Download - Newsflash - · 2018. 5. 8. · poems. The year 2 group will be writing an acrostic poem and the year 3 group will

Page 1: Newsflash - · 2018. 5. 8. · poems. The year 2 group will be writing an acrostic poem and the year 3 group will



Every week, unless it is a Celebration Assembly, at 1.50pm. Everyone is most welcome to come along to enjoy the end of week round up. This week Assembly will not be held as Mr G is on Camp with the Yrs 4-6 pupils. Also note well please that there is no Kapa Haka on Friday also.


The pumpkin was grown offsite under the care of Dee and team. It did reach 23.1kg. However the largest Selwyn pumpkin planted by schools reached 31kg. We were rather proud of our pumpkin though all the same. Thank you to Taane and Eunice for representing Hororata Primary School.


A good effort from our eight contestants, two teams of four, Zoe, Jessie, Ellie and Vin, and Quin, Xavier, Blake and Ayla went to Greendale to represent our school as they were selected. Even though they were opposite sides of the Hall they managed to achieve the same score of 48 correct words. Well done.


We wish our senior school (Years 4-6) an exciting time of their Hanmer Camp this week. The Camp is jammed pack full of activities for everyone to do. Thank you to parents who put their name forward as camp parents. Sorry we could not take you all. You are welcome to visit for a day if you wish. Reminder Camp fees now due.


Could everyone please search for adults and children's HIV vests which you may have at home. Adult sizes urgently needed for this weeks camp please. Also spare children vests have been loaned out but they have not been returned.

Hororata Primary School’s Official Newsletter (08.05.2018)

Hororata Primary School Tel (03) 3180 803 · Fax (03) 3180 682

Email: [email protected]

Diary Alert

TERM ONE (Began) Monday 30 April 2018

Senior Pre-Camp Meeting Tuesday 8 May (TONIGHT)

Senior (Yr 4-6) Camp Wed 9 May to Fri 11 May

Board of Trustee Meeting Thursday 17 May

Hororata - Jubilee Steering Committee Thursday 24 May

Hororata Cross Country Tuesday 29 May (pp 31 May)

National Young Leaders’ Day Wednesday 30 May

Speech & Poetry Competition Friday 1 June

Public Holiday - Queen’s Birthday Monday 4 June

Malvern Cross Country Wednesday 6 June

Malvern Speech & Poetry Comp Thursday 14 June

Hororata - Celebration Assembly Friday 6 July


Friday 6 July



EMERGENCY CONTACTS… Please ring the school on ph. 318 0803 and listen to the answerphone message. In the event of an emergency contact the

Principal at ph. 027 229 1163 Alternatively, you could go to our new , Skool Loop

LONG RUN FRIDAY Mr G is on camp this Friday, therefore unable to drive the school bus. The LONG RUN will be effective this FRIDAY. Times will only be slightly altered..

Page 2: Newsflash - · 2018. 5. 8. · poems. The year 2 group will be writing an acrostic poem and the year 3 group will

Kia ora Koutou

Quote of the week… ‘“I would rather own little & see the world, than own the

world and see little of it.”

Active Culture… Promoting positive and responsible attitudes towards personal health and well-being. Hororata Do-Athlon… The Hororata Do-Athlon was held at the school on Friday 6 April 2018. The following children achieved notable success: Yr 1-2 - Benson McCorkindale (1st), Jono Irving (2nd), Jake Van der Heyden (3rd); Billie Williamson (1st), Lilly Oliver-Albon (2nd), Trinity Wright, (3rd). Yr 3-4 - Hunter Kennedy (1st), Fletcher Thwaites (2nd), Isaac Williamson (3rd), Mackenzie Rowlands (1st). Yr 5-6 – Toby Thwaites (1st), Vin Brown (2nd), Taane Buechele (3rd), Ayla Abraham (1st=), Jessie Smith (1st=), Emily Breading (3rd)Fun in the Mud… On Tuesday 1 May 2018, all our Year 4-6 student ventured to the Thwaites Farm on Hororata Road, to take part in the inaugural Selwyn Sports Trust Rogaine event. Rogaining is an orienteering sport of long distance cross-country navigation, involving both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a maps. We entered the event to provide our students with active events outside of our tradition school sports. Rogaining ticks all the boxes when it comes to non-traditional, active and fun and apart from the drama of losing a show in the mud, I am pleased to report that we returned from the event exhausted, covered in mud and full of smiles.

Learning Culture… ‘Thinking outside the box’ and using flexibility, creativity, innovation, and social intelligence to solve every day problems. Autumn Festival… The Hororata Autumn Festival was held on Friday 13 April 2018. Congratulations to all our students and staff for their effort and achievements preparing for the festival. A special shout out goes out to the following students for achieving notable success on the day: Pencil Sketch (Tiki): 5 yrs: Jono Irving (1st), Jeyloe Guerzon (2nd), Patricia Galler (3rd), Priya Soloman (HC); 6 yrs: Benson McCorkindale (1st), Lance Araguas (2nd), Lilly Oliver-Albon (3rd), Oliver Thomas (HC); 7 yrs: Rianna Alinar (1st), Isaac McCorkindale (2nd), Zander Freitas (3rd), Fletcher Thwaites (HC); 8 yrs Miles Henriksen (1st), Josh Tuer (2nd), Emily Breading (3rd), Isaac Williamson (HC); 9 yrs: Ellie Flett (1st), Hailey Edwards (2nd), Gracie Symons (3rd), Brodie Hey (HC); 10+ yrs: Ayla Abraham (1st), Quin Brown (2nd), Gagana Mudiyanselage (3rd), Blake Booth (HC). Handwriting: 5 yrs Jeyloe Guerzon (1st), Tarannum Singh (2nd), Patricia Galler (3rd), Ava Gamlath/Elix Reyes (HC); 6 yrs: Oliver Thomas (1st), Lance Araguas (2nd), C.J Galvo (3rd), Matthew Tuer (HC); 7 yrs: Rianna Alinar (1st), James Hussey (2nd), Luke Oliver-Albon (3rd), Isaac McCorkindale (HC); 8 yrs: Josh Tuer (1st); Cheylin Diedericks (2nd); Emily Breading (3rd), Finn Jennings (HC); 9 yrs: Gracie Symons (1st), T.K Freitas (2nd), Hubert Aquino (3rd), Swaide Williams (HC); 10+ yrs: Zoe Parker (1st), Blake Booth (2nd), Gagana Mudiyanselage (3rd), Jessie Smith/Quin Brown (HC). Painting (Beach Community): 5yrs: Jono Irving (1st), Ava Gamlath (2nd), Tarannum Singh (3rd), Kayden Shaw/Alex Shaw (HC); 6yrs: Benson McCorkindale (1st), Lance Araguas (2nd), C.J Galvo (3rd), Oliver Thomas (HC); 7yrs: James Hussey (1st), Luke Oliver-Albon (2nd), Isaac McCorkindale (3rd), Zander Freitas (HC); 8yrs: Emily Breading (1st), Miles Henriksen (2nd), Shelby Miller (3rd), Thomas Harris (HC); 9yrs: Gracie Symons (1st), Hailey Edwards (2nd), Brodie Hey (3rd), Dustin Rowlands (HC); 10+yrs: Jessie Smith (1st), Robert Harris (2nd), Taane Buechele (3rd), Blake Booth (HC). 3D Creation (Beach Huts): 5-7 yrs: Luke Oliver-Albon/ Isaac McCorkindale (1st=), Jono Irving (2nd), Lance Araguas (3rd), Billie Williamson/Lilly Oliver-Albon (HC); 7 yrs: Emily Breading (1st); Josh Smith (2nd); Isaac Williamson (3rd); 10 yrs: Livi Williamson (1st). 8yrs: Josh Tuer (1st), Abby Aubrey (2nd), Finn Jennings (3rd), Rianna Alinar (HC); 9yrs: Ellie Flett (1st), Brodie Hey (2nd), Dustin Rowlands (3rd); 10+yrs: Gagana Mudiyanselage (1st), Tia-Lee Miller (2nd), Jessie Smith/ Robert Harris (3rd=), Zoe Parker (HC). Photography (Community): Open - Jessie Smith (1st). Supreme Champions: Ayla Abraham (Pencil Sketch)/Riana Alinar (Handwriting). Haere mai... I would like to welcome Zaidyn, Swaide and Jaydar Williams (Piwi/Kakapo/Tui) to our school. I am confident that your time at Hororata will be both enjoyable and rewarding. Sadly, we farewell Abby and Case Aubrey (Kakapo/Tui) who have departed for Ashburton over the break. Thank you for the contribution you made to our school and community.

Thanks for supporting our school

Marty Gameson (Principal - Tumuaki)

Piwakawaka (Yrs 0-2) Miss Raybould

Hi everyone

Just a reminder about our Library visits, they are usually on Tuesdays - so please help your child return any library books and their library book bag to school ready for Tuesdays. Also, if there are any children who have their own library card for the Selwyn libraries (Darfield) and will allow them to use the mobile library bus, please let me know and I will take them to it when it arrives at school - once a month on Wednesdays - starting 9th May. They don't need their library card - just be able to say the full name and confirm address. If anyone would like their child to join the Selwyn libraries I have a number of enrolment forms to hand out. These can be returned to any branch and a card will be processed, or handed in to the mobile library bus. I have been so impressed with the progress of a number of children who have been practising certain skills at home - well done all of you, it is making learning easier for the children. Keep impressing us in Piwi! All of Squares Maths group are practising their basic facts. Their first focus is adding one. We have explored the pattern - how when you are adding one the answer is the number after - so this really reinforces number sequences. They are using counters, or their fingers but are aiming to be able to see the pattern and do it quickly in her head. Anyone who would like the Year One Basic Facts chart for home reference just send me a note or email and will place a laminated copy in your child's book bag. It outlines what facts we learn for each stage and are in the easiest order to learn them in.

kind regards Julia

Kea (Yrs 2-3) Miss Stewart

Hello all, This is going to be a very busy term with our Hororata Speech and Poetry competition and cross country coming up fast. We are busy being active at every opportunity to work on our fitness and looking at different types of poems to give us examples and ideas for our own poems. The year 2 group will be writing an acrostic poem and the year 3 group will be writing a free verse poem. The topic is community. Last week we started work on some new displays for the wall. Feel free to drop in and have a look when they go up later in the week.


Kakapo (Yrs 3-5) Ms Cullen Kai ora koutou Week two term two why does every term seem to fly by. I am very excited about camp this week and I know the kids are counting down their sleeps. If you have any questions please get in touch. We are training for cross country at the moment and I have been very impressed by how hard the kids are working on achieving their personal best if anyone wants to join us we do a 1km run every Thursday morning. If anyone is interested in coming in and helping in the classroom during reading and maths I would love to hear from you.


Tui (Yrs 4-6) Mrs Foster

Hello Everyone

It seems that everyone had a fabulous holiday and looking forward to a

busy term starting with camp. All the children are super excited and

looking forward to our adventure north. The weather is looking awesome

and the activities on camp are even better. In class we have been working

hard on our speeches and I am pleased with the progress that the majority

of the class is making with them.


Page 3: Newsflash - · 2018. 5. 8. · poems. The year 2 group will be writing an acrostic poem and the year 3 group will


The School Canteen

Open every MONDAY lunch time…

American Hot Dog $2.00

Mince Pies $2.00

Cookie Time $1.00

Chicken Savoury $1.00

Please ensure orders are written on an envelope and handed into the school office prior to the start of a Monday school day.

Last chance for cheese roll orders. TOMORROW PLEASE

To date we have 286 dozen rolls to make!

Thank you to all our helpers over the past month with Pig & Possum Hunt, Night Glows, Canteen shopping and cooking etc. If you have wanted to help out but have been unavailable you may like to make a monetary donation to the PTA. Bank account number for cheese rolls or donations is


Our Annual General Meeting was a huge success. Thank you to Sarah W for continuing as President, and to Alice W for stepping up as Vice-President. Also Sara I as Secretary.

We will advise when the next meeting is to be held


Donations and Activity Fees are most welcome to be paid. Accounts may be made term-by-term or annually. The accounts have been sent out but if you have not received yours please let us know. The Activity Fee is $15 per term per student or $60.00 per annum (Yearly). Payment by instalment (or termly) is perfectly acceptable. Bank Account for the Hororata Primary School Board of Trustees is ASB 123441:0019878:00


A plea please for all clothing to be named. Currently we have one or two misplaced hoodies. Parents please check your children’s hoodies and polo tops to ensure they are wearing their own clothing. If you find that they have been wearing a top that is not theirs please send this along to the school office where it will be returned to the rightful owner. They are a costly item. Lost property is kept in a red bin along from Kakapo and the verandah. You are welcome to check this at any time, also parents of younger pupils are welcome to check rooms, cubbies and book bags.

Kapa Haka

Each year students are given the opportunity to join with children from Greendale, Sheffield, Springfield, Glentunnel and Windwhistle schools (South Malvern Group) to take part in Kapa haka. Kapa haka is a Maori term for performing arts and literally means to form a line (kapa) and dance (haka). It is unique and enjoyable way for students to learn about New Zealand’s Maori heritage, through song and dance. Kapa haka practices are held on Friday mornings from 11:45am-12:45pm at either Glentunnel or Sheffield Halls (TBC). Students are taught by teacher - kaiako Anton McClean and have the opportunity to perform at public events such as the Hororata Highland Games and the Malvern Kapa Haka Festival later in the year.

This term we are starting a junior group for students in Years 1-3.

Sessions will continue on Friday morning and children will be

transported to and from Glentunnel/Sheffield by bus (no charge).

Junior and senior sessions will be run on alternate week i.e.,

juniors – even weeks. We are now accepting enrollments for the

junior group, which will start on Friday 25 May 2018. If you would

like your children to be part of this new initiative, please contact

the school office.

Page 4: Newsflash - · 2018. 5. 8. · poems. The year 2 group will be writing an acrostic poem and the year 3 group will

Spotlight Piwi

Here are some stories about our holidays. Read all about the exciting things we did.

I went to the Night Glow and we had lots of fun. The hot air balloon lit up. Tarannum

I went to the farm with Dad. Dinu

I went in the hot air balloon. Elix

At Akaroa I went to see the cheese factory. I learned how to make cheese. The next day I went on a boat trip. Ava

In the holidays I went to the mall to buy me some clothes and a stripy and sparkly dress. Priya

In the weekend Grandad chopped down a tree. Kayden

I got a glow stick. It was fun. I went in the hot air balloon. It was cool. Albie

I like going to mum’s house with Grandma. Alex

I saw some hot air balloons. Zaidyn

I saw lots of air balloons. We got a glow stick. Jake

I saw some hot air balloons. George

I like dinosaurs. Illia

I made a castle out of lego. Rodley

I like rainbows. Haila

In the weekend Mum caught a kitten. Maddy

In the weekend I went to the movies with my nana and my mum. Indi

In the weekend I went to the Night Glow. I got cotton candy. I saw my friend Elix. Patricia

In the weekend I went to the Warehouse and I got some horses. One is a dun colour and one is a chestnut colour. Bella

Jade and Ayla and me went to Auckland. Isabel

I made a book. It’s about what I want to know. One of the things I want to know is about space. Amelie

Me and my family saw a big hot air balloon and we ran over to it. We took a picture of it. Jeyloe

Reminder: As per front page the Long Bus run will run on

Friday 10 May because Mr G will not be here to drive.

Times should not be too different so please be at your

stop as usual.