challenge

management. At each assembly for most of the past

two terms we have had awards and prizes presented

and this is all thanks to Anne Garlick. Each year Mrs

Garlick assists teachers and students to undertake

the Reading Challenge as well as arranging for the

awards and prizes. On behalf of the school

community I would like to thank Anne for the

enormous amount of work she does in relation to the

annual Premiers’ Reading Challenge. With Anne’s

support, this year our students read over twelve

thousand books! Three hundred and thirty-four

students completed the challenge – all of whom will

receive a certificate. Thanks so much Anne, we really

appreciate your amazing work in this area.

Prep/STAR transition

Yesterday our 2019 new Prep and STAR students

made their first visit to school for our transition

program. This is the first of four visits our new Mod 1

students will make this year so that they can get used

to the school and staff they are likely to encounter

next year. Sessions such as this take a lot of planning

and organisation, however we believe they set our

new students up for success. Thanks to all of the

teaching and support staff who worked to make this

such a successful morning.


NOVEMBER Thursday 8th Mod 2 Excursion to Como House for JTB & JTK Friday 9th Mod 2 Excursion to Como House for JTS & JTM Life Education Mod 3

Tuesday 13th SpookathonSpookathonSpookathonSpookathon Wednesday 14th Life Education Mod 4 Thursday 15th Girls Kanga 8’s divisional final at Lloyd Park Mod 1 Casey Safety Village Excursion for PTB, PTC, PTS Friday 16th Life Education Mod 3 Mod 1 Casey Safety Village Excursion for PTA, PTN, PTS Tuesday 20th P & F Meeting 7pm in the Staffroom Wednesday 21st Prep 2019 Transition 9.15—10.45am 22nd—25th Energy Breakthrough at Maryborough Wednesday 28th Prep 2019 Transition Family Night 5—7 pm

8th November 2018 Newsletter No: 35

Email address: [email protected] Website:

Phone: 5976 5500

Student Placements 2019 Reminder

Just a final reminder that student placement letters

are due by the end of this week please.

Each year our school goes through an extensive

process to place students into classes for the following

year. Many aspects are considered in order to provide

students with the best possible learning environment.

Considerations include which children work well

together, the learning style of each student, the

teaching style of particular teachers, whether any

students should be placed in different classes and

academic, social or emotional requirements.

This year I am inviting parents to write to me (or email

through the school email) regarding any issues relating

to the placement of their child in 2019. Please note that

this is not a call to request specific teachers but rather

an acknowledgement that some students have specific

learning, social or emotional considerations.

Please be aware that teaching arrangements usually

change from year to year and teachers can, and often

do, move to different areas of the school for a variety of


We believe that our student placement system – which

provides an opportunity for student voice as well – is

very thorough, fair and is always undertaken in the best

interests of the students.

Please ensure letters are submitted by Friday 9th

November. Letters submitted after this date may not be



As the introduction of our new communication system

Compass has been so successful, we have decided to

finish using Flexibuzz at the end of this year. Next year

we will not send any communication through Flexibuzz.

If you have not yet logged into Compass, please either

download the app or visit the website (instructions are

on our school website) and log in using your personal

password. If you have misplaced your password please

contact the office as you will need to log in to see your

child’s end of year report in December.

School uniforms in 2019 and new uniform shop

Nearly two years ago, our new ink coloured uniforms

were introduced and they look terrific. Initially it was

decided to have a one year phasing in period, which

was 2017. In order to assist school families to make

the changeover, an additional transition year was

added this year, where students have been able to

wear old style pieces of uniform. This is just a

reminder to all school families that next year all

students are expected to be wearing our new

uniform please, with no older style uniform items.

Our current uniform supplier PSW will be soon

opening a store in Mornington which will be open 5

or 6 days per week and which will stock our uniform.

Hopefully this will greatly assist families who may

find it difficult to get to our current school uniform

shop or to the Frankston store. We are anticipating

that the new store will be open on Saturdays as well

as week days. When the opening date is finalised,

we will let you know.


Nancy Turpin, from STL,

has chosen the book

‘Short’ by the author Holly

Goldberg Sloan because

“It tells the story of a girl

who is short, but she

realises that she is big

inside and that’s where it


For her nomination Nancy

received a Scholastic Book Club voucher at

assembly. If you would like to nominate a book or

series for the school libraries forms can be collected

from the school libraries or the school office.

Susan Mattingley Principal

Seek the Truth

Email address: [email protected] Website:

Phone: 5976 5500


This year Remembrance Day is on Sunday 11th

November at 11am. Remembrance Day is a memorial

day to mark the end of World War 1 and to honour

those who fought for our country. This year marks the

100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Poppies, badges and wrist bands are available at the

school for students to purchase. These range from $1

to $3.


It has been a tradition at Mornington Primary School

for us to hold two Christmas Celebrations

at St Mark’s Uniting Church in Barkly St in early


This year the dates are:

JUNIORS—Thursday 6th December at 9.30am

SENIORS—Friday 7th December at 9.30am

As well as Christmas stories and songs, we will have

a GIVING TREE, encouraging the children to think of


Next week each classroom will receive a special box

and we encourage classes to collect gifts that will

then be given to the local CHRISTMAS HAMPER

APPEAL. These gifts will be used to help families in

our area.

Items can include:

• NON-PERISHABLE FOOD [particularly some

thing special for Christmas]

• GIFTS FOR CHILDREN [preferably not


Families are encouraged to attend the celebrations.

Nancy Matthews


The school libraries are looking for bean bags and

large cushions for the students to use while they are

in the libraries. If you have any you no longer need

would you please consider donating them to the


News & Upcoming Events

The Spookathon is less than a week away! It’s time to

get those last minute sponsorship pledges and sort

your scariest costumes to spook, frighten and haunt

their fellow students and teachers!

Our sponsored Spook-a-thon will take place on

Tuesday November 13th. Students can walk, run (or

even fly on broomsticks!) round the senior oval.

Children are reminded to please bring their sponsor

forms to school this Friday November 9th and hand

them to their teachers. The teachers will sign them and

hand them back to students on Tuesday November

13th together with the number of laps completed, for

them to collect all sponsorships.

Students must return their sponsor form and monies

collected, to their teacher by Tuesday 26th November.

Next meeting

Please join us for our next meeting Tuesday 20th

November, 7pm in the staffroom


Last week students from MTF got to make an obstacle

course for Tiddles. Even though he may be slow he

LOVES to climb up and over, up and over. The

students from MTF had to rotate themselves around

until Tiddles tired of the game or lunchtime was over.

As he was still going when the lunchtime bell went he

outlasted the students. So, did you guess who our

latest addition to the animal family is? If you guessed

Garden Snails, then you were right. We have about

one hundred at the moment. If Sheldon eats five a day

then we have twenty days worth. Sorry, but that’s the

food chain. Our visitors to this week’s lunch time club

will be MTM. We look forward to meating, oops,

meeting you!!

Email address: [email protected] Website:

Phone: 5976 5500

Changing Schools?

It is important for us to know of students who may be

leaving our school and those who may be starting next

year. Please advise the school office if your child will not

be returning to MPS next year.


PTN : Alana Thomson for being a positive role

model for her peers by consistently displaying all of the

IB attitudes and learner profile.

PTS : Daniel Campbell for being open minded by

making a wonderful start at Mornington Primary


JTC : Luca Aitken for being a communicator and

thinker by asking interesting questions and making

great observations on our Como House excursion.

JTE : Caiden Hicks for being a risk taker and

principled by having a go at everything at Como House

and showing respect to the building and guides.

JTM : Amy Byrne for being a thinker by thinking about

the best strategy and showing persistence.

JTS : Giselle Cosgriff for being a thinker by giving well

thought out feedback to her peers about their F.A.T.

MTA : Jamie Fox for being optimistic and enthusiastic

about trying new things in his learning.

MTS : Taylee Waterhouse for being an excellent

communicator by being able to clearly explain her

thinking in all learning tasks.

STB : Lorelai Bradshaw for being a great

communicator and thinker by expressing herself

creatively in her writing.

STL : Jordan Peck for showing commitment by

improving in his organisation and work ethic. Keep

trying hard Jordy. You are doing a great job!

STS : Zhyrus Gacias for being a risk taker by

volunteering to read a poem at assembly.

STW : Alice Wotherspoon for being a thinker by

showing significant progress in her reading this year.

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Portal details:

School Code: MorningtonPS2019

JB Hifi Education

Chadstone Centre

Ph. 1300 730 548

Portal details:

School Code: MORNPS2019 Portal opens 1st September