



THE 'EAR INSPIRES THE PEN 'honey Krulitz, Monrovia, Calif.

Sirs: Will you kindly let this critic join other members of the "Radio I.ife Wailing Wall." I wish to direct my un-kind words at the so-called soap-opera programs. The beatings that the charac-ters in these "Emotional Jags" take should only happen to Hitler. •

For example, we will use the "Old Ma Jenkins" program (the old babe's a glutton for unhappiness). How an old dame can conic up punching after her countless setbacks is a 20th century mystery. Whoever writes such tripe must do it in the bright and happy surround-ings of a mortuary. To the constant listeners of these programs I wish to pass this tip. After each program as an outlet to your sadness read the obituary column in your newspaper. You'll find it mighty humorous reading.

To Reader Krantz is pointed out that tastes differ, that the theatre, of - Which Radio is 20th century's fastest-growing offshoot. has long dealt with life's difficulties - for reasons deeply in-grained in what is usually referred to as human nature. —Eu.

Marry P. Kane, 3410 14th Street, Riverside, Calif. Sirs: I am interested in your snappy

little magazine. The department captioned "The Ear. Inspires the Pen" is well con-ducted, affording a l• •ted opportunity for complaints or praise Here are some things regarding radio entertai llll lent which I dislike:

I like the excellent classical music and sonic of the popular music being pre-sented. If it were not for the radio people In moderate circumstances would not be able to hear this. I like some of the ploys, not smile of those presenting mid-dle-class sex dramas. I like Fibber McGee and Molly and especially like Vic and Sade. . I dislike many of the radio "comedies"

and comedians who are "not funny" as Molly says to friend husband. I detest the fashion smile of them have in laugh-ing at their own wisecracks. I dislike announcers who sell too hard. I disagree with Bernie Smith that sponsors of radio programs must be regarded as infallible because they pay for the programs. He might illSt as well say that we must not criticize utterances of newspapers which are owned by wealthy people, or matter presented by purely commercial spon-sors on billboards.

Radio Life, no differently from the great industry which it describes in ac-tion. no differently Inn from other branches of the Fourth Estate, assures Reader Kane the sanctity of his right to criticize, urges more. always hoping to find some that will be constructive. — Eo.

Mrs. B. Durr, 1412 W. 9th Street, Los An-geles, Calif. Sirs: Is that the inimitable Haven Mc-

Qua rrie who used to have the "So You Want to Be An Actor?" program now

on the "Duffy's Tavern" broadcast? I don't see how it could be anyone else as there is no one else with a voice and delivery like his. He is tops. Also, what has become of the Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou program? Tha t was equal to Edgar Bergen's Charlie McCarthy act. I sure miss it. It was most enjoy-able.

The McQuarrie is the same; Tommy Riggs. tvho made a boat of friends for his last spintaur. way soon be out. the. air again for another sponsor. —Eu.

Mato Dean, 2009 Clark Lane, Redondo Beach, Calif. . Sirs: In comment on query in Radio

Lifelines, want to say that we simply refuse to swallow the pretention that "Galen Drake" is other than Fletcher Wiley himself. Two persons may sound confusingly alike, but it just isn't be-lievable that two persons would have the same tone of voice, the same pauses, same grunts, same "mike" tricks and habits, same presentations, etc.. Even If we were faced with two who claimed





PRE-CASTS AND PRE-VIEWS 7 By Evelyn htiy,thy

STU WILSON 8 By Brien G nrley



SHORT WAVE 12 By Earl G. lie Haven

CONSUMER'S CLUB 13 By Chef Milani








to be these separate characters still we would refuse to believe it.

I am sure that I'd recognize Fletcher Wiley's peculiarities, grammatical errors and careless pronunciation even if it came from a whale's throat. I would nut consider it Jonah's. No, Fletch, we just don't believe it!

To super-astute. super-dubious Listener Nato Dean is recommended further super-careful is to super- Wileyish Galen Drake who is Wiley-trained in all details mentioned. —Eo.

Mrs. C. W. Otey, 408 Santa Ana Avenue, Newport Beach, Calif. Sirs: My "verdict" on your new -stream-

lined page arrangement is "perfect." I've often wondered why it wasn't printed in this fashion. So much easier to find the programs. I buy the magazine as much for the reading articles as for radio programs. Keep improving!

Always alert to readers' desires. Radio Life is grateful to tics. Otey and others who approve new page arrangement. would be grateful too to learn from readers their nominations for subjects of forthcoming story features. —ED.

Jane Bolin, 2743 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: Since the new schedule many of

my favorite programs come at the same time and I have to miss one of them, but I suppose there is nothing you can do about it. Would it do any good to write the companies? I'm sure it would not. I do wish the announcers would some-

times substitute some other word for "first," or "but, first." Being a shut-in I listen to radio many hours a day and I always try to time out when I know that "but, first" is coining. It seems that they always shout it above every-thing 'else. But I like 'em anyway.

To Paragraph One: You're wrong, it would. To Paragraph Two: So do we. — ED.

* * Add the Mrs.

To top off Xavier Cugat's six albums of recordings made in recent months, Mrs. Cugat, who is known to Thursday night NBC "Rumba Revue" listeners as Car-men Castillo, has just completed an album of her own —of romantic songs, for Decca.

* * Kfl. 9.m. Thurs.

Free Tickets Would you like free tickets to a

broadcast? It's easy and fun. Write

down the best air-gag this week, clip this coupon, and send both with your

name and address to Radio Life, 1029

West Washington boulevard, Los An-geles. Free tickets to a radio broad' cast will be sent those sending in the

best gags each issue.

PA WL/ LIFE is published weekly by Compton Printing Company. 10211 West Washington Boulevatd, Los Angeles. Phone RI. 5252. Publisher, Carl AL Washy; Managing Editor', Vinson Vaughan. Log Editor, Hal Julian; Editor Womitn's and Children's Affairs, Evelyn Washy: Art Director, Willard Merrill Short ,Wa‘e Editor. Earl De Haven; Advertising Rinwesentative, Cuibreth Stoller, Phone FEderal 8154. Postpaid Subscriptions N M giilY year of N issues. Advertising rates rosy be had on applicatto n S, th. Fluidness Manager. Single copies ars 2. Unsolicited material to sent s sei.ders risk Radio Life assumes no responsibility fur same. All replittances should bi by Postal Money Order, Express Money Order, or Check in favor of Radio Lite. Curtency is sent at sender's tit*. Thls lieu, is numbered Volume 1, No. 11. Enlire contents of this issue copyrighted 1041. HaprintIng In whole or part without permission strictly prohibited. Editorial Offices. My North Vine street, Hollywood. Ttbiepholis isEmcstm.4 11125. Business and Advertising Offices, 1029 Wain Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles. Telophcas Ricton6nd 5211L






• NOVEMBER 23, 1941 PAGE 3

RADIO: West * National * International Fifty Men vs. Radio? America paused last week to consider

fur the first time that but fifty men, fifty men at key spots along a coast-to-coast radio hookup, could virtually para-lyze the industry as concerned network broadcasting.

They thought for the first time of the immensity of the power that could be wielded by so few.

They wondered what life, this life today, would be like without radio.

Actually, network broadcasting was being menaced not by any issue between broadcasting executives, broadcast per-sonnel as familiarly known to the public. Issue so dramatically catapulted into prominence was one that involved the men who worked not with scripts, micro-phones, orchestras, but with cables, transmitters, antennae.—the monitor men, emperors of the control-r tttttt

The Dispute: The union (Federation of Long Lines Telephone Workers) sought from the company (American Tr leploone & Telegraph) a 4 per cent wage increase, abolition of regional wage differentials. The company's position: They were will-ing to resume negotiations to prevent a strike, the union was unwilling unless the wage increase was guaranteed nation-wide, immediate effectiveness—in ad-vance. Offered, said AT&T, had been increases totaling more than $2.000,000 it, year. The union's position: the strike vote had been cast after no action had been taken over a period of ten days in certifying the dispute to the Defense Mediation Board. Result: the union would strike unless either the De-fense Mediation Board took over negotia-tions or AT&T guaranteed the wage in-crease demands in advance.

The Crisis: All-important is the job of monitoring radio's land line circuits for the AT&T. Monitor's job is to listen for outside interference on lines, set up circuits, make circuit switches, prepare remote pickup facilities. Without moni-tors network broadcasting would cease to exist, local broadcasting of special events would be sadly crippled. More, the strike would paralyze army and navy communications, the transmission of wire photos, and teletype news service. But although a strike deadline had

been set no American, no union leader, no executive believed there would be a strike. By week's end union and company alike had backed down from original truculence, belligerency, had begun search for ways not of conflict but of amity.

The issue, all saw, was bigger than union or company. America, freedom's stronghold, had need of its public com-munications for public enlightenment in a time of grave crisis. No American, in a showdown, would take front freedom's most powerful defender the voles that

freedom's people needed, wanted so des-perately to hear.

Boxoff ice Twins Mickey Rooney is a 20-year-old young

man who has soared to highest eminence of box-office appeal by electrifying audi-ences with juvenile-lusty virility. Judy Garland is an IS-year-young lady who has skyrocketed to topmost pinnacle of ticket-selling power by tenderizing audi-ences with adolescent-wistful-simplicity. Together they make the Gold-Dust Twins of the entertainment world. Last summer their enormous motion-

picture following was pressed into radio service for the first time on the U. S. Treasury's summer program, -Millions for Defense;" radio listeners heard, yearned for more.

Now twice within the last fortnight they've gotten more, want still more, and tt strange, new idea begins to tempt radio producers. First of two recent airings was "Babes in Arms" for Screen Guild Theatre, Noiv. 9; second was "Mer-ton of the Movies" for Lux Theatre Nov. 17; both were tried and proven mo-tion-picture stories.

But strange, new, tempting idea lin-gering, waxing ever stronger is this: will entertainment world's Gold-Dust l'wins provide for radio what motion-)ictures have long enjoyed —its first

juvenile star-team? Audience reaction to the two recent airings is being closely checked. If favorable, motion picture's Gold-Dusters may become radio's Gold-Dusters, have a radio show of their own.

Courtesy Last Long arid ardently has Montana's Sena-

tor Burton K. Wheeler shouted dissidence with the Administration's foreign policy, provoking public. opinion to more than a breeze of interest. Last week he shouted dissidence with the nation's two largest radio networks, found on his hands it public clamoring of gale proportions.

The networks had refused the Senator's request for it half-hour's time between 9 and 10 p. in. on a Thursday night which sees the airlanes carrying some of the nation's top-Crossley shows, Bing Crosby, Major Bowes, Town Meeting, and the Senator was furious. Such programs, the Senator was advised, are never cancelled for anything less than a presidential address, and even the president always gave about two weeks warning; Mr. Wheeler had given none.

That, said the Senator, was not his problem. He wanted time. Being refused time, he demanded of FCC's Chairman Fly an investigation of network partial-ity against the America First C 'ttee. To keep the records clear, Fly immed-iately obliged; actually, the facts as

Tempting producers with idea of building up a radio programm tu be all their own are iliekeg Rooney and Judy Garland. who have scored two smash radio sue-

ceases in the past fortnight (see Boxoffice Twins).



AMERICA'S FINEST COFFEE Before Bell invented the tetephone, before Edison gave us the ,nean-descent lomp —Mcnorch Coffee was America's mealtime favorite. Today the same delicious blend

of mountain-gr2wn coffees is roasted and packed fresh daily

right here in So:Awn California. Comes in a new, impr)ved,

economy tin that saves you money!

Monarch Coffee 8 Monarch Foods Famous for CouaNty Since 185.3


monnRcH EOFFEI and other


known throughout the radio industry will refute Wheeler's allegation. As the tongue-in-cheek probe was

launched last week a letter from America First's publicity chief to the manager of a New York network station manager appeared as evidence, proved likely to be of peculiar historical significance. Wrote publicist Henry F.. Moohery

to WOR-Manager Al Josephy: "I deeply appreciate your cooperation

in trying to work out radio time for Senator Wheeler or Charles A. Lind-bergh. The fact that we did not take the 30 minutes you first offered was entirely our fault, and I want you to know that I have never found yon other than cooperative in all ways. With all good wishes, Henry Moobery."

Keep 'Em Listening Uncle Sam, when he wants a job of

public opinion done effectively, authori-tatively, and done now, has come to depend heavily on radio. Recently the ('SO Broadcasts, currently the Treasury Hour, have done more to unify public opinion for their respective causes, say Washington brain-trusters, than any other single information vehicle. But when time came to preview MBS'

new "Keep 'Ent Rolling" series two weeks ago, producer Arthur KurIan felt time had conic, too, to make some promises to keep 'em listening. To publicity offices throughout the

land and distributed thence to the nation's press went Arthur Kurlan's promise of things that "Keep 'Ern Rolling" listeners would never hear:

Raymond Massey in a scene from "Abe Lincoln in Illinois."

Charles Laughton rending Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Burgess Meredith as a "typical young American" just "filling in" for the night as nt. c. Singers or actors making speeches

about national defense, (or defense (if-ficials acting or singing). An album of American music built

.around "God Bless America." This week electrifying audience recep-

tion of Kurlan's well-kept pledge to orig-inality had radio wise men deeply in-terested. Producer Kurlan had proved: Patriotism, like any other theme, must

be presented with maximum showman-like ingenuity, inventiveness.

With Uncle Sam counting strongly on radio's power to keep 'mu rolling, radio was now to loosen formal reserve of the past, go full out with out and out show-manship on patriotic programs to keep 'em listening. DI MS. I:30


Now You Know Grouch° Marx, who recently took such

an undisguised pinking by repartee-expert Clifton Fadiman on "Information Please." is the most recent addition to ranks


Football by Air NYS% MYYLICO \ 10. 1.11 01111 :41111.. 2 p.m. K Al PC.

soots Ana J. C. vit. San Mateo J. C. — Pri., 8 p.m.. KVOE

Eastern Game, Ted Husing —Sat., 10:45 a.m.. KNX.

Eastern Ga me —SSC. II KOH. K VOE.

Big Ten Ga me —Sat.. 1:30 p.m.. KNX. Stanford is. California —Sat.. 2 p.m,


C. S. C. is. W ashington —Sat., 2 p.m., K HJ. KGB, KF.X31. KVOE.

a. m., KILT,

of Hollywoodians trying to look happy in New York. He and Norman Krasrut having somehow happened to write a play. Groucho this week piled shock upon dismay by threatening not only to pro-duce it on Broadway but also to star in it himself. The play? Well, "it's about a guy who is, you know," explained Grouch() before his departure, "trying to fix things up when things, you know, get sort of this way and that. He sees these lugs and these dames around there, and then lie kind of dives in and goes on front there the best way he can." Gertrude Stein couldn't have done 'better. "Of course," Grouch° added disparag-ingly, "this will, anyway, be sure, with-out all kinds of doubt, to make the play a hit."

Four R's Dynamo of radio insight, enthusiasm,

.is Dorothy M. Lewis, Vice-Chairman of Radio Council on Children's Programs, New York City. On transcontinental tour since Sept. I, Mrs. Lewis paused last week in Los Angeles to survey juvenile air-offerings, study programs of women's organizations, foster a better understand-ing between radio and public.

To the point were tour gleanings shared with local educators. Disclosed Mrs. I.ewis: education is now popularly dubbed the "four R's —readin', 'rithmetic, radio —yet surveys show only 6.7 of radio time is devoted to chil-dren's programs; several years ago in Europe the percentage of juvenile pro-grams was 33 1... Given as reasons for dearth of such programs were lack of proper sponsors, consequent lack of good writers, ill-advised criticism of programs on air by women's groups, making the ad-venture too hazardous.

Recommended Mrs. Lewis: write sta-tions if you like programs (not just when no do not); listen, parents, to good programs and set an example for your children: develop your tact and ability to edit adroitly your children's listening; take courses in radio to pro-mote sympathetic understanding of ob-jectives, problems, approach to radio re-ad lust MV OS; Mini ill'rrpt lilt itatiOn to


under actual Studio conditions and showcase your talent on major station broadcasts. Applicants now being accepted. Listen KFWB 10:30 p. m. Sun. and KMPC 4:45 Tues. Info. GL. 6466 or come to studios, 1776 N. Highland Ave.



Offering unexpected resistance to San Frunel,cang in K W z "Quiz of Two Cities" program recently was l'uunne Livingston. who paced her Los Angeles Southern Pacific learn to victory (see Smart and Pretty).


Time Changes Ph ”deal Well Being...-Sun., 10:15 a. m..

1.001.s at Books--Sun.. 11 a.m.. X VI.

Univer•Ity Expiorer —Sun., 1 p. m., K FI.

National Farm and Home —Mon. thru Fri., 3:30 p. m., KFSD.

John Gunther —Mon., 4:45 p. m., R FS!).

Flying Patrol —Mon. thru FrI., 5:15 p. m.. K FSD.

our Govern ment Heports —Tues.. 4:45 p. m.. K FI.

Bob Garred, News — Wed., 7:15 p. m, KNX.

Federated Ehurebes —Sat., 9:15 a.m., KECA.

Dr. Ensue Merry — Sat., 10:30 a.m., K ECA.

N AO MI Reynolds •—• sat., la:45 K ECA.

W ho, V1itast, W here and W hy f—Sat.. 6 KNX.

Here's the Story —Sat., 7:15 p. m., K NX.

kif Neighbor —Sat., 7:30 p. m., KNX..

broadcast unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Aptly evaluating radio (faults consid-ered) said Mrs. Lewis: "In America our air-way of life, a free radio, is some-thing the richest man cannot buy, but which the poor man receives gratis."

Smart and Pretty Long victors on popular KHJ "Quiz

of Two Cities" program, San Francisco intellectuals last week were forced to .pull in ears, concede defeat to pert, saucy drum-majorette N'yonne Livingston, who led her Los Angeles Southern Paci-fic team to victory over co-workers from the northern office. Rarely losers, the San Franciscans lead Southlanders for the season to date with aggregate total of 30 1/2 to 26 1/2 , found N'yonne Living-ston's stiff resistance unexpected.

But the smart and pretty drum major-ette of S. P.'s employees band knew two things too many for them:

Benjamin Franklin was first U. S. Postmaster General.

If she were standing on North Pole and took one step backward, forward, or sidewise, she'd be going south.


Air News Local Listeners long accustomed to getting

from radio newscasts a great part of European, Washington doings, a lesser part of happenings around the corner, across the river, in the next town down the pike, are soon to be cheered with more equal parts of each. Press Associa-tion, Inc., radio subsidiary of Associated Press, announces expansion program to feature special hourly service of state and regional news over its 24-hour news-cast wire. Under new system, larger volume of

regional news will be carried on PA newscast wire daily without interfering with transmission of news of general, national, international interest. To prepare for new job RA Radio

News Editor first brought radio news men familiar with various sections of the country to New York for concen-trated training in PA's radio technique. Now they are being assigned to key centers north, east, south, west, strate-gically located to draw from state-by-state news gathered and distributed by AP's 100 domestic bureaus, thousands of correspondents, for benefit of radio listeners. Radio, covering local news, will be

not only opening vast new field of serv-ice to listeners, will be also invading last unstormed stronghold of newspaperdom.

Radio for Army No tyro as a morale-builder is radio

(see Keep 'Ern Listening) nor has radio left much to be desired as firm, ef-fective, moulder of public opinion. This week comes word of a new type of mor-ale-building chore for radio in which morale in nation's armed forces is to be objective for first time. Sanctioned and approved by Office

of Chaplains, U. S. Army Department, is radio program to encourage writing of letters by folks at home to boys in

army camps, 60 to 70 per cent of whom get too few letters from anyone.

Plan: Through publicizing activities of "name" stars of entertainment world it is hoped to provoke flood of letters from citizens at large to draftees, letters to be distributed by army chaplains to re-cruits heretofore letterless.

No commercial sponsorship being per-mitted, operations call for guest appear-ances before big-show microphones of trainees, possibly those selected as hav-ing written best answer to letter from stars of sponsored programs, the spon-sors to get their products mentioned in other publicity to surround the campaign.

KEEA, GIFSO, 8:30 p.m. Tues.

Quarter-Hour Boom Survey of nem est t rends thi3 week

indicates one of radio's earliest favor-ites is booming back to popularity with microphone moguls, etherwave perform-ers, sponsors.

Rarities as quarter-hour performers until recently have been Lanny Ross, Frank Parker, Jan Peerce. Now Ramona has joined ranks of quarter-hour warb-lers, as has Dinah Shore, Eddie Cantor show fixture and star of her own show as well.

Probably more significant is that the trend persists even into field of more serious singers. Emma Otero, .famed Latin-American (Cuban) concert soprano, now doing a quarter-hour sustaining fea-ture on an eastern hookup, is soon to be sponsored for nation-wide airings of Sat-urday evenings and continue a regular Sunday morning broadcast long heard and enjoyed in the west.

Boom in La Otero stock probably originates from more than a trend how-ever. More likely explanation of her ascendancy is that the beauteous one is potent U. S. argument for well-pub-licised Good Neighboring to sister repub-lics.

To these circumstances, Otero backers ad41 facts that Emma Otero is Young and Beautiful, at home alike on con-cert stage or radio platform, predict for Emma Otero limitless future success to match past triumphs.


New Programs Invitation to Learnius —Stin., S:30 a. m., KNX

Freedom's People — Sun.. 9:30 a. m.. K F I.

Great Plays —Sun., 13 m., KECA.

Sunday Afternoon Concert -811,11.e 2 p. m.. K PAC.

Fact Finders —Sun.. 5:45 p. m., K HJ, KPN M. KVOE.

Frost Warnings —Daily. 8 p.m.. N FL A merica Federation of Musielans Mon., S p.m.. KI-IJ. K FXM. K VOE.

Rodrigues & Sutherland — Mon., 9:45 p. m.. KECA.

The me and Variations — Tues., 11:30 a. m. K H.1. KO H, KVOE.

George Abra m,. vs. Tons Zille —Frl.. 7 p. m., KH.I. KGB. KFNM. KVOE.

Metropolitan Opera — nut., 11 a.aso KECA. KFSD.

Saturday News Review — Sat.. 3:30 p.m.. KNX.

Son g Ti me —Sat., 10:15 p m.. KNX.


DLY GIANTS Of the Airlanes

Radio and Aviation Clasp Hands Across Continent in Service

Q11441111411 HE SKIES of Southern Califor-nia, in a fit of hysteria, wept and wept and wept, filling up rivers, stopping up roads, washing away

twines and washing out communications. Then the sky turned beautiful and inno-cent, smiled down on the damage it had wrought, and waited for someone to make a survey of it.

Hundreds of thousands of anxious lis-teners, too, were waiting for that survey when NBC's Don Thompson made it. He was on the air ... in the air ... broad-casting front a United Air Lines Main-liner, piecing together the hitherto dis-connected fragments of information, re-porting the 1938 flood havoc in its en-tirety. With bridges out and highways impassable, aviation provided the only feasible, workable approach to the scene, the only complete perspective of it.

This incident is merely typical of the side-by-side play in which radio and aviation have joined forces to in-form or entertain on occasions big or little, happy or sad.

Radio and aviation . . . these two are cousins in the family of aerial conquista-dores. One uses wings and the other doesn't. One carries Edgar Bergen from coast to coast in time for the other to carry his voice right back again. For its most important service to radio,

ityiation sticks to its business . . . trans-portation. New York, Hollywood, and program times —three items important to radio —won't move, so the talent must, and fast! Broadcasting from New York and making a picture in Hollywood at the same time, Orson Welles for months was whipping hark and forth between the two cities, spending his weekends on the Atlantic- Coast and weekdays on the West Coast.

Irene Rich was one of the first women to he awarded a "100,000. tidier" card by United, and she's held that card for a wood many years. Naturally, the names of behind-the-scenes men of radio who have shut-

tled east and west ard north and south are legion.

Kate Smith likes to broadcast from the air, has done so s. number of times over scenic spots without honoring any special event ... flyirg is excuse enough for her.

Airline transportatba is used in yet

Kale Smith. seen here aith Suengalt Ted Collins. needs nu special excuse to du air-going. Al tau. dance bands fly regularly to keep engagements; here Glen Gray mo ms up before

take-off Um.


another way by radio. Entire casts are flown from city to city for a hypodermic change of scenes in broadcasts. Signal Oil's Carnival was moved en masse, Vera Vague et al, up and down the Pacific Coast for broadcasts In every major city. Jack Benny used as background for his broadcasts a flight to the east with his cast. News commentators like Fulton Lewis, Jr., fly frequently to familiarize themselves with developments in other parts of the country. Dance bands fly regularly to keep engagements.

Similar to the over-the-scene flood broadcast already mentioned was the CBS flight-broadcast of the forest fire sweep-ing over Topango Canyon and the Santa Monica hills, with flames destroying dry brush, trees and homes and rushing on toward more thickly populated areas. Roads were blocked for miles around, and once again aviation supplied the only means of reporting the disaster accurate-ly. In such an instance, a flight can be of great help in aiding fire-fighters by get-ting a proper perspective on the scene.

Flight broadcasts are also used for happier occasions. Typical were the important, ceremonious opening of the Boulder Dam spillways and the dedication of the Metropolitan Water Project near March Field. Similar broadcasts have been made innumer-able times throughout the United States.

Aviation Is busier at playing support-ing roles than taking the lead in radio programs, however. Spend an evening listening to the radio and you'll almost always hear a reference to an airline trip, plane sound effects, or the actual intro-duction of airline personnel or other aviation people.

Flying personnel have listener-appeal. Uniformed captains and stewardesses are frequently introduced at audience stows as guest talent. A good example of this is Captain E. Hamilton, United's pride and joy and the world's No. 1 pilot, with more than 24,000 hours in the air to his credit, who is in constant radio demand.

Bob Hawk went all the way with avia-tion on a series of "Take It or Leave It" shows, flying from city to city for a change of program locale, broadcasting front the air in Los Angeles, and intro-ducing the captain of the plane, Ed Hoy.

And so it goes for radio.

On the ground at La Guardia Airport, RCA officials and technicians shielded their eyes momentarily from the sun's glint on the silvery wings of a United Mainliner coining in for a landing. Pas-sengers inside the plane leaned forward, watching intently. The landing gear came down, wheels skimmed over the ground to a smooth stop.

No routine flight was this. For the first time in history, airplane passengers had watched themselves land, had seen the entire procedure as it appeared to ground observers. They saw it in a tele-vision receiver installed in the front of the cabin compartment, which picked up the image of their landing as it was tele-cast from the ground.

Teamwork of the aerial conquistadores continues.

* *



a rbo r-n a usea 00 5,500aao ra nao naa 6

Pre-Casts and Pre-Views By EVELYN BIGSBY

Q 9 9 014 99 CI St SI 12 41 Q SL12 12 I) 44 4 OD 9 Q 0 0 0 0 12 Q t,

In this department are reviewed and com mented upon what have been judged to be the most likely progra ms of interest for the week in which Radio Life is dated. It does not pretend to be all-inclusive. Reader-listeners are, as always, referred to daily highlights for other subjects of interest. It strives to be but another service to readers intelligently seeking extra aids to better


Sunday, Nov. 23 MUSIC A N AMERICAN VOI TH — Student Talent.

HEARD: Sunday, KFI, 5:30 a.nt. (30 min.).

Winter series of a progra m which

starts its ninth consecutive season, pro-

duced in conjunction with the Music

Educators' National Conference. Featured

are bands, choral groups, orchestras, glee

clubs, and string ense mbles of various

school groups throughout the country.

GREAT PLAYS —Drama. HFARD: Sunday, KFA'A, It M. (I

Vehicle: .1 o h n Millington Synge's

"Playboy of the %Veste rti 'World."


HEARD: Sunday, KNX. 12 M. (941 mln.). Guest Conductor: Artur Rodzinski.

SILVER THEATRE —Drama. HEARD: Sunday, KN . 3 p.m. (30 min.).

Guest Star: Rosalind Russell,

JA('K BENNY —Variety. HEARD: Sunday, KFI. 4 p.m., KECA, RFS!). 11:30 p.m. (111

The Jell° gang jells a show around

turkey and all the fixin's.

FITCH BAND W AGON —Popular Music. HEARD: Sunday. KFI. 4:30 p.m. (30 min.).

Guest Orchestra: Claude Thornhill.

CHASE AND SANBORN —Variety. HEARD: Sunday. KFI. 5 p.m. CH

Guest: Dr. Albert Edward Wigga m,

•noted psychologist and author, who prob-

ably explores mind (?) of Charlie Mc-


FACT FINDERS —Informatiee. HEARD: Sunday, KILL DI MS, 5:45 p.m. (13

CAST: Hale Sparks.

New series produced in cooperation

with the University of California. This

is a turn-about of the quiz progra m idea.

Listeners send in questions to Sparks,

who air-replies with the infor mation, giv-

ing books, periodicals, other sources of

answer material. Co tttttt endable is educa-

tional value offering the listener infor m-

ation in which he is definitely interested,

along self-educational fountainheads. En-

tertain ment is not slighted, during the

progra m, as considerable fun passes be-

tween the fact-detective and show an-

nouncer presenting the questions.

FORD SUNDAY EVENING HOUR —Fine Music. HEARD: Sunday. KNX, 5 p.m. (1 hour).

Guest Artist: Lily Pons; Guest Con-

ductors Eugene Or mandy.

serial dra ma. Faith Chandler (Irene) is

now in war-torn England, searching for

her sister, who has disappeared.

W HAT'S IT ALI, ABOUT —Eduentional. HEARD: Suitt liN 9:30 p.m. (30 min.).

Topic: Econo mic Require ments for a Permanent Peace.

* *

Monday, Nov. 24 IN CARE OF AGGIE HORN —Serial. HEARD: Monday-Thursday. K M 'A. 11:45 a.m. (15 min.).

CAST: Harriet Allyn (Angie), Ian Keith, Roger de Young. John Goldsworthy.

New serial about Aggie Horn, a swash-buckling, breezy lady fresh fro m M on-

tana, who moves into Chicago to put city slickers In their places.

THE OPEN FORU M —Current Discosslon. HEARD: Sunday, KFA(, 7 p.m. (I loom). SPONSOR: Floyd A. Allen it co.

Mel Uhl was originator of the foru m

and has produced it since its beginning.

Progra m ai ms to present free. and open

discussion of questions of a controver-

sial nature, stressing topics of local or

national interest at the mo ment. You

might dial if in thoughtful I Sunday


SHERLOCK HOLMES—Mystery. HEARD: Sunday. EFL 7:30 p.m. (30 min.).

Vehicle: "The Hindu in the Wicker


DEAR JOHN —Serial Drama. HEARD: Sunday, KE('A. EFS!). 11 p.m.. (IS

Excitement is int er ject ed into this

I NAMON BLAR —t iiildren's Program. HEARD: Monday-Friday, KECA, 4:30 p.m. (15

SPONSOR: Downtown Business Men's A.010e hl-

For the third consecutive year, this

series of Christ mas progra ms is being

presented telling the adventures of Judy

and Ji m my Barton with Paddy O'Cinna-

mon in Maybe-Land.

W HOA MI X C1,111 —Children's Program. HEARD: Monday-Friday, RE M', 5:30 p.m. In SPONSOR: nanswics.

W hoa Bill Club is no w in its 10th year on K FAC. Mothers and children

alike find it interesting and helpful in

building character in youngsters fro m 8.

to 12: Every Friday a studio party is . given. If your child is forlorn, you might

try tuning this progra m to sti mulate in-

terest in other boys and girls and Whoa Bill.

SPOTLIGHT BANDS—Popular Music. HEARD: Monday-Friday, KILL DLIFIS, 7:15 p.m. OS min.), Saturdny, (34) min.).

Schedule for week: Monday, Bob Chester's band fro m New York; Tues-

day, Gene Krupa, New York; W ednesday,

Ray mond Scott, Boston; Thursday, Glen

Gray, Boston; Friday, Frankie Masters,

Philadelphia; Saturday, band rated tops

by recording sales during nrevions week.

I hose sweet 110irS go in one ear and Mit the other. hut Prof. Kay reacts laoorably to warblings of his two new singing proteges. Dorothy Dunn and Trudy Erwin. In addition to NBC's Kollege of Musical knowledge vocalizing. the girls have appeared with Kay on

Alutuars Spotlight Bands progra m. See Pre-Cast this page.

SID STTHERLAN11-.10SF. RODRIGEEZ —New0. HEAR1): Monday-Friday, KIKCA, 9:45 p.m. (15 min.).

SPONSOR: Nassour M ON. Toilet G O MIS.

Re-instate ment of two glib, dynamic newscasters who have heel) off air lanes

for a few weeks.

IEMP CS DOG WATCH —Musk. News. HEARD: 510nday-Saturday, KM PC, midnight to 3 a.m.

CAST: Paul Scott, Charles McKinley; Al Nlorrls, new

News bulletins fro m United Press at 12, 12:51), and 2 a. m. New progra m;

with ,recorded music and repartee Inter-spersed.

* * Tuesday, Nov. 25

THERN SCHOOL 11F THE AIR — Eclairs. t tonal.

HEARD: Tuesday, K W, 11:30 a.m. ou Second half of the SO minute program

(Continued an Pao 9)



If he's funny. don't give him any credit; it's perfectly effortless. Since neither Wilson (left) nor his colleague, McTurntable, is an admirer of the

other's art, situation shown here ts reported as being frequent.

Stu Wilson IS GONNA GIT YA --If Ya Don't Watch Out

By Helen Gurley

Got a Birthday or Anniversary Soon? Here's Your Man!

00K, folks, at the tousle-haired, 15-year-old schoolboy pounding his ear in blissful innocence. Gently, his mother calls in from the kitchen, "Harold, time to get up." See,

folks, he just slumbers on. "Har — old!" 613I01131-1,, ..aou luazailmaq s! aara.% ata for heaven's sake get up, breakfast is ready I"

Suddenly there's a loud blast from the radio that amazes mother and brings Harold bolt upright:

"What's the matter lady? Can't cha get the big pantywaist up? H-m- m! Well, did you ever try the ice cube cure? Oh. sure, —vou just empty a tray and let him have it: no, lady, not the tray —the stuff in it. Hey, YOU, get out of that bed!" All right, folks, let's leave Harold now.

He's wide awake and wondering what's

happened. Let's go next door where nine-year-old Joan and her mother and father are already at breakfast. Little Joanie Is very excited about something; there is a most remarkable glow in her eyes and she can't seem to concentrate on her morning vittles.

"Now, Joan," says her mother, "even if it is your birthday you can drink your orange juice. And don't try to hide your oatmeal behind that vase of flowers." "But, mama," protests Toanie, "I'm

too excited to eat anything. Stu Wilson's gonna tell everybody about my birthday in just a minute. Are you sure you got the right time and the right address and the right day and .

"Of course, she did." papa inter-rupts, "Now just hold — say —wait a minute —here it is—." Pop sounds a little excited himself. And here comes the voice aga:n, so listen: "It seems that over in Altadena there's

a blue-eyed blonde . • . hey, MeTurn-table, bring out the blue-eyed blonde's bell. Her name is Joan King and she's nine years old today. Draggin' one foot in the grave, but anyway, Joan, happy

birthday, and it says here that if you've been an extra good girl, you can follow the string that's tied to the door knob of the hall closet, and at the end you'll find a red and green alligator. You don't think so? Well, just you go and see for yourself."

Were you listening? Okay, folks, just one more trip. This time we go out to the boulevard intersection two blocks away. There's a certain guy driving a certain car that we're going to listen in on. Ready? Okay, listen:

"Hey, you jerk! Why don't you mowe that junk heap off the road. This is sure a fine time to make a left hand turn. litre I am twenty minutes late to work already. Besides that there was something I was supposed to remember today, —invoices, let's see, or —." And again that certain voice blasts out, over the auto radio, and the guy we're listen-ing to thinks its an earthquake or some-thing. Listen:

"Say, out there, if anybody just pulling into the La Brea-Sunset in. tersection sees a fella in another car who looks mighty worried about something, it's probably that guy who forgot that thSs W PS his 12 months-aversary,- -yep, his wife writes in that he'd better send out those in-voices today and he'd better bring home a little remembrance too if he knows what's good for him."

Still listening? Okay, folks, that's all there is. You have now met Stuart IL Wilson, the guy who gives out with Rise and Shine over KII.1 every morning at 6:00 in the ayem but Sunday morning. If you've never heard a program done without a script this one ought to be interesting. The only paraphernalia Stu takes to Studio Five each day is a daily round-up of letters, any number of bells and gadgets, and occasionally a couple of toothpicks with which to prop his eyes open. Stu hasn't an inhibition to his name

and by the same token if he's funny don't give him all the credit because It, perfectly effortless. If you laugh it's wonderful. If you don't it's okay too, because Stu doesn't know anything about it; MeTurntable is his only visible au-dience and McTurntable wouldn't crack a smile if you tickled him soundly up and down all 21 ribs.

There isn't any transformation when Stu takes the air. He looks exactly like he sounds, and he sounds as though he were having the t'me of his life. He usually is. You'll be ready to give solemn oath that he personally uses his sponsors' prod-ucts, —nobody could sound that en. thusiastic about quality and quantity unknown.

Safely preserved In his desk are offer-ings from radio friends, countless cari-catures of announcers, valentines, a set of false teeth complete with screws and a note which reads, "Now I guess you can't say your upper plate slipped when you muff up a commercial. You ain't got no excuse no more!" Serious? Yes, he's serious about the

letters you people write him. He reads them all personally and answers those asking for advice or information. Of

(Continued on Page 10)


Vivaciows star of motion pictures, Rosalind Russell, makes guest ap-pearance no CBS's Silver Theater. Sunda], Nair ;. Sc Pre-Crigt this

Recent addition to cast of CBS's Family Hour is Sterling Holloway. who iniects homespun humor into this splendid program starring Gladys Swarthout and Deems Taylor.

Jimmy Darante will star in the Billy itcs,!-procuced Fire Chief Show, "The Jumbo." to be heard NBC TLesdaye 41 1:30 p.m. In wild form.


Week's Pre-Casts Pictured

(Continued from Page 7)

on Tuesdays, Nov. 25 through Dec. 16, is devoted to "Prehistoric America" fea-turing Dr. Charles E. Snow, university archaeologist.

NBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA—Fine Music. HEARD: Tuesday. KECA. 6:30 p.m. (1 hour).

Leopold Stokowski conducts fourth and final of his fall series. He returns to the podium next March.


HEARD: Tuesday, Thursday, KIIJ, flafl p.m. (30 min.).

CAST: Ray Lewis, narrator. SPONSOR: Yellow Cabs.

This is a new series of interest, featur-ing stories of California history.

* * Wednesday, Nov. 26

BIG TO WN —Drama. HEARD: Wednesday, KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 mla.)•

Vehicle: "Griswold Graveyard." Steve Wilson investigates disappearance of two men near the cemetery.

KAY K VIER—Kollege of Musical Knowledge. HEARD: Wednesday, BEI, 7 p.m. (1 hour). Ole Prof. Kay is back in LIP Ole

Hollywood after "that's- righting" folks hack east.

ROM N.( E OF THE RANCHOS — Historical Drama.

HEARD: Wednesday, KNX, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.). Scheduled previously, the romance of

Rancho San Francisco (Newhall) is to-night's drama.

DR. CHRISTIAN—Drama. HEARD: Wednesday, KNR, 0:30 p.m. (25 min.). Vehicle: "Ring Around Rosie", the ad-

ventures of Rosemary Varden, high school coquette, and her beaux.

Thursday, Nov. 27 RUDY VALLEE—Variety. HEARD: Thurs., KECA, 7 p.m. (30 min.).

Guest Star: Jimmy Durante.

STANDARD SYMPHONI —Fine Musie. HEARD: Thursday, KHJ, DLBS. 8 p.m. (1 hour). Conductor: Ferde Grofe; Program:

Light Cavalry Overture, Suppe; Tabloid Suite-Sob Sister, Grofe; Porgy and Bess, —Selections, Gershwin; Samson and De-Blah-Bachanale, Saint-Saens; Mastersing-ers—The Prize Song, Wagner; Minuet in C, Beethoven; Mississippi—Father of Waters, Huckleberry Finn, Ole Creole Days, Mardi Gras, Grofe.

* * Friday, Nov. 28

FIGHTS HEARD: Friday, KHJ, DLBS, 7 p.m. to con-clusion. George Abrams vs. Tony Gale, 10

rounds in Madison Square Garden.

* *

(Continued on Pape 10)

Vividly demonstrating life in a typical American family, The Bar-ions." ore Dick Holland and Jane 1Veht, youthful stars of the NBC

Arita liodrinskl. distinguished con-ductor of the Cleveland orchestra. directs New York Philharmonic Sym-phony on Sunday. Nov. 23. over

CBS. See Pre-Cast this page.

Beauty with o voice is Marion Claire. heard in Mutual's Chicago Theatre

the Air Saturday nights (See Pra-Cast, Page 10.)



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Story of the Week: You can tell 'em but you can't make •ent believe you: A woman called the NBC studios last week after the "Thin Man" broadcast and asked to speak to the actor playing the part of Asta, the dog. When Gilbert Mack dutifully answered the call the woman inquired, "Are you Asta, the pup?" '"I'hat's right," answered Mack. "Well, I'll be ," said the woman, and hung up the receiver.

* * - Try It Out on Friend Husband: John Nelson, „narrator for the KNX bargain program "Today's Best Buys," established a new record recently when he managed to ,put an e'en sixty choice items on the air. For the eleven • utes Nelson is on the air during the fifteen-banute program, he had to read on this particular night at the rate of five and one-half bargains a minute. In time tests he has read as high as 1.95 moderstandable words a minute.

* * • Add Thespian Tumbles: Sound-effects men have only two hands as Ray Johnson,

actor, learned playing a scene on a recent "Myrt and Marge" program. NVIille the gimmick operator was busy creating the sound of horses' hooves, Jim WAS required to create his own sound of falling, posterior first, from a horse. Ile obliged with the intentional brodie, managing to create a realistic, bottom-bruising thump, re-turned to the mike sufficiently winded to realistically sob with pain.

. * * Football Notes: A friend was telling Ray Block, the "Crime Doctor" maestro,

about how his college class had hired a special railroad car to go to a football game. "We had one extra upper berth and we kept our 'refreshments' in there," the old grad declared. "Ah," retorted Block airily, "the berth of the booze!" Next time you meet a football coach tell him for lite to try watching a broadcast of Phil Spitalny's "Hour of Charm." No complicated backfield shift excels for precision the measured movements of the girls from' one side of the stage to the other, shifting harps in the middle of a number, moving mikes, dashing from the chorus platform to their own wind or string sections.

* * Gags of the Week: Ezra Stone, radio's "Henry Aldrich," 'says he's writing a

football play entitled "Boy Meets Goal." Frank Fay reports that instead of using barbed wire, the Russians are entangling the foe in. RED tape (get it?) Fay, who considers himself quite a philosopher, .writes us f New York that the popular expression, "It's just what the doctor ordered," has big possibilities. Here are some of his ideas on what -the doctor ordered for certain welt-known people: Columbus, an ocean. voyage; Napoleon, it complete change of scenery: Sarties Boys, horseback riding; Al Capone, rest and seclusion J.ady,Codiva, sun baths; liercu.les, plenty of healthful exercise: Midas, a gold fillibg; Cinderella, early retiring; Dante, warmer climate; all headlined gunmen, electric massage.'

• * * Bottomless Beginning: An actor new to radio was applying for an audition

to Jack Johnstone, director of the Sunday "Crime Doctor" program. The director told him he needed more experience, should look for smaller parts. "Oh, rot perfectly willing to start at the bottom," replied the actor amiably, "hut I've looked and looked and can't find the bottom." . .. James Melton, the singer, wanted to make a 'phone call but the only booth was taken by a man who kept talking —and talking. Jimmy finally turned to a friend and said, "You'd think DE was the star of the 'elephone Hour'." . 'Merican Telephone and Telegraph, by the way, has just sent out an inter-office memo to employees advising: "Write, Don't 'Phone!" —in order to discourage long distance calls. .. ;Wonder what ever happened to the Yahbut and Cheerily team? ... At apremiere, rehearsal, sponsors, agency men and advice givers-miters usually crowd into the control from whence they appear pretty grim-visaged to those working at the mike.... (letting ready for a recent 'Johnny Presents" chore, Una Merkel coined one that, will probably stick. Looking across the stage to the forbidding faces behind the control room, glass, quipped Miss Merkel, "What is THAT, —the death watch?"

Radio C Magazines; Reports began to circulate this last week that several radio stations have begun to look with fear upon the sales cops put out by monthly magazines for their advertising announcement campaign. Some o? the stuff is said to he couched in such "informal" language that a few broadcasters have been wondering how soon somebody will do the attention-calling net, with a resulting crackdown from the Federal Communications Commission. The sooner the better.

* * Memo to My Overworked Secretary: For the first tune in his radio career

Orson Welles is considering working before a studio audience. His sponsor is said to have wanted "live" audience reaction. What with some other rumors being heard, thini there's a story behind this. See what you can get on It by next week.

Week's Pre-Casts (Continued from Page 0)

Saturday, Nov. 29 FOOTRAI.1.—ARM V-N A V. HEARD: Saturday, KFI. 111:45 a.m, to conclus-ion.

U. S. soldiers and sailors, no matter where they are, get a complete radio de-scription of this football classic when Bill Stern reports the game via the Red net-work, international shortwave network stations, and five short wave radio sta-tions carrying play-by-play account to Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Western Hemisphere from Alaska to the Straits of Magellan.

METROPOLITAN ()VERA. HEARD: Saturday, RECA, 11 a.m. (approx. 3 Mum.).

SPONSOR: Texas Company.

Beginning of a 16 week opera series broadcast direct from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York.

FOOTBALL—STANFORD S. ALIFORNIA, HEARD: Saturday, RECA, 2 p.m. (3 hours).

Broadcast from Palo Alto.

FOOTBALL —V.S.C. VS. W ASHINGTON. HEARD: Saturday, KHJ, DLBS, 5 p.m. to con-clusion. Airing from Los Angeles.

sATURDAV NE WS REVIE W. HEARD: Saturday, RNN; 3:30 p.m. (25. min.).

Bob Garred in a new series designed to sum up the week's events.

CHICAGO THEATER OF THE AIR —Operetta. HEARD: Saturday, RH'', DI MS, 10 p.m. (70

Vehicle: Gilbert and Sullivan's "Mik-ado"; Stars: Marion Claire, Attilo Bag-giore.

* * Stu-Stuff (COIllinlied from P(Iue 8)

course, 6 a, flu. is a little early for some folks, so you can get your taste of the Wilson personality with Norma Young on the Homemaker's Club, 12:15 to 12:45, Monday through Friday, and on the Quiz of Two Cities on Friday nights at 8. When you've listened once you'll prob-

ably listen again. There's a certain in-fectiousness about the guy that is more than a little likely to haunt you, —be-cause there are very few times in any-body's life when they're not willing to sit in on a conversation with someone who's obviously enjoying himself. And next time you wake up with a grouch around 6 a. m. (who wouldn't at that hour!) remember to tune in KHJ, —be-cause Stu Wilson's gonna get ya if ya don't watch out!

* * KHJ, 6 a.m. Mon.-Sot.

He's Different Ezra Stone can prove that in real life

he's not like Henry Aldrich. He has saved his report cards for grammar and high school and there isn't one in which he hasn't recei‘ed excellent grades.

BFI, 9 p.m. Thank * *



Doctor Of Happiness, A. D.

(*On Active Duty)


Not Only in River's End Do Folks Place Their Trust in Him

0 YOU can't take it! You're convinced these sugary guys with their angelic dispositions who spend their whole lives heroically helping people out of heart-breaking scrapes that

that could never happen anyway are more than slightly phoney. You say its just so much hokum dreamed up to lull the good old proletariat into an absurd sense of false well-being. You say most people mind their own business —and it's a darned good thing they do. Well, ap-parently you've made up your mind, — and don't get us wrong, — we're not going to sell you anything. All we want you to do is to meet one of these per-spiring pollyannas face-to-face, the way we did the other day, and tell him what

you think of him and his ,kind. You ought to enjoy doing that. Here's your big opportunity to get it off your chest. Sure, we'll let YOU do all the talking.

Ready? All right, —Mr. Hersholt, this is Mr. Disgusted Listener, — Mr. Listener, this is Mr: Jean Hersholt . . . he plays Dr. Christian in• the CBS feature. Any-thing you'd like to ask Dr. Christian — pardon me, Mr. Hersholt?

"Yes," you say, ."Mr. Hersholt, don't you yourself feel how sticky some of your stuff is now and then? YOU know people have to solve their own problems, face life themselves. Don't you think you're doing 'em an injustice when you teach 'em that someone else is sure to co me

along to straighten things out?"

"That, Mr. Listrner, depends," replies Hersholt softly, blue eyes twinkling hu-morously, "on what your problems are." He pauses, probing you carefully. Then, "You see, Dr. Christian doesn't take things out of people's hands. He only

What little free time is left over from his sirciluous professional schedule and mang philanthropic activities is devoted to Jean Hersholt the honk-collector, and to Jean Hersholt the skilled portraitist of other stars In the entertainment


Four evenings a week he devotes to being the Jean Hersholt that Is the inspiration of ntillions. —the best

friend they ever had. . . .

shows them that they DO have the power to face their problems."

"How!", you snap back, "if a man is jobless, broke, what he needs is a job; if his wife has left him because of it, what he needs is someone to have faith in him. . "

"That's what I mean," interrupts Hersholt intensely, "and how do you find faith, —by having faith. If you don't be-lieve there's a chance for you, there just isn't a chance. Money? Of course money is not everything. One episode was built up around a poor hut happy family that suddenly found itself rich —and unhappy. The problem for Dr. Christian was not to show 'lent how to spend their money, but to show them that even money could not increase the happiness they'd always had in the past. In the end, each of the characters discovers that the thing that is wrong in the family is that they hadn't trusted each other. .

"So," you finish bitterly, "after YOU show them what's wrong —mind you, you HAD to show them what was wrong, —then everything was all eggs in the coffee."

"No, put it this way," Hersholt says slowly, deliberately, "if I hadn't shown them how simple their mistake w as, they m'ght have gone on think-ing that the problem could never be licked. As it was, I encouraged them to try. That's all I personally, want to get over to my audience, —that if they try, if they are sincere, if they are willing to treat the other folio.* with as much fairness as they

(Continued on Page 15)


PAGE 12 RADI O LIFE NOVEMBER 23, 1941 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

I a, 0 0 B .0..0. . ..... 0 . a Lo 0 R..8 L LD Qj 0 /



There conies a time in the lives of all men, when they must speak to their youngsters about the facts of life. That time has arrived for me. It is not an easy task, let me assure you. It is one that I have put off for a long time. But when duty calls, let it not be said B. Smith was found wanting.

The boys in this case are really old enough to know better. They are Jack Benny and Fred Allen and Bob Hope and a few others who will know what I am about to say. NVILich is this:

For the past year or so, some of our better comedians have been wont to let a few "cute" remarks slip into the mi-crophone. Not dirty, nor vulgar, not even objectionable. But so close to the borderline as to be almost on the shady side. I've laughed at these remarks as loudly as my neighbor. And so have you. In many eases, they were really funny. But danger lies ahead unless a line is definitely established.

These borderline gags will lead to censorship, in one form or another, unless they are carefully edited. Do WC want the nation's press to begin a campaign against a "dirty" radio? I should say not. And do we want the Legion, the Federation of Women's Clubs, the reliffous leaders of A m-

erica to begin a ca mpaign to clean it up? Absolutely not.

But I have good reason to believe some of these groups are preparing a campaign. Such a thing would not be good for radio or for anybody connected with radio. There's only one answer. Beat them to the punch by using a little com-mon sense in good taste. Watch your gags, boys, or you'll have a literal gag


CLEANS everything ex-pensive clea ners

will clean, safer

and better. Bob-

rlek's Is full

strength as al-

ways. Sold every-where in cushion-

grip bottles.


IN spite of wails and lamentations set I up by other short-wave columnists in current radio publications over reported absence of "Radio Center, Moscow" from the 15.18 Me. frequency, RADIO LIFE'S Listening Post and observer remain non-chalant and unperturbed over this sup-posedly "grave" situation. News from the Soviet Union is reported as "at premium" this week with, even "official" short wave observation stations "hard put" to "get Moscow direct." ,All this leads up to the observation that dab-orate set-ups and a literal "battery of latest model receivers" have their draw-backs.

Months ago RADIO LIFE'S Listening Station found the 15.11 Mc. frequency to be the most reliable of all those fre-quencies employed by "Radio Center" for the dissemination of news and talks, as well as musical programs. Agreed —that there is plenty of interference on 15.11 Me. we have still had a far greater meas-ure of success in copying news items, Of-ficial Soviet War Communiques, and edu-cational features on that spot than was ever enjoyed on the "lamented frequency" of 15.18 Mc.

Flatly refusing to ever "view with alarm" this or any other situation or con-dition of reception in the realm of Short Wave Radio, RADIO LIFE'S Short Wave Editor cannot pass op this opportunity to "point with pride" to our achieve..

attached to your speaking equipment. And I'm not kidding.

I've noticed several out and out bor-derline gags on the air in the past seven days. On at least one occasion, the net-work was forced to shut off the mi-crophone in order to spare the listeners an obvious nasty crack.

I know that when the lads mentioned see this, they will imu,uediatelv point out that I am an old woman, harking up the wrong tree, etc. Okay. I can take it. But it is for their own good, for the good of radio in general and surel:t; for the good of the American system of broadcasting.

It's a sporting proposition, boys. How about it?

• 'It 04

Ct ,n 'VC .Ye




Meat all front slaughtered Beef , and Veal. Product Supervised by State of California Dept. of Pub-lic Health, Cannery Inspection.


ments in short wave "dial twisting" dur-ing the past ten years.

Located in southwest Los Angeles, in a MOST HUMBLE AND UNPRETEN-TIOUS dwelling, RADIO LIFE'S Official International Short W ave Listening Sta-tion functions quietly but EFFECTIVE-IX. Receivers in use are TWO —one a 21-tube MASTERPIECE, VI (Custom-Built by McMurdo Silver and no longer manufactured): the other a 7-tube Sil-vertone about 5 years old. No elaborate, special antenna system is is evidence (flinch to the surprise of those who have paid us a visit), the reason for this be-ing to report ALL stations under con-ditions that are actually BELO W THE AVERAGE for ALI. LOCATIONS as a whole. Obviously then, when a station is reported in WORLD ON YOUR DIAL the owner of a low-priced all wave or short wave receiver should be able to tune it in.

As a further handicap, the RADIO LIFE Listening Station is in one of the noisiest spots (so far as static —man-made and naturn1 is concerned) in the city of Los Angeles. And more yet, the location is in an area rated as one of "low signal intensity." That's all in the way of hindrances, and quite enough I'm sure our readers will agree. No great collection of VERIFICA-

TION CARDS hides the wallpaper at this Listening Station. yet year in and year out RADIO LIFE'S Listening Sta-tion reports stations on short wave fre-quencies more accurately as to strength of signal and correctness of schedule than those in IDEAL locations with 1941 model receivers. (This stntement is made without fear of contradiction). EVI-DENCE? Yes —a few cases in brief re-view: XGBD Shanghai, Chinn was re-ported by only one other listener in en-tire U. S. A. while in operation: HC.113 "Voice of the Andes" in Quito, Ecuador praises reception reports and publicity both by letter and acknowledgments over the air; highly prized letter from Fung Chien, Director of Short Wave Broad-casting for XGOY in Chunking —official station of Chiang Kai Shek. MTCY "The Voice of Manchoukuo" sends exceptional letter acknowledging reports, sends spec-ial set of Manchoukuo Postage Stamps, and expensive hand-embroidered pillow tops. wrcY likewise adopts suggested slogan using station call letters: "Musk That Charms You." Finally. hut by no means least —RADIO LIFE'S Interna-tional Short Wave Listening Station 1110 just received an EXCLUSIVE STORY — WITH PHOTOGRAPH (only one ever sent to United States) on a station that has been much discussed in short wave magazines and bulletins in the past year. This story, to appear exclusively in RA-DIO LIFE, will settle a , controversy about the station in question. Concluding ,this "tooting our own

horn" article, RADIO LIFE'S Listening Station and observer, is happy to be of service to short-wave Reader-Listeners of this magazine and shall strive In future to surpass past efforts, bearing In mind AL WAYS your greater enjoyment and listening pleasure.


_.•••41•10•0 40•1011 '

.•••• —.on ammo. emmlna 401.11.0016 ‘.16' ", miermio 4.1•1•••••••


Fruit Cocktail a la Wen Niles The Starter"

Tomato Soup a la Kited l -Could Be"

Celery a la Margaret Lenhart With Heart"

Deviled Chicken a la Audrey Pearce -The White Ros e

Eggplant a la Mel Blanc -It Isn't-

Beans a la Bob Cannon The Guy with Few Words"

Salad a la Felice Green -The Secretary'

Butter Ball Rolls a la Andy Devine -The Mayor-

Demi Tasse a la Script Writer The Musketeers"

Dinner Music a la Lou Bring Your Orchestra"

Recipe for Celery a la Margaret Len hart

2 bunches celery 8 Pecans, Budget Pack brand 2 ounces Roquefort cheese 1,4 tsp. salt

14lYs ounce package cream cheese tsp. G. as y Master Few drops 'Fabasco 4 tbsps. mayonnaise

tt California olives ' •ed set.). fine

Separate the cliii y in bratn he, cot the tops off. Wash and remove all the leaves trout the courser Nialk s. then piece them in cold water with plenty of ice, to get the ii ilk iced and crisp. Wilde the stalks are getting chilled, mix Roque!. I cleam cheese, mayonnaise, tont. ed al ives, minced pecans, the Gravy Masici, salt and TabaSe0. Mix until all iogred-lents are well blended. SO011 as celery is gell chilled, drain and dry it on a tea togel. Still it with the in put it on 2 celery platters and put it in your refrigerator so it will be nice and crisp whieiu you serve it.

Recipe for Deviled Chicken a la Audrey Pearce

2 frying chickens -4 lbs. each 21, tsps. salt 1 cup butter 1 tsp. pepper 3 tbspk. Worcestershire sauce 3 cups bread cr ba 2 tsps. dry mustard 4S cup sherry wine I tsp. Gravy Master

Clean chickens and disjoint them. \\ a .1i v. el I anal dry the pieces off a tea towel. Mix all the seasoning, the butt,. anal die ',hero', by pa.,,1114 them iii a double boiler until all illui MI and mixed. Dip each pLet e so the hotter sa me will spread iii. ('at thein In a Ihitell asell. 1 Is i

with bread crumbs. Cover with lid, and let bake fond the chicken is done. Serve with the sauce.

Recipe for the Sauce

It thsps. hatter % tsp. pepper I qt. nil k. s .11 1 2 tsps. salt titsps, liii, I tsp. Gras) !Master

Melt the huh. it a thick sauce pan or a thick skillet. \\nen the It.,.;,•, is the ited, all ib t. Hour and stir well for 2 minute.. Then stir if. ,he

scalded it hi de by little. Soon as it begin, to thickea all the the, and the i.f a, y Master. When u nal ‘e.1, sia :tin and place it in &futile boilei coici ed "a top of a low fit,.

Recipe for Lemon Chiffon Pie a la Al Pearce 6 tbsps. Jack Iteat. l.,taans Jell°

4 taps. grated le 1f.a cup oraii,fe ill i•

2 le iiiii ii iii

8 eggs sepal II 2 cups sugar 2 9-iiich pie ciat.1 shells 1 tsp. salt 2 cups whipping crea m.

Soften Jack ltetui ell,' ia I tbsps. ol "range juice. Real egg yol ks

With I cup sicitte. It, e salt, IciLi,,ii Juice, the rind, and the rest of orange Miv well and pal Hi a al.'', ble . a .,aask lay stirring all the time

until it thickens. 'rhea add the softened Jelin, and stir well until all the mixture l s nice and smooth. Let cool, and 50011 as the mixture begins to get thick, beat a cup of sugar a lii egg whites already beaten stiff. Then fold into the Jello mixture. Pour bib, the 2 pie crust shells and place is your refrigerate until they are chilled. When ready to serve, beat whipping cream and tttttt ind on top like a peak.




File This Plage Under "Entrees —Meat"

Radio Life Consu mers" Chub Directed by Chef Milani

EPIQUIZ —An epicure should always be ready to answer a few unusual questions about food. Here are ten of them to brush up on. You'll find the answers on the next page.

1. Everybody knows that a Deglet Noor is a date, but what is the full meaning of this name?

2. About every other person you meet believes that fish is a brain food. Is there any truth in the idea? 3. Scientists at the Henry Ford Hos-

pital in Detroit recently announced a new "artificial blood" made from an ex-tract of fruits. Can you name the ex-tract ? 4. Olive trees were first brought to

California by the Franciscan missionary, Junipero Serra, and the remains of the first orchard still stands — Where? 5. Besides- being used in food, salt

makes a good mouth wash or eye bath, but what can it do for your laundry?

6. A gobbler is called a turkey because it was once believed to come from Turkey and in some countries it is called a bird of India, but now what is meant by a Dutch Turkey?

7. Of course you know that a lobster turns red when boiled, but what is the real color of its blood?

8. Great men like William Penn, Israel Putnam and Samuel Adams once took an interest in beer making, but who was the first United States President to do likewise?

9. Putting carrots in wooden shoes is a Christmas custom among Belgian children, but now why has the British Ministry of Agriculture recently recommended carrot-eating for London-

ers? 10. Of course you probably prefer yours cold, but what is

meant by "warm" ice cream?

A THREE-MEAL FOOD —This week our recipes call for pork and we wonder if you've ever thought of it in this light — as a three-meal food we mean. Breakfast, lunch or dinner, pork is more than likely to be somewhere on the menu in the form of bacon, ham, sausage, or some special preparation. One reason is that it's economical. Another is that working men like it. A third is that it contains complete proteins. And a fourth is that it's an excellent natural source of the B vitamins, particularly thiamin, necessary for protection against nervous disorders and other diseases. No wonder it's become an A merican institution! Then too, pork has the gift of flavoring and helping in the pre-paration of other foods, if only in the form of lard. It's one of those meats that makes friends with everything, including sweets, like applesauce or pineapple, and you can serve it in countless ways; as a roast, as a chop, hot or cold, and with a thousand and one garnishes and accompaniments. Let us know how you like our own special variations.

• • • • •

THE OALLUPINO POPULATION — We recently ran across a Gallup survey of the foods people would buy if they had more money to spend in that direction. The result showed that 37 %

Radio Life




File This Foge Rader "6Mreas -Meat"

a. E

would buy more meat, 31 % more vegetables, 27 % more fruits, 21 % more dairy products, 7% more breads and cereals, etc., 7% more eggs, 5% more chocolates, pastiies and sweets, and 2% more vitamins. Now the total of these "percents" is 137 % and the total of anything shouldn't be more than 100%! What we'd like to know in this instance is if the investigator was seeing double in some cases, or if he made it a point to count "the little man who wasn't there"?

EPIQU1Z ANS WERS - We hope you got them all right, and if you have you belong way up at the head of the class. But just hi case you haven't .

1. The full meaning of Deglet Noor is "date of light." 2. Fish is a brain food insofar as it supplies the brain with

phosphorus, but then so are foods rich in iron or calcium. 3. Pectin, found in fruits like apples and grapefruits and

used for transfusions. 4. At the San Diego Mission. 5. Added to the final rinsing water, salt helps keep the

colors in laundry from running. 6. A "Dutch Turkey" is a pair of spare ribs sewn together

and stuffed with beef and veal. 7. Blue; technically known as blue-copper haemacyanin. 8. George Washington himself. 9. To overcome "blackout blindness." Carrots contain vita-

mins which help our eyes to adjust themselves quickly from light to darkness.

10. "Warm" ice cream is what they call an ice cream made with more than the usual amoui.. uf butter fat.

Recipe for Pork Chops Cranadiere S slices Wilson's 01' Fashund bacon 8 pork chops 1 tsp. Gravy Master 12 package Cinch apple sauce 112 lsps. salt 2 cups Signet apple jiliee 1 tepi DIOS, choppe•I 4 sweet potatoes

Sinai, It. apple .aileith Ii. the apple ;i1,41 It1131 Massie, . oN,

lb, poi k chops in a trl :t 11131 skIllet Placi the m iii a ass, ole sr, to k It V111/1 S1.111e of the ',ail :11/.1 ..lit Ind: • rII,, uIi l.i.,-, 11 pious. Filet, VIII 1111. sWeet 1114111111.1f,, pe, led 111111 1.111 III lai r lenglIts4 i.e. ..11 p ..1 then nu. appli, ... Mire M1111 11,0 y \Laster on lop. I us the Wig on alai

put on top ol II,, apple Sailer esi , serssle and hake iii 1,4•11 at 325 dg. I., 2 hotly!,

Recipe for IS us Tentler %huh, Ilona with Signet Pepperntini Pevirs

'ii; . i"-,%‘"* ","" 1""I" kl." 1, 3 lbs. ,011 1;,111 / Jr. IT. 1111.111 ,t1S

lip l,iuss,I

tit eits..Nes . .p h 1111.11 1.1.1.,, i1

the Op. Jae 4.1 S is',' I pc pp., mint

of the In ou It !algal. poi I lir I up 1 i tor 45 in mutt's. Paso II ni 17 while

Recipe for Pork Sausage Loaf 1 lb. Wilson's Cei tilled sausage meat 1 It,. fender Made ham, ground 1 cup bread crumbs IA cup crea m 1 tsp. salt 1 'sp. l.iasy Master 1/4 isn• 10'13Per I cup Signet apple juice 1 egg

Mix all ingredients well. %hen Well mai soil, Wi n into a bat ing loaf pan mad bake in an over at 445 degiees 1 or 1 hour and 15 minutes.

sugar to cover the surface of pears aitil at mute them lull top thr jar and bake at 350 (lg.

ball nig.



Chef Milani's Super-Economical

"Dinner for Four, for a Dollar, No M ore"


Meat Balls with Rice and Vegetables

Buttered Beets

Lettuce with French Dressing

Bread and Butter


M alaga Grapes for Dessert

Recipe for Meat Balls wills Rice and Vegetable* t, lb. clunk pot roast of beef 4 slices Wilson's bacon Salt anti pope,. 1/2 lb. k hler 1 apple, I cal tot ess

3 Ilh.p. 114hiie

Isp I., Master 1 r•111 1.'111.1101,

1 11.. rf I. I 1 11P. 1t11.11:11 Piiirk rice

First, ii i lot n, II,. of chuck Iert oitti /pi Iso.k No w season s• th I Isp. 4.1 salt Ulu! I,ts. s sr pep per. 1lien I...J and 1,111' 1 Apple sold mitts e sr, y No NI in , Illy to len egi 1.II the Mess), I (.1111 11-1,11 1,11.1111 1.0111111S, 411111 1 egg. Now Issvill S hall,. I oil in 1 listir and in a !hick skillet o -I slices 4.1 \\

1-11,1 1 1/111.4.11 111, .1.11,11 j11,41•, 111r halls ill 11 1•1........11.1t. In Mi. bar.. th issising its Ilse It N pill the content, s.1 t.,../stai we

4.1 si.1141 pack 14.11 ,11 ,1, 1 1-,1111.1 /111•411 '1 cry f inv. I stalk it' celery ot ',lot I isji. .1 salt. \iishi tit bake

ill stet ts, ell 111 .1:.1I dealer. Iii ht:h 1/11111111•N. and NN {Me It u t•li‘sf.1•41.1111. IS in I he 5,5 els, NN ask 1 lb. 4.1 Park Nile II. ,..,' t best pelt lit a till 1 gnarl 4.f "sale! and us s,,,,,? as Illy I it, g'Is 1.-11d1.1. 111:1111. %O W plar, rice nit s hot dish. niake a hole I,, 1 he ce 111 er and p111 lite meat balls in the middle. Lastly, pour sau Ie. all er the lice, soil then serve.


Pod, Spaieribs with Risotto

Boiled Ca bbage

Sliced Beets with Le mon Sauce

Bread and Butter


Jack Benny Jello

Recipe for Pork Spareribs with Risotto 2 II,s. poi k spai ius 1 lb. Budget i, blue Rose rice 1 Coll ',dill pack issis tatot, Gs as 3' sail Mid pepper

First, 111,11/.• 2 b us. iii luiI I lib\ 1111111 111.1.1N11. W111.11 j1111 111/411 in a bob l) Noss sh si.uI a Ili 1 IMP. •I'• .1 II l'In and 1 1,1,, iii 1.,,,,) I. 11.1•11 / IO C » ii Nst. 2.2 is;; ol solid ts,ts I. loinaioe-14

and pool I In r1 ,111.•111, 1,..I php 4hl 111r Sp:111,111S. 1111 ,.11 r

In a boil. .'-.,- xi II i.' 5 ". P̀a Is are al •. V,11,11 1 lb. 44 entigi I Pack 1,1 m. hese I la o I Ili 1

ui sahril \t he. ii,. 'III , Ni. N "sr, V, 1 1 11 Millee solid spat I tie, 1 brit is% t., iss ,•••sssle asmi bake in vs en tor 13 Milittles al 3i1.1 degi Yes.

CHEF MILANI is heard Mo nday through Friday al

II a. on. over K MIC ia a progra m entitled A DINNER




Active Duty (Continued from Page II)

demand for themselves, they are on the right path."

"I suppose in the entertainment busi-ness things happen just that way," you hint, "you know, we do hear stories about people having a hard time getting a break. If you're so strong for the. under-dog, why go any farthe,r than your own profession. Why, there are thousands of youngsters . " . . . and oldsters, too, who need a

break," Hersholt finishes. "Well, we do what we can. We have the Motion Pic-ture Relief Fund. (1 happen to he presi-dent of it). We have the Screen Actor's Guild (I'm chairman of its Exectith e Committee). We have the Amerihn Fed-eration of Radio Artists (1 try to serve 'it as a member of the board). And .we have the Theatre Authority (I'm on that board, too), Of- course, progress is slow, but we're trying to.... "

"Gosh!" you gasp. "Well, Mr. liersholt, why. I didn't know.... " You're a little off balance, apparently. But suddenly it hits you, —"Why, you really do believe, — I mean, you really go ior• this stuff personally.'" Hersholt laughs, "Yes, I really go for

it." "You're -not kidding," you continue

earnestly, "it's not just a radio script — no," you interrupt yourself thoughtfully, "it IS a radio script, but 'there's sin-cerity behind it."

Do you mind if I interrupt now? You've gotten everything off your chest? Fine, I thought you would. Feel better now? Again, fine! Again, I thought you would. After all, the time comes when is fellow feels he just has to go to bat on cer-tain things and . . . oh, that's okay, you don't have to explain, -1 felt the same way myself, see what 1 mean?

Eight-thirty in the evening. On Wednesday. Now, you don't have to. . . . Okay, on KNX. You may not like the show at all, you know. You say you think you'll listen any. way. Well, all right. You don't have to explain. I know what you mean.

* * "‘‘' 5'0 Practical, Too

Thirteen year-old Betty Swanson, one of the NBC-Blue Net's popular Quiz Kids, designs and makes her own clothes, and has been designing clothes ever since she can remember. At kindergarten age she put on a one-woman style show of her costumes for her mother's club. • When, in the fourth grade, her teacher

announced her engagement a-nd approach-ing marriage, Betty went to work on a trousseau. Said teacher used every cos-tume design she supplied —from wedding .dress to sports outfit.

Delicious Chicken Soup with highest grade rice and generous portions of tender chicken meat. Be sure to ask for LYNDEN'S

Ao one seems In be able In do anglhIng In keep him off the air and most people are resigned to their late. . . . Result: Mac s listening audience continues

amazing growth,

Unmechanical Mac "There's nothing we can do, friends,

about the master of ceremonies on the following program. We've tried, but the jerk is a friend of the sponsors. There-fore, we reluctantly give you . . . Mac, the Mechanic." With this flattering in-troduction, a happy-go-lucky sort of fel-low takes over an hour program on KF WB at 6 o'clock every morning. His transcribed music, time signals, puns, and weather reports are directed straight at early risers, especially aircraft and de-

Eddie Remembers Back in 19•21. when Eddie Cantor was

working for Flo Ziegfeld, he went to a private party in Cold Springs Harbor, I.. I. where he sang "If You Knew Susie" for the Prince of Wales. The same royal gentleman, known now as the Duke of Windsor, heard Cantor sing the same song for him few weeks ago when he paid visit with the Duchess .to Cantor's ”Time to Smile" program. Cantor didn:t miss on the lyrics once even though it was 17 years ago when he first serenaded the Duke.

* * Kfl, 9 p.m. Wed.

fense workers hurrying to the 7 o'clock shift.

Time signals are given every three min-utes. Mae pays $1 for every gag used on the show and chooses recorded music from a library of 10,000 selections. Col-lege students and wives of workers are responsible for most of Mac's mail. Included in daily tips to housewives are

impossible suggestions on effective ways of getting hubby up in titne for work, for repairing transmission, windshield wiper, or spark plug. The advice invari-ably ends with "Aw, skip it. Go on down to the Pp Boys (sponsor) and let them take care of your trouble. In the mean-time, roll over and go back to sleep!"

* * 6 a.m. 51nn.-Sat.



JIAJ6WETTIJ HEAR the "Encores" as plates come back for more of your fine cook-ing. Seasonettes, Amer-ica's First All-Purpose Seasoning glorifies all dishes from simple sal-ads to family roasts. It's iest fnl and deliL ciotzs.. Ask your grocer for Seasonettes today.



SUNDAY Program Highlights Mo ming Prograiiis Appear in ..iRhifoci• TH.;

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:30—Invitation to Learning,

KNX. 9:15-1'm An American, KECA-

KFSD. 9:30—Freedom's People, K n. 10:30—The World Is Yours, K n. 11;ou—Looks at Books. KFl. 1:00—University Explorer, K n. 1:15—Tony Wons, KF1. 1:30—Behind the Mike. KECA-

KFSD. 2:00 —Swingo. KFWB. 2:30—Musical Steelmakers,

KECA-KFSD. 2:10— We're Five in the Fam-

ily, KV'. 3:30—The Great Gildersleeve,

KFI. 3:30—Gene Autry Melody Ranch,

FiN X. 3:55—Dear Mom. KNX. 4:00—Jack Benny. KFI. 5:00—Charlie McCarthy, K M 6:00—Grandpappy and His Pals.

KECA-KFSD. 6:45—Dinah Shore, KECA-KFSD. 7:00—Good Will Hour, KECA.

EFSD. 7:30—Keep 'Em Rolling, KILI-

KGB. 8:03—Signal Carnival (Signal Oil

Co.), it Fl. 8:30—Jack Benny, KECA. 10:30—Lucky Lager Dance Time,


Drama 10:15—Romance or Highways.

KHJ-KGB-KVOE. 12:00—Great Plays, ICECA. 3:00—Silver Theatre. KNX. 3:30—Bulldog Drummond, KI M-

KG11-KFNM-1(1*()E. 4 :30—Nobody's Children, HHJ-

KFXM. 4:30 —Captain Flagg and Ser-

geant Quirt, KECA-KFSD. 4:30—Academy Award, KVOE. 4:30—Tailspin Tommy, KNX.

Workshop. KNX. 5:30—One Man's Family. EFL 7:311—Helen Hayes Theatre. KNX 7 :30—Sherlock Holmes, KFI. S:00 —Crime Doctor, KNX, 8:00—Inner Sanctum Mystery,

KECA-KFSD. 8:30-1 Was There, KNX. ii:110—Dear John. KFCA-KFSD. 9:00 —Columbia Footlight

Theatre, KNX. 9:15—Parker Family, BF,. 9:30—Hermit's Cave, ILM PC. 10:00—Screen Guild Theatre, KNX

Quiz Programs 3:00—Prof. Puzzlewit, [EFL 5:30—Spelling Berliner. KNX. 7:00—Take It or Leave It. fiENX. 10:00—Are You Musical? KMPC.

Afteriiiion and

Outstanding Music 8:30—Music and American Youth,

KFI. 9:30—Radio City Music Hall,

KECA-KFSD. 11:15 —Concert Petite, KFI. 12:00—New York Philharmonic,

KNX. 1:30—Pause That Refreshes,

KNX. 1:30—Music for Americans. RFC 2:00—Metropolitan Auditions,

KFI. 2:00 —Sunday Concert, KFAC. 2:00—Family Hour, KNX 3:00—Haven of Rest. KHJ-HGB-

KFXM-HVOE. 4:00 —Symphonic Strings, KHJ-

KFXM-K11)1(. 4:30—Gateway to Music. KFAC. 4:30—Fitch Bandwagon, [EFL 6:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-

Round, Krt. 6:00 —Ford Sunday Hour, KNX. 6:30—Album of Familiar Music.

RFC 7:00—Hour of Charm, KFI. 8:00—Hancock Ensemble. HILL 8:45 —('hapel Quartet. RFC 11:00--Philharmonia, HECA.

Public A ff airs—News 8:00—Reviewing Stand, KGB-

KVOE. 9:30—Elizabeth Wayne. KHJ-

KGB-KVOE. 9 :40—Sam Brewer, KHJ-KGB-

KVOE. 9:50—John B. Hughes, KHJ-

KGB-KVOE. 10:00—Upton Close, KFL 11:110— Wake Up America. KECA-

KFSD. 11:30—Chicago Round Table,

12:15—H. V. Haltenborn, KFI. 1:00—Cavalcade of Industry.

KFWB. 2:45— William Sivirer, KNX. 4:00—News from Europe. ((RCA. 5:00—American Forum of Air

KHJ-KGR-K 11E-KFXM. 5:45—Pearson & Allen, KECA-

KIND. 6:00—Robert Arden, KFWB. 7:00—Gabriel Meatier. KHJ-

KGB. 7: m—open Forum, HFAC. 9:00— Walter Winchell, 10:00—RICHFIELD NE WS, K M. 10:30—Report to Nation, KNX. 10:30—Inside the News, Krt.

Sports — Co rn mcnt

9:00—Second Guessers. K n. 2:00—New Mexico vs. Loyola,

EMIT. 10:15—Bownng Notes, KFWB.

SUNDAY Programs NOVEMBER 23. 1911

8 to 9 A. M. KFI-8, News; 8:05, Highlights of Week's News; 8:13, Sunday Down South; 8:30, Music and American Youth.

KNX-8. West Coast Church; 8:30, Invitation to Learning.

Funnypaper Man: 8:30. Songs for Sunday; 8:45. Voice of Prophecy.

HE( A-8, News; 8:03. Grazielin Far-rago; 8:15, First l'iano Quartet; 8:3o, Revue in Miniature.

ILFWIS-8, News; 8:15. Jesse Craw-ford; 8:30. Rescue Mission.

ILMIT -8, Sunday Date: 8:30, Easy Listening.

KMTR-8, Swedish Hour: 8:30, W. B. Record: 8:45, R. P. Shuler.

KFAC-8. Country Church; 8:30. Music.

liGFJ -8„ News; 8:15. Strings; 8:30. Concert Time.

IKRIED -8. :ouch Program; 8:45, News; 8:55. Min.ic.

KFOX -8, Records. KGER -8, News; 8:05, Brother John; 8:30, Christian Evidences; 8:43, Shepherd's Call.

HPSD -8. News, Gra:fella Parraga; 8:15. First Piano Quartet; 8:30. Fiesta of Music.

KGB-8, Reviewing Stand: 8:25. News; 8:30, Songs for Sunday; 8:40, Voice of Prophecy.

IIIFVD-8. Rev. Salas; 8:30. Church of Christ.

EVOE-8, Reviewing Stand; 8:25, News: 8:30, Songs for Sunday; 8:45. Voice of Prophecy.

9 to 10 A. M. KFI-9, Srronui tmessers; 9:30, Freedom's People.

KNX-41, Columbia Country Journal; 9:30, Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir.

KHJ -9, P. E. Gardner: 9:30, Eliza-beth Wayne; 9:40, Sam Brewer; 9:50. John B. Hughes.

KECA-9. Opal Scarborough; 9:15, I Am An American; 9:30, Radio City Music Hall.

KFWB-9:30, Cotton Top. KMPC -9, News; 9:15, Hawaiian Serenade.

KMTR-9. Spanish Hour. KFAC -9, Liberal Catholic Roue: 9:15, Voice of Health; 9:30. Har-monies.

FIGFJ -9, .Jusie; 9:30. Novelties, KRIILD -9. Music Masters. KPPC -9. Devotional Period; 9:15, Tower Chimes; 9:30, Sunday Morn-ing Club.

IEFOX -9. Records. KGER -9. News; 9:05, March Ahead of Time; 9:30, Revival; 9:45, Music.

KFSD-9. Foreign Policy ARMS.: 9:15, I'm An American; 9:30, Radio City Music Hall.

KMTR KECA HJ FV0 KFSG KGFJ KFKM KFAC KGER T-CFSDTKMPCTIEVI-KFWQ-KNX R--(0 1 - ii-FTC- KFOXT-KGBTKVOE 5557771111116664440011760T'930-T-1020-T 1150 1240 1-13301-1390T 600 710 870 980 1070 1230 12 80 1360 1490

KGB-9, Covenant Gospel Service: 9:30, Elizabeth Wayne; 9:40, Sam Brewer; 9:50. John B. Hughes.

KFVD -9, Halls Time; 9:15, Sere-nade; 9:30. Music Box; 9:45, Rhy-thm.

KV0E-9, Antonini Conducts; 9:30, Elizabeth Wayne; 9:10, Sam Brewer; 9:50. John B. Hughes.

10 to 11 A. M. KFI -10. Upton Close; 10:15, Physi-cal Well Being; 10:30, World is Yours.

KNX-10. Church of the Air; 10:30, Garred, News; 10:45, Community ('hest.

XHJ-10. News: 10:15, Romance of Highways: 10:30, Canary Chorus: 10:45, Cavalcade of Swing.

KE(7A-10. Radio City Music Hall: 10:30, Speaking of Glamour; 10:45, European News.

KF WB-10. Cotton Top. KMPC-10:15. News; 10:30. Platter Parade.

KMTR-10, Fannie Reinhart. KFAC-10. Music. KGFJ -10, War Perkins; 10:15. Voice of Health; 10:30, Light Concert.

KRK1)-10. Music Masters. KPPC -10. Sunday Morning Club: 10:30, Church News; 10:45. Tower Chimes,

18F0X-111. Music; 10:15, Visitors; 10:45, Music.

KGER-10, News; 10:05, Fullerton Four Square.

KFSG -10:30, Aimee S. McPherson. KFSD-10, Radio City Music Hall: 10:30, Speaking of Glamour; 10:45. European Situation.

KGB-10. News; 10:15. Romance of Highways; 10:30, Canary Chorus; 110:45, Garden Beautiful.

KFV14-10, Rhythm; 10:45, Piano Moods,

KVOE-10, News: 10:15, Romance of Highways: 10:30, Singing Strings; 10:45, Canaries.

11 A. M. to 12 Noon KFI-11. Looks at Books; 11:15, Concert Petite; 11:30, Chicago Round Table.

KNX -11, Spirit of '41; 11:30, The World Today.

KIIJ-11, Cavalcade of Swing; 11:45. liollywood Whispers.

KECA-11. Wake Up America. KFWB-11. Cotton Top. eiMPC-11. Platter Parade. KMTR-11, First Methodist Church. KFAC—I1. Church of Open Door. KGFJ -11, Magic Theatre; 11 :Rh Auto Race Gossip; 11:45, Top Tunes.

KPPC-11, Pasadena Pres. Church. KFOX-11, Pop. Records. KGER -11. Pilgrim's Hour. KFS11-11, Wake Up America. KGB-11. Children's Chapel: 11:15, I'm An American: 11:30, Sky Over Britain; 11:45, Hollywood Whispers.

IEFVD-11, Luncheon Music. KVOE-11. Children's Chapel: 11:15. Music a la Carter; 11:30, II. King Orch.

12 Noon to 1 P. M. KFI —I2, Serenade for Sunday: 12:15, H. V. Kaltenhorn: 12:30, News; 12:45, Captain Quiz.

KNX -12, New York Philharmonic Orch.

K11.1-12, News: 12:15. T. Weems Orch.; 12:30, Walt Disney Parade; 12:45, Layman's Views of News.

Kt:CA -12. Great Plays. KFWB-12, Cotton Top; 12:30, Jean Leonard.

K3IPC-12. Platter Parade. FIMTR-12. St. Brendan's Church. KFAC -12:30, Music. KGFJ-12:15. Pop. Concert. ERED-12:30. News; 12:40, MUSIC HPPC -12:15, Music of Masters; 12:30, Jewish Program.

[(FOX -12, Records. KlFSD-12, Dept. of Agriculture; 12:15, On With Dance; 12:30„ Mati-nee with Lytell.

KGER -12, News; 12:05. Club Acore-ano; 12:30, Creehosinvakia.

KGB-12. T. Weems Orch.; 12:30. Disney Parade.

KFVD-12. Musical Revue. KVOE -12. T. Weems Orch.; 12:30, Disney Parade.

1 to 2 P. M. KIF1-1, University Explorer; 1 :15, Tony Mons' Scrapbook; 1:30, Mu. sic for Americans.

KNX-1, New York Philharmonic; 1:30, pause That Refreshes On Air.

K41.1-1, Lutheran Hour; 1:30, Young People's Church.

KECA-1, National Vespers{ 1:30, Behind the Mike.

K1.1% B-1. Cavalcade of Industry; 1:10, Don Rose: 1:15, Music.

KMPC -1, Samuel B. McKee; 1:15, Bill Molloy; 1:30, Easy Listening.

KMTR -1, G. E. Lowman; 1:30, Bet-ty Phillips; 1:45, Pianos.

KFAC -1, Golden Melodies. EKED—I, Music; 1:30 Requests. KGF.1-1. Popular Concert. KFOX-1, Music; 1:15, Ross Ball-ro om: 1:45, Lueca Floor Show.

KGER -1, News; 1:05, Spanish Hour. KFX3I -1, Lutheran Hour; 1:30, Young People's Church.

KFS14-1, Sunday Vespers; 1:30, Be-hind the Mike.

KGB-1, Lutheran Hour; 1:30, Young People's ('hureh.

KFV D-1. Music Moods: 1:15. Pi-anos; 1:30, Meet New Friends.

HVOE-1, Lutheran Hour; 1:30, Young People's Church.

2 to 3 P. M. KFI-2, Metropolitan Auditions; 2:30, We're Fite in the Family.

KNX-2, Family Hour; 2:45, Shirer, News.

EHJ-2, I Hear America Singing; 2:30, Ned Jordan, Secret Agent.

KECA-2. Music for Von; 2:15, Nick Harris; 2:30, Wheeling Steel-makers.

KFWB-2, Swinge. KMPC -1. New Metier. us, Loyola. K31TR-2, Our Saviour's Lutheran Church; 2:30, Norsk Lutheran Hour.

KFAC -2, Sunday Afternoon Con-cert.

KiliF.1 -2, News; 2:15, Friendly Ad-visor; 2:30, Faith; 2:45, Music.

KRK14-2, Request Music. KFX31-2. Salon; 2:15, Disney Pa-rade: 2:30, News: 2:45. Romance of Highways.

KFOX-2. Good News; 2:15, Billy Adams.

R10.:11-2. News: 7:05, Mission Workers: 230, I.. B. Band,

KIND-2, W. King Drell.: 2:30, Wheeling Steelmakers.

K014-2, I Heivr America Singing; 1:30. Sunday Players.

RFV11-2, Music Box; 2:15, Popular Favorites.

EV0E-2. I Hear America Singing; 2:30, Bethel Tabernacle.

3 to 4 P. M. KF1 -3, Professor Puzziewit; 3:30, The Great Gildersleeve.

KNX-3, Silver Theatre; 3:30, Gene Autry Melody Ranch; 3:55, Dear Mom,

HIL11-3, Haven of Rest: 3:34. Ad-ventures of Bulldog Drummond.

KECA-3, Catholic Hour; 3:38, Church Federation Vespers.

[(FHB-3. Music Makers. km Pr-3. Football HMTR-3. LaRayette Forum; 3:30. French Program.

KFAC -3, Sunday Afternoon Con-cert.

KiliFJ-3, Victory Assembly; 3:30, W C. T. U.; 3:45, Music.

KFOX-3. Rev. Earl [vie. KGER-3, News; 3:05. Parade of History: ;I:20. L. B. Band.

KFXM -3, Haven of Rest; 3:30. Bull-dog Drummond.

KFSG-3, Evangelistic. KFSD-3, Balboa Park Organ; 3:30, Top 0' The Week.

KGB-3. Haven of Rest; 3:30, Better Homes; 3:45, W. P. A.

KFV1)-3. l'op. Favorites; 3:15. Col-ored Revue; 3:30. Hank the Night Watchman.

IC% 0E-3. Haven of Rest; 3:30, Bulldog Drummond.

4 to 5 P. M. KF1-4, Jack Benny; 4:30, Fitch Bandwagon.

KNX-4, Dear Mom; 4:15, Public Affairs; 4:30, Tailspin Tommy.

Symphonic Strings; 4:30, Nobody's Children.

KECA-4. News from Europe: 4:30. Captain Flagg and S nt Quirt.

KFWB-4. Lutheran Gospel Boor; 4:30, News; 4:45, Stuart Hamblen. PC-4. Football.

KM1R -1, Lincoln Ate. Presbyter-ian Church; 4:30, Bible Treasury Hour.

KFAC -4. Friends Quarter Hour; 4:15, Music; 4:30. Gateway to Musts.

KGFJ -4, News; 4:13, Henry Engle: 4:30, Musics



IERK14-4:15, All Request Program. liFOX-4, Locy West; 4:30, Church of Fireside: 443, Music.

KGER-4, News: 4:05, Gospel Tid- Inge; 4:3(1. Colonial Tabernacle.

KFX11-4, Symphonic Strings; 4:30, Nobody's Children.

K r414 -4, Midget Auto Races; 4:30, Capt. Flagg & Sgt. Squirt.

K(.13-4, Bible Hour; 4:43, Hero of the Week.

KFVD -1:341, 90-90 Club. KV0E-4, Symphonic Strings; 4;30, Academy Award.

IIMPC-6, Midnight Mission; 6:15, R. Korey Orch.; 6:30, Wings Over Jordan.

IRMTR-6, Viennese Ensemble; 6:13, Old Prospector; 6:30. Names in the N e ws.

KFAC -6, News; 6:15. Music. KGFJ -6, Light Concert; 6:15. Board of Education ; 6:30 . Li ght Con- cert.

KRKD-6, Requests; 6:15, Music; 6:45, News.

KPPC-6:45, Robby Club Drama. KFOX -6, News; 6:15, Organ Music; 6:30, Sunday Evening Varieties.

KNX-8, Crime Doctor; 8:25. Win- ter, News; 8:30. I Was There.

KIIJ-8, Hancock Ensemble; 8:30, Answering Son.

KECA -8, Inner Sanctum Mysteries; 8:30, Jack Benny.

KFWB -8, Hollywood Presbyterian Church.

KVIPC -8, News; 8:15. Salon Mod. erne; 8:43. Mother's Album.

KVITR -8. Floyd Johnson. KFAC -8, Open Door Church. KGFJ -8. News; 8:15, Music; 8:30, Night Justice; 8:45. Music.

KPPC-8, Union Church Service.

10 to 11 P. M. KFI-10, Richfield News Flashes: 10:15. Bridge to Dreamland: 10:30. Inside the News (Thrifty Drug): 10:45. Bridge to Dreamland.

KNX-11). Screen Guild Theatre; 10:30, Report to the Nation.

KHJ-10, Paradise Isle; 10:30, News; 10:45. T. Weems Orch.

KECA-10, A. Rey Orris.; 10:30, Records; 10:45, P. Whiteman Orris.

KFWB-10:15. Bowling Notes; 10:30, Actor's Workshop.

KMPC -10, Are You Musical?: 10:30, Time; 10:45, Royal Hawal-

5 to 6 P. M. KGF.R-61 News; 6:03, Music; 6:15, Al Williams: 6:30, J. Sears.

KFOX -8. Music. KGER-8 . News; 8:05, Olga Graves.

.11 inns.

ILMTR-10, Viennese Ensemble; 10:15 , KF1-5, Chase & Sanborn; 5:30. One Man's Family.

KNX -5. Columhia Workshop; 5:30, Spelling Beeliner; 5:55, Davis. News.

11.11J-5, American Forum; 5:43, Fact Finders.

KECA -5, Blue Echoes; 5:30, Capt.

KFXM -6, Voice of Prophecy; 6:30,

News. KFS1) -6, Grandpappy and His Pals;

6:30, Oscar Otis; 6:45. Dinah Shore. IKGB-6, Old Fashioned Revival.

KVOE-6. Old Fashioned Revival.

KFSD-8, Inner Sanctum Mystery;

8:30, Jack Benny. uuu—s. First Baptist Church; 8:30. Ansuering You.

141 0E-8, Gospel Light.

9 to 10 P. M.

B. AvertII Orch. ; 10:30. Special Events.

KGFJ -10. News; 10:15, Radio Club; 10:30, Organ; 10:45, Dundee 1)rama. KFox-10. Rev. Fuller. KFAC -10, Music; 10:30, Lucky Lager, Dance Time.

Quiz; 5:45. Pearson and Allen. KFVVB-5. Stuart Hamblen. KM lq '-5, Restyled Rhythm: 5:30.

7 to 8 P. M. KFI-9. Walter Winchell; 9:15. Par- ker Family; 9:30, Cabbages and Kings; 9:43. Manchester Roddy.

KGER -10, News; 10:10, Music; 10:30, Echoes of Opera. .

KFXM -10:15. Ave Maria Hour; Hollywood on Parade; 3:45. News.

KMTR -5. Swiss Vodelers; 5:15. Ethel nobler; 5:30, Martin Thomas.

IEFI-7, Hour of Charm; 7:30, Sher-lock Holmes.

KNX-7 . Take It or Le ave It ; 7:30,

KNX -9. Columbia Footlight Theta-

tre: 9:30, What's It All About? Pro-

10:30. T. Weems Orch. KFS0-10, ::.sther Fricke Stuart. KFSD-10, Tapestry Musicale; 10:30,

KEAC -3, Gateway to NItIfile• 5:30, Music; 5:45, L. A. Bar issocia- firm Talk.

Helen Hayes Theatre. K11.1 -7, Gabriel Meatier; 7:13. Rabbi Magnin: 7:30. Keep 'Em Rolling.

KH.1-9, News; 9:15, Voice of pliecy; 9:45. B. Crosby Orch.

KECA-9. Dear John; 9:15, Over

P. Whiteman Orch. KFVD-10, Hank the Night Watch-man.

KGF.1-5, Popular Concert. KECA-7, Good Will Hour. Our Coffee Cups: 9:30. News; KGB-10, Paradise Isle; 10:30, T.

KRKD -5. Requests. KEW 11-7, A. Kostelanetz Orch.; 9:45. R. Himher Orch. Weems Orch. 11E0X -5, Missionary; 5:30, Varle- ties.

HGER-5. News; 5:05, Christian

7 :30, Pm An American; 7:45, Free France.

1111PC -7, W allin' Tom; 7:15, Bible

KFWB-9. Rescue Mission; 9:341.

News: 9:45, Angelica Lutheran Church.

KVOE -10, S. Kenton Oral.: 10:30,

T. Weems Orch.

Youth; 5:20, !Kingdom Within: 5:30. Rev. Webber.

KFXM -5. American Forum; 5:45. Fact Finders.

FUND-5. Talent Search; 5:30, Moments of Melody; 5:45, Pearson and Allen.

KGB -5. American Forum: 5:43, Club Reporter.

KV0E-5. American_ Forum; 5:45, Fact Finders.

6 to 7 P. M.

l'ellowship; 7:30. News; 7:45, Au- thor's News Digest.

KVITR-7. R. P. Shuler. ILFAC-7. Open Forum. 46 F.1 -7, Gold Hour. KPPC -7. Lindquest Singers; 7:30, Sacred Songs; 7:45, Organ.

KFOX-7, Lucca Floor Show; 7:15. Music; 7:30. Semi-Classical.

KGER-7, News; 7:05, Music; 7:30. G. Allison.

KFSG-7. Aimee S. Mcl'herson. Ilit'SD-7. Goodwill Ilour. K611-7. Gabriel Heatter; 7:15.

'En '

KMPC-9, Andre Kostelanetz; 9:13, Henry Misselwitz; 9:30, Hermit's Cave.

KMTR-9, Special Events.

KFAC -9 S da Eveni s ChM: 9•30 . un y •— n• - • • • Glorious Hope . • ' ,

9.30 The Dreamer. .• ' ' Kt OX -9, Ross Ballroom; 9:15. News; 9:30, Eery West.

KGER -9, News: 1:05, Rev. Crouch: 9:30. Voice of France.

° KFXM-9, News; 9:15, Old Fashlo ed

11 to 12 Midnight Kri-11, News: 11:15, Song of the Strings; 11:30, J. Grier Orch.

KNX -11, News, Manning; 11:15, Ken Stmens, Songs; 11:30, M. Strand Orch.; 11:53. News.

KH.1 -11, Sunday Night at the Cocoa-nut Grove, R. Noble Orch.

KECA -11, Philharmonia. KFIV11-11, Music You Like. KMPC -11, KMPC Music Hail. KMTR -11. H. Henry Orch.; 11:15, Spec. Events.

KFAC -11, Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFI -6. Manhattan Merry-Go-Round; 6:30. Album of Familiar Music.

Kai " Magnin; 7:30 . Kee p Rolling.

K % 0E-7. Organ Musings; 7 :15.

Revisal. KFSG-9:30, Voice of First Nighters.

KGF.1 -11, News; 11:15, Drama; 11:30, Buccaneer's Barbaree.

KFOX-11, Music. KNX-6, Ford Sunday Evening Hour. K11.1 -6. Old Fashioneu Revisal Hour. KECA -6. Grandpappy and His Pals; 6:3o,'s Notebook; 6:45. Dinah Shore. Songs.

liFV414-6, Robert Arden: 6:13, Cap- fain Quiz: 6:30, Joe ('rail; 6:45, Defending America.

Rabbi magnin; 7:31), Gospel Light.

8 to 9 P. M. KFI-11. Frost Warnings; 8:05, Sig- nal Carnival (Signal Oil ('o.): 8:30, News; 8:45, Chapel Quartet.

KIND-9. Dear John; 9:15. Over Our Coffee Cups; 9:30. Story Be- hind Headlines; 9:45. University Evplorer.

KGB -9, News; 9:15, Voice of Pro- phery; 9:45, B. Crosby Orch.

KVOE-9, News; 9:15, Voice of Pro- phecy; 9:15, B. Crosby Orch.

KFXSII -11. R. Noble Orch. KING -11, Music. KFSD -11. B. Clifford Orch.; 11:30. J Grier Orch.

KGB-11. R. Noble Orch. KFVD-11, Night Watchman. KVOE-11, R. Noble Orch.

c GAGS OF THE WEEK Co cloaca 000000000000000000000000000 0009000000 00000000 W OO

For the best Gags of the Week, heard over Radio and sent Radio Life. tickets will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts or tours of NBC and CBS Hollywood studios. Clip the coupon on Page 2 and send It with your best gag selection to 1029 West il'ashington Boulevard, Los Angeles.

Philip Burns, 821 South Spaulding, Los An. gales, Calif. Sirs: Heard on Great Gildersleeve: Lady (river the telephone): We have

a small apartment at the 'Venus De Milo Arms.

F. Blackman, 350 West Cedar Street, Bur-bank, Calif. Sirs: He ird on Fibber McGee: Little Girl: (telling a story to Fib-

ber): Once upon a time there was a Boston Bull Terrier and sotne boys tried to tie a tin can to its tail, but they



couldn't do it. (Prolonged silence). Fibber: Go on with the story. Little Girl: Tha's all. It was a ver3

short tale. Tickets also to Frances McCormack,

287 East Calaveras Street. dltadena.

Mildred Micky, 1612 Huntington Drive, South Pasadena, Calif. Sirs: Heard on Al Pearce Show: Constance Bennett (giving dinner for

the gang to teach them etiquette): Kit-zel, do you always hold up your little finger when you eat? Kitzel: That means Put going to make

a left turn into the spaghetti.

Carol Stephenson, 1415 South Union Ave., Los Angeles. Sirs: Heard on True or False: Dr. Hogan: I have an aunt. When you

tell her a secret only two parties know. Contestant: You and her? Dr. Hogan: No. Republicans and Demo-


Mrs. L. D. Varian, 1183 North Western Ave.. Hollywood Sirs: Heard on Bob Burns Show: Bob: The reason more women don't

go for politics is about a year ago a

woman threw her hat in the ring and the election was over before they found out the thing was a hat.

Kathryn Wagner, 854 16th Street, Santa Monica, Calif. Sirs: Heard on Chase and Sanborn: Customer: Do you sell flea soap? Charlie: No, we just sell dog soap and

let the fleas wash themselves.

THRIFTY Presents








MONDAY Program Highlights Monring Programs Appear in Lighttace Type; Afternoon end

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00 —Johnny Murray. K M. 8:15—Art Baker. KFI. 9 00 —Kate Smith, KNX. 10.30 —Tom Breneman, KECA. 11:00—Chef Milani, KMPC. 1:15 —Club Matinee. [MCA. 4:00 —Art Baker's Notebook, HPI 7:00 —Monday Merry-Go-Round,

KECA-KFSD. 7:15 —Spotlight Rands, K M-

Kt.B-KFX3I-KVOF.. COO —Amos Andy, KNX. 8:00 —Herbert Marshall, RICCA-

HYSID. 8:15 —Lam and Abner, KFI. 8:30—Gay Nineties Revue. KNX. 9:00 —Vox Pop. KNX. 10:00 —Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. tO :45 —Lamplighter, KILL

Drama 0:00 —Lug Radio Theatre, ENE. 8:30 —That Brewster Roy, EFL 7:00 —Orson Welles Mercury

Theatre, KNX. 1:30 —Cavalcade of America. 191 1:30 —Blondle. KNX. 1 :30 —Lone Ranger. KHJ-KG14-

1V0E-KFXM. 0:30 —I Love a Mystery. !SECA-

KFSD. 9;30 —Hawthorne Rouse. IF!. 9:30 —Hollywood Showcase, TENN

Quiz Programs 6:00—Dr. I. Q., ITFI. 8:30 —Double or Nothing, KHJ-


Outstanding 31 usie (2:13 —Lun cheon Concert, KFAC. 3:00 —Classic Hoar, KECA. 3:00 —Haven of Rest, KHJ-


3:30 —Song Treasury. INN. 8:30 —For America We Sing,

RECA. 7:13 —Masters Hour. KMI T. :00 —Es ening Concert, KFAC. 1:03 —Pleasure Time, KFI. 8:13 -1 anny Ross. INN. 8:30 —loice of Firestone. IF!. 9:00—Telephone floor. K M. 10 :30 -5Iasterworks. INN. 11:00—Philharmonia, KE('A.

Public A f f airs—News 7:30 —Bob Garrett, KNX. 7 :45—Nelson Pringle, KNX. 7:45 —Sam Hayes, KFI. 9:00—John B. Hughes. KHJ-

KGB-KVOE. 4:00 —Fulton Lewis, 111111,1-1116ii

KVOK-KFNM. 4:43 —John Gunther, AN'S!). 4:45 —Frank Hin man, K n. 5:30 —Bill Henry, KNX. 5:55 —Elmer Davis. INN. 6:00 —Gabriel Heatter, K M-

KGB. 7:00 —Rayniond G. Swing, KH.I-

KGB-KFXM-HVOF:. 7:43 —Robert Arden, KF WB. 8:45 —Let's Talk News, KMPC. 0:45 —Rill of Rights. KMTR. 9:15 —Sizing Up the News, K M-

KGB-KF71131-HVOE. 9:30 —Fulton LeWIS, KI1J-KGB-

KVOE-ILIFXM. 9:45 —Rodriguez & Sutherland,

KECA. 10:00 —Rob Garred, INN. 10:00 —RICHFIELD NE WS. KFL 10:30 —Inside the News, IF'!.

S ports—Com nze n t 0:15—Sporis Roundup. KECA. 8:30 —Snorts Page, K MPC. 1:30 —Flying Football, KF.CA. 10:15 —Bowling Notes, KPH B.

MONDAY Programs NO5 EMBER 21, 1911

8 to 9 A. M. 1571-4, Johnny Murray Talks It Oyer; 8:13, Art Baker; 8:30, News; 8:48. David Harlan.

INE -11, Treat Time, Buddy Clark: 8:15, Your Neighbor; 8:30, Hymns of All Churches; 8:45, Stories America Loves.

15.1t1 -8, Breakfast Club: 8:30, News; 8:43. As The Twig Is Rent.

KECA -8. Musical Clock: 8:15, Capt. Quiz; 8:30, News; 0:45, Rob-ert Lee Johnson.

EF WB -11, Melodies; 8:15, Don Rose: 8:30, Pop. Drell.

I MP —a, Andy & Virginia; 0:15, Market Reports: 1:25, Successful Living: 8:30, Unity Daily Word.

1131T11 -8, Spanish Program. EGFJ -8, News; 8:13. Breakfast Serenade; 1:45, Dr. WiSMURS.

KRI M-4, Music: 8:30, News; 1:35, Music.

HFAC -11, Sacred Heart: 8:13, Mu-sic; 8:30, Garden School; 5:43. Music.

KFOX -8, News; 8:15, Records: 5:45, Classified.

EGER -8, News; 8:03. Soul Patrol: 8:13, Mizpah; 8:45, Rev. Benning-ton.

ICIPXM -8. Breakfast ('hub: 8:13. Sunshine Service; 8:45, As The Twig is Kent.

IIFSD -11, Breakfast Club: 8:13. Good Cheer: 0:30. News; 1;45, 'Alma Kitchell.

KGB-8. Breakfast Club: 8:30, News; 8:45, As The Twig Is Bent.

IIIFVD —A, Covered Wagon Jubilee. HVOE—(1, Breakfast Club; 8:30, News; II:15, As Twig Is Bent.

9 to 10 A. M. KFI -9. What's Doing: 9:15, Miran-dy's Garden Patch; 9:30. One Word Jackpot; 9:33, News; 9:45, Road of Life.

KNX -9, Kate Smith; 9:15. Big Sis-ter .; 9:30. Romance of Helen Trent: 9:45, Our Gal Sunday.

IIHJ -9. J. R. Hughes; 9:15, Norma Young: 9:45. We're Always Young.

KECA -9. Southernaires; 9:15. Gwen William.; 9:30. Here's to the Ladies: 9:43, MU•ieill Mysteries.

KF WB -9. Music; 9:15, News; 9:30, Tall Philosopher; 9:45, Pop. Orch.



Covey 1,408 WED SI X E C A

9:30 A.M. KM PC -9. News: 9 :15. Hollywood Way to GI . 9.30, Family Bible; 9:43. News

KNITR -11, Music; 9:15, Health: 9:30. W. R. Record; 9:15. 21:11.... Events.

KFAC -9, Unity Viewpoint; 9:13. Voice of Health; 9:30. Music.

KGF.1 -9, News. Stocks: 9:15. Music, IiiRRD--9, Sagebrush Serenade; 9:30. Music; 9:15, News.

KFOX -9. Firebrands for Jesus; 9:15. Melodies,

KGER -9, News: 9:85, Rev, Parham: 9:15, March Ahead of Time; 9:30. Revival; 9:45, Full Gospel.

KF'XM -9. News; 9:15. Pop. Oral.; 9:30, Women's Program.

K FSD -9. America Calling; 9:15. Health Talk: 9:30. Hal Curtis, Or-gan; 9:45, Helen Hiett.

KGB -9. John B. Hughes; 9:15, Ben Sweetland; 9:30, Musieal Portraits; 9:45. We're Always Young.

KFVD -9. Waltz: 9:15. News: 9:30, Dr. Richardson: 9:45. Parade.

KVDF. -9, John B. Hughes: 9:15. ('. Foster Drell.; 9:30. Monitor News; 9:45, We're Always Voting.

10 to 11 A. M. KFI -10, Agnes While: 10:15, Bens Johnson; 10:30, Bachelor's Chil-dren; 10:45. Dr. Kate.

INN -10. Life Can He Beautiful: 10:15, Woman In White: 10:39, Right to Happiness; 10:43, Dave Lane, Songs.

KF1 KECA KNJ KFVD TFFSDT KMPCTKI EV TKFWITTKNX 5101-6401-790T 930-7-1020T 600 710 870 980 1070

KFSG KGFJ KFXM KFAC GER arD im-KF0a-K6.-11, Fro. RP TI33013 1230 1280 1 14 0

HILI -10, News: 10:13, Helen Hol-den; 10:30, Front Page Farrell: 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

KECA -10. ililleP A Lila; 10:15, Jack Owens and the Envesdropper: 10:30. Breakfast at Sardi•s.

HFIVB-10. School News; 10:15. Vo-cal Varieties; 10:4.5, Music and News.

1151PC -10. Andy R %Irginia; 10:30, Spare the Rod; 10:45. News.

KMTR -10. Our Saviour's Lutheran Chnrch; 10:15, Spec. Events; 10:45. Voiney James.

KFAC -10. Serenade; 10:30, News; 10 45, C 'lona! Church.

KliFJ -10, News: 10:15, Voice of Health; 10:30, Musk.

KRKD -10, Paddock Flashes; 10:13, Talk; 10:30, P.-T. A.; 10:45, News: 10:50. Music.

KFOX -10. News: 10:15, Music; 10:30, Second Cup of Coffee; 10:43, Woman's Hour.

KGER -10, News, Full Gospel; 10:15, Kingdom Within; 10:30. Bright Corner: 10:45, Sunshine Pastor.

KFXM -10, News; 10:15, Organ; 10:30. Front Page Farrell; 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

KI ND -10. Vence & Lila; 10:15. Jack Owens & Eavesdropper; 10;30, Breakfast at SardPs.

KGB-10, News: 10:15, KGB Pre-sents: 10:30. Front Page Farrell: 10:15. 1'11 Find My Way.

KI ND -10. Morning Serenade; 10:30. Union Rescue Mission.

KV0E -10, News; 10:15, Helen Hol-den: 10:30. Front Page Farrell; 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

11 A. M. to 12 Noon

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KMPC -1 1 :00 A. M.

KFI -11. Light of the World: 11:15. Mystery Man; 11:30, isillant Lady: 11:45, Arnold Grimm's Daughter.

KNX -11. Bright Horizon; 11:15, Aunt Jenny's Stories; 11:30. Fletch-er Wiley; 11:45. Kate Hopkins.

ILHJ -11, Victor Lindlahr: 11:30, Market Place; 11:45, Carnation Bouquet.

KF:CA -11, Records: 11:15, Prescott Presents; 11:30, Into the Light: 11:45, Midstream.

KF W11,--11. To m Stoddard; 11:15, Bing Crosby; 11:30, Al Jarvis.

KMPC -11, Chef Milani: 11:30, Coun-cil of Beauty; 11:45, Farm Journal.

KMTR -11, Spec. Events; 11:30. Mon-itor News; 11:43. Dr. .1. A. 1.0%ell.

KFAC -11. LPN Adams: 11:30, Polly Patterson; 11:45, Mosic.

KGFJ -11. Ne ws, Stocks; 11:15, Music: I1:30. Rhythm Hotindup.

KRI M -11. Robbie. l'ianist: 11:15, Music: 11:30, News: 11 15. Music.

KFOX -11. Tempos of Today; 11:15, Lost Pets: 11:30, News; 11:43, Dapper Dan.

ILGER -11, Ne w s; 11:15, Purple Mules; 11:45, Music.

KFXM -11, Pop. Orch.; 11:15; Cliff Cameron. Organ; 11:30, Sleet the Band; 11:15, Americ a Talking.

KFSD -11. din With Dance; 11:15. V. Lopez. Writ.: 11:30. Into the Light; 11:45, News,

KGB -11. Cedric Foster; 11:13, ('am-eron, Organ: 11:30, Pulpit High-lights: 11:45. Academy Band.

KFV1) -11, News; 11:15. Album; 11:30. Ma ma; 11:45, Violet Schram.

KVOF: -11, Cedric Foster: II:15, Federated Women's Clubs; 11:30, Naval Academy Band.

12 Noon to 1 P. M. KFI -12. Farm Reporter: 12:13, Ma Perkins; 12:30, Guiding Light: 12:45. Sic and Sade.

KNX -12, Man I Married; 12:15, Manning, News; 12:30. News. Gar-ret]; 12:33, Music; 12:15, Woman of Courage.

K11.1 —II. News; 12:15. Homemaker's Club; 12:45, Bill's Work Shop.

KECA -12. Orolians of Divorce; 12:15, Honeymoon 11111; 12:30, John's Other Wife; 12:45. Just Plain Bill.

KF WB -12, Al Jarvis; 12:30. News; 12:43, Jubilee.

IMP(' —I?. High Noon; 12:13, News: 12:30, Peter Potter.

KMTR -12. News Reel; 12:15, Spec. Events; I2:43, Old Prospector,

HFAC -12. News; 12:15, Luncheon Concert.

RGFJ —I2, News. Stocks; 12:13, Pan-American Review: 12:30. City Dwellers; 12:45. Let's Listen.

KRKD -12, Music; 12:30. Jimmle's Saddle Pals.

KFON -12, Dance Time; 12:15, News; 12:30. Kitchen Garden: 12:45 Science of Mind.

KGER -12, News; 12:05, Desert Man; 12:15, Little Concert; 12:30, Music.

ISFX34 —(2. Singin' Os ell; 12:15r News: 12:30. Pop. Drell.; 12:45. F. Palmer (1-ch.: 12:55, News,

HF:41) -12, Orphans of Divorce: 12:15, Honeymoon Hill; 12:30. John's Oth-er Wife; 12:15, Just Plain Bill.

FCGR —I2, News; 12:15, Denver Darl-ings; 12:30. Your Army: 12:45. F. Palmer Orch.; 12:55. News,

KFVD -12, Editor of Air; 12:30, Luncheon 3liteic; 12:45, Violet Schram.

KVOE -12. News: 12:15, Have You Read? 12:30, 'four Army: 12:45, F. Palmer Orch.; 12:53, News.

1 to 2 P. M. KFT -1, Backstage Wife; 1:15, Stella Dallas: I:30, Lorenzo Jones; 1:45. Young Kidder Brown.

INN —I. Stepmother; 1:15. Myrt and Marge; 1:30. School of the Air.

111.1 -1, Bookwo rm: 1:15, Harold Turner, Pianist; 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:4.5, Boake Carter.

KFA A —I, News; 1:15, Club Matinee: 1:55, Records.

RFVVR -1. Jubilee: 1:30, Monty Ma-gee; 1:45. H. Horliek Ouch.

KMPC -1, Peter Potter; 1:30. Mao on the Street; 1:45. It Goes Like This.

11151TR -1, Spey. Events: 1:30. Eugenia Clair natio: 1:43. Spec. 1.:%ents.

KFA(' -1, Science of Mind; 1:15. Music: 1:30. Les Adams.

IRGF.1 -1. News, Stocks; 1:15. Strings: 1: W Matinee Melodies.

ICRK1) -1. News, Music• 1:30. Sing-ing Waiters: 1:15, Salvatore San-

14111X -1. Organ: I:15, Classified: 1:30. Christian Science: 1:45. Blues,

KGKR —I, N e w s; 1:03. Officials: 1:20, Bits of Hits; 1:30, Spanish Trio.

KIFXSI -1. South American Way; 1:15, Harold Turner: 1:30. John-son Family; 1:45, Hooke Carter.

KFSD-1, Sky ROOM Sketches: 1:15. Ann Gibson: 1:30. Maxine Seidler: 1:45. On With Dance; 1:53, News.

KGB -1, Bookworm: 1:15. Monitor News: 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:43, Hooke Carter.

KF'l D -1 , New.: 1:15. Moods In Mii.ic: I:45, Vocal Varieties.

KS OE-1, Bookworm; 1:15, Harold Turner: 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:15, Brooke Carter.

2 to 3 P. M. KFI-2. When a Girl Marries; 2:15. Portia Facer Life: 2:30, We the Abbotts: 2:45, Mary Marlin.

KNX -2. Wheatena Playhouse: 2:15. Road of Life; 1:30, O'Neill's; 2:43, Just F:ntertainment,

KILI -2, Music Depreciation: 2:15. Eddie Albright; 2:30, News; 2:43, Let's Play Bridge.

KECA -2. Classic Hour. K B-2 South Sea Magic: 2:30. Ness's, Music; 2:45, U. S. Army.

K5IPC -2. Fiesta Time; ?:30. R. Korey Drell.; 2:45. Sens.

KMTR -2, Woman's World. KFAC -2 Music: 2:15. Legion Ana.: 2:30, Music; 2:45, Vales, Organ.

AGFA -2, News, Stocks; 2:15, Clair; 2:30, Solunteers of America; 1:45, Music.

IFIRICD -2. Music: 2:25, Race Re-sume; 2:30, News; 2;45, Music.

KFOX -2. News; 2:15, Civic; 2:30. 1.0M Pets: 2:45. Just Relax.

KGKR -2, News; 2:05. Siesta; 2:15. L. A. R4. of Education: 2:30. Little Concert; 2:15, Red Cross.

KF'XM -9. Music Depreciation; 2:15. Hawaiian.: 2:30, News; 2:15. 9:45 Civic Spotlight.

KES14--2. Design for Dancing: 2:30. Monitor News; 2.:45, Listening Time.

KGB -2, Music Depreciation; 9:13, KGB I' ts: 2:30. News; 2:45, Let's I'lay Bridge.

KI ND -2. Music Rot; 2:15, Organ; 2:30, Romantic Rhythm.

IEVIIE-2, Music Depreciation: 905. Chic: 2:30, News; 2:45, Let's Play Bridge.



ILF1 -3. Pepper Voting's Family: 3: 15 , Lone Journey: 3:30. Against the Storni; 3:45, News.

KNX -3, Joyce Jordon; 3:13, Sing. ing Neighbor: 3:30, Golden Song Treasury; 3:45, Nancy Dixon. Shopping Guide.

ItHJ -3, Haven of Reftt: 3:30. Music: 3:45, Musical Matinee; 3:55, Forest Lawn.

KEf•A -3. Between the Bookends; 3:15, Unclassic Hour.

Kirwn-3. New.: 3:15. Pop. Writ.: 3:30. Port of Hope; 3:45. Don Rose.

13.5IPC -3. Johnny Olson. KNIT11 -3:13. D. C. Tracy; 3:30, Piano; 3:45, Spec. Eienls. FA(: -3. Music; 3:15. Sy mphony.

KI.F.1 -3. News, Stocks; 3:13, Or-gan; 3:30, Concert Melodies.

KRKD -3. Hawaiians: 3:30, News: 3:35, Musir.

KF'11X -3, Muskat Roundup: 3:30. Anita Boyer: 3:45, Recital Ti me.

ILGER -3, News: 3:05, Moak; 3:13. little Show; 3:30, Kid-01110.

FCCX51 -3, Rosen of Hest ; 3:30. Trading Pont; 3:45, Good After-noon, Soldier.

IEFSD -3, Between Bookends; 3;15. Religion and the Nest World: 3:30, National Farm o nd Ho rne Hour.

Ben Silveri:and: :6:15, Uncle Jimmy: 3:30, Off the Record: 3:43. Muskat Matinee; 3:55, Miracles of Faith.

RFVD-3, Ne ws; 3:15, Popular Fa-in:rites; 3:30, Notelty Notes; 3:45. Rhythm.

KVOIS-3. Ha‘en of Rest. 3:30 Fed-eral Mnsic; 3 13. Classified.

4 to 5 P. M. KF1-4. Art Baker's Notebook; 4:30. Headline Harmonies; 4:43, Frank Bingman.

KNN -4, ...rood Mrs. Burton; 4:15. Sating Dr. Malone; 4:30, News:, 4:35, Galen Drake.

KHJ -4. Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's Morgan: 4:30. Casey Jones. Jr.: 4:45. Orphan Annie.

KECA-4. New.; 4:30, VI hat's Do-ing: 4:43. Superman.

KF W13 -4. Don Milligan; 4:30, Mo-ttle 43 Ne w.; 4:45, Stuart Hamblen.

K311PC -4, Hollywood 1,1%11. Quiz: 4:15, Moments Mosicale: 4:30. News; 4:45, Midnight Mission.

ICMTR -4:15. Lyman Smith; 4:30. Spec. Events; 4:45, Santaella En-semble.

ILFAC -4:13, Vernon Steele; 4:30, 1.. A. City College; 445. Civil Ser-sloe Interview.

kliFJ -1, News: 4:15. Ten Time; 4:30, Memory Time.

KRKD -4, Music; 4:15. Mmieland Quiz; 4:30. Mimic: 4:45. News.

ICCON. -4. Ne w.: 4:15, Jamboree; 1:45. Pop. Music.

Kr alt-4. News; 4:13, 1.. B. J. C.; 4:30, Prophecy Speaks.

Kr‘m -4. Fulton Lewis; 4:13. Here's Morgan: 4:30. Pop. Orch.: 4:15, Orphan Annie.

KFS10 -4 :15, Maurice Mim i'; 4;30. NBC Concert Orrh.: 4:45, John Gunther.

KGB -4, Fulton Lewis; 4:13, Here's Morgan; 4:30, Caney Jones; 4:45. Orphan Annie.

KFVD -4. 96-90 Club; 4:15, Tea Time: 4:30. News.

KVOE -1. Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's M n 4:70. Casey Jones; 4:45 Orphan Annie.

5 to 6 P. M. 7F-i—s. Don Winslow; 5:1!6, Bridge Club; 5:30, Melodies by Demello; :6:43, News.

liNX -3, Galen I/rake: 5:15, Lone Journey: 3:30, Bill Henry, Ne ws: 5:45, Garrett, News; 3:35, Davis. News.

KH.1 -3. News; 3:13, Shatter Par-ker's Cirrus; 5:30, Capt. Midnight: 3:45. lack Armstrong.

RECA -5, Twilight Toles: 5:13. News: 5:30, News of the World: 5:45, Tom Mix.

KF W11 -5. Sloan, Hamblen. KIIPC -5. Fii e O'Clork Whistle; 5:15, News; 5:30. 1 note Harry.

KNITR -1, Dr. Ihnier.: 5:15, Dick Terry: 5:30. Si,.,. Eients.

RFAC -5, New.: 5:15. Sport Resiew: 3:30, Whoa Bill Club.

ItGF.1 -5, News; 5:15, Mode; 3:30. Sport Secrets; 5:45. Music.

KRI1D -5, Songs of Saddle; 5;30. Race Results; 5:45. News.

K FO N — S. 1.otrs Sunshine: 3:30, Jam-boree; 3143. Ross Enterprise.

RGER -5, ,News; 5:05. Latin Hour. KFNM -5. W orld Through a Win-don; 3:15, Shafter rail:pen Cir-rus: 5:30. Capt. Midnight; 3:45, Jack Armstrong.

RES0 -5, News; 5:15, Flying Pa-trol; 5:30, News of the World; 5:45. Tom Mix.

KGB Presents: 5:13, Shaf ter Parker's Cirrus: 3:30. Capt. Midnight; 5:43. Jack Armstrong.

RI 0E-3. Bargain Counter; 5:15. Shatter Parker's Circus; 5:35, Capt. Midnight; 5:45, Jack Arm-strong.

6 to 7 P. M. Kr7 -6. Dr. I. Q.: 6:30, That Brews-ter Boy.

KNN -6. Lux Radio Theatre. II11.1 -6. Gabriel Heatter; 8:15, Twenty Grand Club; 6:30, News: II:45. The Entoys.

KECA -3. Choices in Voices; 8:15, Sports Roundup; 6:30. For Amer-ion We Sing.

N e w s: 8:15, In the Gloaming: 6;30, Pop. Orch.; 6:45, Defending America.

KI1PC -6. News: 6:15, Oregon 1.and Man; C M, Sports Page: 6:45. Table for Two.

Irwin Alien; 6:15. Radio News Reel; 6:30. Pay Day; 6:43. Ed Rabbles.

KFAC -6. Music for Eseryone. KGFJ -6. News, Italian Melodies; 8:30, Adolph Freeman.

Concert: 8:45, Music. KFOX -6. News; 6:10, Sportlight Pa-rade: 6:15. Music; 6:30. Tex Owens: 6:15, Meet the Band.

lif a.R-6, News; 6:13, Music; 6:30, Italian Journal.

KFAM -6, News: 6:05, Technicians: 6:15, Cinnamon Bear; 6:30, String.: 11:45, Enioys.

Headline. in Sport; 6:15. f'hnnsonette; 8:30, For America We Sing.

I1G11-4. Gabriel Ileatter; 6:15. Twenty Grand Club: 6:30. News; 6:45. Beauty That Endures.

KVOE -6. Dinner Dance; 4:15, C. S. Army; 6:15, S. Kenton Orch.: 6.30. 0 County News; 6:45, The Enioys.

7 to 8 P. M. BFI -7. I acnet ion I ont•nted Pro-gram; 1:30. ( a a lead, of America.

KNX -7. Orson Welles; 7:30, Biondi,.

KHJ -7. Ray mond Gram Swing; 7:13. Spotlight Bands; 7:30, Lone Ran-ger.

RI XA -7. Monday Merry-Go-Rotund; 7:30. Flying Football; 7:45. News.

K riv11 -7, School Kids Quiz; 7:30. News: 7:43. Robert Arden.

K3114 —7, Strollin' Tom; 7:15. MRS. ter's Hour.

FINITR -7. Music: 7:15, Clifford E. Clinton: 7:30, Dr. A. C. Michelson.

KFAC -7. Floyd A. Allen: 7:30. Show of the Week: 7:45, News.

KliF.1 -7, Spanish Hour. KRI M -7. News; 1:15. Three-Quar-ter Time: 7:30, Do Imi Know?

FIFOX -7. Daily Bread: 7:15. Salm: .m e.; 1:45. Robert Arden.

KGER-7, News: 7:05, Jewish Hour. KCNI1 -7. Raymond 1.. Swing; 1:15 Spotlight Bands; 7:30, bone Ran-ger.

KrSG -7:43. Eiangelistic. KFSD -1. Monday Merry-Go-Round: 7:30, Fight.

KGB -7. Ray mond fi. Swing; 7:15, Spotlight Band.: 7:30, lane Ranger.

KVOE -7. Raymond G. Swing; 7:13. Spotlight Bands; 7:30. Lone Ranger.

8 to 9 P. M. KF7 -8. Frost Warnings; 11:05. Fred Waring: 8:15. Lum and Abner; 0:30, Voice of Firestone.

KNK -11, Amos 'n' Andy; 0:15, bonny Rotis. Songs; It:30. Gay Nineties

8:55, W PM% 1111.1 -111, Amer. Federation of Musi-cians; 4:30. Double or Nothing.

RECA —it, Old Gold Program; 8:30, I 1.41%0 a M ystery.

KFWB -111, Don Rose; 8:13, Pop Orel:.

KNITR -4, J. Grier (tech.; 1:13. Nor-man Olson; 0:43, Bill of Rights.

KMPC -111. News; 8:15. Vole, of Experience: 4:311, Salon Moderne: 8:45, Let's Talk News.

11[1,1 1(---111, Eiening Concert. FifiEJ -4. News: 111:15. KFOX -11. World In Books; 8:15. Literature on Parade; 8:30, Judge Gardner.

KGER -8. News; 6:65, Spanish Hour. RFAM—ii. Amer. Fed. of Musicians; 0:30, Double or Nothing.

KES11 -111, Herbert Marshall; 8:30. 1 a Mystery.

KGR—fl. Little Concert: 8:15. In the Gloaming; 8:30, Double or Noth-ing.

ILVOE -8, Legion Speaks: 5:15. Amer. Fed. of Munitions; 8:30. Double or Nothing.

9 to 10 P. M. KFI —II, Telephone Hour; 9:30, Haw-thorne House.

KNX -9, Vox Pop; 9:30, Hollywood Showcase.

KH.1 -9. News; 9:15, Cal 'Finney; 9:30. Fulton Lewis; 9:45, News, St

KECA -1). True or False; 9:38. News; 9:45, Rodriguez & Suther-land. VIA 11-11 :13. Don Rose; 9;30, News; 9:45. Piano Faintinga.

KMP(7 -9. Peter Potter. KMTR -9, Floyd Johnson; 9;34. America First Committee; 9;43. Singing Waiters.

ILFAC -61. Ei Millis Concert. KGF.1-9, News; 9:15, M USIC: 11:30. Calif. Stale Guard; 9:45, Synen pated Symphony.

KFOX -9, Church of Christ; 9:13 News; 11:30, Rhythm Time; 9:45. Army Set.

KGER -9. S•wit: AAA, Music: 9:30. F.iangelist Morrow.

liFXM -9, News; 9:13. Cal Thine:: 11:311. Fulton Lewis: 9:15. News. Stearns.

F'SG -9 :70. Clifford MUSSYM e. FIFSD -9. True or :4;30. S mell; 9:43. On With the Dance.

KGB -11, News; 9:15. Cal Timmy: 9:30. ninon Lewis: 9:15. News, Stonrns.

K 41E -9. News: 9:15. Cal Tinney: 9:30. Folton Lewis: 9;13. Ne ws.

10 to 11 P. M. KFI -111, hit hfield Nen ; 10:15. Nothing Rot Praise; In :'!0. E. Stoker Music: 10:30, Inside the Neos (Thr,fty Drug): 10:45. E. Stoker Music.

tifirred, News; 10:15, World Today; 10:30, Master-ork..

KH.1 -10, Editor Speaks; 10:15, T. Weems °reit.; 10:30, News; 10:45. Lamplighter.

REVA -111, P. Whiteman Orch.: 10:30. A. Rey Oreh.

KFIVII -10, Let's Dance; 10:15, Booting Notes: 14:30, Dance To-night.

KMPC -10. Murk City; 10:15. News; 10:30, Kennedy Trio; 10:43, Royal Hawaiian..

R31T11 -10, Aviation News: 10:15, B. Aterill Web.; A:30. Spec. Etents.

KFAC -10, Lucky Lager Dance Time. Kl a.1 -14, New.; 10:15. Rontantic Melodies; 10:30. SR/noels Family; 10:45, Short Story.

KFOX -10. Semi-Classical; 10:13. l.111.4•4 Floor Show; 10:30, Mnsiet 10:45, Treasure Chest.

IRGER -10, News; 10:16, Modern Theater; 10:30, Concert Under Stars.

KFX31 -111, T. Weems Orch.: 10:30, SportslIght; 10:43, Dance Oreh.

KFSG -10. Southern Gospel Singers: 10:30, Melody Trio.

KFSD -10, P. Whiteman (Seth.; 10:30, News; 10:45, Symphony or Sage.

KGB -10, George Bacon 10:30, News: 10:45, Dance Orch.

KFVD -10, Hank the Night Watch-man.

IIVOE -10 ,T. Weems Orch.; 10:30, News; 111:45, Dance Orch.

11 to 12 Midnight API -11, News; 11:15. C. Sa mna Web.; 11:30, J. Grier Orch.t News.

ANN -11, News, Manning: 11118 Hob Bradley, Songs; 11:30, M. lirand Oreh.; 11:35, News.

KH.11 -1I, B. Crosby-41'1.h.; 11:30, T. Weems Orrh.

KFA'A —II, Philliarmonia. EIFINB -11:30. Best in Music. KMPC -11. Fun House. KMTR -11, Spec. Extents; 11:111. loon, Ord:.

RFAC —II. Lucky Lager Dance Tints. KGFJ -11. News; 11:14. Organ: 11:30, Buccaneer's Barbaree.

KFON -11. Musir. KFN M -11. Teller of Curious Tales: 11:13, B. Crosby (W A.; 11:30, T. Weems Orch.

RFSG -11, Loh; Hobbs: 11:13, Dra-matic Program; 11:30. John Vi-tali°.

KFSD -11. This Mowing World; II:13, R/MUZR Orelt.; 11:30, J. Grier

Orch.: 11:55. News. R(.11 -11. IL Crosby Oreh.; 11:30. 7'. Weems Writ.

KFVD -11, Night Watchman. ICI OE -11. B. Crosby arch.: 11:30. T. Weems Orch.

Gotta Stay Reason Don Voorhees doesn't go to

Hollywood when "Cnvalcade of America" originates there is that he has to remain in New York to conduct the music on "Telephone Hour."

* * KF1, 7:30 p.m. Mon.


utiavontko4 Sivastmowts M D O MELETS! SAUTES!


Just Cautious A singer applied to I. n Murray, the

bandleader, for a job. Murray told him he wanted to hear him sing first. "Oh," complained the guy, "you're sample-minded."

* * Full of Ideas

Petite .kon Shepherd, title player In "Joyce .lordnn —Girl Interne," has just completed a ningnxine article for the December "True Story" on how to make your own Christmas presents. A resource-ful young lady, Ann is always full of ideas in making anything from hat to gloves.

* * ANN. 0.m. Men.-Frt.




Daily at 2 noon, and Mon. thru Fri. at 5 p. m

The Broadway tirofilu , Court':

and Hill



TUESDAY Program Highlights MratrIng Programs Appear In Lighifaco Type. Afte,,..n Ana

Evening Programa In Boldface.

raricty 6:00 -Johnny Murray. EFL 9:0U-Kate Smith. ENX. I' :3(1-Tout Brenenian. K ECA. I 1 mO-Chef Milani, EM PC. :30 -Cluh Mat .nee. KECA. 3:00-Between the Bookends.

3:30 -,oice of Broadway, KNX. 4:00-Art Baker's Notebook,

Kr'. 6 mit -111 ms and Allen. k Fl. 6:30 -Fibber McGee. KFI. 7: -Bob Hope. KFI. 7:15 -Spotlight Bands, EHJ-

KGB-KFXM-11%0E. 7 :30 -Treasury Hour. K EC A. 7 :311 -Red Skelton. SF'. 9:00 -Amos 'n' Andy. KNX. 11:15 -1.1int and Abner. FEEL 1:30 -Johnny Presents. KFI. 9:110- We the People. KNN. 9:30 -Arkansas Traveler, KNX. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,


Drama 6:00 -Second Husband, KN X. 8:30-The Shadow. RH-I-KGB-

KS 11:30 -Are Von a Missing Heir?

KNX. 9:00-Adventures of the Thin

Man. Krt.

Quiz Programs 3:30 -Treasure Chest, KFI. 11:30- Who. What, Where. Why?

KNX. 11::01--Information Please. KEVA. 9:30 -Battle of Be'.,.., KFI.

Outstanding Music I! :30 -Luncheon Concert, KFAC. 2:00 -Classic Hour. KECA. 6:30 -NBI Symphony, KECA-

KI ND. 7:00 -Glenn Miller, KNX. 7 :la -Masters Hour. KM PC. /1:00 -Evening Concert. KI AC. 11:03-Pleasure Time. KFI. 8:15 -Lanai Ross. KNX. le:MS -Masterworks. KNX. 11 :00 -Philharmonia. KECA.

Public f fairs-N cws 7:30-Bub Garred. E N 7:45-Nelson Pringle. ISNX. :45 -Sam Hayes, KFI.

9:00-John B. Hughes. k W -

KGB-I: W M 4:00-Fulton Lewis. 1111.1-KGB-

KVOE :13 -Your Government Reports,

KY!. Fleatter. KIEL

7:09 -John B. Hughes. KIIJ-KGB-KEN31-KVOE.

7 :30 -Defense Reporter. KHJ-KGB-KEN 31-FiX OF..

1:45-Bill Henry, KNX. 7:15-Robert Arden. KFVF13. 11:45 -Let's Talk Naos. IIMPC. 9:30 -Fulton Lewis, KHJ-KGB-

RVOE-ICIFXM. 9:13-Rodriguez & Sutherland,

KECA. 10:00 -Bob liarred, KNX. 10:00 -RICHFIELD NE WS. KFI. 10:311 -1nside the News. KFI. 11:15 -Public Affairs. KNX.

Sports-Comment 11:15 -Sports Roundup. KECA. 6:30-Sporte Page, K5IPC. 7:15-Inside of Sports. KFIJ-

K1.15-11311E-KFXM. 10:15 -Bowling Notes. KF WIL

TUESDAY Programs \II%

8 to 9 A. M. KFI -13. Johnny Murray; 1:15. W a-strel Program: 8:30. News; 11:43. David Ha mm.

KNX -8. Rita Murray: 8:15, Your Neighbor; 8:30. Hymns of All Churches; 9:43, Stories America Loves.

KIFIJ -8, Breakfast Club; 8:30. News: 8:45, An the Twig Is Bent.

KECA -41, Musical Clock: f1:111, Capt. Quiz: 8:30, News: 8:43. Rob-ert Lee Johnson.

KFAVB -11. Melodies; 1:15. Don Rose; 11:30. Pop. (kelt.

K MPC -41, Andy & Virginia: 11:13. Market Reports: 8:23, Successful Living: 8:30. Unity Deily Word.

KMTR -8. Spanish Hour: 8:45, Re-ligious Musk.

KFAC -R, Country Church: 8:30. Music; 8:45, Mildred Lager.

KGFJ -8. News; 8:15, Breakfast Serenade; 8:45. Dr. Wiseman.

KRK1.1 -8, Music: 8:30. News. Music. Krox-S. News; 3:13, Records: 8:45, Classified.

KGF:R -$1, News: 8:05, Soul Patrol: 9:15. Mizpalt; 8:45. Rei. Bennbig-ton.

KFXM -8, Breakfast Club; 9:15. Sunshine Service; 11:45. As Twig Is Bent.

KFSD -8. Breakfast Club; 8:15. Good Cheer: 8:30. Streamline Journal,

KGB -R. Breakfast Club: 8:30. News; 8:43, As Twig Is Rent.

KFITY-11. Covered Wagon Jubilee, KV0E -8. Breakfast Club; 8:30. New.; 8:45, As Twig Is Bent.

9 to 10 A. M. SF1 -9. What's Doing; 9:15. Miran-dy's Garden Patch; 9:30. One Word Jackpot; 9:35, News; 9:43. Road of Life.

KNX -9, Kate Smith: 9:13. Big Sk-

ier; 9:30. Romance of Helen Trent; 9:45. Our Gal Sunday.

KIRJ -11. .1. R. Hughes; 9:15. Norma Voting: 9:43. We're Moro.. Young.

KECA -9. Betty Randall; 9:311. Here's to the Lading; 9:45. Mo-slem' Mysteries.

KF W13 -11. Pop. Orel,: 9:13. News: is:3o. Tali Philosopher; 9:45. Pop. Orch.

1,31111F.R 23, 1641

KMP(: -9, News; 9:15. Hollywood Way to Glamour; 9:30. Family Bi-ble; 9:45, News.

KMTR -9, Martin 1.. Thomas; 9:13, Health; 9:30, W. B. Record; 9:45, Spec. Events.

KFAC -11. I ally Viewpoint: 9:15, Voice of Breit)); 9:39. Music.

KGF.1-9, News, Stocks: 9:15. Music: 9:39, Waltz Time.

KRKI) -9. Sagebrush Serenade; 9:30, Moak; 9:45. News.

KFOX -9. Firebrands for Jesus; 9:45, Midmorning Melodies.

KGER -9, News; 9:03. Res. Par-ham; 9:15. March Ahead of Time: 9:30. Revival: 9:45. Full Gospel.

KFXM -9. News; 9:15. Pop. Orch.; 9:30. Woman's Program.

KFSD -9. America Calling; 9:13, Health Talk; 9:30, Hal Curtis. Or-gan: 9:45, Helen Hiett.

KG11 -9, J. B. Hughes; 9:13, Ben Sweetland; 9:30. Melodieri by Mil-ler; 9:45, We're Always Young.

KFVD -9, Waits; 9:15. News; 9:30, Dr. Richardson; 9:45, Parade.

KV0E -9. J. R. Ilughea: 9:15. Muted Musk: 9:30. Monitor News; 9:43. We're Always Voung.

10 to 11 A. M. KFI -10, Agnea White: iii: 13. Bess Johnson; 10:30. Bachelor's Chil-dren; 10:45, Dr. Kate.

IENX -10, Life Can Be Beautiful: 10:15. Woman in White : In:30. Right to Happiness; 10:43, Mary Lee Taylor.

KH.1 -10. News: 10:15, Helen Holden; 10:30. Front Page Farrell; 10:48.

Find My Way. ILECA -10„ %since & Lila; 111:13, Family Doctor; 10:30, Breakfast at Sardra.

RF WB--10. Pop. Oreh.: 10:15. Vocal Varieties; 10:45. Music and Nowa

K WY1 -110. Andy and irginia ; 10:30. l'an America Calling: 10:45. News,

KNIT11 -10, Our Sa%fouir's Lutheran Church; 10:13. Spec. Events; 10:43. Voiney James,

KF'AC -10. Midmorning Serenade: 10:30. News; 10:45. Congreantional Church.

KGFJ -10. News: 10:15. Voice of Health: 10:30, Mimi,.

KIA1R KFI KECA r HJ KFVD KFSG KGFJ KFXIA KFAC KGER -P O T KMPC TKIEV TKEWF UNK ETD T KFOX TKGB TKVOE 570 T640 -T-790 1- 930-Y-1020 T 1150 1240 1-1330 T-1390 T 600 710 870 980 1070 1230 1280 1360 1490

KRKD -10, Paddock Flashes; lo:13. Talk; lii:30. Voice of Government; 10:13, News: 10:30, Music.

KFOX -10. News; 10:15. 2nd Cup of Coffee; 10:30. Varieties 10:45, Concert Miniature.

KGER -10, News; 10:03, Full Gos-pel; 10:15, Kingdom Within; 10:39. Sunshine Pastor.

FEFX311 -111. News: 10:15. Organ; 10:30, Front Page Farrell: 10:411. I'll Find My Way.

RFS11 -10. Vance & Lila: 10:15, Jack Owens k Ea% 10:30, Breakfast at Sardris.

KGB -10, News; 10:15, Diets for De-fense; 10:30. Front Page Farrell: 10:45, I'll 1 ind My Way.

KF'VD -10. Serenade; 10:30, Union Rescue Mission.

KVOE -10. News; 10:15, Helen Hol-den: 10:30. Front Page Farrell: 10:45. I'll Find My Way.

11 A. M. to 12 Noon

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KMPC -11:00 A. M.

KF1 -11. Light of the World; 11:13. Mystery Man; 11:30. Varant Lady; 11:43. Arnold Grinun's Daughter.

KNX -11. Bright Horizon: II:15, Aunt Jenny's Stories: 11:30, Fletch-er Wiley; 11:43. Kate Hopkins.

KHJ-11. Flying Feet; 11:30, Theme & Variations.

RE( A-11. P Is: 11.30. Into the Lizlit: 11:43, Midstream.

KVIVIA-11, TOM StOMMed; 11:15. Bing Crosby: 11:30, AI Jarvis.

KMPC -11, Chef Milani; 11:30, Coun-cil of Beauty; 11:43, Farm Journal,

RS1311 -11, Dr. Talbot; 11:30. Moni-tor News; 11:13. Dr. Lovell,

KFAC -11. Adams: 11:30. Polly Patterson; 11:45, Music.

KGF.11- II. News: 11:15, Musk: 11:310. Rhythm Revue.

KRK11 -11, Robbie, Pianist: 11:15, Music: 11:30. News; 11:45, Music.

KINIX -11. Huntington Park; 11:03. Music; 11:13, Lost Pets; 11:30. News; 11:33, Musk.

KGER -11, News; 11:15. Purple Mules: 11:45. Lest We Forget.

IIEF'XM -11. Popular Grub.: 11:15, Sweet & Hot: 11:30. Meet the Band; 11:45, Ameriea Talking.

1(11411 -11. Heaven on Earth; 11:18. II. S. Army Band: 11:30, Into the Light: 11:13. News.

KGB -11. Cedric Foster: 11:15, Sweet & Hot: 11:30. Spanish Is Fun: 11:13„ Theme & Variations.

RFXD -11. News; 11:15. Music; 11:30, Pianos: 11:45. 5 lolet Sehram.

K 30F.-11. Cedric Foster: 11;13. Sweet & Hot: 11:30, Theme & Vftriations.

12 Noon to 1 P. M. KFI -12, Farm Reporter: it:15. Ma l'erkins: 11:30. Guiding Light; 12:45, Vic and Made.

KNX -111. Man I Married; 12:15. Manning, News: 12:30. News, litte-red: 12:35. Music; 12:43, Woman of Courage.

K14.1 -12. News; 12:15. Homemaker's Club; 12:45. Bill's Was. Shop.

KECA -12. Orphans of Divorce; 12:15. Honeymoon 11111: 12:30. John's Other Wife; 12:45, Jost Plain Bill.

K M11 -11 Al Jarvis; 12:30, News; 12:45, Ju bilee.

FEMPC -12, High Noon; 12:15, News; 12:30, Peter Potter.

KMTR -11, News Reel; 12:15, Spec. Events: 11:13. Old Prospeetor.

KFAC -12. News: 12:15. Backseut Driver; 12:30. Luncheon Concert.

KGFJ -12, News. Storks; 12:15, Pan-American Review; 12:30. City Dwellers; 12:45. Let's Listen.

KRKI) -12. Music: 12:30, Jimmie'. Saddle Pals.

R HIN -12. Tin Pan Alley; 12:13. News; 12:30. Garden Mel I; 12:43. Music.

KGF:R-12. News; 12:05. Desert Man: 12:13, Civil Service; 12:30, Music.

ICIFXM -12. Skein' Sam; 11:15, News; 12:30. Pop. Orch.: 12:45, B. Chester Oreh.: 12:33, News.

KFSD -12. Grobens of Divorce: 11:15. Honeymoon Hill; 12:30, John's Other Wife; 12:45, Just Plain 15111.

KGB-12, News; Life; 12:45. B. 12:55, News.

Klr..11,-12, Editor Lunebson Music Schram,

KV0E--1?.. News; Life; 12:45. B.

12:13, Unisereity Chester Orch.;

of Air; 12:31). ; 12:45. Violet

12:15, tahersity Chester Orch.

1 to 2 P. M. KFI -1, Backstage Wife; 1:15. Stella Dallas; 1:30, Lorenzo Jones; 1:45, Young Widder Brown.

RN X-I. Stepmother; 1:15. Myri and Marge; 1:30, School of the .S1r.

KHJ -1. Bookworm; 1:13, Siesta Time; 1:30, Johnson Family: 1:48. Hoak. Carter.

KN.:CA -1, News: 1:15. Dearest Mother: 1:30, Club Matinee: 1:53, Records.

KF' WB -1. Jubilee: 1:30. Monty Ma-gee: 1:15. H. Horlick Orch.

IKSIPC -I. Peter Potter; 1:30. Man on Street: 1:43, it Goes Like This.

KMTR-1. Special Events; 1:30, Pen-shin; 1:43, Spec. Eients.

KFAC -1, Science of Mind; 1:15. Music: 1:30, Lea Adams.

IEGI'.1 -1. News. Stocks; 1:15, Strings: 1:30, Matinee Melodies.

ARIED -1, News; 1:03, Music: 1:30, Singing Waiters; 1:45, Pat O'Illozy & Santaelia.

KFOX -1. Lucca 1Floor Show; 1:13, Classified: 1:30„ Monitor News: 1:45, Blend of Blues.

KGER -1, News; 1:05. Officials on Parade: 1:10. Bits of Hits; 1:30, Spanish Trio.

liFAM -1. Strings: 1:15, Siesta Time: 1:30. Johnson Family; 1:45, Hooke l'arter.

EFSD -1, Club Matinee; 1:13, Ann (Mixon; 1:30. Music Supervisor: 1;30. Dance: 1:55, News.

KGB -1. Bookworm; 1:13. Monitor News; 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:48. Kook, l'arter.

KFVD-1. News; 1:15, Moods in Music: 1:30, Hawaiian; 1:43. Mu-sk l'ity.

KV0E -1, Hookworm: 1:15. Drama of Food; 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:45. Bonk. Carter.

2 to 3 P. M. KFI -2. When • Girl Marries; 2:15, Portia Faces Life: 2:30, We the Abbott.; 2:45, Mary Marlin.

KNX -2, Wheaten* Playhouse; ?:113, Road of life: 2:30. O'Neill.; 1:45. Just Entertainment.

KHJ -2. Music Depreciation; 2:15. Eddie Alhright: 2:30, News; 2:45, Let's Play Bridge,

RP:CA -2. Classic Hour, KFIVB--1. South Sea Magic; 1: 30 . News and Music.

KM1.1* -2. Fiesta: 1:30. R. Fiore, Orch.: 2:45. Nevis.

11311T11 -1., Woman's World. KFAC -2 Music; 1:15, County on Review: 1:30. Wilde: 2:45, J. Newton Yates. Organ.

KCIFJ -2. News, Stocks: 2:18, Civic: 1:30. Salvation Army: 2:45, Music.

KRICH -2, Music; 2:25, Race Re-sume; 2:30, News; 2:45, Music.

KFOX -1. News: 2:15, Civic; 2:30, Lost Pets: 2:43. Matinee Melodies.

KGER -2, News; 1:05. Music; 2:15, Gospel Echoes; 2:30. IL B. Band. FX111 -2. Music Depreciation: 2:13. Hawaiian; 2:30, News; 2:43. Civic Spotlight.

KFSD -2, Songs by Sonia: 2:15, Wo-men In Defense; 2:30. Monitor News; 2:15, Listening Time.

IIEGB -2, Musk 1)epreciation: 1:15. KGB Presents: 2:30, News; 2:45. Let's I'lay Bridge.

KFVD -2. Music Boa; 2:15. Organ; 2:30, Romantic Rhythm. VOE -2. Musk Depreelation: 2:13, Civic: 2:30, News; 2:45. Let's Play Bridge.

3 to 4 P. M. KFI -3. Pepper liming'. Family: 3:13. lam e Journey: 3:30. Against the Storm; 3:45, News.

KNX -3, Joyce Jordan; 3:15. Mary Counselor: 3:30, %Wee of Broad-way. 3:15. Nancy Bison. Shopping Guide.

KH.1-3. Community Chest; 3:15. M. Praeger ()reit.: 3:311, Pasadena Reporting: 3:45, Life and the Land.

KECA -3. Between the Bookends: 1:13, 1 miasmic Hour.

KFV511 -3, News; 3:13. Music; 3:46. floe Rose.

IINIPC -3. Johnny Olson. KMTR -3:15. Church of Realization, 3:30, Pianos: 3:43. Spec. Events.

KFAC -3. Music; 3:13, Symphony.



EGFJ-3, News; 3:15. Organ; 3:30, Concert.

KRK1)-3. Music; 3:30, News, Music. KFOX-3, Musical Roundup; 3:30. Anita Boyer; 3:45. Recital Time.

KGER-3, News; 3:05, Mimic; 3:10, Long Beach Band.

KFNM-3, News, M. P Orch.: 3:30. Trading Po5 t; 3:45. Good Afternoon, Soldier.

KFSD -3, Between Bookends; 3:15. Our Spiritual Life: 3:30, National Fans. and Home Hour.

KGB-3, Ben Sweetland; 3:15, Uncle Jimmy: 3:30, Off the Record; 3:45, Life and the land.

KFVD-3. News: 3:15. Pop. Envor-Hes; 3:30, Novelty Notes; 3:45, Rand.

KVOF.-3, News. M P Or. h 3:15, Classified; 3:30, Federal Mu-sic; 3:43, Life and the Land.

4 to 5 P. M. KFI -4, Art Baker's Notebook: 4:311. C. Dant Orch.; 4:45. Your Govern-ment Reports.

KNX-4, Second Mrs. Burton; 4:15, Young Dr. Malone; 4:30, News; 4:35, Galen Drake.

K114-4. Folton Lewis: 4:15, Here's Morgan; 4:24. Around the Ring; 4:30, Casey Jones. Jr.; 4:45, Or-phan Annie.

KECA -4. Nevis: 4:15. Mr. Keen: 4:30, What's Doing; 4:45, Super-man.

REWB-4. Don Milligan: 4:30. Mu-sic & Seas; 4:45. Stuart Hamblen.

KMPC -4, Hollywood Blvd. Quiz: 4:15, Moments Musicale; 4:30, News; 4:45, Take It Easy.

Wean-4:15. Lyman Smith; 4:30, Spec. Events; 4:45. tiantaella En-semble.

1LFAC-4, Symphony:. 4:15. Music; 4:30. I.. A. City College; 4:45, Christian Science.

1114'J -1, News: 4:15. Tea Time: 4:30. Memory Time.

11131(1) -4. Music; 4:15, MI WIeland (luta; 4:30. Music; 4:45, News.

IlLEOX -4. News; 4:13, Jamboree: 4:45, Musk.

KGER-1. News: 1:15. George Strange; 4:35. Prophecy. Speaks.

KFXM -4. Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's Morgan: 4:30, Pop. Orch.; 4:45, Orphan Annie.

READ -4:15. Mr. Keen; 4:30, Youth-ful Amateurs.

KGB--4. Fulton Lewis: 4:15. Here's : 4:21, Around the Ring;

4:30, Casey Jones, Jr.; 4:45, Or-phan Annie.

KFVD -4. 90-90 Club; 4:15, Tea Time; 4:311, News.

KVOE-4. Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's Morgan; 4:24. Around the iting: 4:30. Casey Jones, Jr.; 4:45, Or-phan Annie.

5 to 6 P. M. 11141-5, Don Winslow: 5:15, News Crier; 3:30, Horace Heidt Treasure ('hest.

KNX-5, Galen Drake: 5:15. Lone Journey; 5:30. Best Buys; 5:45. Garret]. N e ws: 5:53. Davis. News.

KHJ -5, News; 5:15, Shatter Par-ker's Circus; 5:30. Captain Mid-night; 5:45, Jack Armstrong.

KECA -5, Sunshine Melodies: 5:15, News; 5:30, News of World; 5:45, Tom Mix.

KFAVB-5,, Stuart Hamblen. KMPC-5, Fl‘e O'Clock Whistle: 5:15, News; 5:30, Uncle Harry.

KMTR -5, Dr. Davies; 5:15, Spec. , Events.

KFAC-5, News: 5:15, Sport Re-views: 5:311. Whoa Bill Club.

KGF.1 -5, News; 5:15, Music: 5:30, Sport Secrets; 5:45. Phil Stanwick.

KRIED -5, Songs of Saddle; 5:30, Race Results: 5:45. News.

KFXM -5, World Through Window : 5:15. Shatter Ps ricer's Circus : 5:30,, ('apt. Midnight; 5:45, Jack Armstrong.

REOX -5, Sunshine Pastor; 5:30. Jamboree; 5:45, Dick Ross.

KGER-5. News; 5:03, Latin Hour. RESD-5, News: 5:15, Flying l'a-trot: 5:30, News of the World; 5:13, Tom Mix.

KGB -5. Superman; 5:15, Shatter Parker's Circus; 5:30. Captain Mid-night; 5:45. Jack Armstrong.

KV0E-5, Bargain Counter; 5:15. Shatter l'arker's Circus; 5:30, Cap-tain Midnight; 5:45, Jack Arm-strong.

6 to 7 P. M. KEI -11. Burns & Allen; 6:30. Fibber McGee & Molly.

KNX-6, Second Husband: 6:30, Who. What, Where and Why?

RH.1 -6, Gabriel Heatter: 6:15. G. E.. Monk; f1:341, News; 6:45, Envoys.

RECA—R, Adventures in Hollywood: 6:15, Sports Roundup; 6:30, NBC Symphony.

KE WB-6. News; 6:15, In the Gloaming: 6:30, Pop. Orch.: 6:45, Defending America.

KMPC -6. News; 6:15, Oregon Land Man; 6:30. Sports Page; 6:45, Table for Two.

KMTR-6. Irwin Allen; 6:15, Radio News Reel: 6:30, Dick Terry; 6:45, FA Robhin.

KEAC-6. Music for Everyone. KGFJ--6, News, Italian Melodies; 6:30, Music; 6:45. Gospel Defend-ers.

KHK1) —(1, Concert Music; 6:43. Mu-sic.

KFOX-6. News; 6:10, Sports; 6:15. Music; (1:30, Semi-Classical; 6:45, Meet the Hand.

KGER -6. News; 6:13. Music: 6:30, U. S. Army; 6:45, Italian Journal.

Krxm-6. News: 6:05, Music; 6:15, Cinnamon Bear; 6:30, News: 6:43, Envoy-it.

WES11-6, C. S. O. News; 6:05. On With Dance: 6:15, Rhythms by Ricardo; 6:311, NBC Symphony.

Camp Callan Quiz; 6:1:s, White House Conference; 6:30, News: 6:45, Officer of the Day.

KV0E--13. Tooth Talks It Over; 6:30. Orange County News: 6:45, En-voys.

7 to 8 P. M. KF1-7, Bob Hope; 7:30. Red Skel-ton and Company.

KNX -7. G. Miller W A.; 7:15, In-glewood Park Concert; 7:45. Bill Henry.

K EVA -7. Symphony ; :30, Treasury Hour. Millions for Defense.

ItH.1-7, N e ws & Views; 7:15. Spot-light Bands; 7:30, Defense Re-porter: 7:45, Inside of Sports.

KEW'S-7. Boy's Town; 7:30. News; 7:45, Robert Arden.

ItMPC -7. Strollin' Tom; 7:15, Mas-ter's Hour.

KMTR-7, Music; 7:15. Clifford E Clinton; 7:714 Dr. A. U. Michelson.

KFAC-7, Music; 1:45, News.

"Melodies America Loves"

INGLE WOOD PARK Cemetery Association

CONCERT Tuesdays 7:15 P. M.

Soloist KNXOrchestra Quartet

KGF.1 -72 Spanish Hour. KRFED-7, News: 7:15, Three-Quar-ter Time; 7:30. Do You Know?

KFOX-7, Daily Bread; 7:15, Salon Jazz; 7:43, Robert Arden,

KGER-7, News; 7:05. Jewish Hour. KIN( t-7 :45, Ev angelist ic. KEXM-7, News; 7:15, Spotlight Bonds: 7:30. Defense Reporter; 7:41, Inside of Sports.

KESD-7:30, Treasury Hour. KGB-7. News; 7:15, Spotlight Bands; 7;30, Defense Reporter; 7:45. Inside of Sports.

1110E-7. News & Views; 7:15. Spotlight Bands; 7:30, Defense Reporter; 7:45. Inside of Sports.

8 to 9 P. M. 1111-8. I n o.* M OCIling.•: S:05. Fred Raring: 8:15, Lunt and Abner: 8:30. Johnny Presents.

KNX -8. Amos 'n' Andy: 8:15, Lanny Ross, Songs; 8:30, Are You a Miss-ing Heir?

KHJ -8, Headline Time; 8:30. The Shadow.

KECA—R, Treasury Hour; 8:30, In-formation Please.

KEW11-8:30, Don Rose; 8:45, Mu-sic.

K3IPC -111. New*: 8:15. Salon Mod-er m; 8:45, Let's Talk News.

KMTR -8, J. Grier Orch; 8:15, Sing-ing Waiters; 8:30, Spec. E1eBIS.

KFAC -8, Evening Concert. KGE.1 -8, News: 8:15. M USIC.

KFOX-8, Organ; 8:30, Judge Gard-ner.

KGER -8, News; 8:05, Spanish HOW.. KFXM-8, Camp Haan on Air; 8:30. Col. Pierce: 8:45. l'oncert.

HIND-8:30, Information Please. KGB-8, Barrel of Fun; 8:30. The Shadow.

KVISE -8. Parade of News; 8:30, The

9 to 10 P. M. KE1 -9, Adventures of Thin Man; 9:30. Battle of Sexes.

KNX -9, We. The l'eople; 9:30. Arkansas Traveler; 9:55, Dave Lane, Songs.

K114-9, News; 9:15. Story Teller; 0:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45, Flying Feet.

KECA -9. Easy Aces; 9:15, Listen-er's Lookout; 9:30, News; 9:45, Rodriguez & Sutherland.

KEWIS-9, This Is Music; 9:30, News: 9:45. l'inno Paintings.

KMPC-9, Peter Potter. KMTK -9:15, Viennese Ens.; 9:30, B. Averill Orch.; 9:45. Olympic Eights.

KFAC -9, Evening Concert. FEGF.1-9, News; 9:15, Syncopated Symphony.

IRFOX -9. Church of Christ; 9:15, News; 9:30, Rhythm Time.

KGER-9, News: 9:05, Mission Workers: 9:311. Re,. W. T. 1011rMi•

KFXM -9, News: 9:118, E. Duchin Orch.; 9:30, Redlands University,

RFS(; -9:30, Florence Winterburn. KF741)-11. Easy Aces: 9:15. Musical Souvenirs; 9:30, News: 9:45, Sky Club.

KGB-9. News; 9:15, Rosecrans Re-porter; 9:30. Fulton Lewis; 9:45, Know Your San Diego.

KTOE-9. News; 9:15. E. Duchln Orch.: 9:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45, D. Jurgen* Orch.

10 to 11 P. M. KE1-10, Richfield News; 10:15, Nothing But Praise; 10:20, C. Dant °rely ; 10:30. Inside the News (Thrifty Drug); 10:45, Out of This World.

Garred, News; 10:15, World Today: 10:30, Masterworks.

ICH.1 -10:15, T. Weems Orch.; 10:30, News: 10:45, R. Noble Orch.

KECA -10, R. Wilde Orch.; 10:30. A. Rey Orch.

KFWB -10, Let's Dance: 10:15, Bowling Notes; 10:30, Donee To-night.

KMPC -10. Mimic City; 10:15. News; 10:30, Kennedy Trio; 10:45. Royal Hawaiians.

ILMTR-10:43, Contest. KEA('-10, Lucky Lager Dance Time. KGEJ-10, News; 10:15. Drama; 10:30, Music.

KFOX-10. Ross Ballroom; 10:15, Lucca Floor Show; 10:30, Majestic Ballroom; 10:45, Ross Ballroom.

KGER -10. News; 10:15, Salvation Army; 10:30. Pop. Concert.

KFXM -10, T. Weems Orch.; 10:311, Sportslight; 10:45, R. Noble Orch.

KESG-10, Esther Fricke Stuart; 10:30. Music.

liFS1)-10, Peterson Ensemble; 10:30. News; 10:45. Symphonies of Sage.

KGB—In. .1. McLean Orch.; 10:15, T. W ee ms Drell.; 10:30. News; 10:45, R. Noble Oreli.

KEVD -10, Hank, the Night Watch-man,

KIIIE-10. T. Weems Orch.; 10:30. News; 10:45, R. Noble Orel'.

11 to 12 Midnight KEI -11, News; 11:15, C. Rasmus Oral.; 11:30, J. Grier Orch.; 11:55, News.

IIENX-11, News, Manning; 11:15, l'ublic Affairs; 11:30. M. Strand Orch.; 11:55. News.

KI14 -11. B. Crosby Oral.; 11:30, T. Weems ()reit

KECA -11, Philharmonia. KEW'S-11:30, Music You Want. KMI'C-11. Fun House. KMTR-11, H. Henry Orch.; 11:15, Cmitest.

KFAC-11. Lucky Lager Dance Time, KGEJ —II. News; 11:15. Organ; 11:30. Buccaneer's Harbaree.

KFOX-11, Music. KFXM -11. Homicide Elie: 11:15, R. Crosby Orch.; 11:30, T. Weems Orch.

KESG-11, Friendship Gospel Sing-ers; 11:30, Memory Melodies.

KESD-11. This Moving World% 11:15, C. Reverts Orch.; 11:30, J. (trier Orch.; 11:55. News.

KGB-11, B. Crosby Orch.: 11:30, T. Weems Orch.

KEVD-11. Night Watchman. suson-11. B. Crosby Orch.; 11:30. T. %Seems Orch.

No. 1 Simms Fan Ginny Simms played hostess to her

Number One fan last week at her weekly CBS broadcast from the KNX studios at Columbia Square. Ginny's Dad, D. D. Simms, operates a ranch in northern California and drove 400 miles to see his daughter's progra M .

* * \, 6:35 p.m. Fri.

Easier Now Billy Mills, composer and conductor of

the Fibber McGee orchestra, recalls with wonder that some searS ago he directed as many as 25 radio programs a week. He now spends a week arranging and rehearsing the music for two coast-to-coast broadcasts.

Active Astor Mary Astor, lovely hostess of the CBS

Monday "Hollywood Showcase" program, has added ranching and farming to her already crowded program as a mother, a radio and motion picture star and fly-ing student. Miss Astor owns a 77-acre ranch near Palmdale and is adding five acres of Ber lllll da onions to its already well-planted acres of sugar beets.

* * ANN, 9:30 p.m. M oll.

Still Drawling Texas-born actor Geoffrey Bryant got

his first job on "Death Valley Days" because they needed a Texan drawl. That was seven years ago —and he's still Texan-ing thereon.

Double Wedding Wedding bells will peal at Christmas

time for Frances Chaney, actress on "Mr. District Attorney" and Ring Lard-ner, Jr. They'll echo at the same time for Jone Allison, who used to be Ezra Stone's sister in "The Aldrich Family," and Howard Barnes, CBS music director.

* *




* * KFI, 6:30 Tues. * * ItNX, 9:30 p.m.




WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Monring Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00—Johnny Murray. KFT. 8:15—Art Baker, KFI. 9:00--Kate Smith. KNX. 10:30—Tom Brenetnan, KECA. 11:00—Chef Milani. KMPC. 1:70 —Club Matinee, KECA. 3:00 —Between the Bookends.

KECA-KFSD. 4:00—Art Baker's Notebook. KFI 8:13—Erskine Johnson, KFI. 6:30—Penthouse Party,

KECA-RPSD. 7:00—Kay Kyser, KFI. 7:15—Spntlight Bands, KR&

KGB-KVOE. 8:00—Amos 'n' Andy, /LNX. R:113—Point Sublime, K n. 0:30—Plantation Party, KF1, 9:00—Fred Allen, KNX. 9:00—Eddie Cantor. K n. 10:00—Basin St. Chamber Music.

KECA. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time,


Drama 8:15—Danger Is My Business,

KIIJ-KGB. 11:30—Big Town. KNX. 7:30—Lone Ranger. KHJ-KGB-

KVOE. 7:30—Romance of Ranchos (Title

Insurance and Trust Co.) KNX.

8:00 —Green Hornet, KI1J-KGB-KVOE.

0:30—Manhattan at Midnight. KECA.

0:30—Dr. Christian, KNX. 9:30—Mr. District Attorney. ILFI.

Quiz Programs 3:00—Quiz Klds, KECA-KFSD.

Outstanding Music 12:30-1.uncheon Concert. KFAC.

2:00—Classic Hour, RICA. 3:00—Haven of Rest, RAJ-

KFXM-KS OE. 3:15—Masterpieces. R.FAC. 3:30—Song Treasury, KNX. 6:00—Pleasure Time. KFI. 7:00 —Glenn Miller. KNX. 8:00—Evening lancer!, KFAC. 8:15—Lanny Ross. KNX. 0:30—Adventures in Melody,

KFIJ-KVOE. 10:30—Masterworks, KNX. 11:00—Philharmonia. KECA.

Public Affairs—News 7:30. 03ob Garret,, KNX. 7:45—Nelson Pringle, KNX. 7:43—Bam Hayes. KFT. 9:00—John B Hughes, 1(14.1-

KGB-KVOE. 4:00—Fulton Lewis, 1111.1-KVOE-

KGB. 1:45—Frank Bingnian, Kr'. 3:30—Bill Henry, KNX. 5:55—Elmer Davis, KNX. 8:00—Gabriel Heatter, KHJ-

KGB. 7:00 —John B. Hughes, KHJ-

KGB-KVOE. 7:30—Ahead of Headlines.

KECA. 1:I5—Robert Arden. RFW11. 3:45—Let's Talk News, KMPC.


9:30—Fulton Lewis. KH.1-KGB. 9:45—Rodriguez & Sutherland,

KECA. 10:00—Bob Garred, KNX. 10:00—RICHFIELD NE WS. KFI. 10:30—Inside the News. KI M 11:15—Public Affairs, KNX.

Sports—Comment 8:15—Snorts Roundup. KE('A. 8:15—Pigskin Previews, KNX. 8:30—Snorts Page. IIMPC. 10:15—Booling Notes, RFIVII.

WEDNESDAY„Programs Not Lsllit

8 to 9 A. M. KF1 -11, Johnny Murray; 8:15, Art Baker; 8:30, News; 8:43, David Ha mm.

KNX-8, Treat Time: CIS, Your Neighbor; 8:30. Betty Crocker: 8:43, Stories America Loves.

11111 -11. Breakfast Club: 8:30, News: 0:45. As the Twig Is Bent.

KECA-8. Musical Clock: 8:15, Breakfast Club; 8:30, News; 8:45. Robert Lee Johnson.

KFV111-8. Breakfast Club. EMPC-3, Andy and Virginia: 8:15. Market Report; 8:25. Successful Living: 8:30, (oily Daily Word.

KSITR -11. Spanish Hour. EFAC-8. Country Church; 8:39. Garden School; 8:45, Mildred Lager.

EGFJ -8, News, Stocks; 8:15, Breakfast Serenade: 8:45, Dr. Wiseman.

ERKD-8, Musk: 8:30, News; 8:33, Music.

KFOX -8. News; 8:15, Record Re-view; 8:43, Classified.

KGER-8. News: 8:0S, Soul Patrol; 8:15, Mispah: 8:45, Rev. Benning-ton.

KFXM-8, Breakfast Club: 3:13, Sunshine Service; 3:45. As Twig Is Bent.

KFSD -8, Breakfast Club; 8:15. Good Cheer; 8:30, News: 8:45. Living Literature.

KGB-8. Breakfast Club; 8:30, N e ws: 11:15, As Twig Is Bent.

KFVD -8. Covered Wagon Jubilee. KV0E-8, Breakfast Club; 0:30, News: 8:43. As Twit Is Bent.

9 to 10 A. M. KFI-9, What's Doing; 9:15. Sliran-dy's Garden Patch: 9:31), One Word Jackpot: 9:35. News; 9:45, Road of Life.

KNX -9, Kate Smith: 9:15, Big Ms. ter; 9:30. Romance of Helen Trent: 9:45, Our Gal Sunday.

KHJ -9, John B. Hughes: 9:15, Norma lining: 9:45, We're Always Vaunt.

KECA -9, Southernairee; 9:13, Gwen Williams; 9:30, Here's to the Ladles; 9:43, Musical W s-tette'.



&ay 5100 WIDA0 K E C A

9:30 A.M.

KFWB-9:30, Tall Philosopher: 9:45. Pop. Orch.

KMPC-9, N e ws; 9:111, Hollywood Way to Glamour; 9:30, Family Bible: 9:45, News.

KMTR-9, Music; 9:15, Health: 9:30. W. B. Record; 9:43. Spec. Events,.

KFAC-9, tatty Viewpoint; 9:13. Voice of Health; 9:30. Music.

KGFJ-9. News, Stocks: 9:13, Mu-sh,: 9:39. Waltz Time.

KRK111-9. Sagebrush serenade; 9:30, Music: 9:45. Ness'''.

KFOX -9. Firebrands for Jesus; 9:45. Midmorning Melodies.

IRGEN -9, News; 9:03, Rev. Parham: 9:15, March Ahead of Time; 9:30, Revival; 9:45, Full Gospel.

KEXM-9, News: 9:15, Pop. (loch,; 9:30, Woman's Program.

ILFSD-9, America Calling; 9:15. Health Talk: 9:30, Hal Curtis: 9:43, Helen Hiett.

KGB-9, John B. Hughes: 9:15, Ben Sweetland; 9:30. Old Fashioned Girl; 9:45, We're Always lotting.

KFVD-9. Waltz; 9:15. News: 9:30, Dr. Richardson: 9:45, Parade.

IEVOE-9, John B. Hughes: 9:15. F. Nagel Orch.; 9:30, Monitor News; 0:43, We're Always Young.

TIM KFI KECA KNJ flYP UG KGFJ KFKIA KFAC KGER IFFSDTKMDC TIIEV TKFWi TKNX KFOY-T-K6B TKVOF 5701-640 7 -790-1- 930-T1020-1- FP 1240 T1330 T13901-600 710 870 980 1070 1230 1280 1360 1490

10 to 11 A. M. KPI -10. Agnes White: 10:15. Bess Johnson: 10:311, Bachelor's Chil-dren; 10:45, Dr. Kate.

KNX-10, Life Can Be Beautiful; 10:13. Woman in White: 10:30, Right to Happiness; 10:15, Dave Lane Songs,

KRJ-10. News; 10:13, Helen Holden: 10:30, Front Page Farrell; 10:45, I'll Find My Ray.

KECA -10. Vance & Lila: 111:15, 10:1S, Jack Owens & Eavesdrop-per: 10:30, Breakfast at Sardi's.

EFIVB-10. School News; 10:15, lo-cal Varieties; 10:15. News,

KMPC -111. Andy k %halide: 10:30. Lifelong Learning: 10:15, News.

KMTR-10, Our Sn%inur's Lutheran Church: 10:13, Spec, Events; 10:45, Volney James.

KFAC -10, Serenade; 10:30, News: 10:43, Congregational Church.

KGF.1 -10, News: 10:15. Voice of Health: 10:30, Mnsie.

FIRK11-10, Paddock Flashes: la:15. Talk; 10:30, Voice of Government: 10:15, News; 10:50, Music.

KFOX -10. News: 10:15, Varieties; 10:30. Second ('up of Coffee; 10:15, Woman's Hour.

KGER -10, News; 10:05, Full Gos-pel; 10:15, Helen Markham; 10:30. Bright Corner: 10:43, Sunshine Pastor.

KFX'.11-11). New s; 10:15, Organ 10:30, Front Page Farrell; 10:43, I'll Find My Way.

KFS1)-10, lance & Lila: 10:13, .Jack Owens & the Eavesdropper: 10:30, Breakfast et SardPs.

filiB-10, New.: 111:15, KGB Pre-sents; 10:30, Front Page Farrell: 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

KFVD-10. :Midmorning Serenade; 10:30, Union Re•elle Mission.

HI 0E---10. NeliA; 10:15, H elen Hold-en ; 1030. Front Page Farrell: 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

11 A. N. to 12 Noon

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KMPC -11:00 A. M.

KFI -11, Light of the World; 11:13. Mystery Sian: 11:30, Valiant Lady; 11:45, Arnold Grimm's Daughter.

KNX -11. Bright Horizon; 11:13, Aunt Jenny's Stories: 11:30. Fletch-er Wiley; 11:45, Kate Hopkins.

Kii.1-11. I ictor Lindlahr: 11:34). Market Place; 11:45, Carnation Bouquet,

KECA-11, Prescott Presents; 11:38. Into the Light: 11:45. Midstream.

KF WB-11. Tom Stoddard: 11:15. Bing Crosby: 11:30. Al Jarvis.

KMPC-11, Chef Milani: 11:30. Coon' dl of Beauty; 11:43, Farm Journal.

1151TR-11. Dr. Talbot; 11:30. Moni-tor News; 11:45, Dr. Lovell,

KFAC —II, Les Adams; 11:30, Polly Patterson; 11:45, Music.

KGFJ-11, News; 11:15, Music: 11:30, Rhythm Roundup.

KRKII-11. Robbie, Pianist: 11:15, Single; 11:39, News: 11:45. Music.

KFOX-11, Huntington Park: 11:03. Records: 11:15, Lost Pets; 11:30. News: 11:15, Dapper Dan.

KGF:R -11. N e ws; 11:15, Purple Mules; 11:45, Mimic.

KFXM-11, Pop. Orch.: 11:13, Win-ger and Alevander: 11:30. Meet ill. Hand; 11:15, America Talking.

KIND--IL On With Dance; 11:15, V. Lopez Orch.: 11:30. Into the Light: 11:15. News.

KGB-11. Cedric Foster; 11:13. {Sin-ger and Alesander: 11:30, Jubilee Hour: 11:45. School of Air.

kV% 11-11. News; 1 i 15, Musk.: 11:30, Pianos; 11:15. Violet Schram.

KV0E-11. cedrie Foster: 11:15. Winger and Alesander: II :30. Jubilee Hour; 11:15, School of Air.

12 Noon to 1 P. M. HFI-12, Farm Reporter: 12:15, Ma Perkins: 12:38, Guiding Light; 12:15, %it, and Sade.

KNX -12, Man I Married; 12:19. Manning, News; 12:39, News, Gar-red: 12:35. Music: 12:15. Woman of Courage.

IiH.1-12, News: 12:15, Homemakers Club; 12:45, Ma's Wax Shop.

KECA-12, Orphans of Divorce: 12:15, Honeymoon 11W; 12:30, John's Other Wife; 12:45. Just Plain Bill,

Kt-UR—It Al Jarvis: 12:30. News: 12:45, Jubilee.

AM C -12, High Noon; 12:15. News; 12:30, Peter Potter,

KMTR-12. News Reel: 12:15, Spec. Events: 12:45, Old Prospector.

KFAC-12, News: 12:15, Backseat Driver; 12:30, Luncheon Concert.

KGF,1-12. News: 12:15. Pan-Amer-ican Review: 12:30, City Dwellers: 12:43. Let's Listen.

KRIED -12, Music: 12:30. Saddle Pals,

KFOX-12, Dance Time; 12:15, News; 12:30, Kitchen Garden; 12:45, Science of Mind.

RGER -12, News; 12:05. Desert Man: 12:15, Officials: 11:30. Music,

KFX111-12, Singin• Sant: 12:15, News: 1?:30, Pop. Orch.: 12:45. D. Shelton Orch.; 12:53, News,

KFSD -12. Orphans of Divorce: 12:15. Amanda of Honet moon Hill; 12;30, John's Other Wife; 12:45. Just Plain Bill.

KGB-12, News; 12:15, Dr, Jones: 12:30. Airliners: 12:45, D. Shelton ()reit.: 12:55. News.

KI ND-12, Editor of Air; 12:30, Luncheon Music: 12:45, Violet Schram,

EVOE-1'1, News; 12:15, Airliners: 12:45, D. Shelton Orch.; 12:53, News.

1 to 2 P. M. KF1-1, Backstage Wile: 1:15, Stella Dallas: 1:30, Lorento Jones: 1:19. Voung Widder Brown.

KNX -1, Stepmother: 1:13. Myrt and Marge: 1:30. School of the Air.

K M1-1. Bookworm: 1:15. American Wildlife: 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:13, Snake Carter.

KECA-1. Nen • 1:15. Dearest Mother; 1:30. elnh Matinee; I:51, Records.

K FWB— I :30, Monty Magee; 1:45, H. Hornet: Orch.

KMPC-1, Peter Potter; 1:30, Man on Street: 1:45, It Goes Like This.

E KMTR-1, Spec. vents. KFAC -1. Science of Mind: 1t19, Mimic: 1:30. Les Adams.

KGF,1-1. News, Stocks: 1:15, Strings: 1:30, Matinee: 1:43, Over-look This?

KRKO-1, News; 1:05, Music: 1:30, Singing Waiters; 1:45, Velma Tay-lor & Santaella.

KFOX -1, Lucca; I:15, Classified; 1:30, Christian Science; 1:15. Blues,

KGER-1. N e ws; 1:05, Ad Club; 1:30, Spanish Trio.

KFXM -1, South American Way: 1:15. A. A. A: 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:45, Book, Carter.

KFSD-1. Sky Room Sketches: 1:13, Ann Gibson; 1:30. Ad Club: 1:35, Harvey Ball's Trio; 1:45, On With Dance; 1155. News.

KGB-1, Bookwo rm; 1:15, Monitor News; 1:30, Johnson Family: 1:41, Bonito. l'arter.

KFVD-1, Ne,o • ; 1:15, Moods in Music: 1:15. 'local Varieties.

KV0E-11. Bookworm; 1:15, Ameri-can Wildlife: 1:30. Johnson Fam-ily: 1:45, Bonk. Carter.

2 to 3 P. M.

HEAR PIERRE illnectro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD 2 p.m. —KMTR

KCI-2. When a Girl Marries: 2:15, Portia Faces Life; 2:30. We the Abbott*: 2:15? Mary Marlin.

FENX-2, Wheatena Playhouse; 2:11, Road of Life; 2:30, O'Neills: 2:45, Just F:ntertainment.

KH.1-2. M U M.' Deprecia I ion 2:15. Eddie Albright; 2:30. News; 2:45. Let's Play Bridge,

EECA-2. Classic !Our. KFWB-2. South Sea Magic: 2:30. News and Music.

KMPC -2. Sands of Time; 2:30. Facts About Furs; 2:45, News.

IHMTK -2. Woman's World, KFAC-2, Musk: 2.:15, Salvation ArmY; 2:30. Music; 2:45, J. Newton Yates, Organ.


NOVEMBER 23, 1941 RADI O LIFE PAGE 23 WEDNESDAY LOGS KGFJ -2, News, Stocks; 2:15. Clvle; 2:30, Carolyn (aro; 2:15, Music.

KRK1) -2, Music; 2:25, Race Re-snme; 2:311, News; 2:43. Munk.

KEOX -2, News; 2:15, Civic; 2:30, Lost Pets: 2:4.5, Just Relax.

KGER -2, News; 2;05, 31usie; 2:15, r.-T. A.; 2:30. Long Bearh Band.

KE.X.91 -2, Music Depreciation; 2:15, Hawaiian Melodies; 2:30, NeWili 2:15. M ir Spotlight.

HFSD -2, I). .A. R. Program; 1:15, Muskat Soiree: 2:30, Monitor News; 2:45, Lintening Time.

11G111 -2. Innentment Problems; 2:13, KGB Prenentn: 1:30, News; 2:45. Let's Play Bridge.

KEVD -2, Music Rot; 2:15. .Organ; 2:30. Romantic Rhythm.

KV0E -2. Munk Depredation; 2115. Civie: 2:311, NCO,: 2:15, Let's Pliny Bridge.

3 to 4 P. M. KF1 -3, Pepper Young's Family; 3:15, Lone Journey; 3:30, AgaInnt the Storm; 3:45. Newt..

KS —:t, Joyce Jordan: 3:15, Edgar Harrixon %%Tiernan; 3:30. Golden Treasury; 3:15, Stow, 'Akan. Shopping Guide.

KIL1 -3, Haien of Rest; 3:30. Dine-Dance Parade: 3:15, 3111isi....1 Matinee; 3:55, Forest Lawn.

KECA -3, Art ween the Bookends; 3:15. Unclannic Hour.

KFV111 -3. Sewn. Musir ; 3:30, Pop. 3:15, Don Hone.

KMP( -3. Johnny Olson. KMTR -3. Spec. Enents: 3:15. I). C. Tracy: 3:30, Planon; 3:45, Spec. Event*.

KFAC -3, Mindy; 3:15, Symphony. KGF.I -3. News, S1114104: 3:15, Or-gan; 3:30. Convert Melodies.

1111K14 -3, McIntire Hawaiians; 3:311, News. Music.

KFOX -3. Musical Roundup: 3:311. Anita Royer: 3:45. Reritall Time.

RGER -3, News; 3:05, Munk; 3:20, Long Beach Rand.

11E701 -3. Haien of Rent: 3:30. Trading Post; 3:45, Good After-noon, Soldier.

lirS11 -3. Between Bookends; 3:15. Frontiers of American Life; 3:311, National Farm & H .

KGB-3. Ken Sweetland: 3:15. 1.ntie -Jimmy; 3:30. Off the Record: 3:45. KGB Present..

RESTA -3. Sewn; 3:13, Pop. Favor-Ben: 3:30, Novelty Noten: 3:45, Rhythm.

KV0E -3. Haven of Rent:" 3:30, Fed-eral Mask: 3:11. Classified.

4 to 5 P. M. RE1 -4, Art Baker's :111111:1 4:45. Frank Kingman.

ItiNX -4, Second Mrs. Burton: 4:15. Young Dr. Malone; 4:30, News; 4:35, Galen Drake.

KH.1 -4, Fidton 1,ewin: 4:15, Hereto Morgan; 4:361, Casey Jones; 4:15, Orphan Annie.

RECA -4. News; 4:15, Mr. Keen: 4:30, Cinnamon Bear; 4:45, Super-man.

KEWB -4. Don Milligan: 4:30. Mu-sir News; 4:15, Stuart Hamblen.

KMPC -1, Hollywood Blvd. Qui:: 4:15, Meet the Author; 4:30, News; 4:45, Midnight Mission.

KMTR -4:15, Lyman Smith: 4:30, Sper. Events; 4:45, %interne Ens.

KFAC -4, Symphony; 4:15, Monk; 4:36, City College.

IIEGF.1 -4. Sewn; 4:15, Tea Time; 1:311, Memory Time.

lift151) -4. Mottle: 4:15, Monte:and Quiz; 4:36, Munk; 4:45, News.

Sewn; 4:15, Jamboree; 1:15. W NW.

KGER-4. News; 4:15, G e o r g e Strange; 4:30. Prophecy Speaks.

KEXM -4. Fulton Lewis: 4:15, Here's Morgan: 4:30, Pop. Orch; 4:45, Or-phan Annie.

RESD -4:15, Mr. Keen: 4 :311. Ma-dame Bride: 4:13. Upton I

KGB--1, Fulton Lewis; 4:15. Here's ! Morgan: 4:30, Casey Jones; 4:45, Orphan Annie.

RFS 14-4. 911-90 Club; 4:15, Tea Time Music; 4:30, News.

RIOE -4, Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's I Morgan 4 :311, Caney Jones; 4:45, Orphan 11111i,

5 to 6 P. M. K11 -5, Don Winslow; 5:15, Bridge Club: 5:30, Jack ()wenn and Rob- , ert Mitchell: 3:45. News.

KS -5. Galen Drake: 5:15, Lone Journey; 5:30, Bill Henry; 3:45. Garrett, News; 5:55, Davis, News.

KILI -5, Sewn; 3:15, Shaffer Par-keen Cirrus; 5:311, Capt. Midnight; 5:43, Jack Arnintrong.

KECA -5, Layman's Views of News; 5:15, Sewn; 5:30, Capt. Quin; 5:45, Tom Mix.

KEW 11-3, Stuart Hamblen. KNIPC -5, Eive Whistle; 3:15, News; 5:30. I ode Harry. mmTn-5, or. Daniel.; 5:15, Spec. Enents.

KFAC -5. New.; 5:15, Sport Re-%Jews; 5:30, WhOd Bill Chub.

Kt:F.1 -3, News: 5:15, Music; 5:30. Sport Secrets; 5:45. Music.

KRK11-5, Songs of Saddle; 5:30, Race Itesolts: 5:45, News.

K FOX -5. .11111.11ille Punter : 5:30. Jamboree: Dick KOOS.

KGER-5. 5:115. Latin Hour. KFAM -5. World Through a Win-dow; 5:15, Shaffer Parker's Cir-rus; 5:30, Capt. Midnight; 5:45, jack Arnintrong.

K1,411 -5. NeWs; 5:15, Flying Pa-trol; 5:30, New.; 5:45, Tom Mix.

KGB—S. Superman; 5:15, Shaffer Parker's Circus; 5:311, Capt. Mid-night; 5:45, Jack Armstrong.

KVIDE -5. Bargain Counter; 3:15, Shatter Parker's Circus; 5:311, Capt. Midnight; 5:45, Jack Arm-strong.

6 to 7 P. M. KFT -6, Fred Waring: 6:15, Holly-wood Tattletale; 6:311, Manchester Boildn: 11:45, News.

KS —mi. Tonight'', Best Buys: 6:15. Pigskin rreniewn, Sans Doyen; 6:30. Big TON 11.

K11.1 -6, Gabriel Heat t er; 6:15. Danger Is My Bushienn: 6:311, New.. Arlington; 6:45. 131,11)11.

KE1'.5-6, Ad...Mures In Hollywood: 6;15. Sports Roundup; 6:30, Peal-houne Party.

KSIPC -11. News; 6:15, Oregon Land Stan; 6:30. Sports Page; 6: 45 . Table for TWO.

KFNI1 -11. Sewn; 6;15. In the Gloam-ing: 6:30. Pop. 1Irrli; 6:45, De-fending .Smerica.

KNITR-6. Irwin Allen; 6:15, News Reel: 11:30. Pay Day; 6:45, Ed Hobbit'.

KFAC -6, Music for Eneryone. KliE.1 -6, News, Italian Melodies; 6:311. Fannie Reinhart.

KICK1)--6, Cancer t Music; 6:45, M11141:.

KE0X -6, News, Sports: 6;15, Mu-Pir; 6:311. Ten Owens: 6:45, Meet the Band.

KGER--6, News: 6:15, Music; 6:316, Italian Journal.

KEXM -6. News; 6:05. Teritnicians; 6:15, Cinnamon Bear; 6:30, Enen-tide 11.:1•111/0,: 6:45, Envoys.

KESD--6. l'iligens Jury; 6:30, Pent-! e Party.

K(iB -6. Gabriel Meaner; 6:15. I) In My Kuninens: 6:30, News; 6:15. Canhion Fantasy.

KS 0E -0, sante Ana .1. C.; 6:30, ()rang ,.00ty Sewn: 6:45, En-,111 ,41.

7 to 8 P. M. 1 1-7, Kan Finset s Monica' Col-lege.

KNX -7, C.. Miller Drell: 7:15. News, Garrett; 7:30. Romance of the Ranchos.



RomAgEof the Row


K11.1 -7, News & Views; 7:15, SO411-light Bands; 7:311, Lone Ranger.

KE1'A -7. American Melody Hour; 7:30, Abend of liesifilinen; 7:43. News,

KEVAII -7, Pop. Orch.: 7:30, Sean; 7:4:S, Robert Arden.

KMPC -7, Strollin "T ; 7:15, Man. tern Hour.

KM114 -7. Musle• 7:15, Clifford E. Clinton; 7:30, Dr. Mielielnon.

KFA( -7. Most Be Told: 7:15. Mu-nk; 7:30, l'enthoune Player/6; 7:45, News.

KGE.1 -7, Spanish Hour. KRK1)-7, Sewn: 7:15. Three Quar-ter Time; 7:38. Do VIM Know?

KPPC -7 Pannilenit Music Festival; 7:15, Dr. Robert G. Cleland; 7:45, Studio Devotions.

KE113. -7. Daily Bread: 7:15. Salon Jazz: 7:311, Semi-Clattovical; 7:45, Robert Arden.

RGEK -7. News; 7:05. Jewish Hour. KFSG -7:45, Foursquare Crunnders. KES11 -7. American Nielody Hour; 7 :30, Camp Callon.

KGB -7, News & iews: 7:15, Spot-light Kande: 7:30, Lone Ranger.

K 111E -7, Sewn & View iv; 7:15. Spotlight Bonds: 7:30, Lone Ran-ger.

8 to 9 P. M. KEI -8. Frost Warnings; 8:05, Point Sublime; 6:30, ?Notation Party.

KNN. -11. A 'n Andy: 8:15. Lan-ny Noss, Songs; 8:30. Dr. Chris-tian; 8:55, Maiming. Sewn.

Iirreis Hornet; 8:30, Adnen-toren itt Melody.

RECA -11, Quiz Kids; 8:30. Slants/O-len at Midnight.

KE W11 -11, 1 ttttt Rose: 8:15, Pop. Orris.: 8:30, Sara Longman.

KMPC -8, Sewn: 8:15. Salon Mod-erne; 8:36, Hollywood ow Parade: 11:45. Let's Talk New*.

KMTR -8, J. Grier Orris.; 8:15. Sing-ing Waiters; 8:30. Spec. Events.

RFAC-8. Enening Concert. KGE.1 -9. NeW111 8:15, Music. RPPC -8. Christ man Seals; 8:15. 11.A.R.: S:30, Night al the Metro-politan; 8:45, Huntington Memor-ial Montillal.

11111A -8, Re Russell. KI:Flt -11. Sewn; 8:115. Spanish Hour. RES11 -11, Quiz Kids; 8:30, Manhat-tan at Midnight.

111:11 -11. Mod ball Forecast: 0:15, In the Gloaming: 8:311, Donee Time; 8:45, De Aryan Comments.

KVOE -11. Green Hornet; 0:30. Ad-venture'. in MelmlY•

9 to 10 P. M. 15E1 -9, Eddie Cantor; 9:30, Mr. Dls-trit•t Attorney.

KNX -9. Tennis. Star Theatre. KH.1 -9, News; 9:15. Cal 'Pinney; 9:30, Fulton Lewin; 9;45, Plill St News.

KECA-9, Easy Aces; 9:18. (' amp News; 9:30. New*: V W Rodriguez & Sutherland.

RFAVIA-9, Lest We Forgot: 11:15, This In Music; 9:30, News; 9:46, Piano Paintings.

KMPC -9. Peter Potter. KNITR -9, Floyd Johnson; 9:39. Spec. Events.

REAC -11, Enening Concert. KGEJ -9, News; 9:15, Music; 9:36, St ate Guard; 9:45, Syncopated Symphony.

11EPPC -9. Musk. REOX -9, Church of Christ; 9:111, News; 9:30, Rhythm Time.

KGER -9, News; 9:05, Thomas Om,-mato.

REXM -9:311, Spotlight Rands: 1:46. News.

RESG -9:15, El Monte Church; 9:45. Spirit of 1..1.F.E.

KESD -9. Easy Aces; 9:15. Army ('amp News; 9:30, Sewn; 9:45, Oa With Dance.

KGB -9, S e w 9:15, Cal Tinney; 9:311. Fulton Lewin; 9:45, News.

KVIIF:-9, News; 9:15, Cal Timmy; 9:311, Milton 1.1•Win; 9;45, News.

10 to 11 P. M. KFI -111, Richfield Se w in; 111:15, Nothing But PrnIne: 10:20. Musk for Listening; 10:30, Inside the News (Thrifty M oe); 10:45. Blue Moonlight.

K • N-111, Garry d, News: 10:116. Korld 'Today; 111:311. Masterworks.

K11.1 -10, R. N 0 Ii I e Orch.; M U, General Electrit• • 10:30, News; 111:45. R. Noble tirch.

KECA -111. Basin St. Chamber Ma-nic; 10:30, Records; 10:45. A. Rey (Arch.

RI'V111 -14), Let's Da ne •; 10:15, Bowling Notes; 111:30, Dance To-night.

'CN N' —In, Music City; 10:15, News; 10:30, Kennedy Trio; 10:45. Royal Hawaiians.

KMTR -10. Viennese Enge m Islet 10:15. It. Merit! Oreh•; 10:36, Special Enentn.

KEAC -10, Leicky Lager Dance Time. KI:E.1 -10, N e w ft: 10:15, Dunlap Bran.: 10:311, Munk.

KE0X -111. Ron. Ballroom: 10:15. Lucca Floor; 10:30. Majestic Ball-room; 10:45. R.I.\ Ballroom.

BC; 1:12 —Ill. News: 10:10. Church of Naxarene.

KFAM -141, Sizing Up Sewn; 10:19, John B. Hughes; 10:30, Sports-light; 10:45, R. Noble Orrin.

KESG -10:15. Hy mn Story Drama: 10:30, Clifford Hardy.

KESI) -111. M Pit man (tech: 10:30, News; 111:45. Symphonies of Sage.

KGB -111, Talk of llie Times: 111:18; George Bacon: 10:30, News: 10:43, R. Noble Orch. r1 W. -10. R. Noble °reit.: 111:30. News; 10:45. 11.114.

11 to 12 Midnight RE1 -11, News; 11:15. C. Rana.., Orch.; 11:30, J. Grier Orch.: 11:55, New

KNX -11. Se wn. Manning; 11:III, Affairs: 11:30, M. Strand

Drell.; 11:35, News. RH.11 -11. T. Weems Oreh.; 11:3a, B. Crosby Orch.

REI'A -111. PhIlliarmonin. RE WB -11:30. Munk Von Want. KMPC -11. Eon HMIS,. KMTR -11, H. Henry Orch.: 11:15, Spec. Enents.

KEAC —II. Lucky Lager Dance TIMIS. KGEJ -11, News; 11:15. Organ; II ::to. Buccaneer's Barham...

KIM X-11, Music. KEXM -11. \Ohl. of Denson Dark-nee.; II :30. B. Cronhy Orch.

RES6 -11, El Mollie (hiirch. RF111) -11, This Moving World; 11:15, C. R/1\117.76 MTh.; 11:30, J. Grier, Dech. • 11:55. New..

KGB-1 .1. T. Weems Orch.: 11:39, B. 1 rosby Orch.

K‘11E -11, T. Weems 11:301 B. Crosby On+.

Beat Band Again? Reported tip for consideration of air

sponsor again is "I3eat the Band", which spotlighted Ted Weems' orchestra.

* * Poetry and Pipes

Marvin Mueller (Ellis Smith of "Guid-ing Light") collects everything from poetry to pipes.

* *

Hayes Is Hostess Helen Hayes ilIN it es 1111•111111 •IN of

her radio program to be her dinner guests between first and repeat broad-casts.

, * * KNX, 7:30 p.m. soon.

Treat your family to flavorsome Mon-arch Finer Foods known for their finality by tour generations. Monarch Coffee now comes in an economical vacuum tin that saves money.

Well-Liked Frank Porker, t he tenor, has U l m a

long-term renewal from his thrice-weekly sponsor with the privilege of making one guest appearance a month on other programs.

* * KNX, 3:30 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fel.-

Although he live, in Connecticut,lames Melton, tenor .of Monday .."Telephone !lour" over NBC, maintains an apart-ment In New York City.



THURSDAY Program Highlights M n ng Programs Appear in IA:zlit fare Type; A fterno,,n and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00-Johnny Murray, KFI. 9:00-Kate Smith. KNX. 10.30-Tom Breneman. KECA. II:00-Chef Milani. KMPC. 1::10-Club Matinee, KECA. 3:00-Between the Bookends.

KECA-KFS1). 4:00-Art Baker's Notebook, K M 6:00 -Kraft Music Hall. IKF1. 6:00-Major Bowes. KNX. 7 :00 -Rudy Vallee, KECA. 7 :Oil-Xavier (7ugat, FEEL 7:15-Spotlight Bands, KIM-

KG11-1EFXM-FiVOE. 7:30-Jimmie Fidler. KHJ-KGB-

KVOE. 7:30-Frank Fay, 8:00-Amos 'n' Andy. KNX. 3:15-Lum and Abner. KFI. 8:30-Maxwell House. K n. 9:00-Duffy's Tavern, KNX. 10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time,


Drama 3:30 -Confessions of the Cor-

sair, KHJ. 7:30- Whodunit?, KNX. 8:30-Maudie's Diary. KNX. 9:00-Aldrich Family, KFI. 9:30-Death Valley Days, K.NX. 10:15-Dear John, KFI.

O utstanding jilusic 12 :30-1.uncheon Concert, KFAC. 2:00-Classic Hour. KECA. 3:15-Masterpieces. ILFAC. 7:00-Glenn Stiller. KNX. 7:15-Masters Hour, KMPC.

- 111111111,..

8:00-Standard Symphony. KVOE-KFXM-KGB.

8:00-Evening Concert, KFAC. 11:05-Pleasure Time. KFI. 8:15-Lanny Ross KNX. 10:00-Haven of Rest, KI1J-HGB-

KVI1E-KFX111. 10:30-Masterworks, KNX. 11:00-Philbarmonia„ KECA.

Public A ff airs-Nam 7:30-Bob Garrett. KNX. 7:45-Nelson Pringle, KNX. 7:45-Sam Hayes. KFI. 9:00-John B. Hughes. KHJ-

KGB-KVOE. 3:45-Affairs of State, KHJ. 4:00-Fallon Lewis, KHJ-KGB-

KVOE-KFX51. 4:45 -H. V. Kaltenborn, 6:55-Elmer Davis, KNX. 6:00-Gabriel !leaflet% KHJ. 7:00-Raymund Gram Swing,

KHJ-KGB-IEFXM-KVOE. 7:15-Bill Henry, KNX. 7:45-Robert Arden. H MIS. 8:415-Let's Talk News, liMPC. 9:30-Fulton Lewis. KHJ-KGB

KV0E-KFNM. 9:15-Rodrigues & Sutherland,

KECA. 10:00-Town Meeting, [MCA-

K F'SD. 10:00-RICHFIELD NE WS, KFI. 10:30-Inside the News, KFI.

Sports-Corn m ent 6:30 -Sports Page. HMI'(. 7:45-1nside of Sports. KHJ-

KGB-K.4'0E. 10:13-Bowling Notes. KFVVB.

THURSDAY Programs NOVEMBER 27, 1941

8 to 9 A. M. KFI-R, Johnny Murray; 815, Min-strel Program; 8:30, News; 8:45. David Ha mm.

KNX -$. Rita Murray; 9:15. 'foto. Neighbor; 8:30, Hymns of All Churches; 8:45, Stories America Loves.

KHJ--8, Breakfast Club: 3:30, News; 9:45, As Twig Is Bent.

KECA-8, Musical Clock; 8;15. Breakfast Club: 8:30, News; 8:45, Robert Lee Johnson.

KF WB -8. Melodies; 8:15, Don Rose; 8:30, Pop. Orch.

115IPC-8, Andy & Virginia; 3:15, Market Report; 8:25, Successful Living; 8:30, Unity Daily World.

11151TR -8. Spanish; 8:43, Religious. ILFAC-8, Country Church; II:30, Music; 8:45, Mildred Lager.

K(.F.1 -8, News; 8:15, Breakfast serenade; 8:45. Dr. Wiseman.

HRKD -8, Music; 8:30, News, Mu-sic.

KF(1X -8, News; 8:15, Records: 8:45, Classified.

KGER -8, News, Soul Patrol; 8:15, Mizpah; 8:45, Rev. Bennington.

KFX:11 -11, Breakfast Club; 8:15. Sunshine Service; 8:45, As Twig Is Bent.

EFSD -8. Breakfast Club; 8:15, Good Cheer; 8:30, Traveling Cook: 8:15. What Can I Do?

KGB-8, Breakfast Club; 8:30, News; 8:45, As Twig Is Bent.

IEFVD-R, Covered Wagon Jubilee. ICVOF.',--8, Breakfast Club: 8:30, News; 8:15, As Twig Is Bent.

9 to 10 A. M. KFI-9, What's Doing; 9:15. Miran-dy'a Garden Patch; 9:30. One Word Jackpot; 9:35, News; 9:45. Road of Life.

HNX-9, Kate Smith; 9:15, Big Sis-ter; 9:30, Romance of Helen Trent; 9:45, Our Gal Sunday.

KHJ -1). John B. Hughes; 9:15. Norma Young; 9:45, We're Always Young.

KECA -9, Betty Randall: 9:30. Here's to the Ladies; 9:45. Mu-sical Mysteries.

EFWB-9, Music; 9:1:1, News; 9:30, Tall Philosopher; 9:45, Pop. °reit.

KMP(' -9, News; 9:15. Hollywood Way to Glamour; 9:30, Family Bible; 9:45, News.

K31TR-9, Rev. Thomas: 9:15, Health: 9:30. W. B. Record; 9:43. Spec. Events.

KFAC-9, Unity Viewpoint; 9;15, Voice of Health; 9:30. Musie.

KGF.1-9, News, Stocks; 9:15. Mu-sic; 9:30, Waltz Time.

11111(1) -9, Sagebrush Serenade; 9:30, Music; 9:45. News.

KIDX -9, Firebrands for Jesus; 9:45, Mid-Morning Melodies,

KGER -9, News; 9:05, Rev. Par-ham; 9:15. March Ahead f Time: 9:30. Revival; 9:45, Full Gospel.

KFX51 -9, News; 9:15. Pop. Oral.: 9:30, Woman's Program.

RFSD-9. America ('alling: 9:15, Health Talk: 9:30, Sabransky, Or-gan: 9:45, Helen Hiett.

KGB-9, John B. Hughes; 9:15, Ben Sweetland; 9:30, Airliners; 9:45, We're Always Young.

KFVD -9, Waltz; 9:15. News: 9:30, Dr. Richardson; 9:45, Parade.

ILVOE-9, John B. Hughes; 9:15, Airliners; 9:30, Monitor News; 9:45, We're Always Young.

10 NO 11 A. M. KFI-10, Agnes White; 10:15, Bess Johnson; 10:30, Bachelor's Chil-dren; 10:45, Dr. Kate.

KNX-10, Life Can Be Beautiful; 10:15. Woman in White; 10:30, Right to Happiness; 10;45, Mary Lee Taylor.

KHJ -10. News; 10:15. Helen Hol-den; 10:30. Front Page Farrell; 10:45 I'll Find My Way.

KECA -10, Vance & Lila; 10:15, Jack Owens & the Eavesdropper; 10:30, Breakfast at Sorel's.

KFWB-10, Pop. Orch.; 10:15. Vocal Varieties; 10:45, Music and News.

KMPC-18, Andy & Virginia; 10:30, Lest We Forget; 10:45, News.

KMTR-10, Our Saviour's Lutheran Church; 10:15, Spec. Events; 10:45, Volney James.

KFAC-10, Serenade; 10:30, News; 10:45, Congregational Church.

FIGFJ -10, News; 10:15, Voice of Health; 10:30. Music.

KRKD-10. Paddock Flashes; 10:15, Talk; 10:30, Voice of Government: 10:45 News: 10:50. Music.

KFOX -10, News; 10:15, Religious; 10:30, 2nd Cup of Coffee: 10:45, Concert Miniature.

KGER-10. News; 10:15, Kingdom Within; 10:30, Sunshine Pastor.

RFXM-10, News; 10:15, Organ: 10:30, Front Page Farrell; 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

KFSD-10, Vance & Lila; 10:15, jack Owens & the Eavesdropper; 10:30, Breakfast at Sardi's.

KGB-10, News; 10:15, Diets Cyr Defense; 10:30, Front Page Far-rell; 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

(MTN KFI KECA K NJ Me -PUT KMPCTK1EV TKFWITKNX 610T6401-7001- 93071020T 600 /10 0711 900 1070


1240 1-1330T13901.-1230 1280 1380 1490

IIFVD-10, Morning Serenade; 10:5o. Union Rescue Mission.

EVOE-10, News; 10:15, Helen Hol-den; 10:30. Front Page Farrell; 10:45, I'll Find MY Way.

11 A. M. to 12 Noon

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KM PC-11:00 A. M.

KFI -11. Light of the World: 11:15, Mystery Man; 11:30, Valiant I.ady; 11:45, Arnold Grimm's Daughter.

KNX-11, Bright Horizon: 11:1a, Aunt Jenny's Stories; 11:30. Fletch-er Wiley; 11:45, Kate Hopkins.

KH.1-11, Standard School of Air; 11;30, School of Air.

KECA -11. Records; 11:15, Prescott Presents: It:30, into the Light; 11:45, Midstream.

R FW B-11, Tom Stoddard; 11:15, Bing Crosby; 11:30, .41 Jarvis.

IIMPC-11, Chef Milani; 11:30. Coun-cil of Beauty; 11:45, Farm Journal.

KMTR -11, Dr. Talbot; 11:30, Floyd Johnson; 11:45. Dr. J. A. Lovell.

IIFAC-11, Les Adams; 11:30, Polly Patterson; 11:45, Music.

KGFJ-11. News: 11:15, Music; 11:30, Rhythm Roundup.

KRKI1 -11. Robbie. Pianist: 11:15, Music: 11:30, News; 11:45, Music.

EFOX-11, Huntington Park: 11:05, Music; 11:15, Lost Pets; 11:30. N e ws; 11:35, Music.

KGER -11, News; 11:15, Purple Mules; 11:45. Music.

Standard School: 11:30. Meet the Band; 11:45, America Talking.

KIND -11. U.S.O. News; 11:05, On With Dance; 11:15, V. Lopes Orch.; 11:30, Into the Light; 11:45, News.

KGB-11. Standard School: 11:30. Spanish Is Fun; 11:45, School of Air.

111,40-11. News; 11:15, Musical Al-bum: 11:30, Pianos; 11:45, Violet Sarum.

KV0E-11, Standard School; 11:30, school of Air.

12 Noon to 1 P. M. KFI -12 Farm Reporter; 12:15 Ma Perkin's: 12:30, Guiding Light: 12:45, Vic and Sade.

KNX-12. Man I Married: 12:15, Manning, News; 12:30, News, Gar-ret!: 12:35, Music; 12:45. Woman of Outrage.

KHJ -12. News: 12:15, Homemakers Club; 12:45. Bill's Wax Shop.

KECA -1.2. Orphans of Divorce; 12:15, Honeymoon Hill; 12:30, John's Other Wife; 12:45, Just Plain Bill.

KFWB -12, Al Jarvis; 12:30. News: 12:45, Jubilee.

KMPC -12, High Noon; 12:15, News; 12:30. Peter Potter.

KMTR-12, Miner; 12:30. Spec. Events; 12:45. Old Prospector.

KFAC-12, News; 12:15. Backseat Driver; 12:30, Luncheon ('oncert.

KGFJ -12, News; 12:15, Pan-Amer-ican Review; 11:30, City Dwellers; 12:45, Let's L'aten.

KRKD-12 Music; 12:30, Jimmie's Saddle 1;als.

KFOX -12, Tin Pan Alley; 12:15, News: 12:30, Garden School; 12:45, Music.

1169:11-12, News: 12:05, Desert Man; 12:15. Dept. of Agriculture; 12:30, Music,

KFXM -12. Singin' Sam; 12:15, News: 12:30, l'op. Orch.; 12:45, J. Shields. Tenor; 12:55, News.

KIND-12, Orphans of Divorce; 12:15, Amanda of Honeymoon Hill: 12:30, John's Other Wife; 12:45, Just Plain Bill.

HGB-12, News; 12:15, Camp Grant in Review; 12:45, J. Shields, Ten-or: 12:55, News.

KFVD -12, Editor of Air; 12:30, Luncheon Music; 12:45, Violet Schram.

KVOE -I2, News; 12:15, Camp Grant in Review; 12:45, J. Shields, Ten-or; 12:55. News.

1 to 2 P. M.

91F1-1, Backstage Wife; 1:15, Stella Dallas; 1:30, Lorenzo Jones; 1:45,, Young Widder Brown.

KNX -1, Stepmother; 1:15, 513 rt and Marge; 1:30. School of the Air.

1{11.1-1, Bookworm; 1:15, Agnew. Organ; 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:45. Boake Carter.

KECA -1, News; 1:15. Dearest Mother; 1:30, Club Matinee; 1:55, Records.

KFIVB-1:30. Monty Magee; 1:45, H. Horlick Orch.

KMP(' -1, Peter Potter; 1:30, Mall on Street; 1:45, It Goes Like This.

HMTIR-1, News Reel; 1:15, Spec. Events; 1:30, Pension.

KFAC-1, Science of Mind; 1:15, Musk; 1:30, Lea Adams.

14(iFJ-1, News; 1:15. Strings Pre-sent; 1:30, Matinee Melodies.

KRKD-1, News; 1:05, Music; 1:30, Singing Waiters; 1:45, Pat O'Shea & Santaella.

KFOX -I, Lucca: 1:15, Classified; 1:30. Monitor News; 1:45, Blues.

KGER -1, News: 1:05, Officials; 1:20, Music; 1:30, Spanish.

KFAM -1. South American Way; 1:15, John Agnew; 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:45. Boake Carter.

KNNI)-1, Club Matinee; 1:15, Ann Gibson; 1:30, Number Melodies; 1:45, On With Dance; 1:55, News.

KGB-1, Bookworm; 1:15, Monitor News; 1:30, Johnson Family; 1:45, Boake Carter.

KFV11)-1, News; 1:15, Moods in Music; 1:45, Vocal Varieties.

KVOE-1, Bookworm; 1:15, john Agnew, Organ; 1:30, Johnson Fam-ily; 1:15, Boake Carter.

2 to 3 P. M. RFT-2, When a Girl Marries; 2:15. Portia Faces Life; 2:30, We the Abbotts; 1:45, Mary Marlin.

KNX -2, Wheatena Playhouse; 2:15, Road of Life; 2:30, O'Neills; 2:45. .111-it Entertainment.

IRIL1-2, Music Depreciation; 2:15, Eddie Albright: 2:30, News; 2:45, Let's Play Bridge.

KECA -1, Classic Hour. KFIV11-2, South Sea Magic; Z:30, News, Music.

KSIPC -2. I. S. ('. Forum; 2:15, Fiesta; 2:30, R. Korey Orch.; 2:45, News.

KMT111-2, Woman's World. KFAC-2. Music: 2:15, County Fed-eration; 2:30, Music; 2:45, Yates, Organ.

KliFJ-2, News; 2:15, Civic: 2:30, Farm Credit Adm.: 2:45, Music.

KRKD-2, Music; 2:25, Race Re-sume; 2:30. News; 2:45, Music.

KFOX -2, News; 2:15. Civic; 2:30, Lost Pets: 2:45; Just Relax.

HGER -2, News; 2:05, Music; 2:15, Gospel Echoes; 2:30, L. B. Band.

KFX111 -2, Musk Depreciation; 2:15, Hawaiian Melodies; 2:30, News; 2:45, Civic Spotlight.

KFSD-2, Chansonette: 2:25, Women in Defense; 2:30, Balboa Park Or-gan.

KGB-2, Music Depreciation; 2:15, KGB Presents; 2:30, News; 2:45, Let's Play Bridge.

KFVD-2, Music Box; 2:15, organ; 2:30, Romantic Rhythm.

3 to 4 P. M. KFI -3, Pepper Young's Family: 3:15, Lone Journey; 3:30, Against the Storm; 3:45. News.

KNX-3, Joyce Jordan; 3:15, Back-ground for Living: 3:30, Musical Tapestry: 3:45, Nancy Dixon.

KHJ-3, M. Praeger Orch.; 3:30. Confessions of the Corsair; 3:45, Affairs of State.

KECA-3, Between the Bookends; 3:15. 1 nclassic Hour.

KFIV11-3, News; 3:15, Pop. Orch.l 3:45, Don Rose.

K5IPC -3, Johnny Olson. KMTR-3:15. Eugenia Clair Mittel 3:30, Piano; 3:45. Spec. Events.

KFAC-3, Music; 3:15. Symphony. KGFJ -3. News, Storks; 3:15, Or. Kan ; 3:30, Concert Melodies.

KRKD-3, Music; 3:30, News, Mu-sic.

KFOX-3, Musical Roundup; 3:30, Anita Boyer: 3:45, Recital Time.

KGER-3. News; 3:05, Music; 3:30, Long Beach Band.

KFXM-3, Dr. Floyd Johnson; 3:15, Concert; 3:30. Trading Post; 3:45, Good Afternoon, Soldier.

KFSD-3. Between Bookends; 3:15, Light That Shines; 3:30, National Farm & Home Hour.

IIG11 -3. Ben Sweetland; 3:15, rude Jimmy; 3:30. Off the Record' 3:45. KGB Presents; 3:55, Miracles of Faith.

KFVD -3, News•, 3:15, Favorites; 3:30, Band; 3:45, Novelty.



4 to 5 P. M. KFI-4, Art Baker's Notebook; 4:30. Vass Family; 4:43, H. V. KaHen-horn.

KNX-4, Second Mrs. Burton; 4:15, Voung Dr. Al :lone; 4:30, News; 4:35, Galen Drake.

Kli.1 -1. Fulton Lewis; 4:15, here's Morgan; 4:24, Around the Ring; 4:30, Casey Jones, Jr.; 4:45, Or-phan Annie.

HECA -1, News; 4:15, Mr. Keen; 4:30, Speaking of Glamour; 4:45, Superman.

El-vs It-I. Don Milligan; 4:30. Mu-sic & News; 4:45. Stuart Hamblen.

1551PC -4, Hollywood Blvd. Quiz: 4:15, Moments Musicale; 4:30, News; 4:45, Songs By Darrell.

1151TR -415, Lyman Smith: 4:30, Spec. Events: 4:45, Santaella Ens.

KFA(' -4:15, Music; 4:45, Christian Science.

RI:F.1-4, News; 4:15, Tea Time: 4:30, Memory Time.

NRKI) -1. Music; 4:15. Movieland Quiz; 4:30, Music; 4:45, News.

KFOX-4. News; 4:15, Jamboree; 4:15, Music.

KGER-4, News; 4:15, Geo. Strange: 4:30, Prophecy Speaks.

NFX.51 -1, Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's Morgan; 4:30, Pop. Orch.: 4:41, Orphan Annie.

KIND-4:15, Mr. Keen; 4:30, On With Dance; 4:45, The Brians.

KGB-4, Fulton Lewis; 4:15. Here's Morgan: 4:24, Around the Ring: 4:30, Casey Jones; 4:45, Orphan Annie.

KI ND -4, 90-90 Club; 4:15, Tea Time: 4:30, News.

KVOF: -4, Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Foot-ball; 4:45, Orphan Annie.

5 to 6 P. M. KFI-5, Don Winslow; 5:15, News Crier; 5:30. Music by Sweeten.

KNX-5, Galen Drake; 5:15, Lone Journey; 5:30, Tonight's Best Buys: 5:45, Garred, News; 5:55,' Davis. News.

KHJ-5, News; 6:15, Shatter Par-ker's Circus; 6:30, Capt. Midnight; 3:45, Jack Armstrong.

SF:CA -5, Sunshine Melodies; 5:15, News; 5:30, News of World; 5:45, Tom Mix.

KEW B-5, Stuart Hamblen. KMPC-5, Five Ulla.* Whistle; 5:15, News; 3:30, Uncle Harry. wsrrn-S, Dr. Davis; 5:15, Spec. Events; 5:30, Music.

KFAC -5, News; 5:15. Sport Re-views; 6:30, Whoa Bill Club.

K( F.1 -5, News; 5:15, Music; 5:30. Sport Secrets; 5;41. Phil Stanwick.

KIIK1)--.5, Songs of Saddle; 5:30, Race Results; 5:45. News.

K FOX -5, God's Sunshine; 5:30, Jamboree; 5:45, Dick Ross.

KFX.M -5, World Through Window; 5:15, Shatter Parker; 5:30. Capt. Midnight; 5:45, Jack Armstrong.

KGER-5, News; 5:05, Latin Hour. KGB-5, Superman; 5:15, Shatter Parker's Circus; 5:3u, Capt. Mid-night; 6:45, Jerk Armstrong.

KFSD-5. News; 5:15. Flying Pa-trol; 5:30, News of World; 5:45, Tom Mix.

KV0E-5:15, Shatter Parker's Cir-cus; 5:30. Capt. Midnight; 6:43, Jack Armstrong.

6 to 7 P. M. EFI-11, Kraft's Music Hull. KNX -9, Major ROM,' Amateur Hr. K11.1-6. Gabriel Heatter; 6:15, Mu-sic, C. Thornhill Orch.; 6:30, News; 6:45, EaVilyS.

liTECA -li. Adventures In Hollywood: 6:15, Sports Roundup; 6:30, Mayor Bowron; 6:45, Intermezzo,

KITIVII-6, News; 6:15, In the Gloaming; 6:30, Pop. Orch.; 6:45. Defending America.

KIIPC--6, News; 6:15, Oregon Land Man; 6:30, Sports Page; 6:45. Table for Two.

KFAC-6, Music for Everyone. KMTR--9, Irwin Meet': 6:15, News W O; 6:30, Dick Terry; 6:45, Ed Robbin.

IE(mFJ-6, News, Italian Melodies; 6:30, Music.

KRKI)-6, Concert; 6:45, Fishing Pals.

KFOX -6, News: 6:10, Sports; 6:15, Music; 6:30, Semi-Classical; 6:45, Football Prophet.

KGER-6, News: 6:15, Music; 6:30, Manual Arts High.

KEXM-6. News; 6:05. Music; 6:15, Cinnamon Bear; 6:30, News; 6:45, Envoys.

KIND -6, Frontier Fighters; 6:15 Organ Contrast; 6;30, B String Quartet.

KGB-6, Marine Varieties: 6:30. News; 6:45, Officer of the Day.

KV0E -6, I Am An American; 6:15, Dinner Dance; 6:30, Orange County News; 6:45, Envoys.

7 to 8 P. M. KFT-7, Cugat's Rhumba Revue; 7:30, Frank Fay.

KNX-7, G. Miller Orch.; 7:15, Bill Henry; 7:30. Whodunit?

KH.I-7, Raymond Gram Swing; 7:15, Spotlight Rands ; 7 :30. Jimmie Fidler: 7:45, Inside of Sports.

KECA-7, Rudy Vallee; 7:30, News Here & Abroad; 7:45, News.

KFWB-7, Pop. Orch.; 7:30, News; 7:45. Robert Arden.

KMPC -7, Strollin' Tom; 7:15, Mas-ter's Hour.

KMTR -7, Music; 7:15 Clifford E. Clinton; 7:30. Dr. Michelson.

KFAC -7, Music; 7:45, News. KGFJ-7. Spanish Hour. KRKD-7, News; 7:15. Three-Quar-ter Time; 7:30, Do You Know?

KFOX-7, Daily Bread; 7:15, Salon Jazz; 7:45, Robert Arden.

KGER-7, News: 7:05, Italian Good Samaritan; 7:30, Japanese News.

KFSG-7:45, Aimee Semple McPher-son.

KFX'.M-7. Raymond Gram Swing; 7:15, Spotlight Bands; 7:30, Lone Ranger.

KIND-7, Rudy Vallee; 7:30, Hill-man & Clapper; 7:45, C. Caval-ier° Orch.

KGB-7, Raymond Gran/ Swing: 7:15, Spotlight Bands ' 7:30, Jim-mie Fidler; 7:45, inside of Sports.

KV0E-7. Raymond 6. Swing; 7:15, Spotlight Bands; 7:30, Jimmie Fid-ler; 7:45, Inside of Sports.

8 to 9 P. M. KFI-8, Frost Warnings; 8:05, Fred Waring; 8:15, Lum and Abner; 8:30, Maxwell House Coffee Time,

KNX-8, Amos 'n' Andy; 8:15, Lanny Ross, Songs; 8:30, Matare's Diary.

K11.1-8, Standard Symphony. KF:CA-8, March of Time,•, 8:30, Captain Quiz; 8:45, Records.

KFW11-.9, Don Rose; 8:15. Pop. I/reit.: 8:30. This Our America.

KMPC -8, News; 8:15, Salon Mod-erne; 8:45. Let's Talk News.

KMTR -8, Property Owners; 8:15. Singing Waiters; 8:30. Technocra-cy: 8:45. J. Grier ()reit.

KFAC -8, Evening Concert. KGF.1-8, News; 8:15, Music. KFOX-8. Organ; 8:30, Judge Gard-ner.

KGER-8, News' 8:05, Spanish H ur o. KFXM-8, Standard Sjmphony Hour. KGB -8, Standard Symphony. KF141) -8, March of Time; 8:30, Sou-ders of the Circle N.

KV0E-8, Standati Symphony.

9 to 10 P. M. KF1-9, Aldrich Family; 9:30, Cab-bages & Kings; 9:45, F. Ehener Orch.; 9:55, Radio Chatter.

KNX-9, Duffy's Tavern•, 9:25. Dave Lane: 9:30, Death Valley Days.

KHJ-9, News; 9:15, Story Teller; 9:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45, New., Sterns.

NECA-9, Easy Aces; 9:15. Camp Roberts Show; 9:30. News; 9:43. Rodriguez & Sutherland.

KFAVB-9, This Is Music; 9:30, News; 9:45, Piano Paintings,

KMPC -9, Peter Potter. KMTR-9, Horsemen's Forum; 9:15, Spec. Events.

KFAC -9, Evening Concert. KGF.1-9, News; 9:15, Syncopated Symphony.

IEFOX -9, Church of Christ; 9:15, News; 9:30, Rhythm Time.

KGF:R -9. News; 9:05, Night In Mexico; 9:30. Music.

KING-9:30, Sister Sylvia. KFXM -9, News; 9:15, B. Barroa Orch.; 9:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45. Voice in the Night.

KFSD-9. Easy Aces; 9:15, Camp Roberts Show: 9:30, News; 9:43, R. Himber Orch.; 9:55, News.

KGB-9, News; 9:15, Town Crier; 9:30. Fulton Lewis; 9:45, News.

KV0E-9. News; 9:15, Red Crosse! 9:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45, News, Stearns.

10 to 11 P. M. KFT-10, Richfield Neas; 10:15, hear John; 10:30. Inside the News (Thrifty Drug); 10:45, Blue Moon-light.

KNX-10, Garred, News; 10:15, World Today; 10:30, Masterworks.

KH4-10, Haven of Rest; 10:30, News; 10:45, R. Noble Orch.

KECA-10. Town Meeting of Mr. KFV111-10, Let's Dance; 10:15, Bowling Notes; 10:30, Dance To-night.

KMPC-10, Music City; 10:15, News; 10:30, Kennedy Trio; 10:45, Ha-waiians.

KMTR-10. Viennese Ens.; 10:15, B. Averill Oral.; 10:30. Spec. Events,

KFAC-10, Lucky Lager Dance Time, KGFJ-10, News; 10:15, Drama; 10:30, Music.

KFOX -10. Ross Ballroom; 10:15, Lucca Floor; 10:30, Majestic Ball-room; 10:45, D. Ross Ballroom.

KGER -10, News: 10:10, County Seat; 10:30, Concert Miniature.

KFXM -10, Voices of the Night: 10:30, Sportslight: 10:45, R. Noble Orch.

KFSG -10, Esther Fricke Stuart; 10:30, Two Grand Pianists.

KFSD-10, Town Meeting of Mr. KGB-10, Haven of Rest; 10:30, News; 10:45, R. Noble Oreh.

KFVD-10, Hank the Night Watch-man.

KV0E-10, Ha/en of Rest; 10:311, News; 10:45, R. Noble Orch.

11 to 12 Midnight KFI-11. News: 11:15, r. Havant,. Orch.; 11:30, A. Rey Orch.; 11:55, News.

KNX -11. News, Manning; 11:15, H. Owens Orch.; 11:30, M. Strand Orch.; 11:55, News.

KHJ-11, T. Weems Oral.; 11:30, B. Crosby Orch.

KECA-11, PhIlharmon'a. KFWB-11:30, Music Von Want. KMPC -11, Fun House. ICSITR-11, H. Henry Orch.; 11:15, Spec. Events.

KFAC -11, lucky La2er Dance Time. KGFJ -11, News; 11:15, Organ; 11:30, Buccaneer's Barbaree,

KFOX -11, Music, KFXM -11, Teller of Curious Tales; 11:15, T. Weems Orch.; 11:30, B. Crosby °reit. FS O -11, Music.

KNND-II, News: 11:15, Symphonies of Sage; 11:30, A. Hey Orch.; 11:55, News.

KGB-11, T. Weems Orch.; 11:311. B. Crosby ()reit.

KFVD-11, Night Watchman. HVOE--11, T. Weems Orch.; U:30, B. Crosby Orch.

Berwyn Goes Autry The first news dispatch from the town

of Gene Autry, Oklahoma, went out over the nation's wire services last week pro-claiming that the town of Berwyn, Okla-homa, was no more. For Berwyn changed its name, at the request of its citizens and by virtue of a resolution signed by the county commissioners, to that of the noted cowboy singer and CBS radio star of the "Melody Ranch" broadcasts -Gene Autry. Autry's huge ranch and headquarters for his new rodeo, which goes on the road next Spring, is situated close to the thriving town named in his honor.

„or * KNX, 9:30 p.m. Sun.

Too Convincing When Bob Garred picked up the tele-

phone one day this week and heard what he thought was double-talk, he figured it was a gag. But it turned out the caller was a Russian who assumed from Gar-red's fluent pronunciations that the CBS newscaster spoke the language and thought it complimentary to congratulate him in that tongue.

* * KNX, 10 p.m.

Mum -Sat.

8tb lei BROADWAY • LOS ANGELES • /Mc Neil 4343 JOE CRAIL, Prosithat

OSFSPIgem, wok* Consistently Higher Earnings

Federally Insured Safety *Conservative (rail Management





FRIDAY Program Highlights ,Ihg l'rograoloto App.. .t.'e Type'. and

Evening Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Johnny Murray, KFI. 8:15 -Art Baker, NFL 9:1/0-Kate Smith, KNX. 10:30 -Tom BEN:en:an, EECA. 11:00 -Chef Milani, K MPC. 1:30 -Club Matinee, KECA. 3:00 -Between the Bookends,

KECA-KFSD. 4:00 -Art Baker's Notebook,

KFI. 5:30 -Calling All Cantos, KFI. (1:15 -Radio Magic, KFSI). 6:30 -Three Ring Time, KHJ-

KGIA-KEXM-KITIE. 6:30 -Uncle Walter's Doghouse,

KFI. 7:30 -Al Pearce, KNX. 41:00 -Amos 'n' Andy, KNX. 3:15 -Lum and Abner, KFI. : 011 -Kate Smith, KNX.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFA('.

D ra ma 8:30 -First Nighter, KN X. Ii :30 -Michael and Kill', KECA. 7:00 -Hollywood Premiere, KNX. 7:00 - Wings of Destiny, KEI. 7 :011 -Packard Playhomse,

KECA. 7 :30 -Grand Central Station,

KFI. 8:30 -Philip Morris Playhouse,

KNX. 11:30 -Cang Busters, KECA-

KIFSD. 9:30 - When P Roar, KFI.

Quiz Programs 3:30 -Boulevard Quiz, KILL 8:110-Quis of Two Cities, RII.I. 11:30 -Hon't Be Personal. KFI. 9 :111/ -Quis Court. Ktl.

Outstanding 3! wir ID- Music A pprecia .1 Imo.,

I:ECA 11 :30.-Philadelphia 01 ch.. EGO-

KVOE. IKI 19:45 p. nI

12 :30-1.uncheon Concert, RC VC.

1111n MNIMMIll ft.

:011-Classic Hour. KECA. 3:00 -11as en of Hest, K11.1

KFNM-KVOE. 3:30 -Song Treasury. KNX. 6:00 - Waltz Time, K M. 1i:55 -Gunny S K N N. :110 -Es ening Concert K I AC. 14:05 - Pleitsiire Time, It 1 :15 -1.11m and Almei RI 1. 11:15 -Lanny Ross, K's• 10:30 -Masterworks, K's • 1 I :00 -Phillearmonia. K1. , S.

Public dffairs-Newc 7:311 -Bob Garred, K:s 7 :45 -Nelson Pringle. 7:45 -Sam Hayes. K11.1. 9:00-Jolpo B. liughee, KHJ-

EGII-ISVOK. 4:00 -Fulton Lewis, KIIJ-KGB-

KVOE. 4:45 -Frank Bingman. KFI. 5:311-14111 Henry. KN . 5: 35 -tinier Dads, KNX. 8:011 - What's On Tour Mind?,

KNX. 6:00 -Gabriel Meatier, KHJ-

KGB. 7:45 -Robert Arden, KIF WIL 9:15 -Cal li mey. K11.1-KFX51

KGB. 9:30 -Fultoon Lewis. KILI-KG11

KFXM. 9:15 -Rodriguez & Sutherland,

10:00 -Holo (jarred, KNX. 10 :00 -RICHFIELD NE WS. Kul. 10:30 -Inside the News, AFL

StoOrts- Co n Ment

:15 -Sporl Pi Round KF:CA. 0:30 -Sport. rime. EMI T. 7:00-4 .eorge Abra ms s T...1 ,


7 :30 - I ly ing i'oot ball, KI.:4 S. 9:00 -Pigskin Party, KECA-

K EMIL ill :HO -Legion Stadium Fight.

KE1'.5-K ESD. 10:15 -140oling Notes, KEIVII.

FRIDAY Programs \us EMBER la,

8 to 9 A. M. K FI -11. Johnny Murray; 8:15, Art Baker; 8:30, News; 8:45, David Harem.

E.111X -11, Treat Time; 8:15, To m Neighbor; 8:30. Betty Crocker; 8:45, Stories America Loves.

K M4 -11, Breakfast Club; 8:30, News; 8:45, As The Twig Is Bent.

KECA -11, Musical Cloo.k; 8:15, . Breakfast Club; 8:30, News; 8:45, Robert Lee Johnson.

E F WB -11. Morning Melodies; 8:15. Don Rose: 8:311, Pop. Orris.

IliMPti -11, Andy and Virginia: 8 :15 . Market Report; 8 :25, Successf Living 8:30. Unity Daily Word.

KIITR -8. Spanish Progra m. VA112 -11, Country Church; 3:30. Garden School; 8:45, Slush%

KG F.1 -14, News; 8:15, Breakfast Serenade; 8:45, Dr. Wiseman.

KRKD -11, Music; :30, News: 8:35, Mamie.

El-AIX -9, News; A:15, Records; Classified.

KliER -8, News, Soul Patrol; 8:1 5. Mizpah; 8:45, Rev. Bennington'.

118FX51 -8; Breakfast Club: 8:15, Stonahine Sersice; 8:45, As Twig Is Bent.

liFSD -8. Breakfast Club; 11:15, Good Cheer; 8:30, New s; 8:45, Andrini Cunt inentals.

KGIS -8, Breakfast Club; 8:30. News; 8:45. As Twig Is Bent.

REVD -11, Covered Wagon Jubilee. KVOE -8, Breakfast Club; 8:30, News: 8:45. As llte Twig Is Bent.

9 to 10 A. M. KFI -9, Agnes White: 9:15, What's Doing; 9:30, One Word Jackpot; 9:35. News; 9:45. Road of Life.

KNX -9, Kate smith; 9:15, BIN Sis-ter; 9:30. Ro mance of Helen Trent; 9:45, Our Gal Sunday.

11.11J-,-S. Jobs B. H ughes ; 8;15, Norma Young; 9:45, e're Always

19 11



e...•4 MON WED 0 K K E C A

9:30 A.M.

liECA -9. Breakfast Club; 9:15, Diana Courtney ; 9:30. Here's to the Ladies; 9:15, Musical Mys-teries.

KF WB -9, Pop. arch.: 9 :15. News: 9:30, Tall Philosopher; 9:15, Mn'

KM PC--S, News; 9:13, Holly wood 55 ay lo , 9.30, FamIly Bible; 11;15, New a

KMT11 -9, Music; 9:15, Henna,: 9:30, W. It, Record; 9:15, Spec. Et eats.

KF.SC -9, Cnity Viewpoint ; 9:10. Vlore of Health: 9:30. Music.

KOFJ -9. News, Sliwks; 9:15, Mu-sic; 9:30. Waltz Ti.,,,'.

KR18111 -9, Someti me': Serenade; 9:30, Mimic; 9:15, News.

X X -9, Firebrands for Jesus; 9:45, Melodies,

KGER -9, Nene; 9:05, Rev. Parham; 0:15, March Ahead of Time; 9:30, .levival; 9:45, Full Gospel.

(iF'XM -9, News; 9:15, Pop. Oren.: 9:30, Woman'• Program.

KES111 -9, America Calling; 9:15. Health Talk; 9:30, Hal Curtis, Or-gan: 9:45, Helen H lel t

K611 -9, John B. Hughes; 9:13. Ben Sweetland: 9:30, Conservation Reporter; 9:45, We're Always Young.

DAR KFI KECA KHJ KFVD KFSC KGFJ KFXM KFAC KGER TICESDT KMPC TKIEV TKFIVE TKNX KRKD KFOX TKGB TKVOE 5101-640 -1-790 T 930-1 -102017- 1150 1240 1-1330 T13901" 600 710 870 980 1070 1230 1280 1360 1490

KEVII) -9, %%alio; 9:15, News: 9:30 . Dr. Richardson; 9:45, Paraide.

KVI1E -9. John B. Hughes; 9:15. What the Bible Teaches; 9:45. We're Always Young.

10 to 11 A. M. RI 1-10, Tillseitook Kilchen; 10:15, Bess Johnson ; 1ii :311, Bachelor's Children : 111: IS, Dr. Kate.

K N Life Can lb. Beautiful ; 10:15, '14 an in White; 111:30, Right to Happinesa; 10:45, liars' Lane. Songs.

1311.1 -10, News; 10:15, Helen Hol-den: 10:30. Front Page Farrell; 10:15, I'll Find My Way.

RECS. -Ito. Vance Ak Lila: 10:15, Family Doctor; 111;311, Breakfast at Sardra.

K 111-111, School News: 10 :15. Iowa! A a Het ies ; In:30. TnIk: 101:15, Mnsly anti NPW a.

KM 111* -111. •%Mb & :30, ,,ire, in doe Mind: 111:15, NeW11.

KliF.1 -10. Ne w.; 10:15, K MTH -III. (Inc sas iour•s Lather:in Church; 10:15. spec. Es eats: 19:11. Volney James.

KFAC -10, Modern Im lllll 18:311. N • W a; 10:45, Congregational Church.

KRKIB -10, Paddock Ilashea: 10:15, Talk; 111:311. I obic of ernment; 10:45, Nen s: 10 :311. Music.

KFOX -10. News; 111:15. Music ; 111:30, Second of l'of fee 10:45, IS lllll an's thaw.

KG ER -b , News; 111:115, Full Gos-pel; 10:15. Kingdom Willoin: 10:30 , Bright Corner; 10:45, Sunshine Pastor,

KFXM -10, News; 10:15, Organ; 111:30, Front Page Farrell; 10:45. I'll Find Sly Way.

RES1J-111, Vance & ; 111:15. Jack Ow ens & the Eat ...dropper ; 10:30, Breakfasl al Sa

KGB -10, NrWA 111:15, RI; II Pre-sents: 10:30, Front Page Farrell: 10;15, I'll Find MY 55113%

KFV1 0-1 11. 5lidmorning Serenade: 10:30, Cabin Rescue Mlismion. •

KS 11E -le. News; 10:15. Helen Hol-den; 10:30. Frani ce Farrell: Ito:15. I'll Find Ms May.

11 A. M. to 12 Noon

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KMPC -11:00 A. M.

KEI -II, Light of the Morld; 11:15, Slystery Man; II ::(0, Salient Lady; 11:45. Arnold lirimon's Daughier.

KNX -11. Bright Horizon: 11:15. Aunt Jenny's Stories; II :10, Fletch-er Wiley; 11:45. Kale Hopkins.

KHJ -11, Victor Lindlahr; II:30. Markel Place; 11:45, Carnation It met.

KE('A -11. Music .fipprrrial loon Hour. KF WB--11, Ton, Stoddard; 11:115, Talk; II:30, Al Janis.

KSIPC -11, Chef alilani: 11:30, Coun-cil of EratliY: 11:15, Farm Journal.

KMTR -11, Dr. Talbot; 11:30, Moni-tor News; 11:45, lir. J. A. Loosen.

KFAC -11, Les Adams: 11:30, Polly Postterson; 11:45, Nlosic.

KOF.1 News. Stocks; 11;13. mu-sic ; II:30. !thy thin Be, sue; II:45. Rhythm Roundup.

it R W/ -11, Robbie, Pianist; 11;IA, Mimie ; 11:30, News; 11:45, Mimic.

KFOX -11, Huntington Park News; 11:113, Temiipus oof Today; 11:15, Lost Pets : 11:30, News; II:45, (her the Fence. •

KGER -11, News; 11:15, Penile Mules; 11:45, Nbutic.

K EX 51 -1 I, Cedric Folder; I I :15. Strings; 11 :30, Meet the Band: 11:45, Anieriea Talking.

KIND -11. Musie Appreciation Hour. ROB -11, Cedric realer: 11:15, Presents: II:311. Ph Nadel ph in Welt.

KFVD -11, News: 11:15, Music: II:30 Piano; 11:45. Violet Schram.

KVIIE -111. aloonitor Newel 11:1 5, String Ensemble; II :30. Philadel-phia Orch.

12 Noon to 1 P. M. KFI -52. Farm Reporter; 12:15, Ma Perkins: 12 :311. Guiding Light; 12:45, Vic and Made.

KNIC -12, Man I Married; 12:15. Manning. News: 12:30, News, Gar-red; 12:35, Music; 12:46, Woman of Courage.

KI1.1 -11 News; M I5. 11 lllll eina hers Club; :IS, Philadelphia Orci,.

KE(7A -111, orphans of Divorce; 12:15, Honeyn lllll n Hill; 12:311, John's Oth-er Wife; 12:45. Just I'lain Bill,

KF WII -12, Al Janis; 19:30, News: 19:45, Jubilee.

KMPC -19, High Noon; 12:15, News: 12:30. Peter roller.

KMTR -I2 Music; 12:30, Special Esents: 12:45, Old Prospector.

KF'AC -12, News; 12:15, Backarat Driver; 12:311. Luncheon Concert.

KliF.1 -12, News, Stocks; :15. Pan-American Review; 12:30. City Dwellers: 11:15. Let's Listen.

KRK11 -19., Music; 12:30, Jimmie's Meddle Pals.

K1•11X -12 Danee l'ime; 12:15, Newt; Pt:30. leilehen Garden; 12:45, Sci-ence of Mind.

KGER -12.. News; 12:05, Desert Man; 19:15, Jr. Chamber bf Com-',serer ; It :30. Music.

Kp‘m -12, sengin' Sam; 12:15, News: 12:311, Philadelphia Orel'.

KFSD -12. Orphans of Divorce; 12:15, Honey moon Hill; 12:34. John's Oth-er Wile; 12:45, Just Plain Bill.

KG R-11, Philadelphia Drell. KI ND -12, Editor of Air; 12:30, Luncheon Music; 12:45, Violet Schram.

KVOE -12. Philadelnhia Orel,.

1 to 2 P. 14. ICF1 -1, Backstage Wife; 1:15, Stella Dallas; 1:311, Lorenzo Jones: 1:45, Voting Widder Brown.

FEN X -1, ,ilepemptlier; 1:15. Myrt awl alarge; 1:30, Sol 1 of the Air.

KI14 -1. Philadelphia Orch.; 1:15. P.-T. A.• 1:311, Johnson Fa mily ; 1:45. l'arter.

KEC.S -1. -News: 1,:15, Adventures In ; I:311, Club Matinee;

1:55, Records. KF WB -I :30, Monty Magee; 1:45. II. !bodice Ord:.

liMry -I. Peter Potter: 1:30, Man oon the Sleet!: 1:15, It Goes Like This,

KMTR -1, News Reel: 1:15, Spec. Es roils.

Sriem.e of Mind; :is, mu-m,: 1:30, Les Adams.

litiF1 -1, News, Stoc ks; 1:15, Strings; 1:30, Matinee Melodies.

KRKD -1, Nens; Music: Singing Waiters; 1:45, Salvatore Santaelle.

KFOX -1, Lowea's; 1:15, Classified; I:30, Christian Science; 1:45,

KGER -1, News; 1:05, Officials on l'arade; 1:20, Hits; 1:31I, Spanish fele.

111,11M -1. Philadelphia Orel,.: 1:15, South American May: 1:30, John-son Family: 1:45, Boake Carter.

KFSD -1. Sky Koppill Sketches; 1:15, Ann il.ilosioto; 1:30, News: 1:46. on Mill, Dance; 1:55, News.

K1.11 -1:15, Monitor News: 1:30. Johnson Family; 1:45, Bunke Car-

((is 10 -11. News; 1:15. Moods In mosie; 1:45, Vocal Sullenest.

KS 0E -1, Philadelphia Orch.; 1:15, I', .1'. A.: 1:311, Johnotoon Family; 1:45. RoldEe ('arter.

2 to 3 P. M. KFI -2, When a Girl Marries; 2:15, Portia Faces Life; 2:3)1. We the Abbotts: 2:45. Mary Marlin.

KNX -2, Whentena Vinyl lllll se; 2:15. Road of I.ife: 2:30, O'Neill.; 2:45, Just Entertainment.

M pip & Depreciation; 2:15, Eddie Albright: 9:30, News; 2:45, Let's I'lay Bridge.

KECA -2, (leash. Hour. • 111,W11 -2. So,ulh, sea Nlascie: 2:10. Talk: 1:30. News and Musk.

11511 W -1:, Tell Sle is Story; 2:15, Pirate: 2:30, R. Korey Welt:: 2:45, News.

KMT11 -9, Woman's World. -9. alusic; 1:15, Waller Brown Murray: Mimic: 2:45. J. Newton Vales, Organ.

KlIFJ -2. News, Stocks; 2:15, elate; Murray: 1:30. Musk, 2:30, Dedicated to You: 2:45. Music.

KRKD -2. Music; 9:25, Race Re-sume; :30, News; 2:45, Music.

KF'OX,--8. News; 2:15, Civic; 2:30, Lost Pets: '2:45, Music.

litiER -9, News; 2:05, Music; 2:15, Salvation Army; 2:30, L. B. Band,

KFX51 -2, Music Depreciation; 2:15. Hawaiian Melodies; 2:30, News; 2:45, Chic Spotlight,

KFSD -2, Happy Rhapsody; I:15, C. Dant Music; 2:30, Mom: Mot News; 2:45, Listening TUN,



KGB-2, Investment Problems; 1:15. Forreet Mistreat 2:30, News; 1:45. Let's Play Bridge.

KtAD -2, Music Bolt; 1:15, Organ; X:30, Romantic Rhythm.

KV0E-2, Music Depreciation; 2:15, Civic; 1:3U, Newt.; 1:45, Let's Play Bridge.

3 to 4 P. M. 1111-3, Pepper Young*, l'amily; 3:15, Lone Journey; 3:30, Against the Storm; 3:45, New..

KNX -3. Joyce Jordan; 3:15, Edgar Harrison Wilemon; 3:30, Gulden Treasury of Song; 3:45, Nancy M oo.

KH.1-3. Haven of Rest; 3:30, Blvd. Quiz; 3:45, American Legion Pa-rade; 3:55, Forest Li mo.

KECA-3, Between the Bookends: 3:13, I nellissic Hour.

KMPC -3, Johnny Olsou, KFIVII -3, News and Music; 3:15, Talk; 3:3U, Music: 3:43, Dun Rose.

KNITR-3:15. D. C. Tracy; 3:30, Pianos; 3:45, Spec. Events.

KFAC-3. Murk; 3:15, SYmp110117. Kt.FJ -3, News,• 3:15, Organ; 3:30, Concert Melodies.

KRKD-3, Music; 330, News, Music. KFOX-3. Musical Roundup; 3:30. Anita Boyer; 3:45, Recital.

KGER-3. News; 3:05. Music; 3:10. L. B. Band.

KFX31 -3. Haven of Rest: 3:30. Trading Post; 3:45, Good After-noon, Soldier.

KFSD-3, Between Bookends; 3:15. Spiritual Defenses: 3:3U, Nation& Farm and Hume Hour.

KGB-3, lien Sweetland; 3:15, Uncle Jimmy: 3:30, Off the Record; 3:45, American Legion Parade.

KFYD-3, News: 3:15, Favorites: 3:30. Novelty Note.; 3:45, Rhythm.

KN'OF: -3. Hate° of Rest; 3:30. Clas-sified; 3:45. American Legion Pa-rade.

4 to 5 P. M. art-4, Art Baker's Notebook: 4:30. Bridge Club; 4:45, Freak Bingman

liNX-4, Second Mrs. Burton; 4:15. Young Dr. Malone; 4:30, News; 4:35, Galen Drake.

KH.1-4, Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's Morgan; 4:30, Casey Jones; 4:45, Orphan Annie.

HECA-4. News; 4:15, Maurice Mu-sic; 4:30, Cinnamon Bear; 4:45, Superman.

KFIVB--4, Don Milligan; 4:30, News & Music; 4:45, Stuart Hamblen.

KMPC -4, Hollywood Blvd. Quiz: 4:15, Moments Musicale; 4:30. Neas; 4:45, Midnight Mission.

KMTR-4:15, Lyman Smith; 4:30. James H. Stevens.

KFAC -4:15 Music. IEGFJ-4. News; 4:15. Tea Time; 4:30, Memory Time.

KRKD -4, Music; 4:15, Movielane Quiz; 4:30. Music; 4:45. News.

KFOX -4. News; 4:15, Jamboree: 4:45, Music.

KGER-4, News; 4:15, Geo. St 4:30, Prophecy Speaks.

11FX31 -4. Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here'• Morgan; 4:30, Pop. (tech.: 4:45, Orphan Annie.

KFSD -I:15, Maurice Music; 4:3u. Girl Scouts Program; 4:45. G. Miller Orch.

KGB -4. Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's Morgan; 4:30, Casey Jones: 4:45. Orphan Annie.

KFA'D-4. Carter Wright; 4:15. Tea Time; 4:30. News.

KVOE -I, Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here's Morgan; 4:30, Casey Jones; 4:45, Orphan Annie.

KYOE -1, Fulton Lewis; 4:15, Here'• Morgan: 4:30, Casey Jones; 4:45, Orphan Annie.

5 to 6 P. M. KFI-5, Don Winslow; 6:15, News Crier; 5:3u. Calling All Camps.

KNN. -.5. Galen Drake: 5:15, Lone Journey: 5:30, Bill Henry; 5:45, barred. Ness.; 5:53, Dads, News.

KH.1 -5, News: 5:15, Shatter Par-ker's Circus; 5:30, Copt. Midnight: 5:45, Jack Armstrong.

SECA-5. Twilight Tale.; 5:15. News; 5:3U, News of the World: 5:45, Tom Mix.

KMPC -5, Five O'Clock Whistle; 5;15, News; 5:30. l Harry.

KFWII-5. Stuart Hamblen. KFAC-5. News: 5:13, Spurts Re-view; 5:30, Whoa Bill Club.

KMTR-6, Dr. Davies: 5:15, Swiss liodelers: 5:30. Music.

KGFJ -5, News; 5:15, Swing Time: 5:30. Sport Secrets; 5:45, Phil Stanwick.

KIUSD-5, Songs of Saddle; 5:30. Reef Results; 5:45, News.

KFDX-5, God's Sunshine; 5:30. Jamboree; 5:45, Ross Enterprise.

KGER -5, News; 5:05, Latin Hour. Kt-AM-5, World Through a Win-dots; 5:15, Shaffer Parker's Cir-cus; 5:30. Capt. Midnight; 5:41, Jack Armstrong.

KFSD -3, New..: 5:15. Hying Patrol; 5:341, News of the Norld; 5:45. Tom MI'..

KGB-5. Tonight's Best Buys; 5:15. Shatter Parker's Circus; 5:30. Capt. Midnight; 5:45, Jack Arm-strong.

KY0E-5, Bargain Counter; 5:15, Shatter Parker's Circus; 5:30, Capt. Midnight; 3:45, Jack Arm-strong.

6 to 7 P. M. KFI -6, Waltz Time; 6:30, Carle Walter's Doghouse.

KNN -6. What's 4110 Your Mind?: 6:30, First Nighter; 6:55. Ginn) Simms, Songs.

KII.1-6, Gabriel Heather 6 :15. While House Press Conference; ti:30, Three Ring Time.

KFC A-6, Adventores in Hollywood: 6:15, Sports Roundup; 6:30, OH and Kitty; 6:55. News.

N e w s: 6:15, in tIle Gloaming: 6:30. Musk.; 6:45, De-fending America.

ilifTR--11, Irwin Allen; 6:15, NeWil Reel: 630, Pay Day; 6:45. Ed Bobbin.

KMPC -6, News; 6:15. Oregon Laud Man: 6:30, Sports Page: 6:45, Table for Two.

KFAC-6, MI MI' for Esrey-tine. 111GF'1 -8, News, Italian Melodies': 6:3U, Fannie Reinhart.

KRED -6, Concert Music; 6:45, Mu.

KFOX-6. News; 6:10. Sports; 6:15. Music; 6:30, Tev Owens; 6:45, li. 1.e%), Music.

KGER -13. News; (I:05, Music; 6:30. Jewish Hour.

IIFX11-6, Neu,: 6:05, Technician.; 6:15, Cinnamon Bear; 6:30. Three Ring Time.

KIN11-6. Headlines in Spurt: 6:15. Radio Magic; 6:341. Michael and Kitty .• 6:53, News.

KGB -6, Gabriel W etter; 6:15. White House Conference; 6:30, Three Ring Time.

Kli OL -6. Orange County News; O M. White House Press Confer-ence; 6:30. Three King Time.

7 to 8 P. M. KFI-7, Wings of Destiny; 7:30. Grand Central Station.

KNX-7, Hollywood Premiere; 7:30. Al Pearce and Gang.

KH.1-7, George Abrams vs. Tony '/.ale: 7:45, spotlight Hands.

KF:CA-7, Packard Playhouse; 7:30, Flying Football; 7:43, Nevis,

KIEWB-7, Pup. Orch.: 7:15, Duo ROMP; 7:30, News; 7:45, Robert Arden.

KNIPC-1, Strollin' Tom; 7:15, Mas-ters Hour.

KMTR-7, Music; 7:15 Clifford E. Clinton; 7:30, Dr. Michelson,

KFAC -7, Music; 7:45, News. 111614-7, Spanish Hour. KRKD-7, News; 7:15, Three Quar-ter Fume; 7;30, Do You UM W.' 7:45, Music.

KtiF:R-7. News; 7:05. Jewish Hour. KFOX -7, Daily Bread; 7:15, Music; 7:30, Semi-Classical; 7:45, Robert .rden.

KFXM -7, Abrams vs. Rate: 7:45, Spotlight Bands.

KGB-7, Abrams vs. Zale; 7:45. Spotlight Bands.

KIND-7, Rochester Civic Orch.: 7:30, City School Forum.

KV0E-7, George Abrams vs. Tony 7.ale; 7:45, Spotlight Bands.

8 to 9 P. M. 1111-8, Frost Warnings; 8:05. Fred Waring: 8:15, Luni and Abner: 8:311, Don't Be Personal.

KNX-11. Amos 'n' Andy: 8:15, Lanny Ross, Songs; 8:30, Philip Morris Playhouse.

KHJ-8. Quiz of Two Cities; 8:30. Dance Music.

KECA -8:15. Don't You Believe It; 8:30, Gang Busters.

KFWB-8. Millions for Defense. KNIPC -8. News; 8:15, Salon Mod-erne; 8:45, Let's Talk News.

KNITR-8, .1. Grier Orch.; 8:13. Singing Waiters; 8:30, Special Events.

KFAC-8. Evening C t. KtiF.1-8. News; 14:15. Mimic: 8:30, High School Huddle. 8:45, Music.

KRK0-8, Music; 8:15, Little Tokyo. KFOX -8, Music; 8:15, Eventide Echoes; 8:30. Judge Gardner.

KGER -8, Ness., Spanish Hour. KFX111 -a:15. Col. Pierce; 8:311. Amateur Show.

KFSD-N. Romance & Rhythm; 8:30. Gang Flusters,

KGB-8, F'ootttall Forecast; 11:15. March of Labor; 8:30, Dance Music,

1/1'41E-11. Santa Ana J. C. vs. San Mateo .1. C., Football.

9 to 10 P. M. KFI -9, Quiz Court; 9:311, When Presses Roar.

KNX -9. Kate Smith; 9:55, Find the Woman.

KH1-9, News; 9:15, Cal Tinivey; 9:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45, Stearns. News.

HE( A-9. NBC Pigskin Party; 9,31). News; 9:15, Rodriguez & Suther-land.

KFWB-9, Play Ball Quiz; 9:30, News; 9:45, Plano Paintings.

KMPC -11. Peter Potter. KMTR -9. Floyd Johnson; 9:80, Common Sense; 9:45. Spec. Events,

KFAC-9. Evening Concert.

KliFJ -9, News; 9:15, Music: 9:30, Calif. State Guard; 9:43, Synco-pated Symphony.

KRILD-9, Little Tokyo; 9:30, Merry. Go-Round-1 p.

KVOX -11, Church of Christ; 9:15, Ness's: 9:30, Rhythm Time. ,

KGER -9, News; 9:115, Aubrey Lee. KFX.31 -9, News; 9:15, ('at Tinney; 9:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45, Stearns, News,

KFSD-9, Pigskin Party; 9:30. News; 9:45. Legion Stadium Fight.

News; 9:15, Cal TInneyi 9:30. Fulton I.ewis; 9:45, News.

KijOE-9, Football; 9:15, Cal Tin. neY: 9:30, Fulton Lewis; 9:45, News.

10 to 11 P. M. KFT-10, Richfield News: 10:15, Nothing But Praise; 10:10, Larry Carr: 111:31), inside the News (Thrifty Drug); 10:45, Blue Moon-light.

KNX-10. Gaffed, News; 10:15, World Today; 10:30, Masterworks.

KHJ -10, R. Noble Orch.; 10:15, 1 Electric; 10:30, Newst 10:45, R. Noble Orch.

KECA-10, Legion Stadium Fights; 10:45. Palladium Orch.

KFWB-11), Let's Dance: 10:15, Bowl-ing Notes; 10:30, Dance Tonight.

KNIPC -10, Music CitY; 10:15, News,• 111:30, Kennedy Trio; 10:45, Royal Hawaiians.

ILMTB-10, Viennese Ens.: 10:15, B. Averill larch.; 111:30. Spec. Events.

KFAC -10, Lucky Lager Dance Time, KGF.1-10, News; 10:15. Music. 14.131 W-111, Merry-Go-ttound-Up. leht1A-10, Ross Ballroom; 10:15, Lucca Flour; 10:30, Majestic Ball-room; 10:45, Dick Ross.

KGER -10, News; 10:10, Aubrey Lee. KFXM -10, R. Noble Orch.; 10:30, Sportslight: 10:45, R. Noble Orch.

KFSD -10, Fights; 10:45, News. KGB-10. J. McLean Orch.: W M. News; 10:45, R. Noble Orch,

KFVD-11). Rank the Night Watch-man.

KVOE-10, Football; 10:15, B. Noble Orch.; 10:3U, News; 10:15, R. Noble Orch.

11 to 12 Midnight KFI-11. News; 11:15, J. Grier Orch.; 11:30, Pasadena Civic °reit.; 11:55, News.

KNX-11, News, Manning; 11:15, H. Owens Orch.; 11:30. M. Stran.I Oral.; 11:55, News.

KHJ-11, T. Weems Orch.; 11:30, B. Crosby Orch,.

KECA-11, Philharnionia. KFWB--11, Dance Tonight; 15: M Best in Music.

KMPC-11, Fun House. ILMTR -11, H. Henry Drell.; U:15. Spec. Events,

KFAC -11, Lucky Lager Dance Time. KGFJ -11, News: 11:15, Organ; 11:30, Buccaneer's Barbaree.

KRKD-11, Merry-lio-Round-I p. KFOX-11. Music. KFXM-11, Homicide File: 11:15, T. Weems Orch.; 11:30, ft. Crosby Orch.

KGB-11, George Bacon; 11:30, B. Crosby Orch.

ILFSD-11 Symphonies of Sage; 11;15, JJ. Grier Orch.: 11:30, T. Flu Rho Orch.; 11:55, News.

KFVD-11, Night Watchman, KYOE-11, T. Weems Orch.; 11:30, B. Crosby Orch.

Can't Stump Him Gerard Darrow, 9-year-old ornitholo-

gist and naturalist for the NBC-Blue Net-work's "Quiz Kids," has been a lot of things in his brief life span. The other day he was something new -a sound track for a stereopticon slide lecture.

Pupils in the seventh and eighth grades of Gerard's school were in the assembly hall to see a group of colored slides on bird life. The slides were accompanied by the voice of a lecturer, being run on a sound track through an amplifier.

Midway in the lecture, the recorded voices trailed off. Efforts at repair were fruitless; then somebody remembered Gerard.

With-out rehearsal, and without any

Authentic Senor Irving's best audience at

the Burns and Allen shows is Willie Rodriquez, Paul Whitt-man's Lati n-American drummer. 1'hen Willie heard the Senor let forth a stream of Spanish at the rehearsal, for the premiere broad-cast, he exclaimed, "That fellow, he speak pretty good Spanish, you bet!"

* * RFT, 6 p.m. TUei.

Idea of what bird slides were coming up next, young Mr. Darrow proceeded to fill out the lecture in a manner that his fellow pupils voted "better than that old sound track."

* * W A, Kr al, I p.m. Wed.

What! No Panda? Real estate and livestock top the bar-

gains offered lately on "Today's Best Buys" program according to Narrator John Nelson. The offers ranged from a $10,500 turkey ranch and a $4500 house, to kittens, dogs, a parrot, a mon-key and a pony.

* * 5;30 p.m. Tues., Thurs,

browns and flavors GRAVIES, SOUPS and STE WS



SATURDAY Program Highlights Monring Programs Appear in Lightface t ternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00-Tip of the Morning, KNX. 8:45 -National Hillbilly Champ-

ions, KNX. 9:30-Stars Over Hollywood,

KNX. 10:00 -Let'• Pretend, KNX. 10:30-America the Free, KFI. 10:30-Voice of Broadway, KNX. 5:13 -Eugenia Clair M ite,

KNX. 5:30 -Traffic Tribunal, KFI. 5:30 -Little Ole Hollywood.

KECA. 6:00 -Barn Dance. M I. 7:01/ -Hemisphere Revue,

KECA-KIND. 7:15 -Sputlight Bands, KHJ-

KGB-KFX111-KVOE. 7:30 -Grand Ole Opry, KFI. 8:05 -Truth or Consequences.

KFI. 8:30 -spin and Win, KECA. 8:30-Hobby Lobby, KNX. 9:00 -Tune Out Time, KFI. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,


Drama 9:00-Theatre of Today, KNX. 10:00 -Lincoln Highway, KFI. 8:00 -Bishop and Gargoyle.

KF:CA. 8:30-Knickerbocker Playhouse,


Outstanding Music 8:15 -Junior Musicale, KHJ-

KGB-KVOE. 11:00 -Metropolitan Opera,

It :30 -Golden Melodies, KFI.

1:15-Melody Bouquet, KFAC. 2:30--Piano Recital, Krt. 3:00 -Gilbert & Sullivan. KEAC, 6:00 -America Preferred. KEW-

KGB-KFXM-KVOE. 6:30 -Frank Black Presents,

KECA. 6:45 -Saturday Night Serenade,

KNX. 8:00-Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:30 -California Melodies, KHJ-

KGR-KVOE-KFX31. 9:00 -Your Hit Parade, KNX. 111:110 -Chicago Theatre, KIIIJ-

K611-KFXM-KVOE. 11:00 -Philharmonia, KECA.

Public f fairs-News 7 :30 -Boo Garred. KNX. 7 :45 - William Winter, KNX. 7 :45 -Sam Hayes. KFI. 3:30 -Elmer Davis, KNX. 4:45 -H. V. Kaltenborn, KFI. 5:311 -Newe Review, KNX. 10:00 -Bob Garred, KNX. 10:30 -People'a Platform. KNX. 11:15 -Public Affairs, KNX.

Sports-Comment 10:45 -Eastern Football Game,

K N X. 1:30-Big Ten Football, KNX. 2:110 -Stanford vs. California.

KECA-KFSD. 8:00-I. S. 4'. Is. Washington.

KH.1-KGB-KFXM-KVOE. 4:45 -Sports Roundup, KECA. 5:no -Sports Story, KNX. 6:30 -Sports Scores, KNX. 7:45 -1nside of Snorts. KHJ-

KGB-KFXM-KVO K 10:15 -Bowling Notes, KF WB. 10:45 -Sports Scripts. KFI.

SATURDAY Programs NOV F3IIVER 29, 1941

8 to 9 A. M. KFI -8, California Agriculture; 8:15, Minstrel Program; 8:30, News: 8:45, On the Job.

RN -8, Tip of the Morning: 8:30, Town Crier ' 8:45, National Hill-billy Champions.

KHJ -8, Lest We Forget; 3:15. Junior Musicale; 8:30, C. S. Army hand.

ILE(' A-8, Breakfast Club; 8:30. News; 8:43, Robert Lee Johnson.

EF WB -8, Melodies; 8:15, l'op. Omit; 8:30, Varieties; 8:45, Sal-vation Army.

K31PC -8, Andy & Virginia; 8:15. Market Report; 8:30, Easy Lis-tening.

KMTIR -8, Spanish Hour; 8:45, Re-ligious Music.

KFAC -8. Country Church; 11:30. W. P. A. Program; 8:45, County Medical Assn.

116F4 -8, News, Stocks: 8:15, Breakfast Serenade; 8:45, Dr. Wiseman,

KItilD -8, Music; 8:30, News, Music. IICFOX -8, News; 8:15, Records: 8:45, Classified,

KUF:R -8, News; 8:05, Soul Patrol; 8:15. Slitzpah.

ILFXM -8, Trading Post; 8:15, Sun-shine Service; 8:45, U. S. Army Band,

KIND -8, Call to Worship; 8:15. Good Cheer: 8:30. Our Kern.

KGB -8. Lest We Forget: 8:15, Junior Musicale: 8:30. Army Band. iFVD-8, Covered Wagon Jubilee. KVOE -13, Lest We Forget; 14:15. Junior Musicale; 8:30, Army Band.

9 to 10 A. M. KFI -9. What's Doing; 9:15, Con-sumer Tips: 9:30, Call to Vouth: 9:45, County Medical Association.

ILN X-9. Theatre of Today; 9:30. Stars Over Hollywood.

KH4 -9, Dr, Matthews: 9:30, Mutuni lions; 9.45, F I for TI ht.

KE('A -9, Breakfast Club: 9:15, Federated Churches; 9:30, Forty Plus .4aisociates; 9:45, WPA Sym-phony.

KF WB -9, Varieties; 9:15, News; 9:30, Swing Session.

ILNIPC -11, News; 0:15, Morning Pick-up: 9:45, News.

KAITH -9, Martin I.uther Thomas; 9:15, Spec, Events; 9:30. W. B. Record; 9:45, Spec, Events.

RFAC -9. Unity Viewpoint; 9;15. Melodies; 9:30, J. Newton . Yates Organ: 9:45. Music,

KGF4 -9. News, Stocks: 9:13, Tone Tempos; 9:30. Waltz Time.

KRKD -9, Sagebrush Serenade; 9:30, Music: 9:45, News.

KI-11X -9, Firebrands fur Jesus: 9:45, Midmorning Melodien,

KG ER -9, Ne ws; 9:05, Lucy West: 9:15, March Ahead of Time; 9:30, Revival: 9:45, Full lionpel.

ILF AM -9, Dr, Niatithews; 9:30, Chaffey High School; 9:45, Pop. orck.

KIND -9, Friendship Exchange; 9:15. Pet Club; 9:30, National Farm and Home.

111:11 -9, Dr. Matthews; 9:30, Chil-dren's Scrapbook.

KFVD -9. Waltz: 9:15, News; 9:30. Here Comes Parade,

KV11E -11. Dr. Matthews; 9:30, Chil-dren's Scrapbook.

10 to 11 A. M. KFI -10, Lincoln Highway; 10:30. America the Free.

RN X-10. Let's l'relend: 10:30. Voice of Broadway; 10:45, Eastern Foot-ball Game.

K111 -10. News; 10:15, Helen Holden: 10:30, C. Mauthe Orelt.; 10:45, Pil Find My Way,

KECA-10, Pop. Favorites: 10:15. What's Doing: 10:30, Dr. Cassel-berry; 10:45, Naomi Reynolds.

R , Wit -lit, swine session. KMPC -10, Say When; 10:30, Rooks in Review: 111:45, News.

K3ITR -111, Our Saviour's Lutheran Clatreh; 10:13, Spec, Events; 10:45, Volney James.

KF4C -10, Serenade: 10:30, News; 10:43, Congregational Church.

KGF.1 -10, News; 10:15, Music: 10:30, Extra Girl; 10:45, Music.

KGEK -10, News,* 10:05, Mull Gospel: 10:15, Jesus' Name: 111:30, Bright Corner; 10:45, Sunshine Pastor.

KFXM -10. News: 10:15, Organ: 10:30, Salon Music; 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

KRK14 -10. Peoldock Flashes: 10:15. Music; 10:30. l'olce of Govern-ment: 10:45. Nevve; 10:50. Music.

KFOX -10. News: 10:15, Second Cull of Coffee; 10:30, Musicale; 10:45, Rhythm'e Age.

KFQ111-111, National Farm & Home: 10:45, News,

KGB -10, News: 10:15, Stars of To-morrow: 10:45. FInd M• Wes

114TI KFI KECA NJ KFVD KFSG KGFJ KFXM KFAC KGER TCFSDT KMPCTK1EVTKFWiTKNX RFD T KFOXTKGBTKVOE 5701-640 T-790-1- 93071020T WI 071-0 Ti3 301-1390T 600 110 870 980 1070 1230 1280 1360 1490

KIND -10, Gospel in Song; 10:341. Midmorning Serenade.

KV0E--111, News; 10:15, Helen Hol-den: 10:30, Federal Music; 10:45, I'll Find My Way.

11 A. M. to 12 Noon KFI -11, Campus Capers; 11:30, Bright Idea Club.

KNX -11, Football, KHJ -11, Football. KECA -11, Metropolitan Opera. liF WB -11, Talk; 11:15, Music; 11:30, Al Jarvis.

KMPC -11. Down the 119ssIssippl; 11:30, String Along.

BLMTR -11, Dr, Talbot; 11:30, Wo-man's World,

KFAC -11, Lee Adams: 11:30, Music. FLGFJ -11, News; 11:15, Music; 11:39, Rhythni Roundup.

KRK11 -11. Robbie, Pianist: 11:15. Music; 11:30, News; 11:45, Foot-ball Resume: 11:50. Music.

KFOX -11, Huntington Park Neg.: 11:05, Records: 11:15, Lost Pee; 11:36, News; 11:35, Music; 11:45, Rough Riders.

KGER -11. News; 11:15. Purple Mules; 11:43, Traffic questions.

KFX:11 -11, Pop. Deck.; 11:30, Har-mony Hall: 11:45, Rainbow Trio.

KIND -II, Metropolitan Opera, KGB -11, Football. ILFVD -11, News: 11:15. Musical Al-bum; 11:30, Piano; 11:45, Violet Schram.

KVOE-II. Football.

12 Noon to 1 P. M. KFI -17. I arm Reporter 17:13, News; 12:39, Golden Melodies.

KNX -12. Football. KHJ -12. News, Football. KECA -12, Metropolitan Opera. KF WB -12, Al Jarvis: 12:30, News; 12:45, Jubilee.

KMPC -12, High Noon; 12:13. News; 12:30, Pigskin Perusal.

KMTR -12, 3lurpiuy Motors: 12:30. Spec. Event% ; 12:45, Illd Pros-pector.

KFAC -12, News; 12:15, First Line Defense: 12:30, Mutate.

lit:F.1 -12' Ne ws; 12:15, Pan Amer. Jean Revue: ('Ity Dwellers: 12:45. Let's Listen,

KRK11 -12, Music; 12:30, Jimmie's Saddle Pals.

KFI1X -12, Tin l'an Alley; It:15, News; 12:30. Music; 12:43, Dick Ross.

IIGER -12. News: 12:10, NI um: e : 12:15, Bob Carlin; 12:30 Music.

KFXM -12, Pop. Orch.• 12:15. News; 12:30, Fu v Theatre Kid Show.

K611 -12, Football. KIND -12. Metropolitan Opera. KI ND -12, Luncheon Music; 12:15, Organ; 12:30, I. iteon Music; 12:45. Violet Schram.

KVOK-12, Football.

1 to 2 P. M. KFI -1, News; 1:02, Weekend Whim-sey; 1:30. Boy, Girl & Band

KNX -1. Football; 1:30, Big Ten Football Genie.

KHJ -1, Football. KECA -1, Metropolitan Opera. KF W11 -1:30 Vocal Varieties, KMPC -1, Pigskin Permed. KMTR -1, Dick Ross: 1:30, Pension. KFAC -1, Musk; 1:15, Melody HOU - qUet.

KliFJ -1. Ne wt: 1:15. Strings Pre-sent; 1:30, Matinee Melodies,

KRKI)--1, News; 1:05. Musk; 1:30, Singing Waiters: 1:45. Music.

KFON -1, 11.11e111 Floor Show: 1:15, Classified; 1:30, Monitor News; 1:45, Civic.

KGER -1, News; 1:05, Traffic Whys: 1:20, Bits of Hits; 1:30, Spanish Trio.

K F XM -1, Concert; 1:30. Dance Time.

ICFSID -1, Metropolitan Opera. KGB -1. Football. KI ND -1, News; 1:15, Moods in Mu-sic: 1:30, Hawaiian; 1:45, Vora! Varieties.

KVOK--I, Football.

2 to 3 P. M. KFI -2, Stories of American Libre-tits; 2:311. Piano Recital; 2:45. This 1.and We Defend,

KNX -2, Football. KHJ -2. I. S. ('. vs. Washington. KECA -2., Stanford ye. California. KF W11 -2. Al Jarvis, KMPC -2, Pigskin Perusal, RMTItr-2, Woman's World. KFA(' -2:15, Music, 11111.F4 -2, News: 2:15, Civic; 1:38. C onnaw* 111•Isoltss

K R K1) -2, Football Resume; 2:10, Music: 2:25. Rare Resume; 2:30, News; 2:45. Music.

Half & Half: 2:30, hurt Pets; 2:45, Matinee Helodies.

KGER -2, News; 1:05. Desert Man; 2:15, Gospel Echoes; 2:30, L. 11. Rand.

KFXM -2, U. S. C. vs. Washington. KIND -2, Stanford vs. California. KGB -2, U. S. ('. vs. Washington. KFVD -2, Alugle Bov; 2:341. Salva-tion Army; 2:45.. Romantic Rhythm.

KVOE-2, U. S. C. ss. Washingtuu.

3 to 4 P. M. KFI -3. M. Spunier tirch.: 3:15, U. S. Army Recruiting; 3:311, Religion in News; 3:45, L. A. Board of Education.

KNX -3, Calling Pan America; 3:30, Davis, News; 3:45, European Roundup.

KH.1 -3, Football, KEt A- 3, F OOt1)1111. KFW11 -3, Al Jarvis. KMPC -3, Pigskin Perusal. KMTR -3:30, Piano; 3:45, Spec. Et ents.

KFAC -3, Gilbert & Sullivan Opera. KGF.1 -3, News; 3:15, Organ; 3:30, Coneert Melodies.

KRKI4 -3, Football Resume; 3:19. Music; 3:30, News: 3:35. Music.

KIFOX -3, Matinee Melodies; 3:15, Music: 3:45, Just Relay.

KGER -3, News; 3:05, Unveil Weeks Sings; 3:20, Long Beach Band.

KFXM -3, Football. KIND -3, Football. KGI4 -3. Football. KFVD -3, Newt': 3:15, l'op. Favor-ites; 3:30, Novelty Notes; 3:45. Band Moak.

KV0E -3. Football.

4 to 5 P. M. KF1 -4 :30, Off the Record; 4:45, H. V. Kaitenborn.

KNX -4, Pigskin Jamboree. K/14 -4, Football. KECA -1:43, Sports Roundup, KF1111 -4, South American Way 4:15. Talk: 4:311, Blind Artists Guild; 4:45, Stuart Hamblen.

KMPC -4, Pigskin l'erusal. KNITR -4:15. Camera Clinic; 4:30, Swedish Gospel Singer; 4:45. King's Messengers,

KFA(' -4, Music; 4:15, U. S. Army: 4:30, Music; 4:45, Christian Science.

EGFJ -4, News; 4:15, Tea Time: 4:30, Memory Time; 4:45, Nat'l Education Amen.

KitHD -4, Music; 4:45, News. 11(1,11N.--4, News; I:15. Jamboree; 4 :30, Caballeros.

KGER -4, Ne ws: 4:15, George Strange: 4:30, Prophecy Speaks.

KFXM -4, Football. IFLIND -4, Football. KGB -4. Football, KFVD -4, Carter Wright; 4:15, Tea Time: 4:30, News,

KV0E -4. Football.

5 to 6 P. M. KFI -5. On the Scouting Trail; 5:30, Traffic Tribunal; 5:45, News.

KNX -5, Sports Story: 5:13, Eugenia Clair Plano: 5:30, Saturday New. Review; 5:55, Da %Is. News.

KFLI -3, Football, M USIC; 5:30, Ha-waii Calls.

KK( 'A -S, R. Wilde MTh.; 5:30, Little Ole Hollywood.

KF WB -5, Stuart Hamblen. KMPC -5:15, News; 3:30. Musical Marathon.

KNITR -5. Dr, Davies; 5:15. Swiss lodelere; 5:30. Music.

KFAC -5, Music: 5:15, M. Howard Fagan.

KliF.1 -5, News; 5:15. Music; 5:39. Sport Secrets; 5:4:1, Phil !Renwick.

IIRK11-5. Song,. of Saddle; 5:344, Race Results; 5:45, News.

KFOX -5, Jamboree: 5:30, Marine Recruiting: 5:45, Dick Ross,

KGER -5. News; 5:05, Latin Hour. KIFX M -5, Football, Music; 5:30. Hawaii Calls.

KFSD-5, News; 5:15, R. Wilde Or.; 5:30, Boy Meets Rand.

KGB -5. News of Week: 5:15. Dance 5:30, Belle Benchley: 5:45, At the Whistle.

KVOE -5, Football, Music; 5:30, Ha-waii Calls.

6 to 7 P. M. KFI-I, National Barn hand, KN X-6, Who What, Where and Why?: 6:30, , Sports Scores; 1:45. Saturday Night Serenade.

Message of Israel; 8:30, Frank Black Presents.



KiLI -6, America Preferred; 11:311, News; 6:45, Envoys.

KF WB-6, News; 6:15. Captain Quiz; 6:30. Rabbi Winkler; 6:45, Defend-ing America.

KMPC -6. Musical Marathon.

KMTR--6. Irwin Allen; 6:15, News Reel; 6:30, Dick Terry ; 6:45. Spec. Et eats.

KGFJ -6, News, Italian Melodies: 6:31,

KFAC -6,, Music for Everyone.

KRKD -41, Concert Music; 6:15. Football Results; 6:30, Concert : 6:45, Father % aughan.

KFOX -6. News: 6:10. Sports: 6:15. Organ; 6:30, Semi-Classical.

KGER -6. News; 6:05, Music; 6:30, Italian Journal.

KFXM -6, News: 6:05, Music; 6:13. Cinnamon Bear; 6:30, Netts; 6:45, Envoys.

EFS0 -6, Message of Israel; 6:311. Whistling Parson.

KGB -1. S. D. Kadin Forum: 6:38. News; 6:45. Keep 'Em Flying.

KVOE -6. America Preferred; 6:36, S. Kenton °reit.

7 to 8 P. M. KF1 -7, Sports Newsreel; 7:15. News; 7:30. Grand Ole Opry.

KNX -7. Saturday Night Serenade: 7:15. Here's the Story; 7:30. H:, Neighbor.

KHJ -7, News & Views; 7:15, Spot-light Bands; 7:45, Inside of Sports.

KECA -7. Western Hemisphere Re-vue; 7:45, News.

KF WB -7. Pop. lurch.; 7:30. News: 7:45. American Sketehes.

KMPC -7. Football Forum; 7:30, Music City.

ILSITR -7. Music; 7:15, Recreation Dept. Music; 7:30, Or. Michelson.

KFA(' -1. Dr. J. W. Fifield; 7:30, Music; 7:45, News.

KtiFJ -7, Spanish Hour. KRK10-7. News: 7:13. Three-Quarter Time; 7:30. Do You Know?

KFOX -7, Dairy Drama: 7:15, Pop. °reit.; 7:30. Judge Gardner.

KGER —i, News: 7:05. Music. KFXM-7, New. & Views; 7:15, Spotlight Bands; 7:45, inside of Sports.

KFSG -7:45. Healing Service. KFSI) -7. Hemisphere Revue: 7:38. I Hear Amerlea; 7:45. S. Kaye Orel': 7:55, U. S. 0. New,.

KGB -7. News & Views; 7:15. Spot-light Bands: 7:45, Inside of Sports.

KV0E -7, News & Views: 7:15, Spot-light Bands; 7:45, Inside of Sports.

8 to 9 P. 1.1. KFI -11, Frost Narnings: 8:05, Truth or Consequences; 8 Knickerbocker P M) se.

KNX -11. G. Lombardo Orch.; Hobby Lobby; 8:55, Milnning. Nett s.

KIC1 -8. R. Noble Drib.; 8:30, Cali-fornia Melodies.

KEI'A-11, Bishop and Gargoyle: 8:311. Spin and Win with Jimmy Flynn.

KF WIS -8, Navy in Retiew; 8:15. Pop. Web.; 8:30, Glendale Orch.

KMPC -8. Loyola Rally: 8:30. Mosic 1 ity.

KMTH -8. J. Grier Orch.: 8:15, Singing Waiter.; 8:30. Meditation.

KEAC-8. Etening Concert. KGFJ —S. News; 8:15, Music. KI DX-8. Natal Reserve; 5:15, Music; 8:30, Luken Valley Church.

IGER-.8. News; 8:115, Spanish Hour KIFX31 -8. R. Noble Orch.; 8:31), California MellocUes.

KIPS11 -8. Bishop & Gargoyle; 8:30. Spin and Win.

KGR -8. R. Noble Orch.; 5:30. Vohs. of Mother; 8:45, California Melo-dies.

HVOE -11, R. Noble Oral.: 11:30„ California Melodies.

9 to 10 P. M. KFI -9, Tune Out Time. (NN -9. 'four Hit Parade; 9:15, H. Owens Orel,.

KH.1 -9, News; 9:15, 6 I Elec-tric: 9:20, T. Tucker Orch ; 9:30, G. William% Or..11.

&Lt.% —(1. Postal Oddities: 9:15. P. Whiteman Welt.: 9:31, Edwards

KF WB -9, nanny Speaking; 9:13. W. P. A. Concert; 1131, News: 9:45, Music.

KAIPC -9. Music It... KMTR -9, Music City; 9:30. Spec. FA ruts.

KFAC -9, Etening Concert. KGFJ -9, News; 9:15„ Syncopated Symplittay.

KFOX -9. News: 9:15, D. Hargraves Omit.: 9:45, Ross Ballroom.

KliN:R -9, News: 9:05, Mission Workers: 9:30, Roissiau lecture.

KFXM -9, New*: 9:15, T. Turkel. Orch.; 9:30, G. Willia ms Orch.

tadio s. s Ifelscher. KFSD -9, News: 9:05. P. Whiteman Welt.; 9:13, News; 9:30, Edwards Family,

KGR -9. News; 9:15, T. Tucker Orch.; 9:30, G. Willia ms Orch.

KVOE-9, News; 9:15, T. Tucker Orch.; 9:30, 6, Williams

10 to 11 P. M. KFI -10, News; 10:15, L. A. County Band; 10:45, Sports Scripts.

KNX —l11. Garret'', News; 10:15. Song Time; 10:30, People's Plat-form.

KHJ -10. Chicago Theatre. KF.CA-10. Two Round Jamboree. KF WB-10, Music; 10:15, Bowling Notes: 10:30, Dance Tonight.

KMPC -111. Music City: 10:15. News: 10:30. Kennedy Trio; 10:45, Royal Hawaiians.

KMTR -10, Viennese Ens.: 10:15. B. AverIll Orch.; 10:30, Spec. Events.

KFAC -10. Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFOX -11i, Rhythm Time: 111:15, Floor ShO W; 10:30. Rom, Ballroom: 10:45, Majestic Ballroom.

KGFJ -110, News; 10:15. Victory Assembly.

KGER —lu, News; 10:10, Pop. Con-

cert. KFX111 -10. Chicago Theatre. liFftli -10. Silver Band: 10:30, Pre-lude to Slumber.

KFSD -10. Two Round Jamboree. KGB -10, Chicago Theatre. KVIIE -10. Chicazo Theatre.

11 to 12 Midnight KFI -11. News; 11:15, Pasadena Civic Darters; 11.311. A. Rey fleck.; 11:45, J. Grier Omit,

KNX -11, News. Huntley; 11:15, Public Affairs: 11:30, M. Strand Orel.: 11:35, Netts.

KILI -11, T. Weems W A.: 11:30. B. Crosby Omit.

KEl•A -111, Philharmonia. KF W11 -11, Dance Tonight Dance Time.

KMPC -11. Fun Hottse. KFAC -11. Lucky Lager Dance Time. KMTR -11, H. Henry Orch.; 11:15, Spec, Phentu.

Ktir.1 -11, News: 11:15. Organ: 11:30, Rueca Barbaree.

KFOX -11. Music. KFXM —II, T. Herm* Orch.: 11:30, R. Crosby Drib..

KING -11. Gospel Pals: 11:30. °rants.

KGB-11. T. Kerins Orch.: 11:30, B. Crosby Omit.

H P3111 -11. C. Ravings Drell.: 11:15. T. Flo Rito Omit.: 11:30, A. Rey Omit.; 11:45, J. Grier Orch.

KFI11-11, Night Watchman. liV0E--11. T. Weems Orch.; 11:30. B. Crosby Orch.


2 hours popular music




NE WS BR O A DC ASTS NOTE: Figures In parentheses following call letter and anuoutwer are frequencies iu kilocycles. and correspond to the numbers on your *radio dial.

7:90 A.M.

1:15 A. M.

7:36 A.M.

745 A.M.

5:011 A.M.

5:36 A.M.

9:66 A.M.

9:15 A.M. 11:30 9:45 A.M.

10:00 A.M.

lo :311 A.M.

to:45 A.31. 11:00 A.M.

11 :34) A.M.

KFI (Meyers) (640) M. thru Sa. KGFJ (Warner) (1130) M. thru Sr. M CI (Doyle) (9311) M. then sa. KVOE (Doyle) (1490) 111. thru Sit. KErA ( ton) for Mc-

Mahan's (790) M. thru Sa.

KMPC (Babb') (716) M. thru Sr. KFI (Carton) for

MeMatiau's (646) M. thru Sa.

KNX (Garret) (1070) KECA (Ribbou) (790) &RED (Douglas)


M. thru Si.. M. titer Sr.

M. thru

KEIVB (Charles) (980) 31. thru So. KGB (Haworth) (1340).M. titer Sr. KHJ (Haworth) (930) M. thru sa. HAVE (Haworth) (1490) 31. thru Si. KN X (Pringle) (1070). 31. thrill F. KF1 (640) M. thru Na.

114111F.1 ('i,anlier) (1230) Daily

KE('A (Frandsen) (190) NI. titer Sa. RH.' (Nesbitt) 030) M. thru F. K% OE (Doyle) 0490) 31. thru NFII (Bishop) (640) Si. thru So.

KMPC (itabbe) (710). —DallY Kill (Hughes) (930) M. thru F. KGFJ (Warner) (1230) 31. Own sa. KF'XM (Hughes) (12.40).M. throe F. K% OE (llutates) (1490). M. thru F.

KIND (Gray) (10101 M. thru Sa

KVOE (Wiggins) (1190) M. thru F. KRKI) (Ontis) (115)) 31. thru So. 1431 1PC (Roberts) (7111) M. then F. KF:41) (Hien) (190) M. titer F. KGFJ 1 (1230) .M. thru Si.. KH I (Hardy) (930) Daily KGB (Hardy) (1360) Daily KFOX (Huston) (12811) M. thru Si.. KFXM (Hardy) 11210) M. thru Sa. ILVOE (Hardy) (1490) 1)ally KFAC (Des Antrim)

(1330) M. thru Sa. KMPC (Roberts) (710) M. thru sr. KGFJ (Warner) (1235) 31. thru Ma. KGER (Goss) (1391) 31. thru sr. KFI'D (1020) 31. thru KRKD (Bell) (11540 M. thru Sr.

12:00 Noon KGB (Haworth) (1360) M. thru Th. KVOE (Haworth) (1490) M thru KGFJ (Warner) (1236) M. Ora Sa. KtiER (Mills) (1391)._...Daily KHJ (Nesbitt) (930) Daily

12:15 P.M. KNX (Manning) (1070) M. thru F. KMPC (Roberts) (710) M. Ora Si.. KF'XM (13alchly) (1740) M. thru Sr.

12:36 P.M. KNX (littered) 11070) M. thrn F. KIF WB ((olbert) (980) M. titer Sr.

1:00 P.M. KliF.1 (Warner) (1230) M. tltru Si.. K M) (Gray) (1020) M. thru Sn. KGER (1390) Daily KRKD (Langford) (1150)..M. — Sa.

2:00 P.M. KliF.I (Warner) (1230) Daily KGER (139u) Daily

5:30 P.M. KRI M (Bell) (1150) N. titer Sa. K ai (Brundage) (1130) M. thru F. KVON: (Brundage) (1491) 51 thr.• KFAM (Brundage) (1240) M. thru F.

:45 P.M. KMPC (710) M thru F

3:Du P.M. IitiF.1 (Huoter) (12341) M. thru Sa. KFV1) (10911) M. flint Sa.

3:30 P.M. KNX (Davis) (1070) Sr.

3:45 P.M. All (6411) M. thru F.

4:00 P.M. KGFJ (Hunter) (1730) Daily KECA (790) Su. thru F. KILO (Lewis) (930) M thru F. RI DE (Lewis) (1490).. M. theta F

4:30 P. M. KMPC (Masterson) 010) thru F.

KF I) (1010) M. then Su.

4:45 P.M. KRKD (Langford) (1150) M. — Ma. Kri (Ringman) (640) - 31.. Vi.. I. KFI (Knitenborn) (640) Th.. Ss.

5:00 P.M. KGFJ (Hunter) (1230) 31 thru Si.. KF'AC (l)es 'Weis) 41330) Si. — F. KH.I (Nesbitt) (930) .. M. thru I.

5:15 P.M. KMPC (Roberts) 0101 M. thrti Sa. KECA (7901 M. thrum F.

5:30 P.M. KE('A 1% andercook) 0901 ........ . .. M., To.. Th., N

5:45 P.M. KFI 040) M., W., Sa. M OLD (Bell) (1150) Si. thru Sir. KNX (Gsrred) (1070 M. thru Si.

5:55 P.M. KNX (Davls) (1070)..--Daily

6:00 P.M.

630 P.M.

7:04i P.M.

7:311 P.M.

7:45 P.M.

5:06 P.M.

5:45 P.M.

9:81 P.M.

9:3A P.M.

111:00 P. M.

1)1:15 P.M.

iti:111 P.M.

11:00 P. M.

11:55 P.M.

KGFJ (Hunter) (1230) M. thru Si.. KIFOX (12811) Daily KFK B Reagan) (980) - Daily KHJ (Heatter) (930) M. then F.

KHJ (930) - M. thru KGB (1360) M. thru Sr. K% OE (Lyons) (1490) M. thru Th.

KHJ (Suing) (930) M., Th. KGB (Suing) (1360) 31., Tit. KHJ (Hughes) (930). Tu.. W., Sa. KKK!) (Langford)

(1150) . . %I. theta ha.

KF WB (Reagan) (980) 31. thru Si..

KECA (790) %I. W. Th. F. Sa. KF WB (Arden) (9)10) M. thru F. KFAC (Des Autels

(1330) 51. thru Si..

KGFJ (Hunter) (1238) Haile 1113114' (Hnuton) (710)- Su. thru F. KGER (1360) Daily

KM PC (Roberts. Henry ) (710) M. thru F.

KHJ (Hardy) (930) Daily KGB (Hardy) (I MO) Daily KVOE (Hardy) (14)0). Daily

(1230) Daily

liF' W11 (Reagan) (98(1) Daily KH.I 'Lewis) (930) M. then F. K‘IIE (Lewis) (1490 ). M• Men F.

KFI (Richfield Reporter) (640) Daily

KN Marred) (1070) M. then Si, KGER (Harmon) (1390) Daily KGFJ (1230) Daily

KMPC (Henry) 1710).. M. then Ss.

KFI (Parker) ,for Thrifty) (640) Mu. thru F.

KILI (Arlington) (930) thru F. KS OF: (Arlington)

(1490) M. thru F.

KNX (Manning) (1670) Daily KFI (Edwards) (640) .. Daily 1(61-4 (1230) Daily

KNX (1070)



THE PROGRAM FINDER Note: Progra ms marked with an asterisk (') are of the

Actor's Workshop.-- KF WIS. 10:30 p.m. Su Adams, i.e. KFAC. 11 a.m. 11-S.1

1:30 o.m. M-F Adteutures iti Hollywood KF:CA, 6 p.m. Tia-F Adteutuies III 1)thology KEC %. 1:15 p.m. E Advent's,. In Melody KH.1.1(1 OF:, 830 ip.m. W Ad•entrires of Thin Man. .. Kn, 9 p.m. Tu Affairs of State ..KHJ, KVOE, :3:45 p.m. Th Against the Storm KFI. 3:30 p.m. M-F Ahead of Headlines KECA. 7 :30 p.m. W Albright, Eddie KH.1, 2:15 p m. 11-F Album of Familiar Mask KFI, 6:311 p.m. Su

KFI. 9 p.m. lb Aldrich Family Amanda .. KFX:A. Krsit, 12:15 p.m. 11-F Amerjca the Free KFI, 10:30 a.m. Ss Allesf, Fred KNX, 9 p.m. W America Preferred ..

. . KHJ. IC1 0F. KFN.M, 6 p.m. Sit Amer. Fed. MANIITIIIIS .

. KHJ, KFX.11, 15.1 OE, 8 past. Si American Forum.

KHJ. KGB, 1(511E, KF ANI, 5 p.m. Su American Legion Parade

KHJ, 1(1 OE, KGB, 3:45 p m. F American Melody Hour EEC S. t:FSD. ' pan. V. American Wildlife RH.1, KVOE, 1:15* p.m. W American Sketches K FAV It. 7 :15 P.m. sot Amos 'n' Andy KNS, 8 p.m. M-F Widy & Virginia .. .

KW H', 7:30 a.m. 51-7.4a, 10 a.m. M-F Answering You KHJ, KGB, 8::10 p.m. Su Anil y. John .1. Ith:CA, KFSD, 7 p.m. su Are Voir • Missing lick' KN . 8•30 p.m. Ti, '.re lou Musical? . KNIPC. 10 p.m. Su Arden, Robert KI WIS, 1 :45 p.m. M-F Arkansas Traveller.. KNS.. 9:30 p.m. Ti, Army ('amp News ..KFC 5, KFSIE 9:15 p.m. W Arm. Itet•rtrit in ,F11. 3•15 11.111 5., Arnold Grimm s Daughter. KFI. 11:45 a.m. m-r Astor. Mary .. KNX. 9:30 pan. hl As the Twig Is Bent

KHJ. Ktat. KVIDE. KFX51 11:45 a.m. 11-F Aunt Jenny KNX. 11:15 a.m. M-1, Author's News Digest ciAlre. IS nan. Si. Autry, Gene KNX, 3:30 p.m. Su

Bachelor's I hildren .. Kn. 10:30 •.m. 51-F Backseat Orb el KF.hC, 13:15 p.m. T..-F Backstage Wite . . KFI, I p.m. 51-1, maker. %rt. K1 I. it:i*, ii Ai. VI. W. F: 4 ii to. 11-10 Barn Dunce Kri. 6 p.m. Ss Barrel if Fun KGB, g p.m. Tu Basin St. Music KEC.1. 10 p.m. W Battle of the )(eves KV!, 9:30 p.m. 14, Behind the Mike. 11.43 5. KIND, 1:30 p.m. Su Benny, Jack .. K N. 4 p.m. So

K11 S. 1,1 ,1/, 8:30 p.m. Su Berle, Milton ..... ... ..... .....

KI14 KGB KEANE li'111F:, 6:30 F Bernie Ben KN \ . 1:45 p.m. K-I. Best Buys KNX, 5:30 p.m. To. Th: ii p.m. VV Between Bookends._ RECA. KFS11), 3 pan. 51-1, •Itig Sister ENS, 9:13 a.m. MA' Big Tows -. - ..... KNX, 6:30 p.m. W Bill of Bights KNITK. 8:15 p.m. 11 Bill's Was Shop_ _ ..... 1.113, 11:15 p.m. 11-Tli Biogman, Frank ..... . h 1 1. 4.15 nail. Si. N, F Bishop & Gargoyle KECA, 11 p.m. Sa Black, Frank. . li 1•:CA, 6:311 p.m. Sr Blind Srtists Guild KFIVIS, 4:30 p.m. Ms Blundie KNX. 7:30 p.m. 11 Blue Echoes ..KF:CA, 5 p.1111. SA Blue Moonlight 1,1 1. 10:45 11.111. W. Th. F Board of F.:dm:tilos. Kr!. 3:45 p.m. Ss Buddy, Mancli.--G-r KFI, 9:45 p.m. Mu

.. ... .. 6:30 pan. W Books in Res ie. 1: M N% 111:30 a.m. Sit Bookuran's Note! k 151 4 5. 6:311 p.m. Si, Bookworm KHJ. K 1 I I1: h4.11, I p.m. 111-Th •Boulevard Quit

KMPC. 4 p.m. 11-F; KII.1, 3:30 p.m. F Bowes. Major ......... ... . . RN X, 6 p.m. ro Bowling Notes KI WIL 10:15 11.111. Daily Bowroa, Fletcher .... . KE('A, 6:311 lam. TI, Breakfast Club.... KEI s, 8:15 a.m. N', Th. F

KECA„ 8 a.m. Ss KHJ. KGB, KI A11, 1.1 OE, it a.m. M-1,

Breakfast at Sartir• Kia 5. 10:311 a.m. 51-1.' Breneman, Tom IS. PA li. 111:311 A.M. 11-1, Brewer, Sam KILL Kill. K51/10.., 9:411 it.,,.. So Brewster Boy KFI 6:3 5 pm0 p.m . Si Bridge to Dreamland. ...... KFI, 10:1 . so Bridge Club. KF1, 5:15 p.m NI. Vr, 4:311 p.m F Bright Horizon ENS. II a.m. M-E Bright Idea Club KFI. 11:30 a.m. Sus Buccaneer's Barbaree. liliF.1, 11:30 p.m. Daily Bulldog Drummiind

KHJ, ICFAM. KS GC, 3:30 p.m. Sus Burns and Allen li I I. 6 ii.m. Ti, Burns, Bob K N N. 9:30 p.m. rli Cabbages and Kings .. K1 1. 9:30 paw California Agrieulture KF1. 8 it.,,,. California Melodies . ..... . .

H MI KGB 1(1111 . 1,1 NM. 11:30 p.m Calling All Camps KUL 5:30 p.n. Calling Pao America KNX. :i a.m. Call to Youth KFI, 9:30 a.m. Camp Grant ELK, KVOE, 1115 p.m. Camp Roberts KECA. 9:15 p.m. Cantor, Eddie . Eli, 9 p.m. Cauary l'horiis KILL KGB, 10:30 a.m. Capt. Flagg & Sergeant Quiet

--...-- ...... _ ...... _ARCA, EFSD, 4:36 p.m.


Sit sa

V. lir


contest, qui:, or offer type.

Captain Midnight ...KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE. 5:3ti p.m. 511-F

Capt. Quiz 11:4.5 p.m. su .. KF:C.A. 8:30 p.m. TIP: 5:341 pan. V. Su

Carnation Bouquet.. KHJ. 11:45 a.m. hi, W, F Carter, BOUkr

KHJ. KGB, KFX31, KVOE. 1:45 p.m. 11-F Casey Jones ..KHJ. KGB, KVOE. 4:30 p.m. 411-F Carnation Contented Program ...EFL 7 p.m. 11 Cassellierry. Dr... .. ...... KECA, 10:30 a.m. Sr Catholic Hour KECA. 3 p.m. Su Catalcade Of America KF1, 7:30 p.m. NI Ca•alcade of Industry KF WB, 1 p.m. Su Cloalcade of swing KHJ, 10:45 a.m. Su Chapel Quartet EFI. 8:45 p.m. Su Chase & Sanborn. KFI, 3 p.m. Su *Chef Milani.. R51PC 11 a.m. 11-F Chicago Round Table __ MI, Il:30 a.m. su Children ei Chapel .... KGB, KVOE, II win. Su Chicago Theatre

. Kill, KGB, RIFXM. KVOE, 10 p.m. Sa Choices in Voices KF:CA, 6 p.m. MI Church Federation Vespers KECA. 3:30 pan. Mi Cinnamon Bear KECA, 4 :30 p.m. 311-F City Dwellers KGF.I. 1?:311 p.n. M-Ma Classic Hour. RECA, 2 p.m. M-F Close. 1 pion - KFI, 10 a.m. Ml. Club Matinee KECA. 1:30 p.m. To P

. KIM A, 1:14 p.m. Si CO,* CIDIA Spotlight Bands - .

KILL KGB, KVXM, K', (IF:, IS p.m. Si-S.. Col bia Church .. . ...... EN X. ID a.m. Su l'id bia C loormil ... KM X, 9 a.m. Su Col ..... bla Foollight Theatre K N X, 9 p.m. Su Columbia Workshop ..... ..... KN X, 5 pan. Sis Concert Petite . KEE 11:15 a.m. Su Confessions of Corsair KHJ. 3:30 p.m. Th f'onsertat iall Reporter KGB. 9:30 a.m. F Cons ..... er Tips Eli. 9:15 a.m. So Council of Beatify ..........KMPC. 11:30 a.m. 5I-F Counselor, Mary . .. . .1(55, 3:15 p.m. Tu C y Medical Asen....... KFAC, 8:45 a.m. 'la

KF1, 9:45 a.m. So Covered Wagon Jubilee- RP-VD, 7:15 a.m. ('rail. Joe KF WB, 6:30 p.m. Su •I'rinse Doctor . KNX. S u.m. So Crocker, iterty.... KS N. 8:30 a.m. 5V. F. Vromby„ Bing . KFI. 6 p.m. TI. Cogs* Klionsiss Krone Ell. 7 p.m, TI,

Dallas, Melia KFI, 1:15 p.m. 51-F Dance Time u Lucky Lase, I .. .. . .

. KFAC 111 pan. 51- , t. 10:30 p.m. Su Danger Is My Business .... .... ..

KII.1, k1:14, 6:15 p.m. N' Ihs‘i, 1.1iiier KNN. 3:53 p.m. Daily

li \ %. 3:30 p.m. Sit Dearest Miillivr K11 S. 1.15 p.m. Toi, Vt, Tit Dear John. KU I • KIND. 71 A.M. SA

1(11. 10:15 11.111. rh Dear Mom. KN X. 3:35 p.m So Death Salley Days ..... _..._... KNX, 9:30 p.m. TI, Defense Reporter

14.11.1. KGB. KFXM, FE1 OE, 7::too p.m. Tr. Dine-Dance Parade 1(11.1, 3:30 p.m. W Disney Parade KHJ, KGB, K1 11E, 11:30 pan. so Di5on. Nancy ENS, 3:45 p.m. 111-F DOA Ningbo*. KFI, 5 p.m. M-I' •Ilon't Ile Personal Krl. 0:36 p.m. F

Belie•e It KF:t 1. 8:15 p.m. F •Dosible or Nothing

. KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE. 6:30 Si Drake Galen ...... .......... K MS. 4:35 p.m. M Dr. Uhristlau ENS. 1:311 p.M. VW •Dr. I, Q KFI. 6 pan Si Dr Kate. ... KF1, 10:13 a.m. M-k. Dr. Matthews .

RH.I. KGB. K1 A11. KVI1E, 9 a.m. Ma Duffy's Tavern.... KN X, 9 p.m. T111

Easy Aces.. ...K W' S. K1'41), 9 p.m. TU. VV, Eavesdropper KI.:4 5 10:13 a.m. Si. TI, Ell war & Faiiiii• 1•1•3•1. 9:30 p.m. Ma Entoya 1(11.1. KI.A51. 6:45 p.m. M-sa Evening (' •ert Kt W. It pan. 51-SA

Fact Finder KIIJ, KFX51. KS ,,l':, 5:45 p.m. So Fa mily Bible. K SI 1•1' , 9:311 a.m. NI- I Family Doctor .... ........ ... 1)1 5, 111:1.5 a.m. Tn. 1.' Family Floor ____...... ...... It N N, I p.m. Su Farm Journal ... .. ___ .... K NI 1.4 , 11.15 win. 51-F Farm Reporter_ Fill. 11 tn. M-S* rag. Frank K VI. 7341 p.m. Th Federated I'lliirchra Kl.:1 5. 9:13 a.m. sia Fidler, Jimmie KILI, 1(4.14. K1 11E. 7:::0 p.m. Th libber McGee •nil Molly ... KFI. 6:30 p.m Ti, Find Ilie Woman .... ENS, 9:53 p.m F First Line Defense ..... . KFAC 11:In p.m. Ma First Meister ..... .. . ENS. 6:341 p.m. F Fitch Bandwagon ...... ..KFI. 4:30 pan sii FIR M.. Eugenia Clair KS 5. 3:15 p.m. So Flying Feel . . Kli.i. 11 a.m.. 11:1:, p ill ru n) jug Football is I•4' A, 1:311 A.M. 51. I' Flying Patrol kaSII. 5:15 p.m. 511-1:' Food for 11 III . KILL 9:45 a.m. Ma Foollooll For,,,,, B M 1'1, 7 p.m. Sit Fos .Smerleit We Sins hi 4' 5. 6:30 p.m. Si Fora Sunday horning Boor 14, MN. h p.m ova Forest 1.awn KI14. 3:5.5 p.m. M. V. F Forty Plus ... KE1'.1. 9:30 ti.m. SI Freed 's People KF1, 9:30 a.m. SI. Front Page Farrell

KILL KGB. K1 0E, EFX11. 10:30 a.m. 1I-F French Progra m . ..........1(11111. 3:30 p.m. 08

Friend, Quarter Hour ......... _ KFAC, 4 p.m. SU Frio4 Warnings .... ... KEI, 8 p.m. Daily Fun HOUlie .. . ... KMP(', II p.m. 11-Si, Eutinypaper Mao .. ... KELE 8 a.m. So

Ki.1 5, KFS11). 1311 p.m, F HE( A. 9 a.m. SU

11 54 , 8:30 a.iii. Si, W. F KILL 9 Su

KM :10 a.m. 111-5a IAN N, Ill p.m. M-Sa 10.75, 5:45 p.m. 511-Sa

51 I ; ENS, 10:30 a.m. So KFAC. 4:30 p.m. Su KNX, 8:30 p.m. M KFAC, 3 p.m. Mn

K M. 12:311 p.m. Ss Golden Melodies KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Golden Song 'recast's-) ENS. 3:30 p.m. M. W. F 6110d Nill 'lour KIN'.'., KleS1). 7 p.m. Sit brand Central Station .KFII, 7:311 p.m. F Grand Ole Opry .E11, 7:30 p.m. Sa lirandpappy & Pols KEC.%, KFSD, 8 p.1111. Su (,real Gildersiene KFI. 3:30 p.m. Su Great Plays EEC'., 11 in. sir Green Hornet K114, KVI4E, 8 p.m. W Guiding Light KF1. II :3)) p.m. 511-F lianther, John KCS11, 4:45 p.m. 11

Bambini Stuart ... ..... - Kt NIL 4:45 p.m. Intily Hit 'Work Ell,r1libie ... KHJ. 8 thin. Su Hank llir Nigh( Waichinao _Kril). 10 p.m. D Harris Nick . . .....KF:CA, 3:13 p.m. Su Harlon Da • id KV!. 8:15 P.III. 51-F Hateu of iteM KILL KGB. KVOE. 3 p.111. SU

. KILI KVIIIIE. KFX51. 3 Mut. 51. W. F Hawaii Cull., KILL K511K., KI.A51. 5:30 p.m. SA Hawthorne Honer BPI. 9:30 p.m. M Hayes, Helen is MX, 7:311 p.m. Su Hayes, Sam K11, 7:45 a.m. M-gb: Headline 'rime KHJ. 8 p.m. To Drafter. Galori-1 hilt. 1S1.11, 6 p.m. 31, 11, F

KHJ, KGB. 7 PAIL 'II: KILL 11 p.m. Tu. Th Heidi, Horace . KF1. 5:30 p.m. To Hriiiimplierr Hrs,or K1A'A, KFSD. 7 p.m. Ma Henry, Bill. KNX, 5:30 p.m. M, W. F

. 1:15 p.m. Tu: 7:15 p.m. Ti, Here's Morgan .

KH.11, KGB, kl Not KS Ili . 4:15 p.m. 11-11.-Here's the Story k • N. 7:13 P.m. sa Here's tot Ladies is 1 .4 5. 9 :341 a.m. NI- F' W on't's Cave__ K •li;!;,t. 145 n 9: :111 1:...ini s .. siui Hero o f Week...B Ili, Neb.:111)0r a m N, 730 p.m. sa Melt. Helen 1(1 sir. 9:45 a.m. 51-F Ilialiligli14 or VI ....Y.. \.•,,-. B IA. s:05 a.m. sta Hillman & Clapper 1.1 ,i), 1:30 p.m. TI, Hit Parade . .. ENS. 9 p.m. Sa Hobby Lobby h 55. 8:311 p.m. Ma Holden Helen KILL KS oh, 111:15 a.m. Si-Ma •Hollywood III, ,I. Omit KMP1', 4 pan. 51-1. Hollywood on Parade K5IPC, 38::::::01 ip,..1.51. .. 1:4

. . Hollywood Premiere .. KNX, 7 p.m. F

1111117W0011 Tattletale._ KK NI.. IN.. 69::13511pp.x. v451 Hollywood SI • "se

Hollywood Whispers Fill.1, KGB, 11:45 a.m. Su Homemakers Chill .... KILL 11:15 p.m 111-F Hope. MM KFI, 7 p.m. Tu Hopkins. Kate KS N, 11:45 a.m. M-F

.. ..

Hour of Charm . ...... ... KEIL 1 p.m Su Hughes John B. KHJ, KGB, Ii1 IIF. 9 a.m. 11-F

. ... KILL KGB. NS DE. 9:511 a.m. su K M!. KGB, RFX51, KVI/E, 7 Tii, %V, Ma

Hy mns of All Churches ..... .. ...... .......... KNX. 11:30 a.m. Si, To, Th

I Am An Amerleium..KECA !EFS». 9:15 a.m. Su 1 Hear America . KIND, 7:341 p.m. S. I Hear America Singing .. .

KILO. KGB, KFX51. KV'OE. 2 p.m. Su I'll Find My Way .

K114 KGB VVIIE, KFSM, 16:45 saw hi-Ma 1 lane a Mystery, KECA. KFSD, 8:::0 p.m. 11 •Information Please KE('A, KF'741). 5:30 p.m. Tu Inglewood l'ark I 'oneert . KNN. 7:15 p.m. To Inner Sanclum KEC.S. KENO. 8 p.m. Mn Inside Sport. ...

KU& M at. KV411, 7:13 p.m. Tu. Th, Se Intermezzo KI.:1 .5. 7:1 ,1). 0:45 p.m. Th Into the Light KIN'S. 151 ,I), 11:311 a.m. M-F Ins ilat• to Learning 14, MN, 5:30 a.m. su 1 Was There . .. K N X. 11:718 p.m. So Jack Armstrong

K11.1 KGB KU A II. k 1 OE. 5:45 p.m. M-F Jarsis..S1 KISS It. II:::o a.111. 'I-Sa: 2 p.m. Sa

John's Other Wife KI:11, 5:35 p.m. Ti Johnny Presents

.. ... K114 S. kl',I). 11:311 p.m. 511-1, Johnson. Bess KFI. 10:15 a.m. 51-1.-

ohoson Family kr!, 6:15 pan JJ ohnson ErskineW

1(11.1, KGB 14.1 No. Ii1111.:. 1:311 11•88 . Si-I' Johnson, Robert 1.e, h I:4' 5, 1:45 a m. kl-Sa

Jordan. Joyce ENS. 3 .m 51-t: i.,,, 11-I JOAPA, Lorenz? ... KEI. I :30 p

.1 • Musicale K11.11, K1.8. KVIIE. 5:15 a•M• sa

.liess Entertoi ..... rot KS 5, 1:45 1, m 51-1: Jusi Moon Bill KECA. KEso. 11;45 p.m M-1-Kallenhorn, H. %.. KFI, 4:45 p.m. Tn, .4.1

. 11:15 p.m. !Su Keep 'Ern Holling.._.KH.11, KGB, 7:30 p ni. Su Kid -filthy . KGElt, 3:30 p.n. Si Entailer, Dorothy .......... ENS. Ili :30 a.m. Sa Knickerbocker haybouge KFI, 8:30 S-1

Gang Koster* Garden Club Garden School Gardner, P. F.. •Garred Bob

KNX, 12:30 p.oi. Gateway I,, Music Gay Nineties li me Gilbert & SII MSAD Golden Melodies



dustelanetz, Andre...-_-___ KNX. 1:30 p.m. Su Kraft Music Eall.____ _ -____KFL 6 p.m. Tit Ryser, Kay. ILI1. 7 p.m. W Lafayette Forum . KMTR, 3 p.m. Su Lager, Mildred 8:13 a.m. Tu. H. Th Lamplighter . .KIIJ, 10:15 p.m. 51 'Lane, Dave....... .. KNX, 10:45 a.m. M. W. Langford, Paul....KRKIL 4:45 p.m.. 7 p.m. M-Sa Lawton. Fleetwood (McMahan's)

KFI. 7:15 a.m. NI-Ma; ILECA, 7 a.m. M-Sa Layman's Views of News KECA, 5 p.m. W

KHJ. 12:45 p.m. Su Legion Fights KECA, KIND, 10 p.m. F I.est We Forget KG11, KS OR. 8 a.m. Sit Let's Play Bridge

.... _ . KH.I. KGB. KVOE, 2:45 p.m. M-F Let's Pretend KNX, 10 a.m. Ma Let's Talk News__ ____KIMPC, 8:45 p.m. 14-F Lewis, Fulton KHJ, KGB,

KV011, 4 p.m. M-F; 9:30 p.m. IM-F Life & the Land KHJ, 3:45 p.m. Tar Life Can Be Beautiful._ .KNX. 10 an,. M-F 1.1ght of the World __ .......... _K M II a.m. M-F Lincoln Highway. K A. 10 a.m. Mt Lindiabr, Victor .... _....KHJ. 11 a.m. M. W . F Listener's Lookout KE('A, 9:15 p.m. To little Ole Hollywood KF:CA. 5:30 p.m. Sit Liting I.iterature . __ ___KFSD, 8:45 a.m. W Lombardo Orch.- KNX, 0 p.m. Ms Lone Journey....------____ -KFI, 3:15 p.m.

KNX. 5:15 p.m. 51-F 'tons Ranger .......... ................

_ KHJ. KVOE. KGB. 7:30 p.m. M. W. & Looks. at Books KIl. 11 a.m. Su Los Angeles County Band .K111, 10:15 p.m. Sit Lum and Abner....KFL 8:15 p.m. Si, Tu, Th, I.uncheon ConcerL -...... ...... KFAC. 12:15 p.m. M

....... 12:30 p.m. To-F Lutheran Hour

KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 1 p.m. Su Las Radio Theatre KNX. 6 p.m. St Magnin. Rabbi. KHJ, KGB, KVOE. 7:15 p.m. Sti 'Ma Perkins.. KEL 12:15 p.m. M-F Mau I Married............-...... KNX. 12 in. M-F Man ou Street KINPC, 1:30 p.m. M-F 'Manhattan Merry-lio-Round... -KFL 6 p.m. Su Manhattan at Midnight

-.....KECA. KFSD. 8:30 p.m. W giuutiing. Knox ..... KNX. 11 p.m. SwF

. . KNX. 12:15 p.m. 1111-F March of Time KECA. KFSD. 8 p.m. Th Market Place ____ KI1J. 11:30 AL W. F Market Reports KMPC 8:15 a.m. 5I-Ma 'Marlin 'Mars K M. 2:45 p.m. Meridian. Herbert KECA, KIND, p.m. M Masters Hour KMPC, 7:15 p.m. Masterpiece s KFAC. 3:15 p.m. M-F vt st reworks .. ..._.... ......... ..K N X. 10:30 p.m. 31-goodie's Diary KNX. 8:30 p.m. Ti. viaxwell Homme Coffee Time R M. 8;30 p. m. Th

viitarthy, Charlie . K M, 5 p.m. Sti gic(ee. Fibber KIT. 630 p.m Tit Melody Bouquet ....... El St 1:15 p.m. sa Melody Remelt _ ______ N N. 3:30 p.m. Su glenkeu Helen ENX, 6 p.m. Ti. vlebbage of Israel K M .S. 6 p.m. Sit Metropolitan Auditions KIT, 2 p.m. Su metropolitan Open. IIEF:CA, KESIL II a.m. Sit Midnight Merry-Go-Round....KNX. 12 p.m. SI-Ma Midnight Mission__KMPC. 4:43 p.m. NI, W, F

KMPC, 6 p.m. Su Michael and Kitty..--KECA. KFSD, 6:30 p.m. F Midstream KECA, 11:45 e.m. 31-F Miller, Glenn__ ...... _...KNX. 7 p.m. Tu, W. Th Millions for Defense_KECA. KFSIL 7:30 p.m. Tu Mirandy's Garden Patch....K M, 9:15 a.m. M-Th Misseiwits, Henry KMIPC, 9:15 p.m. Su

Tom___ ......... HECA, KFSD, 5:45 p.m. IM-F Modern Immortals KFAC. 10 a.m. F illooday Merry-Go-Round

E WA. KFSD, 7 p.m. NI Movielsori Quiz 1110111), 4:15 p.m. M-F Mr. District Attorney - ....... KFL 9:30 p.m. W Mr. Keen WIND, KECA, 415 p.m. To .W Th Murray. Johnny ..... FL 8 a.m. M-F Murray. Rita. _.._ RNA. S a.m. Tu ill Musical Clock KECA. 8 a.m. H-r Musical Mar.11 KMPC, 5:30 p.m. Se Musical Mysteries Ell A. 9:45 a.m. M-F Music Appredation 5, KF1.11), II a.m. F Music a American Vomit KFI, 8:30 a.m. Su Music Depreciation

KHJ. KGB, El VI. KVOE. 2 p.m. N1-F Music for Eteryone. Knee. 6 p.m. M-Ma Music for VDU KECA. 2 p.m. Su Must Be Told... ....... ._.._ KFAC, 7 p.m. W Myrt and Marge __-_ KINK. 1:15 p.m. M-le Mystery Man Krt. 11:15 a.m. M-F

NBC Symphony KECA. KFSIL 6:30 p.m. Tu National Barn Dance KFI, 6 p.m. Ss National Farm & Home K M. 6 a.m. 5I-F

KFSD, 3:30 p.m. SI-F National Hillbilly Champions. KNX. 8:45 a.m. Ma Ned Jordan. KILL 2:30 p.m. So New York Philharmonic KNX, 12 m. Mu News Crier EFL 5:15 p.m. Tu. Tit News Here & Abroad KECA. 7:30 p.m. Th Nobody's Children.....KHJ. KFXM, 4:30 p.m. ritt Nothing But Praise

KIFI. 10:15 p.m. M, Tu, W, F Old-Fashioned Revival

.....KHJ. KGB. KV011. 6 p.m. Su Olson. Johnny KMPC. 3 p.m. WM O'Neill.. _ ..-KNX. 2:30 p.m. 51 -F One Man's -..KFL 5:30 p.m. So one Hurd Jackpot-_-____ KFI. 9:30 a.m. SI-F On the Job KFI, 8:45 a.m. Ss On the Scouting TraH_____ ........ K M, 6 p.m. Sa Orphan Annie

ILEJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE. 4:45 p.m. B-r Orphans of 131vorce....KECA, liEFSD, 12 m. 51-F

Our Gal Sunday ES L 9:45 a.m. 3I-F Our Saviour's Church .fimTK, 2 p. m. Su Oyer Our Coffee Cup. KECA, 9:15 p.m. Si, Owens, Jack KECA. M IS a.m. M, W. Ti, Packard Playhouse KECA, 7 p.m. F Pan America Calling. -EMIT, 10:30 a.m. To Paradise •sle _-_---.KILL_KGB, 10 p.m. Su Parker Family - -- ..... KFI, 9:15 p.m. Su Parker, Shaffer

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE. 5:15 p.m. 151-F Parsons, 'Amelia .. .... ...... ...... KNX, ..„.._ . KNX. 7 p.m. V Pastor's Study.. ....... 3:30 p.m. W Patterson. Polly KFAC II :30 a.m. M-F Pause That Refreshes IeNX 1:30 p.m. Su l'earee, Al KNX, 7:30 p.m. F Pearson & Alien.. ...KECA, KFSD, 5:45 p.m. Su Penthouse Party KECA. KFSD, 6:30 p.m. W Penthouse Players .KFAC, 7:30 p.m. W Pepper loung's Family KFI. 3 p.m. /111-F People's Platform KNX. 10:30 p.m. Sat Philadelphia Oreh ' ' KGB KVOE.. 11:510 a.m. I'

KILL KFXM, It:45 p.m. I' Philharmonia- .... KECA. 11 p.m. Daily Philip Morris Playhouse. .KNX. 8:30 p.m. F Physical Well Being KFII, 10:15 a.m. Su Piano Recital KFI, 2:30 p.m. Ss Pigskin Jamboree KNX, 4 p.m. Ss Pigskin Party KECA, KIND, 0 p.m. F Pigskin Perusal. — .KMPC, 12:30 p.m. Ma Pigskin Pretiews _._--- __KNX, 6:15 p.m. W Plantation Party _ KFI, 8:30 p.m. W Plantiy Speaking__. — KFWEL 9 p.m. Ma Platter Parade..--- ---KMPC, 10:30 a.m. Su Play Ball Quiz KFWIL 9 p.m. F.' Pleasure Time KFI, 8:05 p m. M. T.,, Th. F

. KFI, 6 p.m. W Point Sublime K M. 8:05 p.m. W Port of Hope .KF'WB, 3:30 p.m. M Portia Faces Life.. -___-...KFI, 2:15 p.m. NI-F Foetal Oddities KECA. 9 p.m. Sit Potter, Peter -. _ __ .aMre. 9 p.m. al-Ma

KMPC, 12:30 p.m. 51-F Prescott Present* KECA, 11 a.m. To, W

............. ..11:15 S.M. SI, '1'11 Pringle, Nelson.....- - -ENX, 7:45 a.m. Pd-fr Prof, Puzzlewle.. R H, 3 p.m. Su Property Owntre _. --.--_.KMTIL 8 p.m. Th Public Affairs

KNX. 4:15 p.m. Su; 11:15 p.m. To. 51_' ,Ma Purple Mules..--- ----KGER. 11:15 a.m. M-Sa "Quiz Court......-_ K M, 9 p.m. F 'Quiz Kids. KECA, KFSD 8 p.m. W Quiz of Two Cities ..... ......._ ... _ . . . KHJ. 8 p.m. tr Radio Chatter KF1, 9:55 p.m. Th Radio City Music Hall

.. . .. ..... ..... KECA. KFSD. 9:30 a.m. Su Ruilio Magic A MID, 6:15 p.m. F Race Resume ______ ..... _BLUED, 2:25 p.m. M-S.. Religion in News ... KIM. 3;30 Sli Report to Nation. KNX. 10:30 p.m. Su itetwile Mission. KFWB. 8:30 a.m.. II p.m. Su itetiewing Stand KGB, KVOE. 8 a.m. Su Revue in .Miniattire KECA, 8:30 a.m. Sit Reynolds. Naomi KECA, le:45 a.m. Se Rhapsody in Was K M. 16 p.m. M-Ma Richfield Reporter (Richfield Oil)

KFI, 10 p.nt. Su-F •Right to Happinese -.--KNX, 10:30 a.m. M-F Road of Life.. — _-___KNX. 2:15 p.m. M-F

K M, 9:45 a.m. N1-1, Bobbin, Ed - --KMTR. 11:45 p.m. 1111-11 , Rocheater Civic Oreit JUNO, 7 p.m. F Rodriguez & Sutherland....KECA, 9:45 p.m. M-F Romance of Highways

KI11, KGB. KVOE, 10:15 a.m. Su Romance of the Ranchos (Title Insurance

arid Trust Co.)... KNX. 7:30 p.m. W Roosevelt. El ....KECA, KFSD. 9:15 p.m. Su Ross. Lanny. - ANN. 8:15 p.m. 5I-F Salt Lake Tabernacle. -. __KNX. 9:30 a.m. Su San Diego Forum KGB. 6 p.m. Sa Sands of Time ... _ .. _______- . _ .. KMPC. 2 p.m. W Saturday Ne ws Review KNX, 5:30 p.m. Ma Saturday Night Serenade. -KNX. 6:43 p.m. S6 School of Air KM.). KGB.

.. KS OE, 11:30 a.nt. Tit; 11:45 a.m. W School of Air ..... .... .......11LNX, 1:30 p.m. M-F Second Guessers ........ _._..-- KFI. 9 Su Secont. Husband . . ..... -------__KNX, 6 p.111. To Second Mrs. Burton .... _ . KNX. 4 p.m. Pd-IF Shadow, The.. KHJ, KG , ILVOE, 8:30 p.m. To Shatter Parker

KHJ, KGB. EVXM. KVOE, 6:15 p.m. M-F Sherlock Holmes KFI, 7:30 p.m. Su shirer. William KNX. 2:45 p.m. Su Shore, Dinah KECA, ICFSD, 6:43 p.m. Mu SIIOW of Week .... _ .... ........ KFAC. 7:30 P.m• 51. Signal Carnital (kignal 011)...KFL 8:03 p.m. Su Silver Theatre-_______----- ..... KNX, 3 p.m. So Simms, Gunny ......_- __. _.KNX, 6:55 p.m. F Sizing Up the News KILL

KGB KFXM, RIVE, 9:15 p.m. M. IV, I' Skelton, ked K M, 7:30 p.m. Tu Song Time KNX, 10:15 p.n. Se Smith. Kale. 5 ariety Hour. .IENX. 9 p.m, F Songs for s toy M U, 8:30 a.m. Su Spare the Rod. KMPC, 10:30 a.m. M 'Spelling Beelitier KNX. 5:3e p.m. Su Speaking of Glamour

KECA, 10:30 a.m. Su: 8:45, p.m. Th Spin and Win KECA, KFSD, 8:30 p.m. Sit Spirit of '41 KNX, 11 a.m. Su Sport Scores .-....KNX. 6:30 p.m. Mn Spore Secrete.....- - -.KGFJ, 5:30 p.m. lii-Sa Sports Page._ - -KP&PC 6:30 P•m• NI-F Sports Newsreel. --.......- .1101. 7 p.m. Ma Sports Story -.-..._ ..... „.. ESN, 3 p.m. Sit Sports Script... KFI. 10:45 p.m. dis Standard School

KHJ, KGB, KFX.31, KVOE, 11 a.m. Th Standard Symphony ... . _ . .......... ....-

ERJ, Kvuk, ifdis. iiiiii, i p.m. Th

Stars Over Hollywood KNX. 9:30 a.m. Sit Stepmother ..KNX, 1 p.m. SI-P Stoddard. Tom.... ------EFWB. II a.m. M-F Stories America Loves...-...KNX, 8:45 a.m. MI-F Stories of American Llberties...KFI, 2 p.m. Si, Story Behind Headlines KFSD, 9:30 p.m. Su Story Teller KILL 9:15 p.m. Tu. Th Strullin "Tom — KMPC. 7 p.m. SII-1. Succeseful Liting... _.KMPC. 8:25 a.m. Id-F Sunday Concert KFAC 2 p.m. Stu Sunday Down South K M. 8:15 a.m. Su Sunday Vespers SECA, KFSD. 1 p.m. Su Sunshine Melodies KECA, 5 p.m. To. Th Superman KECA. 4:45 p.m. 51-1-Swing, Raymond Gram

. KH.1. KGB. 11110F:. KFX111. 7 p.m. H Th Swing° KFWIL 2 p.m. Su Symphonic Strings

.1111J. KGB. XFXM. KVOE. 4 p.m. Sn Tailspin Tommy KNX, 4:30 p.m. Su 'Take It or Leave It KNX. 7 p.m. Su Taylor, Mary Lee............KNX. 10:45 a.m. Tu. Tit Technocracy KMTR, 8:30 p.m. Th Telephone Hour............................ F1, 9 p.m. NI Tell Me a Story - KMPC, 2 p.m. F Texaco Star Theatre.... KNX. 9 p.m. W Theatre of Today KNX. 9 a.m. Sa Theme A Variations

1111.1, KGB, KVOE, 11:30 a.m Tii non Man K M. 9 p.m. Tn This I.and We Defend K ni, 2:45 p.m. Sat This Our America KF WB, 8:30 p.m. Tb Three Ring Time

....KiIJ KGB, KVOE, EFX_51_ ._630 p.m. I' Tillamook Kitchen. .KFI, 10 a.m. F Time to Smile KFI. 9 p.m. W Tinney, Cal K W. KGB, KFXM, HIVE, 9:15 p.m. M. W.F

Top O• the Week KFSD, 3:30 p.m. Su Tip of the Morning......._... KNX, 8 a.m. So Town Crier KNX. 8:30 a.m. Sa Town Meeting . ...KECA, 10 p.m. Th Traffic Tribunal__ -111F1. 5:30 p.m. la 'Treasure Chest- KFL 5:30 p.m. To Treasury Hour KECA, KFSD. 7:30 p.m. To Treat Time .. KNX. 8 a.m. M, W, I Trent, Helen, Romance of-KNX, 9:30 a.m. M-t True or False KECA. EFSD, 9 p.m. M Truth or Consequences KFI, 8:0.5 p.m. Su Tune Out Time KFL 9 p.m. Sit Twenty Grand Club KHJ, KGB. 6:15 p.m. 31 Twilight Tales_____-___ .... SECA. 5 p.m. 51, F Two Round Jamboree....... ........ KECA, 10 p.m. So

Unclassic Hour KECA, 3:15 p.m. 511-F• Uncle Walter'. Doghouse KFI. 6:30 p.m. & Uncle Harry.... ....... __.___KMPC, 5:30 p.m. 51-F Unity Daily Word _____KMFC. 8:311 a.m, fd-IF Unity Viewpoint .KFAC. 9 a.m. M-Ma Unitersity Explorer KFI, I p.m. Su University Life KGB, KVOE, 12:13 p.m. To Valiant Lady... —. --.KFL 11:30 a.m. kl-t Vallee Rudy _ KECA. 7 p.m. Th Vague, Sera (Signal Olio K M, 8:03 p.m. Su Vance and Lila RECS.. 10 a.m. 111-1 I ass Family KIII, 4:30 p.m. Tit Vic and Made -.KFI, 12:45 p.m. 111-F Voice of Broadway KNX, 10:30 a.m. Sit

KNX, 3:30 p.m. To Voice of Firestone _ .. _...KFI. 8:30 p.m. M Voice of Prophets, hii.1 KGB, 8:43 a.m. So Voices In the Mho) . kmec. 10:30 *.m. F Vox Pop ..... _ ...... .... .. . ... _ ...... __KNX, 9 p.m, M

Waltz Time K M, I p.m. F Wake Up America-__KEt 5. KFfelD, fl a.m. Iiiii

Waring. Fred 8:05 p.m. 51. I it. Th ,F; 6 P.M. W Wayne. Elizabeth .......... -

KHJ. KGB, Fil tit, 9:30 a.m. Su We Are Always Young

KILL KGB, KVOE 9:45 a.m. 51I-F Weekend Whimsey ........... _..-..KFI. 1:02 p.m. Su Welles, Orson .E.Nx, 7 p.m. Si We're Five in the Family...--KFI, 2:30 p.m. Su We, the Abbotts..- -...-. -LEL 2:30 p.m. M-F "We. the People...... KNX, 9 P.M. 1'6 W est Coast Church...- ....... KNX. 8 a.m. Sp What's Doing KFI 9 a.m. Si-S. What's It All About' KNX, 9:30 p.m. It, 'What's On Your Mind? KNX. 6 p.m. F Kheatena Playhouse KNX, 2 p.m. M-F Wheeling Steelmakers

KECA, KFSD, 2:30 p.m. Su When a Girl Marries KFI. 2 0.07. 314 When P Roar_____----KFI. 9:30 p.m. F White. Agnes..-.KFI. 10 a.m. M-Th; 9 a.m. F Whoa Bill Club KFAC. 6:30 p.m. 111-F White House Press Conference

Milt, 6:15 p.m. Tu, F,• KHJ, 6:15 p m. I Whodunit?..-.....-- .................... KNX. 7:30 p.m Th Who. What, Where & Why?...KNX, 6 p.m. Se Wildman, Edgar H. KNX, 3:15 p.m. W. I Wiley, Fletcher.. MNX. 11130 a.m. M-t Wincliell. Walter KFI. 9 p.m. Su 'Wings of Destiny. _ MEl. 7 p.m. I Wings Over Jordan-____ KMPC. 6:30 p.m. Su Winter. Win KNX, 7:45 EL M. So W O M MI in White -....KNX, 10:15 a.m. Pil-t Woman of Courage __ KNX. 12:45 p.m. M-F Woman's World. KMTIL * p.m. 51- 16 Mons, Tony K M, 1:15 p.m. ..0 World Is Yours. -_-_____KFL 10:30 a.m. So World Today

KNX, 11:30 a.m. Su: 10:15 p.m. 51-F Young, Norma KHJ, 9:15 a.m. All-i Young Dr. Malone KNX. 4:15 p.m. rif-F Young People's Church

....KHJ. KGB, FLIFX11, KVOE, 1:30 p.m. Su Young Widder Brown KF1 1:45 p.m. M-1 Your Goternm ent Report. _KFI. 4:45 p.m. To Your Neighbor - -KNX., 8:15 a.m. M,F Your Singing NeIghbor _...F.-NiX. 3:15 p.m. 111




Contests On The Air Here is a comprehensive list of all radio program contests current on air

in the West. If you are a contest fan, save it. Next month another list will bring the offerings up to date. And now, with best wishes for would-be prize winners:

INFORMATION PLEASE —KECA COMPANY: American Tobacco. CONTEST: Send questions. REQUIRED: Nothing but above. PRIZES: For every question used, $10 plus copy of 1941 edition of New Information Please Quiz Book If question stumps experts, $25 more plus a complete set of the current Encyclo-pedia Brittanica.

HEARD: KECA, Tuesday. 8:30 p.m. MAIL: Information Please, 480 Lexington Ave.. New York,. N. Y.

UNCLE WALTER'S DOG HOUSE —KFI COMPANY: Brown & Williamson. CONTEST: Send letter telling how you wouni up in the dog house.

REQUIRED: Nothing but above. PRIZES: $50 for winning letter. Also hi-monthly "Perfect Husband" contest; $25 for perfect husband appearing on program; $10 for almost perfect; $5 fairly perfect. Winners chosen from letters gent in by wives.

HEARD: KFI, Friday, 6:30 p.m. M AIL Uncle Walter, c/o KFI, Los Angeles.

DR. I. Q. —KFI COMPANY: Mars Candy. CONTEST: Send biographical sketch. REQUIRED: Picture from top of box of Milky Way Candy Bars plus six Milky Way wrap-pers.

PRIZES: $250 tot winning sketch each week, plus all money not won by contestants —maximum $325.

HEARD: KFI, Monday, 6 p.m. MAIL: KFI, Los Angeles.

DR. I. 0. —KFI COMPANY: Mars Candy. CONTEST: 'Ptree Right or Wrong questions. REQUIRED: One wrapper from Milky Way Candy Bar.

PRIZES: $50 for each set of three questions used. HEARD: KFI, Monday, 6 p.m. MAIL: KFI, Los Angeles.

QUIZ KIDS —KECA COMPANY: Miles Lab°, atottes. CONTEST: Submit questions. REQUIRED: Nothing. PRIZES: New Zenith portable radio. HEARD: KECA, Wednesday, 8 p.m. MAIL: Mlle. Laboratories, Inc., KECA, Los An-geles.


COMPANY: Procter & Gamble. CONTEST: Complete in 25 words or less: "I lik• Crisco for pies because —"

REQUIRED: One Crisco label. (Entry blank from dealer or dealer's signature in order to double prizes.)

PRIZES. $5000 first prize, 25 prizes of $1100. and 200 prizes of $25. (Prizes doubled if entry submitted as above.)

HEARD: KNX, Monday through Friday, 10 40 a.m.

MAIL: Crisco, Cincinnati, Ohio.

WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND —KNX COMPANY: Planters Peanuts CONTEST: Submit questions for use on program. REQUIRED: Empty Planter's Peanuts bag or unwinding band from Planter's tin with each question.

PRIZES: $5 If question used; $10 If incorrectly answered; also 150 tins Planter's Peanuts as honorable mention.

HEARD: KNX, Friday. 6 p.m. :JAIL: Planters, San Francisco, Calif,

AL PEARCE —KNX COMPANY: R. J Reynolds Tobacco. CONTEST: Submit authentic humorous experience involving salesman and client.

REQUIRED: nothing but above. PRIZES: $101.1 if letter dramatized on program. HEARD. KNX, Friday, 7:30 p.m. MAIL: Elmer Blurt, c/o CBS, Hollywood.

WHODUNIT7 —KNX COMPANY: Albers Brothers. CONTEST: Four contestants selected from audi-ence Jury of eight persons to compete for best solution to mystery.

REQUIRED: Attendance at broadcast. PRIZES: First, $25; second, $11.); third. 25; fourth, $5. Four $1 prizes.

HEARD: KNX. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.

SPELLING BEELINER —KNX COMPANY: Seaside 011. CONTEST: Submit five hard-to-spell words. REQUIRED: Entry blank from Seaside dealer. PRIZES: First. $25; second, $15; third. Ell, 52 merchandise orders for 10 gallons Ethyl gas.

HEARD: K-NX, Sunday, 5:30 p.m.

MIDNIGHT MERRY-GO-ROUND —KNX CONTEST: Identify recordings played oil pro-gram and specify shows they are from; also answer questions.

PRIZES: Defense stamps, broadcast tickets. HEARD: KNX, Monday through Saturday, 12 midnight.

TREAT TIME —KNX COMPANY: Armour. OFFER: Floral spray pin. REQUIRED: 25c plus one Treet recipe folder. HEARD: KNX, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 a .m.

MAIL: Armour & Company, Box 722, Chicago, Illinois.

HOMEMAKER'S CLUB —KHJ COMPANY: Participating (groceries, household products).

CONTEST: Submit six questions on subject an-nounced the previous week. (Monday and Wed-nesday).

REQUIRED: Nothing but above. PRIZES: Four baskets of groceries to contestants submitting winning lists.

HEARD: KHJ, Monday through Friday, 12:15 p.m.

MAIL: Norma Young, c/o KH.1. Los Angeles.

CONTEST: Submit complete list of sponsors on program. (Tuesday, Thursday.)

REQUIRED: Nothing but above. PRIZES: Basket of groceries for winning entry.

CONTEST: Spelling bee. (Friday). REQUIRED: Attendance at broadcasts. (Tickets available on request.)

PRIZES: Basket of groceries to winner.

CONTEST: Save labels of sponsors. REQUIRED: Nothing but above, save that labels are to be saved by club or organization of 10 or more.

PRIZES: To organization saving most labels. $150 prize every six weeks.

DOUBLE OR NOTHING —KHJ, DLBS COMPANY: Feenamint. CONTEST: Submit general questions for use on program.

REQUIRED: Nothing. PRIZES: $5 for each question used. HEARD: KHJ, DLBS. Monday, 8:30 p.m. M AIL: Double or Nothing, c/o ,IBS. 1440 Broad-way, New York, N. T.

SPONSOR: Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. CONTEST: Answer quiz questions. REQUIRED: Presence at broadcasts. PRIZES: Tickets to fights, Hollywood theatres. HEARD: K MPC, Monday through Friday. 4 p.m.

QUIZ OF TWO CITIES —KHJ COMPANY: Noxzerna. CONTEST: Submit general questions. REQUIRED: Nothing. PRIZES: Jar of Noxzetna if question used on program.

HEARD: KHJ, Friday, 8 p.m. MAIL. Quiz of Two Cities, c/o, KHJ. Los Angeles.

ARE YOU MUSICAL? —KMPC COMPANY: Crawford's Music Corp. CONTEST: Send in musical questions to be answered by board of authorities on program.

REQUIRED: Nothing but above. PRIZES* One classical record for each questloa used: an additional record if board fall, to answei

HEARD: KMPC. Sunday, 10 p.m. MAIL: K MPC, Beverly Hills, Calif.

VIC AND SADE —KFI COMPANY: Procter & Gamble. CONTEST: Finish sentence -I like Crisco for pies because —" in 25 additional words or less.

REQUIRED: Crisco label or facsimile. Prize may be doubled by (1 winning entry being written on official contest blank available at Crisco dealer, or (21 if entry is written sep-arately and signed by dealer.

PRIZES: Grand, $2500: 25 of $11./0 and 200 of $25. HEARD: KFI, Mon.-Fri. 12:45 p.m. MAIL: Crisco, Cincinnati, Ohio.

STARS OVER HOLLYWOOD —KNX COMPANY: Bowey•s, Inc. CONTEST: Send snapshots. REQUIRED: Dari-Rich bottle cap or entry blank obtainable at fountains.

PRIZES: All-expense trip to Hollywood for screen test: movie cameras and enlargements,

HEARD: KNX, Sat. 9:31) a.m. MAIL: Dan-Rich, Hollywood.

DAVE LANE —KNX' COMPANY: Nia mey Food Company. CONTEST: Sentence of 25 words or less for Marco Pet Food, completing sentence "I feed Marco to my pet because —"

REQUIRED: Three Marco labels or picture of the dug tut from three one-pound or one five-pound bag of Marco Dry Dog Food.

PRIZES: First, three pair Nylon hose; second, two pair; eight other prizes of one pair.

HEARD: KNX, Mon., Wed., Fri., 10:45 a. m. MAIL: Marco, KNX, Hollywood.

TWILIGHT TALES —KECA COMPANY: Knudsen Creamery. CONTEST: Send recipe. REQUIRED: Send recipe featuring either or both of two Knudsen products.

PRIZES: First, $35; second, $25; other cash awards.

HEARD: KECA. Monday, Friday. 5 p.m. MAIL: Twilight Tales, care KECA, Los Angeles.

KNOX MANNING NEWS —KNX COMPANY: White King. CONTEST: Write in own words "Why I use White King Granulated Soap fur fine fabrics."

REQUIRED: One box-top from any size White King Granulated Soap package.

PRIZES: First, $500 U. S. Defense Savings bond: secnnd, third, fourth, $100 in same; two prizes of $50; four of $25.

HEARD: KNX. Mon.-Fri., 12:15 p.m. MAIL: White King News. Los Angeles.

NORMAN NESBITT NEWS —KHJ COMPANY: White King. CONTEST: Write in own words "Why I use White King Granulated Soap for fine fabrics."

REQUIRED: One box-top from any size White King Granulated Soap package.

PRIZES: First, $500 U. S. Defense Savings bond; second, third. fourth, $100 In same; two prises ot $50; four of $25.

HEARD: KHJ, Mon.-Fri., 8:30 M AIL: White King New., Los Angelic
