Download - New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-02-04 [p 6].€¦ · future 1 be ti atlle. In aome allver-produclng Btatea there i* 1 natural publlc aontlment In favor of auch legla-lation a>

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-02-04 [p 6].€¦ · future 1 be ti atlle. In aome allver-produclng Btatea there i* 1 natural publlc aontlment In favor of auch legla-lation a>

^mnefmente.AMERICAJtTHEATBE ¦* Burar,

H THEATRJE » laeyl\iv OF MUBIO...Tha Spertlng DucheFK.

BIJl il * 16 <*.. nll-man Ji-e.Ut lADWAt THEATRE B- An ArtkWl Model.

KI.V.N' ACADBMT.B- llutfuetu.ta.'AHNKOIE .iiAMii.i.t Mi BIC HALL -J OoecartAHIN'i B 1-i'lV Slnvey.¦v.-iMi CHAMBERI I a Cabaret da Naaat,.l.l \M:r> rHEATRE I U The Cotton Klnj.

i. xi. .-' THEATRE B 18 n,- Oooateaa Oucktin hH'BEE oneart,

EKI'IHE THEATRE B:IB A Woeaaa'e Reaaoa.riKTll AVENUE THEATRE.»:15.The Ckoveraor of

U ky.UAROEN THEATRE.8:18 Chlmmla Faddaa..jAiiitH'K THEATRE B:IB .> Boctal Blghwayaaaa.;l; INI) UPERA HOUBE 1 10 Thrllt.y.

ii xi;... M nl i:i:a HOl'SE 1:18 Mra PoadeffeaHy'a PaatHl - 4> BQUARE THE1TRJC 8:10 The H'art of


HOVTa THEATRE 8:80 A Hla<-k Bheep.IRVINQ ri.A.'i: THEATRE R Dle Uakaiaaehllgea,KOKTKft A BIALt'8 I U Ynu i:: M THEATRE 3:30. Reettal.8:UV.Tha li»nem of

aibt.MA' i- n »q l:i: OARDEN.8 a. m to 10:30 p. m..

ll iltrj Exhll.!.* MPIA '¦ in.a UE 8:M VanoanUe.rvi.Mi'i: S THEATRE BdO- The Bqulre of Damea

U'B 18 M llll 11 I- H V'au '.

PRimToR'H n.KA.THK PALACE -VaudavUte.BTAX6>AKI> THEATRE 8:18 The Btranga Adrenlnrei

M.v- Bri » .!.

BTAR THEATRE - Kerry 0 >w.


3ni>rt io wVonrilisfiticntc.Paae.CW Page.Col.

1tl *\ H t-li- .I" 8Ri ,: Ks ii raea 8 Carrl >e- a..!0 l

.18 h Inatructl. n . 8.11 '. Lectun 8 M. tUiga..ll 812 r, Legal N Ui ea.1" 'S

\ ¦.. kera .11 8 .. nd.11 «H ind II ma...l0 2 Mlacetlaneoua .1- 4-flIi ---..,: -io 8i Publlc Notlcea. :>:¦¦;

n n ". eeen Btaamera. n S 4I. .10 .". T l: Uli I- .¦'' .'' .

:.,!, ma a hoola 8 - Real Betate.l" l .'>.- .lo 1 Bpeclal Sotlcea. T «

r,s ...... . 3 Steambnata .ll 8I.a.. 11 6,1 .i iitrs.i» 2

I.II t-6-Wlntar Reaorte. 8 « 8in l Work Waatad.M 8-8

U .;. Whnted .10 8-8_

Cnamros KoturBRoll Top Deaka Hnd Offlce Furntture.Oreai Vartett ' snit- an.i Prtca

KEM.EW,No. ll: N Y.

Lc .ii. Y" Wlnda r Hotel..'j. kf> ..¦¦ 11-. Kla.


I >-»;ir a aao. 18 ino.'l m ¦.

. n »«*... Iioix. IBOii 82 W 81 ""

aon 4.-. tou ..«' acta.: .«. 80 ...'

<.¦* .i '2.\V,lia«... 8«e¦. imMiH - -'"' .

I ki a Trttaaaa ** »pl »* ke*

-v: \, r Th* law regalraa ti-nt i» l

¦tamp i- ..:..-: t- every i-> .' th<> Dally, *-,. :>¦ l:i

k . i| ¦...-' I bjr auhidera .-"' '.> t uylng Iheli


p ,\ i, - \.;i- i ,:: f r.-.«n e urad Meal 4 eenta n e

Trtbuna 8 eenta a I '¦ Dally, Beml \\>?kix and... '.. ;,,!. lv anbi rlbei

BKMi ii \\<-rs Ramii bj r ¦-..ti r»rder, Expreaa 0 leiift, r R*| -.... 1 L«tt< Cai ll

B ¦.. if aral In ¦. '. letter, »ill be at the

AMERirANB APR^Anran aawtl ilea al !;* f Itewtag r'ar^s

': f Tha Trlbune TS v:.-.i st. E. CI . H laa, C. C,

* < .. r-4 New n«t >rt Bt.Th- in." k * s n. Ludgate Cireua

Par . J V -" Ru

H Hini iei a 88 Rua da Pi venea.n Harjn *'¦ HauBBBiaa,

r. l.v nnaia Bureau lea Etrangera.kl .- a i Pla .. .if I'Opera.

Gen.-VH t»fnbard, Odler & i'u-t'r.i n Pank

Whltby 4 fo.^-. kuairlan nnnk.

^¦ Pateraburg t'red-.t LyonnalaBui peiina nnd trav. BnO 'ba londoil "¦ '

of Th« Till'um nvenlent i Ihelr adver.Ilarmeeta and aubaerli -

' The Trlbune.r .|.|*a .f The Trlbune mav ! " bou .¦ rr ri

M-»«r« Pwnn ,V Lea. h. N,,rthuml»erliind-ave.. dlrectly ot--i i -, th. Oran 1 H lel.






POREION..It waa announced ln Iz-.nrl-in fhat

imbaaaad r Bayard wlll r, FiKn if reaolutionaenaurlng blm nre pasa.-.i by tha H uaa of Ri | n....... A J Balf -ur. ln ¦ epeech al

Bt -. i. Etigland, aald England and thet gt ,-. t Bh ¦"'.,. work togetnor to promotethe Angl Baxon Ideaa of Lberty. = The Brlt-l«b warahlp llohawk wu» aenl ln haata fi m

i, ngot « t- Havana, where it la faare thal a re-

, ., g the Bpanlah rolunteera baa brokenout The nlnth expedltlon of Spanlsh tr ajpala t" a»ll for Cuba on February 12. .. The war-

aTiii. Blenbeun, wlth the bodjr of Prtnec H< nrj ofHattet.i.erg on board, arrlved at I*lym..uth. Bnff-lanl.CONORESB..Only the Houaa ln se«alon; m at

of ihe day waa devoted lo Dlatrlct of Columblaaft.tlrn, the Army a;,iiru;.riatlon bill was re-

jMiir.-1.DOMEBTIC.Oeneral Harrlaon, ln a letter to

Chalran»n Oowdy, of the indlana RepubllcanCommlttee, deellnee to conaent to ih^ ua.

hi« name before the Ht. Lonla ConYentlon.Th.- Leglalature beajran the aeaalcna of the week;t(, ,; .vernor nomlnated managera for the Man-battan Btate HoapttaL = = lt m eaUmated thal

ihouaand blda for the'new bond laaueeen recelved in Waahlngton. Heavyhave prevalled throughout the Bouth nml

Bouthweat. .1TY AND BUBURBAN..Mayor

Chauncey M. Depew un l ..tliers sp-ko at a rm-et-

Ing ln Carnegle BfuaP! Hail to proteat agalnatthe recaU of Conunander and Mr». BalltngtonH.,,y, The name of OolumMa CoUege waa

ehanged to Columbla Unleeraity, the Behool ofArta lo baar th.- former tltle; Edwin Qouldajrui glve the Unlveraity a fine boatbouae.Btephen R Prejnoh, e«-Pollce Commlaaloner,eommltted auli Ide; his art was due, It is said, to

flnanrlal dim ultles. .=^= The fallure of the

Weber Plano Company anJ two other leadlngpaaao .-oncerns allled to lt waa atinounced. =Sevri! N- wV rk finanolera went to Washlng-t..ii t,, put In blds for the new bond lssue.-

Colonel WUllam P. Thompson dle.l. == One

actreea trie.l tu phoot another at the stage d.x.rof L>alVa Theatre. ===== Tr.e atranded ateamer

8t. Paul waa moved 128 feet. ===== The stook

market was weak and duil.THE eyEATHKB_aTtoracaat for to-day: Snow,

tiirninir to raln; warm.-r. The ternperature yea-

ttrday: Hltfbeat, 33 degree«; loweat, 28; average,


The- rejiort from Lofjdoa that ABbaMaaadorBayard wlll reatfga if the reajotatJona of cenaore

m Hggaaai by the Hoaaas of BepreaanUtlTea,Whlle n..t yot oftl.lall.v eonfaraaed, Is .eeepted bytha majorlty of the Hotaae a* ¦ Uiremt Intendedto EaTfCt tlie actlon of that Apparentlyit will affect lt. but probably not In tbe araystipposed by Mr. Uuynnl. Tba lejaoM wlH dottbt-lesa be to make the majority aupportln^ the reao-

lutions largor tlian lt would bt oiherwise. At

iill »-ventn. Mr. Raynrd hflR taken tlie wlnd out

pf f b*,* K:iil« "f t''osp of bla df'f«,n(1ors wnr> m:,,n"t.iin that CaMlliaaal haa no rlght to upbruld blm.

nml that formal oousure will be an uiiwarrantodInterferettca wlth the functiona of the Bzeen-tivc. Kvldontly he ha« not tbe elljfhtrst man-

tn-r of doubt on that subjoot.

Our nelghliorn over ln llrooklyn are ln a peck.,f trouble on acrount of the n«;w law rrviulrlnKinstnirtlon in all the sehools raajpjjadUag thr- ef.f.-rts of alrobol ou the system. Th.-re

kj no moncy to purchaiw textbmikK on the sub-

Je<-t. and thus far the clty authoritlea have re-

fiin.'.l to Biipply any. In thla emergeiuy an ap-

ptal fraj mnde to Btate Superintendent Kkiu-

nor. whoae reply, ruTttlahed yeaterday, enntaimamaU comfort All be §gya is thal traleta an

affklavlt can i»- made thal tbe law has beenrompUed wlth, Brooklyn wlll loae lta anaraof the

pnblic achool fund, whlch amoonta to aboul$425,000. Thal is a aerloua altnatlon, and it bt>boovea the clty offldala lo Bnd the neceaaaryniuney with :ts little del.-iy as may be.

We make our compllinenta lo Colmnbla T'ni-

reralry, By a reeotutlon adopted by tbe Boarduf Truateea yeaterday the entlre Inatltutlon un-

der thelr control, Incrndlng all departmenta ofInatractlon and reaearcb, is benceforth to beatthi* tltlc, whlle tbe dealgnatlon Columbia Col-lege wlll bo restrlcted to the departmenl knownns tbe Bcbool of Art*. Columbia, taken as a

wbole, ha* long been .1 nnlveralty in fa.-t. andli -l.-iriy entJtled to wear the name. The actlontaken was n moal approprlate preilmlnary toIhe flxlng of iln- date for the publlc dedlcatlonof the new alte on Mornlngaldc Heighta. ThalIntereatlng ceremony is 10 takc place <>n satiir-

ilay. May 2.

There accma t" have been anothcr checkmate;n the eonsolidatlon game whlch i* belng playcdBl Albany. Thla at Icaal is the Inference t" hedrawn from ihe remarkn made laat evenlng bjrMr. Stranahan, chalnnan of the Senate Com-Diittcp on Cltlea. He more tbnn Intlmatcd thalthe commlltee would Iw in n<> baate to acl "ii

tl,,. rcnorl of Lcx«>w's nub-commlttee, and aald,Indeed, thal be dld ii"i know when thal reporlwould be preaented. Aftor it waa made, he de¬clared, the commlttee would conalder tbe aubjeclaa if it were a new queatlon. A gratlfylng naltis thns eaHed in the acbeme to rallroad conaoll-datlon through the Leglalature. The promoteraof the acheme mual now realixe what a blg jobthey have undertaken, and tbere is at leanl 1

chance thal the ri^'hts of the people In a matlerof this magnltude wlll be duly conaldered.

AMEBICAS 8ILTER COMMUX18T8.Tiio men who hope and the men who fear that

the allver queatlon wlll In aome way dleorg-intaeor dlarupt Natlonal partlea In the nexl Preal-ilential electlon poaalbly fall b> percelve one ea- fact. 1 nearly all curreni dlacuaelonathe allver force is taken a* one, and men take it

for granted that it wlll hold together and act

togetl er. Bui tbe fnct is thal thla ao-called all-rer ..,.,.,. |a compoaed of two elementa whlchare radlcally tllm n I and llkely In the near

future 1 be ti atlle.In aome allver-produclng Btatea there i* 1

natural publlc aontlment In favor of auch legla-lation a> may realore allver, or partly reatorelt, to lta old uae and valuc as money. Themlnea nol only t-mploy many thonaand votera,bui ni''" the auccesa of the mltn-s an 1 tbe num-

ber anl wagea uf tho votera ao pmployed drpend Ihe verj exlatenee <'f many towna andcltlea, the oc< upation of almoM cv< ry Inhabltantn them ii-.. 1 the proaperlty of aubatantlally all

th,> |.ple In s >me Statea Where only parta ofStatea nre thtw largely dependeni upon allverm 0% there is nevertbeless, a itroug and dl-recl aympatby between tbe people of ihe differ-enl parta, who feel thal the crlppling or lm-poveiiahmeni of one portlon of the Btate wouldaeneibly affect the prosperlty of all portionn.But whal ls Ihe number of such Btatea whenall Is told? Texaa doea nol produce balf a mlll-lon In allver annu illy. Waablngton only |1U0,.S'nitii Dako! aaj gno.000, Oregon aboul fc!0,iKio,Nebraaka, Kansaa and North Dakota nol anjWhat, therefore, are thoae Btatea dolngtUrer column'j Appreclatlng the grave mlatakewhlch the people of Colorado niak.-. wlth thelr

productlon of 24.000,000 ouncei of allver; andof Montana, wlth ihelr productl >n of 13.000.0fw;and of I'tah, wlth thelr productlon of 6,000,000;and of Nevndn. wlth thelr productlon of 1,000.-000 ouncea, beeauae the meaaure they advocataWOUld n-'t h.-lp the r-al prlca Of attver, one CAB

have a aenee of aympathy f<»r thelr anxiety andfjeep Intereat, nevertbeleea. Bui whal la Kanaaa.r Nebraaka or North Dakota dolng In thal

company?Hera we striko tha other end <>f the pro-Bllver

force, uhbdi ls eeaentlally communlatlc. 11 la

th.- force whlch pul the red cap on tbe heada fmany craxy artlauna In Parla, and ended In maaaacre nnd the devlllah work of the petroleuneaM id nnd blind batred of property, batred ofIhoae who appeur more fortunatc and aeem lo

have eaaler llvea, notlona that all men oughtti, be equal In Incumc and expendlture an l

taateaand enjoymenta, aa well aa In legal rlgbts,wlth 11 paaalonate dealre to tear down the exlat-

Ing atate of tblnga lf it cannol be made to aullsuch a fanaticlam lhal la Ihe deaperate anddangeroua force whlch only uaea tbe allver laaue

aa ¦ meana of atrlklng al all property and alltbe proaperoun. Doea anybody :isk how auch a

bralnleaa craxe came to exlat ln thla free coun¬

try 1 Th.- Democratlc party cultlvBted it laborloufdy and patlently for twenty-flve yeara, eepe-dally ln all the Weatern and Bouthern Btatea,as its only hope of defeatlng the Republlcanparty. Every day and every nlgbl it appealedperaiatently t.. tbe mean h ttr.-l <>f ancceaa bythoae who do not aucceed, <>f property by thoaewho have none, of employera l>y employed, ofcapltal by labor, and contrrved ;it laat to create:i communlatl aplrll ln free Amerlca whlch lans Ignorant, aa atupld, a* rlndlctlve and madlydeatructlve as that whlch llghted the torcfa anddanced around the c irptei In Parla.ltm TlUman, who falrly repreaenta thls com-

munlatlc craie, has nothlng In common wlthJonea, of Nerada, aeveral tlmes 11 mllllonaire,whoae atudy of monetary queatlona has glvenblm the reapeel <d many, and whoae aplrlt has*

never been of the Anarcblat Jonea Hk'iit*fur allver minera, and has a convlctlon that freecoiiia*,''- wlll make them proeperoua. Bat Tili-

mtin il>,'!it* aK'tinst every mlne-owner or mim-r,nnd every other man who Iuih nnything. Bncfamen ns .Ion»-s or Woltott <>r Dubola cannot byany posslhility ln- luii^' found ln alliancc with thadrei;s of Democratlc demagoglam, whlch wouldtear down everythlng, evea tho falth and nonor

of the Nation, ln order to be uvenged on therich.


ALLIKD WJTB TAMMANY.Tammany ls i,arli«-ularly actlve jnst now

active in tho Republlcan party. Thal is aome>wbat uimaiurui, but nol at all unprecedented.Tammany docfl nol mind a little tliln^c likc* a

name, and is as willlni to enroU under one ban-n»-r and cflptaln as tnotber, provlded the properdeala and arrangementa have been made. TheTammany offlcer who Jolna the Republlcan partyor the Tammany legjalator who assists Repub-lloana in a vote doea not l«>^<- caata wlth blafeuowa. It is well underetood that li»- ls falth-ful to the Wigwam, but ls detached for apeclalaervlce where ha can di> the moat good. Tam¬many perfectly well underatanda its utereetaand how to iirniiii.t.. ihi-m. Wlth un Irisi^'litwhlch p'es to the roota of thlngi lt picks out ltafrlenda and alllea, la not fooled llke many goodpeople by masipiciadir.-. nnd is brofld mindedenongh to malntaln doae frlendahlp wlth thoaewho do it real aervlce withoui belng atlrred toaerlona anger by tha profeaalonal abuae whlchthese frlenda Bad lt convenient to baatow uponlt. Tammany doafl not ofteu clalm its Repub¬llcan frlenda. Only flt apedBl times ar<> publlcgreetlnga exchanged, and thla ls one of thr tlmea.

ljist Thuraday Senator Pavey Introduced Intothe Senate a reaolutloB nskin« for aome Informa-tiou whlch would enable blm to vote more in-

telllgaBtiy on tte- Oreatet New-¥or* achemewhen it eomea ap. Benator Lexow dld nut llketbla and waBtad lt kllled. lleru waa a dlscus-

ajofl between two RepubUcana whlch otdlnarttitbe maiorltv wmild be left to settle in Its OWB

way. Bul Lexow ¦ppcBrad to be dewerted bythe more conaerratlTe nml reapectable of bla

own frlendi in his attempl to BtWe Inqulry and

push i-.uisoliilation In tbe dark. an.l tbe Tn;.i-

many Benatora aaw thal aomethlng must be

done to keep tbe aflied powera In tbe aacendancy.So Grady wenl tu Lexow'a reacoe wlth . ap.h,.ui.i enougfa of tbe Tammany membera votedwlth blm lo cnrry tbe day. That waa falrly..1 i.-srnioiiy to tbe Platt-Croker alllance to

force a anlon between Brooklyn and New-Yorkregardleaa of tbe wlabea of the people affected,wlthonl anv gdequate Bcbeme of gorerninenl,.,, for u,e aole purpoae of aetting Into theirelutchea agaln by legtalatlon tbe power wrestedfrom corrupi admlnlatratlona in the two cltlci

by popular voteBut more convlnctaft erldence of eren ¦ more

general alllance, offenalTe and defenalTe, be¬

tween Platl and Tammany la belng derelopeddaj by day. Tammany haa aenl Beveral regl-mentaof mereenarleB Into Ihe Republlcan army,

and genl n..t only tbe men, bul Ibelr offlcera

Thelr are now on the mllB of the Repub¬llcan organlxatlon from whlch boneat Repub-Hcana have been kept, and wlth their ald ll la

aouKhl to uae an bonorable party name to ml

rance the aelflab Intereeta of the comblnutlonand fool faithful Republlcans al a dlatance Into

bellevlng in the conaplratora. ln eleven Asaem

!lh diBtrlcts of thla clty 1,WW tKmocrata have,,;.,.. ,.1!I-.,n,,i ln me Republlcan organlantlon.()f theae 480 boM offlclal pUtcea ln Tammanyli.iil By their ald Edward Lauterbacb galnedtbe control of tbe County Commlttee, and is

derotlns Ri powera to adrancing tbe Bcbomea

ln whlch Croket and Platl ar- muiually Inter-

eated as is eeen from tbe actlon of Tammany

legUkUora, The facl of thal alllance la nerfect-

lv weU known. bul lt is not oif-n thal tl..- clrcleof erldence that provea it is ao plalnly aeen.

Tammany s.-mls its men t.» belp Platl control

the primari.-s. and Its M>rvants nml his work

together at Albany. it can no longer h>- aald

after the revetatlona of the Commlttee of Twen

ty tiv,- that tliis alllance olstj only la ihe Imaglnatlon of wbal the machlne pleaeea to call Ita

factlonal foee The documentary proofa exlat.

The namea of the Tammany offlcera fraudulentlyenrolled have been publlahed. The glgantlcrrauda perpetrated by Plttfi henchmen wlth

Tammany ald are plaln and nndenlable. Tl»e

benefldariea have done wlaoly to refuee Inveatlgatlon an.l rellef. Tliey know thal they would

bave notblng left bul eonfetalon.


Here eomea more trouble. Agaln la the peaceof the world threntened The Armenlan ma*

H-ierea the Tranavaal dlaturbance, the Venez-

,,'ela eraptlon and varloua otbcr Ihlnga have

been keeplng na all In a atate of mlnd for manj

wrekB Rut Ihe) hrtil tiesun ln almmer down,.,,,,! there waa n reammablo hope thal the dan

ger of .i genera! uphwival Imd I.D pasaed. ll

l. [,( Bueh ;. luneiure. when Ihe rrlala appean,.. i.. over and the whlte w'.nseil Povc of I'ea.

aeemed abonl toapttletl >wn up n Ihe globe. lhal

,.rof_- ].... i.. ,,f ullege. auddenl)tbruwa Ihe gatea of Janua wlde ..;» n b) Ihi

cation ..: -. magazli ¦. arthle. ln whlch h< con

Iblentl) aawria that be haa lla >v. r. "a veln

of moral bumbug" ln Mi E I- '< l1-"- :'»-> ,,n

kea io demonatrat. ll facl liy » wrlrt «(iliona lt la ;¦

aviiklwl creatlng Innuf orikdnallty f<»r th. -I '.. I '¦ .'

«e c anol undcrai ind by. at auch M

thla, when all tbe natl..n« of the eartli a.-..m i.i

!,.- gradnally reaumlng tln patha oldlactwalon, and when, ab. re all ihlnga, Mr ii

kin hlmaelf. after a pali lul perl .: of IntemalturmoU, bad become reasonablj calm wby. ai

su-ti a tlme, Profeaaor Pecg ahould upaeigeneral peace b) thla gnnouncemenl M waa

certolnly unneceaaary, aad lt. the llght of exlat

Ing condlt d Beema wanton an l re< k

A> mlffbt well 1.ipected, Mr. Oodkl

replled through the columna of tlie dall) newa

paper whlch be babltuallj rullvt na bj hla geibumor and enrlcbea wlth atorea from

hla own unfalllng fonnl In an "Upen I

tu Profeaaor Peck" be baa taken op ihree

tpeclncatluna Intended to demonatrate the v

latenre nf "a reln of moral bumbug." and Ii ia

,.,, the l- looiien ahame He ahowa lhal;.., 0ne of tbe dellnquem lea eharged '..;"." hlm

the lale Brm «»f Wllllam <' Rryanl k .. waa

entlrely reap malble, and alao thal lu a llb*l aull

growlng ..ut of lt Ihe facl of hla vlndlratlon waa

omltted by the I'mfeaaor Aa he terael) puta-You alau onill b11 mentlon of the I ict lhal the

"Jury, after hearlng me, gave ua a nrd-flfteen mlnutea." Aa to C.ther apeelfl al

be polnta oul lhal the Profeaaor baa falli n Inio

errur through nol belng :i conatani reader ofMr. Oodkln'a dally ntteraneea In hla newapap«TThat any man, ev.-ii a eollege profeaaor. ahould

bare the bardlhiaal lo rlafc a controveray uponany Bubjed wltboul bavInK made hlmaelf fa-miliar wlth Mr. Uodkin'a vlewa by dlllKenl andconatani peruaal of bla newapaper w-ema almoatIncredlble There are evldencea of great enr

neatneaa all through Mr. Oodkln'a reply. In

facl, be la ncrer more Intereatlng than "ti th ¦¦.

nol Infrequenl oecaalona when he la hlmaelf theaiorm centre, an! all Ihe elementa ar.- ln con

motlon around hlm ln wlld and angrj atrlfe over

tbe problem of adjuatlng tbe movementa of Ihemoral unlverte to hla Bllogether auperlor con

ceptlona of tlnir proper acope. The moal atai

tiin^' feature <.f tbe reply, however, is In theelosln^ paragrapn, whereln Mr. Uodkln .-ails theProfeaaor "an able and Intelllgenl man and an of yoiith." Thla is. we belleve, theflral lnstan.e <m record ln whlch Mr thnlkln baaerer ctaimcterbted any one as elther abl.¦ In-

telllgent wltb whom be waa In eontroTeniy. Ii

muai mean unuaual and rdentleaa war.

As to tbe mc-rita of tbe QUeatlofl ralaed,Wbetber there ls "a v«-ln of moral bumbug" lnMr. liodkln, we nro rather dlapoaed to tblnk tbeProfeaaor l* ln the wrong. Hereln we are eom-

jielled to dlffer wlth our ttelgbbor, "The N»-w

York Hnn," whlch has -aomewhat htstlly, as

we tblnk-fallen ln wlth the Profess-na con-

(.IiihIoii*. Mr. i^iklkln aeema tO us to have tberiK'iit of lt. The trmitile wlth the Profeaaor is

that he not Btudled hlm doaely, nor alwayafrom the best polnt of view. Tbe beal poinf ofvli-w from Whlch to JOdgt Mr. QodklU Is his

own. Thal ls alwaya, aa evetybody who readablm hiibiuially knows. abeolutely ImparthU, nn-

blaaaed and coldly Jn<t. And tba atudy of blmhas to b«' us aeh*-euppreealng and aplrltually ab-s,.rliliiK as that wlth whi.-h the Buddblal con-

templatea his navel ind aaplrea to Nlrvana,Nothlng of an earthly nature must Intervene to.listiirii the eurrent Under theae condltiona it

would be Imjiissiliie to yleld e.ins.-nt to I'f'ifeaaor Peck'a contentlon thut ther.- is "g relnof moral bumbug" and >-tin more abaolntely im

pOMlble to conceive of Its beiog a stnitiim In-

itead of a vein ln Mr. (Jmlkln. To entertalnthal vieW lt would be necessaiy to believe thatMr. Qodkta uiubrtakes to make his feUow m.-n

belleve that he ls ajreatw than he knows hlmaelfto be, He never doea tiiat. Bul he iio^s wearhlmself oul trylnu to make tbe real of mankln.lrlse to his own dear and lumlnoua conceptlonof hlmaelf. It ls a noble nml pralaewortby en

deavor. AO tbe more noble and pralaewortbybecauee proaecuted onder auch dlacouragementa.We regret, of courae, tiat at a tlme when

everythinaj aeemed s.» pfomhtlBR for the reetora-tlon of a general peace this unnappy controvermshuiil.l hav.- arls-ii. Itut sln.-e Mr Godkln h:istflktu lt up and bturileil ev»-rybody by caUIng

bla aseallanl "an able and Intelllgenl man." we

preaume it wlll have to go on, and. in this onprecedented way, bo Uvlng man

can tt-ll where it wlll end.

TBE UEINE MEMOBIALThe att.-mpt to tbe Helne fountaln

upon tnla dty ia pr«ctlc«lly aore to ffltt. it

oughl to end to-day, wlth the meetlng of the

Board of AHermen, al whlch a aultable oppor-umiiy will be offered to thoae who have been

moat conapicnoua ln the afTair to prove the goodfaith ..f th'- reaolutlona adopted on Baturday bythelr Executlve Commlttee. Thoae reaolutlonaexpreaaed a t.> nithdraw tbe offer of

the fonntaln to New-York and to preaenl lt to

Baltlmore, where lt is aald to he an ohject of

dealre. w.- cannot ronadentkmaly advlee Baltl-more t.. take lt, for we do not Ihink that its poa¦eaaion would afford permanent aatlafactlon to

any Intelllgenl communlty, bui we abould beglad lo aee tbe laal poaaibillty "f its acceptanceby New-York removed. Excepl for auch a re-

mote chance, it migbl !". proper to inslst thaliin- Aldermen abonld end the controveray byreaclndlng the reaolution of whlch Mr. Wlndolphadroitly procured Ihe paaaage tw.' three weekaago, antborialng Commlaaloner ii tffen t-> aet upti...morlal aomewhere on the North Blde. As

it ls. we shmild I.-i-l sal'i-r to have l!.ffet willl-

drawn fr-<. ni thla clty and accepted elaewhere.Th.- managemenl of this glfi enterpriae haa

n,it been credltable lo th"*.' in cbarge uf it. Wehave ni. reaaon t.. doubl thal their orlglnal pur-

poae was to benefli ihe dty by honoring thememory of Ihe German poet, but thelr aubeequentrondu t baa aavored mora <>t obatlnate vanltythan of a benevolenl publlc spirlt. The fountalnwaa offlclally rejected by the Park Board fromtbe beal motlvea ind in purauawe of a aound¦dmlniatratlve pollcy. There was nol a trace,,f prejudlce «>r iii wlll in that actlon, whlch, on

the n'litrary. waa aolely dlctated by a si-nse uf

offldal reaponalblllty The Impartlal and enm-

petent critlca <>t th.- Bculptnre Bodety and the

Fine Arta Federatlon, i>> wbom tha queatlon "f

the artiatlc quallty >>f the fountflbl was suh-

mltted, having dedded agalnal it. every cnsid-erai on of proprlety und advantage requlred ihel»orB |t,,ii.| to riccepl tbdr dedalon and decllneth.- offer. There i>- a \\ iful Uiek both of aenae

;,.,! ,,r courteny ia Iho repeated naaertlona uf ih<-

Memorlal Commlttee alnce thal tlme thal ihe-.,.|i of the fountaln waa un iuaull lo would-

.,.- iienefactora of the dty, to tbe memory ofli ,;,,. and to ihe <;. rman Amerlcan population.Thal Intelllgenl and blgh-mlnded parl of tbecommunlty n-ould bave goix? reaaon tocomplalnlf j,, i|, terem to .1 fnl.Ilmute of it- artlat'.ctjiHte ikl dvl aplrll an inferlor work of an had..,. folatiil upon ihe metropolls. Tha' would!MVl. hei-n a verltable Inault, and we ar.- glud1,1 ),.. asaiired grenl majorlty of our eltl/,-:, ol '.¦ mnn itractkin lo wli.notl ihlani ,-i. ;. ha* li en broiu t are Bl Ij oui of aj 111-

, aith thi .. irtr. iu utieram - ol theMctnorl il omm

in ,,i,- foi :n ¦.! inotlu r 1 wlll p ime

t,i ihij We had hoped thall..v would dls|x reseln llng the n

lutlon whlcli th'.. uiiknowlngly paased al n

nrei ioua mi>etlng an itibai inn ntly ree iIIihI fromth,. \| iy,.r, bui a f irmal withdrawal ol tlu

iubih] -¦¦ mii h trouble an hrotighltii.. who m le H w nikl

un ilternhli. .< tl rei «t'.ll m re

f the tnmsu-l

/. W \~8 A! /.'/' '. lr.\> n r?/7.[lalj - In .1 Iwd pllgh tli Ibere i- n<»

.. Her | m-Iii mm are

..... mueh liarder lo execute lhan ahe im ig->. n'i.- attempl to aubdue Abyaalnia, or tn

ti over lt. baa tbua far dlaml; faiifd. 'I'i' army has been defeated;

i,r,x Tigre, nol to mentlon Ambara,l,n, |.., .. mrni in - ¦.ni. tlitng llke i"ut.

ive hi* n gla.l t be permltted-,, v li ite ihe r f<Tia ind tlii- t«»w ird Ihe 11 ast

|. .-. .,.| ,,f i] _¦ igrA, .Vmbnr.i and Shoa,1 .., rjj concei ned wlth hol og on to

tHi-|f N Aonder a atr mg p irty alI* .h proteattng iigalast tbe fnriln-r

rrultleaa nn pnterprise, For,.f n|| ., 11 rowera of Eui ipe, lt ily m< al

.,, huab ind h« r atrength and nn- ina. I'n... ..<;.,. ,' r. -tion of Ban n Bonnlno h»»r

¦... .,. 1 ,,t :..-11 hroughl Into a rea-.. u I10I1 aome Itnt >h.- la assurr lly

ln ,,., ndltlon t prosecute a long and roatljforel^n war, from whlih at beal no aubatantlal

in I.*P '.i!

To withdniB from \ 1: :¦ :i would, however, beno I'-- illsasiroua lhan t" pentevere In her un-

ilrriakinga ibere. A raai amouni of capltal

been Inveated at Maaaowah and rdaewbere inthe Itid **'a llttoral To abandon thal reglona-mild i" to loae li all, and nol merely that, buit,, |..-.- 11 t.» a r:\ai nnd hoatllc Power. Por IIis perfedly well known thal the moment Italyitepa "in Unssii will atep In. Tliere haa longbeen an nnderal to that effeel betweenHuanla and Abyaalnia. The relatlona la«tweenthe tw. are Intlmate Kuaalan agenta have en

rournged the King of Bboa. who ill- blmaelfSegua, bui is not, to realal Itallan aggreaalonto tbe ntmoat, bbiI bave even. II ls - ild, asalateilia tbe organlxatlon of tbe Abyaalnlun army. Ii

la the knnwloilge of this tli.-it makea Italy bo

determlned to peralal In ber Afrlcan campalgn.siie Kii"W*. al-u. lhal tu withdraw now, confeaaheraelf benteu by I\iiu Menelek and hls Raaea,:II1,l i,.t 1:u--; proelalra a protectorate over

Abyaalnia, woiikl be u fatfll blow to h«-r own

preatige .1- n Ktiropean Power. lt would ei

p ne in r to th.naure and contempl of her part-,;,,., in the Trlple Alllance. For what wouldber ald l»- worth to them lf ahe were wlth the undvlllxed bordea of Abyaalnia,miil lf the had u> aurrender her li-.ld!n^'s and prt-tenalona there t" the chlef toe of the Alllance 1Tberefore, aa we bave aald, Italy ls ln n serl-

ona predlcament Rlthi r born of the dllemmawhlch confronta her la a dlfJlcull one to dealwith Elther wlll Impoae upon her a burdenwhlch ahe ls ill Btted to be«r. Thera ls Uttledonbt ns to whlch ahe wlll cbooae. Deaptte theremoftatrancea of the Oppoaltlon, she wlll go on

wlth her Abyaalnlan campalgn. In the end,donbtleaa, ah.- wlll wln, it ls Idle tr» auppoaethat all the trlbea sfenelek can put Into the Beldcan realal tho urmlea whlch Italy enn aendthlther. Bnl lt wlll be an enormoualy expensivejui>. and wlll probably tbrpw itallan Bnaneealnt<» cbflofl agaln nnd renew popular dltcontenl;i-:iirisi a ayatem whlch meana to the publlcHttle bnl Intolernble taxatlon. Bncb, however,nre the penaltlea a natlon mual Inevltably payfor domeatlc mllltariam and extravagantgchemea of forelgn conqueat Italy 1ns choaenher ciirse, and sin- musi bear tbe conaequencea.

it wtifl n llvely anowatorm while it lnated,and lOOktd f'>r ¦ tlme as If l! mlght prova a

hlltxard. Portunately, it waa n<>t ..f long eon-

tlnuanee and tha quantity >>f snuw was not suf-flelenl to eauaa any greal nmmint of tnoon-Vi-lll'tlif


Bnnday WM groundhog day. and thst anlmalemerglng from hls wlnter lair snw hls ahadowin the t rlk'ht adhahlne. a slKn that h.- w luld beobllged to conflne blmaelf eloaely t.> hls holefur the enaulng six w.-.-ks <m aecounl >>f the In-clemcrit weather Tha aagaclty of tin- anlmalis neveral fault, accordlng to thoae who ara thamoat careful obaervera of 11s hablta, nn<i if it iscorreet this tlme, a* uaual, wa ahall be ibllgedto pay up fnr tbe uncommonly Baa weatherof the laat few inonths. to Whlch there hn.-i been

no parallel ln recent years. But every day la

one day nearer to the aprlng. now almDst ln

halllng dlatance. and the trlll of Its comlng

birds almost wlthln hearlng. Bven if the

groundhog is rlght Its slx weeka of adJitlona

hlbernatlon wlll soon pass, after whlch lt wlll

antlc gayly m the advaadng sun. no kmgerafraid of its own ahadow. and Its example may

then be deemed worthy of frank and fearlesa

iinltatlon._ _

It l* aald Mr. Bayard wlll reslgn hls Ambassa-

dorablp if Congraaa canaurea him. ror goodneaa

¦ake, adupt that reaolutlonl Qulckl

Certalnly there was a rote on consolidatlunln Brooklyn ln tbe fall of UK Thera la no dla-

pute about that. The only queatlon is as to the

character and meanlng of the vote. as a

matter of fact. few of thoae who voted had made

gny atudy of the aubject and were prepared to

v ite IntelllgenUr. Furthermore, the people were

a«ured that the reault of the balloting would

b« accepted as a more woreeeton of opinion.and no one BUppoaed that it would have a blnd-

Ing effect It la not dltflcult to determlne bow

much welghl ahould be attached to a vote caat

in th aa clrcun atancea...?.- .

Bunday was a good deal llke B day in Aprll.Bu, thoae wh,. Imaglned wtoter was gono and

aprlng was come didn't have to walt long to be


That eontroverey over the Croker lovtag-cuphas been compoeed, and the leeaer bravea are t.

,.. parmltted to come ln on rhe ground floor

along wlth l'urroy. Sheehan and Plunkitt. BUCB

conduet on the part of the triumvlrate is cer-

talnly moat magnanlmoua and win knit tne

bonda that Mnd the Wlgwamltea together closer

than ever. #

Crokafa boraa talk is much to the potot and

he has bloaaomed into a first-class turf mag-

nate, BCCordlng to Tammany standards. Hia

Influenca la felt from the Palo Alto breedlngfnrms to the Newmark-t raclng paddocks. and

while ha la wllling to tell all about hls brood-

marea, he ls stiu ratlcant as to the aourre of

the money whlch makea them go The Uberaland enllghtened curtoalty of the publlc on this

pomt ought aooner or later to be gratifled,and it would not be a bad BOtlon for hlrn to

tell all about it at the faraweU dlnnerwhlch la to be glven to hlrn at the Bav »ynexl week As treaaurer of Tammany. lt is

true that he alwaya decllnad to make any r-

n the ground that It would eonfu*.- hls

admlnlatratlon, but a* an ex-boaa, wlth loada of

myaterloua capital. it would ahow candor and

good Intentlona to take the communlty a llttle

Into hia wnfldence.

U the Cuban patrlota ahould capture Havana,we auppoae the Bpanlah authorltlea would try to

auppreaa the newe, or at leaat dletort it into a

Spaniah vlctory.__ _

They are a -tunliy g dner to make ai experi-wlth ar, electrlc motor on one branch of

the elevated road in this clty. If lt la aucceaa-

ful, it la falr to preaume that in tlme the cara

will be lighted wlth electrlcltfr. But what wlllbecome then of the beautlful Haln theory that

readlng by the preaent dlm oll lampa i»ar dthlng for the eyea and is warranted to cura the

worat caae of weak eyea In anywhcra fromthlrty l alxty dayaT


Lord Ballabury is Indeed gettlng on. He has to.a permlaalon before he can let Itallan

:..,, pnsa ncrosa Brltlsh terrltory. Truly. the... _.. :.-:> ia any au klng d re.

Mcxli ilkewlae exhlbtta a clvlllaed unwlll-liurneaa to allow the puglllata to bammer them-aelvea Into pemmlean wlthln her boundaHea.Oeneral toato, Mlnutar of Communlcatlona and

Publlc Worke, declaraa that Fltaalmmona and

M.iher, who. w th thelr obeceoe retlnues, hav-

,r iate t.n novertng on tbe rroatiar, will not

be permltted to meet on Ifeatean soii. Th*

Oeneral, no doubt, nleana what he aaya, and

th.- ftghtera wlll have to go elaewhere. It is

credltabie to thi admlnlatratlon of our slster

Repnbllc that ahe fencea theaa blatant and mtll-

tanl brutea out of lt. a* the nelghborlng eore-

im nwealthe of Texaa and Arkanaaa dld not

long ago. Kavtng called tha forelgn bralaerato a halt. sh.- may by ind by put down her

domeatlc bull flghtera, whlch wlll be a tallerfeather In her cap than any whlch adorned the

head dr -as of fcfonteauma,

PER80S l/..

FJIIJah Bhaw, of Walee, Mi-<, who dled the o'her... the in lera .1 Bh ia Cnlvi ralty,

H gh, N C.k KrUger of Phoenlxvllle, Penn., n coualn of

KrUger, >f the Tranavaal Republlc, de-,ry that Paul KrUger or hia parenta ever

Hvi In Amerlca The PreetdeBt'a parenta, hairerc born nnd llved all thelr llvea a few mllea

from The Hague, ln Holland, never hiv.i..- beenl(l<| i. thelr natlve country. Thelr aon, who ls

now Prealdent of the Bouth Afrtcan republlc, left,>. .ul flfty .. ara ago nrh< n bui ,i boj in

arent dir.-.t to Bouth Afrlca, where he haa ataeallved.The itev Frank Da VVItl Talmage, of Pltti

ft aon of Dr. TBImage, la to be Edltor of "ThaWrBtmlnster Cndeavorar" nn Aprll I."The Boatoa Tranaerlpt" aaya thnt ammn the

algnera uf the patltton far a atatue to Oeneral HookerH, the followlng-named liaaaachuaetta man, n at,i Ina In other Btatea of the r.-ii.n: Blahop !." i>.!i mtlngt n, of Byracuse; Blahop <>. W. Whlttakar,of Phlladelphla; the Rev. Dr Btorra, of Brooklyn;the Rev. Dr. Huntlngton, of Orace Chureh, ln ihi*clty; Oeneral Henry I.. Abbot, Oeneral Henry V.Iloynton, Oeneral Rufua Baxton, Oeneral A W.Oreely, Colonel Lawrence Hopklna, Colonel Archl-bald Hopklna, Maaon \V. Tyler and Judge Wlll-latn A Rlehardaon. of Waahlngton, D C; WllllamM. Evartfl, Jurnea C Carter, Calvln K Pratt, PeterH Olney, Oeorge Rllaa and Herbeal I. Brldgman, ofthla clty; Profeaaor Ordway, of New-Orleana, ar.dthe followlng-named memhera of ihe preaeni Con-,;i *s,repreaenttng other Btatea than Maaeachuaetta:gen nora Wolcott, of Col irn lo, and Warren, of Wy-onilng; Repreaentatlvea Loud, of Callfornla; Ruaaelland Henry, of Connectlcut; Low, of New-York:St ine, <>f Pennaylvanla; Whlte, of IlUnols, undCrowiey, of Texaa,Count Leo Henckel von l>onner*marck, who re-

cently dled ln Oennany, wi* «iid to he the laat Uc-Bcendaat of the loethe tamlly,Major Oaofge I*. RoMnaon, aeetatant paymaatae

of the Department of the Oolorado, has been re-

h-aKed froni fnrther aetive duty. "To Major Kabln-son," aaya "Th« BoatOB Transcrlpt," "helongs thehoaor of havlng laved th,- llfe of Secretary W. H.Beward from the aaaaeetn'a knife. The wteked-took-Ing Inatrument whlch was wtelded by tho hand ofPayne nn the nlghl Of the Uth of Ai>rll, 180.'., la lnthe poaeaSBBoa af the Major, and WtU remaln In thefatnlly a* in heirtoom. A mugnlllcerit gold inedalwus the Klft of i'on«re*.*. The rnedal ls one of thelargeet and moat coatly teatlmonlala of th^ klndever ordered by the Congraaa of the United stutr*.Re is a natlva of Ifalne, and antertd ihe Army InAuguat, 1BBX, Me enlUtad hs a iirivate, und aarvedto Ihe end of the war in that s.une cupacltv. The

r which payne carrled has a neavy bladanearly nine Inohea long. lt » »« preaentad to MajorRohlnaon by the Becretar) of War The medal ora-H.-nteii by Congraaa i* tnree Inchee ucr..**. und i*mounted in a caaa of m«si rnro and ooetly wooda."Coagreeaman Ballay, of T.-xu*. thus rapllea to re¬

cent erttlclama of hi* dreaa: "I aava alwaya heldthal Boclaty bad bo rijtht. by it» dletum, to reguUtetlu- Btyla of u man'.* elothaa. Kver slnce I eoul 1 af-ford It, I h.ivr drp*siv| Jnst aa I do to-dny. I havewnrn the saine hlack hroadcloth sult, cut ln theaaaae atyla; tho *am« style, of broad ahlrt froat anda wi.ite tt.-, the aama klnd "f eollar and broadhlack felt hiit. I theau clothex regurdi.aa ofthe day of the week or the hour or of iOCtaty'a dlo-tation, baeauae I betlava they beooaae aaa, and Ihay|il^a*r my wlfe. There Is a rul«» of BOClety wh.chpreacrlbaa that a drt-sK-Hiilt shall not he worn unillafter I o'clock ln the evenlng If l ch ¦*«. to wear adreaa suit. I would fael free to pnt ii on ln the morn¬lng >i evenlng, or al noon, jtist an tha tanc) iictated. lt aaema to me thal the aodety rule arhlohattempta lo regulate a maa'a dreaa i* autocratlc,The rule of praacriblng dreaa orlglnated In the oldcuatoma of the court noblllty. wo are almply lm-itaiing thoae old artatoerata when we har a peraonoui of aodety heeuuao he doea not dreaa la thefaahloa. if aaea ahowed more independence ln thematter of dreaa, they would eoon i>e ui>ie lo braakover the aoclet) reatratnta, and after that anybodycouid wear whatever be ehoae to, bo long a* he can.formed to tha law of tiir- tand and wore aomathlng.t^o far a* I am concerned, 1 ahall eontlnue to wearWhatever muIIh n»<- and at the s.une ttUM mevts theapproval of my wlfe."




London, January 23The mobillzatlon of the flylng K'juadron haa

been a demonstratlon of Engllsh naval reaourcea

agalnst (Jermany. The slump of Amerlcan aecu-ritles ln the London stock market after Preal¬dent Cleveland'a Venezuela inessage was a alml-lar aet of defensive pollcy. not brought about byOovernment dlrectlin, like the commieslon'.ng ofthe new fleet, but recognized at onca U Englandas a warnlng to the Unlted Btatea The decllneln Amerlcan stocks of all klnda has been followedby a hoatlle attitude among lnvestors and flnan-clers toward the new Issue of 4 per cent bonda.Bankera have heon emphatic ln deelaring that no

new class of Amerlcan aeeurttlea is now market-able ln London. Thls temporary collapse of theborrowlng powera of the Unlted Btatea ln theftaanctal centra of the world ls regarded byEngllahmen us a safeguard agalnst war. Theyaasume that b country with a dbaordered cur-

rency, an lncreasing debt, a decllnlnggold surpius, Inadequate revenuea and impairedcredlt in Europe .-unnot afford to plunge Intowar ln defenoa Of Ita prlnelples.The causes aaalgned by Rnanctera f IT thls hoa-

tlllty to Amerlcan securities are Irritation pro-duced by Prealdent Cleveland'a moaaage, appre-

hension of future compllcations over the Vem-a-ueia affalr. distrust fif the maintenance of goldpayments by the Treasury in Washlngton, anduneaalneaa over the allver agitation, the politi-cal deadlock and tbe obllgatlon Incurred by colnrather than gold contracts. Wlth thi-se variouacauses thls letter ls not cneerned, but ralher

wlth the general fact that Amerlcan credlt haabeen serlously comproinlsed in England. That la

a recent experlence. Indeed, lt may be said to

date from the overthrow of the Republlcan Ad-rninlstration in March. ls;i3, when the Democratloparty for the flrat tlme ln a gemration assumedentlre responslbllity for publlc affalrs and un-

dertOOk the reorganlzatl jn of the revenue aya-

tem, making as close an approach as they couldto Engllsh methods by taxing Incomea and low-

erlng the tarlff schedules.TRIUMPH OF AMEEICAN PINANCB.

Amerlcan crtdit waa go ri en«uph in Londondurlng tne long per! ..l when the Raaumptlon re-

servcs were not depleted. and there was B iargesurpius available avery year for debt-peytng oa

lh unexampled acale. iTom Auguat, i^>".. ta

juiy, i8i*2. the rcductton of the Natlonal l.-bt ofthe Unlted Btatea waa $1,814,105,107, or IIWlMttln ea eaa of the requlrementa of the alnklng fumi.Th.-.-.- marvela were accomplUhed in Americawhen the Bnandera of European countrlee

racklng their bralna to dis >ver new aourcea ofrevenue. It was durtng that perlod that the latai. ird Derby computed that the aggregate debtOf the Eui'.jpeai ritat.-s was J> -,.,,>.»,...ov. andforecaal that only a smali fractlon of lt wouldever be pald The L'nited Btatea th-a bad tbahiKh dlatlnctl n of belng the only great Natloathat was paying irs debts wlth eztra. rdlnaryrapidity, when th- Indebtedneea of Europa waa

expanJing every year in VOlume.It was thls r-mtrkable racord for debt-pajT"

Ing on a Btupendoua BCaJe whi^h not only es-

tabllahed Amerlcan cr.-dit abroad but also

prevented the extenalon of Bngllab frae trade.when the Oermaa Emplre was founded, PrincoBlamarck bitroduced tha Engllsh system, butabaad ined it for protectlon, ba< ause. as ha him-

i |f aald, be «as bnpreaaed with the materiatdevelopment of the Unlted States. and wlth tho

faclllty wlth which a great maaa of Indebted*neaa was pald off and empl yment provldadfor mllllona of new cttlaena lt was tbe prot>penty ..f the rn:t.-d Btatea u;..;--r the protecttveayatem that Mnnned frae trade practice to

England and created a hlgh tanff Bgalnat hT,settlng he- own colonies axalnst her eeonomlo

pollcy. I.ord Sallabury unlemtood thls clearlywhen. ln hla fam >us HaetlngJi s;-.-e,-h. whieh he

has been trylng recently to explaln away. ho

declared that free trade mtght be a boautifultheory. but lt was not buslnfsa.

It was not untll Preaident Cleveland and hla

party, after elghteea montha of vaelllatton and

uncertalnty, t....k up Engllsh Itnea ot practlOSand raveraed tbe dlattnetlvely Amerlcan po'.leyuf eeonomlo mdependenea under whlch the Na-

tl.m had ma.l.- unpaialleied gains in w.-alth and

proaperlty that there was any uncertalntyabOUl American CWdit abroad. KOW everyihlngls changed. All claaeea of American Beeartttagur-- d. preaaed, and here ls a geoeral feeling of

apprahanalon reapeetlng the aoivency of tho

Oovernment and its abUlty to meet ewrrentobllgattona wlth good faith. London Bnaaderaaaaert that an appllcatlon for a new loan from

the Tnlted States Oovernment under the same

condltlona of coln paymenta under whlch bondpurehaeea have readlly been negotlated hereto-fore could not be conaldered b> them. Th y

talk about the uneertainttea of th.- eurrency

queetton, the unfavorabie balance of trade, tne

Inadequacy of the Natlonal revenuea, and thoInatablUty and reckleaeneaa of American nnance*

lt la Impoaalble, many of them aay. to faoat any

no*- Uume ,.f Amerlcan Becurttlea in BT BNOLMH lUtTHODi.

So far as American eredll abroad ls con. erned.the asperlment of mtroduring In the UnltedBtatea a lower tarlff baaed .>n Engliab i l aa

has been a dlaaatroua fallura. The Natlonaldebt, Inataad of betag acaled down. as lt waa

at an amaatng rate from IBW lo ISM, haa b.-«

largely tocraaaed under the preaent ClevelandAdmtnlatratton. a surpius whlch was onca the

envy of every ptnanee lllnlater In Europe has

been converted Into a dedcteney. atoirowtiujpowera whlch wera onca unHvalkal have been

paralyaed, at leaal ui England. No long.-r are

the achlevementa of Amertcan flnance and the

realltlea of Natlonal proaperlty tne marvel it

Europe. There la aideepread distrust of the

atabUlty of ABa*rlean ftnanelal admlnlotratleijand of the tendeodea of Natlonal polltlca, All

thls haa been done durlng the ahort perlodwhen Preaadent rK-veland and his party ha»e

been ln BOWaar.The Engllsh economlat r.ever pausea to conslder

that these unfortunate resulta have a,ompanleda dellberate attempt to Introduee his own tarlff

Ideaa In the l'nited States. He la not preparedto admlt that any approach has been made to hla

ayatem, eapedally atnca tba btcome tax has been

pronounoed unconatltutlonal He aaaumea

the preaent tarlff ls almoat as strongly protaetionlat as the one that paWOeded lt, and he do*a

not CBOOSa U> entertaln the ld->a that the abandon-ment of distln.tlvely Amerlcan prlnclples anlthe for them of EnKllsh economlca,even ln a CTUde and 111-dtgtsted faffVa, has exert-ad any appreetabto effect np m the Natlonal for-

tunea He stims up tbe Bttuatlon t>y d.-.-iaringthat Amerlca is still a pmtectlonlat country, andthat its eurrency la dleorderad and its tlnanclalcredlt abroad aerloualy impaired

CLEVELAND! AID TO PEBB TEAIMa,This aaaae ICngllab aconomlet would kardly be

human, if be ware not relleved by a tianaatoraaa*tlon of Am.Tican fortune, whlch tends temp.)-rarlly t.> belp his own dearly ehetiahed tbaory.K.» lutig as Amerlcan proaperlty was the grealealfact Ul the experlence of the modern wof'.d. II

Berved 10 Justlfy tba expedlency of the piotectlvasystem. So loBg as there was a symmetrlcal de-

vel,ipinent of tln- prodUCttve resources of the

country. and thls was accompaulad by an unpre-oedented raductlon of the Natlonal Indebtodnaew,Amerlcan ennmpta waa a graater forea than Eng-llah theory ln i.-gulatlng the tarlff systeina of Eu¬

rope and the colonies. Now that the debt of the

Unlted Ktate* ls runnlng up lnstead of down, andthere are Traaaury deflclenck s. eurtaaey diaor-

dera and a ahrlnkage of credlt abroad. there la1.-8H be aald ln fuvor of protectlon and all U8

trlumpha ln the pa«t The Engllah thtjorEt