Download - New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1885-05-18 [p 2]. · Btrurture ln frontof Thr Staa'eZ'itung t.ulldliig. Muvor I»ww.ill>rtaRa deloxiiilou of citi/.enii of Brookly..

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1885-05-18 [p 2]. · Btrurture ln frontof Thr Staa'eZ'itung t.ulldliig. Muvor I»ww.ill>rtaRa deloxiiilou of citi/.enii of Brookly..





Aibant May 17.-aoreiuor Hill will not

mSimflmTSmM week o.^J~*"J^___«_ by tbe, Probahly the firat baarlnR

J^begfveno,. May 88, and hearlug. J-?".*grmited for the ion <«»« MIMwIac Tbe %*"?*£Jave caplra of all b.l.a referrmx to *.»-, ork^and Bnmblyn forwarded to Mayor. Oraee and Uf.J^JJlona on the ¦¦¦¦BM8 will l.e icque.tod I >BMl baaa h

cuaiomoi Mayor Low to Atbaay ararypaar

apon the aojoiiriinient of the LegWature, to t**9***»Brookly n b.lla. Probahly he will do ao this f***.Oovernor will ulao aeud Informatlou reapectiug bnla Ri

tlie Maywra af aatat oitiea.Witbarlawoflearnlug the rea«on» for the I.egiaia-

tiiro'aapprovaloftho lteiu, ia the 9u,i>ly blll. the

Oovernor yeaterday re,neat*d (H-neral Baa-

tod. rhalnnan of the iJommlttaa on w aya. «v. ...niniiiv to aaaaa

and Meniia 8f the ABBBBBBbt, *»

to AJbaay on Tueaday and dlrtate to a atenographer tho

Brgnmeuta that were R__a hofore thal cooi.n.ttoe in fa-

Torortheitem.. Oamral Bavatai «atd that he would

Ohes-rfully coinply with this re.piest.___«_.

The frienda of the Broadway Arcade Ballway blll have

Blreadyappllolfora hearlug up.m li It H e.nuiat.dtbai the (iovernor will havo ln hia.¦_*__¦ wue" *

the...l.paased..ythe _e*;slature reueh hl.n over KW

IMI There may ho -100 blll. upon which he will

have top.ssju.U-ru.nt the nettforty daya. ine

Oovernor ...uv well fear th .1 ba will be a man

nt thoend ofl.arlod Baalag that bo will alao bo en-

gaged part of the time mentioned iu a contlict with tbo

_9gl«lature over the eenaua.

There promisea to be a eonllict over the Brooklyn

Brldire hill Oswa.d i.ttondorfor helng detcrmined to do

allliililspowertoprrventtheeroetion of an o'.evated

Btrurture ln frontof Thr Staa'e Z'itung t.ulldliig. Muvor

I»ww.ill>rtaRa deloxiiilou of citi/.enii of

Brookly.. here to ur<e the Oovernor to aign the blll.

AlbonP. Man, aa for many of tbe Uroadway

T,ropcrty-owi.e.a, the Arcado B.U1-

way blll. He U of tne iflailB that the blll contain* un-

constltutioual provlsiona.Oem ral Curtl. Intenda to make an argument ln favor

ot the hill rfdileingtheexpenseof prlutlng the reportsoi th,'r-tato ih.a b.ll will aarraet an evll If

"caawouar" I. carefully tho ^1paaaea whu h ,..-, n.ita Iiim lo aaaeaa taxes uj.oii <>rj oi a

tlons iu piopori.o.i totbe of p.openy taoybarellithiatsial.-...lid Ihe .oi.l.l of eap.:al tbe> ¦el.iL ln

tblasiate. The eorporattoin woabl aladlj leaari i. .r

taxaa Aecorfliaxlj iba blll wlllbe etoaaly __«_n_^___Ll_"Coutroller bafora he adviaea Iba .U^r_M>f___8____J_Ainei.d.n.nts that have h iw-rwaohlnx afhytjiaaonae-tiu.e.A allpped lulu a blll »u lt. progr.-.a through the

J*Ai..»n_Ihe hill* alrea ly In the Gevemor'a handa are

-The Tr.uip L»w WIL whleb re-eoaaUlba *ever.-tramr.T,,w o 1-7!.: tbe blll. iiaidiHR " roll llabltlty rompafltoato ie. rmulae aa -li.,..t.d llablllty oompamea the

l'ill liroit.BR th- oomnoaaatto. <>f Ibe reealvoraof |.b'iBriipt eorp-i-Btioiia: a Ki-neral aet tbe_,.|..7|-t".i.lii.-nt f RUi.eulid a. hool iii..,ie>a. a blll ein-

. w-.',_ h- ontrolll r to piibllah detalto.1 s.aleinentj._f all warranlBi a blll antbortaiUR the appolut-aeni afUuKt(a,in,.a..iesas ,.,-t -a ;.r hahnual t.**** «

Ua.nep.raon.: Iba bilU puU.nx tba {,^''_luenr."';'"t'oimlv Cl. rk <>f KlnxaCounty upon salanesand rieprU-inK tben. of their to.a tba blll la relal.ou to |_B Stalo'stitle to lla Adiroudwk foreat". .

AM lu New.Yorkt.lli.sarenot yet ln the OavWRarthaida Thoae that have r.-a. bad hl.n are Prohlbll^InRtheuaeoi Pier^T. IhaI Blver. by Ihe MtoH tl,, a.tta .numrtha B..ardot BtrroaSe a,.. Apn-.n.menl _o«w»«"5_ ¦*»,«*»*?.?clalinafor nr«iierivil«-airoyi-d hv tho eradniu »t<»»

_,r..dreda..d-ll!t.e.>h-.t; au.bor.zim, tho,,,.-..of un aaalat.i.t to Ibo Anditor; ""'P"1^1^baa tbe B aitl of Kiro Oommlaalojuora toanpolnt a deputv raaapaatar af lmiiJura;aatbiiriMiiRtbecBUoeltolloB by Mm Mnkinx lum »..,-

__.Bk.uen of .11 bonda of ibe «'ty V.l(,r,J't ,',*, d r .r tr.ooutofiheanrpiua tocome of the atoklna Hn.d_,rVdempti. ., of tba ei.y'. d_IM; ^TW'^ T,eWldlh <l e. i-ti.iii aires-ta weat of Kiver.l»le-,i%e. IB the

Twi-it -fourtii Ward; altertog and aRMfldtoR .-enaln_a ,a V.t improvenienta of the Ha, len, Wrer .ndf8puyianJ>. volCreek in the Tw.nty-lhinl Rfld Jw_s"_T-f]Bm___.Htt'r.ia; providniL-tor the repaveiiient ofAyeou- lt. Ih--

tVeeii and Mio-teenlb sta.: rolatlvaita Iba____ ,.f<?hrSu,,day H-rrurv tor PrtaUBR OlootloB bo-

ti.ea iu 'iweed'ad..*: exnnpting the Mon ehore Home

fr.m UiuTmn; p.ovhling accomuiodation.for th.- Bommofl Mhooia; ereaOnx the»cpa,luient K, -llaf Fund; "^^^gj¦w .ril lor tiie treaiment of woiinnen

_B_xaaa aaatb of ..e-h.,ndro...b-.t.: wbb.1.(»«'«»»!orp:iv,ng Kinu-a.e.; RxiflX the pay of the,.11. e ra and

t__rlnaeraof the Plre DepnrtmeBt; tlxlng the pay oi

iBrxranta and doormen of tbe I'olue l>cpari...e.,author./iiiL. the atre,-t rallway eompaatoa t. -¦..mraci

wlhearh other to aoU trausf.-r tlek. ta ii.roi p..ra ii.g

the loffee BxchB.aa i relative to tho ii.-peeiloii of

loBera 'Tx*£fW>* en,inee, a fromjmXtaX____»!_!__Ui; conoerniiu the duna. of the H«,U. I «« *...«»¦

ilabiug tbe Baaa of Blranad. l'ark aud TweUlh-ave,




OPExixa of 8fBuro- BTB. -b-u-g-utbkn--scm-ME.1 KKROBIS.

]M*M IBBBBeiniB ronuKsi'ONDKNT of tiik tuibi'.ib.I

TbBBTOB, May 17.-The appointnient of Suin-

nelKioUaaCollrctorof Internal Revenue for the Vth

Bew Jertvey Diitnct i. the lir»t important chantie lu

Federal appointtnent. inad. under the uew Admlniatra-

tlon for tb.- northem p irl or Ihe 8t*U>. Tl.e endeavor to

reinove Poatmaater Ward. of Nowark. inet with a flat

tallure, beeaune the Demo, r.itio leader. did not dare face

the i*.ue there preaented. It wa. aduiittod that» change

BBi»:ht be uiade ln th. revenue colleeloral.lp without

proTokh.g a dl»:urbance. The tn.ublo thaa begea.Benator MePheraou's politlcal lleutenaut 1. Jaeob Klotz.and Ki oblige hlm tnerlenator deslrod 10 appoint hia

brothcr, Fatnuel. Tbe Ne*ark Demoorut. put lu a veto

forthwilh. Mr. Kloti had be eu a Kepuidlean and hli

aymi-aihio. with the D.tnooratic party have never baen

of the keoueit. He hud little l,.cal li.nuei.oe. and he wa.

pereonally anttnoulzod by aome atronif men. The

warfar. grew too hot for Mr. MePheraon, who

love. poaee, and ho agroed to retlre MajorKloU H.fgh Kliin.rd. of Xewark. an Aaaemulymanwhei. Mr. Mi-1'her.^.n wa. flr.t elected to the rieuate. wa.

augg .ted, accepted and wa. appoluted by the Piealdenu

Mr. Kinnardcamc houie and looked o»er the ground.TB. .alary i. 8l.!i00 a year. aud thirty deput.e. make tue

CoUector*. re.pj.u.ll.illt.e« oonaiueraOle. Tlien, too, the

bond reiiuiredi" for 82O0.000, which la more than Mr.

fclnuard eould ea.ily furiiiah. Mr. Kinnard tlieieupondeeliucd. and, before the faot waa generally known,

Mayor Klotz bad reeelved the place. The diitrlct ia one

of the tuost important In thia countrT, the collectiona

being among ihe large.t. a feet due ehlefly to the lo.a-

tlon of the Ijorlilard and other tobacco factorle. wlthln

Itebordera. aml to tbe Dr.wlngintere.ta of Xewark aud

Jeraey City. Tue toial receipts exccedod 9M0O.O00 laat

year.The lat. aprine ha. opcned at laat with a genero.ity

that made nilraculoua cbar-gc. lu the farmlng nnd fruit-

_rowin«r dl.trlct. of tbe HLte in the laat wiek. Arlolierdivplay of bloaaom. on the frclttree. ha.nov.-r dellgbtedtueVye orglven hiuher pruuilae of MBBruBI eropa.Thero Un. been c«usideral>,e diacuaalon tbis aeaaaa aa to

tbe protit liimarketg.irdeuluit n. ar New-York, and IU.

Bdiuitu-d that ih. thing haa been oveidone. iheSonlh-eruriiaie.exhau.ilheproiltof the early inarket. by a

prodl.iou. aiippiy of half-cultiv.ted green atuft. aud theoppotiuiiitie. ofthe bouio growera are chiefly iu lm-

P The'tn-i'To?-.".''.1.. the nearly fatal acrldent to Bat-retaryrrf-liiiBhuyMjU laat Nov.-iuber u.*«le laat w.ek wa. de-

l.yedby the natural de.lre ofthe famlly to av.ld -eu-

Mlloii at Ihe time and partly throtiifh the e»rne«t offortaof tbe mineral water bottl. ra wboae carelcaBe*. uii.rlyooat the (-x-Mecretary hia llfe. It Beema that be tookonly iwo>.wallow»of tne water before he taat.-d the

Saaltewith Whlek lt wa. Impregnated. Ho ealled for

brln and ln a al.ort lime wa. un. onaclou.. nir d and

SSswt with.ut atfuaof iife. Beea-an w« raptd aftorfckj.i.iau. bad apidied the lemedi.a au 1 thereta no

iSiaou to auppoae that ihe Secretary'B pieat-at lllneaa uiih ihlnaiu. k.-

Tbe for the aui.,iu.-r inroad of Tlaltorafr. U, tW « it... »>». helM BMde ln «ll dl.eotlona. NearlyeVerj Lou.1 -ii. Mi.Ml-to*,., na. b.-eu l.a_d andMoi.t-chwrh"ai-ro..,l-e..fa large nuniber of New-York vl.l-

to 8 lAkelloiafeonglaoaeof ihe m...t charuuug n-

m.rU Iu tne Mate. but haa never had tuany"lBiiora. partly berauee It la too near

. too far fraea N.w-Yo.k.-too f.r for

taedatiy rid. of Ihe bu-inea. man. not far raoaab to ftivet_»ab«.;iut>ae. in-iun many doaire. Oreeawood l.ake I.

e i_,i .r.) B.ti.aud. There are ehamiag etmatry n aortali ||i,.,'#rii..ti and warn n ii.iit.tle., alonif the liue of theJf.wJera^y <> aad Lahl^B Valley lUllroada, wlillaMu**ex ( ounty uBeca many attrarlloi...

f^>n.-r<a..,.a_ pi.eipa wiii addreaa the literary .orletlea4 .i, e.o.i,ii.i.< eiornt w»ek an.l tar.- Dleaearela

BBrtk-ll-.e-l I/rew Hemlaarir. al MaJllao.i, wlil tiold lta

gg_i_ir-*-' 'hl* weea. Th. In.tltulloii maliiullia it.

Marrh) ruilna I^inatl. Aaylnm m»iu«i-ri hawe.. ,_ y riervled that li« more putlenta from otherh'-e--,,-. im admitteil li.ere ar. alxtj iniie from oul-____¦!¦ *>tvi al pre.ent, aad fkey p.y th' authorit...

Saa»9r> w»9*iOa w»»» board. Ihe aaylnm I. *> nearlytBi. 'tkM taere ta un Krtjg.r r'.iui fer ouUldera.

tfTW.A' ''¦<> II A F1LIHT WktU.

At Wv* Brfy.klyn Tabernacl« j***4nmmj Mr.¦f$A*m** ***"».«* blaf^Mira. mpetn Importa-u OB. «ar. Mk» enhj*** waa . Tma*"." ' Th.r. »pr.,r.r

B»yi».»'*e, tn t»,l« .oail.a»t,"ba aaid. "» h.n> that

Wm aafftad tbtiynghatit tba w.- la Wemtt ea

tmtf H «te*»*A ta* a»d eapmr.d >-p»ir. ao(.

-#wr»e.1 PwrtogBi. Tb*a rba Fr»n.ft A«,!.*-a..i..r u, ,*

n%ht0fmwtA******** tb. Ft- I saadwelleiB.V1-14 '«^r .« "> fj^w^ow aal rnptnttA tirtmt l.rU.ln

ptw^rmnn, M Vk* ***** m*»t\+*A 1- **.* 88*8 bf RBS h*-»*

H*f , .. -. af) »i*aa» iteatM .xfniler.H.r. .le.aflnr,^»tV #< / v#r*-a»wftj*y»ag, ajf.]^4p«Oa-br»ie«ll.g, h.alth

«We.»y,w* Iky^aw^ J-n _MaBBiad p<aop.« 8bt. r^ar.

iwv / mn 4,mwm AwHaa ahw pwm. tw» .»**»*., »».^«mm<**m*W ****** *t**A*i*t*\ **m**0*me *rfi*t**A. %r>*i**. »

fadaaM tm aawwer taa (powtniow m reaard toaay partfta

lar caae, but ahall deal with the aubjeet ln a more generalW" You aay to we didn't Ood crente tobacoo 1 Yea. Ianotoodgooui Yea. Well. la not taheaewaeodj_erB_aicreated by a good Ood 1 Yea, your loglc ia compleieBut (iod created oou.mon «eu»e at the aame time. Dywhich we aro to know how to use pol.on and how nol to

uaelt. That tobaoeo 1» a pol.on no man with will deny. But. youaay. ha»o uoi people >i-l»gnlived on 10 » grood old a*e I Y.a, l have Been inebrut. a

Berenty ye.ira old. At Beatea .ome yeara ago there *aa

a ineetmg ln which neveral eo.iteliatlaiia apoke, ( me had

been au it.v-tarate amoker, while auoth.-r decJared taaiho bad hardly .een a w.Imt moment for Ihe la«t llftyyeara. How many outr.ige. a man may upou

bbyaleal ayatara and yet Bre oa In the c.iao of tha manof ihe Jng, lu- lived on hia body waa a Jibyalcalliiokie, while he of the pip. lived aaharapoa,hianoaywaa turued into a au.oked 1 ver. Bnt wlmt ia ih.- advl. e

to be givei. to ihe ytmng people who are here tb_ dny I" Kii.t of all we miiat adviae thom to ttl.aialu from the

lia. of tobacoo, Iwcu-e Ihe medleal ftaternillea of tl.e

fjnited Btatea aad ftreet Brttata ooaear ra eaiim-tniah.ibltile.fuelive H.ld uiihealtliy. loinp, rai..-e re

ara will teli you thai toharoeereetea nn uunamrai innat,an.l this ciuiaea more druukenn. aa In Anieriea thiiii .Jiy-tnin- elae, I »ay m the preoaeee nf thia aaaamhiy m-'.aytbat ih.- pathway of tha draakard to bei bj *l*.""ltu"+witb tobacoo leavea. Anionca glra. 8 liilln.n

theaalv-tion of tbe h.-atlieu a year. Aineri.ui, . ln-

liuna ai.ioke tlve million dollar.' worlh of tohaee,, to-day ln th« proooaoB of ika yart muiutmuorronng people betweee Berrateva and Iwonty-nre yearai.f am .im are rormiBg ihetr kaatt* HaMte aree.av¦ toaeq-iire. bnt h.if.l lo get over. lOOiaau.t<rttbrt.liioke expon-iie Ot inexpoualve tO.-acOO. If n la oBeap,it coutaina lime, fullerV e.irth. laiiipblaek. bur.lo._k BBdother mi >ga i.n.i a little toharen. How aaa 1.*.*.pat sneh a ataaa na tin.t mto your m-»utb t i');"";"¦utpeaalTa tobaere. dea't y»u tiiluk it would be bi.iicr to

save your moiic-y 1"


01,'GAMZAIH'N.Tho cricUct 988800 ¦ XJ Wrlj be naid to l.avr

BBaaed laat week. uud. deapit: tho clillling effeot of wlu-

try weather. many claha lu tho aeiahberhood of New-

York easaa w.nk. Th,- Bawark urieket Otah opeaed ....

raeerlaj wltk ea latar-alah ataiah, w. k. aiin

reiuaiu. captain. nul tha .. eretnryahlp la 8aM by tT. B.

Boalaaaa. Wiiiiam Gath. aa lafllahBiaa. haa takea IheBtaee of Brewater, a. 9raaad man and Btweaaataaal,The tlxlureBBlor the pcaBBBt con.pleted. are:

Bt, Geotge'8. New-York. Xewatk. M.iy 30; va. Mauhat-

tatia. of Brooklyn. at l'lixpeit I'.nk, Brooklyn, Juue 4.aud va.8li.teu laland, Statm laland, June 18. An i n-

,l.a\oi i-1,1-inu'ina Ic to .iriimge a mateh at X.-wark be¬

tween the State of New-Jora.-y aud UM Stato of I'eniiayl-vania, for tho benetlt of .-t. I'aru.iii... llu-pital.Of the other Newark clul.a, the haa aeeured new

i.'r.iiiiidaat rrelinghiiyaen-ave., lu eoli of aome

unpleaaanttn-.a with tlie Newarjt Crioket t'lub, uponwboae grounda, at .lulii.Kon-ave., they fomierly played.Their openiUK tix.k plac-on s.iiurday. C. Millard .uc-

aaaaaf.capleylB the eapeataey, with H OateerlU a.

vuo. mmI ELBtaraaer aa aaeratary. The aiBlehee ai

raafodarai ra. Beeea. aWtavtUa, May 801 at Bawark, 1; va. O. N. T.'a. J.ine.;, July 85, Bawarki ra

Maahattaa.Jaaa 18,ProapaetPark.Jaly l8,Bewarki va,

l'luoraon, July 0. Newark. Ainjnat 8, PatorOOB | ra.

Mo.iul Hope. July 11. Mouiit llopo. Atuiut '-'.-'. Newark.

W. DaaaieaM eaatata af Ihe o. x. T. ehrrea. laateadof J. Lawaop, and K. Dt Broml.-y Bt a.-ercta'-y. Ther

prokM-amiiiela: va. Moutit Hope, M.iy 80, MOBBl BopO|va. Ain.a, Juno c>. July 88 v» Ballevllle, Jaaa 18, Ba b>

vil.c, July 18, Newark ; va. Patcreon, Juue 27. P*lAiu-uai l. Bawark v». Traatua, Jaly 4.Th" Btatea lelaad Q ib played a Batea uui weelt witn

ii. m. f*. ranada. erhtek they won. a retara atatak had

been arran^ed. but the audd.ii ilepartnre of the ( ,n .il i

oaffThtaypataa en.i to Ihla, Laaa, tl.e elab*aprofe«ateaal. aaa aaaa ta Phlladalphla. ile wlU )»o aaeeeededby rredarlek Battar, ef me Bottlaahaai C ab, i.iu'im i,

whoi.expected toarnve shurtly. J. AllWorlh. af Bfi.oken, wiii act *. Baiptra f«r tn.«im. iina Beaaoa. wm-

la... H. iiavH-v, ( Baahaaaa it.iii.nnif. x.,w.Y..rk.haa i.e, ii. ..' u-'i treaaurerlM tne piaea ol w m ..-..-.

wbe raeeBtly dmd. Ihe membera «re geUiaa nn ptivawtheatrical. lor the bei.eM Of the elui.. "Ca-ie la tne

nlecoBOtoeted. baithedaloof ihe perforraatioe haa notyet l.e.l. flxod. Th. Now-Voik Crn kot ( lub liav. aeeiiPM old «rouiul al Tremoiit, mii.I will OBOB Iln- WOrB.Ihe Mauhattaua. of Bro.kijii, lin- ptrkad tln ir llral

elenu wilh Dr. li. A. Hutiiurt. captaiu. «n,. Lc-ftUlI (,ve laaecretarv. H. Mveia la Ihe profeaeianal. aad thetlub'attral matcb will be played ea Deooraiiou Day.liauraa TaauicUae h..a i^-^n eleetao aeeretarj or too

Int. inational frn-ket (.mli, wlmh Wttl |>l..y thia 8888881IITbe Tueaptan Club win play Baataaaa thia ae i»..n with

Btaten laland, 8k <;. anre'a ai.d Newara.Bo.-iion cri.k.t baa opeaed faronthly.The I'or ai.iouth Club ha-, played SaBdford and BTIIl

play tba .ot..r.i malehaa tue ;;oih. They «.n aiao playL.well on the BSd.Foi the Il.iltr.ix ("up the r.oMiu.iit. UWBWII.W*, <'.

for.i. Phlladelphla aad the Youug Amanea eiuoa baraButarert, aud a Uvely competlt.on ia ipc. ;ed r.a m-w

tule* wlneb have b.en laBOed gi.veiiimg Ihls eoiile-i

have given rl»e lo e.»i..uleral>.o eomUMUl amou/ ericK.1-ara, Ma.y thiuk that it i» ib. begtiiniaa: ..f a Btoveateutloeaiaiuiab au ndraouateiil ar-toi ro aa togoveru ertcBeiln Am.-rlea. lajBlaad of followlug tha dt.-tatca af Uie

M_rrl8bvB.aab.Ol l.»iidon. aa ha- been the caaa baratotore. Tba l.lea of rorm.i.g an iu 1;-pni.tent /...-

tion.asau.-g.aird hy UoorgB Aabl.rldg8.ot Pliil .de Ph.ala on ti.e wbole re.eived with toror. it belBR lto«ghl thatlt would have the etl. -ot of laen-aalBX Iba int.-r. st in the

iruii.e iu tuis country wbere. for ao ii.uv:. li haa baafl con-

.lderod "<iuite loo utterly EuRUeb, y»u know.


PLANS KOH AN ENCAMI'MF.NT OF MIl.niA.Tiix 8CaVTB_U4WnT-ajQ0at am> maokk-i-khhonai.


r____ aw_________ooflBBaroatiHnrr oa taa TamraB.)Pbiladblpmia, May 17..Tnara n t<> baaa

eiii.imiiin.i.t of ripn-seiituti.o orgafllBBtlOBe Of Ibaiiillitia of acver.1 Htate. In Kairmoiitit Park from Juue

'J8 to July 6. The detall. have not baafl 88 pleted an.l

tbera will be many obalaclea to ov.rcomo before tbe

Huceeaa of the euo_uipra<nt la BBafltad It Is propwaeitbat datflSfl aoldlt-ra f roiu tho aeveial BUte. aud a 188*8-

aftaiaaa from the lagnlaf flraap, ta aii amouutijig t.«

about laa thouaand men. .hall go Into aaaaa, to ba I afl

manded by a regular anuy oiHcer ol bigli raiik.

lt 1. given out that the objott of

tbe encarnpiueiit I* to Increiise th. intlili.rv aj.iritot the country, to increaao rralernal fe< IiiiK l.elween

aeetlon. and rstate*. und lo proiuote the .-Ith-lei-ry ol tbo

inilitia, Tbe ta ba ia have a RttXtta up ol¦. ihe blue Mini tli. k-ray." A. the lUta* meutloneu f.utbo lueiule the i-o.iitii «>f July. lt ta pro-i.naed t.nelebrate U.iy ex!f nMVe,), alil to lUVlle!h<- Pre-i.ieut and hls Oabtael and tba preaidlng offl.-er,of tbe two boiiaea ol loricnaa to be pri-aent. hx-U..vemor Underwood, of Keiiiiu-ky, lo he the flRUXiiiom ln lluaenlerpriae, and tbo aeem. to have aa

Ita m.,al impoiUnt faaiurea rovlow ot oderal aud ex-

Couladerate troopa,Tue AaalaiaiiiMeori-tary of tho Traaaury waa In thia

city lor a tew buuia lookinj? mlo tbe malter ofibe pi-opoaed cbango of locatioii oi tbeL'nlU-d HUiea Rubli. usury, fmin the tXulomUoiiae. bulldiug lo tbe New POOt OBtoB hulidlng. 1 uenew iot-iiiiou ia, it la aauatlad, toofaraway from tbeh.uikatobe titlier i onvi iiii-nt or aale. 1-arge auma ofmouey would hava to bat-anied ibrouuh the erowded¦treeta for Bra «r aix bloeka, daity. n.e A«eiataBtBa-cretary d..i not axaraea aay .aaaloaoatbeaubject,wblle, out iba laipiwaataa la laal taa aab-Tiaaaarywlu nol be reiooveil.Tba (tuay-Maxaa eaataal for the BAata irea.urer-

ahlp is tat lll tbo moat iiiUTO-tlng pulltioalloi.Te. t'liairui.i.i l^-e.i*. ,<ftii. ' i'v B« e.

arrtvcd bomalBat.rantoR from biatalitomla tiipandtbe loeal polltieiaa* are walrblug with llitere-t to BMwiiieii of tba eaadldalaa ba will daelara for. jrhue tarhe ba* uot eiiiiiiiiltte.l hiiiiseif deliniiely, but from tne

BWflt-raJ di in ol hi. lalk ba aeema l.elined lo favor C_u_y.The ruatter is of Importaai a ealy bacflaa n may la. loa party attrRdaa xaxi ia.i aad par_dlaOaaaaaral tacany ott Ibe 1 re.eurerahip.

lt tfii-.w al ilad tbat ex-Msyor Paa will bo.ui BRaaaadA I.i.ieion RflaWdafl a* Hipcrlatendoiit or the Mmt.The ert-.rta to dlaplaee Marahal Ki-rus afl the groiind of

.. ollenaive parUaanablp " atUI oobUbuaa ii* ie, Oroaa, waa waa raemtlj aapaiBtod Coaaai

to Oreeea ami aaaltaad, i» now BMattaaad r<»r ibe Barray-orahip of tbia p.n. Tbo tafw. of tbo pie»ciit Barreyorhas ahuut two yeara yet to run.

MEV1CJL AM) 8VB0ICAL VOTEM.Mki>icai. Aeiiation ok tiix Atmosphfrk..

A modieal aerallon of the m k room. hy which varlouaat-

m .i.pbenccondltlona areaeeured, la now au.eeanfully re-

BOItadta ln produelriB a.e.aatm.ap'iere, R aoliitlou Is

uaed. and dirTuaed as .pray, ronalatlnif of a aolution ofnaroxlde ol bydroren. ten volnmea atrenuih. ooiitalnlngi nercent of ozonir i-iher. lodlne to BBtarMioa. aad2 BO uer cent of aea aalt. aolutlan. plaeert ln n ataaojor handapray dlffiiaer, can ba dlatrlbuled ln Ihe flneal

*nrav ln tbe alck room al the rate of two fiuid ofl.*

ln . ouarter of an bour. It rou.inuui.-.tea a pleasant aea

odor and I* a p-werful d|.|..ferlH..f. B* well M

deolorlzer, actlng brl.kly ou oxoui/a;d teal .olullou.andpapera

Kapii) Kbspibatiok as an Ax_ifmir.Tic..Ina reeatit paper, Dr. Bon will attrlbutn. the effeot of mpldbraatblux aa an an.Mthel.lo to tbe la_b_8_M of Ihe .iirpluaof oxygen, whioh thu* foroed upon tha-luiiK..Juat aa

by tha Inhabxtlon of nllrou. oxldo -the latter belng i om

poaed of the eleuieuU a* rom.uou alr, bul with a

largar proporllon of o»y«en and raoutlon. a largeVBliety of caae. wlera rapld rirealblug produoed al! tbe

e*.entlai effeot. of a cheml.-al flalR ohliinder, wHhoutaiipM-lably dlinlnl.lilnv the asaaaUaaaasa ..f the Ol the OkBrbOd proofs of lt« oftl.-aev eltod Is Ibora»e of a t»oy of <le iren veara of ag.. for whoui the Bppararo) toWBf rlrat peniiai.eiit molara i« Imtb kldaa were x-

traeted. "Ife bre.thwl rapldly for ii«-arlr a iiili.uta. wheaall fmir Bf tb« lawtb were rernovrd (n abaflt tweni^_-.oii_i, _¦. pati.utX.clara.1 tliat he bad aot tbe.ll«btoalpalu.A.ioTilRR aVLLBOBOOAOSfl or Dirinni.uiA,.

Wlt_ln tlie paat three | ear* Dr. T. J HuMun, af Mlun-

aolt. fta. tre»urt .O'ne »lxty f-mr I...-. ot ill|.|ith«r1a 01Ueaaa aaaaa ha .Utna tbar wera all ln emnpar^tivr r .-

houaaa, hi a hall ofe.tifitrr whare whlta man n.v.r llva.1

B_b_Rbj ao that tha Bf_ oonlalnad no arwaaa aud h.l Iae-ium^latltn of aurfa-e llilli Dlpi.therla hailiierei,,aen ,.h em t.efora. »'id BmM not have B8 n broWXbl !>tvlail'.ra ll w»« 'rf a BMllgBBai ».rpa. *oin« . loalnflvaer ett mmmUmre ea<-B. All of the eaaaa were lualnde'lln M.anWHtu rur.i outoreak*. three of whleh were ln. orri n«r .od fa<ir>aen In wlriief anl a* li houae Rttaaka.1w. Npslvl »»r 8'eallf ef iwlad. ttinyof tbe wlnlerawtaraataa aapp.v.o'l whan l.i« teaap.ral'.rB waa tblr'rto fortf daaraa. t balow lare. whioh wouM bav» b.1»»,a U> all oeiii.'f .urfaea #»rm.. a-.d In ona lualau. u

>Utf aaxlaUaaa «_!/ dax/aa. Balo


-NEW YOKK lMtOSPECTfl.Tlie aiTival of tho Ift* sprinpliko wcaliior on

Frlday haa had an en. oiiraifing effect npon tho Bttaad-ance at th. tBIlklll g.mei ln thi. clty and IU

vlcluity. ..tidlftlie wealber only contlntie. favoruble.

thoaaaibarafap.atalaraatthaPete Qraaada wiii onlybe limited by tlie capa<-Ity of the ground.. The great lu-

tere.t felt ln the Xatlonal ca.oa here could uot bo more

ciearly Hlu.trated than by the thoaaaada who have

braved Ibe un»ei,.,.nable weather and run the rl.k or

pi.enmonia aml kindrod trot.ble. by IB the opi-n Btt

t«, wtaaaaa the faaara, lUaaeta fteei Beetea, ruiiadeipbia94 Loaie, Im.-iunati aad other rlUee patat la a graal la-

neaaa iu iratararata*a,aadaatead» baprm.I ia tha

inter. at of the gaiura. 60 far thia aea.on, the crowd. at

tha I'oi,, (ir,..., da bare beea laraar thaa arer befWa.Onnone of the gronnda of the I*a*ne an.l Amorlean

Aaaociatlou clnba ia on of «"'»'""

ai'ow.d; Bothal taeoo whoattaBdthaooateata ef .kin

,,.,. ,,,' for UM I.i dowiitown

re.orta. wbcre there .' hatttaa ea aataa raeea m.n other

eportli.gcoi.le.ia. 110 bettli.-'Is dono on the nault ofthe

baoeballaauaee. Ataeal aaaiMer amd toaTaiBrmr ra-

¦ortar raeaaUy that bahadtrled aaaaral tteaoa toget

L.f,. the a-aaaa, batoeahl not. [Iaaaid thal.ookmakcr.a tt,,-,.Iv-a know Httte about tln, g.......

.,... ,,,,y eaeaaqaaatty t-.ok fow ekaaara on lt

,.,!- in ti.e praaaat araaon tho laoaeteter "

M .,..», r .on of thia bfadtoaatdtototaafaaMd,.ka npon the reaalta ef the Imt^amm*. Laaai

p.KioH, tn.iio..aa.reaadedererybedy to bat ea

,ha Now-Y(.rk aa thn lo, al club wou Ih.

gMabler -aaelderehle bmmmj aad ba haa ,,o. bat M

ZZtoB ifaee, Uhi ptea waa la eCer Waa'aatjBMalaetottaewataa. laaaatBrtwa aBharhaa ,«...i-r.....n.-|,',ll probably be made 0.1

itebaaahallaB.e.aaithea>Hahtere wtU m*mMf bal

I -rfi te 1 thai yea aaa aal piek aat the -laataa; clnba

i. thefoiir Lraajaaa mt >t--.

With the aaeeptlaaar tha BewTark Laaaae club the

l.,,l.,u,Mli,'^ir.lli'i-i and Brooklyn club*,an-

,Ha,lo.n-ao well aaexpeo.od. The Me,r,,,,o,..,nor.,.vleam. a. It ia ealled. won tl.e champlonah.,of th. Amorlean A-aoelallnn laat year and

won itao.aaiiv. ihe mendaof tha efab thaaahtihe

¦-;!;;':::1'i,::':;:.v.\i'V.',:';i:.^;:"'v::\,."'r,:;r.V';'r'',l . U-li r tbe ,m .,....,. i no Metr.IUB pUyrrt,r. -., 1' ...,| m-n.....IU." club ...i-'bil'.".*«»« ¦ '"/1,rreonl thaa II i« I" aaa .I wn gameao. ltanra, w.-;.-.n trlp Maaagrr Oldotd -e.-,,. ... i.e

n-iidi'i.irihi- le,-., wilh ...". -""I . ".-".' '"."''' "a aaa>

BlrhoTlfb tl.e l.r.iok ra « un I.I dolM M ».'."¦._;,,.,,.,1,1,, lovera ..; tb. gBta. aerowa, tha rtter cUng,,. bone tbal tba .n will laaprore Bad1, I,,., ,, w»rk wTtk ihe air*p«l«»n of laa'.rl.r- departiBeal the ,-iui, 1. p_rf»b > - atrooj[nulvldually aa aay la ,h* *~'7"' ', ,. , me ..,-., tn... H baa .1. -»i. ii..-........ *bt|o,ioin" hoii.i lt h'i- 1 itroua in and enl lleld and a 1..1

,'..'-. ',-.- pitrbera llaral.... Terry aod '..rter

.rebelng b.tted ra.he. *..«> ._«« ..^erally expecied Iba npr..vr ln ibe.r delDeryI,,,,, "'re practlce Tl.- baa ool playedeno.irt- io..'1-ih. rt'.iin'i"' p-rt-.'l i"im work.

r* far tMaaraBou tl.e remarkaulj i.roi.g elub wbleh,,,,-Ni.w Vork IB tbe Natlonal Leaatv. baa ...U

,iI,w..t-a,.,e..oi,e.o l'r,4 l.b nr- and .....¦ li. . I...- .ir..

11,.-I."-." ":;'7 ,w,1"'1,1 ''; ',"/,elob will bave tu ateettalajwith tbem thn Bln. n.-.i eaei___! Tne new pltflblng mi.-. bave beea foaad laaaVolba?hWe7hBB.lBBeta .lUefhly .....n- ., ..,

nmlthougbtlbey .:'''''"',.4T', r.'ifiebard ia iwo ramea la ,nf "»_api.ero l..i»;.|.p. -..r.-1 n. IUrharda..n .nd Ibe local BUB.

a'«mTenMhlnktbeybaref....n.lalew.l. Rl" '" nii i.i. dellrri

f,ee. tne. Il-lii-aio* |.cn r

iiverf |« a m unfamlllar W ih- Leagu...'* a, they eau.ot bal bln, bard aaiU

,,.,..- famtllarixe Ibeiuaelrea »'ih l.t. atyl.ufiaT^rliuuim. »-" and bare a br.ll.antreeord wben tb. ball ¦ rr. Md Ibe frrwuuf win-

ter^omi ti.o l.-a.l.a.l ol..- ' and qulet. Tn- h«al"tronge.1 IndlTldnal playera ef all ihe Bla_a la Ibe mib

trv bot a eluae obwrrer. aftrr watchiBa tb. bIm. pi.yror'aeveral day*. wlil tbink thn ng wantlnu\vi,.,t iba truualel "' " .*__»¦t,, l.- tho oi.tnio Uiat tn.-r^ ouiflit to !«< beller leam

m iii k aud that Ihe playera -hoiel BOOW i...>rr \ im ni irn-n

ptay.ux. i ti. i. is one polBl ahore .m..r .ve.neni ean nn

duulitedly haamavleBfld that I. In ha*. ninnlng. Al IB,n.e,, aie intelllgenl playar. .., ' theyeuliliol eoinp-re lll ha-e iiini.i.n; wIM.

me of the baarua ",,n¦ . .¦ r

the .itber .ll»V. w_ -o H»ke.| vtlul he I.I.'llt »! t'le New-

V rU nlne " ll I* a Ra. UtaBB. bul thcr. la ... i u I

don't know what It la.1 Braia.t, whtah. ir i>..t »

uot will un, Ihe r\ |i.'a rli.itu ea for eliainpomalilp hoi,

ara. 1 boi ar.- graat playare, all ol th..... m.t tbey d« .....

.,.,.,. ta play witb n.e r.-.p.ii.d ,-..... it maj

.... iMloaay aaaoax lha i'"" «* ,_. " ",,T

\m aomethliiR "I-". bnl if 1 wera lha manaxwr,o ibe ,.i. I would fln.l it ..ui and mlxbiy q .*k ilTi.e ni..e ia made np af what nlghi ha ea k»l -atar ptoy-,ia andlt u.ia-ht baeomp.ra.1 toa.tbeatrtcal ti-upeeoro-

,-. u.,1. i" of alara II the nl la uot maumred .llhheadBBd I* BB ll.blc to rouie .. laataa

nr-l In tne l^aROB-.,.nteei. for ibe Leaawa pennaai ara rloael*ratebed h) the torara of tbe b_m_»________;*_J^^jJ|

lla il ll..I he ,'hl

baannwmel -Ixt rAiiniiarad Uie Blroiia-eal of Ita opp.enen.awitht.-xfbto flxrapt aa af tb. RI Loala elub..liiBtBX ntoa rtotoi.,i al elavefl xamea,J.. ,-hii. ia i.i *ee....d i. Phlladelpbtotblrd aadl-mvlde... .. and -t ''¦ ,r n"" ll"«t"n-

Huffaloaad Detrmtatobabrlaxup tba raaa. TMrtataaefaam of eaoh eluto to dia ara aa fottowa

IW.alnn .Iliuilalo.Ihieage.Dattoflvew 1 ork.'pi-ovi<*encal-lnlariaipbla.¦aU I.OIIIB.Iu.-uea loal.i


S 4 | 4 l

Ih- inl.-real taken in ilo- ra"e batWBOfl Uie tught L-lBhalog tbe Amsrlran AaaoHauoB la aeroad only to

tbal'ln the l_axaa All lha Bluha i.ow ptaylBR In IbeWaat. Tba ^etrupoliiana, tbe prraaat obamplona, andIhe Athletiia. ei-i li.ln|.. BW la«t lu the a. e. bultheir ch.nce* rorpetinant bunoTB are Bol al goaeThe SL I/.oil»e,lnli holda Pie leail will. fi.urleen »|. lori."

a_d Ollly llve defeiits. W 11 ll ll.e rinelllll lll lillie BtfOIldaad tho PlttBlmrR elob tinr.i i ba Loalavlllaclah Uloartb. Tba Brooklyfl < it... bolda aixtb pla.-e. Tharaeord todate la aa followa

(iaii.ea loat

The New-York and Il.-tiolt ilubs play their thirdbbbbb al tba Polo Qraaada to-dar aaa to-morrow, Obffiiilnnadaj aud Thuratlay tba New-Yort andBuRalouilia uieel. wulle ou Hat.ii'.lav the NouYurk eluli |iiuv«

ita in-t game witb tbe ce.ehralod Lucu. elub tromHt. LoalaThe Metropolttan elub playa ln St. I^ml* OB Tueaday.

Wedneada) und i baraday, aad la LaralarlUa br aatttrdayasd Bfluday.ciMiNSAii. M iy 17..The URiial large crowd aaB_R>

ilav. nMlie Hall I'.uli lo dav wtliie-aed a rlo»o RflflBB ."'iweeu the (Tui-iiiatti aad Balilatora elnbs, Orar 8,000paopla were pri-AOuu Tbe erowd was tbe inoal disor.ter-Iv BBBB ln Ihi* elty for aeveial year*. Ihe aaoifl >¦ r ln-Btoxa la:I'lnrlnnali . 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 .'.BaltlBMra .... . ...88881 0 9 'J xe- «

I...I l-vil.l.i __.) 17. Tba l;r..oklyn elub defealed tlieLonl.rllle eiuii tbia Bftaraaa. la a elaaa raaaa Tbawaatbet waa wana aad tbora waa. large atiandanceSullivan hiirl ln- liuirer in Ihe BBTaath Iflutog annlaeetaCrotty. .miii.i'* .me ptayiax .t ahorl itop waathe r.Mrure. 'ihe follnwilig la the Bi Bt8 B] llil.l.iga:louaville. . 0 II i 0 I 0 (1 II II IIBtaaklya ......... ...» u o o ;i o o i o. 4

i.i RRO, May 17. The k.m-.ia CMy elub defeated tlieloli-do br a acore af 17 to lCl-KVl i.a.m>, May 17.- Ihieo iliouaand people aaw ll.e

Ctaratoadelubdefe.1 tba Oatabaata-davj acara, ii' toi. hwi-eimy and Bommera, tba bowm battary, aad JDay, of tbo rlaitora, war* arreetad at Ib. eloaa ..r theg.nii.. hall on h.iudjy. A Iflaf . _.., w.lll.omade.

TnE BMATBBM sin.i. i.ivi .\\i> ahk mrrrTha partidpaata m IfMBwaak'sskating Biatoa

ar.ailm rblppar aa apanawi ..n a aam aprtag <iay.Bfl one of them BB8S_a Ifl 8X88 s..:leie frafli ||.. (__a Bftho all d.i.l a' grlfld Bl leaat iimii- uf ibein wlll aduilt tlie._Bi Hiiuadeii la tuakiui: up Fat loal lliue in Im, inulter

xf aleap. ttat laala ait rtgai albuwata laaaafaaba was

raanlag aiaaaat ktaf araalag, wrapaad ap ba ,» Mg avarin.ii. hui tba i' -t bI tba ataa atayad la taaar aRartari ailha I'u.iiaai llouae. llaiiniiali says ln Ihliika bo willIiim lo h t" akate more. "Irl'.l only kflowad howUiakalfll oooW bara luoi 'aaa all om," kuui ba " r.lonl> bad akalea ou iu* l>-t fbl abonl tweiity iiilniile.h,-I..H- v\eui laio .¦ rai

A riilM BB* i ntlK.BBA9.L1 CLOtOTO.The l""ly «»' tha fn» H;.|.tist Chun-h, in

iifii. .t. wh. tiiie.i ust araalag hy oiark*.Bitleameii, a il. .woliirn Rflf) fuelorv employe., who lla-

aiiaiiltvelr totbe wnrdaol tba it»v A. B.Tbrnapa.... oi, ii,.- aiitijei. ..f aarli tba aiHuinu IUU..IIM. 'tbil.l Out alUfldeUWj

tbe p'ayaical wanta of hia .*__«__.£ ».*__ ^ifor. approachlng them ap rltimlly. «""*»/_ '.

not a bitteriinr-ram with which to' 1« _h,u.arlehts and lll.erllea ; bnt itl* a dar of apltltiwl ¦.___¦£a. pbyate il raal aad aajoyataat if yo« f«f"^naJ___r_tthe ehureb on Mindaya 88 acoount of tho co llia week. the mlnlateaho ta hia

rtxbtoufla Indlgnittionhnrla reiuoii.trancos from the puii.|ta*Hlii>tHnndavraoro.ition far fro.n adll. r.-s to tue

trme Do others as vou would have tben.,lo uinto

y...'- Mr. X.ipaoB adriaed people not to go shopplngon -aturduy afteruoou*.




TIIK ART bCliooua.AliT BBW8 BBBB AMO ri-i

WBBB8.Tha aixtiath annnal exhlhttion of theAead-

cmy efaard <>n aalfday witb aaJaa aaaaaattag to ueurlyb_b,ooO, at aatalegaa prlaaa. Taara bara baaa aatd altho daar 17.000 elnglo and .'lOOaeiiaon ticketa, und over

6.000 catalogiiea. The plcturea aold .Ineo tbe luat time

of writlngare: " A Itreton Towu." Ix-unla M. Uunker,

BI6O1 -The Baaaaaf laaBna_ra"k. I* Haniy,t_B>i-An OM l.aii.lmark."c». W. Walers, BB60) " Wrltlng to

8-utft Claua." J. II. Wltt; * A Kl.-ld .r I'ellletfa," t H.

Couian. $l.r,0; * Koaeaaud Htill l.lfe," K. PaaBttl.IJOOl-A Mid-iin Twlligbt." Fraiioia A. Rilva, 8MK>;- Miuriao over tlie Baa," W. Whittrldge. f400; " I'ui.s..-*."

g, c. I.oavltt, BlOOl . Pratt," A. MatU'iion. irl'-'.r): " A

Ir.neli I BBdaiart " Ix-nnlsM. Uunker, B150l . WtatBtBrBBbBf," c w. BataawfTBi uud-ThoTwiiight Air,"CarltouT. t'hnpniuu. 8100.

Tho ainoiint thia exlilhlllon Is laaa than ln

uny year Btaaa 1888. Laal yaax tba aaaadaal aa_oa.l o,

aales was 988,800, but lt 1- BB48lfltBB< th ,1 BbBflt 98400wero dfc.lueled Bfltag to lho p. runiary einhan_BBfl*StStof oue or two large pfllflbflBXtfl. Tbia wouid .»». tho

Baleafor 1884 >n exe.-aaof 880400. Al Ihe d.o.r *<'...'>->were obilue.l the a.le af la\080 aingle ai.,1 808....,,ii tiiketA. and BJOOaaUIBgaaai Th.reapi.ear.tolie litllo vaiiatlou lu the demand for ticket. .mi (utr

Blaxaaa from year to year. ln 18B8 tba reeei|.'.s from tlio

_|a flf pieliirea ex.-eeded Tl'UM.O. 1111.1*7,0.10 wero

..1 Iroiii theaaleof 17*809 aingln aud 500 -

tleketa ln i*¦.>¦.', 198 pinurr. aaraaoblfar884X000,an.l ,;.7i>o lalBloaaaa i _008 aingle aad 800 a,-..hoii u,-k-

ota fonnd pureliaaora. Tba tafRflat amouiir atar reali/.ed

fn.m an iRRltaiJ exhlbltion waa lu 1H-.1, when i'.'li

BaiBttaaa brvagbl 848408, emi iba otbar nka avaatatedor 80,000 MBgla aad WOaaaaoalleaau, aad7,600 aatalaxaaa in 1880 tba aalaa of ptotfliaa BsaoaBtadto824,000. The rlae and decliim or tba Alaadiitip aalaadurii.g the laal >u ye.ns haa a eouuU-rpurl lli the aa

tbe aalereolor exhlbiiinna.

On JuiaW 1. Iba p-uiiling* which havo hecn aold aMho

Prlaa Paad axhMUaa wUI ba raaaatad. aad tba aaaaaatioii. to tln. exi.ut. vuil be reiiuiig PtetaraaBatateta >>- Ibaaa abtob ara tabaa .way will bo i

tatad aa far aa paaBiMa Aflwg iba raaaal aalaa ara

-,- by Cbartaa x. Rarrta, ggflOi axtf'PbMdagI'.oais." j Carttoa r. Cbapaaaa. 880.

he past week haa been tllled with eleetloris ln tho art

¦OOMllea, and cxhihllloiia of prz.- fll IIohiI

aoboola, Ltula auma.BtM tobs __da.poathi, uiu.-tiou-i. for tbacu.iipo-i.i'.ii.ftba Ban_i"XCutB>liillton ludioalea thal he wn -. tioi.a for im-,1 i 881* I M

biMtloB will ba ROTomad i.y. tba trartrOoaal pottey.Mr. MTlRBloa lloinerl. uiillkely to .erve. and lt M puaaf-i,i,. thal Mr. <.rga Ibflaaa may take m. rery Betire paniu ii..- Broeaadluga, i be room- ..t ¦.¦bara m alpbabat.u-ai t.r.i-r mar im aa raara.toal aa axpanlaat aa aay,luttheie aa iii.uie.ii.ite i»..Ai.tafaBBMgtogCafli-

proxraaalra aaoagb ." ebaag. Iba ebaraetarolay*. a* Mgara. Ib. elaatiafl .f Aaaa

Otataa, II ha. |>in.>_l>ly ois-iirr.-d lo many arllal* lhal thaot Mr. .1. AM B Weir BOBBSI Bl B la'her l.ilod.v.

aad Bfldw tba dreum.laara. ta » 8ompUBMM»t of doablli i_a Aeadem) badacaepied Mr. P/i n aad

otbar Btroacrepreaaatatlraaal" th.-youneerartiaa" Rrav. .r- «_ i. iba nrgafltaattoa woabl Roa i>.- »R » "."re v_iraaa ¦.Utloa. aoaaalbiBg ia allU aaid af -, paaafala ea-

aaal ..f Iba Aaadaaay bfllbtiflg, allbar bp aabflagan .tber atory or by paiabaalag Baa ..r tw.. boaawa oa Iba

¦i!l aa md. Iln to u-s at au> time

dUrlttX tlie l.iat lew \*. Tb. A. a.lemv |a -a.d tw B8

t..,. |. ...r r..r aaa d< BBrturaa_B thia direettufl ..r Ioro8ar-.,.iy Botoworthy laaxutaal tba

nn.,ii,,i meatlaa ui taa Artatu' Paad Baatatp waa IbaItlOOOf Mr. Homiaa lll. Ua lll. r nearly IM

.,r aarrtaa ... pcaataa-t, aad taa eliell.B of Mr. Boraoew. Kvhbiaa lo Bll tha raoaaey.

Tha .inniial il.ll.ltlon of the work accoiiipll-lici ly th.

lanted with tha NaUoaal Ac ul

,,r 1.1.,,-k ani rhlta drawloa. fraat tha aa

;.,.! froio llfe. an.l - fow UB«lai I.B, n-|.r.¦.,.-.,t

in,- in,.. n c.n-M-l. nll.iua Litmr on Ihe | art of w.oil.l ba

,_-tiata. Tl... at nloiiU ai d ll.eir fn.inila wilh ¦ >ny I......

U-ra of tl.e A.-.i'loiiiv ei iiioeil a warui Inler.-at ln Ihe dla-

irti>.iti..n of Btta. ."ii i rtelaj etaaMi, »aaab *»« mad. byMr. 1. 9T. W.mhI. Ihe aw.irda *.-n- .1- f.dl.iwa: ABtlqOOaeaoot, eilloti atlref BMdal for fall ieu»cth Bgare, le Loalei- Daa.Br. Boaarahla Banafina. H. O, Baraaaa, Paal

.. ||| ...I. .\ ,.., nn .-,,'ithworlh. )r. I.I.'.-a,-:.,. .-iiyd.uii...n i.i;. to a. J Katlar, Bajdaai braaaa aiedal, t > B.

«... llBBorable BB*at*aa* Laoy T. Poaaor,!* K.v.ui 0order. Paal CaaUtaadL BlUott braaae aiedal far

atady «f a kaad le Bllaahalb raaaia Boaurablo aaaa

Haa, K. ii. raiaiei. laaala B. rti.-r. Slaatetaea. i-.iitott

atlvee aaadal t-.r fall leearth B<ara to Bath BarlB_rtaallouoral,-1 ni.'Mlon. 8. 87. QaeeC llallnarleii .-,,....,!

i-.iz-i H'->t I"'*''. *4"- l" »;,loa i«- BabartaaaiBBoood pttaa, 8-0. to UiUeB Uaaetay.At tl.e eibllBllOB of tho Oeoper I'ulon Art Kcbool there

were ahown BBBBa m.-ritin I drawlnaa and two

,v.r atlll llfe atadiea la alUv The r..rd ef n.e*8 Art Beheel aador Mra. 9eaaa x. Oartar*aaaaa>i_.-iii.nt la reriamly eui-miraifiiiif 941888 Uhi i ii; lla h.ive

protit.-ii by in.1 epportaaltlea oftered la tbaaeboot, aadliiiily-foiir of the i.oinl'. t» ln"' pru w.l ,' to

liMtrurtor-. Tha puplia have .eive.l for work».,id on their awa BeeeeBM tn. baadBoeae aaaoaatof«i7,(.M. The eaBaathia ef aaata aiaaaef taakaraaatuui in.iat repie«-..iHllro Iii the i-ountry. The.nn..aliWMiii. "f prlaea wara aa folkiwa autlquoelaaa, am',,, ,. -iin i.. i eanoi B/uodruB; allvei, toBary|iolM:n;' n.Odato to Kioicme llrah.e an.l MaryVluioti. I'ortralture. tiiat pnao, Carrle nice;.,., .1 910, lo, a K.liet meilal lo M..I.-1

i, ei.d a brouie maUai lo l ,,,.*.

inentary drawlng.amt priae, *i". t,, Fannie M. Beppiier:allver me.lala I., Bary A.hllonl .uui .leai.ui. Imjil. aad, tiroaaa aiedal t.. Bara D.aaea. Morsaal ia uatrtaldriwiug. two nrat prtara ol ?-"'. <" .¦'" *" -"I,mi .ii

and Majrale 87. Laaaatrnth aaiiv.r nn-.iai leMra. idaM I'lltii-.ii. ani a brwBM iii'-ilal t" <' II- M'cklev.i-.iniiii- ii at pn/e. 890, io A'l.'i. Hntaagel; eHvernnvlal to Al.bV K li.K. BfOWB ... M..I V ll. ... I.

Mi-a f.n .ri llewiika granddangoter of PelerCooper,..n.ic.i prlxea ,-r 830 aud *i<> i". Ibe t>e*t fan paratiuea.rueae «>'e awar.led to Mtoa Beal mul Mi- HhMwiu.__. cmuiuiii.f award eoueMedof Mra. Wbeeler, and

..illnrd. J. 4. Ueir. .-«t. (i.iii.l.-na, l.oiiii.iid. ouia

i.ii im iind Montague Flaag. It to atated tbat Ib taeeua-rariua elaaa Mto. fcUeauor Wragg baa gnlued prlaea,.,,,,,,.,. >,..,,. ii, auoooaalou. and Mlaa A. O'Bailaraa.,nd Mlia Joiinlo Ogdae le.olve .pivial un nlmn.

i he Jaaa art ¦agatlBna ar.- u..i ef earuaaaiaa lettwaat.ihr rertfotio euutalua aaetehlaa b» w. Mraugealled

ll.e M ili'ir," a |M-.^,itU w.,u.all Icmllug h. r o.H.e

w-iti'hed nv BB Old tni.n; B « Ifl whleh, aa Mr. 'I.unrton reraarka Mlllefe Inauenee w Plalaiy apparotit.A-, io eaaeutlott, the fall lurkto are leii to ihe |*per, bul

| abadowa aad baekrrouad me eroea bataaad and¦orkcd witb lue dry pelal aud Ibe rotttolto in deferauoeio ti,r taaU for .1 ¦ilMiralloii Wbleh la prevaill.irf BOWunaui Engllabeiehera, aa well at their bratbrefl ol otbornaiioiialiii.-a ti.ipreoalra aad well iitoeed 8gureofihe motber la me itrong feotureof tbeetoblng in.-

I...1, w.inl If uiioi-'.i r.i-ii. .-' nv II. Ki.lltoii. limi ui

en- ravliiK bv Alfre.1 DawaoB n ¦»:<. Ttu nei's wal.i c ilor- Val D Aoal'a. Il.ittle of Pofl BooB." »r.- Ih.I.o. Irad

in-r tiiu-.ii.iTt. na, Tbabbatirtaa*hj Mr. Dbwbob prlntedlt, Bepta and l.'a.k be m.-te .eadll.i lakeii I.,r a

oi.oio en-iiinn/. aad «.« oae af the Bdwto-proeea«eai,,i,., Blded IU propiiaiion. 9 I"' 8BMaaoUBteou.d

notglrai tma eiieet. Mr w. w l.loyd dtorufleoa la than.iiiiiier "The DraaM <>f the Qreaka lo Kelatlon Ui theMt-" 'ih* Ari jaeraofeonllauaaltaeorleeof Uaaea-Bravinga, rraaeatlBf one by Mr. J. C. Anuytage afterapalntlng ealled" Kei|iil»liloacdn br A. 0. tlow, whloh.I,.,* ¦ a tco|i ol ll.ina ui maklBg a doiiiauil I.t au| pllea,,,.,!. a aoraly aflarMrraBMd Biiller. .. Ari Teaehiu^ «t( harlerhou-ie, f'tad. aoiil.oil bv M.. i.eral.l S. IMTW, an.lMr 8 llodaoli exp.tiina two, al v.irlnlloiia .,r

stc'blng uiiiioi-m.i, eapiloa «>f " Modara Proeeaara of.ui.atlo Knara»luit.M ln ^typfgrapblerteblag oo,, i.i im ii-i ii bul .ifn-i iii« iin.-. bare beeu eui tiirnugh th«

irroiiml i.pon ih. plaia. tbe BBtoaebed nnrtloae of tae.ronnil me iiirefullv l.ullt up imlil tl.e plale Im-oi ii.oi .i

mould for the ei,-, uoiji-. r. " la etoblBB papor, aayaMi Hodaoa, "tha bIbi ia t.. produoeaaaugrarlng in

iniaatin, wi.ile ihe lypograpbie Btcblsg proceaa unidureean enr-BTlBg" Tln- 1.- k cliim-y nao of tei -na

,1 heel l.l.'hlii« aud einjraviiiK ahoiil.l be c.uoful.y.Utlngulahed by ererj wriler wuu la wllllog ta ailow tba[onuer IndiTldual ebaraetar of .ta own. Am im

haidiy warili while in llnk th,. iiame uf i-u-hlng with tho

aOBll ii.e.-haul. al. half way |» -i -eaa ll. re ilcdiloil.Aii.ith.-r now proceaa i- ratlttod"whltallaaeU' tblatba arttol drawalae wblteaol:btoaubjrctobtbto_r.ini in.iin le.oi.iK' UBdlalurlted Ibe parta which wiii

iilllmalely l.e prlut.-.l. Tbaa Ihe uaual pnn eoilni o ,,r

Ihenlil,.. ta iei.r.,,1. and tln- |n actlo" ol tft. WOOd -n

arater adoi i.d. Tha raperlwr advaataaaa »t - whlte llueetcfaiuf "

aro .1,,t BpparoBl in the aieaipla w hiou aeeeaipanle. Mr. ll.idaou'. arlicle.

To UtYMBTtBAtB rilt. cilY BOTBMSMMBt.Beaator Oihba, fhwiTTtrti" <>i kba Beaata Com-

mlttie toinveatigate the inunl.ip il dep .rtui.-ni. of ilua

clty. aaid Iaal evenlng that hl. BeeaJBtttee would beglniia w.nk aaaeea aaiioaaibieafiar li.e eitra aeeetaa af tba-omite w.ii iloiod. The ln veal!ij-,.l loi, would l.e mad. aa

thoroughaai.Oi.iblo, and bn i-ouduete.l without fear or


HoraUBMl -" Knfanl'lVrriblo" (aucli 81 lcvcroiiinr -ee ubaerrant 1): '.Oraa'iaa', I don't yourBBtraataahon 'llevar be a. good one.aa 1,'ncle Oeorge'.!"

il'lIB, ll.

"Wii.niL Wastk Mabkh Wouji. Want.".The Vloi»r'a dauitht.r: " Here'. aiimo beaullful new fuola^cap papa h is aeut you to cover tha Jani i»>ta, raafeICook: "Oh, It'a a plty to waate that, uilaa; aeiue oftu.uler'8 aid avruoua wouid dojuit at well:"- [I'uuch.




When Dr. Schaff »aw on SaturtlaY that ex-

tracta of the revi.e.1 Old Te.tameut had been cabledfrom I.ondoti. he aeut a diaj.alch asklng if ho could have

thedayof piil.lleation fixel for Wednesday inatead of

Thurstlay of this week. Laryi last nlght he had not ro-

ceived an anawer, but he hopea to have one to-day glr-HNf him the authorlty to Ls.tie tho book one di»y after itIsdlstributedluLoiidon. To » TamrvK reporter who

called oti him yeateriay at hU hoino, No. 15 Eaat I-'orty-tblrd-st,, I)r. Schaff aaid:"Aa now airauged the puhllc will bo ahle to get their

hooka on Tl.urslay. E ich mom»er of the Kevlsiont ommittee reoeivel a ropy yi-stonliy.arid arringmneut*havo hoou inat.-with th- Kxpr.-sa Coiiipany to

ii. iiv.-r th.- praatifltaflia aapfaa to those ontitiod to them

early on Thi.rsday. The books f__g_al for .llstaut

polnts will l* startod on Wedn.-s-lay. Aa the Old Teata-

ineut ia auch h iMfgg volumo, it will U ibcloss he aeveraldaya before there will ho any A i.cric-au adittofl pub-llsh.d, ao that the Kngll.h books will have a large sale,There are *(M> resentation o-iplt-a to be .lveu to Ibaaawho eontrilMited at leaal $:P> to the expenaos of tho eo'.i-

mlttee. The OM Test un.-iit. In four volu-nes, boitndsimilar (o llioin, bul without tho laa*? p'lou, wili be aold

for $44. Y,-a, I preaiime that commeuUriea aud cou-

cordancea heataried. I do not know that any

Aiiierb-an acholar will euibody tho of theAmerhan tevlseia to ho foiu 1 ln tho appeudti in tho

taxt, aa Prcaident Uitchcock did with tho New Tcata-inent."" How aoon will the new work takethcplaceof the King

Jnmea Bible1"- Tbat la ditiiciilt to aay. It to..k ihe preacnt author-

l/e.l \ ei--h.ii i.;i 1 until afl. r 1880 before lt took tlie af tba (i.-iieva iiu.le. wbicb the PflXttflaa a. a rule

bioiia-hl to thia country. Tlie C'onvocation of Caater-biirv. which meetaon Tuesday, wi.l rocclva tho new

work ; they orlg Rfllad the revnmti and will probahly re-

fi-r the look to int.tiiiiiit.e f,.i loftieiuo. When thi.i.iiiiinitiei) ha* reporie.l. lu three iiuuith*, a half year, or

Barbaaaa year,IhealaaCaaraaallufl wtil *ajaattbe n.-w veiaion. adopt |, or i,.coiinult it. If they adoptIt they will authorize ita uae. hut 1 preaume au order oftbo 9_aaaa will bo glraa to make it the Riilh<>ri_!d ver-

.loii of B_*_aa_ A. for tbe ratigtofla hadlaa on th.s Md.

..r Iba Wfllara tbey aaa «ot upon il al any time, but It la

tiie Rflflaral pnbtta that wili aVaaia upon ita Rdaaatlan,"iir. -eball' uext apoke of tuo receptlon which he

t_B_KBl the work would reoeive, aayiug: "I

helleve that It will be accepted aa the beat

poaalbto rariaaaa, Tbeaa bara baaa a. graal cbange.;only -in li as Improve.i kuowie lire of tho llebr.w

t.xt would Aa far tb. arard . baaV arbtab baabaaatTaaalalad. abaat,''taa pH' aadl 'the grave," the

a .i.i ii-i-.i iii tba ratatoa bad han ita ariaiaal Rtaanhm/. Mieol ' uiciina ' tne spirlt w>rl I.' or tbo plaoe m-

hal.ite.l by tbfl 'lend | li b is none of tlie siu'nitl ao, o au

raehed toheii, n piacai ut nmn'n', ao tbat tbaabaagaI_|. L xil miTTBT T~T I -ay_.bat many peoplewill ba irouol. .1 oM-r tho cbaaaawin i-.i. i.-a.u--. - MVBOlIT a.-d vex.iilon of -pirll 10 ¦ a,.d at.lvliiif

after w nol.' y.-t iba iraua&tora ..f ,he .,id ve, -i.,,, wara

amiaa Ib the BMwntnx of tba Mebraw woid. und wau-

.leie.l rroin Ita HO-Jlllli--'... ,,,.,-. * in the work baa beeu wldeaproart, tar

,,,.,. t,,.,., It will .iml.-iil.tedlybavaalBrxe BBta.tboi.xh ib no romparlao. witb that-fih.- laal ravW.i iba Mea le-i.,m. nt. i l.aye had.o,-,,.. ... no ... Iraiu «a yrt what la Ihooxhlof the new work. aa ao mholar will venture an .¦p.n...iiui.oii ii eahla .eeoouix «> maal aaii uatil tbework ha. ¦ppaarad h-n- and baa baaa cnuoaUyBian."..'i iu- \ alne af the rerlaed i.ralea ta ine,"sahl th- i:<-v.|. ailtlamM lavh.r. ll en.i o:e« lio- tO trau.UlioB Ol a teUand lell my p.-..p.e. lhal Ull. la

;,..._* ... ihoreaUo.lvar.lon. Formerly a praacherwlioxavearfadlBBof atext .utt.-reni from tba, i.i .¦«Inh-li llible «._ In daBxar of belng eharired w tb

,,',., .nirv I have nol l>- rB alite to forui .nn,-b of an Idrfl.' ihe new Old i .tameni ..a >et, .mi am w..iting tor ihe,' ,,. arai <-. ,.| the bo..k it-.-if. Art.-r l bara bad lo

,tudy it a little l .hall prapaca a arraaoo oa lt, aa I dWiu the oaaa "f lha Naw tVUim nt I aaa the Naw leata-ni.,,t couai.ntlyln my.tuly.butl bara Bntiieaalableto read il « llatood ret Tbeold thal 1- la. kliikf lu tbe new y. _to_. Ibfl !'. II BB d

IB cle.lo-ut ntary."Tho aaenta of Iba Oxford Preaa araT. Babawi J Oo.,

.r.\. I; ... k.r .I..K...I I.H |io...t' A < .... Ol l'liiUd.-i

,.hi'.,, repr.-a..,. the fuu.i.r d-. l'r.-a A nie.u.ier ot tbe.,,-,. .., thi.,-,.) *aH yeatrnto) " Ihe aato of tba Oldre»tanieut wili uot to any daarae apiroai-b that «.r th.s, « Teatament The woik l- aefd ,.i ali prtora from«l to *.14. ahlle tne che»|H at <.p.<-» of the BavlaeONew T.-t ..i.-iii were aohl lor taeeaia. iu.h w... .,«

. .rrBl n-aaoa roriheam.ller.-ato. there waaadaal nf.'.('tteuieiit. loo, oier tbe ai.pearBoee.ef tbe BaaTe.ta.oent an ii.wai.ovn lia.knl it upoa the atreet, ao

tbat wiuiln tba Br.t two or tbree daya we cMJO,bO0ouie. There wiU be Butblug like tbal aato bobt. BTa

I, ,\, reii ii.-l iirdere f.»o, all oier Ihe eouiilry.andaha.ihrviu niiina in. in on Toareatay a- e.r,y u- 4 ». iu 4'ity.rtirra will pro.Mibly be Blied -rly a- our Hty dratorawill aend their I'o.ivoMi.ii ei ber. at hii e.irly hour. Ouraliii'i. enta for tl.eout-ol -town fr .do will l.e inade aarapld-ii aa i..,i«.ii.le. with a rl.w logetungtbe booka out un iu..on iiliu.. We .ball ba«e a large eairararreofniPIl ou i.itnl te fallnio t li- woik. We h*\c a areai¦jany ordcra froro B b tcal avbolar., but tho tnulewllliiiDPly the BTeatbiilkof order. of ti,i« klutt Ihe BaalUlit-beapedllloo will l>e .old al about H l enlg. an,!tbal -liutuedetf wlBpraeaal couii«-titiou here irom

BbrveU."" Ti e Keviaed Cible" wa. the .ul-tect of the aermon

nn-'chni y>-.'i lay ujornlng i.\ Ibe Ber. Jauvea Cbam-1.,-ia naator ol the Calrary Preabyienaa Ikurch, ln <

(ine'liiitiilreil-aiiil-lhirtienth-at., b-lweoii MadlBOB MlldPuuribarra, He artoe.ed aa bla teit the deeUraUoBofu,,- prupbel Hab.kkuk, 11. 2: " Wrlte tha rtahHin,.l make lt plaln npon Ihe tabn-a, ihat he may runti.i.t r-.-.d.-tii ii " The priiphet. he aakt.apoke with re«-,nit.. ii h it wa- Ii: bei-ull.e of ll,.DBOB |» l'!o uf (.,h!

ded'a will bad beea raeraeea ra a pi riaanaat tnrm mtthe.iew.tabletaofatoaaand Iho ¦aterlal oa wbleblt waa wrlitea waaeatbtoaiatlr. im. waa the Owuatl.u-tion of their i.".v. ri m nt. Wi.atev.-r may l.e lu.ilvidualoi inlon a. to ihe Biiceeity nl wrlitoo revelatlon, ..od h.,.thou.lil u prujH-r, and oii ihl< pnnoip .. tha CblCi.biafouuded, Ibe blet»ry of tae beo* ia tha r.. It la a writtea ajlrarle, atraagri¦ b.a ibefairy f.Beleaef ebtkfheed. When ll ia ma-at-lieiad that ola thouaalid b. ok., d iu on. yearnot more than flitv "'i an BTeraBJB aurvu.

aeeen yeara; ilut af 80.000 pobUeatloBO ol thete.-ulh'i nturv luit nflT nine are now d.eme.l worlhyofr. ni ii,tin r, taeaborl llfe or literatara a&aj im. aaderaiaod.The liii.le baabebl it.own lor ato. aad 't all] nve f..r-eier rhe Bible aa we bave It bow ta tha growlb of ya ralinder invii e Milierint.iid. n.-o. Our convntiona niar

often iind ui to wrvag ,,r it, aud we bavaUiixed with our f.nlii a cirUiu MiperetitkHI, ao thai iii.u.yure luciuieil lo revard bbj ebeage of aapreaaloa aa iam-

uer.og with the Divine word. inia umtiit i><-frue If we had the orlg-nal t.ibl.a of 8BBMtraeed by Ood'a flmtcr. llie b..ok. aa we know itia Ihe li BUll ol Ihe tull of pl4--ty-.H', BM Well.uui in.!.) doiie. lf ll WBB not perle.'i. Il ia tt e p.npeeeol the Biw re\i»luii. which ln lu n| |icji' iu a fe.idaya.uottoBMaea aawtraaalatloB, i>nt loehauire the texthihI hrlBK It dOWB to our o«n mne; lo make It Clearaml ao be «ho raaa maj read.

II iato heexpee-ed that thia wlh all fortb intieh crit-loi.ra. ihe ohlfaee of Ihebooh that wi« have knownirom i-liihlhood wtll be i naiikTid; an.l we have bec-ou.eBttaehrd o«ea to lu faalta. lt la rixbt to reepael of attaehBieat, bm u ia aot eoaatol.-nt to nihiui ihat Iba KIik J.'inea raraloa of theliinleoannot lie iu.proved. lt ia the of llve oll.or

rerslofl., waa a.-i... ted breaaae it waa the bct ..f11,,-,,, OBly tbe c pi, aot thooritlnal n^plml wrilliiif*an in.w to i.e bad, aini tho luu.oat wo eaa do u to Btakeirom Ih.m the mo-t pe.fect eop/ puamMo. OBO of tl.enioaiii.iiiilmr r.-uturea of tlie old v.tnou. he revtolonluiochapirra and veraea, wiii be ebauged la the aaaveralon but tbat divni.-a nuauti arlutrary one whioh wa.

i...l iu «c, ordan.-e with Ihe l.-xt. Tho ic4laera, ItntiahBiid Anu ii. nn. bare Buade ihl-.wi.rk . laboro. love; theyhave tolled not for any recomp. tne. aud their work

ibould not l.e baatlly eouderuaeit I de notelalm for theiu

in.plratlon, but I do beuere work t-uuin not

I, ive li.en.l'iiie aa It hOOBerB without a higher aplt Itualdlrectton, whtoh mav not haie k.-pt tl.em irom tiuuian

errora but which ha. made their eflott. ci.ti-.-lentioiiaand ti-uihiiil Tbe taitb ef Broteataallaaa will uot belhaken l.y ihe new .evla..... ol the Hibie. Iu iheeouise

ol tUla r.,..k Ihe i..'iite-.i i,,:ii.l. bave not fo.n.d .itiyihinxiu we.iken their confldelice IB (hriatian revolaiion. 8ofar U piety aud uumau gentua au tnake tt, the uew re

vialou of ibe i.ibi. kiaa aaar perfeetae waeaa get lt.

WABM WBATBMt OVLMBMB IB KMALTT.I.itilo iDintiunt is iiic.liMloii tha reai aatata

maikei laatWeek. DulacB. WB8 tha general complainlB-B009 brokera, the aalee boIbb f.-w aad aa a ruie

iinimpoi-taiit. while thonueiii.u aalea pn-aeuted no fea-

turo ..f ratereet Thaaeeaoa xt praeMoallyeleeed aml

Oeaton are reconcll-d 10 a nio.ler.Se run of Imainn^a nn-

tii tbeautuuiB. Pncaeoanuaoe ttrat, bowerer, aud um

niaiKi-t ahoweao mdleauoB ol ih.- preaaoreof any proi.ertieeof uiaiiiiiuti.e lor a.le. Kati.or tuau aaertlice tbelrhuuliuKB inop.iij-owu.-ra aaeta fa__ roaalrad to

.tl,-n, over Ull UOBl BOaaOB. Tbe ennveyanc.-ai. Wook ended M .y 11 were 217 Ib ¦.«*».£*.&

¦.« a.-1-i-i 436 »» :ii!» (laTolrlBa f»e919,881)for,e ^ I',-,i', ,1 ii^ve.-k a ..«-.. There were M,rl« a > .t-'.tde.l. the an.ount n.Ni.hed belug

aVl7'tBB64 a. coi.ip.u.d wilh 887 (lBTOlTtOaIru.TV.Vfor the J*** ofJ^*."****_r.ioa repo-teil are thoaeor tiianv lot.. ihe (.Jhl,!lcl b) Hl.1 BBd >e,,,n.l.,^ea.audU..e.h..n-

,lri, Ih aud'4-d-aiid rtrnt .... w. re aold by \S II-. a i nildweil uud the H. B. ( oMnte to I'hilipL;" w ¦!,,..:!.,,^.,,.' 8ioo.ooa *_« \<«*»\srlrave aud 3e\.uin th il. h.,vo bOOB iold by U J. A J-

KSl '/I :. e' ei. -.1.1 to llenry I'ou.h Mr *4 IJW0.L .1 \l ll-.,.. uve hua iMaou aold by Ihe Morilmer,':;,,;f,'1lf.|.V..rA. m. MaUaraj Bjaaald Ba IM

i roiy aixth at for W.WO. I-. D . onnul ly .old to

,;;,,- , aii atary raet,,g. ai Ifiret-ara.! . ., tj ..-.-iiih-.i. for8l08.5oa Terenoe d-arl.y


S renort theaiile ol Ihe tlut at Ihe aoulhweat eomer ofN ive an.l ani) -ih.rd-al. lor 860.000, ta tha eatate

.r 1,,'ei.h', aud Xo. tu Weat tteveutythl.'d-8Lfor*;H.04>0.



'I'liii Hcini cetiti'iinial of Cliiist Epis<5opalOhaiaa. al Otkaeea .nd Barrktaa «t.., Hrookiyn. waa

eatobratad reeterdaf. The inornlng aervlce waa oon-

ttmrtl by Iba raatar, n.e Bar. Dr. L u. Baucroft. one ofihe former reitoia. the Rev. Dr. K. II. Cauflald. aud tha

Kev. Meiara. Boolh, Welwood and Faulkner.A_ hlitoilcal lermoii waa preached by Dr. C'aufleld, wha

was eonnected witb the churoh from 18.M to 1808. n«dwelt upon the .ucceaa of the work coudticted by theparlab, out ot which aeveral other churche* had beenfornied. The ehur.-b 1. not only freo from debt,but haa a balauce lu the treaaurv. lu tbe arternoontlie Snuday-achool of the cliur.-h w.;h th it of the h>dilook M'.aaion ih.ipel, which Chrlat Churcb.upporta, had.peclal exerclaea. ar wl.l.-h addreaa a were made by ]>r,Biiicroft. the Rer. Mr. Booth, of I'lnladelphia, urujother.. Thechurcb waa haiidaomely with flowera, and waa tbronged at botb eervlce-. ThU evculu* ami.d'.iii of the membera aud frleuda of tbe cburch will bali.-l to eoiiiu.euiorata the cloae of tho lirat flfty yearaof itaexiateuce.


Almost c-vory ship that ha« arrived in tliifport from Celmla alnce December baa brougbt aa part ofita cargo a large con.lgiiment of Cblneae mattlnga. Theywere intonded for the amnmer trade, thougb many roli.are aold in tho South during the wiutcr inentha. eo a»tenalra have been the Importatioiia, bowcver, ihat tbaconatgiiee. have beeu obligcd to throw their goiala iaiatlie anction rooma, aud the roiiaeijuence ta that pmi _blyn. ver liefore bara matttaxa Iteeu ao i-beap. The l»r c*|iiurchaxera iu tbe Unlted htatea. at tbe»* um tioui, bavabeen H. V. Wllllnui* Co., of Na. 250, a f-wdoora eaat of Broadway. A reporter. p_.,|n*liy the door ou rSatnrday, aaw the aldewaik covered »|turolla ln all varietiea «>r owlor, wailiiik fo: tiie tru< kruan totake them nway to allparl.of the country. Wnhln tb.atore were many people, exumiutnv ti.ed.ftereiit patiero.and bnjlng lu larger or arnallerquantltiea for __(.boine.. Tbe tliat Hoor. and lwm niei.t* or Baa. 24« .1,4'_'»0, and the hiiaeiuenl* of N'oa. '2-lH an I 388, wllieb nittbroagb r<> \v,ilker-»r., were *o Rltad witu rhe rolu thalit was bard work to fl'.d n pasaage among tlu-ni.

.. We have beaa be.rtar buyera at the au.-tion Mlerthni any oth. -rbriii in Ibo L'uited htalea, without exi .-_.-tjon." BBlfl Mr. Wllli.iuia. -'We ha\e these (l.iora Bfldi ellars fiih. ;ia you ae>*. and alao -,h maatid* of yarli- on.torago, but we aliall keep ou tuiying dur.u/ tbe -eaaon.Our purcbaaea mi far have ainouBted to over 183/108,We un- .iipplyli.g the beat hoiiaee in thia city, ami in faefln tbe I'.-llod Xlaiea, a- ^i II na aelllng at letail. Withhlanketa and hoiiaekeeplng dry-irooda tfcnrraiiy, l l_V8iii...Ie a »|.< cialtv of luutilnn for year., hut I Lave i.everknown Iheiu to be ao low as rlo-y are thia aeiiaon WaBI e BPllInx them from lo to 4" per BBflt helow eoat. Thareiaon we an- ahle to do thia l« haaaaaa tho eou.uneetlu thia ei.y, lielug iiuable to k< t tlie j.iliea <bev haveba**fl boldl.X for, have been < ompelled to aend them tothe anction rooma. The ia a net luaa to the rjkliiaaflmai.uia, tuiei ofPO neneiit. Tbe cflflatRBara,RaaaB.r,Bia -nfe he. ai.-e th.y have a iv.nn e.l upou the giHid.oulf a part of their value.about $H.'MM) on _,od. val.u-diit 880.1.90, We make a apecutlty of riirnl-hliiK taatt.ogafor instltiirioua. AaaaaR thoae for which we liaveorderala the b___da HoflM of AII rioul.' Cbuicb."

JVRDR MBBBBIZ BBMBJWB RFLEAXE.Ex-A.ssiMant Digliict, Attorncy John Vinc-nl

haa o ¦italiu-d wnts of naheaa c-orpua aadcertlorarl from Ju-tioe Daulel. in the Supr.-uiaCourt, for llarvey M. Munsell, the Juro*in the H.ort oaae, now ooi.fliicd ln LodiowHtreet Jail ty nrder of Jilstlcp Van Bnn' fotii.'.teuipt of court lli vtsllln-,-the im mi-..r o'J) nuv*.Baaaa, wiiile tbe trtal waa in progrcaa Tliewrnaarar. to-dav. \Mr. Miinaell in lis applicat.onaxra that JnaUoa \tm> Brunr li.i'l m, .-lUtliorlly to u.aketue fi.iii.g aud Imprlaouiog blm for couteiupl ofcuin l iu tbia cuao.


MABIBJf f.v//.;/,_/(_iiXUB.mtivi .niR .> ttj t v>r vi

eanna-a, 4 3a, «.,. 7:08 steo-. »e»» lll* *"*»«..._. K 4ui, i vuh.i r >- > i

ljul mtf u..v_ luaa *o». i ifial 11,18 im i*» Ow*


OalIM .Mveroool.,;na.rdFri.ia._liamourr..Il»mb..AB_rin.iiuend'eBta..P.leruio.*aaloMi ri-l . Win.twanil.ianoa .Queoeetleae .Weat tmlie.... avana.Viuii

TTJB*al'AV. MAY 19Ilr.tiah Klng.Llverpom..OawaAnei.ona .'Jiasirow.Auc.or.'la'.-horj .Hrem.-n .B. ta l.lovdv ern ack', .t'.IHrniiEdlthOoJdaa...Monteijo B*T.V.__ftl'.

WEDNKiO.lY B IV 88.-tar-'v''e

r ... .ABlvem ... .It*t rfiarr v .>, Wa-hingron.Havaaa an.l Mextco.Aicxauure'.

Valencia . laimnvn.ReuX)

fillir. j » . . fflPOUT OF NEWVoBK_.wUN'DaY. MAY 17. 1SAJ.

ABBIVBAMenii'-r''h!cB»ToiBri. Jonea. Htill Aorll-'n, taadBB Mir 17

withui.Le to Baaeerasa4%Baa. Arnve.l at the Bar at J.40p tu.

uainer Pol.rla (Ow. .Se'iajle. II untiar* 1(5 Cara. withn.,s,.., to I'he I* H.oiJtCo AiTived at the Bar

Btetaaor(Jeeuaviaha_9r\ Thotnai. Aprll l. K;un.(_ca'anla o I'alerini 17, ser.lle .-.(. Ma .v_a _'4. OH.raltax'.',,» ni, M "rder; »,'M.i. to Seager Broi Arrive.1 ai tb.I;. .i ,!o ani ___,_

-teainor Tilnldtd (Bn. Fraaer. Ber.iuda3 -'ara.wlth o,'.aaaml paaBBBBBBra u. A 8 Oiitefbrlda- a Co. ArrtTed at Ui. Biu-

Bteanael Seoeea, Wafhar. N'ewp.irt Newa ind VVnat Foluf,Va. with n,l»o »nd naaaen-er. UiOld Doni-rlon *a CoBteeaaef FlneMiat_L Mulx, UaU.aiore. with cual to C'oaioU-

dai. IC . _

BaaaaBarOejB Wliltney. Bearaa. Boaroa with mdae to II rI'lluoel

.-I. p -n.anne (fler-. Ziuke. Brenieo 2-4 daya. »ltti n.nvttoor er; veaa»-l lo llormann ko,,p<* «'«.Mil> al Ile ha«en. Ani w.rp >5 itava. with eemen.

ai d einptv toonler vca»--i .-> -ler-'ian k'oop A Co

ftblp lirdwtg er Mina.en Amaterla. '. d lya. with ironand r.nptr ll illBlB lOBfiBBT veaa >. to If-wuiuan KoopA oBara lli'* IJnce .((en. r.aeher. ltau.nur* Ul aaya. with

mdae toop'er. veaael n> l-uuch. kilT. * CoBark l.'.id n ll , crown, Am-d-rd.n. 98 (lara, with «rtre

an il en.pty h rreli to unh-r vt-aae, to ioo * A llar.:ee*.Bark aTaaato I. ( arvt le ,of hl Joi.n N'fl), n.-ruler. Ati.'ur

,1 ia. ''Ut,. mthlrou aml empty harrela to order. veaa^ ioFunr! IV.v .* C"


har. cortuna (Uer I.ennhanlt Rottvrdam 4, dars, witbeinnt. barrr -. lo order. voaaul to 0 Tobiaa .t Co.Man i'ar otta iltal). V.iierira. Loa ond.rry 40 dava. in bal-

laal lo Auaiin llai<l«rln ,v i'oliwk straiU'iy ( f MailndNR tr.nbart. Pl-at'.a l'.'t

dayB, w'.h Bili'a.e of laduto t" 11 BtBhata v.aael tu J 9 »Int-BO! 8 l u


U.rk Agne. Br>. Friend, Pemaiobnco 3j dara witb.n-ar lo H II Swift .*Co: *eaae,'.. de<» F Uulley,

li'.ra J .',,ei Kiti-lii-n (Bfi, Kl eSen Harbodoe. 'iO daya,wit.i .u<:n in Heury Beate; veia.1 to Beammoll, e.,ra-ieitn Wallaoe >a» all .laya. wiui eo»ar t.or-

di-r viMrl tn Miiler llnu«!iti,u.Hara-elma Un Bacb. lrmidid 31 daya. with amrar te

Howuu.l A Aaiuuv. alli v.aael to c Tobiaa A Co.Bark nan.-a. Ka.i-ra. Havani Apnl 14, MaUniai

90, with BBBjaB to order. veastil to Jas U flrettHL \s:;i .Wim ii l» l-ot. m».leiate, _b thic* an.l

fot*y. At ( lty Ialam*. ligal 8 wear.^ Hook-U p n-ttaroo^tar. 30.0,51 Tbernnxn)ier 4*.:

wui.i. k. i BBkaaj Woathw, loggr.HAII.KD.

fiteamera Mlnho. for Lou.tou. Il-rman Cortei, Ban-elona.llaik iJ'eslern i hiet. for lliu!{. Jeaaonda. Hrrmen.a!*. aailoit-via Loug i.Iaad .Souud.Shlp Win II B8Brltn.'k,

for suanguaLtub BnVKSK 8 0«T 8T8-U9B8Ja

f lilKIHH PUrtTi.beaBBBBj Sfayl7-ArrtTed.ateauierCaB.-4da 'Br). P4urc*\

from New- Vorli. _, _

trOOL, May'..'. sanea 1888888 iwri, Hax-well and Kanaaa.Bri. «ilei». Boaton.

.7 iirive.1. aioa BtW Bo 'ie-.-r un. fTitl. BlltlB.oi-mwn.v .ilayl7 \mvert. ateamer City o. Ch-a4ter

Bi i, Coiiilion. frou, New Vurk on her way to Uverpool ~i(l

m*\*m\._r__-r-- IU:u». ftom Uverpool tn»e.

'"nVanrTa"^.^ 11 Arrlred. ateam-r WiMand BBMJ BeVi, .. :i,.u Now-Vork May 7 ou h.r way to ilan.burg 1988988.

RiTll, May I F.AUUOd, sleamer Bt I-nreet (Fri. Joosatv

l^oth-aa^aaaMBW Jforoiandlo (Fr,. Fran_uei, tor N.w-Y.,rl.

I.""" WEflT 93d-aL ffYaot parlor) is the oftico?^ o of th. Phyilciai ef The Swift hpeciflc Company.

Co-ianltatlon free. Blood i'oiaon. Hkla Dtoeeae. I aucer. aud

all aSectiona of the bloo t an.1 abin. AU in.e.est*l are iimtod

to call .-w.ft a spi-cinc la a .lmple Tr«et .bi. reraedy entn-lT

har.uleaa. bat ao pow.rful tn its attion ttuU it flnda and rjoia

out tne itoat violeut pmaun._



Over flft.en yeara 8go . ean>er maile IU apiiear ir..v on tb>

face. It wa. treate«l with iliainra, and tne eore came »ot,

llmpaehaaleduyaTteraoiue lime. and .eanilo.-ly r.y taca

vf aa well H.iwever. in a BBB year. N r. nrn»l a^ala wiU

more ftS BBOa th»n erer It itave ... a areat deal of pun. Tha

lat uer ramelT aeeni.d to do ll no irood Knowlnr rhedia.aae

to run ln ihe tamlly. having had on. ...ter t* dle with cuwr,

1 became aerioualy appr.haa-lve ol my cuditloB. It r»B-

t_BB-l to mcreaae ln aite and lh8lllH I almo.1 gave up al

hope of ever betn« cur^l. Tb. phy advBB)f BB na. ot

the Knife and caualle. Thi. wa. more thaa 1 ...ula be.r. bb<

r.fuaed to bav. it operated upo-i in that way. All wiue'

dies aaad. but Ibe cancer continued to «row w.-ra.. rae

p-4Bw»aB« and uiy llfe wa.aalaarl.1. Ia «.«.»

treunty my a-.n, l>r Uardman, reoommended >wirr.<x It waa th. laat reaort, bnt I waa bj prcjuali»laaainat the u.e of pat.nt medielueiv and eepeeially Uil» ina,

tha. IliMltateaiaoiue time. At laat I gave my coaaeBL ao»

h. II rlug there waa anv vutne li. 11; The 8t»l botlle »nl» »

areaoad the slze of tbe a.ire and the llacharre'run. iU aa*

haaaa 981 >'o* Inaplre me with any hope. <>b takitig ,lw'**

ood Dot.le there were .lirn. of lmpravement. and my toBB

air.nKlhened Juit m proportloti. 1 nsed the sptv.*<¦ rt*

wasti m the tmalment of uiy oaacer with reiuarkabl. *atC**'<1 apooged thesor. with the m^.leine ilyu.ed with a htUB

wator. It auftene.1 th. aoab. toole.1 ibu fate and rell.V4«l «¦Itohlng aciiaattnn. The »pot oa Biy fa. e began to .te. ro,*V'w- U aa Ute clacbarire. and hope iprang upln my beart *J~*tt be, l aaked myaelf. ihat l waa at laat to be r-Uava.'. ef «¦

dlatntaal lt bad gUen me ao many .lar* houra ln '.>.»."thatth.ideaofbelng w.ll aca.a almoat or.rpow"*» "

There waa a conle.t b. »Weaa hope .ud fear t..r a M9 t.

It wa. a l-m_ nlght ef wwpli.r. bu. Joy <.«... with t.o bbww-

tnf Th.rawB.notblngi.tu mark th. pl.ce. but a «.-

war. and 1 feal U»at lt U laipo-ilhl. for a>. to «I^'2Kratltude for tbla «re.t 88bViIIB8I »«» *?»*M "

",._. BIW. OLIVK UAi'.liMAN,

Jan.0,1S84._. "

BWX8T8 BPBClFiCtniwt not ba reafeaii.led wltfc tbe

numToo. P.U.h. M.rcurraudsaraaparll!a uii.'-ar,' »w

ar. belug adT.rtl.e-t a. pBaAOBBBBlll TheralB BBBBIBIiib. our ramedy la the wortd. Call at ear N. V. e«c. «

tor traaUae oo Bleod aad ^kla lilaeai^TUKbWIKT BPK11K1C DtV

Drvwer 3, AUante, «»

X Y. Ofaae 1187 Weat 5a3da«. (froat pe_*»-*