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  • 8/3/2019 New Prod


    New Products1

    New Product Decision Models

    Product design using conjoint analysis

    Forecasting the pattern of new product

    adoptions (Bass Model)

    Forecasting market share for new products inestablished categories (Assessor model)

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    New Products2

    Newness of Products

    New to


    New to Company


    Line Extensions

    BreakthroughsMajorProduct Modifications

    Me Too Products

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    New Products3

    New Products as Part ofCorporate Strategy











    New Product


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    New Products4

    The New Product DevelopmentProcess

    DesignIdentifying customer needs Sales


    Product positioning Engineering

    Marketing mix assessment Segmentation

    Opportunity IdentificationMarket definition

    Idea generation

    TestingAdvertising & product testing

    Pretest & prelaunch forecasting

    Test marketing

    IntroductionLaunch planning

    Tracking the launch

    Life-Cycle ManagementMarket response analysis & fine tuning the

    marketing mix; Competitor monitoring & defense

    Innovation at maturity

    Go No

    Go No

    Go No

    Go No


  • 8/3/2019 New Prod


    Impact of Product Superiority on

    Product Success









    Mkt Share11.6%

    Minimal Moderate Maximal

    Product Superiority

    Mkt Share


    Mkt Share


    Based on a study of 203 products in B2B -- Robert G. Cooper, Winning at New Products (1993) .Success measured using four factors: (1) whether it met or exceeded managements criteria for

    success, (2) the profitability level (1-10 scale), (3) market share at the end of three years, and (4)whether it met company sales and profit objectives (1-10 scale).

    New Products5

  • 8/3/2019 New Prod


    Impact of Early Product Definition onProduct Success








    Mkt Share


    Poor Moderate Strong

    Product Definition

    Mkt Share


    Mkt Share


    Source: Robert G. Cooper, Winning at New Products (1993)

    New Products6

  • 8/3/2019 New Prod


    Impact of Market Attractiveness onProduct Success









    Mkt Share31.7

    Low Moderate High

    Market Attractiveness

    Mkt Share


    Mkt Share


    Source: Robert G. Cooper, Winning at New Products (1993)

    New Products7

  • 8/3/2019 New Prod


    Resources Allocated at Each Stage of NPD













    PredevelopmentActivities Product development& product testing Commercialization

    Mean Expenditure($000K)

    Mean Person-Days

    Source: Robert G. Cooper (1993)

    New Products8

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    9/83New Products9

    Value of Good Design

    80% of a products manufacturing costs areincurred during the first 20% of its design(varies with product category).

    Conjoint Analysis is a systematic approachfor matching product design with the needsand wants of customers, especially in the

    early stages of the New ProductDevelopment process.

    Source: Mckinsey & Company Report

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    A way to understand and incorporate the structure of

    customer preferences into the new product design process.

    In particular, it enables one to evaluate how customers

    make tradeoffs between various product


    The basic output of conjoint analysis are:

    A numerical assessment of the relative importance

    that customers attach to attributes of a productcategory

    The value (utility) provided to customers by each

    potential feature of a product

    What is Conjoint Analysis?

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    Customer Value AssessmentProcedures




    Direct Questions


    Focus groups

    Direct survey questions

    Importance and attitude ratings

    rule-based system/AI/expert systems

    Constrained/Compositional Methods

    Multiattribute value analysis


    Indirect/(Decompositional Methods)

    Conjoint analysis

    Preference Regression


    Choice models

    Neural networks




    Internal engineering assessment

    Indirect survey questions

    Field value-in-use assessment

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    Why is Customer Value Assessmentthrough Conjoint Useful?

    Design new products that enhance customer value.

    Forecast sales/market share/profit of alternative productconcepts.

    Identify market segments for which a given conceptoffers high value.

    Identify the best concept for a target segment.

    Explore impact of alternative pricing and servicestrategies.

    Help production planning in flexible manufacturingsystems.

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    New Products13

    Should we offer our business travelers more room space or afax machine in their room?

    Given a target cost for a product, should we enhance productreliability or its performance?

    Should we use a steel or aluminum casing to increase

    customer preference for the new equipment?

    Conjoint Analysis in Product Design

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    New Products14

    Measuring Importance of Attributes

    When choosing a restaurant, how important is

    Circle one

    Not Very

    Important Important

    Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Quality of Food 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Decor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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    New Products15


    Cuisine Distance Price Range PreferenceRank

    1 Italian Near $10

    2 Italian Near $153 Italian Far $104 Italian Far $155 Thai Near $106 Thai Near $157 Thai Far $108 Thai Far $15

    Simple Example ofConjoint Analysis

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    New Products16

    Simple Example ofConjoint Analysis


    Cuisine Distance Price Range PreferenceRank

    1 Italian Near $10 8

    2 Italian Near $15 63 Italian Far $10 44 Italian Far $15 25 Thai Near $10 76 Thai Near $15 5

    7 Thai Far $10 38 Thai Far $15 1

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    New Products17

    Example: Italian vs Thai = 2016 = 4 util units$10 vs $15 = 2214 = 8 util units

    SoItalianis worth $2.50 more than Thai for thiscustomer:



    Can use to obtain value to customer ofservice (non-price) attributes.

    How to Use in Design/TradeoffEvaluation

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    New Products18

    Stage 1Design the conjoint study:

    Step 1.1: Select attributes relevant to the product or service category,

    Step 1.2: Select levels for each attribute, and

    Step 1.3: Develop the product bundles to be evaluated.

    Stage 2Obtain data from a sample of respondents:

    Step 2.1: Design a data-collection procedure, and

    Step 2.2: Select a computation method for obtaining part-worthfunctions.

    Stage 3Evaluate product design options:

    Step 3.1: Segment customers based on their part-worth functions,

    Step 3.2: Design market simulations, and

    Step 3.3: Select choice rule.

    Conjoint Study Process

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    New Products19

    An Example to Illustrate the Concepts of ConjointAnalysis: Designing a Frozen Pizza

    Attributes Type of crust (3 types) Topping (4 varieties)

    Type of cheese (3 types) Amount of cheese (3 levels)

    Price (3 levels)

    Crust Type of Cheese PricePan Romano $ 9.99Thin Mixed cheese $ 8.99Thick Mozzeralla $ 7.99

    Topping Amount of CheesePineapple 2 oz.Veggie 4 oz.Sausage 6 oz.Pepperoni

    A total of 324 (3 4 3 3 3) different pizzas can be developed fromthese options!

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    New Products20

    Designing a Frozen Pizza:A More Complete Design

    Attributes Type of crust (3) Amount of meat (3) Types of peppers (3) Type of cheese (3) Type of sauce (3) Presence of olives (2) Amount of cheese (3) Amount of sauce (3) Presence of oil (2) Type of meat (3) Presence of mushrooms (2) Price (3)

    Prototypes81 prototype pizzas from 105,000 possible profiles.

    Person Attributes Sex Household size Category usage Age Favorite brand Region Presence of teenagers

    Study Approach Each respondent rates 3 of the 81 prototypes along with a control. Likelihood of purchase, conditioned on price. Appropriateness for various meals/snacks. Appropriateness for various family members.

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    New Products21

    Example Paired Comparison

    Aloha Meat-loversSpecial treat

    Crust Pan ThickTopping Pineapple Pepperoni

    Type of cheese Mozzarella Mixed cheese

    Amount of cheese 4 oz 6 oz

    Price $8.99 $9.99

    Which do you prefer?

    Which one would you buy?

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    New Products22

    Example Ratings

    Product ExampleBundle Type of Amount PreferenceNumber Crust Topping Cheese of Cheese Price Score

    1 Pan Pineapple Romano 2 oz $9.99 0

    2 Thin Pineapple Mixed 6 oz $8.99 433 Thick Pineapple Mozzarella 4 oz $8.99 534 Thin Pineapple Mixed 4 oz $7.99 565 Pan Veggie Mixed 4 oz $8.99 416 Thin Veggie Romano 4 oz $7.99 637 Thick Veggie Mixed 6 oz $9.99 388 Thin Veggie Mozzarella 2 oz $8.99 539 Thick Pepperoni Mozzarella 6 oz $7.99 68

    10 Thin Pepperoni Mixed 2 oz $8.99 4611 Pan Pepperoni Romano 4 oz $8.99 8012 Thin Pepperoni Mixed 4 oz $9.99 5813 Pan Sausage Mixed 4 oz $8.99 6114 Thin Sausage Mozzarella 4 oz $9.99 5715 Thick Sausage Mixed 2 oz $7.99 8316 Thin Sausage Romano 6 oz $8.99 70

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    New Products23

    Example Computed Part-Worthfor Attributes

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    New Products24

    Example Part-Worths forAttribute Options

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    New Products25

    Conjoint Computations

    m ki

    U(P) = aij xiji=1 j=1


    P = a particular product/concept of interest,

    U(P) = the utility associated with productP,

    aij = Utility associated with thejth level (j = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,ki) on the ithattribute (part-worth),

    ki = number of levels of attribute i,

    m = number of attributes, and

    xij = 1 if thejth level of the ith attribute is present in productP,0 otherwise.{

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    New Products26

    Define the competitive set -- these are the products fromwhich the target segment make choices. Some of theses maybe existing products and, others concepts being evaluated. Wedenote this set of products as P1, P2,...PN.

    Select Choice rule Maximum utility rule

    Share of preference rule

    Logit choice rule

    Alpha rule Software also has a Revenue index option wherein you can

    compute the revenue index of any product compared to therevenue index of 100 for a base product you select.

    Market Share and Revenue ShareForecasts

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    New Products27

    Market Share Forecast(Maximum Utility Rule)

    The relevant market consists of productsP1,P2, . . . ,PN. Some oftheses may be existing products and, others concepts beingevaluated.

    Each consumer will prefer to buy the product with the highestutility among those available.

    Then forecasted market share for productsPi is given by:

    K Consumers who prefer i

    MS (Pi) = K=1 K

    whereKis the number of consumers who participated in thestudy.

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    New Products28

    Other Choice Rules

    Share of utility rule: Under this choice rule, the consumerselects each product with a probability that is proportional tothe utility of that compared to the total utility derived fromall the products in the choice set.

    Logit choice rule: This is similar to the share of utility rule,except that it gives larger weights to more preferredalternatives and smaller weights to less preferredalternatives.

    Alpha rule: Modified version of share of utility rule. Beforeapplying the share of utility, the utility functions are modifiedby an alpha factor so that the computed market shares ofexisting products are as close as possible to their actualmarket shares.

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    New Products29

    Example Market Share Computation(Frozen Pizza Example)

    Market consists of three products and three consumers

    Product(P1) (P2) (P3)

    Aloha Meat-lovers VeggieSpecial Treat Delite

    Crust Pan Thick Thin

    Topping Pineapple Pepperoni Veggie

    Type of cheese Mozzarella Mixed cheese Romano

    Amt. of cheese 4 oz. 6 oz. 2 oz.

    Price $8.99 $9.99 $7.99

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    New Products30

    Example Market Share Computation(Frozen Pizza Example)

    Consumers Part-Worths

    C1 C2 C3

    Pan 0 10 26Thin 9 37 0

    Thick 11 0 10Pineapple 17 3 0Veggie 6 0 14Sausage 13 3 7Pepperoni 0 0 19Romano 52 0 21Mixed cheese 13 9 0Mozzarella 0 3 142 oz 0 0 04 oz. 8 39 166 oz. 10 21 12$9.99 0 0 0$8.99 10 4 18$7.99 10 12 16

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    New Products31

    Example Market Share Computation(Frozen Pizza Example)

    Computed Utility for ProductsCustomer P1 P2 P3

    C1 35 34 77

    C2 59 30 49C3 74 41 51

    Infrequently purchased products:Consumers only buy the brand with the highest utility. Then, themarket share for Product 1 is 66.6% and Product 3 is 33.4%.

    Frequently purchased products (Share of utility rule)

    Assume each consumer buys the same amount. Then

    Market share of P1 = (0.24 +0.43+0.45)/3 = 37.3%Market share of P2 = (0.23+0.22+0.25)/3 = 23.3%Market share of P3 = (0.53+0.35+0.30)/3 = 39.4%

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    New Products32

    Share of Utility Rule

    Describe competitive set

    Assign individual weights if any

    Compute market share

    wi pijimj = w


    ijj i

    mj: market share of productj

    wi: weights assigned to individual i

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    New Products33

    Example: Italian vs Thai = 2016 = 4 util units$10 vs $15 = 2214 = 8 util units

    SoThaiis worth $2.50 more than Italian for thiscustomer:



    Can use to obtain value to customer ofservice (non-price) attributes.

    How to Use in Design/TradeoffEvaluation

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    New Products34

    Another Example of Conjoint AnalysisAir Pollution Control Systems

    Drr Environmental is developing a new air pollution control

    system (thermal oxidizer) to compete against existing offerings

    from Waste Watch, Thermatrix, and Advanced Air.

    Key offering attributes: Thermal efficiency Delivery time List price Delivery terms

    Q: What to offer?Who will buy/who to target?

    Where will share come from?

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    New Products35

  • 8/3/2019 New Prod


    New Products36


    Price (4 options)

    Delivery_terms (4 options)

    Efficiency Delivery time List Price

    Exceed by 9% 6 months $600kExceed by 5% 9 months $700k

    Meets target 12 months $800k

    Short by 5% 15 months $900k

    Delivery terms

    Installed, 2-year guaranteeInstalled, 1-year guarantee

    Installed, service contract

    FOB seller, service contract

    A total of 256 (4x4x4x4) different offerings can be designed from these


    An Example Conjoint Study:Air Pollution Control Equipment

    Performance specs (4 options)

    Delivery time (4 options)

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    New Products37

    Market Share Computation:(Air Pollution Control Equipment)

    Sunoco Mattel ICI

    Base 0 0 0

    Meets target 5 10 10

    Exceed 5% 35 0 40Exceed 9% 40 0 50

    12 months 20 5 3

    9 months 30 20 8

    6 months 40 10 10$800k 5 20 2

    $700K 8 35 5

    $600K 10 50 10

    Inst_ser 6 5 10

    Inst_1Yr 8 10 20Inst_2Yr 10 20 30

    Customers Utility

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    New Products38

    Market consists of three products and three customers


    Market Share Computation(Air Pollution Control Equipment)


    watch Thermatrix Advanced Air

    Performance specs Exceed 5% Exceed 20% Meet Specs

    Delivery time 9 months 9 months 6 months

    List Price $800k $900k $700kDelivery terms FOB_ser Inst_1Yr Inst_ser

  • 8/3/2019 New Prod


    New Products39

    Computed Utility for Products

    Market Share Computation:(Air Pollution Control Equipment)

    WasteWatch Thermatrix Advanced Air

    Sunoco 70 78 61

    Mattel 40 30 75ICI 50 78 40

    Maximum Utility Rule: If we assume customers will only buy the productwith the highest utility, the market share for Thermatrix is 2/3 and 1/3 forWahlco.

    Share of preference rule: If we assume that each customer will buy eachproduct in proportion to its utility relative to the other products, thenmarket shares for the three products are:

    Waste Watch: 30.3% Thermatrix: 34.8 Advanced Air: 34.9

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    New Products40

    Identifying Segments Based onConjoint Part Worths (Airpol.pwr)

    Analyze Airpol.pwr file in Cluster Analysis to obtain the above results.

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    New Products41

    Members in Each Segment

    Segment 1. Companies in this Segment include

    Cummins Engineering, Illinois Tools, Mattel, Neste-Resin, Ralston Purina, New World Technologies,

    Baltimore Gas, Applied Coatings, Pharmasyn, andThermal Electric.

    These are smaller companies that operate inindustries without major pollution problems. Theywant an equipment that meets EPA efficiency target,

    medium delivery times, have high price sensitivity,and require installation and warranty.

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    New Products42

    Members in Each Segment

    Segment 2. Companies in this Segment include

    ICI, Mobil, Maytag, Texaco, Union Carbide, DowChemicals, Boise Cascade, and 3M.

    These are large chemical and paper companies thathave pollution issues to deal with. They want anequipment that Exceeds EPA efficiency target, havelong delivery times (perhaps for installation in newfactories that they build), have moderate price

    sensitivity, and do not require installation help orwarranty (FOB).

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    New Products43

    Members in Each Segment

    Segment 3. Companies in this Segment include

    Deere, Intel, Air Products, Sunoco, HP, Conagra,Kimberly-Clark, Hershey, and Westinghouse


    These are large companies that seem to operate inindustries with less severe pollution problems.They want an equipment that Exceeds EPAefficiency target, prefer quick/medium delivery,

    have low price sensitivity, and moderately preferinstallation and warranty.

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    New Products44

    Other Aspects to Consider

    Incorporate revenue potential of a product

    Market share Incremental margin over base product Design optimal product by segment

    Segment 1 (Value segment): A product that meets EPAtarget, with delivery of 6 months, priced at 600K, and withinstallation and 2-year warranty has the potential to get42% share of the market and good revenue potentialagainst the three existing competitors.

    Segment 3 (Premium segment): A product that exceedsEPA target by 5%, with delivery of 9 months, priced at

    700K, and with installation and 2-year warranty has thepotential to get 31% share and high revenue potential.

    Sit ti Wh C j i t A l i

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    New Products45

    Situations Where Conjoint AnalysisMight Be Valuable

    The new concept involves important tradeoffs affecting design,production, marketing, or other operational variables.

    Product/service is realistically decomposable into a set of basicattributes.

    Product/service choice tends to be high involvement.

    Factorial combinations of basic attribute levels are believable.

    Desirable new-product alternatives can be synthesized frombasic alternatives.

    Product/service alternatives can be realistically described,either verbally or pictorially. (Otherwise, actual productformulations should be considered).

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    New Products46

    Some Commercial Applications ofConjoint Analysis

    Consumer Industrial/Business

    Non-Durables Goods Other Products

    1. Bar soaps 1. Copying machines 1. Automotive styling

    2. Hair shampoos 2. Printing equipment 2. Automobile tires

    3. Carpet cleaners 3. Fax machines 3. Car batteries

    4. Synthetic-fiber garments 4. Data transmission 4. Ethical drugs

    5. Gasoline pricing 5. Lap top computer 5. Employee benefit

    6. Pantyhose 6. Job offers to MBAs package

    Financial Services Transportation Other Services

    1. Branch bank services 1. Air Canada 1. Car rental agencies

    2. Auto insurance policies 2. IATA 2. Telephone service pricing

    3. Health insurance policies 3. American Airlines 3. Hotels

    4. Credit card features 4. Canadian National Railway 4. Medical laboratories

    5. Consumer discount card 5. Amtrak 5. Employment agencies

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    New Products47

    Methods for ForecastingNew Product Sales

    Early stages of development

    Chain ratio method

    Judgmental methodsScenario Analysis

    Diffusion modeling

    Later stages of development

    Pre-test market methods

    Test-market methods

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    New Products48

    The Bass Diffusion Model

    Model designed to answer the question:

    When will customers adopt a new

    productor technology?

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    New Products49

    Assumptions of theBasic Bass Model

    Diffusion process is binary (consumer either adopts,

    or waits to adopt)

    Constant maximum potential number of buyers (N)

    Eventually, allNwill buy the product

    No repeat purchase, or replacement purchase

    The impact of the word-of-mouth is independent of

    adoption time

    Innovation is considered independent of substitutes

    The marketing strategies supporting the innovationare not explicitly included

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    New Products50

    Adoption Probability over Time

    Time (t)

    CumulativeProbability of

    Adoption up to



    Introductionof product


    Time (t)

    Density Function:Likelihood of

    Adoption at Timet

    f(t) = d(F(t))dt



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    New Products51

    Number of Cellular Subscribers

    Source: Cellular Telecommunication Industry Association


    1983 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



    Years Since Introduction

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    New Products52

    Sales Growth Model for Durables(The Bass Diffusion Model)

    St = p Remaining + q Adopters Potential Remaining Potential

    Innovation ImitationEffect Effect


    St = sales at time t

    p = coefficient of innovation

    q = coefficient of imitation

    # Adopters = S0 + S1 + + St1

    Remaining = Total Potential # AdoptersPotential

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    New Products53

    Parameters of the Bass Model inSeveral Product Categories

    Innovation ImitationProduct/ parameter parameter

    Technology (p) (q)

    B&W TV 0.108 0.231

    Color TV 0.059 0.146Room Air conditioner 0.006 0.185Clothes dryers 0.009 0.143Ultrasound Imaging 0.000 0.534CD Player 0.055 0.378Cellular telephones 0.008 0.421

    Steam iron 0.031 0.128Oxygen Steel Furnace (US) 0.002 0.435Microwave Oven 0.002 0.357Hybrid corn 0.000 0.797Home PC 0.121 0.281

    A study by Sultan, Farley, and Lehmann in 1990 suggests an

    average value of 0.03 forp and an average value of 0.38 for q.

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    New Products54

    Technical Specificationof the Bass Model

    The Bass Model proposes that the likelihood that someone in the population willpurchase a new product at a particular time tgiven that she has not alreadypurchased the product until then, is summarized by the following mathematical.


    L(t): Likelihood of purchase at t, given that consumer has not purchased until t

    f(t): Instantaneous likelihood of purchase at time t

    F(t): Cumulative probability that a consumer would buy the product by

    time t

    Oncef(t) is specified, then F(t) is simply the cumulative distribution off(t), andfrom Bayes Theorem, it follows that:

    L(t) = f(t)/[1F(t)] (1)


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    New Products55

    Technical Specificationof the Bass Model contd

    The Bass model proposes thatL(t) is a linear function:

    qL(t) = p + N(t) (2)



    p = Coefficient of innovation (or coefficient of external influence)

    q = Coefficient of imitation (or coefficient of internal influence)

    N(t) = Total number of adopters of the product up to time t

    N = Total number of potential buyers of the new product

    Then the number of customers who will purchase the product at time tis equal to

    Nf(t) . From (1), it then follows that:q

    Nf(t) = [p + N(t)][1N(t)] (3)N

    Nf(t) may be interpreted as the number of buyers of the product at time t[ = (t)].Likewise, NF(t) is equal to the cumulative number of buyers of the product up totime t[ =N(t)].

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    Bass Model contd

    Noting that [n(t) =Nf(t)] is equal to the number of buyers at

    time t, and [N(t) =NF(t)] is equal to the cumulative number of

    buyers until time t, we get from (2):

    qNf(t) = [p + N(t)][1N(t)] (3)


    After simplification, this gives the basic diffusion equation for

    predicting new product sales:

    qn (t) = pN + (qp) [N(t)] [N(t)]2 (4)


    E i i h P f h B

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    New Products57

    Estimating the Parameters of the BassModel Using Non-Linear Regression

    An equivalent way to representN(t) in the Bass modelis the following equation:

    qn(t) = p + N(t1) [NN(t1)]


    Given four or more values ofN(t) we can estimate thethree parameters of the above equation to minimizethe sum of squared deviations.

    E i i h P f h

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    New Products58

    Estimating the Parameters of theBass Model Using Regression

    The discretized version of the Bass model is obtained from (4):

    n(t) = a + bN(t1) + cN2(t1)

    a, b, and c may be determined from ordinary least squares regression.The values of the model parameters are then obtained as follows:

    b b24acN =


    ap =


    q = p + b

    To be consistent with the model,N> 0, b 0, and c < 0.

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    New Products59

    Forecasting Using the Bass ModelRoomTemperature Control Unit

    CumulativeQuarter Sales Sales

    Market Size = 16,000(At Start Price) 0 0 0

    1 160 160

    Innovation Rate = 0.01 4 425 1,118(Parameterp) 8 1,234 4,678

    12 1,646 11,166Imitation Rate = 0.41 16 555 15,106(Parameter q) 20 78 15,890

    24 9 15,987Initial Price = $400 28 1 15,999

    32 0 16,000Final Price = $400 36 0 16,000

    Example computations

    n(t) = pN + (qp)N(t1) qN(t1) 2/N

    Sales in Quarter 1 = 0.01 16,000 + (0.410.01) 0(0.41/16,000) (0)2 = 160

    Sales in Quarter 2 = 0.01 16,000 + (0.40) 160(0.41/16,000) (160)2

    = 223.35

    F t Aff ti th

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    New Products60

    Factors Affecting theRate of Diffusion


    High relative advantage over existing products

    High degree of compatibility with existing approaches

    Low complexity

    Can be tried on a limited basis

    Benefits are observable


    Type of innovation adoption decision (eg, does it involveswitching from familiar way of doing things?)

    Communication channels used

    Nature of links among market participants

    Nature and effect of promotional efforts

    Some Extensions to the

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    New Products61

    Some Extensions to theBasic Bass Model

    Varying market potentialAs a function of product price, reduction in uncertainty inproduct performance, and growth in population, andincreases in retail outlets.

    Incorporation of marketing variablesCoefficient of innovation (p) as a function of advertising

    p(t) = a + b lnA(t).

    Effects of price and detailing.

    Incorporating repeat purchases

    Multi-stage diffusion processAwareness Interest Adoption Word ofmouth

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    New Products62

    Pretest Market Models


    Forecast sales/share for new product before areal test market or product launch

    Conceptual model


    Commercial pre-test market services

    Yankelovich, Skelly, and White



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    New Products63

    ASSESSOR Model


    Predict new products long-term market share, and

    sales volume over time

    Estimate the sources of the new products share,

    which includes cannibalization of the firms

    existing products, and the draw from competitor


    Generate diagnostics to improve the product and its

    marketing program

    Evaluate impact of alternative marketing mix

    elements such as price, package, etc.

    O i f A

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    New Products64

    Overview of ASSESSORModeling Procedure

    Management Input

    (Positioning Strategy)

    (Marketing Plan)



    Draw &


    Estimates DiagnosticsUnit Sales




    Trial &

    Repeat Model

    Brand Share


    Consumer Research Input

    (Laboratory Measures)

    (Post-Usage Measures)

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    Overview of ASSESSOR Measurements

    Design Procedure Measurement

    O1 Respondent screening and Criteria for target-group identificationrecruitment (personal interview) (eg, product-class usage)

    O2 Pre-measurement for established Composition of relevant set ofbrands (self-administrated established brands, attribute weightsquestionnaire) and ratings, and preferences

    X1 Exposure to advertising for establishedbrands and new brands

    [O3] Measurement of reactions to the Optional, e.g. likability andadvertising materials (self- believability ratings of advertisingadministered questionnaire) materials

    X2 Simulated shopping trip and exposureto display of new and established brands

    O4 Purchase opportunity (choice recorded Brand(s) purchased

    by research personnel)X3 Home use/consumption of new brand

    O5 Post-usage measurement (telephone New-brand usage rate, satisfaction ratings, andrepeat-purchase propensity; attribute ratingsand preferences for relevant set ofestablished brands plus the new brand

    O = Measurement; X= Advertsing or product exposure

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    Trial/Repeat Model

    Market share for new product

    Mn = T R W


    T = long-run cumulative trial rate (estimated

    from measurement at O4)

    R = long-run repeat rate (estimated from

    measurements at O5)

    W = relative usage rate, with w = 1 being the

    average market usage rate.

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    Trial Model

    T = FKD + CU (FKD) (CU)


    F = long-run probability of trial given 100% awareness and100% distribution (from O4)

    K = long-run probability of awareness (from managerial


    D = long-run probability of product availability where target

    segment shops (managerial judgment and experience)

    C = probability of consumer receiving sample (Managerial


    U = probability that consumer who receives a product willuse it (from managerial judgment and past experience)

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    Repeat Model

    Obtained as long-run equilibrium of the switching matrix estimatedfrom (O2 and O5):

    Time (t+1)New Other

    New p(nn) p(no)Time t

    Other p(on) p(oo)

    p(.) are probabilities of switching where

    p(nn) +p(no) = 1.0; p(on) +p(oo) = 1.0

    Long-run repeat given by:

    p(on)r =

    1 + p(on)p(nn)

    Preference Model: Purchase

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    Preference Model: PurchaseProbabilities Before New Product Use


    Vij = Preference rating from productj by participant i

    Lij = Probability that participant i will purchase productj

    Ri = Products that participant i will consider for purchase(Relevant set)

    b = An index which determines how strongly preference

    for a product will translate to choice of that product

    (typical range: 1.53.0)


    Lij = Ri



    Preference Model: Purchase

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    Preference Model: PurchaseProbabilities After New Product Use

    where:Lit = Choice probability of productj after participant i

    has had an opportunity to try the new product

    b = index obtained earlier

    Then, market share for new product:


    Mn = En I N

    n = index for new product

    En = proportion of participants who include new productin their relevant sets

    N = number of respondents


    Lij = Ri

    (Vin)b + (Vik)


    Estimating Cannibalization

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    Estimating Cannibalizationand Draw

    Partition the group of participants into two: those who include new product intheir consideration sets, and those who dont. The weighted pre- and post-market shares are then given by:


    Mj = I N

    Lin LinMj = En + (1En)

    I N I N

    Then the market share drawn by the new product from each of the existingproducts is given by:

    Dj = Mj Mj

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    Example: Preference Ratings

    Vij (Pre-use) V ij (Post-use)

    Customer B1 B2 B3 B4 B1 B2 B3 B4 New Product

    1 0.1 0.0 4.9 3.7 0.1 0.0 2.6 1.7 0.2

    2 1.5 0.7 3.0 0.0 1.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 3.13 2.5 2.9 0.0 0.0 2.3 1.4 0.0 0.0 2.3

    4 3.1 3.4 0.0 0.0 3.3 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.7

    5 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0

    6 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1

    7 0.4 2.1 0.0 2.9 0.4 2.1 0.0 1.6 0.1

    8 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 5.0

    9 4.8 2.4 0.0 0.0 5.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.3

    10 0.7 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.7 0.0 3.4 0.0 0.9

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    Choice Probabilities

    Lij (Pre-use) Lij (Post-use)Customer B1 B2 B3 B4 B1 B2 B3 B4 New Product

    1 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.31 0.00

    2 0.20 0.05 0.75 0.00 0.21 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.73

    3 0.43 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.42

    4 0.46 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.035 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    6 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20

    7 0.01 0.35 0.00 0.64 0.03 0.61 0.00 0.36 0.00

    8 0.89 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98

    9 0.79 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00

    10 0.02 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.07

    Unweighted marketshare (%) 38.0 28.3 23.6 10.1 28.1 24.8 16.1 6.7 24.3

    New products draw from each brand(Unweighted %) 9.9 3.5 7.5 3.4

    New products draw from each brand(Weighted byEn in %) 2.0 0.7 1.5 0.7

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    Assessor Trial & Repeat Model

    Market Share Due to Advertising

    Max trial with

    unlimited Ad

    Ad$ for 50%

    max. trial

    Actual Ad $

    Max awareness

    with unlimited Ad

    Ad $ for 50%

    max. awareness

    Actual Ad $

    % buying brand in

    simulated shopping



    estimate (Agree)

    Switchback rate of


    Repurchase rate

    of simulation


    % making first purchase

    GIVEN awareness &



    Prob. of awareness


    Prob. of availability


    Prob. of switching

    TO brand


    Prob. of repurchase

    of brand


    % making first

    purchase due to



    Retention rate

    GIVEN trial

    for ad purchasers


    Response Mode Manual Mode


    market share

    from advertising


    Source: Thomas Burnham, University of Texas at Austin

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    Assessor Trial & Repeat Model

    Market Share Due to Sampling


    coverage (%) 0.503

    % Delivered 0.90

    % of those delivered

    hitting target 0.80

    Simulation sample


    Switchback rate of


    Repurchase rate of



    Prob. of switching

    TO brand


    Prob. of repurchase

    of brand



    market share

    from sampling


    % hitting target

    that get used


    Retention rate

    GIVEN trial

    for sample receivers


    Correction for sampling/ad

    overlap (take out those who

    tried sampling, but would

    have tried due to ad)


    Market share trying



    Source: Thomas Burnham, University of Texas at Austin

    Assessor Preference Model

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    Assessor Preference ModelSummary

    Source: Thomas Burnham, University of Texas at Austin

    Pre-use constant

    sum evaluations

    Post-use constant

    sum evaluations

    Cumulative trialfrom ad

    (T&R model)


    Beta (B) for

    choice model

    Pre-entry market


    Post-entry market

    shares (assuming




    post entry

    market shares


    Pre-use preference


    Pre-use choices

    Post-use preference


    Proportion of

    consumers who

    consider product

    0.137 Draw &



    Assessor Market Share to

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    Assessor Market Share toFinancial Results Diagrams

    Market share


    Market size


    Sales per person



    factory sales



    unit margin








    factory sales


    Industry average

    sales $ for

    market share



    factory sales

    Frequency of use






    Price differences



    on sales

    Source: Thomas Burnham, University of Texas at Austin

    Predicted and Observed Market

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    Predicted and Observed MarketShares for ASSESSOR

    Deviation DeviationProduct Description Initial Adjusted Actual (Initial (Adjusted

    Actual) Actual)

    Deodorant 13.3 11.0 10.4 2.9 0.6Antacid 9.6 10.0 10.5 0.9 0.5

    Shampoo 3.0 3.0 3.2 0.2 0.2Shampoo 1.8 1.8 1.9 0.1 0.1Cleaner 12.0 12.0 12.5 0.5 0.5Pet Food 17.0 21.0 22.0 5.0 1.0Analgesic 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0Cereal 8.0 4.3 4.2 3.8 0.1Shampoo 15.6 15.6 15.6 0.0 0.0Juice Drink 4.9 4.9 5.0 0.1 0.1

    Frozen Food 2.0 2.0 2.2 0.2 0.2Cereal 9.0 7.9 7.2 1.8 0.7Etc. ... ... ... ... ...

    Average 7.9 7.5 7.3 0.6 0.2Average Absolute Deviation 1.5 0.6Standard Deviation of Differences 2.0 1.0

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    BASES Model

    Trial volume estimate

    Calibrated Distribution AwarenessPt = intent score intensityt leveltTt = Pt U0 (1/Sit) (TM) (1/CDI)


    Pt = Cumulative penetration up to timet

    Tt = Total trial volume until timet in a particular target marketU0 = Average units purchased at trial (t = 0)Sit = Seasonality index at time =t

    TM = Size of target market

    CDI = Category development index for target market

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    Repeat volume estimate

    Rt = Ni1,tYit Ui



    Ni1,t = Cumulative number of consumers who repeat at least i1 times byweekt (N0,t= initial trial volume)

    Yit = Conditional cumulative ith repeat purchase rate at weekt given thati1 repeat purchases were made up to weekt

    Ui = Average units purchased at repeat level i

    Ni1,t & Yit are estimated based on consumers stated after use intendedpurchase frequency and estimate of long-run decay in repeat rate.

    Ui is estimated based on consumers stated purchase quantities.

    BASES Model contd

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    BASES Model contd

    Total volume estimate

    St = Tt Rt + Adjustments for promotionalvolume

    Yankelovich Skelly and White

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    Yankelovich, Skelly and WhiteModel

    Forecast market share = S N C R U Kwhere:

    S = Lab store sales (indicator of trial),

    N = Novelty factor of being in lab market. Discount sales by 2040% basedon previous experience that relate trial in lab markets to trial in actualmarkets,

    C = Clout factor which retains between 25% and 75% ofSNdetermined,based on proposed marketing effort versus ad and distribution weightsof existing brands in relation to their market share,

    R = Repurchase rate based on percentage of those trying who repurchase,

    U = Usage rate based on usage frequency of new product as compared to thenew product category as a whole, and

    K = Judgmental factor based on comparison ofS N C R U Kwith Yankelovich norms. The comparison is with respect to factors suchas size and growth of category, new products share derived fromcategory expansion versus conversion from existing brand.

    Some Issues in Validating

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    Some Issues in ValidatingPre-Test Models

    Validation does not include products that were

    withdrawn as a result of model predictions

    Pre-test and actual launch are separated in

    time, often by a year or more

    Marketing program as implemented could bedifferent from planned program