Download - New trends for website design 2015


1.Long scrolling sites :

Perhaps the most popular trend in the early part of this year has been long scrolling websites. Example :

2. Split screens

One of the more interesting design trends is the split-screen layout, in which some kind of vertical break divides portions of the page into two or more parts.  For example :

3. Parallax scrolling :

New technologies such as CSS3 and HTML5 have given designers incredibly sophisticated capabilities. Not a few of them are choosing to press the limits.

4. Responsive web design

his allows your website to shift sizes seamlessly, without compromising UX or quality, no matter what screen size its being accessed on.

5. Large visual headers :Though it's not necessarily a new trend, large visual headers will continue to be a preferred choice for many designers. What's contained within those headers may be shifting, however. The goal is not to surprise people, but to make them think: "Oh, wow! At first glance I didn't even realize that was a video."

Many businesses, brands, and organizations have realized that their website is their number-one tool for storytelling. They've committing themselves to relating stories not just through content, but also via specific web design elements, layout, and navigation.

7. Storytelling : 

6. Hidden menus

For years, menu bars have been a staple in the web design industry. No one ever really tried to challenge the inclusion of a menu on the homepage. It just didn't make sense to anybody.