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News And Views

June 2016 / July 2016 Hartington, Biggin, Earl Sterndale

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News And Views Hartington, Biggin, Earl Sterndale

Vol 7, Issue 2 Apr/May 2017

NEAR AND FAR Many people in our busy modern world feel swept along by forces that are greater than they are. Workers often feel like tiny cogs in a great machine; business people feel at the mercy of international conglomerates; retailers are tossed about by market forces; farmers are affected by the decisions of supermarket chains; teachers brace themselves for the next ‘initiative’ from on high, and so on.

I don’t think these feelings are an illusion – in fact, I think we do well to be aware of these forces and to seek to understand them – as far as we can. Some writers on psychiatric problems (e.g. David Smail) have identified a particular form of stress that comes from knowing that one is in the grip of forces which are too large and distant to be understood. Sometimes these powers can hardly be glimpsed; they are over the individual’s ‘power horizon’ beyond which he cannot see.

The fact that forces are not understood (or often even so much as glimpsed) does not make them any less real – it may simply mean that they are too vast and distant to be understood – and perhaps at the same time, paradoxically, their effects are too near for us to stand apart and observe them objectively.

I see some parallels between these aspects of worldly power and the presence and activity of God as it bears on us. In Christian thought, God is at once transcendent – vast and unknowable yet also imminent – ‘closer to us than we are to ourselves’.

God’s purposes which are being worked out in this cosmos and in any other realities there may be are on such a vast scale that we are simply too small to take them in……….yet, paradoxically, His influence in our hearts and lives is so gentle and subtle and so close to us that most of the time it remains hidden. Millions are able to live apparently with no awareness of God’s existence – let alone His activity.

The great forces that profit from us financially or otherwise tend to cloak their activities as far as they are able. God, however, does not wish to exploit us – He longs for our willing co-operation with His work – and so allows us to ‘glimpse’ Him with the eyes of faith.

The Christian religion teaches that God has revealed Himself to mankind – not in His utter fullness – but in as much as we are able to comprehend and relate to – in the person of Jesus.

If someone were to ask what God is doing in the world, ask where one should look for His activity, I should point him or her to the Bible as a record of ‘Salvation History’; to the Gospels as an account of the work of Christ; to the life of that mysterious organism the Church across the centuries; to the continuing spread of the Gospel in the world – and to the gentle kindness and goodness which is shown in the lives of many who have faith in their hearts.

Richard Benson,


BIGGHARTS- on January 24th we took part in

the Basketball Competition, the children involved

were Josh & Sam Wright, Jacob Blackwell,

Abigail McCurrach, Jasmine McCarthy, Jasmine

Leslie and Harriet Pearson. They played with

great skill and determination which meant that

they reached the semi-finals for the first time.

Well done to all of them.

Biggin and Hartington Cubs and Scouts -

After last years’ successful table top sale in the

village hall we are going to hold a similar event on

16th April (Easter Sunday) If anybody would like

to hire a table at the cost of £5 they are welcome.

If you would like to donate items or wish us to run

a table for them, please contact us directly. Items

can be delivered to the village hall on scout night,

which is a Thursday, or can be collected. Please

contact Jill- 01335310345 or Alan 0129884526 -

PS we still have calendars for sale at £4 each

We would also like to congratulate Jill Dronfield

on reaching the “25th Year Milestone” of

leadership of this group. We would like her to

know how much her hard work and dedication is


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Easter Lilies- Anyone wishing to donate towards Easter Lilies in remembrance of a loved one, please contact Sarah Lacey, Celia Critchlow or Liz Broomhead. Thank you

The family of the late Mary Edna Grindey would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral and donated money for Hartington Church and Dementia UK, following her recent death.

The family of Ron and Eileen Riley would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral of Ron on March 14th. They are also very appreciative of the contribution made by the Grand Order of Oddfellows and the Royal British Legion. Donations received- £250 towards Dove House Residential Home Ashbourne and £275 to St Giles Church.

I would like to thank the many people who have sent cards and visited me since my return home a few weeks ago. I am so pleased to be home and making steady if slow progress. Thank you to Anne, staff and children at school for sending me a lovely meal on the Community Lunch days. I really appreciate the kindness which so many people have shown me.

Mrs Marion Gibbs

Many of the community of Hartington will remember, with affection, Dennis Robinson who was originally from Ashbourne, and lived at 1 Bankside from 1948 to 1995. He was married to Margaret nee Riley, younger sister of Ron Riley. He passed away on 28.2.17 and was cremated at Macclesfield on 16 .3.17.

Hartington C of E Primary School- Another busy term has provided the children with a wide range of experiences and opportunities. As part of Healthy School Community Award the children undertook “Peer Buddy training” on 21st February and March 1st. PC Anthony Boswell visited school on the 8th March explaining the consequences of theft and criminal actions. On the 31st March, years 5 and 6 will receive a Smoking prevention talk. As usual we will be participating in “Red Nose Day- Comic Relief”- this coincides with Community Lunch when we will hold a “Red Nose Bingo” session as well as stands for sales of cakes and other items. All funds raised will be sent to Comic Relief.

On the PE and Sport front we started a six-week Cricket Course linking with Fitzherbert School, Fenny Bentley. This is being delivered by Derbyshire Cricket Board and will be paid for from the PE & School Sport Premium Funding. On Friday 17th March, Mrs Flower, took 5 year 5&6 students to Anthony Gell School as part of the PE and School Sports Annual Conference. An excellent half day experience which was practically based for the children developing their skills in leadership and organisation of playtime activities. Mrs Flower was able to understand about the increased funding and opportunities which will be available to us over the next year.

For the 3rd year running we are looking forward to a visit from Peace Proscovia- from Uganda- on April 3rd. Peace has a scholarship with Loughborough University, where she also plays for the Netball Super League Team- Loughborough Lightning. She is a member of the National Netball team of Uganda and was “spotted” for Loughborough by our Vice Chair of Governors, Liz Broomhead, on one of her many visits to Africa where she delivers the African Netball Championships alongside the African events team in many Southern African Countries over the past 9 years.

HYPAC- Easter Fun Day- Sunday 9th April- 1-4pm- Hartington Village Hall- Bethany Ball, one of the young leaders of HYPAC has organised this event. It will involve an Easter Egg Hunt, Face Painting, Quiz’s, games and stalls as well as the outcome of a raffle- Easter Draw- with excellent prizes. All funds raised will go towards supporting HYPAC activities. Please come along and support this event, Bethany has worked very hard to make this event a success.

Hartington Community Group- A very well attended and successful AGM was held on 9th February. One of the key items was the allocation of small grants to groups who had applied. We are delighted that the Scouts will receive £150 towards the costs of the new books and badges as well as the replacement of Archery equipment. The Church has received £150 for the display case for the Uniform of the late Ron Riley which it is hoped will be in place in the Church in late spring. Lastly £100 was donated towards the project-

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Tudor Farm Project at Under Whittle. The next project which the Group will be supporting will be the Festival of Local Talents – over the May Bank holiday weekend

Festival of Talents- May 26-29th – St Giles Church and Hartington Village Hall- You may remember that last year was the 40th and final Flower Festival in its current format. The PCC, under the leadership of Sarah, prepared a draft programme to replace the flower festival and this was discussed at the HCG meeting in February. It gained unanimous support, a small working group was established who have met and developed the programme and contacted numerous residents and businesses to engage their interest and involvement. Please look out for posters and information on the detail of what will be happening. A key element will be a flower arranging workshop – FREE WORKSHOP –

MONDAY 29TH MAY IN VILLAGE HALL- Interested?- please contact Sarah Lacey -84319- this will help in identifying how many flowers will need to be purchased

Annual Parish Meeting- PCC- This will take place on March 30th –a full report in the next edition





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Easter Lilies- St Thomas Church – Please note that the church will be open on Saturday 15th -10am- 12 noon to allow those persons wishing to remember loved ones with Easter Lilies to place their own lilies. This is obviously a departure from the usual and anyone unsure of the new arrangements can ring me on 01298 84244 if they need further information. Jennifer Brindley

Biggin C.E. Primary School- In terms of activities, these weeks following Christmas have been quieter than many other times of the year. The KS2 children have, however, been involved in two very exciting events. In January, we worked with Gordon McLellan on a project for Buxton Museum. You may know that excavations of a barrow on Liffs Low, just outside the village of Biggin, unearthed an adult male burial. This has been on display in the museum. Due to refurbishment of the museum, the displays are being improved. Gordon worked with the children on life in the Neolithic era, gathering their ideas to be used in the information panels accompanying the display of “Biggin Man.” We look forward to the reopening of the museum which will provide the opportunity for a school trip.

At the beginning of March, I took the KS2 children to Manchester. Recommended by Clair Kilner who teaches violin and runs our music club, we went to a Children’s Concert by the Hallé Orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to hear a live orchestra in a wonderful surrounding. The music all had a British connection and the concert involved the children in dance and singing a song composed for the event. As a coach to Manchester is expensive, and the trip rather too long for a half day, we made the most of our time by visiting the Art Gallery in the afternoon. We took part in a workshop about “Travel” and the children returned with prints of their work. It was a long busy day but a really worthwhile visit. As one of the children wrote on our return: “It was one of the greatest trips I have ever been on and, as I am writing this recount, I can still hear the beautiful music lighting up the sky.”

Heather Gosney- Head teacher

Waterloo Inn- On the 5th March we took part in the Charity Pub Quiz and raised £200 for prostate cancer. Thank you to all that supported this event. We have had some good dressing up sessions on Thursdays during the Quiz nights to celebrate different dates such as Burns Night, St David's Day and more recently St Patrick's Day. Weekly Quiz starts at 9:30 pm all welcome. We have a Wine Tasting Evening on the 29th March at 7 pm, tickets are on sale at the pub £10.00 per head which includes wine and nibbles. In April we have many events booked :- Psychic Night on the 12th April; Ray Guitar Pickin on the 15th April; Carolann 'B' (Country) on the 22nd April; Katie Francis on the 29th April. If you plan to join us and wish to eat beforehand, please book a table - 01298 84284.

Biggin WI- NB this article was submitted by Sandra Lovatt for the last news and Views but unfortunately I omitted to include. My apologies Liz Broomhead

November was our AGM and after all the usual business we elected the members of the various committee posts. Jennie is to retire as secretary after doing an excellent job for a long time, Julia has volunteered to take over and we all wish her well for the future. Jennie was presented with some flowers by Mary, the president, for her birthday and for doing a brilliant job as secretary over the years. This December the group gathered and shared a lovely three course meal at Newton House hotel, which got us in the mood for Christmas. This was followed by our secret Santa where everyone received a gift. January saw us entertained by a talk on black work by Julia.

Black work is embroidery using black silk on white silk to produce interesting and beautiful designs. It was first mentioned in Chaucer's Canterbury tales and became increasingly popular throughout the Tudor period, being used to produce some very intricate designs used on Henry VIII shirts, as well as on Elizabeth I's dresses. After the talk, Julia showed us some of her own beautiful pieces of work. If anyone would like more information about her talks her email is [email protected] She was thanked by Sandra, followed by tea and biscuits.

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Biggin WI meets on the second Monday in the month at 7.30pm -everyone is welcome to come along and join us.

The February meeting was a trip to the Waterloo for a fish supper which was excellent, many thanks to Steve and Debbie for providing us with such an enjoyable meal. Julia gave out green material, to be made into hearts and returned at the next meeting. The hearts are to be used as symbols to promote awareness of the environment, which is one of the WI's projects for 2017. The green hearts were beautifully decorated by members and were photographed and will be sent to the DFWI headquarters to be included in the link magazine. March meeting was held in the village hall and the speaker told us about her life changing decision to go and live on a house boat for six years. She and her husband brought a sixty foot barge and travelled the waterways of England, learning as they went about the various lock systems and all the customs of the canal system.

Biggin Village Hall - Following our annual pensioners Christmas Party, we would like to say a big thank you to Mr Moffat at Biggin Hall for providing the food, a great evening of ‘dinner and dance’ was enjoyed by many locals. If you live in the Parish and are female and 60 or male and 65 please contact the committee to ensure an invite to the 2017 party. The Village Hall is well supported with regular events held by the local WI, Parish Council, Biggin School and Preschool, Hartington Darts and Dominoes and Whist Drives. The Village Hall also hold a prize Bingo every Thursday night commencing at 7.30 where refreshments, a raffle and tote take place and we are always happy to welcome newcomers. Anyone wishing to enquire about hiring the Village Hall, please contact Kathy Leslie on 07875 038903. Melanie Wilton - Secretary, Biggin Village Hall.


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We have our annual May Market on Sunday May 28th and Monday May 29th in Church 1-5.30 p.m. The usual sales tables, tombola, raffle and light refreshments. As always this is a fund raising event, as we are in need of urgent funds as the church roof lost a few tiles during the recent Storm Barbara, along with the other problems we already have with the building, it is an ongoing situation, as you can well understand I'm sure. We hope to welcome you on one of the market days. Please support our event. We will be very appreciative. Thankyou one and all.

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Please contact Howard or Claire on 01298 84844 Earl Sterndale Parish Council. = Hartington Middle Quarter P.C. To comply with the new

Transparency Laws, we have to have a website; the link is Please have a look and tell us what you think. It is 95% up and running and will hopefully, be fully functional soon.

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White Peak Group Registers


3rd February Mary Grindey Hartington

17th February Phyllis Wragg Biggin

3rd March (Wilfred) Arthur Kirkham Hartington

7th March Jean Bell Taddington

14th March Ronald Bernard Riley Hartington

15th March Arthur Eric Holding Monyash

16th March Irene Wibberley Hartington


5th March Harry Finbarr Bonsall Biggin

5th March Edith Mary Bonsall Biggin

5th March Iris Emily Bonsall Biggin

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Services for Sundays and other Major Festivals

Date Biggin Earl Sterndale Hartington Readings

2nd April

Lent 5 (Purple/Lent


11.15 am

Holy Communion


8.00 am

Holy Communion


Ezekiel 37 : 1 – 14

John 11 : 1 - 45

9th April





10.00 am

Holy Communion

Matthew 21 : 1 – 11

Matthew 27 : 11 - 54

13th April




7.30 pm

Holy Communion


Feet Washing



Exodus 12 : 1 – 4 &

11 – 14

John 13 : 1 – 17 &

31b - 35

14th April


(Red and Removed)




Before The Cross

Hebrews 4 : 14 – 16 &

5 : 7 – 9

John 18 : 1 – 19 : 42

15th April



Easter Vigil

Chelmorton 7.30 pm

Acts 10 : 34 – 43

Matthew 28 : 1 - 10

16th April



11.15 am

Holy Communion

11.15 am

Holy Communion

10.00 am

Holy Communion

Acts 10 : 34 – 43

Matthew 28 : 1 - 10

23rd April

Easter 2




10.00 am

Holy Communion

Acts 2 : 14a & 22 – 32

John 20 : 19 - end

30th April

Easter 3




Acts 2 14a & 36 – 41

Luke 24 : 13 - 35

7th May

Easter 4


11.15 am

Holy Communion


8.00 am

Holy Communion


Acts 2 42 – end

John 10 : 1 - 10

14th May

Easter 5




10.00 am

Holy Communion

Acts 7 : 55 – end

John 14 : 1 - 14

21st May

Easter 6


11.15 am

Morning Worship

11.15 am

Holy Communion

10.00 am

Family service

Acts 17 : 22 – 31

John 14 : 15 - 21

25th May






Acts 1 : 1 – 11

Luke 24 : 44 - end

28th May

Easter 7




10.00 am

Holy Communion

Acts 1 : 6 – 14

John 17 : 1 - 11

26th- 29th May

Festival of Talents

and Flowers

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We would like to thank the following who have sponsored the 2017 issues:

Charles Cotton Hotel Devonshire Arms Cheese Shop Dauphin Antiques Anna & Laura Heeley, Emma Doak (Village Stores Hartington) “Curtain Call” Drama Group

84229 84232 84935 687149



Waterloo Inn, Biggin Biggin Hall Country Hotel Beresford Tea Rooms Hartdale Motors Ltd A J & S.PEACH Newsagent & General Store Matilda Bay Farm Shop and Café

84284 84451 84418 84322


07917669449 07710132201

We also wish to thank Hartington Hall YHA who allow the photocopying of the News and Views to be done on their premises free of charge

PLEASE EMAIL, WHERE POSSIBLE, ITEMS FOR THE NEXT ISSUE BY May 15th to [email protected] or give to Margaret Partridge or Liz Broomhead.

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