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NEWS i NOTES. [ r»«ic«

Herr Cahett'riy’s seco-ul memorial to the

Popo od the suojec: of controlling emi- prniit- to America ill l’>c Interests of the Catholic cnurcli l» putVlisnsd this morn-

ing. Itaets forth tne cause of Ihedesertion" of toe Church by Catholics ut>on ihcir arrival iu tills country.

The weather la flatnt urg was ex-

tremely hot yestefday, causing seven sun- strokes.

'Jlie workmen In the Clyde Iron Ship Yards Will strike today unless the mas-

ters cancel the pioposed July reduction. It is now said that the late Mr. oames

McHenry, the well known financier and old time Brie Railroad lltlgact. whose

laxly was exhume I on June au ujr or.ter oriue British Home Secretary Matthew-, whs tnsnred In England and the United Statea for over I5.UUO.OOO. l'Uo insurance compaules. It is added, suspect that Mr. McHenry committed >uicnle t>y poison, Ihns rendering void the insurance policies ou his life _

The sirlka of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company's stokers and coalers In,a ended, tue com pan V partly conceding the rtrlKei*’ demands.

The otllclai London OazcttH announces that Sir William Gorduu Cummings' name has been struck off the list of deputy lieutenants of Biffin County, Scot- land.

Aoont one hundred American dele- gates to the International Congregational Council to be held in Loudon during the month of July will be entertained at a public breakfast id London ou Monday, July 13

At the National Capital. Chairman Calvin 8. Brice of the Na-

tional Democratic Committee, will issue an address catling attention to the politi- cal strength of Republican clubs und urging that similar organizations ainoug the Democrats be encouraged.

Piofeesor Mark W. Harrington has been se.ected to succeed General Grealy ns chief of the Weather Bureau, wnich will be transferred from the War Depart- ment to the Deoartment of Agriculture.

F. A. Bastlnatli, a .New xorr. salesman, has retained Lawyer Stone to sue Atlan- tic City, N. J„ for $50,000 damages for

sending his wife and two children to a

pest house. His family was boarding lu Atlantic City In May last, and were

taken away, he claims, iu au undertak- er's wagon to a desolate house three miles out of tne city, ou the ground that his son had small pox. The salesman claims that It was not small pox, and that his family suffered terribly^

Colonel J. (Jrauvtlle Leach, Appraiser of me Port of Philadelphia, has (lectured his iuteution to enter suit against the \V. st Jersey Hallway Company because of being forcibly ejected from the after- noon express at Se.-ulsle Junction on Sat- urday while on his way to Cape Muy. He offered for passage a ticket dated May Both, which had not been used, declaring that the ticket would allow him to visit Cape May and remaiu teu duvs. Cou ductor Vaudevire refuse l to tuke the ticket aud nut Colonel Leach off the train. Appraiser Leach, however, got ou

when the train started, aud went through to Capo .May.

E eauor Browning, aged about ninety years, died ou Saturday at her residence in Camden. She was the dudghter of Aorahatn aud Beulah Browolug, who were among the first settlers of Camden couuiy, aud who bought the Market bt, eel ferry about 1800 Sue was born in

3801, iu Stockton townbUlp, removed to Cumden in 1837, aud bad since thai time resided in tiie city of Camden. She was

the eldest of thirteen children, of whom Maurice Browniug, of the firm of Brown- ing Brotheis, Philadelphia, Is the only survivor. She was a sister of the late Abruham Browulug. the emiueut lawyer.

It is reported mat a Hunterdon county- farmer paid one hundred dollars to n

glio-tougued agent tor a single barrel of a new kiud of potatoes, receiving the assurance that the ageut would purchase tiie entire crop at teu dollars a barrel, 'i he potatoes were planted, out few of them mme up, and the farmer is bpjfln- uiuj* to realize that he is a Tictun.

At Haucoc&’s Bridge, Sstfem county, on

Monday, Horace Benuett of Delaware, t weuty-oue years old, was urewned. He was cook of the tugboat George P. Hud- sou, aud seeing a uiushrat swimming uenr the tugboat, Jumped into a small boat with tiie purpose of capturiug ttie

You know the old story. Oatmeal an

abomination. They’ve 4 dressed it up and

made it look like

> HI? new. Everybody abominating it,

and everybody eating H. O.

Funny, isn’t it j

MinMi. Tw* boa? fl'.led with water and j sank, un i Bennett, being unable toswlm. { wits drowned before his com pun loos could j get to him.

Eh Wfrta, a Tams River plumber, bn* j just received a government amirsot for j making six hnadre l ^op»icr % (j «l torches for thn life saviug service. Tbs p!At» upon which they are mole Is the joint 1

r rod lint of the ideas of Mr. W'lrth and .!«(i«cuaiit MeLell/tn, and was thi one

chosen out of t uree bids. The wooden bridge over the Pfcsseic ®t

.Sibling, Morris County, fell a few even- mgs ago. A workman hnd Just crossed { with tweiry cr.ttle which had been pnn- tnring on the opposite feftftk They Bed hardly reached a snfo place whe », with* ont any wnrnlae. the bridge, which hn* n

span sixiv feet across the river, caved in with n crash. The bridge w** known t» be unsafe, nnd the Freeholders of Mor- ris and Somerset count o* gave oat a cop- tract for a new structure last Fall, but the contractor failed to carry It out.

Tbi* Is a *nake story from Swart*wood, Sussex comity:—A domestic In th» employ of the » ouaehotd of Mr. Ilowey, on the James Rent farm, near this Dl.iC", we:»t out to garner eggs n day or two since, and la one of the not* discovered a Huge blacks nuke. She screamed far helo. and 1

a hired band named George Campbell raiu© And killed rtie reptile. It measured five fret four lueh*s in length. It was

dissected and found to contain a large china egg, a dim© money bank with fltty cents In ten cent pieces In It ami several young chickens. A farmer bov had lost the dime receiver while at work lu a field

CITY NOTES. Leo Lanber, a Junkman, who was

kicked about the body anil lujured inter- uaily by his horse oo Palisade avenue, June 6. Is dying at the City Hospital. Warden Osboruo stated that bn could uot live more than twenty-fonr hours.

A tire wi s caused yesterday afternoon by marks from the National iron Works on Phillip street falling on tne sltlnglo roof of James Stevens’ barn and store- house at Communipaw avenne and Wil- son street. The flames were extinguished bv Euglue Co. No. 10 after MOO damage hail been done. There Was no bell alarm.

John Boatiell, a general clerk employed by the Street and Water Commissioners, bad bis left leg severely Injured yester- day afternoon bv a horse he riding, st umbling and falling upon him. Beside the Injured leg, Bunnell is mourning the loss of it pair of Imported spectacles of which be wus very proud. He Is confined to his bed.

Bernard Murray of No. 31 Morris street, while attempting to stop a runaway team that was drawing a truck loaded with iron rails at Steuben and Green streets yesterday afternoon, bad one of his feet crushed by one of the rails felling upon It.

William McDonald of No. 136 Newark avenue, enirtloycd as a foreman bv N. Y & N. J. Telephone Company, while poll- ing a rope attached to a wire in Grove street yesterday afternoon,feli ou account of the rooe breaking ami broke his left ankle. He war taken home.

Lafayette. Complaint* are made of the carelessness

of some of (he drivers on the Lafayette jiggers. When they are a little behind time tlioy are oblivious of all that is going on around them. If a would-be passenger hails them, they fail to see or hear, and the wonld-be waits for the next car.

The gas main which crosses the Pnclfic avenue is again leaking. It was repaired only a few weeks ago.

Some malicious person threw into, and nearly choked, the sewer basin at Halla- dny street and Communipaw aveuue, with grass yesterday.

The Lafayette Rending Room Associa- tion has given the youug men in this section a much needed resort. The rooms

are crowded every night and the member- ship roil is filling rapidly.

Michael Mullary, a nrakeman employed by the Ceotril Railroad Company, hud hie right baud and left leg crushed while couDllug cars this morniug at the yards. He was taken to tlie City Hospital.

Boys along Pacific avenne find greut amusement la placing caps on the car

trucks. Several exploded under car No. 303 yesterday afternoon, shook the car

uud gave the passengar* a scare.

'l'Ue Lafayette Bicycle Club will meet

this evening at the residence of James Lynch on Van Horne street.

Greenville. A venue n. is to oe opeueu uniuruugu to

Bayonne. This will bo a valuable im- provement as it will greatly enhance the value o£ property In that section, ana will be tbe means of building up ihat splendid stretch of upland ruuning from the Bay to Garfield aveuue, uud measuring one- half mile in length.

Tbe anuual picnic and games of the Idederkrang Singing Society will be beld on Saturday afternoon ami evening at Armbruster’s Schuetzeu Park.

Henry Harvey, of Hooker avenue, lias been confined to his bed with illness dar- ing the past few days. A host of friends wish him a speedy recovery.

Miss Humphrey, of Hooker avenue, has returned home from the Trenton Normal School to spend her vacation.

The children aud teachers of the Ke- formed Sabbath School will enjoy an ex-

cursion to Oseawuna Island, on the Hud- son, on July 11-

Tbe Greenville wheelmen will take a

run to Orange aud return next Saturday. A petition has been forwarded to the

proper authorities for the paving of Nep- tuue aveuue.

The ladies of tbe German Pioneer Verein will keep open house ut the Alior beirn on Garfield avenue on Saturday atiernoon and evening.

It is rumored that the Salvation Army is lookinc for u meeting place In this sec-

tion. Ad effort will also be made to start au opeu air brnuch.

Among the events booked for Indepen- dence Day Is the opening of the new brewery buildings ut tbe foot of Girard avenue. The brewery will be thrown opeu to the public and the receptiou committee will see that no oue leaves

without having tasted the amber fluid. The local fishermen who ply their vo-

cation iff Iiobbius’ Beef, are uot enjoy- ing much good luck. Dick Mesrole, the oldest veteran engaged in the busiuess, stales that tbe shad are getting scarcer

every year and before long will not be found in tbe bay at nil. lie assigns us

the cause, the change of the seasons and of the vailable tides and currents.

West Bergen. me resiueniH m mis seittuu are aur-

lously awaiting the report of the Com- missioners of Assessment in regard to the new sewerage system. It is two months since the petition was 3ent in, but no ac- tion has bceu taken. lu the meantime the people sutler from bad sewerage and disease breeding ponds.

The painting of the \V. II. A. A. club bouse is being considered. Its appear- ance would be improved wonderfully by a coat of paint.

The announcement by President Som- ers that tne Street and Water Commis- sioners Intend to repair broken sidewalks has le.l Continual paw avenue people to hope that thorougluare trill not be for- gotten.

The basement of the M. E. Church has been thoioughly renovated. A new car-

pet tius been laid, and the ceiling fresn- euert with new wall paper. The lecture loom has also been renovated and now present a cheery appeatunce.

Residents of Union street are complain- ing loudly of the wretched condition of that thoroughfare between West Bide and Deraen avenues. 5=5

'the Bible class will meet in the M. E. Church this evening. The meeting will be conducted by Mr. W. 11. Beach.

That wretcbeil plunk walk ou Virginia avenue should be removed, even if pedes- trians have to do without a plank wuls altogether. It is too dangerous to oe al- lowed to remain.

Mr- W. Dormer is workiug on a scheme to organize it lawn tenuis, club with

grounds on Bergen avenue adjoining the W. B. A. A. Club hou e.

The walls of the homed chemical works building are beiug tom down and the debns carted awav. The erection of a new building will soon begin.

Mr. Charles Judge’s new colonial dwelling on Edge avenue, in now en-

closed. It will be lhe handsomest build- ing in this section when completed, and will cost over ilO.OUO.

,A\VSUFNE\Y JERSEY. nr AfmotuTv.


<i And be it enacted. Tbit upon tlie | irosentation totbeeommon council, town I ounett, board of aldermen or other g iy- iruinij board or body of such city nr town o which such township or townships i hall lie annexed’ anti consolidated, of a i trillion signed by tweity-tirn or more

(uallflrd electors, resident within the j ownahip annexed to or consolidated 1

vlth such city or town, setting forth the 'act of such annexation or consolidation ind praying rhnt the territory so annexed >r consolidated with suen city may be ilTltlcd Into wards, such common conn-

■tiler governing holy or boar l nforeral'l ilmll appoint .< lime not I ns t>*n ten nor i nore than twenty days from the date of he presentation of said petition to snch manlcipn! body as aforesaid, and « place within snch city or towu when ard where =ald mnnlclpil body will roe*t anti I dt to hear nnd consider snch petition, ) notice of which hearing and the time aud Slace thereof shall be panli«hed at least ■ lx times in at least one daily newspaper ; nolished or circulating In snch city nr! own. and such notice shall be posted in «t lensl ten of the most pnblic places of the township or townships so annexed or | .•onsolidated with snch city or town; at I the place and time so appointed or at a lime to which snch hearing shall be nd- lonroet], the said common council, town •onncil.Vbonrd of aldermen or other roverning board or body of such olty or

town, upon being satisfied of the tru'.h of the ma lets contained lri such petition, shall by tesoiutlon appoint from tbe inn lifted voters being resident freeholders within tbe enlarged boundaries nf snch city or town five commissioner* to divide the territory of the township or town- ships so annexed or consolidated with inch city or town into wards ana to perform the other duties required of them by the provisions of this act; before acting the said commlsslouers shall take and subscribe to an ojtli or affirmation to well, truly and Impartially perform their duties ns snch commission- ers, which oath shall he taken before aud | filed with the clerk of tbe city or town ! aforesaid; the said commissioner* shall j at once proceed to divide tire territory of the township or townships so annexed or consolidated with such city or t>wn Into ward* In as fair a manner as may he, nnd shall make such divisions with reference to population aud territory as to them shall Been: best, and shall complete snch divisions within leu days after their ap- pointment; provided, if the commission- ers shall neglect or fall to make snch division within ton days after their ap- pointment, it shall be the rinty of the common touncll, town cotiuel!. board of aldermen or other goverulog board or

body of the city or town to which sttch township or townships shall be aunexrd or consolida ed forthwith to make snch division*; when the boundary Hoes of the wards of the territory of the township or

township* so nnuexed or consolidated with such city or town shall nave been settlel nnd defined by the commissioners, or by the commou council, town coun- cil. board of aldermen or other governing board or body of the city or town as aforesaid, snch commis- sioners, common council, town council, board of aldermen or other governing board or body of the city nr town shall prepare triplicate written descriptions of said boundary liues, and sit ill uiinex to each description a map of the said bound- ary lines, a-majority of whom shall sign their uames thereto, and shall file one ot suidcopbsand maps in the office of the said clerk of such city or town, another of such copies and maps in the office of the clerk of the couaiyiu which each city or town shall bo situated, and the third of the said copies and maps in the office of the secretary of state, end a map

of the said ward liues snail be recorded in the city or towu atlas of snch city or

town; and from aud after the date of filing such descriptions and 11101)8 10 1116 said officer, the boundaries of the wards of the territory so annexed or consoli- dated with fu«;!i city or town shall be described and deline tied in said des- criptions aud mans; if nnv of the said commissioners shall tall or refnss to

qualify or acr, or shall die or become ineligible, tbe (act shall be certified by any ot the acting commissioners to the common council, town council, board of aldermen or other governing board or

body of the city or towu to which snch township or towuships shall be aunexed and consolidated, and the said commou

council, towu council, board ol aldermen or other governing board or body or Its successor or successors shall appoint a

proper person to fill such vacancy; in not- ing under the provisions of this act the common council, town council, board of aldermen or other governing board or

body may adjonrn Us sittings from time to time and tbe commissioners may ad- journ their sessions from time to time, bnt uo such adjournments of tbe commis- sioners shall be for a longer period than one week; the said commissioners, while actually In session, shall each receive the sum of five dollars for each day, which said moueys ehall be paid to them out of the treasury of such city or town.

7. Aud be it enacted, That as soon as

may be after the division of the territory so annexed or consolidated with such city or town into wards ss aforesaid, tbe effi- cprs or body who so divided said territory into wards shall divide each of said wards of said city into at least two elec- tion districts, and shall desigaate a

polling place in each of said districts, and shall appoiut for each d.strict a judge, two inspectors and a clerk of election to conduct the special election hereinafter provided for; sml they snail thereupon file with tbe clerk of the city or town a

writing signed by themselves or a ma- joiliy thereof, which writing shall de- scribe the boundaries of tbe several elec- tion districts within the territory so au-

nexed or consolidated with such city or

town, and shall state the names of the election officers so appointed by them for each of such distiicts uud the offices to which they shall have been severally ao-

Doiuted; as soon as the paper shall have been filed in his office, tbe clerk of such city or town shall give notice of a special election to be held In the territory so au-

nexed or consolidated with such city or

town at least teu and not more than twenty days after the publication of such notice for the election ot officers: aud ne

shall publish with such notice a descrip- tion of tbe boundary lines of the election districts of the city or towu and the names of tbe election officers in each dis- trict; such uotice shall be published at least five times iu two or more of the duily newspapers published In said city or town, aud shall be posted for at least live days before the election in five of the most public places in each ward within the territory so aunexed or consolidated withsucii city or town.

8. Aud l>e ll enacted, mat me said elec- tion snail be conducted under the pains and penalties, imd according to the pro- visions iso fur as the same may be ap- plicable thereto) of an act entitled "An act to regulate elections.” approved April eighteenth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six (Revision), and supple- ments thereto; provided that no registra- tion of voters shall be required for snch election.

9. And be it enacted. That on the day npDoiuie t for such election there shall be electei lu each of the wards vvithi.i the territory so annexed or consolidated with such cliy or town, as many members of the board of aldermen, common coun- cil, town couucil or other governing body, and ns many members of the board of school trustees or board of education as

may be elected from the oilier wards of s id city or town; then shall also be elected one iutige of election, two in- spectors uml one clerfe of election, two In- spectors and one clerfe of election for eacb eletlon district in said ward; the mem-

bers of the board of ulderuien. common

council, town council or other governing Dody, and the members of the board of aldermen, common council, town coun-

cil or other governing body, and the mem- tiers of tbe board of school trustees or

board of education shall be elected, one i of eacb, nutil bis successor shall be chosen ut tbe next election of said city or | town; another ttil bis suece-sor shall ue

chosen at tha following election there-

sU«r, and tbe time lor which eacb of said I

'•dicers i* to be elected to serve shall be written or printed tinder his name upon the ballot to be ca*t, and any bal- lot which shsli, di-sltfrmie such t Tin 'f service be rejected ns to sncii officers.

10. And be it eft irte i. That npon the e-ecilon o# sueh odle»r» the offices held by the members of the heretofore exist- iiiff board of towuslup committee. town council of other jtoverninj tiiwly of the territory so annexed or consolidated with sacb city or town, and the former elec- tion officers shall and the same are here- by declared to be forthwith vacated and aoolished,

M. And be It enacted, That this act shall take effect Immediately.

Approved April 18, 1901.

CHAPTER OCXXXIX. An act In reference to cltiee of the fourth

class. 1 lie it enacted by the Senate and (5»n-

er il Assembly of the Slateot New Jersey, That III all cities in this state of the lonrtli class that it shall be lawful for the city council, or board of aldermen, or other governing body having charge and main- tenance of street! in each cltle*. to pro- vide by ordinance for tbe paring, trunk- ing or otherwise improving any of its streets.

J And be It enacted, That it shall be lawful for snch governing body to assess and collect from property owners n pro- portionate part of the cost of paying streets fronting their property, not to ex- ceed one-half of snch expense, when two- thirds of the property on any street nr block shall have been represented in peti- tion to council asking for each improve- ment, and said council or govern- ing body may apply to the circuit Judge for the county in which such city U situated for the appointment of three commissioners to determine and assess the iieneflts upon the real estate peculiarly benefited by such Improve- ment, and said Judge is hereby empower- ed to appoint such commissioners uuder snch rules nshe shall prescribe in.'an order to be by him made, saitl commissioners shall be sworn and shall determine and report under an order of aald Judge tbe benefits assessed upou each pare ;1 or lot of real estate peculiarly benefited by snch imp rovement, and tbe amout so fixed and asseste 1 by them against each lot or par- cel so benefited shall be and remain a lien thereon until patd to the extent of the proportionate amount thereof, which, according to the ordinance providing for said improvement, is to be borne and paid by tbe owuers of the re il estate uetullarly bcueflte t by said Improvement when said proportion U paid, they lien shall be cancelled.

3 And be it euueted, That It shall be lawful for council for the purpose of securing proper drainage to cause to he made such changes In existing street grades as may be found necess try, and to compel property owners to conform to snch grades, auu all grade lines shall ba given by a city surveyor and known us a

permnuent grade. and when so estab- lished and paved no property owuerjsnall be liable for further expense that may be caused hy any edange of grade.

4 And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for such governing body for tbe

f>urpose of defraying expenses incurred n such street improvements, to issue

bonds payable in not less than one or more than twenty years, in uny sum or sums not exceeding two hundred thou- sand dollars.

5. And be It enacted. That it shall be lawful for snch governing body to cause to be levied annually a special tax not to exceed teu cents per hundred of assessed valuation, which amount so received shitll constitute a sinking fund to b> used only for the purchase or payment of said bonds.

ft. And pe it enacted. That no provision of limitation or indebtedness rontaine 1 in the charter of any city shall in any way interfere with auy of the provisions of 'h!» act.

T. Amt be it enacted, That this act ahull take effect imnfedtnteiy.

Approved April 10. 1831.

CHAPTER CCXL A supplement to an net entitled “An net

to prescribe the notice to be given of applications to the legislature for laws when notice is reqnired by the c •iisiiiu- tiou,” approved January twenty-sixth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. 1. He it enacted by the Senate and Gen-

eral Assembly of the State of Netv Jersey, That for the passage ef auy bill provid- ing for any alteration or cunuee in the boundary lines of any township or town- ships in this state, or of the territory of any township, the notice required by the first section of the act to winch this is a

supplement shall bn published in n dally newspaper published In the city of Tren- ton for at least three cousetutlve days prior to the Introduction of su h bill.

2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately, and that all acts or parts of acts iucousisient with this act are hereby repealed.

Approved April 16,1891.

CHAPTER CCXLI ASppnlemeut to an act t-nt itled “An act to

provide for the incorporation of street railway companies, and to regulate the same,” approved April sixth, one

thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, aud Che several acts ameudatory and supplementary thereto. 1. He it enacted by the Senate and

General Assembly of State of New Jer- sey, That auy street railway company, in- corporated uuder any general law of this State, may anpiy to the board of alder- men or goveruing body of any city for location of the tracks of its railway, therein conformably to the route desig- nated in their articles of incorporation, and with the ussent of such board or

governing body, shall have power to lav aud operate suen railway in auy of the street* or avenues of said city with sueb permission, provided, stcti railway is

more that half a mile in length, notwithstanding a street railway may be then constructed and operated within a thousand feet or less of said proposed railway, and notwithstanding that such proposed railway shall be parallel with a

street railway within or less than two blocks the.efrom; and it shall not be nec-

essary for such comAiny to obtain the written consent of the company then od- eralmg such railway within such thous- and feet or witnin two blocks thereof: provided, the terminus of said proposed railway at each end Is not within otie-

Ualf mile of the lermiuns of auy street railway at each end. then constructed aud being operated; aud provided further, that uot more than une-slxth of said pro- posed railway shall be constructed paral- lel to anyroad already constructed, and then being operated, nud not more chan one-sixth of Htty such proposed road shall be allowed to be constructed withiD less than two blocks of any road theu con- structed and operated, and In no case

shall such proposed road be allowed uiion any portion of a street or avenue where a

road Is uow constructed and operated. 3. Aud be it enacted, Tbat all acts or

parts of acts inconsiateut with bis act be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect Im- mediately-

Approved April 16. 1891.


Au Act relating to the com [imitation ot the city clerk of any city in this state. 1 Be it enacted hy the Senate end Gen-

eral Assembly of the State of Near Jer- sey, Ttiut tiie board of aldermen of any

city of this state having the appointme it of a city clerk for said city shall have t>ower and it shall be its dnty to fix the compensation of snch city clerk, aud the board of finance or board having control of the custody and finances of su-n city shall provide the moneys necessary to pay said compensation.

2. Aud be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the pro- visions of ibis act arc hereby repealed, and tnis act gbali take effect imme- diately.

Approved April 16, 1891.

C1IAPTEK CCXXXIV. An act enlarging and extending the pow-

ers of incorporated towns in this state governed by boards ot commissioners and ot certain officers thereof. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen-

eral Assembly of the Stale of New Jersey,

That the police jn*>'ccof nay incorpor- ated tiwn In t .» *ttte governed bv a hurl s»f cnnriHeiurirrs shall taolu his office five two yrnr*. and shall h tvs |u-is- •Imtipu f m-t is here->v empower d. on

oatn, nfflrinatiaa or nffl Jitvli. mate ac-

cording ut law. thrt any person or p- sons ha* or have been guilty <>t * viola tion of any of the ordinances of the town, to issue process, either iu the nu'ure of n summons ir warrint, as to him may seem most i»<ivt*n»le. agaiust the person or pcrsou* violating sooh ordioauce. which process shall, when the nat&re of a

warrant, be retnrnabie forthwith, ami when in the nature of a summon* be returnable in not less than three nor more than five nays; tha> such process s all state what ordinance tne defendant or defendants named therein has or bare violat'd, and In what manner the same has been violated, and then, on return of snch process, or at the time to whlcn the

police Justice shall have adjourned the same, the said police Justice snail prov ed to hear testimony and to determine and give judgment in the m tie.' without the filing of any p'eadlngs, and the Hid police justice shall. If judgment be ren- dered for tne plainiirfs. issue execution against the goods and chattels, and against t r body of the defendant or

defendants; and the said police justice shall be further empowered to Inflict lines, not exceeding the sum of twenty ] dollars, oo such persons as shall ha con vlrted before bun of vagrancy, disorderly conduct. Breach of the praoe. or. In his discreiioc, to order such persons to be committed to the county Jail or town loch-up for any period not exceeding thirty days; provided that In atl cases when the fine or penai'y shall ex- ceed ten dollars, or where the punish- ment shall be imprisonment. there may be a trial by jury, to be conducted as in cases uow triable in eourts for the trial of I small causes: police justices shall also I have power to canse any person or persons j wno snail be found guilty of a violation of the ordinances of me town, and who may refuss or ueglect to pay auy penally Imposed, to be committed to the county jail for any period not exceeding thirty ■lays; ami the police juitlca shall be present at the statlon-Uouse, or other place provided for blni by the board of commissioners, at such hours each day as

the board shall designate: and the police Justice shall hare the same powers in criminal matters, within tne territorial limits of the town, as are possessed and exercised by justices of tne peace in this suite; all fine*, penalties and license fees collected by him suuil be paid to the town ireasuier.

a aim wr avjatvcu, auup au; uivihvci

of the board of commissioners daring bis term of office, and any marshal or assist ant mim.hall.aud any policeman of said town, shall have the power on witnessing any breach ot tbe peace or any violation of a town ordinance, to forwith arrest and take into custody, without warrant, the offender or offenders, and to take said offender or offenders before tbe police jn«tice of toe town for a hearing.

Aud be It enacted. That every con- viction for violating a town ordinance had oefore the police justice, either with or without a Jnry trim, may be reviewed by to the comti of common pleas of the county in the same manner and upon the same terms as appeals are or

may be taken Irma courts for the trlul of small causes, and in case the judgment apiiealed from shall be imprisonment, tbe snld police justice or auy judge of tbe court of common pleas, may admit to bail tbe parly appealing during tbe peudeucy ot ids anneal; but no judgment tor the violation of an ordluanoe shell be reversed for any imperfection, omission, defect in or lank of form, nor for any error except such as shall or may have nrcjndiceu tbe defendant in maintaining his defeuce upon the merits.

4. And be it eaaete I, That the officers empowered to serve process Issued by the police justice shall be. besides the con- stables elected or appointed within tbe town, the marshal, as-! stunt msr- snals, aud the policemen of the town, aud mat said piocess shall be frtnrned in the same manner, so far as circum- stances may permit, as warrants in courts for the t rial of small causes are returned, and the defendant or defendants uumed therein shall, if the nolice justice sees

lit to udjouru tbe hearing of the charge made, aud so orders, enter into recogni- zance. us ueariy us may be. In the manner

directed in the courts lor the trial of smalt causes, in the amount of the penalty named, in the process or lu any proceed- iti2* brought lor tue recovery of tne same, with such surety as may be approved by the police justice, auto the town, by its corporate uame, for hi* or their appear- ance oa the day to which saul hearing may be adjourned, and ta default of such appearance, the said recognizance may be prosecuted aud collected iu the same

mauner as the same might nave bean if tne said recognizauce had been taken in a proceeding in courts for the trial of smalt cad*es.

5. Aud be it enacted. That the board of comiiiissione.s may by the title, Tuat the board of commissiofts of the towu of -pass, adopt, alter, modify and repeal ordinances to take effect witiiiu the town for the follow- ing purposss: To manage, regulate, protect aud control the finances arid property of the towu: to make aud adopt an assessment map or maps wuere- by to describe lauds assessed for taxes or

Improvements; to ascertain and establish the boundaries of all streets, highways, public lane* and alleys in the towu; to J regulate, clean and repair the streets, highways, lanes and aiieya in the town,; ana to prevent aud remove all encroach- menu, obstructions nnd encumbrances in and upon all streets, highways, lanes and alleys, seweis, drama and water courses: to orescriue the manner iu which corporations or individuals shall exercise any privileges granted to them in the use

or any street, highway or alley for any purpose whatsoever; to direct and regu- late tne planting, rearing, trimming and preserving of oruameutal shade trees in streets, parks and public plaee* of the towu. and to authorize or pronibtt the re-

moval or destruction of such shade trees; lo came and number the streets, houses and lors iu the town; to provide for and enforce the removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks ant gutter* of the streets bv the owners of lands by tue owner of any lot of land frontiug oa a pub- lic or highway to frouting thereon, and to provide that in case of neglect or refusal of or remove snow

or ice from the sidewalks and gutters in front of his lauds, that the bo&id of com-

missioners may cause the same to be done at the expense of sncb owner, aud that the cost aud expense r hereof with interest thereon shall be added to and shall form part of the taxes next to be levied and assessed upon such lauds, and shall be and remain a lien apou such lauds until paid; to regulate tne use of streets, high- ways and public places by individuals, vehicles, railways and engines of every kind; to prevent aud pnnish horse racing and immoderate driving or riding in any street, aud to regulate tne speed and run-

ning of locomotives, engines and railroad cars through the towu; to require aud regulate tie establish tne nt of gat^s or

within life corporate limits of tbe town; to leou'ate ant control tbe passage through tbo street? and pablic places of buildings and other large struciuree; to

preveut animals of oil kind? from run-

ning at large lu tbe street? or publio piuces of the town, aud for the Impound- ing, sale or destruction of the some, an«l to regulate and prevent the driving of cattle or other animals in droves in or

through any of the streets of the town; to prevent and prohibit a ay practice baviug a tendency to frighten animals or persous standing or passing in the streets of the town; to license, regulale or prohibit all pablic pel farniancos and exhibitions for money; the prevent aud suppress vice and immorality: to restrain or punish iramp?, v«grams, mendicants and street beggar*; to preserve tbe public peace; to prevent aud quell riots, disturbances and disorderly nssemoiages, to restrain and sunpross disorderly and gambling houses and houses of ill fame; to establish aud regulate oue or more public pounds, and to provide for tha rale of animals im- pounded. and to fix the fees to be paid persons Impounding animals, and the re- demption fees lo be paid; to regulate and -prevent and to orovide for tbe destruc- tion of dogs ruuuing at lurge; to regntaie or prohibit swimming or bathing in the water* of or bounding the town; to pro

Tide for the detraction of bnlidlngs that are to lire: to r*«>t*te the errrtion and construction of all batldln rs nud io peeadtlbe ihe material of tucy shall be eons rurtad: to regulate or

piobioi: tbs cnrrr.u ; on of muuuf act tree dangerous In causing or promoting lire*; to regulate or probinit the manufacture, eale, tee pi or:, storage or use of fireworks, iruunoieder, r»ui;>n*ne. kerosene, burning fluid, uilr»-glyoerine. dynamite, or utaer inflammable or ex plot: re maiartula; to rate and rtemolisu any building or erection when oeceeanry to preteot the extension of a court sgratloo. and

payment of Just demitt* aad compensa- tion to owners of property destroyed in such case1; to regulate or prohibit the ase of lirenrni«anrt the carrying of weapon* of any kind; to erect, provide, repair and control a town lutii, police and station b u-es, fire englo-n. and such otner build- ings a* may 1m necessary; to provide that the [ cosily for a smoad conviction within six months of a violation of any such or- dinance snail be a floe not exceeding one haoured dollars Imprisonment in the county jail or town lock a 3, not exceed- ing three months; to license and regulate cartmen, porters, hack. cab. omnibus, stage anil truck owoers aud drivers, car- riages and vehicles used for the Iran*. poJtatiO'i of passengers anti merchandise- goods or articles of any kind, and to re-

quire the owners to mark vehicles in sue manner as the board of commissioners shall designate; and to llceuae and regu- late auctioneers, common criers, pawn brokers, jaak shopkeepers, sweep* and scavengers, and to prohibit unlicensed persons from acting in such capacieties: to license and regulate peddlers, hawk- ers ami hucksters; aud no license granted (or any of the aforesaid purposes by any other authority shall be valid, except license granted by tbe governor to hawkeis aad peddlers; to fix the penally where the same is not fixed or provided for in thtw act for the violation o( any ordinance by this act authorized to be passed, which penalty shall be a flue not exceed- ing twenty dollars, and, in case of non- payment thereof, impriseninont in the county jail not exceeding thirty days; to to provide for, establish, regulate and control a fire department, aud to estab- lish rules (or the government thereof (whose members shall be exempt from militia duty in time of leace, and from serving as jurors in courts (or tne trial of small causes), and to provide engines and other flee apparatus, and to desig- nate the manner of appointing and re-

moving members of the fire department; to provide for tne government of tne Are department and the care and repair of tbe engines and other fire apparatus, and tor the purchase of necessary auppties by a ooara of fire commissioners, consisting oi five members, te be appnuted by tbe board of commissioners, who shall bold office for one year, and who shall reeei ve no salary; and to farther provide for the payment of the lawful debts contracted or incurred bv such Are commissioners; provided, that the enumeration of pow- ers made In this section shall not have the effect of excluding or repealing any other powers that may have already con- ferred upon any board of commissioners, either by virtue of the net nuder which said board of commissioners originally derived their powers or any supplement thereto, or by virtue of any public act tbeietti, or by virtue of any public act heretofore passed and not in mis section specified or mentioned; aad provided further, that nothing herein contained shall in any wise conflict with aoy of the provisions of an act entitle t -‘An act re- specting licenses la cities, townships. In- corporated towns, incorporated boroughs, or police, sanitary and improvement com- missions. and incorporated camp meet- ing associations, and seaside resorts,'’ approved March thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety.

6. < ud lie it enacted. That the board of commissioners shall hate powej by reso- lution to appropriate and raise by taxa- tion moneys tor tne following pnrposes:—

For lighting tbe streets of the town; For tne suppprt of the police depart-

ment; For the maintenance of tbe Are depart-


repair streets ami highways; For repairs to pnbiic buikiinzs; For the relief the poor; For w.uer for the extinguishment of

grc-; For the payment of I ate rest upon tne

debt of tbe town aud soch part of tbe as shall from time t» time be- come dne ond parable;

For the sinking fund required to be raised;

For tbe general and incidental expenses ot the town, inelnuinz the printing and publication ot the minutes of the hoard of ordinances, and such other matters required by law to be published;

For the support of public schools; and no appropriation shall be made or ordered for any other purpose, except by a majority of the vote is of the town voting at an annual town election, or some special election called in the manner pro- vided in the act incorporating sucn town, or some supoieiuenc thereto.

7. And be it enacted, Tbat tbe board of commissioners may appoint two discreet and saitable persons, one to act as town assessor, and the other to not rs town collector, who shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors are

appointed, provided that such appoint- ment shall not be made in towns where such officers are elected by the people.

8. Aud be it enacted. That tbe assessor shall assess, aud the collector collect tbe taxes in the same manner as the assessors and collectors of townships in this slate are required by law to assess and collect; und iu case of uou-paymeut of taxes, tbe said collector shall proceed to enforce tbe collection thereof as now required by law ot township collectors iu this slate, iu tne act entitled "An act concerning taxes, ap. proved April fourteenth, one thousand eignt hundred and forty-six,” and tbe various supplements taereto; the powers of the collector under this section snail apply as well iu cases where taxes have been already assessed as in cases where assessments are made after this act takes effect, and no tax heretofore assessed snail be deemed Illegal or nncollectabte because no certain method for Its collec- tion shall have been provided before the passage of this act; [and it shall be lawful tor the collector, in making oat his list of delinquents, under the provisions of section three of the act |entitled "A fur- ther supplement to an act entitled an

act concerning taxes [Revision], ap- proved April fourteentu, one thou- sand eight hnndred and forty-six,” which supplement was approved April seventeenth, one thousand eight hundred aud seventy-six, to inclnde all past due taxes upon any mortgage or mortgages, or the 'debt or debts secured thereby, which shall hare remained due more tnau sixty days, whether the same shall have been assessed iu one or more years or not, and if, for any reason, any mortgage or

mortgages shall not bare been included in any such list, a supplementary list may be issued which shall have all the ef- fect of an original list.

V*. Ann tie it enacted, mat in ease ot

vacancies happening In an; elective office, including the board ot commissioners, by

> reason of death, removal, resignation, re-

fusal to serve, or other c&ose. exoept in t he cose of election officer*, on the day of election, li shall be tilled by the board ot commissioner* at thf? -xl meeting >hereafter, »nd such appointment shall continue until the next annual election, and no longer, and no snch appointment shall bo made by any retiring board of commissioners, any provision in any act, incorporating any town embraced under this act, or any supplement thereto not- withstanding.

Id. And be it enacted, That the board of commissioners may, oy ordinance or raso-

Ititiou, require the owners or occupants of lauds ironi ng on any street to lay sidewalks, or set curbings and gutters, or

either, in front of the same, or to re pair, or relay or reset any side walk already laid, or rnrbing and gutter, or either, already set. and if the same shall not be done within thirty days after written or printed uonee so to do, served on any such owner or occupant, such board of Commissioner* may cause the same to be done, and the expends thereof with interest and costa may be recovered by such Board of Commissioner*, by snit iu tueir corporal e oarua or m the name ot the Town Treasurer aghast such owner


or owner* as for so reach money doe fw labor performed any material* furnishes by utio board for such owner or offers 01

occupant at bis or their rojuest, or mar be e-sc-sed as a tax on strea lands, and •hail lie a lien tbereoa prior to any mort- gage or other lieu or incumbrance t: re o-i. ami be collected as other taxes art coi acted.

II A o<t be it enacted. That the Board of (..omuiiseiouers shall hate the power to borrow money inmporarily in tbelr-eorpo- rate name, or in the name of the tova, i> anticipation of appropriated seesnnes, not exceeding in amount one-hstf of ench anticipated rerenooe.

13. And be It eoactod. That the Board of Commissioners shall hare power st any lima to direct a special eiecaom to 111 any Tanancythet may occur la their body.

To he Ctsfiawt


Adjourned meeting of tbe Hoard at Police t ummlmi'inere held in First »»- trirt court room Monday, Jane W, 1891.

Pre seni —Commissioners Kelly an* Vsn Kearen.

Absent—President Keeney. C 'ni nla*loner Kelly was on motion

called to tbe cuair. MJu ate* of last regular and adjourned

meetings anprore ! a* printed. cotiarsKST uSs asb mm«t etc., were received and disposed of a* follows:—

Communication from City < lerk endoe* i"g resolution of Honorable Board of Al- dermen requesting Hoard to bave tbe offi. rers norily all beepers of places where liquor is sold aud bave mask or singing, to apply for licenses.

Referred to Superintendent of Palioe. Communication from Superlnamdaol

of Police, to whom wss referred tbe petition of Patrolman Mackay for pay fur lime lost by accident, recommending toal tbe petition be granted.

Referred to Committee on Salaries to be granted.

Invitation ('f Robert Davis AiaooiaUes to attend excursion on Jaly 8.


Claims were presented and referred to tb* proper committee* as follows:—

Pay roll of depertsaeut lor June IBS.- Mi. to, and pensioned officers for Jane, $404. TO.

Police jnstices and others for Jane, I1.JB4.Wl

Reierred to Committee on Salaries. Vu Knight and Cbedeeter, raUieg at

Headquarter* April, lea. IS. Vanderbecg St Sons, lumber. May.

133.91. aoinwr, repairs at eixtn rreciam.

Jane. *133.01. J. Reugle & Sons, supplies to Sev-

enth Precinct, May, *10. Albert Datz. stationery, R08.35; prist-

mg, *180; printing and stationery, *87.90} printing ana stationery to Police Courts. *369.73

Hnrtly Coyle, horseshoeing, March to June, *17.50.

Alex. Watson, meals to prisoner* City Prison aud hirst Piecinct, June, *108. Mt.

Charles O’Neill, meals to prisoners Foartn Precinct, June, *25.85,

Charles Bolt wood, supplies. Jane, *19 *0.

Wood & Menagh, supplies. May, BIS B. F. Cordu. n, repairs to locks, Febru-

ary to June. *3.75. Reierred to Committee on Station

Houses and Prisons. Hadson River Ice Company, ice to hos-

pital, May. *33.40. G. U Wilms, medicine to hospital,

June, *10LSI. F. Jacoum, bread to hospital, April ana

May, *108.90. G. W. Bower*, dry goods to hospital,

May and Jobs, *31.44. Charles Bolt wood, supplies to hospital,

Jane. tZ&98. G. & O. Osborne, extra help to hospital,

Jane, *30. Referred to Committee on Hospital and


The following chums having been re- ferred to the proper committee*, were by them reported correct, and resolutions presented, ordering warrants drawn on Citv Treasurer in favor ot claimants as follows:—

Committee on Salaries:— Pay roll of Department, (21,341.89. Sick and pensioned. *404.TO. Police Ju-1 ,ces and others. *1.224.99.

MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Report of Women of City Hospital for

June read and died. Motion by Commissioner Van Kenrea

and adopted: That when we adjourn It be subject to

the call of tbe chair. Ou motion adjourned.

U. P. Robixso*. Clerk.


9ummer Tlmetnbl* Boat* v*a Bay Udge Ferry leave Whitehall mat

terminus of ibe Sew Tort elevated roads and Broad wav and Brit Line surface can hour!- from

{ 7Jo a. m. to l&lv a. m. then hall-hourly (Sunday* overy twenty minutes) until kill and at HLffip. on. Returning, leave Coney 1 atari 1 at like intervals until 11-12 p. ou

__ „_ The van«! v show in the Sea Bench Palace (Usee to ps*»«ngerij la the heat attraction on the Island


! pfcOCLAMATlOK lUrck'v omen, Citt Hall, {

Jtmn Crrr. June K. ) 1. 'weetee Cleveland. Mayor of Jersey <1ty. de

nerehy. bv virtue of the authority rested In me,

ob oow running at lane tn said city, between the JTth day of June and toe 1st day of (otober next, except such &» fluil be properly ntuikd with a wire or leather musxie about the none, securely fastened.

Given uodar my hand In nr office In Jersey City this twenty seventh day of Jane, 1»71. l-kmstB cletelamil

I [Extract rrom ordtannoe passed July B, 1*»UJ eecUoo it. It shall he lawful for the Mayor of

said city at any use when. In his opinion, the pale > Uc good require* the same, to Issue hl» prmgemi

ttoo nutborixint* the Indiscriminate destruction of all dons male ox female, found running at lame in unto ctiv (except such as shall be properly tnnatlhd w iut a wire or leather musxie about tne neae, Sri curslv fastened >. and such proclamation feting published in one of the acw»pa:-cr» published In mUo city for six days shall be n justification tor nil i>enons who mnv destroy any such dog or deft*, male or female, found running at large, as afera ■aid. during the time said proclamation shall re-

mala in force..;. :;

VOT1CE IS HFEEBY GIVE* THAT JOHSI H *' Brew n ana fcluna & Clark, trading under tan name of Brown A Clark, of Jersey *. Ejr. Bite* County. Sow Jeras' hew this day made an aashfri mmilo uk- tubecrlhsr of tneir estate for Heend t un.-r.t of ihstr rsduora. end tax* the «el4 credi- tor# must exhibit their rrsue>.*iv« .-muns under o-j. c or sfUrmaWi.n. to the luUcfiwr at hu sice. No. 7% Moatgodar direst. Jersey City Mew Jersari

New York Doings. His Royal Highness Prince George of

Grtece, wco saved the llfeof the Cz»ro- wi;z in Japan, arrived In New York from Chicago, yesterduV.

Tlie coach Independence look another merry party over ibe splendid roads along Cnue Ann. It was a great success

A man bv tbo name of Samuel Myers, who is employed by the new Adirondack and St. Lawrencestuiil'oad Company, one

of whose camps Is three miles from the Saranac Inn, went away from the camp fora little stroll on lastSuuday afternoon about three o’clock and has not been heard from since.

lu a speech before the llushwick Demo- cratic Club of Brooklyn, Lieutenant Gov- ernor J011.-S eurnestly decried the personal ninhlllou In the democratic party of the State which threatened to impair the chances of Democratic success.

president John Hunt, of the Board of Education, was hissed while making a

speech in Hammerslein’s Opera House, on West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, last night, because he insisted upon inkluc up the time of commencement exercises with a noli puff of the Board's work.

T he failure Is announced of J. M. Hill the famous theatrical mauager.

Elsewhere. White Caps are again at work in Craw-

ford County, lud. The brutally beat u

nmu and young woman of eighteen on

Sunday. Tne victims are Win. McGuire and his stepdaughter.

Detective Ueuo har recaptured Mr. F. L. i'billo, the pretty blonde who leaped from a train on the Chicago and North- western Railroad at Ashton last Thurs- day night while being conveyed toDsuver by the detective. She was captured at Aurora yesterday morning by Sheriff Stainbrooke, of Lee County. III. She wus

badly bruised about the head and one arm

was broken. Four men were Instantly killed on the

New Jets-y Central Railroad last night, near Neotjneboiilng Junction, Penn., by tlie explosion of u locomotive boiler.

John Rausch, u young mill operative, of Lawreuceville, Mass., snot and in- stantly killed his sweetheart, Marie Uurcket, and immediately afterward took his own life. Ruuseh, wno was

uveuty-foar years old, had been for some

lime paying attention to tbe young lady and was insanely jealous of lier. Miss Buicket was a very pretty girl of eighteen years.

Tbe San Rafael (Cal.) Fire Department was called upon yesterday afternoon to

tight a fire which had started on the east- ern slope of Mount Tamalpsls, where 1,U00 acres of valuable ranch land Includ- ing many summer homes were burning.
