Download - New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1869-03-01 [p 2] · with the vtOW, ai.d lf bia oolleagiie. didI ao. ...


XLtii OONG B BSS.11 Ii. Sbssioj-t.|. ..WABB-lB-rtpn. Fel). 27-

Mr PE8SENDEN (Rep.. Me,) preeanted tihe

J21,.I,li,ii.iil,.lllaml.n.-*eaai'.rcl,,'t1 .r ' tafalUifoloompletloa of

';:, £¦»«.'.!".<,wll,,. Afrtt_,_CU__l_-t_'

niB eOB8TIIUTIOB4J. AMBBWIIt_r _rr_.W_.I-X (BeP** Nev.)0-fcre_ a reaolobon tt-J*r. ""¦"'."*

.... _,*_.__ ,,,

JtX!l_-a ..... T< CHKOIT BI. 1-

0-ni',!~,...M,'.H.. ¦::'^X ^bnitoal. (F ^ic,-""re'Hgre-da_m.niln,«¦:,?-... tl..-<wiii»i«"r« , ..,|lUiro,tto.rtrikl.ig fr-B_ tho ,'"'"M. ...bcf.,. «ny of auld

V » ia:..rity, tlie United bt*U~»a^bo^J_»usiwiLy .*¦ °f tho

,UMr'rK .Y\i:n (Dem.. DoW ~ad no objcction to tbe flrat_*____,¦ti' ti..- Wll U« he bellovcd tl'at tbeae*B-< 10.U.J ni" . ¦.'.*.

,. , WM.._oilynnnece-~a.7,atid^y'fiai.'i-J"l-iS-l-o--. -H t^tcfore. Ue uiovt-,1 to

*tMrC-t."'i.,'ri).v (Rep.,Infl.)aald tho aeetloniwnanoooo-aarVaaa limltBrton t.p»n the po«oa'Ba fcake coln oon-

tracta*r tbo declHH,.. ol tl.e euperlor loiirt.Mr 1 111 1 IM-lll - *-. -f¦ "I'Ved t<* «trlKO

o* i.* "lan-eof Ib. ~hMi*~i rUvldla* Ibaten thet.ia-

...--.. nn aKl.t tor tl.. CHfoAieiaeu- of a c~n coatract,nroof t,f tm- real .(.iisi.Iti.iioii uiay Ue -.>-¦..1 it7 Vl .1 -.1)1 N (Uep.. Me.) naw do leawn why the

ne.'tii- <.f tba ooantry ahoold not be e-lo_red to makef5a.Ton.ra< ta ._ wbatever form thev ahouldPl«**»J«»«

,,sl thut tinv lu Itatlon ol tl.eir rlght to ooea,.,.-.i teSd to poatpone tl.e re.uuipUou of -pecle puy-

%Ur"Ci.NKT rsv; fJBiP N Y.». nl8» ttuwiRlit it better to

lefv tlie"ik-ople free to BBOlH sucb coutxaet. as tbey mlgbt

"SSj^HOWEthonjhttbe elBOBi rroposod to be strnck_ut abould t>e retitlne.l it* a pn.tection. .____?.Mr IiIXON (D_-o. Conn.) aald tbat bv a refereuce to

IhValobe. ue lo-nd in be Houae of Bt piesentRtive*tt-. united voteaof tbe four meinbera fro... r.iimect cut

werealven In favor of Uie bill. He waa glad to aee tlmttliore wa- no party dlfferenoe OB tbl* nue_tion among tlielieu bera froa ._- Btate. He intend. .1 to vote ln ao-

cordYnoo with the vtOW, ai.d lf bia oolleagiie. didI ao.

tho voto "f Oonoectleol would b_ unauiuioua ln botbHouse* on thi* que-tton.Mr HKM)Kl_.ON (Rep.. Mo.) moved to amend tbo ncc-

oi.d BOO__va bo aa to lravo only the worda " made sneeltically piiyabl*. in coln ehall be toraland Titll.l. and mar be erifoned accoiiling to ita terma.Mr. CUKUK1T (kep.. )reSoiii tboUKht l~~ .__.". °_

boads would bo im n ,-.(.-. and onr oredll fonUt.Tren|itb.ined, by the t1.~T w.-turn or Uie bil). and that,tii.ref...**, lt oii-ht to bo_-is.1t «i. .,__>

Mr. HKNDKRSOS'S uuitauliuent was then rejectea.¦yeaa, 10; Nav*. 85.


Mr. UAYAkl'"*. motion to atrlke out tbe acooud aeotion.aa then loBt.Yeii-,:; 1.8/8,-7. _¦.__.___.

Tbe Be_ate, at 4:30 iVeliKB, took a rt-cese until 7 o clocB.BVl.M.Mi .*-K.v'

Tbo Senate reaBseiii-bietl _t 7 o'clpck.Mr WILBON .ntrodtued a bill for the more equal dis-

tributionof tbe Natlonal Uankln-. capltal.It l,r,.v,.;-. tb*. tb*r* .faall I-* f.'Qr l,BB.lrr.l» ,. I ,.f h*B_ DOttt

an.1 t£it ,.B* bat,ilr«i totlHoBi of (rr«-t,l_ioti _-i-.ll be -itMrura ao ti.ittl.. aaannt uf rjrcalat-.a .Ball rot b* Incri-aani. Tb* ubjrct t.l tb. bUlla U> el*. irjrrr.liD* hai.lti_« farilitlaa Bot i-uw a_~.-.i_»I.T iBpprtrd.Mr fllKKMAN (kep., Dblo) offered a rejH.lution to au-

tlH>n_n tbe rooognltiou of tbe liulep*-iidenre of Cul.u undi_utlio!i7iii_ tl.e wbenever, in bl. oplnlon, ( mIth

el.All have oatabHabcd an liidei»ndent Oovernnient de

faelo, acfordlu* to Ihe law* ol natione, to recognuo berii'deir-iitleiice. ReferTod. '

on motion of Mr. DAVIS the blU to lnoorporate tholtaeouio Mutuul Bellef Aa-totullou wa* Uk.u up aud

*^h Motlon of Mr. W11/50.. the 1olnt reaolution dona-tin*. eoudemi-Enl OB.BOO for tbe cr_atiou of tbe tuouu-tu.-t to (Juu. McPheraon wa* passed.

THB Tl'KKIBIl 8TPRKMACV.llr. 001,1. (R«P., (a)) ottered tbe following Jolnt reao¬

lution, anti asked to b.ivo H l.ud on tl.e tubieBt il reivlrcl, dr., Tkit t!.* Prrai.lnt ofth* I'lnU-d Stit*-, b* T*»-

qisi-Fal to -i.irimuiiicii- lo tba (.real I'-wrH af Kur*[.* tla piT* cob-

Cera uita. butn taoold r*.tnl inr lBterf*r*j_ca ob tha

£irt *f th.-e Pi. J**. fiToriag th* p.rp*t___*<>- of lh* Turkiihanprtntttjtto uia-irl,,.( titotee. ... .

Mr. MOKRII.1. (Rep , Vt.)-I think it 1* time to proceedwltb tbe bu«._e_* for whicb we carae bere.

THK rVULlt; CUKlJlT llll.I. KK-l MKO.Tho Pennte then romimed tlie couhidt'ialion of tbo bill

to streiiis'tl.en tle HtMr. iJOOUTTU. (i.i i.i.. W!*.) epoke in oppoiltion to

the bill. Hesaid lae flrat --tcp toward paymK tbe publlod.-bt and ro«umiu_ ajieele payment wa* tbe reductlon oftbe l.itcreat; but tbe pending bill aeeini ,1 d(*iK"ed ex-

pr__*ly to ptevent thal from iHinif doaa, and, lf It were

pa*-j?d, any *uch rc.laitli.u woald Bc luipo-aible. Mr.Iioolittle here rticl fioiu au i:iii;.isli authoriiyto ebow that the tnglisb holdori* of the flve-twenty bontUunderttot.d tbat tbey inl_bt not bo paid iu coln; and boatated tbat tbe uiider-tundlu_ wa* tbe aaroe in OernAfter ton.e furthrr dlnciii-i.m. uu anu-iidiii.-iit oil.iel

by Mr. Heiiderraon to tbe Ilr.t aetiiion wa-s rcjectctl, audtbo bill w__ tUt-u paaaed bv tbe fo.lowi_K voto:

raa*Mb*iF*rrr, Mnrr-ll iM* )} Pttwart.

DalUII,¦'.«. M<.rrtiltVt), Bu_i»*r,aliog, .,»*-. Br*.

Co*****,*r**.B (N U ) TnilB.C.rhrtl. llar.a,,, laaa,\\ ,.,*.,

Crat.*, liarri*. 8awy*r,anl,iH.i-i, H.naar., M. riaaa, -Ha»»-38-BdaiBudl, -lurgaa,

B_a_BCo',*,H*nrtfr_nn. Mn-t'.B.Roaa,

ijoi-i,. Hnvtrokt, Oalxra,I****,:l_>Bf >'rrtry, -»**» (Tetin.)V> a,Ia,

Fo«l*r, M»Uo_*ld, P.BI.T.T. Wilrt,.1*.(auicron and Aiill.ony. -wbo would liave voted "yOB,'

w.rt p.t.ifil witb KelluKK and Sorloii, wbo wouitl bave

%°(A motlon of Mr. t-IIERMAN. the tltle of the bill -ascbange*!. Tbe f-li<>winK u tl.e bill aa paaaed:An Art r.iatltii to tb* I'ul.lic _>*btbt U .<_-.*'.. 1 bat .. ortlcr to r*irnre ir.T rlou'.t al to tb* parpoa* ol

Ot.v.rata.ut U.-uchir.* ill laataettl* coBlicting qu*,tl,>ni au. lBt«Tpr*rtati«_l of Iba la-i by rlrtoc oftjt.irb a.r-h abng-Oaa* hnr* b*--. t___r__l__, it li __*¦_** pr»nrle_ n.darlar*- tbat tue failh of tb* l uitv. 8uir* u a-k-Bal* 'p.*.!|> J :o tkipiTiaa.t ia caiia or 1U, t.unil.ul of all | I of tl.* luit*.t.ut.1. *ic*pt in ciie, »b«rc tbe latr a_t_eru_B| tt,* l_*u» of i_,-.,irb»b.,liti..rj bil ctpr-tilr prondail tbit th* uiu u:i/ b* puJ ls li» ful¦tnoer. ot nlber rurrruor tban (ruid ir-l iili ir.

Bat l Atul bt ll fottker na.tcd. 1 bai a..r ront-ar. b*rrtofnr* Bidl,| of wbleb mty b* a ..aa

er" * ». . ot pteptttT, tt l_* r*i r »»rri*e of inri r prit* ot mli.Ai iinrrlH ilat.. tr.* roilr..; ,.a> _.!.__*.__.

n tl,* l.aala of Ibe eoin Tilu* Uwrrrof fc'tb* rr-Jrrinc of tteti otttire or .ibor, aball be lejfa, aual tliat, aa. mayta auforcrd n-ra-r-iu. to Ui teraia.At 1. o'ciock tbo .Senate adjourntd.

¦0011 OF Ri:i'kK.-KNTATIVI IThe Pl'EAKI-I. prcsciitc.l the .-.tition of

Tbou.aa Allen of Allauta, Ua. a*kii>K to be rottOTOd (TOBBpoliti* al tllfiabllitie.ilncurrod|by partlcipation ln tbe lio-bellion. Referred.Mr. KI.IOT, (lU-p. Masa.) preaentod the petitlon of Chea-

ter Snow-and other eltizi-i.*. of HaaoachnBOttB. pravlnglor the reuioval of obstrDctlonB at Hill (late, Ifew-Tork;Mi-.., oertau. reaolvr* of tiu, Lenlalatur. ..f Maaaaehuaettain behalf of tbe Benate bill for the .--.tubliabuieut of a.lineof Auierlrai. Hte*iui!ltii^. It.-ferred.Mr. BOUTWELi. (Krp. Mhab.) from the Commltt-e on

.tructlon, rt-iM.rtiHl a bill iu ad.litlon to au ik t en¬titled: " An aet to relieve from political diaabilitit-s ccr-taui p*-r*Joiis tlitrem, aporove.i July t~, 1**." Mr.HOUTVVKLL eiplitined tbat tbe bill waa alinply a correc-tion ofsome rolstakea made iu en_ro__iug tbe aet. Tbobill waa paaaed.

oojctebted Bi.arno-' caheb.Tho I_oa»e l__0__o_l tbe o,>i,cidt'ratii>n of the l/0ul*lana

eontested election cane of Jonea a^t. Maim, on wbicb Mr.UpBort, of Miclifitan, wa* entitled to tbe tloor. Ile argu.-d.xain.t Kivtnfr, Mr. Jones tbe aeat, on tbe <rrouud of bianot having recelved a .uflloleut uu.ul.erof votea. He aaid,at tbis late day of tbe »e*j-lon be did not pr-opoae to takeup the time or tbe Houae, diacuMing tbia gue*tioii. Hewould yleld, however, to *uoh geutieuien aa wl_Ued to bebeaitl on tbo au't*r*"<t.He yleltl* .1, flrht, to Mr. BI_40__BT7-UI (ll»p.. La.), who

favi.ri-d glvliin; tlio -i-at to Ur. Jour*, on tho generalprluciplcNof riftht and lii-it.t',-. He did not lntend to aaybiiytlifi.K dt-roi;.itory of tl.e charaeter of Col. Mann, nowdeoeaaed. Oat Mann wa* hl* fnend, and, he would aay,an boiiur,it,!.' gtrff.rt-.BB. He Inui tx-en elected, how¬ever, by tbe ni' ii «t.*c linmlh w* c r. ,1 wltb tbe blood ofpatrioU, and be (Maniu, after flgiitli.'.* Um aaeOB-M of tbocountry, ufterward traternlieu witb tbem. TboCoinuiitteeoii EleotlOM bad (taid tbat Mr. Jonee falledto make out a t__ao. If tl<- DMBDbera ot tliat comuiittoouii.ItTBtotMl tbe condition of aDVirn Mt tbe Boutb, tli.-yWould aMKrOClatO tbe d,__t ultj ol Uaakliig out B O-J-t lufavor of loyaltT.Mr. MAYHAI-D (Rcr.. Tenn.) l.oped to bo able ln the

ten BBlnutea allowed bfiu to »i,-,w tl at all tbe niint-ipie*of Jnatloa w.rt on tbe aide of irlving Mr. J»ne* tue beOlalaied, 'Ibe iiii.-j-tlou waa whetber Mr. Jom* wa* orWH8 i.otelcctcd in Apnl, 1-87. _Ii.Jun(-s wbb ojh-.immI b* reby Meaara. »ti*f __<-n_,r_, two gri.ll-a_B_> «,!_> _i_j.

oppob-d eiub ottit r. It wa* to the:r*| lhal Mr.Joues abould nol bave tbe aeat. Mr. Muyuard rc_4 fromthO leatluiouy of et.c Of tl.e OlOO-iOB Ju.:-e. to hbow IflBl11.6 .whole of voute ca_t lu tli.- __ooud Congrea-bioiibI IMatrtct of LouUiaua at tb. election ln Aprtl, lr«i%»m l'-,-ln, of wbleb Mr. Jonea rc'--''!v_rl ,. clear uiajoritr.Mr. COOK (U.-p 1,1. j, a uieniDor of tl.e Couiii.iltee onI'VetloiiH, taid tlmt tbe Jud^e of Kl.. tion* to wboiu Mr.Mayuard referred, bad uo meau* .t kuowiug wbat thanatul wa» attbe ditft-rcnt pollu.i. til_..d a* tbo liiue beaay* be couuted tbe vote*.Mr. DAWKS (i:.p., Mum.,. chal.u; n of th* 0*.mmlMee

oa Klccti.'i.*, proteated agaiust _*__,h] i,,g a prec«denl,wbitb wouitl allow tbo tCBUtuouy ot ou* witi_e.__ Vo aetaside a BBae'a election.After further di»cutV»lon, tbe Bniwittiit. oBrVred hy Mb.

Llackbiirii, reeiting tbat Mr. Jonea _-, eutltled to the tenb,wa* rejeotod, and tlie r_aolat__-_i reported trotn the Cnm-rulttee on Election*, -ettlni; fortii L-utl _Ir. Jonea i* nolen'ltlf-d to a *eat lu tbe Hou*e, froai tbo _4>_oud D_*r_tof Louiaiana, were adopted.Mr. UPSO-i (lt>p.. Micli) ealled op the eontrated elec¬

tion caae of Meuard agt, Huut, fro.n tl.. !Id I>i»|_icl ofLouutlaua.Mr. MAYNAltT; a-k*-d unanlmou* eonaOBl thal J. \rillia

Mciiartl, wbo ia a uegro, boldlug the c.rtltlcaLe of el*-t-tlon, be ivtnru lu u* tbe auiiLg __oUiber, peudiug ibeconaidcratii,;, of tbe caae.Mr. WOOD (l>eiu., V. Y.) and Mr. __£__¦ (Dem., Ind.)

oblect<-d.Mr. UI'SON fRep., Mlch ) moved to'au.-pcr.d tho mlea

for tbepuipoiw of allowing of lUe eoii-eatant* 11mlnote* to Bd<lre_n tlu- Houae iu tlicir om belialf. Th»rule* were .usiK'uded, uihI Mi. .Men.trd made li-» api^ur-auce about the cenu-r of tbo K. i.iblaan placa iu tbeH'.u-o.Mr. WOODWAU1) (Dem., l'» ) attggrsted that Mr.

Menard »pcak frou, tlie (_ li rk* d»-»k. i_,uiiblt-r nu,__i;IbH Dem... r>it* )

it. '. Y_._? ,JV!^N tlltl'' N v¦' ¦'-.¦.¦..'.¦* .« thia.TiieHi'KAKKK*., - no «eat of

lil* own ou.tbe floor.couUl tpeak frou. uuy place bopleaaed.Mr.MKNARDthenaddr.wl the E*m. referrlng totbe iBct tlmt Mr Hautbad nol taken iba teatlmonywithin the uiu*- provldad l,y tbe aet II*. «a),l tbul lf MrHunt dl*l ie>t kBOW Uie iaw of _4.ljir.t_M be -tu a verypoor ailliject to M'lid to Ci.n.T-, ... ,,, ;,,,,.. XWAt dottueilh good one, and cai ,, ,,i among tueiu-_*_.*. ile wcut ou to argue tbe dt._.i_ ol tbe uuobUou lu


1 liln wai in.'


''...'l.'^N rleellned to vlel 1 the BoorfM that UUTga*Mr (II ANI.EK (I >.n... N. Y.» appealed to Mr. Upsoi. U)

l.-t Mr Muyiiar.l lu.ik.: that motion. ^^...Mr. UP8DN deeUned to flo ao, aABauttaUtt ».«

ti:c-fi,ileii,uii from Nciv-York wonld ba f-Ui.d VRUUJf

"^-rB%HANL__B pers'.ttln* ta bls eff-.rt to Jiava tlie.,;, m-'maV. the,8PKAICER rema.kc. Oattgaff*t*-man from Mloblgan araa aaUtlad lo the lloor, and iuust boprotectcd in ln. iIt-litn. ..Sir CHANLEK mtiniated ttaat Kf">t'<,ID<>n on tho Ke-

poblleaa side wera alwaya prot.-ctad bjr tiie Hpeaaer,whlle tboee oo tbe Domocratle side were not.Tlie Sl'l'AKF.K sald tlie gentletnan from l^ew-.ora

waa not last, tor be liad had bls owu rl>~hu prot. ctod bytbe Speaaer on every oecaalon. __. ___. __,!___.Mt ( UWII'K reptted tlw.t hr bad nppenled to tbe

Bpeakei when qn< Mtioiw ot vorncity Nt.-re paw-ed betweentoe-bera. uud tbat ttae Republlcan uieinbera bad been

J and ttie I). mocnitle nienibers hud bcou pun-

Xtaa Kl-EAKKB.Tlie rcu.arVs of tba rentleman fromNew-York ere nol reapaatfUl to the ( balr, nor aro tlioy

Mr. CHANI.F.K.V.-ry wall, Sir, I will leave that (jues-tloii t(> bc dceided I..V tllO Hccotld.Mr. IJPHo.V then weut on to arjftie ln support or tno

iictioli of tbe ("oniiiiitte© on »K!'-i Ilol'.n, B8_l to ttiuw tliatneltber of the clnimatits for tbe eeat, J. w, Mcnard or

Caleb 8. lltmt, were eoHtlefl to ttae eeafc He«~aaoae-tmned by Mi-hsm. Bebenok. u.utl.l.i. aad P«due to»Q»ihat Mr. Monard had tbeaame pt-imafucie ri«lit to tne

se.-t, hnldln-r the (..t-tliia-ateof tho Uovernor, tliat everyother ltei.reaeutative had. ___.___.Mr. Ul'SON ut^-ucd tliat they Imd g»t past tho j>

fttcie ens.e, nnd tliere were no inents Itt it.Mr. (JAKKIKI.D (Kep., Oliloi In.nilnd wheth.T Um

Rentiemau lno.iit to *.*>. tbal tiiw waa un ru-.tion eaaa lawbloh there waa no prtmo faett rlgbtMr. ITMiN r.iiitire'ito.l tliat porhiipe tha iceiitleinftii <llil

not under.Uiid Nvlmt prima fiteit incatit, aml l.e iravo1,itn tho liiterpreiatlun of it by a Veroont Judge. aa

being n ense which was good on lU faee aud bad iu ttarear. Il.aughterl . ,,

Mr. Kl Ull (Dem Tnd.) <>f the mlnorlty «f the Commit¬tee on Kleettoiis, arniied tliat Mr. Hunt had i»n iiiniues-tionuble ngtit to tlu., liavinif reeelved unovcr-

wlielinmg ma|ority of tlm rolee paal i.t the eleetlon.Mr. p/lNK (Rep., WM.) moved to ui.ici.d tl.e reMiliitlon

br a provlstoii admlt.ii.K Mr. Monard to bia pciuliogtlie ..nni-V l atloii of llt« (.Ueatlon. __-,_, ..--_.- ._.AfterTurther dlscneslon i.n Meaara. r.T.n.,PAI"\E. andOARI'IKLD, the House proceedcd to v.,t«a oii tbe ti-iious

urooositions. The vota uaa ftral taken on the i.-.. ut «.n

of the inliu-rtty or the Committee of Eleetioua, aeclaHngCnl.-t. H. Hunt duly eleeted. und lt was reJ-oled-Yoae,ii; Nays, 136.

, _.

The va.te Nvag next tsken on Mr. Pntne's nnicndmerir,adtinttlng Mr. M.-mtrd to a a.-at in the Hoii.e, and tboaniendiiiiitit wua icjcct.-d Yeaa, -7; Nuyt. 180.Mr. DAWE8 moved tliat the who]" mil.Jcct bc lald on

the lat.:.-. Aftaed to without a dlvitioti.Mr. 1MWKS tben oflered a resolution for the payment

of tbe two tfaimanta, Blmon Jonea nnd .t. w Menaro,8_,r/i0 each for timo spent and expenaes inctirred.Mr. KKKK niov.-.l to anaadtbe raaakaUoa by uddmg to

lt the uuuic of Caleb H. Hunt, th»< otber claiiiiaiit.A rURfW.NAI. KXI'IASNTIOIt.

Beforo hnving tlio vom takaii. Mr. Dswm yleldcd ttaeflui.r to Mt, (hiiiilcrfor a personal explanalmii in r.f.r-oneo to it di-ferenee of optnloB between the hpes_. r andhimself. Ho procceded to extr.uti. Imuii /'k UM*laMoratbtU aa bad been eorroet la bia aaaertlon tblaini.miiig that the ("p.-alicr, on a que.-tlon of vertictty <.<-

twaaa ili.uil.erH, bad d.-cld.-- Iii oi.ia war tli re.-->a'ct to KOpublleaa membcra, aud in an opMMlte ln n spj ci t.. Deraocratie ineiiihcrs, rcfcrrltn,' to tneeaaea of Mr. 1-m-nn ofIUinols, and Mr. Hull.r.M.k of I.ialio. WOB cot.tra.lnt..ryaml uufuiiiidi'd in pat¦iiaiuciitary l)r;wLi. a-*.

Tbe BPEAKER remarked ttaat, Inttead of h»-1iigaper-Bonal expianatioii, tha remarUs of tlm reatlemao fromNow-York were nn attai-k upon the i hair. Tlio lau-guago NNhieh tlm genth-uiati had tiM'd this inoridi.g hadFaUen «p»u the Bpeakt.i'e ear as a fllroet n Beetlon aaonhia veracity. Ho Uadiiii.lcrr.tood him to say Ofloneatioii* <_T veracity he wonld appeaJ from the dof tbe chiilr. and he had replled that tbe lanRuagawaanot rt~*|M*tful to the t hiui, nud wa* imt true. It nnjs tbeonly responso tnat a gentleuan could make ta mi. h »

remuiV. Thr Bpeaker then referred to the Iwooaaaacitodhy Mr.Cbanler.ttae eaaaa of Meaara. Ugaa amlH.ilbrook-aud ^lioMi-.i that the remarkaof Mr. Loganliad nnt been intended te taaoffenslve, nnd hud beeu Imm.-.iut.-iv wltbirawn; wblle ttaoee ol Mr. Ilolbrooft badbeen groaalj ..U, aalve.had been repeatedAnd bad nol beenretrin tcd. Tbe Cliali woald leave tbe qaeatton, uot to in*

polltloal aaaoelatoa, nol t<. tboaa wbo put him ln bi* paal'tia.ii, bul Iii) woald ie.ivc it fcurlt k.i1> lo tlm polltleal ns-

aoeiatca of tbe gentlciuan tlm now arraigaed hlmwhether tnere was not tbe «l.ieut poaaible eootitween tka two .'.iH.-s, wi.ich the geotleaaaa from aaw-Tork bad elted for tbe parpoae, tu. second tlme on theaame day. »f attaekingtbe pre-Jdlag aflleac al Itaa Eleoeaof wbleb bo waa u SDeaabar.The QUOStion WBB tben taken on the resolution and

amendment, nnd they were agreed tMr.WAKI.a-ikiit leave toofar a reaolnlion Inatrueiiug

Uie Committee on Publie Buildings and Uroundatolu-qulre Intn the stiiteinent tbat tbe rflleaol Otwrge Watb-iniftoti, tnkeii from tbo Arllngloii Maiitioii, Nv.-rc aUOUl tobo ro.t'ired lo tii n.

Mr. BROOKBOtajeeted.Tha ll.-iiho tben, ul 4:3... took ai.-i'.-M uutil 7:30 o'lloik

tbis ovwoiitig.i.vrsiv; brwion

TIIK tlAHKA I.NVI.ill.. NIla.M.Tho House rertumoU its i*e__iuii al *:3o, the Bpeaker ln

ttaa ehiMr. tRep.N. Y.>, fr un ttaa Oatnmlttaa on

Publie l.iiicii'iaiu"".. iu lull- li raporl tm tba aub^wi of tbaAlaakainatter. wltta aalilitioiiul augROatlona from some oftbe membera of tbe eommltt**, wnlch waa ordered lu beprlnted, Tbe repc-tl i. stgned by RaprearntatlraeMulliurd, Petera, Planta, atul Q< ls, .a id .- patal -.iieai prematurely this morning, The fa>li(.\. pig is append. .1 to llTbt ___.nif!.*_ »fribtn i,f ii" C-.uiHae tammn trttb i_t

¦aabata la taa ttraRaiaa raattt, aa tar ai. il<r.«lii(r ih.'r dtflSta -iM, r I r.'.irt. xtka pat

¦iDMlrri lo I.. .T .1 l_.iw-.Ut,ot .. .It.rLf/., f"t !.!. (ia.Trrrur.r- t. .0 . ar.,- || . ra IH m.

daMpl7inl.rr.H-al, .ll »«';.!,_ . -.1 fr u.

t-c tiiow;.J|r of t_Jt« »uii _l.«n- tkat «trt

dtet-Htbttatniai tttkttttUtaia H t mtamtHmtf btUr tt Itloror; t» l/t r.i. < I lfur. IktaaitrtAga* .

OMkin( tb. f.rt p.i!-!lri- knn. » i.f.r 1. '..«! rlutu. ...

1.0 u.«- abait fcftir (lil |/> _>l I

tt*t.thr truil ud «f w ,'. Itnt a - t« <.-.«

anutaat,ai taaaraatavk-n ta__»«_ra It rtttiwitd 1';.. b_f_t(«-ltht rrpatii la^B.: ll '... .itn .w. Ilt MrBui.l.l tl i.n; tl...-uj, irjlr. >..;, I.

Iwbit .....

to rf bar rn kai I, ««.'»_ I ».|.'.. ' .-. r. . .

Mritr. Suiiii.t tl wt it bat*baaa irnlitT tf t tmt imttramnatt. 1 Mt i. .u nibi. ia,.t mttt. O a.f t'uWltlll.tlli,r -a.J, .' a lmu apat totkt laipatae ri-f "ataUrttl Iktpiliiic ilterill,- fri.iu ll...r ... >.,.-.. ou* l...t, .1 I., ll rr t,u| ll ¦.,.».!

oue wliaam ihr- tklTfi vltb ei t*ckta| '¦- bt *a i_|J. M. btud-.n 11 I' II Kua.MWILI.. J. Ca.Hl Ilt. rSl-rH.r. lllll*.Mr. BROOMALL iU< p., Pa.1 from ttae same « umiultloe,

reported teatlmonr ln tbe Weua, Paraxi .v CO, eoutrartAi-aia, from ti..- Oommlttae on a. eooatab n p.ute.i am tbe

statiouery fu.ut ul tbe UtMiaa.Mr. CLAKK (Rep.,Kau.)lntrodocod .. reaolution anttaar<

Iziufi th.- Paeifla Union ConipauT, Baatera Dl'lsleu, lochutiK'e IU nulne t.» " KaliMit rac_UC l'...;,u--_l ('uiuo.iu^PaaaadL

tiic. iM.iA~« ArrRorHiATn>-< nui..The ITouia-- tlu'li »e.,l latO < aiiniiilttee ol the Wbol.', Mr

I'ouu-roy ln tlu- etaalr, on tbe beimle aiimiidiiieiita tu ItaaIiuliun ipproprlailon i.lll.Mr BUTEEK (Rep., M.ikk ), nn betaalf of the ('oniinltlee

on AppropuaiiuiiH, proeeeded to explaln the emead-nji'iitn He sald laal tba bill, nt tt paaaed IbeHouae.npproprlated 8-'.31-,'-fl 08 8881018188 wbleb Bad callealforta^77^R3i ttaa uOuata Cuwuilttaa on appropriallonabad udded to lt ameiidmenta amonntlna tu 1880,888, aodtbe Henatii Couiliilttea on Indian Affuirs bml tuM, <!uiiieiidiiients aiijo.iiiiiiin to BL8na,W8. SO thal iiuw thr I>,1!Nopoaad to approprlate #8,eM,l58. The waa, ttaarefore, a very Ituuortatit one, l.ut tt wna, *tj|| Bora iiiii...i-taut ln view of tbe utnouuln tbal wonld be callnl furberenfter, if tbo Inauaoraled hy ir waa aauetlonat-dby tbe House. ir tbo treattea made ay tbo Iadlan Cotnmiviloii wt-re si.u.-tioried by tbi- Iloinw- and apprnjMlatedfor, Congreaa vioiiiil buvo to Bppn.prlate about tiMOftatnext yoar for tbe lndiana, abont |l»,(XMl/O0 the followingyear, aud froui aio.oi-u.oio to tri.'*"..«t» after thnt fur tnenext twenty veara. OaoUenen aould eee ttaat thin aaa ..

inatter which called for very eoiiHldcral.le earc, mulfor the exercise of Judiriuent. imlecd, tbo mutter waa ao lni|K>rtant and ao dillb ult the Coui-nilttee on Appruprlationa bad nui been atale toeoma toany conelutiou aatUractanry to llaelf, a.,.I Iim.1 laatroctedhlm to state the faoU aud aiibuni taeui to me Judjpneulof tbo Houne. The IiidU-n Ireatiea np t liv/., to jwic, h..dbeen aubatantlailr a;it,a.flr<t l.y i.i,..hi r..i»t>,.tjo, but lu1888OoOgraBBeat»l.ll-ibe.l ai, l,ul,ai la... ..luuilvlon,TtaatOoma-Ualon bad aona totbf> pUI >i treated wtbthe wild roaiiiiiijf hulUnt, wbicn ti. ;.i .. illril fnr thneeaddltlonal amountH. Tboae tlOatloa < u.t l>- liuderstoodby a M_Uiii.-i.lof tbat umdo wltta the t'ru Ind ana underwbleh each h.-ail of a f_mlly t.. roeelre .. I irm, afrdeultiiral linpleineiita, cattle, tVc , and r»rh ti. iuo. r of tlmt-vLulljr tiulU of rioWi-a t.Mjr jr«*i. II.. Miluil' i« .1 II...I IIbolbli.^ Coilid bo done-Ailli tlie IikIi.uih tml Rt|ht tllflll,war wutild Im very uiuch more ox.wiu.|»e. 1 iu, ttutmiwbebiK carried ou afCi-l-Sl a few Imlians wa» roatliiiraK'n-ai deal Luore thau ali thos. expe.nditinet, vast ut il.< vIlilifht Ih.Mr. I.OOAN atep.. IU), de-lre.1 to know whethor theComniltUooii AiiproLitlutlous deblred tbe HoiiMi Ui tou.for tlie M.'HHte uiiiMiidliifiitA.Mr. liUTi.KK iwpUed ttaat tbe Oaaaaalttaa reciiniiurn.ini

aon euncurreuce, no iia toleavo tbofiuetlion entirelv witiiHia Hunne. *

Mr. BCHOFIKI.I) Olep.. Pa.», as a meml^r of th. c.mmitte-on Appiaipi'iall.iua,aald (hulln- uruler.U.o.l ttervmamber to bo doeldedlj iuM«til«) to the Senav>'t anitiul-menta, coualdontiR tbal tboy lnfolrad ibe dceiK.-.! villalny.Mr. LOOAV sald lie had destred to gtt nnt that state-m*nt. Tbe atnendinenia, ataoold be aoa-con-eutr.d in and wnt lo a CoiniwtUe of Conferoueo.

,«'¦ lil-l'.I.KIUH (Itep., 1>. T>, adToeate.1 conotirrenceln inn Menatr, g ainendnienrit. ui.rl rn,ir,,.n-...,,,..,i ._. ,.


auiem'-uciitii, and referrinu t«MrSil. '. i'1.1'"'11 U"' ."¦"'."'eiil made hyMr e.ollel<l. -itke.i tba Houae to ramemtaar «.f wborn Feace Cimiiiiiaalon -taa eouipoaed. O.-n Shcrnand (ien. Hamey, au.l Oen. Au^ur were inemlian,ti.-rs

.-aa-a un., 1...I.IV-H IIIBIJI, IUO IlllllilllMBuateltberaUrveorackt.orttai Uovernroeut uiustfeedtbem. The bwue waa thua fall Iy and tucolnetly ttae Houae. and mnat bt wu

Wltbout ukliiR a vota on anjr ol tt.c ru~8n.maiiti theCoiuiiuU-1 ' uo

__¦ -,,..._T,1K 1N^' "' '.un.V

.'.... <'1'' wtfc>i"trwluced a Joint reaolution«¦'.'r\V"-5, ¦-., "f * " '" rurnlita tbe Mayur ofWasblncton, foi thenaa ...' the rolnuteer mllltary oraaa-Isattpua wltbiiiR tu lake pnrl iri the Iiiaujturatlon ceremonlea, 4,.-uu tuti . ,,.,,, .favklry and. ,,u. n^xtm _.,.. yMmi{i[AilJoUl'iieil I,-


S.. are now for salo in New-Or-lcan*.

Li.-zt ia in Weimar. Ile declinoa to play inpubllo-Many of tho ex-I.ebel gcnerala aro now rail-

roatl prcBldi'iitB.A cargo of l.e hftfl beon aliippcd thla scaflon

froin Roeton to Japan.Tlicre aro 12 tronpos of " Original Chriaty

Min-trel-" lu Dnglaud.The Czar of Rtissia has given Patti a fur

cloak wbieh cost him |lfl.ooO.There aro nine American Btudents at tho

Burglcal Oollege ln Wurzburg.Three deatha from " Alcoholisra" have been

oflloially reported ln Loudou.

A aubacrip-ion baa been atarted in Kcntuckyto l.uv a rcalileiice for Mra. Johu 0. Hracklnrldgo.

The police of an Ohio town advertiae tbatthey wlll wake np persona who want to leave by eailytraln*.

Sfopheua & RtcphenB nro tho namee of ft new

law flriu lu Atlauta. Alexaudcr EL Btephen* U tbe aeulor

partuer,Miwouri propoacs to appoint a Stato Ento-

mologiat wltb a sularj of *J3,000. Graaaboppera are to be

bJa speclalty.Lanaing, Mirhigan. baa ft joung feiualo

l.Brber. bj_.h1 fourteeu. Bbe 18 very popular wlth tl.e

Micbigau k-gWator*.lt ia a aafo rule in Kichmoii'l, aaya Tltc

hoptirer, to addrras a gentlemau a* " Culouol" when you-Minot re_-Jl bi* name.

Lepera ln ..ornbay number, it ia aaid, abontoneiu ahnndredof tbepopulaUon. Ireprtwy U couald-ercd ii lei.»l cause of divorco.

llelle Tloyd ___¦ jjet no theatrical enpage-BBOOrtO, lt ln B..M, on aerountof e, -ei-y __Mno_i_tratlvetcnipar ln ber dealings with inanugora.

Tho brother of the Tycoon, who went toFuropo tol.e ediiriited.ha- coinpl.ted hlaParUlau edaca-

tlnn l.y _bB0O_B__Bg and leavlng hia del.ta unpiild.Tho Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha haa estab-

U.hod ttuew or.ler of Wninau'* Courage, tobogirentotroiiun whoce _j_Q__| reflort crt-dlt upon their *ex.

<__«a].Uit bi.ueli'tB, aiiklcts, and rings wero rc-

rentlj found ln tbe .touiach «>f a t*r..<-...lil- at Agra. The

Biiiinul evi.iontly had au appotlte for young Indian glrla.

A Miiiiioh paper aaao^ta that the chcorn wliicligreclcl [f-POlBOB und Kugeula at tlio Htuttgart depotw.-ie gtfoa by followa hired for tlio purpoao at ._ a head.

At a reeent aoiree in lionor of Teiin.VHon, inPari*, r.inl F-val read bia own trauilatlon of " ReOOBAr,l.,n," and RaUBbounn, tbe traualator of Longfcllow,guve tbe buirt-a-o a gllt wreatb.

A Chieago Woman'H Kiirhta OaTfM atatea thattbr woman'* movement nieans, BBBflBM other tbinga, ber

aovrelgrit.v ln tbe pnrental realm, aud bor tlrat rigbt lo

woo lintcad of waltlng to be wooed.

Tlie Hathing l'olico of Dienpo, France, havebeen warned not to eatch drowulng ladles by tbe liair.

arcnrdlng to prevlou* Inatruotloiia, as the preaent fa»blou*rei.deraucb a proceeding r.ry uucertalo.

The Kichiimnd ptfMfl havo two aynomym..for homicide. " iitif". tuiiat* affalr" and " dlabollcal mur-

,l.r." Tbe fornier la uaed wbere a wbite man kill* a uegro

tbo latter where a MfN kill* a wbite mau.

A Wc-tern ptfM re]i.>it. a cl.Tgyman a« hav-Ing" tala-eii nroi.tract f.-r reilvul prrarlilnr'* BB l>avrn-

port. lowit. It -tat.-*. tbat tbe gentlemau hu* u BB-BBOeaM eng*g*'iii'iit" at Kock Ialaud.

The "r.i.iitliincii'rt (..-ntlemeir of I'aria gavetb.-lr;nnl ball a few weeki Bf*. Al.»'.l B.1-*-

gur«tH wrre ptOOOB-t _-BB _Ba-0_l of tbe lndir* were very

bOOOllfol. and tbe mo*t elegant n.auuer* prevailed.A Mi...-i~~i|'i'i editor iip<>l.>_:i-o-i for a typo-

grHpM.n! rrroref tl.e pr.-.-e.ling d.»y. whl-h mad" hl")

ref.r wltb plooJ.BJ "f Ha. "overflowlng-oik-ra "f M ... r

1 __!,-.t«i,'» l,.,.*.|tHl,le board.'' '.OeaB-1 '-"'B -cakcra"

w**|wbat be w rote.

The clit'.r <*f The IrowUti rittcrref.r* MfoM.-w* Io Ui* Bl-BOl bl »_etO_BBBB__fI " D*,.r. old. Mapldated plcre of tl--h aud Uorn-t wbo hang*UBBBBM ont every wr. k In The Jaektou MJirtaiA, Im r*t-

tlOi bl*old »k.l.'t.ili at ua "

A law in Mi_-__._,.. reMBiini -ba _*&___} "fitcntl.iry itnd teTern! oth*/ ofTrer* l<* r< in.rt f..r

pard..r,. wbt-unve0 they t-O-B II l*"l*r. HH n*IU_* ofani-ti ronvlrt* a* bave aertnl ou'. tlu*,*-fourth* "f tb"lr

liiu*.. (lov. MeChBfl pa.doui-d II priaouer* at

ouo tln.e un.l* r il.l. m>

An old K.iiKlihh coloiicl h;ia juat hud ft l.ulletcitrtt* t.-,t tlOfll bl» 1~m1> win. li bn BOOBBT/ei at tbe battloof Vltturia, ..v, r tlfty y<-*»r« it^.* bia remlnd* ua of Ar-

trmiiB fFei-rB b* r... wbo __BffBBO_ lu a laBB '>' dui.K"''' BB8IftOOB >.-.ii-, i:ntli a lu-ky tl..*.ik'lit Btrurk bim oue dar,WllCU bf i.pel.l .1 tl.e >'..»t al,.1 waill.d out.


TIIK r-TATK ('nrUTflThe Bnpreroo Coarl bHII hol.l tln-ir Cirealta

Aartact-Ni i.t..*>.. i,t ateatb,Jadfaa tacraaaaa. liaruard.and Oarduao prealdlog. Tba Urer aadTenulner of laat!,,. ntii -a. adlourned w.'l ueaday neit. nml th* re nnv ln,.i<...iit,,f (,)*r and Tern.ln.r beld l.y Mr. Ju.tlce llar-iiaul iluitiig Ui'' ni,..itli. Mr Ju.tlce ('ar.lozt. ba* twoqnita beavy rootiou*,one in tbe Mi-rcbauu' l'i,lon Bz<preaa Oompao* lltlga-ron, aml oae lu tbe oowty e<,m

ineiire'l Atlalillc itl.d l.leat We.teril t.llt lot doWU for tbo-,-,-,,;,,l we* >,f tbe U-rui Ix-fntr blin.Mr. .li i.t ue Cli rk I* a*-*lgiu-.l to tl.*- Ppeelal Term, which

will bavo toba beld io Uaa ro..m ii.tomt. .| tat (bauilH-r*:imt it** b.t* ti.<> hail tiuiii.eii lleade Sweeiaei rate ix-f.irobim, wbleb will oi-iupy at leatt one, and probably _ev.ral dar*.Mr. Ju»tice Htithrrland wlll h'.ld Cliamber>i ln the ill-

veiit.liitc.l and Ineouvenlent n«,m ln tbe old bulldlng,where it luiB been bltherto bi ld.

'iii*. Bapenor Coarl aa-la-menta are a* fnllowa To tbeTrial Term*, Cbief-Joatlee liuii.,iir and Juntlce Fithlau ;to tbr Hi.relal i'crm, Juntlce Jonea, Blid tbe Olber Judge*to theije.ieiiti Toraa.

Judg.-ri lirady aud Dalj wlll prrnliln at the Jury Term*<,f ttu¦ c.iiiiuiou l'leua, Judgo Ilariott aitting at Rpeclj-1T*nn.

Ju.ik'e Cartlaa I* aaslgned to thu call ot tbo calendar lntho Maiine Court.

1IIK Mi;ii< Il.'.NT-- UNIDV .IZP-t-BM ( D.Ml'ANYCAHK.

In 1 li let MMa in which u t<iii|)(.nirv injtinctionha. Ix-en grant* .1, aml a motlon la m.w |*eiidlng f,,r tbot imtliiiiaii, * of tba li.Juin'tioii nnd tbe uppoliiiuieiit off a_ti ci-iti-r, a motlon wa* inadc ou Kilduy to modlfy thnt.-mporiiry li-JuoetlOB so far ua to permit tbebiiIu by tbe Anieriian Mer, hrttitu' l'nion Klpre*t»( omiiany of *ome of tli. ir oatate in Albauy..Mr. Joalloa ('ardoxo ba* nuderod |tbe following opluloiiBi.d ilrci.lon. Ai tbe piln.ipal motlon wlll aoon behr-ard, 1 do nol wl»b to OXaaolua «*r* the qu*u»-tlon of thn lu-xlln.-iaf of tbe iiijuiietiou, except ao far a*relatca to tbe aale of tbe r.-nl eatate. A* no auggeatlouwu.. i.ia.l.i againat tbe d.-ttrabllity of tlie *ale, I tbliikthut it mar be rotnpb.lrd upon cudltlon tbat tbe pro-ceiidr, l*e ,lr|,o*lt»*d wlth tbe .'Itr hamtwrlaln, to abldetb*'furtber.order of tblia ( *>ui _.' I make tbl* dl*p*~altl.>uof tbo p...< er.l* beoa-ea 1.1" not Intaad, upon an uifonna)motlon, without liraring tbe whole caae and full artfii-meiit, to Beem to eommlt myaolf to tho m.w that o ro*cclv-.r abould be Mppoiut. >1 ln the raiue, und at the aamotime hoi.'u* c.urM tu fully piote.l tbo piaiutlff munl betukeu.

MUTD-T AT 8EA.Anliiir Ciunpliell, Corneliiia Hoyle.nnd OrorffeAleianaer, were BOBtoen on tbe ban lieatleaa on her

t-ateToyaip. from Ai.gullln to thla port, Cnpl. Hhcldon,tlie _______ 0. tbe buik, allrgr,* tbut when 30 daya frottiAngailla tiie-ie bbob woro oroerod forward und reftisrd toobey. Tbe rir*l matetlien ordeinl lluyle aft, when tbolatter rlluebed bim aud drew a knife wblch the sook tookaway from blin. 'ibe Captaiii tben onlerwl AleiBinbr t,,dutr, bnt tho latter ri-fii.*,*! t.x.bev, mil Jn* i_.ittebjiln t.. 1.11 tl.e (aptit.ii, when tbe latter almt blin lu tbe-l*le. Intli. llaat ui Muvere wound wblub dlaabtod ALuxa-nlerfor tbe tofttVa. The Cipuiii tbinka tbe trouble waacan*. d by tho d.fen.l.tnu becnulng Intoxlcated fr..iudrlnkliiK Uijuor bii.ukkI- d on bourd at Anfiillla. Tbo de-{.ladaiaU wiie u.lil tor uu wa luctday uaxt.


CIVII*No petitiona iti volniit.irv bnnkrnptey frnvebeen itled during tb* week rmtlug r'ob. rt.Diirinj* the aame week each of the followini*.-named iMtraona recelved a dlaobarge lu bunkrui.f. yM..-..-B II. Iieumgurten, WlllUm lli.l.,nhati,er, Bolotnon;,_!'. ,''?nu^,,,? A- (,r»D'' l4'ri I>nrytNt. Uaa* Burbaum..-~rnell.ial.eliy, Heiiry 1». i.liphai.l, Krancta II. Blanch-ard, V IIIIbiu l>. Abbott, Vredert-k Ooldalolu, aud LmatuaII. ( rlttBiideii, ten.

Iaettera of administration were granted in they Y H.irrogBte'* Court la*l week, on the satata* otJaiiira V, at*on, llrldget (-,nway, .lamea II. Koon.y, prtcrlirelillng, CatUailne Dolim, Andrew Oolea, ______ McQorraaa, Oerttmde Ktriboiin, Johimtte* Moll, MichaeK-..t-t<r. Laara MUler, Mary Conlao, Mey«r Dreyfuw, J,,*.-.,!,J.oi,'. Aiitoi, llclnn, t-Uarlee Magture, rVimuc. H. L. lun-kln, Kltzabetb Hebliug, Lowla Blaod, and Vbar__ aYoung. .w aai

ll ic, the N. Y. Mail B_M_M_ttf Company.ba_krupta.-ln p.trsing upoa tha quaatloo of eompanaa-,','". ,, v:'i" ,'""'11 " 'leaa rendered lu tht* eaae. Judaeiiitteii.or.i bolda tbal th. ejeaeraJ pnnelple I* that "oenargea f.r profeealonal Bert leea eao l.e aii..«.-i Bgaliutttbe aaaota m tbe ban,', .t tbe aaalgnee. nor for pav.ueuiii full nf expeu-etor in*. aBJ.IM'iee ln tha BdintnUtrallon ufb'* truat for aerv leea prb.r to bl* Bppuiutlaientut us-iguoe. ttliiioU_|,, pcrbap., uuder *ptcial clrcuui-

etanoea, arrvlres ndRht be Included whlch were renderedas far back as tbe tluie of adjudlcatlou of bankruptcy.


niitii; jcreiinan vnn nrum ua »-«> - "... ¦¦-


DuckwiU, Tlniotl.y il<>K«6tt. F. t.i P.nlf li. II...."iiti,

liiotiier; nuu or-iiiriui » m. ..-¦-¦¦_ .-¦ .:.--._ .,,,,,..,,.,1bl- tnotW, sll af Hrooklyn. The Mlowlng arataatauwtlia an now b«fore the Hurro-t. J" ¦*'-*'£ K>

Brick. John Coulter, John BlgUO, and Alexander Oir.

Frat.k A. Dihvelth ftlioil l*2Lahmmm*mm*JMthe Bapefjor CoUrt, bofow Justl.c Jonoa, to ac<ver ti >

d.Wiioa on a eontract for I fowl» t.

d the brirka-r'salguiituio wm umi oi wuiii... ... .

the Jury allow. d tbe defeiidtmt'-. counter clalm, and icn-

dered a verdlct for the difforcuca between tbe twoclalms.Tlio caae of the U. S. aRaiimt John W.

Oeor-ra ot al, waa eonituenced in tho V. H. Ctrcult ' OUrtou futurd.iy. The defemtants were tbe jiroprioton. oftwo wureboiites, for bonded tiooils i.t tfoa. 3W) and IWIWeat-st. LaTK» (.uunlitios of lb|iiort and clfara, onlwhlelitbe duty had uot been paid, were llle-tally retnait.-.l fromthrtc bfilldlnKM, and suit waa eoninien.'.'d aK.ilntt defen.l-Hiits, to reiovi r ihe losa »iiit__lned by tb..- (,..\ cinmeut byau.h rciiiovul. A roropromlae was enVctol. an.laboiit t4'...i.-i» of tlit- atni.iint recemd l»V Ui'~ <>iov< ure now ln tlie cuatody of tho Oviitt. ihiatiiiu Is al.uut hnlf the aiimnnt paid to tho(-..vcrmnent. and j-ersnna to have K|>«-ii lu-

f.inuatlon of the IUokuI rouioval of tUo llguursnnd ctgat s,eUlia hulf Uils aniount. Quctloiis have ariten for thedeelalon of the Cottrt aa to whether tbete p.irtli-! are tbereal informera, and, tf they aro, wheiber their tltle yottiuntil after the .l'aii Irs due on tho Ri.ods r.minved havo

been didiiited from the Rrnssnmount paid t« tli_(.ovorn-meni by way of eompn~mlte. After partlal ar-.tiinciit on

these u.dnts, ttae furlhor luiariug wua adjoui ncd to uext


CRIMINAL.At thu Toaaba Polico Court. yoatonlitv, .Tuatioo

Doaan oommltted MlahaaJ M.-K.-.-.v.-r for havft-K atolen avli.liu of niii-idi r..Me v.ilue, from Dennla <' Hnon, of No.

83»ew-Chanilicnist..onthe 23th of Au-MiatlaaV.¦ .CJanaHawk.of No. 4«_ WTaablq/tton-at., waa y.-t. rdny h. .'t t..

Innl on a cluirgnof vloliitlnif kceplngbiri Miiluon ojii-ii after mldiilKl'f-At tlm F.rrpx Mitikrt, l-otiw-cnurt, yosti r«1;iy

otiu-tlriiiiiii't HeiAoK. apixldler, aaed _i yoara, realdltgt atSo. 110 Tbird Bt. WB8 nrraltri <"l oh n chi.r_e ,.f obfaimriRgoodrt on a fonrod ch.-.k. The eomplalnaiit. Aii»fii^t_.i___ldt, of Va. 81 Oraad-st,, aaid thal an M.>> --. 18",tbepriaouer porchaatid from talin 180 worth »f sllkt ntnlrtbbona, and irave ln -i-iymoiit a forged eheck on tli-i Mo-ebaaloeaad rradera'BanR for the amouut, iiaviiiR tbe

stanature Slcmund Henman. The prlaoner, on tbo dayof piirchio-c. took wlth him «o worth of the ? Inanswer to tho cbarae, the prlaonor admlttcd havlng pro-a.iit. .1 the . lu k, but duiiled being guilty. IIo waa coifl-iiiltted for tiial.

O00KI OAI-KNIMR8-THLB D_T.Butrumi Court in:. n Tart 133, »«.

-,i ..:., sss,mt m. isaa, hub. i-_». iisi.iisb, h~n imi.^.{¦.«T III -Na* I8T. IM itr.. 183 Wt. WS. Tbi, UJ*. bM, lili. Mt.1-UI. IWI -11, C3 1_W. U-r «-8, 10U.6J.

Si.i'iir.MK Court Sfuciat. T__M8.-_Noa. 7, s, ;>, io,1! II II II IS |.i. 17. 18. I_._i. II.B .*.. M.*. *-..

,, . .

S. i'UKMK Couur-CiuMi.Kiw.-lrirst Mouday cal-

"fepUMOU f'..i'HT- Tkiai. TK.(W.-l'art Jrrf*^m mt *, tt* wi »T. « __'an _«I-__, ll tit, tM, 106, 8.J. 881. r», »l, Mfl, 4SI, JB. J.«, bttt. 1-8,

"cTu-loi* I'iFiH-Ti.iii. TKHM-PAirr t-Vt».*»\, r.- IM 430 I'.i 17 WS S88, ¦¦"7. MW. *~J». 518. »l I. »U, 1-8.-86.S __i:««u:__8.88i.iaa.iai.8e8.«n.»oj iu j*ISt? 15*8 MM 1711. 17.1 '¦.*. W* "*¦|«M' l*ffl la»». wu. ¦**. H*t, WJ, !.». 1838. 1881Court or Ouut-UL BuMiona-TTia Paopia agt

hUt, S.IO. *gt Jnho Arr...H-1-lollo.l ....ull _|fi <i^ 11. .Sor.j--^r.nJ Utatafj >»BB« »_jt. IU ionrt,

Krinr-iU'- ..' IstitaC l't.l n-l)l|inir: 8-t.t,- j. ,, .' i-.o Rt., -ti.r« «r;.Kt'RlioOATR's "I iu -( al. tul.a.r of .-..nt'r-tci isi'ies

f.r atatU at ittttk. Utt rrttk W Difrt-Bi ilatlalaia- , rt* kr uflltkr? C !.«ii; .lil-. J.ra-n.nt. II _Ua»H.I

. ;, ,.f I.. . » ,' »'.! ul Rwlif TIoi_l«-., »l UmJiu'I I' Hreih.


lUid'ct.d.'K A.,B'8ir,.n.ii6 lenmti r a me... '<»b.m

tati V t»_».... %i.ll-. *».«-* r s 1. .'¦ !.«!.<¦».nii*...' .. ..IIRllll'tiaU 8 »-»(¦«_.-87.Ut\...IU. .IIN| _0.a-» .IIJ

IO.*"] !*..»».-.

toimo.ll.| I'O.uou..its ,»iioo c ait, imoc«t.

¦UOOMD IK.tld. Ut O CMK'I.7 tm V 8 6t ll «¦ ,. ItttOtm*.J18I...I1S| li'te.II*-*

ixuittf-a.iu 3o.«*.n*d/ '.« I'Ktt !-*.<-«»'.».lt» «".«0«. '.*

,. ... .Ilt ll.Ota 0 Biit . .rr.l.f.It'i.t__tll.ll. I.-88 0 8 UD *H WI .1U

.11 34>¦.-*>. U Sl All ao '*-..11 U

r i to C'o-t « »

|-/ ..« .11.i imc.ti.Ill 87.UUO.lul

.ii- let.sei.iui. .

.113 t.oiou 8 5. . K.f.lli llaif-lO L- Slt liMUC.ID. Il«|

, M M' .i 1 i-M M,r k Hi I.. Kl 58 IHI k Had CT IMJ.., .... 96J I'.tll-- rWk( 1. j8 4.-0 AiD^r B I. Bip .0

i Sl.i.S t«| Xll'Ui. k All. ai |h .1 t C8alrai...l84|loaaaTataBSt ¦. 'a n.wa.ifci* M ton- 8B8.RUlatiaMfaliaaJL 8S 1.1*1 UM ... 8J "88.....m

.... k I. .J.«llirl.«.IB1I.t... ll..-.ii... W t'aattal M . 8fl » R-t-lln. ...ttt

l-)5.li4.<' 8.8-e » L' -"" .......Ula-tJI. WIl.-la..t rill. S->4 lU.Ot-n Sl I,. t k l V> Mi.Sk NI.... 971IJBS ..8.1n!l. 88 Moaatl'a Rln.. 83 8 *'.«-'«il tttrt... Ilt|

«,'«*-ai-i......iti. laesautti ifi.a-.~i "jckj* "i ¦.. _fili..ti M h N-ii'i aC88lrairiB...IH :m ci., k T.larla.iOi.jbFBaa-a » >i K.arth N_t B..I'~| 8SB.2J6.oi<i ll s. mi >. h iioofitut........ JJJ1 ._.;.____¦. *f

'l .lOSl'ino W..I l.'u T . ' I..If.o .n.-i nu. mtt mii ksii-.¦

1 woTul klVibl. -5 100. Jfafi I..I I. k W.1IHfc W . t ¦» 188. 8« 8U0 T.I W k U-..I .W MI 18* ( ... '-?! *J R J< «t. 1,<'I

:i Nl| II Jlirtpo.!. 1" ¦». |.'ltf-an. 8_ IW . "I5.110*

IWI* 10*8 808 Ut_lB_88p... »l li.¦.110}.* i*».... .'-. **» ottmk v *» 3.J

I'.it'tt. i »» Kt-llt Mul.I0J l"I_rikSir.IU7tiiOO.'RIfc V*. W*. (t..i« ,ib O'.lCtk Alltt'y 7»T88S M.r k Ku 1. /T| >« AJ.iel Kt_ ~"t 30 (~»l Otrtt klir

'10,000.l«|l -_8. .'*- It.itltn <*r Hll.ihKI.-..Kl A. 88.

1-a Wtlla-B Bi.... l*| H"" N V C-_W-I...llli-o Ad.u.. laa.... it 11..' i'

n«. a.,i iimi.IU100 A M.rrb D Kt. -7*' UV.B.W

... aalKt. _71i....toif

-? k Ci... k I'... IIBta.

. 9>'it»i. ».|».) l( I k l'..U><.».t i' k K W K..te C k tt W p.

800 Pitilt Mlll....|0I|| 1"8.B>4-80. .I.'IJI 4.11.

M8 .loill *«.4.1S4Ja.).I0l|l .VW.IU

tm.Wll M) K_-.litf. Bl 100 !' K WfcC ....!«{100 MtrlDtajt.. |M -Kl (>t,i«k M!m. 34 'lO0I.-_lSliori....lW».. lufi 1.800 Mii8 k B I.. II.-OUiftp-ta p.... B}| 308. in

arM HoAiin or iiitoKKk...1 r. m.t 000 Tmi «i . 8fl :tn l~»ri_t . «' ltu.l_.,n Kl.rr cuaa.... cei *».104|.Bol I.KO.Iir.ll Kt) thic fc A.t r .1 188

S.U).80 l.kO.10.,* Ht) Ull k St I'_ 811ibuoa._o im.loo* ixm r wa c. i-lluoWtiwrB.» loo.t.n-oj ri.u.

180.ta. sm.tonl ioo.iti|li* A<____!, Jtw.10<v| I.m.121

luO. 88 I.Ti-0 Wnll't I'tl. Sl ttlu obia k *. -4|iwuak8-.lttr..8. M 888 N T (.Linl...i'J| *». 3'it|88 . 14 30.1.t.lMt 300. 3<\

3na.*! >« MitbStkN l e-JKA) VUrtput-. II 108.t-lhlj 408.r. 117IOO. 17180. 11>*. 11»»>.t. ujloo attnoata \i108. ;:.

a" ni r IU.. $ I Pt) t'ltt k Ta.1 ... I''!11.Ui* ttt l.ktBhtr.....l0l{30.IV.* h'.c K I.l k P I7.-I100.I8M H8 ihu kN W... a.lWO.16_| 3-UCktak KWp.. Wl(

-UW-HUATi »t>. If.f. M.

Gold opencdat 1.11 J, aol.l at l.WJ, l_lf, dodng131 f- At the de-rllne thore werobeaiy pureliiiM's to 8UfiReliorts, wbleb kept tlio market Umi uutil Uie ela,-.- (,[bttaluoas. Tlie cleailiigs al tlie Qtmi KxclintiKa Haiikwere $10..3(~',OUO, an.l tho haUiue, |3,3St,!)68 0X Cai.IiiroUl loaue.l at ld.3p.rceu! hit ruttyUto. Tho TreaauryUfflee recelvc.l (or tbo w.«ek, .k,.17,7I3 iii roU for eust iiis of this su ni U,SlH,7ha upjwiirs to h.iva heau drawufrous Ibe paal dvpotlU at Uiiiik. TLe slili)Uieut8 foi lliowe k wereH.OW.IWT.

<.o rniiieiit bouda were exelted; there waa a rnsh tobajr all gliu-R-s. 1'rlcs adtaiieed from 1,_-1J over tlioclotlug prlces of yeaUirdn-r, wilb coutiuucl hi...y ptir-thtuuit by tho forelfn haakera. The ahorts were r|_U freet.nyers ..t the extrnme i,rirr>iv Tba tli.irl lutt-reat hnabeeu rr-ilnrc-l to » RBUUl extent. atid are not lu .loBiati.l for delltrerj at leaa than I por sent for rur.r. ItiK- The ettr. iu«> i-uotatleii la Loadon wua (O, fiomwhi«h a reactlon ef | per eent waa made. After tlmBaooud Iloard a dtspatab waa clrtulnted thal bonda budtmltrii ut sij, aud fc Rreat ru«h to aall fwUowe.l; C2a eolddowu 1| per cmit; «Tm, || per eent, nud tba babtuoeof tboluarkct aold off 1 pe* oout Al the eloae, on the rei epilouol tbe eorreet quoUUona, Ibe market raoo-arud ubuul |par tt*\ 8B8-la( HlroaK mii.I aattra at q.toUtlaua I.fmii.ip IWI.lattiuaa aaa*., i»"7 .Utikt ..up} ittl ,.rf lua.t.It.l|iu|ftiotaa* i*i .111 Iis-istrg.K>4t Itiauup., litU .II !| >8 4>l .. .p.Hll»w.|, 14, ¦> k.Iiliie., lurrturf.|.;jBUlo bouda wora dull aud witJi.ui nu- tr.iiiMuoti.>ns

worthy ofuotloe. Ritllvtoy boii4l« were tu Rood deiuittnl.kliM'-UaneoiiH slocka l'ucltlo Mail w.ia ttemly, tcllliiR at Kt' .J, wlthonl i.ny nmrked trnntautlotis. Ktpr.-tt .-liuu-a dull; A.luin-, .i|,t,C, AllierlcnU¦erebiiiita' Uiilmi, H| *<.».. ln tli,- il..r IfeaSU *an Krcnt cx-eiteiiKnit in, BUd Ibe prle.i iv.ia inltiiiu r,| (.. ,,the aliorts wero filKht.aiir al, umi UUIUlMUVl I.h),-m \llo- -la M tbe |.rlre iciietc.l to ink. Ralhratf thai.i 87818Ilrtii. N,- .,., c, iiluil wua mOti oi tlvc, ln i-.niM-i|ii,-ii, n

of the il.iu,nui lur r.inli M|...-k. ThabookB elOO laa ,l,i)f'lt tlu- ill\ 'lilirml Tli.a tMMmttkt lul.c n,i, |.,|, fl i.lll ulncliit i.ah.,:. ,t i.i im, BaUtuffufl im.iiiI atlaa|i<iui.t.'ioi a.nAfter Um RlaalM of lim bouUt li.i u.,, v. R| i,,j_, li,-j.

cloalng IM.. The Woatern *hare llat \-aa wttl.ont epeolallntereet, witb the oxoeptlon of Fort Wayne, which bad

the appearauce of being cornered, aelllna: at J per eent

higher for «___. delirery than it did regnlar way. Cleve-

land and Tolodo aud Lake Bhore were atrong, the former

.elllng at 1084, and the lutter at 1051. Mlchlgan SouthernBoldat 97|_'-?; North-We-tem Common, 8.t_.8_J; North-

Weetern Proferrcd, 91 v3.1 J. At the close tbe market wbs

tlrm, and tbo late t.untatlons were the bigbest of Uie day.Tho following aro Wiiliam HeatU *fc Co.'* laat _u.t_ tioua:

BIA 4*1*-. -»*¦. ***_Hn.taoB Itirir.1-7 l__Ci.nh.rlinrir.-il. 37. jgWt'.la. Y. k .<.. Kl.... N -*Ai.*r,dn Kiprcai. 40AJimi Ki-rma*. &'Jtlil*. BUWM Kij-rrat, 4:_ a

li.r.r..1-8 1-7R_a__8|. b-I -»-Ita.a aal T*tT* llaBte. 38 39Blfc **_Tsrr* H'U ,1'f 6*4 68

Mr'rrb.'rlul-io.i'ki... IS* Ui 'J "Wo bi.J VV«-*aii... M 6JU«l*_alr*i. ** g T..I. k W.b. I'r.f.TT Wr.oton.1.4 w ftf-al.-»$ *>*I'irileMaii.10*. i'N'ioi'f.i!'.!'.':»: P-rt vf*T*»"'.....¦?*'* ¦***

Boitt.Q. IL a'.il Kr.*... 28Marlu.HU. 1-1 13Uarjutiil'rafrrr*-.... .T.>, 3.'*N. Y-fc_atri,l.*i, _ir...'-:i Im.

Bil fO 84. P.ul. «><,«. IO"! Ht I'ml I'referr*.. 1-1; ITI r-.tWim*.I'M7$ ITj) (i!i.. n.J Mi**ii*.p|*-..t.j_




_ll_K)«ri6«. I .,.N*«Trn_*»»M.Bi 6-1 M I «.,tr*l.Il_ 1^1Nert* na. 6" 81 M r.i.'in r->-t_«ro.... 97| »'lB_*_*aWat*rP*__r.. li) I'i IWael*C___r*l.1*' u...

Clavel.- 1...1 I'f.i.... 1l| tlCI*r*I.D,l iod T.l-d*.. 188- }<*IJ..ek 1... .1.U-llf.Nnrlli V\**T*rn.M* 8-;'Kartfc-Waaterfl Fref... 81. »'Eri..3*1 *»_

The followlbg wore the bid* for Bauk atocka:Ilaoovrr.HOMrtr.,B.>ll»an.IJ8Cetrt liaof*.'£_Cn«tirr*..l*l. JB*Ht Bi«k*_u>.[ Jf uui-i.n waaltli.II*Impanrr*' ta*i Tn_*r*'.IMla.l.>»'!Minnf iu.1 M*r-_aiit*'.101C-.tril NitlnaaL.K-*_P, .1-tli,..iiil.I0-JKioth Ki'.lnaal.1"

B*t»Tork.133Mi-hii'i-.1<~Mrchauiei.I-U-mirra.11->rh*nli.I0TNaLonal.IMMrrrhanti' Itekaaf*.11*I¦*.:_. r Jlanufa.-.urrr*'.IBI8«T*i,th WarJ.Ul5tat« of Near-Y-r..115Meakft-B-f -anini* Aaan.IIJ/. ,,11-iciB Kirhir,".IlfiJBank nf tba Brpohll*.IIIAnd the following for Kaliroad bond*:

!«*- fork Ontr.I C«. 18-3. i- 11 ai. *V Wal.i.h *l Mort..«X*-T..rk r.otr.lB.. 1-T7. .1 |T*»t I* VI il>-.h Kr.,,,-1 B'-i... 7*I fl*Ta, 3d. tr__ Tol.. W. V\. eonr. 8. Y. ~.... at

RrlaTl.4lbir-l.r_-. 18*1. «*> (._ We.Ure. *t Morl, I8W. ..104|Ttet ,V. Y. 8 '.al Mt. 1877. B-. Ot U *._m. I*. M.rl , 1888... 87

II .'. K. 7.. 1*1 Ml* 1. ttat.rn... M*,a. im... *MHa* ll. V __*.*_..,-TpT.I-tB 1011 _*-.I-r__* < '"<;-'- ¦* "¦¦. ¦"

ll_-i.,_l.l ».rt«.t..I-'J Stwiotoor _*r,lrd' *» M.....l«lMii-L r.-tli.r '.:'l Mjirrta t fcaaei lilMui-*a_«... -74

M.,'.;_ ¦_'*. .-..! i! ;^'iir'"»__55_:i-1Chle. Bar. A (J. 8 ... ... I.t M..1H. H.tU H W.iuj- fc t^-.i.

Mirh Ba 4 I. L ..¦ *".! Tp._.. Mj Otof*. k V(. ,.,r,b 2d M.»»1,1 C*u(r.l7r t 1-70.lll Clav*. |t PiU-bBrik _.»...-.. 88_Lr.'fcT1..F|.tMnr. ..'. 88 in-rtaal* _*__ «. M-.SAlt... BT. H. _dMortP_-f.... W |..'..-«_.. A Al-.a it Mort.l»lii._fcT.Tl 3.1 M I-*.77 '(^.jofc Alt;. Uj--B_.g»C__t fc B. W.^*rtB. F..B.I... -4 Oh_)£ M.t,. l o.'...i*la«~J. ¦... B3

. I,.. fc B. W.urn lut. H'J*.. W _l»'k«* fc M-l'-.w !*« M-.'¦» ». » *W*it*rn Kr-n BoaA. H. M lw..,k.*4. St. B*. !.*¦..._ »i

Cbia. fc B. W*.i'r- i.t Mnrt... w .'M,l.a.k"fc ~U P.aII. k AL *i 87

r-*aoll_at«_7p._ r..n.*rtibla M Ch r t M,U 1 llMaH.......... 89H.n fc Rt io L_-_ (i ..,(*....!',« Mbi* A Ot Ba.Uiru I.t Mort.. M4Lark. fc W.atara U---,. W> |.N. V. fc S. |L lil.

Mon.-y wa.i ln g..od ituppiy .it 6art pe. eept on tolaecl-laaOO-BI BtOOka, BBd -at 6 per cut on (;..vernmcnt bonda.Coinm.-rrlal pup.-r linda reiidy aale ~t 7v_9 i~t cent. and

latfe traiiHuctioiia are u port* <1. blnce tlio dcclhlon of the

fluprenie Curt in regard to gold contrBtte, there haa

heeii an UMNaMl demand for gold paper from partleawbo t-Kr-tbt-N tHilllBtl biiylng lt; not^f* payable lu coln

no-- ti .ul ready *ale.euiling Kxchango' waa uneettled; tranaBetiona were

made aalow a* 10r_*/.l_«| for BB .lay* ou London m tbe

fon-BPOii.alirrlng io-|*-i(~4. -hon *&* aold 10I|«1M|310.. aud L'ablo trauaf.r* were made oarly ln the day

llOQf...rtlgliU to Llverpool, by ateamer, 7,000 bu*h Wheat at

||_LTho PuTik rTtate-enf »how* a rtecr-eae ln loana of B2,~_-,-

Itl, ta BpeetO efIMta.'BJB i elrenlati**n bn* Incrraaed #0*50;depoOttOO-BBfOOOai ****** and legaltendera |1C_.14*>.The lo*a in currency Ih from pnymenta to tbe Treaauryfor Intemal revenue. Ko ct.rr.ut> baa b*c n *bipped tbl*

wi-i'k, and none haa becu rt-celved fiom tbo couutry of

auy amount.Tho tra--urti"i i at tbe offico of the United States

A-*l«taiit Treanurer were a* follows: T«.tal rcceii-M,¦. 0| total paynieiif., |5,ST1,1(!4 32; balance, |S8.-

ipUlnclude for cu«om», 1034,000; for

_old BOtOfl. t^.O-O.The rrrvipf.-t f fmctloral rnrrency Rt Waehlngton for

*t B)B8_ lllllBBJ IB llB. BBBBBIBlKl BB B8__,000. Tbe *hlp-ment* to _Rb_BNB__ _BB___i were fW-aHOO. The Trowurerh.,1,1* ln trtift for HMmri banks ai aeonrlty for circulu-ti.'ii, I042.fll3.ix*. ; aud for public depoalta, |3.T,__1_»60. Na-tioual bank note* l*iue»i .liiiliig the wctk. 1195,840. Totalto datc. >i!'.',J*_6,10C. J-iitllattd notc* returucd, tl_.--~.-,'4'J. ln.soiMlit bank nr.t.-a ro4000BO_. B*.'H«,9-7. Aotualclr,-ulafloD at tht* datc. t-W.-l-.0l7. Fractlonal cnrrencyrodooaaed aad floatttfxtd doi_B# __>» -roat, B448,9no.Tbe following ls the Callfortila treaeure llat by tbo

BtlBBBtl A-BBl-B from A*plnw:ill: Kugene Kelly St Co.,IMMatl Wei'.H, Furgi. & Co., |4,i)O0 ; total, IKH.OOO.The Bockford, Rock Island, and 8t. Loui* Ka.lroad

Company ba* now over tblrty rallc* in operatlon, andwlll be dcllverlng coal from tbelr mlnea in a few daya.Contract* are now making for a large amount of rolllnjatiak aud for 150 milea of Iron ralla. Tbe atock Bubscrip-tlon llat i* fllliiig uprapldly, and wlll aoon be cloaed.There i« an actlve demand for the bond* both at homaand abroad, and the prtco wlll be adraneed at an earlyday. Theae bonda are. principal and intereet, payablein gold, 7 per cent per annuni, aod tbe pnoe la 97| at

poaooB-t,A ¦Va'a-iblngton dlspatch saya that the Trea*ury eg-

pendltunt* tbu* tbl* tnouth huve been about 114,000,000.ibe oniieii.y biiianca i* about Bl-._-o.--0. Tba coln

^taIld8at ^,000,0_0, lncludiug 8.0.000,000 certirl-¦___¦Tbe following I* a otatemcnt of the recclpts and dls-

tllUOOBUOBlB at tbe ofloa <f the Asslstant Treasurer of thoCnited Htate* at New-Yoik for tbo month endlng Feb. 2S:Jaa. "». lBr*r». br dataB**.0«3.873,7i* 31B<**»iyU4<irln|t_*i------ *,,,-,_-,».

Od arj-.'int f I o.l.iio*.fIJ.IT..77. 900_B__MBlaffl .1 ...(*. I.t34.8_» 80

ia* _f Iritrrnil Krtr.o*. l,!M"',73t 33t>. i^j-ou, t ,.f P-.l Oflr* l'*p-r'-, *nt.... 488,888 TlflBllinii :t p»r r*BlC_r_-_B**l. >.-'>" oo

...u.!*n. 3.7 *4 ?8I 49.i,t -f r»l*ot Ytoo. 00ii t of M,..*i:.**,....

On iir-.'OLt uf I>,,b.,r*'n_ Acr-oaut*. T,134.j!jj3 71On i.-d.uali.f Abiit Ofllr*. l_-,*j_- 89Oaacr.uiat of laal. rrat Arcotaol*.- 31.857.4J7 95

01tJ.JJI.4l2 4JParni*rta:

TrrainrT DrafU..l-.-fT.-M 43Paa*--_-M br.fla. 4j!5.-.J to

. t.'*'l.99l 33-.ui. ofll*. . l_.,SOT A..-. ,._t. >U'.

ln Can.. 1,*_3-44 WloC-ii.o*..-OJ8.T...«.19 41

B.linr*.?.-..?4I.JI-I 95rrraiorrr I. M.»7_.*_5.190 30

Bilaia.-r k. Cr Iii.Sur.i » AMMBll. 7,41J,118aiBiiaa.toCr Aaa*. oflf.*. l.t-r. I 3 TJ.18.441.191 951,'rr, pU foi ._»_ .oa lt, t'* BMNrtl uf K.-broMT, ll'-1. t. 9.73. 115 :.4K*-*IlU foi C_»to.ij. lu tb* KODtb of Kibr-irr, lo*.. 11.17.,T_5 90

In*r*,i*lB F*>.T.irT. 1>9.0*.-t44,-6t',_tfStalrmtnl of Huaxnett at tht l nxUd Htutet Attay Offlt*

at .\exe\orfc fur the month indiny Feb. V, 1--S9 :

D-po*'Ui.( 'i.ll. e-c-.o. OO...raa-n t...lui. 01-«-* BbII_mi. _*,00U (W

f .-.iTfr. Ibc!_Ji,._ I'arch _,*e. B ¦¦*'¦ ~5II._.._». J 500 00

B-amiga Ball.o*. IM- 0>»t'till*. Nute* ironlal**. la (Ba.). 5,000 0»

-!*i*i lt,i.i;on jCelorada). I,'"1* Oo__H*_ nt_t»* B-IUaa (* i»Bo«r,*r). BB* 88L-llwl btate. IBbBB-B). 15.1* U.

Total D*p~il-: r»*la Bir*.0>4.,0l)0 i*0Total _-...-!_. 1' la 91,000 OO.0*". n*Y> OJOskTBars B__b_m_ . 4 1 ««7 T*TriBi.ii.t*. t*< 0. .-. Uml. r-i.i-ilp-ia.Coti**-*.. IU.-I Bl

Mr. F. Q, Markhuiu has bota rtBBittH to tuembeniBlpat tbe Open ll«,_rd by a unaniinou* vote.

Tbo return from tbo Hiink of Kngland for the week en.1-liiK IVli lo, Ktvt'B tbo (OU '¦» | II -"ilts when oomparedwltb tbe prevloii* w, 8__

R**t.aJll-77.1 [*--*__.. **.***r-.oo.-l*. AT_*.'H8 I*******. __'*S.r _*|...iu. 17 * f 7****.

t...T B**-ritl_*.t4.«h M7 l>«rraa*_. -".}.,l.t:.*r --*..*. _r»-l*i..t.*._*-u>l ..«_.. »./J* *») 1««-**»..,_, . .._

Tht- amount «f note.iUttreulaUo»i.-».^' ^!-;j...purtniont, 1* flM_U« a**** * *_*T x*_JSx '

ii_vi_i-rs__tf--~Biw_ttt^to_M_lP___88_l___l_8 |-eBB_~ L'-'tion « tbo IUI k

KogUndandll... P«.f c«, .:~ luth the corr.

lug w.-ikof m»«-*-b_ Ba... «.*. -.< '

g n8,J4« li:Jln'MoB. , . -.j..'1-1

_*n,.;;;; _u_i*.*,. ib *ir*Bt*t~~>. 3... riul I j.r r.ut,K.t. «f ia*****. rjjm

:-T.,m*utlnDry'uood8 for tlie we. k w a. fo>,

ItlW-t__.-..»» Va>u_.r, m IlI <:. NB

Kit'fl ->r .--iiib_i»Iibb. ^ Mo.l.lUi'l '!">>..' 1 j U* 355_*War. li..i.a*

HANKIMi AM> riNANC'IAl*TnK«'u,ncIU...:<Ht.(;()M»'ANT'a^)NIXS

(.Tm pi-rniilo. HBJ IMrfM *m local tmaineas

_;,'r u i-.rti..n of tbo roed leal year were over flve

_. Uot. and afl'-r tl- .o.nplut.on oarly t .10

. X Ihe .ni.iun.0 tltrt.n-- faii.e of the fo*tkt^.a w.ll \»U0m tl.t- -a- W, tittcon or tweuty

of .,,,. l,,< ,.--!-~-l^Tbo pretOOl bigh priO" "' <.ov..T.>ne.,t«otTrra a

f1tv.ia:'l.'.'!'l-1tin.itvtor.':l»w,Ul>.c.nv..-t,,.aH.nd..(,..illv --¦'. -OW ».»-»". «» iTrfeoniit of the

ion-o, period before tla wt-totUr Tht vchanut tn.l

mm mi -. p*U i" ¦.¦"¦¦ ' ¦ '° ¦--*« *¦» on"- A»

tl,, kaana ol ihm b*-da ..__. i.m aee, pertloo wit... Lnvlted toaaka tbelr Mbterii.

t.oDBBtonee, Tliej wU. '"- leO-i-i-al ftt tba Cut-

p^ny'B oftace, _f~ '. :i l,v Jota ... (''...-,,'

m s,,,, \,, \. mka bbbI liank.'is

I,.,. iHj . ,.;:... i. Uot-htfB, 8CUt

(roo oa a, ;.¦. Btioo.

THE MAKKKTS.(Ciwtalt- raportsd Ur Tka Tr1_.-_ |

ASBBS-f.-t et.tltnt la ftlr atrntrt, trtlb^matbJtu'X'alTLmatOl ttlO*. TaarU trt aoaunal.-«.-. tttta-»__ fc.

tplit-i iad PI*. Mobll*. K. Or!*__», T«__.OnH-itrr. 281 .. I 17_7iCo.Kl OrallDl-.... 271 87<|28Uw kUdu.g. IM 1.2 28MtMttM . 2-1 :,} q

( OfIKK-lk. rt 1,-t tol Un t rirjr brirt .eti.ud to-dt- ht -.¦ Iml tlieei-iiariltaaaeoflbi «~ ii_| .. _,__.

trt to Im- haa- B-Sfl .1 full ...raa. pirtKu'trlr tu Bru.. tttAattf -.1 U*i Kio. tx /Erolu.. ut t.rau. ' ^^

FMM l: ARD MBAL-Tkt pitt ._,_ mt *mt*m tot W*at*ra amtBlil^ Kloni tta b.en nttier dull, tnd «. l,.-i bad irr.t-linWi.tll gr.-ta. Tbt let. f.T.rihlt Irw( fPl)I_ iJ,roI_ ^J:libartl trrtrilt ln rrmpeet fro« ikt Ippa. Ultt aatthe tlea-llni m gold, bnt it l,u>e. rno l.ur.ri t deo.tJ id.ioUi't Tktloa-tl il (¦.i.l.iia; dexttd I,m latts _a-d, but ti,. Ivi_ir/ fur rtt,,,rx tunol lw«n t'lutl lo tht ftmartl e_peruti.o, Ut la.w.r prlett -arr.rt __.Ing to ir.da.t tu artue eipairt lu.,uir> .fl tlm ib»wi «tr» etUnt tke itur-i i'f Brtnl.tuf. I. Burnpe ,rr Iirgtr tiil* ikt u-i.I,_ .1!!artOy ba.t i-U.-ptlod; tta I ll i. tatj l_.t tat i-rph.i W kvi Jt<or. «in onlr ht etponed h« aahiaittin* to low.r f <uret, tkt mnmurplu. of Cilifornii tttrtlnf t imur lalaei.ea b.rt aod )> H.taaatb_o tre lurwed n.y toteepliua tf Autuiau, tad lo tblt », itirmiuia tgreit mrtaure tbedep-e-rot ln thl.triaa wklih b.t >a-lintiit> titd. tbe pa.t eigkl uiaii'.iai Tbe ..._,,. tba.- i_ir,««i,u fr.a itZfornil bivt littu iomenie, .__ It lt itfr tu lir tt ,t th. ivppllet tl*,.tbe ta_4af .ettoa aill h* .itrenelr tti-ager, tatita ttaakmtimtprntu l.fortune lo lii.e our erupi Xbtrttn-g |._mu Kt. a.,| Staee*,.b.v le. a iu irtlre deroiud for tl* loeil inl Ktutk'n u ,.. jypi , lud trttattrrt; Tml. Md KiaClf gndu l.i. told _!.,.), MIrrogultr pncei, but mt Ind tur ttork it mui-k red ia-td . d ikt uimtuitat uf Kiiaiif brindt M l»«t J_«rililt thia ttrlr ir. tlu aioitfe tattU wtll kou.a ther aaa.-ti ha 'iupncieal tt ^r.i.i.1 i«« ___.TLa low tradei 53I(V. n.d Ibe u..:..i. md btl «r br. -, |:)h, >hbl. luwtr Tht ulet art 4.608 l,bl.. it *5 tidie. M bt S;D-n_,Stttt. »6 4'.-(#6 7., fur Kitr. Mit. ,, F.. ';,/_*'46 jy_v*8 7T fa-f tbe la,w |« «f Wtttern K,in,. «.« 7S_»a7 ttfor guod lo ob.ii.-t Sprltr W b.»4 titru *... I. at- li int Bum.and lu-a Kitra.; *S 4'r<.*6 9n fui *"rf-WTTa__-Tr«Ie bnnal.. tod Paaaily to, tt 81 »''*» 25; *»><+/_*_ UtAuber Wiut.r Kuri ludi» . aad Mw.ifii: t''*i*Mtm Wbito Wbe.t d... rt, ind *J,»*M for K.m-i, .... ^j MJ411/ BS .li. Lo-n Kttfati.l 1 'i'i Ie l.i'ri. I'alifvrtut y,,.%, j, ,bat _altt| tal-8 tf _-.> tt»-kt at 8 '-.-. fio-,<jfair K»w. Caaadaa fkmt it aattttlt- aad U lowtr, t.lrt *r uo bw «jWinter Wbeit Kitrt tt »« _" ,.,, iu<eiu ouly Ih- ioM ta at.j .iteal by .nlaatltMnr lo atill !,.wer Igtrtt Um.all. irt -WI lt t« *._l*i. »> fur nr- irr tntotd K.-.r. o.* tnd Couatry; ?- 4n» + «,l , *i ,*. 50 for i-iioilr do.. tnd ?« 40-U + I.2af.,r «tr| y.m\\, ntrt.itnd tnd lla-U«tre U.a Kiou; :. |. .11 .:. ir, .Iriiiad *JL

. at 85 TiJtit' '-.. Cora Neal It beit- aad kttakOt mmtii-0 tl *l» f-r Jer.e,,. ,,., .__,_.. ,. y^ll anitiililt ind b'.fj «t f>.' 198 ? J .'5 {>(ikAlS.Oar Wbtf. uirkM bat ',-.., q>a-.t- .nl-a, Unavli mwter 0*

¦tort hlieril arrlttli, tht leti tir.-.l... r-r..' . d*t'.i|ln ga.1,1. Iiuidert hirt fleldtil ial {> «li o IV ».fc»

. frtiffct-, ktt tatbltd aaa) mmotm U ttttaa i,-.r i-t-r.n,d _t bul our ituek oi _pr.i..-IblA. hul-ieri fe-en!lr, It v ie » uf Um IB enl Bim u-rUt* .''. tbr taiwiy. aid iodit.1 o . of ia t.r.- ape .... .1 UaI dtiRua l.aiu 'u luett t-e deauuour ttoa-k tbii week Ir. ttto.-.-JU hu.h. In\li:.ubld itore trtmtr, .11 tL.r- . t.Meill. t bttlor feei:_.g .i'.k. nrl the upinlau .1 tbt. [ria-.»Umehed totir lotrtlpoiui; Il.i. la mora a.|.t-cn;.r tru- ,f Mld.lle Mtte.. II.' - I tbat MUl a,f fMfb. at (-alfipin (irmn fur tbt Ittb.ird M t rrr-laportul le.Wtt 11 u.I.M.lU'U tf tlt Wt*k lUoll 1 . ,r| ,1 l

¦¦ tb, t iu>'tilb .¦ .-r 7'V. p 8D| -,'i.t r.te- loUlbgaoot iri'ii C-ieago 1. th.i tfc. tarrti t nu.

,,,:,,-. Ur Mi p-ll . 1 tl.» U||port. firmi-r. lu di/tbt aiarktt b auirl,gnlal pne^ ir. a--.|.-r ti.rl nn.,a.ti . ,Ihet-ile.ira. ll.ittl !.-.._. al 4-1 -»J f.,r No / Mi »»uk... fur .-i,ai 88 tm trt Wmtra; Ql ia ht Amkm rt, lt ¦<¦ - .1W.r.:.: i. I. «mi ind in (,, ..;>. otII 81 16 fur ('«-... vt B.t, »-...'. n.rlr-r M.k w aa tdj aad la tm 11

Ittat, talta ofl ami baab al RiUft HMfatsS) Ihe »let irt tt*tttmk ¦¦'

III Statai Mt l-Uiit, l-jrt tutll la.l. lt ...I pt re.iie-rtaia. ..'or. i« kta pleaty, aad wUb a gart tttm itmmiktt It! eiii-r; the _. t. . ¦ tad Ua-iri.nd; Btw He.tern ilnavl it ...ifl. 'Ijr- ir. '.<) ¦'. :r,. .t t-l Idl 88. oil irnii'i lott ¦!«. it rii.r.,.. drj-.m * tf, ¦¦ aWbUaat Jiatlt.,

*.l»/.lt.i-.., tad irrm-f le|._* 11 Ill.lY.Tkt miri.t la dall iad btarj ,1 ppt-f, tad 88.

U01 8"»rttall Mt BttBtraar laiaaMdeiaU --prieaa1:1.111'.Ibe aarkei ,..-],iia-t .sal _..,_..«!..1 ¦

ai ¦. W,i,i|iat llt-Hl_e.. faML Jute. 4'_«.-|.Hul*».17.. mailrt ,. .. we *U(t tt SU108. tat

fair lo Ki.oat, and Mrt tt tat ebultt 'o faua-r.M(.-,a>«Kiai. Tht hnilwi. la rttj »_.)cile. and . ,. kar. ovAr la att.

C8 Li.aU. uld thm Ceilrifugti tl 48a. PriaaS tre, lu 1 ifra-.l ffeul, luau

nii.SAVAI. 8TOHE.S irt fenertll' frm tod In gart ¦ .

penlint it Malrr',:. , IOi ,S5; l,,...d 4a., ti 1 rr*' C: .So I _¦.. .1 el _-;/.. rt .1.1 .">. .I..1 Wiodow (.,..! *3 .-..*.: I1). i'»~. *J-' t.OII.S. A.cerhar. L.m-»«l coilr.nei IJrre ind in fair Itrol-d, lt 8 I K

OtM 8( !k?_.'' .-«l hlal.. hraglitb Llattad r. -1 i,r<-e.irt t-uujinil. t riiJi- I' v, i.-. .r. ,| al »t tal -'. f"r «

-ar*-. Htnufictured 1 lilt trt quiet Urd (>»l la toatr tad U.l. 11

fcl 4"-lfcl ai.sPROVISlOaa.Oat Pr-rb aurliet h.i been fai.rl; i<-'i-e Innert a.

kir. bld la oott-.otb ririabltiittt. tad M .8-.1 ulw ¦

awt-t>a-dt-4 8a_arir_i Ifcawtak; ludrad, wt 11 (k.nirba-t b"j'tth't un !rr 1 nia.r-- fctilta ln.|oir», la pirtmd u pirl t» to*'. ¦.luii-g eonlricU. tbe !.. . -, at it ot..!'dur-.n* I.tat. tnd »~- !Ht.- hi, ,.-,. ul.. f«tbasiitat, llet pttatttx hi»- flfurii »rtfeuU«g Ibt tl

urdtrt. Wabtttavldeduailf 't la atod r... at tat- wl'h tha eorra.po'»liot aertod Wtl yea- . .. .bv.1fcl per libl. kgber. I» l-.i-a* Me^ **n ,.e

trt -oui.Btl lu tbe ibtr-ce uf bu.mtaa i-f rttm.-i,t 1 ftw u>, .' \» ..i.,,

ba.t I'taen nida at ?-'». lu _U-f-.»e Ta-ri laC. r... ,..

lim fur -tt -ettaui Ln bcao _n>l«r>.'ir.l {ilrl-artltt-, Iba ial'!, eith tod r^, »r« 7 >. bM. .

for t>id Mttt. ». fur i~rm d.i.. aad 81 far Ii-'or fiturt deli.-'.. J«0 bl.llTh.rt bn bett aal. . -oattrtto Jti.bint dennia'. ^ir '.rr. l,e- fll.t pa.1 waak Ibe trade ar* d..p-«<-d latlu. of »tn-k bol-l.n ira-.n» 10 r»-.. i- tb. .,.-..

Ut .lota trt fcii-»817 for fiaia Wea.. .-i *

lueM.-i to-'laj tu-l-? i-"b'.la Ti- - .

du'l md ir r*aajulla o.auilnt, l*t to«ird Ibar_-at toer»d.BYIBd.bol loaaer prif.a ».

M.»t. tud 0 U a »U fr Icalia Meu_ei_at,d. boi prieti .bow 1 daarttt. rlo.i ,

tro. Col M'tMirt itiia leta aatiaa-.istll tob leia; pria-eafc.»e IsaUfcld . tl ba«. - «

Uaa. Drratat II»»> «rt t.m.«r. VS ¦

|-U_tl-_a. fur. itr L.rd 1. .*_.¦*.. 1

ItU. bik'e I M-tl|c. lorCit/; lttnd l-^C. fur Kell.1 Xruuctrti. lul f.t .rt .-. .< > '

Harth.i-RTaOLRUM.Tbt aitrket It t

tti,!.na--; tala* ot < nd. il Wr. is bulk. ia. U<: 1* tibxa,, _8UH-W>iaboadi Ur. tor If,

Uii h-i ara. icait quoled attjr *hit m

lol. lt tbt luomeit.BUOARU.Tba ait-ktt f_r Riwi 11 aeia.-raiir*,. .

btgln to .bow i.a.. w-_ki,r.», Ihu-nb Ikt at, .-

bnlden u.l prt_U»t U rt.iu. kair to «,-..¦..uf _-3 hbda. al __!-»...<- f-r I'Bba; !<{' fbu.a-. fli.aui ll llj'l -7.-. Rfna.;...SKRLlr*.i lurtr ^.^ il in <ea_l«i«'.. ,!.;_...

T._i ,11. Seed I. ai.,el .1 »3 :*)<t +¦01 COetOt t*. The d.aiii.d fur I'.-atU I. .

bat allb iigbt Itiet pnr'. .r.-ru., *.-| ttt al 1

I UIN.Tha uitrlet 1. du.i »_>1 pr . I ¦ Iart liareaa,lALLuVf-Tkt ttar-ctUdall nd rea»»; ....

RECEirrs uv prodi i iI'rr Ciatrlt -.._,* Mal

Paa. r.-t.3--'l btlt. rott.iB. 4 >-i9.2S. hu.h. * um. I 4'i> kaab M1i. hoib. See_!., 2A& v*ta- Buller, .,!?.:7ip»g«. 1'i.t Ue.'.i. » I'll-173 pktt. Lird. Itp.fB l.rLirtn..! ll.agt, 3_- kfcit. Ka.., 4111.'. . < I'..-- -'

Nilahlbi. 7*b' bilee ll.|M. I. b, e. i\ .-

1,. .l-rr ,7 pkft, OU «... 17 ..-..

t...u, Sltrcb. 775 -.0

THF. ST.MK elbl h

L-atii,.. F.v rr.1rou'.t. l.lad t-'*tra '¦¦ I

,, ...

l.i.ti.f.i.,1. ttk .7-1 p. m-lke r..l!_-> ».».

fnluWBK «l»"l"

Tht aala. ..f Uie.l.r ba.t ,'Tillow, 4i Iperct

l^,>ia,)r<, U1ll»._K Krl, .-raaaaroHT. I .1- _7-K..ia 1.--L.i-*! m---

tlo.t al 1*1 f-» Patit r^». I

L-im...!.. Rah n-hti? " I.PatrU Btaadanl . tal « eif-.t

-B.aa.aar r. lei.. 1 1

{ .1 ,.r '' "


. *... «< ii* rn-i_*b e_aw

,"-V ifoiiTiito. be. Inarri l__-i *>- ~l »¦.-, lo «..__ 0'« *a_l

.?r_V'f..u .1 - *: Vrr .-'. Kacript.u, -i.~V. W-*-_T|h.__ VtVit 45.OoOI.tilb.Con, lt.'»~3b.l_.0*U. I.a. .___

au* b«>- Barler :'.000 ll«>_- Hbr-.-W-t*-* 0~n b' r-aaa.h Wbaal I2.(M. boab. Coib, I-.-W) .*»_» -.'-a. 18~- ~B_».

B*a 8l»'i)-aali. Hirl'T. 3.5*-> H.__,>iii f.-l.. -7,-f'l.iBr ini-ufai. > s *«¦

a '.,..*l it ,1 88, -«*_ 4i-l it 14. '"--rtataonlct aml ui-rh****-. Bra -trirlr tt tf " "**_.__¦-! l'.,iioBlr_i.:r. M-WiW, *-_ V.l_. . " J"****

,-.-. M--- IVrl trrtfol.ri a.M.l 'li_5*'..., _i.rb. Uul- Mtilaaas-tU*-: -JawaMrr. a.ll Mlflt

it l4.*-.,_*klatl4|r. Bi.oi, lrr*_*_l_r._*Nfjtrami BhaaMert it M<* n'-' -_Wa *_B

.,*r _t_*i -*1- «i 1 ._<:¦. .**. 11 17ft Ba*

T»L*-o ftb 17.r-Toar .t.atlr .__ ¦»*<--¦_.-. r___B«0aarbast*. for Am' *r X_ 1. au Wo. _-.-Ue- I*. ttittUaUm.t_ttt 01 iT'l. bcrtr Mar*.'-. (ori a.t.u.-, g a,.i Ira, _V« _i-aTr-t_J -».*.; Y.-*». 'J- n*a liail--** *rt*in- *"h. V' ,

»¦*_fcr fc*- 3. K,e«ctiT*at»l M.BI -9 f-r »'«'¦<"**_?.*iil^'.r-. t.t. U!_ at 01 iod 01 »4 M -¦>«¦»lop Jull ttd B-UlBBl

,__.,,_ *-«._||tW*0BBB.KB-.r-ro.rBi*r#trllT«;CI. ' V v/I j(oa*'-, #i-.»?«: K-t-*-. 04 T5*0-*-. W.'.l.-*-- "j-1". i ri No. t lt .1 H,. Oala atra.ii No. 1 ll "-- -*" *lf"a_1**1 i_rJ BT*»dT*aHn|; >i.> I «t 01 )*¦ I»ir'.» '-".-"J

.t'in.l anrhBBj*.!. Kerrlpta t_-.liT-4'i- l-M* r~*» .»_,*. tVirit, Cort, -'"« -i_ _r* liar'.T Sl, .¦aBt.I.BO- bW* Kl.-.r S'«- '*«>.W*_,-.,, .,.(,*.!; Bll*-.I|J_^__

Ir-.B.; *» lor .

v .___*Iitra Wlir.t __-.»«-1 t*»rliinr.;B*,__<.__

01 -0-,* WI,lt*C*o*d*. 0-*~ t'.ia .j i*i N~ir»"TS_'*>l. l)»l», 6 .. [or..*it*rs. Barlrra... -T* .-. .«¦ t= _*. _T_Jlillitrral. Mlllfai-*-».«.! Rht.rU.0T, -

. . »' \, fc(lllai*.>3B «> -ua. Balroa.l Ki.ltkla-Hoar I. B*****. .«.-

-'. *-:''*. . t__r

flt, r'elt, aTT.-Tobirr- q.l*t irl uT.tltrgt4.rm,1,1 ¦t*I.JK_r8. TM,**tdiilli MnrPr I'r ..« Rr-t .',*-,,,_:'i

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Prifi* x,* Kl. i.

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