Download - Newsletter April 2011


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The Vicarage Bishopsteignton Dear Friends, Question: Who was it said, ‘“Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late”, took a watch out of its waistcoat pocket, and looked at it, and hurried on.’? Clue: ‘…its waistcoat’, and: the second character to appear in a very famous book written by a Victorian vicar. Answer: The White Rabbit – in ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ (by the Rev’d Charles Dodgson aka Lewis Carroll.) But the real question for my letter this month is: With the date of Easter being so very late this year, will it be ‘too late’? Will it just be swallowed up between the school holidays and the Royal Wedding Weekend? What impact can Easter expect to have this year? And the correct answer is: ‘All the impact in the world.’ If not for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ it wouldn’t even be 2011 - but another dating system entirely! But more to the point, there would be no grounds for any hope for a final righting of wrongs and of a recognition of the good done against the odds throughout time around the world, and in our own experience. If Jesus has not gone through death and risen to eternal life, then there can in fact be no Christian faith, and we are living in a fictional ‘wonderland’. St Paul was quite categorical about that: “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile… we are of all people most to be pitied.” Faith can be battered; it can be beleaguered by doubt; but ultimately it is what that faith is placed in rather than it being faith for its own sake that determines whether it will win through or not. Our own pocket watch calculations won’t deliver the solution. But as St Paul affirms, “For I know whom I have faith in, and that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him, until the day of his return.” (Jesus: resurrected, reigning, returning…) ‘Too late’ are dreadful words indeed – but Easter, on whatever date it falls in any year, means that they need never apply in our relationship with our Creator God and Judge. ‘Too late’ only to minds and hearts already closed against the possibility of a last minute reprieve by a God who becomes our Saviour. ‘In time’ to everyone open to the possibility of a living, present God… With love, Stephen.


April Tim & Amanda (Saffron House) May Liz (Rook Hayes)

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Sunday 3rd April 4th Sunday in Lent, Mothering Sunday 10.00am Mothering Sunday Celebration Ideford Sunday 10th April 5th Sunday in Lent 10.00am Family Communion Ideford (followed by Annual Parochial Church Meeting)

11.15am Family Service Ashcombe 6.30pm Evensong Luton Sunday 17th April Palm Sunday 10.00am Village Worship Ideford Thursday 21st April Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Team Eucharist and Foot Washing: Bishop Bob Evens at St James’, Teignmouth Friday 22nd April Good Friday 12.00 Noon Devotional Service Ideford (followed by Lent Lunch)

Saturday 23rd April Holy Saturday 8.00pm Team Easter Vigil: Bishop Bob Evens at St Michael’s Teignmouth Sunday 24th April Easter Day 10.00am Parish Communion: Bishop Bob Evens Ideford 11.15am Parish Communion Ashcombe 6.30pm Festal Evensong: Bishop Bob Evens Luton


Reading Reader Sidesmen April 3rd To be arranged Alan Wooderson & Vanessa Morby April 10th Romans 8.6-11 Ollie Lucas Ollie Lucas John 11.1-45 & Nicki Horseman April 17th Psalm 118.1-2, 19-end Sara & helpers Matthew 21.1-11 To be arranged April 24th Acts 10.34-43 Barry Mohan Barry Mohan John 20.1-18 Lee Martin & Lee Martin

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MOTHERING SUNDAY - Sunday April 3rd 10.00am This year the Ideford and Luton combined Mothering Sunday service will be held at Ideford. From 10am there will be an opportunity for children (and adults) to make cards and posies etc followed by a short celebration for Mothering Sunday. If you know of anyone who would like to take part - singing, reading a poem, talking about their mum or playing a musical instrument etc please contact Janet on 852259. If you have any flowers you would like to donate for the posies, please give Janet a call or bring them to church on Sunday morning - thank you! SUNDAY MAY 29TH On Sunday May 29th at 10am, please join us at St Mary’s for a Morning Praise Service. We hope that parishioners of all ages will come along and take part in this family-friendly service, which hopefully, will include hymns, readings, drama and music. This is a new venture for Ideford and we hope the format will be led largely by the village community. Please put the date in your diary and contact Lee (01626 362283), Vanessa (01626 853991) Jane (01626 859571 or Janet (01626 852259) if:

You have a favourite hymn you would like to be included. You have a reading or poem you would like to read or have read. You can play a musical instrument and would be prepared to play in church. You would be prepared to take part in a short sketch. You have any other suggestions for this service.

If you don’t want to put yourself forward, why not get together with a group of friends and get involved together? Thank you – we look forward to seeing our church full on May 29th ST NECTAN’S CHURCH ASHCOMBE The Church will be decorated for Easter on Saturday 23rd April from 10.00 am. Gifts of flowers and greenery and any help will be much appreciated. IDEFORD CHURCH FLOWER ROTA On Saturday 23rd April from 10.00am we will be decorating the Church for Easter. Please contact Liz Hill on 854934 if you would like to help or have flowers for us to use. LUTON ALTAR FLOWERS AND BRASS CLEANING April Miss M Reddaway ANONYMOUS LETTER TO EDITORS The Editors have received an anonymous letter re an article in the January Parish News about financial support of St Mary’s Church Ideford. We do not publish anonymous letters but if the writer wishes to discuss this further he/she is very welcome to contact either the Vicar or one of the two Churchwardens. (See page 12 for contact details)

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TUESDAY COFFEE MORNINGS April 5 Angela Fox, Well Barn, Olchard April 12 Geraldine Gaskell, Cobblers, Ideford April 19 - April 26 Ann Rigby-Jones, 1 Town Farm Court, Ideford IDEFORD SHORT MAT BOWLING Tuesdays (Except the 2nd in the month when we meet on the Wednesday) and Sundays 7.30pm in Ideford Village hall. New members welcome ART GROUP Fridays 6.30-8pm in Ideford Village Hall. Details from Angie W. (07919468581) IDEFORD PARISH COUNCIL Wednesday April 6th at 6.30pm in Ideford Village Hall, Everyone is welcome to come along. BELL RINGING PRACTICE Practices normally in Ideford Church on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm until 9.00pm, Please contact Ann Rigby-Jones (852344) or Martin Sampson (853391) for more information. IDEFORD SOCIAL GROUP April 12th at 7.15pm. John Risden, Norway - A Coastal Voyage. New members and visitors are always welcome. Members’ subscription - £16 per year, £2 per meeting as a visitor. POLICE SURGERY With Colin Rider, Police Community Support Officer for Ideford Saturday April 23rd Saturday May 21st Saturday June 18th Ideford Village Hall, 9.30am –10.30am. Radiophone: 0845 6566935, e-mail: [email protected] General Police Number: 0845 2777444

CHUDLEIGH LIBRARY Monday 10.00-12.00 2.30-5.00 Tuesday 2.30-7.00 Wednesday 10.00-12.00 2.30-5.00 Thursday Closed Friday 2.30-7.00 Saturday 9.30-12.00

MOBILE LIBRARY Ideford (Royal Oak) 16.00 - 16.30 Wednesday Luton 16.40 - 17.10 April 13th & 27th TUNES FOR TODDLERS On Thursdays, from 10.30-11.30 at Chudleigh Library, there will be song, play, rhymes, stories and music-making for the under 5’s.

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Other Events

IDEFORD WITH LUTON PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL The Annual Meeting of Parishioners for the Election of Churchwardens and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in Ideford Church on Sunday April 10th at 11am. MOTHERS’ UNION Tuesday 12th April, 10.00 for 10.30 am at 1 Town Farm Court, Ideford

VILLAGE FETE SATURDAY 23rd JULY 2011 1.00pm - 4.00pm


If you can help in any way please let me know.

If you are not available on the day, we could still need you!! Examples of jobs .... Running Stalls, Coordinating Parking, Putting up signs, Advertising, Taking down signs!, setting up, putting away, Tea and coffees.

I am open to all suggestions.

There will probably be space for private stall holders, let me know if you are interested. Meeting: Monday 11th April 7.45pm Home Orchard tel 859571, [email protected]

Scarecrows We are hoping to do the scarecrows again, running for 2 weeks before the fete, and judging on the day, so get your thinking caps on!!

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More Events . . .


29th April from 10am on Ideford Millennium Green

Big screen coverage of the wedding. Easter egg hunt and games for the kids.

Bar, spit roast and barbeque.

Please come and enjoy your Millennium Green!

Ideford Village Hall 4.30 p.m. Saturday 30th April 2011:


A warm hearted tale of friendship finding the way between two worlds created by the Angel Heart Theatre, inspired by the true life encounters between 19th century Scottish Sailors and the Inuit communities of the Arctic.

Malina lives in the land of the midnight sun. Into her frozen world comes a dream, and in that dream comes a stranger, whose ship is crushed by the ice. When Malina discovers her dream has become real she knows only she can save the stranger’s life...with just a little help from Grandpa and his magic drum ! A family show for anyone over 4 years. Refreshments will be available.

Tickets: Adult £5.00 Child £4.00 Concessions £4.00 Family (2 adults + 2 children) £16.00

Refreshments will be available. *Booking In Advance for this Event is Essential*

Tony and Julie Sharland 01626 859397

ART & CRAFT FAIR Whitestone Parish Hall (EX4 2JS) Monday May 2nd 2011 - 10am to 4pm Local artists include Ursula Radford and Don Nicholson.

Crafts include woodturning, ceramic glass, pottery, silk necklaces, scarves and cardigans, dichroic jewellery, stained glass, knitted things, wooden toys, sugar craft and have a go at the fine art of felt making.

A café selling teas, sandwiches, home-made soup and cakes. Bread stall by a local artisan baker. Plant stall run by the local nursery.

For directions please visit the website at:


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APRIL AT THE ELIZABETHAN - LUTON April is a busy month at The Lizzie – not only Mothering Sunday and Easter Weekend but also a trip to Tucker’s Maltings, a Beer Festival and a Right Royal Party on the 29th! The details are:

Nick’s Trip to Tucker Maltings, Newton Abbot (for market research purposes) Thursday 14th April. A minibus is being arranged.

Our own mini Beer Festival from 20th April through to 2nd May. The theme is Devon vs. Cornwall and is accompanied by Matt’s quiz “Know your Beers”.

The Royal Wedding will be televised and for just £15.00 per head you will be offered

Sparkling Wine and Canapes on arrival, a Gala Buffet with Coffee and Wedding Cup Cakes to follow.

Please get in touch on 01626 775425 or [email protected] for more information.

Open Gardens 2011

Sunday 26th June

If you live in Ideford, Olchard or Ideford Combe and would be prepared to open your garden,

please contact:

Christine and Paul Osborne on 01626 351983 Rosemary Comerford on 01626 853227

Angie Carter-Woodwark on 01626 854898

or e-mail: [email protected]

Dates for your diary Ideford Music Festival 15th - 17th July 2011 There will be a series of music events held around the village from Friday 15th – Sunday 17th July. It starts with an evening of guitar music from Jason Carter on Friday and ends with another concert from the cellist, Orlando Jopling, on Sunday evening (hopefully as spell- binding as last year’s concert). On Saturday, there will be an informal evening of music covering a wide range of styles and we would really welcome local musicians’ contributions. So if you play or sing, solo or in a group, and you would like to take part, please contact Nicki Horseman on 852954 or at Myrtle Cottage (now without the hessian).

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IDEFORD SHORT MAT BOWLING CLUB Exeter League - Division 2 Christow ‘C’ 16 Ideford 9 Mutterton 19 Ideford 16 Ideford 16 Christow 10 Ideford 15 St Thomas ‘A’ 10 Teignbridge League Christow 57 Ideford 32 Ideford 43 Exminster 43 Ideford 54 Abbotskerswell 31 PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Neighbourhood watch co-ordinator required to network with local residents and Devon and Cornwall Police for the parish. Voting for 5th May - please contact Electoral Services if you need to register. Don't leave it until the last minute and be disappointed that you are unable to vote in the local, district and county elections. Nominations to be a Councillor for Ideford Parish - Local Elections on 5th May 2011. Please note that packs are now available for persons wishing to apply to become a Councillor for the parish. For an application pack please contact TDC Electrol Services Dept, go to TDC website and download a pack or contact Karen Gardin (clerk) on 07855561030. Applications need to be returned to TDC between 23rd March and noon 4th April 2011. …….AND FROM TEIGNBRIDGE Tell Us What You Think!

We are reviewing our services and we need your feedback. Please respond by Noon 11 April 2011 To help us review our budgets we are asking people what they think about the services they receive from Teignbridge District Council. This is an opportunity for you to tell us about our services and whether they offer good value for money. It also ensures that we are tackling the issues that you think are a priority. Please comment online at and follow the link to ‘live consultations’. If you would like a paper version of this survey, or if you have any questions, please send your name and address, where relevant, to [email protected] or call 01626 361 101. All of your comments will be treated as confidential. The survey responses will be collected and analysed and the results will be used to make important council decisions. We intend to publish results on the website within the next six months.

James Toler, Customer Excellence Team Leader, Teignbridge District Council

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KEEP YOUR BOAT SECURE for the 2011SEASON The boats have now been craned in at Polly Steps as the new boating season starts. This event can attract the criminal element in our society who will attempt to steal complete boats and/or equipment from them. Thieves are also visiting home addresses storing boats so your security measures should extend to home ground. You can help reduce the crime threat by observing the following advice: Record it: Make a complete inventory of your equipment, especially outboard motors. Include serial numbers and any identifying marks specific to your property. Serial numbers can be placed on the Police National Computer and aid recovery of stolen items. Photograph items that are distinctive and keep it with your inventory. Mark it: Mark property with your postcode and name/house number in a concealed area. This should include GPS and radio equipment and anything that can be easily removed from the boat. "Smartwater" is another method of marking equipment popular with motorcyclists and electronic tracking equipment can be used. Try the internet for further information or Boatmark on 01722 413346. Remove it: Remove anything from your boat that can be easily removed and sold on. Not always convenient, but more convenient than having it stolen. Are the locks on your boat up to the job? Check out after-market equipment for additional security. Inflatable tenders are easily moved and are a popular item for resale, secure them to a fixed point using a quality chain or lock. Contact Brian Graham the Crime Prevention Officer on 01626-215158 for information on substitute engine covers with the Devon & Cornwall Police crest. For around £20 the kit also includes SelectaDOT item marking kit. Engines without covers cannot be easily sold by thieves. Club security: Many boat thieves are successful because they look like they belong to the area. A tactful offer to assist a stranger in finding a person or boat will help to deter a thief and assist a genuine member. Report it: Report any thefts immediately to the Police, your club and insurance company. Use your inventory to provide as much information as possible. Report any suspicious activity or vehicles to the Police, but never put yourself at risk. NOTE: Any suspicious activity includes anything at port or sea that may relate to terrorist activity. Have a good season. PC ROB HARVEY PCSO Colin Rider GENERAL POLICE ENQUIRIES: 08452 777 444 EMERGENCY : 999 EMAIL: [email protected] CRIMESTOPPERS: 0800 555111

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The Elizabethan Inn, Luton A Menu for April

Available 4th to 28th April

Week days excluding Bank Holidays

Both for Lunch & Dinner

Two courses £13 or All

Three courses £16

Starters Cream of Mushroom and Tarragon Soup served with Rustic Bread (v) Tomato and Balsamic Chicken Salad with Sweet Roasted Peppers and Rocket Leaves Crab Cakes using “Seafood House” Teignmouth Crab Served on Mixed Leaves topped with Crème Fraiche

Mains Tender Diced Leg of Free Range Pork from Duck Aller Farm, Ashcombe cooked in a tangy Lemon and Ginger Sauce Served with Egg Noodles and Spring Onions Oven Roasted Breast of Chicken Stuffed with Pesto Leeks Served on a Grainy Mustard Veloute Sauce with Seasonal Local Vegetables Vegetable Terrine: Layers of Leeks, Spinach, Mushrooms and Sun Blushed Tomatoes Wrapped In a Savoury Pancake with a Creamy Devon Blue Cheese Sauce served with a Dressed Salad (v) Char Grilled Salmon Steaks with a Sorrel and Red Pepper Sauce Served with Seasonal Local Vegetables


Crème Brulée flavoured with Fresh Vanilla Pods Chocolate and Orange Bread and Butter Pudding Served Warm with Devonshire Farmhouse Clotted Cream Two scoops of Devonshire Farmhouse Ice cream of your Choice Tel: 01626 775425


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FOR SALE Polytunnel greenhouse size 2m x 3m. Still in box, never used. £30.00 or near offer. Tel 01626 853741 WEEKEND BREAKS AT SHELDON Lovely Pig Pens and brand new Hen Runs at Sheldon Available for self-catering weekend breaks. Suitable for retreat, holiday, rest or just come and be nosey about the changes taking place at Sheldon!

4pm Friday to 2pm Sunday Special weekend offer £80 single person, £100 couple inclusive.

Ring us on 01647-252752 to book your Sheldon weekend.

Society of Mary and Martha, Sheldon, Dunsford, Exeter EX6 7LE 01647-252752 [email protected]

Registered charity 327394


Highest Temperature 13.8°C at 2.37pm on the 24th Lowest Temperature -2.8°C at 0.01am on the 1st 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Rain for February 5.82" 5.23" 2.75" 2.60" 3.53" Rain for Year 8.49" 12.41" 7.30" 6.50" 5.73"

IDEFORD VILLAGE TRANSPORT TIMETABLE Ring & Ride Destination Fares (return) Monday and Wednesday Newton Abbot £4.00 How to make a Ring & Ride Journey

Choose which day you wish to travel. Telephone 01626 888777 between 9am-1pm, Monday to Friday,

NB: Please ring before 8.30am for same day travel. Please be ready by 9.45am. Be ready at 1.00pm to be collected at the ‘Boarding Point’ for your journey home. Please cancel booking if you are not able to travel. Please wear seat belts at all times.

Dawlish Community & Disability Transport Service operates in the area to transport elderly, frail or disabled passengers of any age, on a private hire basis. All our vehicles are adapted to take wheelchair seated passengers, have lowered steps and tail lifts. For more information please telephone 01626 888777 or 888890

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HALDON TEAM MINISTRY Team Rector The Revd Graham Stones 01626 774495 [email protected] Team Vicar The Revd Stephen West 01626 775247 [email protected]

PARISH DIRECTORY Church Wardens Ashcombe Mrs C Conachie 864036 Mr J Downes 888052 Ideford Mrs L Martin 362283 Mr A Wooderson 853188 Luton Mr J Reddaway 775218 Miss K Vooght 775426 PCC Secretary Ideford Dr N Horseman 852954 Ashcombe Mrs J Brown 866418 [email protected] Devon County Councillor Michael Walters 360826 Teignbridge District Councillors Beryl Austen Michael Walters 360826 Ideford Parish Council Chairman Angie Carter-Woodwark 854898 ( mobile ) 07919468581 Clerk Karen Gardin 351214 Ideford Village Hall Chairman Tony Sharland 859397 Booking Clerk Mark Hobson 859073 Ideford Millennium Green Chairman Mr A French 853339 Booking Clerk Mrs S Jervis 852157 Mothers’ Union Branch Leader Mrs C Irvin 779291 Ideford Social Group Secretary Enid Vooght 775291 Ideford Bell Ringers Ann Rigby-Jones 852344 Ideford short Mat Bowling Club Mr T Dore 852074 Parish Newsletter Editors Janet Aylmore 852259 Ann Rigby-Jones 852344 CAD Community Worker Bob Bigland 203050 Police Help Desk 0845 2 777 444 (PCSO, Colin Rider, Radiophone 0845 6566935) Samaritans 08457 909090 Crimestoppers 0800 555111 Age concern 01626 62508 Environment Hotline 0800 328 6402 Citizens Advice Bureau 01626 203141

Haldon Team Website Ideford Parish Website Church post codes for Sat Nav: St Mary’s, Ideford TQ13 0BA St John’s, Luton TQ13 0BN

St Nectan’s, Ashcombe EX7 0QD