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MSc ISE 8 | Grenoble

Ecole de Management

December 2015



The aim of the MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship is to provide a framework and a toolkit for future managers and entrepreneurs to identify, assess and manage business opportunities in either their own companies or in existing organizations.


MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship 2015 group is unique with its 16 nationalities. The International setting enhance the aim of the program by communicating, coordinating and understanding global business mindsets.

The program provides frameworks and professional practical experience for future managers and entrepreneurs to identify, assess and manage business opportunities in either their own companies or in existing organizations. This is achieved by reflecting realities of the global environment and providing general management courses together with highly specialized modules in the areas of Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship.

Grenoble Ecole de Management

Today, Grenoble Graduate School of Business is ranked the 20th best business school in Europe, up 6 places from last year according to the Financial Times.

Newsletter Vol. 1 - MSc ISE 8

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During this program, we have the opportunity to become real-life business developers by exploring a Live Business Case provided by companies working in partnerships with the MSc Innovation, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship program. We work in groups and dive deeply into the cases during the seven months from October to June under the supervision of a GGSB coach. This year we work on following cases:

Founded in January 2014, this subsidiary of the Airbus Group is looking for the new solutions to increase the Internet coverage all over the world. The aim of this LBC is to choose the best strategy for the Airbus to enter this market and eventually become the leader in the challenge of world Internet coverage. Team working on this LBC has an opportunity to visit the company’s head office in Toulouse and interact with engineers and professionals.

This LBC team has to develop 3 business models by defining and evaluating different opportunities to combine autonomous car technology and LCV to innovate a platform for services. Team was invited to autonomous car seminar, company visits and Renault design center.

The LBC group’s aim is to make recommendations for Renault Trucks (Volvo group) regarding the transport of goods in urban areas. Namely, they focus on what is called "Last Mile" delivery, which is as much a logistical problem for companies, as a growing concern for cities around the world regarding the well-being of their citizens. In that regard, they will deliver recommendations on a scalable, evolvable and replicable business model for Renault Trucks to position themselves in the context of cities and companies trying to tackle the issues of traffic congestion, pollution and road safety as well as economic efficiency.

IRT Nanoelec is an entity which connects 3 different types of institution in Grenoble: CEA LETI for Nano-characterization, ILL for neutrons and ESRF for synchrotron radiation. IRT Nanoelec serves as a single entry point for tailored customer services. The vision of this LBC is to provide unprecedented service packages for the potential needs of failure analysis. This LBC’s main attractions, such as the state-of-art nanotechnology and its rapidly growing market, give LBC team opportunities to understand the related industries very well and cultivate specific knowledge on nanotechnology.

Recently launched in London, Startup Home offers co-living spaces and mentoring to young entrepreneurs. The company wishes to implement their business in 10 cities Worldwide and has invited the LBC team to participate in their development plan. In November, the team was invited to London for the opening of the first Startup Home house in Greenwich where they were able to meet the founders and collaborators of the project.

This startup is currently developing a multiple gesture device ‘’BIXI’’ which aims to enhance convenience in the people’s life. LBC aims to support the company by developing the business model, marketing strategy and preparing for CES (Technology tradeshow in Las Vegas). Team is in the close contact with the company, strongly involved in all the activities as well as have a realistic insight on the process of developing and launching a new product by a start-up.

E-VAWT is a new start-up business for energy production and consumption, whose goal is to make energy accessible to all at the best prices by using renewable energies, specifically micro-wind turbines. The aim of this LBC is to provide a business plan that includes the market introduction strategy and recommendations for the micro-wind turbine design - including storage solutions. The team working on this LBC has the opportunity to develop a start-up from scratch, and become part of the shift in the world's energy paradigm as exposed by Jeremy Rifkin in his book "Third Industrial Revolution".

Live Business Cases October 2015 – June 2016

Build a company analysis Select and apply a methodology, and make useful and efficient recommendations Understand the Business Development process Provide critical analysis Make strategic decisions Work in a small multicultural group under time constraints Produce compelling written and oral presentations Demonstrate communication, negotiation and leadership skills

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How to manage diversity? How to be tolerance sharing different ideas from different cultures? Do you have great ideas to develop a project or do you want to improve soft skills for your personal development? Well, it would be a challenge¡.

Fortunately we have “Managerial Creativity”. In this course we have the opportunity to learn and to improve in all of this aspects, sharing experiences, working hard, developing ideas, and networking. To make this possible we developed an organizational structure into ISE8 composed by seven teams: Events, Alumni, Projects, Trips,

Fundraising, and Time-keeping to supports the class by monitoring the workload and imposing a timeline. The model includes a Conflict Team that could help solving any conflict within teams. Also each team has a team representative to participate in board meetings, depending on the team, each group decides how long the representative remains in charge, setting either a rotation of the role, or a permanent role.

At the end, the organization, the projects and the time working together can be summarized as a continuous process of learning to success!

Innovation through Design

What is Innovation without Design? Well, this year, thanks to Professor Jose Gotzsch we understood the importance of design as a strategic tool for Companies and Start-ups. Design thinking involves various aspects including methodology, creativity and off course teamwork to find creative solutions for potential or existing customers.

As part of the learning process for ISE8 the challenge was focused in “smart objects for Extreme users” from different fields and social sectors. Our list of extreme users included Elderly people. Workaholics with health issues, Extreme Hiking/climbing practitioners, Ecologists, Heavy travelers and Party animals. For this purpose a methodological process was followed to create Innovative solutions interacting with real users to understand their emotions and values, daily life and needs.

Then through brainstorming we shared different and interesting points of view thanks to the diversity

of our program (16 different nationalities) to identify solutions with value propositions for these users.

After, we worked in the designing of rough prototypes interacting with all into each team to materialize the proposed solutions. Finally the testing process gave us an important feedback from users to improve the design. All this in real context offered us a new perspective of Design. Great experience¡ ¡magnificent learning process!

Design Innovation Results:

LunchBoxt© temperature-calories


for health freak users

Glass-up! Cup© drink anywhere anytime

for Party animals

Bonne Nouvelle©

a Photo-printer for Elderly people for


Multifunctional arm-device© for

hiking - climbing users

Chesk© a chair, a desk

and a Secretary for Workaholics

Travellet© a E-wallet for Heavy travelers

E-Social campaign© for Ecologists

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Team Building Events By sharing leisure activities and events we got to know each other's strengths and weaknesses, and moreover develop a bond of trust and collaboration.

After 4 months of “living” the Master together, we already got one big family that will hopefully last forever.

Here are some examples of activities that we did.

Team Building at the Bastille – Sep. 2015

Halloween Costume Event – Oct. 2015

Night out – Nov. 2015

Birthday Celebration – Dec. 2015

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“It´s too much”,

“It´s really hard to work on those teams always”,

“Is it today the deadline?”

“How are we going to solve that?”….

These were common expressions while doing the Master “Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship”, today, After 7 months of completing my academic classes in this program I am totally convinced that I did the right choice taking this and no other one. But what I am saying that? My intention is not getting the affection and good regard of my Master Director, or the Administrative Staff at School; I am talking about my real feelings regarding this Master. Let me explain you my point of view:

First of all, this Master is an intercultural experience where you have a lot of to do every single day with a lot of to learn, you are under pressure from the beginning until the end … but what is that if not a simulation of the genuine scenario that managers have to face in this globalized world? This new configuration of the competitive professional environment challenges the orthodox definition of management. Therefore, this Program leads you to think as part of a network, be proactive, establish different types of mental connections and work with what you have in hand.

Second, I believe that the mix of the 3 main subjects in this Master is very smart. The INNOVATION mindset helps you to think out of the box in any circumstance; the STRATEGIC THINKING gives you elements to handle situations as truly managers, understanding than discipline and holistic analysis are two elements that you MUST HAVE in your pocket for the rest of your life.

And finally, you become aware that ENTREPRENEURSHIP is not a way to undertake opportunities, but the spirit you MUST DEVELOP for living your days.

Before coming to this master I already had 9 years of experience in the professional world and at that time I saw this Master like something COOL to have, something NICE for my CV… an opportunity to have an amazing international experience.

However, today, I have no doubt that this program is, perhaps, one of the most important projects that I have face in my life. I support this affirmation with the amount and quality of TAKEAWAYS that I am capitalizing from this experience. I can say that I grew in the following aspects which surely will open doors in my professional and personal life:

I improved self-confidence

I improved my time management skills

I learned how to be more respectful regarding individual differences

I reinforced my working team skills

I learned how to communicate myself in a more efficient way


Juan David Martinez RUIZ

Future Careers The students following the MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship generally wish to prepare for careers as:


R&D Managers

Project Managers

B2B Product Managers

Business Engineers

Business Developers

Alumni Feedback by Juan David Martinez RUIZ


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We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year 2016!