Download - New Mexico Liberty, August 2009


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August 2009  v.2.2 N


The Official Newsletter of the Libertarian Party of New Mexico

Table of Contents

Page 1• Libertarian Media from New Mexico• Notes from the Editor 

Page 2 – Events at a Glance

Page 3 – A Lesson in Politics

Page 4 – Single-Payer Groceries,Anyone?

Page 5 – Reports of Rail Runner'ssuccess greatly exaggerated

Page 6 – 545 vs. 300,000,000

Page 7 – Contacts / Internet Resources

Page 8• Administrivia• The Unanimous Consent Challenge Page 9 – Enrollment / Renewal Form

Page 10 – Authorization for AutomaticTransfers

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Libertarian Media from New Mexiconot necessarily endorsed by LPNM)

Speaking Freely hosted by Paul Gessing and Jim Scarantino

Saturdays 9 – 10 AM on KJOY 1550 

Hemp TV  – Tuesdays at 7PM

The One Party State – Wednesdays 11PMContact Lance Klafeta

[ [email protected] ] for details

Reeferhead  – Saturdays at

The Fringe Element /


Making Government Responsible?

That was the title of a speech given by Alan Woodruff, the LPNM's candidate for U.S. Hof Representatives (District 1) at the Independence Grill on 4 August .

Alan Woodruff at the speakers' podiumIndependence Grill – 4 August 2009

I thought that he presented his message very well – he kept it concise and topical, threthe occasional bit of humor, and kept his presentation on track when faced disagreement from the audience.

Still, it's impossible to make government responsible – government cannot be respon

as government isn't a concrete, tangible object, much less a sapient (self-aware) entitycan be responsible for anything. Government is an abstraction – an agreement that wdelegate certain powers to certain people for specific tasks (namely, protecting the libeof the rest of us) for a limited amount of time in exchange for certain benefits for thosdelegated.

The best we can do is to make sure that those so delegated are the best, most responpeople we can find for the given tasks, in this case, those specified by the United SConstitution. And there, Alan Woodruff has some good ideas, in that those in Congshould be able to specify just what the problem is that they're trying to tackle, thaproblem is actually solvable by government, and that we don't have twenty agenciesprograms working on that same problem when just one would work fine.

See Dr. Woodruff's website for more information –

New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pa

Notes from the Editor by Mike Blessing [ [email protected] ]

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Special Events

LPNM Central Committee Meeting – 13 September 2009

The LPNM's Central Committee will have its regularly schedmeeting on Sunday, 14 June 2009. Lunch at 12 PM, meeting 1 PM to 3 PM. For location, contact State Chair Ken Cavanau505-489-8099 / [email protected]  ]. County and CamContacts encouraged to attend!

LPNM Central Committee Meeting – 13 December 2009

The LPNM's Central Committee will have its regularly schedmeeting on Sunday, 14 June 2009. Lunch at 12 PM, meeting 1 PM to 3 PM. For location, contact State Chair Ken Cavanau505-489-8099 / [email protected]  ]. County and CamContacts encouraged to attend!

2010 Annual State Convention

The 2010 LPNM State Convention is scheduled for the weeke16-18 April 2009 for the greater Albuquerque area. More detafollow soon.

The LPNM's Candidates

U.S. House of Representatives

District 1 – Alan Woodruff – 

State Legislature

State Representative, District 16 – Mike Blessing – 

(Exploratory committee at present)

State Senate, District 26 – Mike Blessing – 

(Exploratory committee at present)

New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pa

Events at a Glance

Bernalillo County – The BCLP is hosting two meetings per month,on Thursday, 6 August and Thursday, 20 August, 6:00 to 7:00 PMat Fiesta's Restaurant & Lounge (Carlisle & Montogomery NE).Contact Mike Blessing for details [ [email protected]  / 505-918-6567], or see the BCLP website –

Mark Curtis and Jay Vandersloot have been manning a table at thegun shows hosted in the Manuel Lujan Building at the StateFairgrounds.

Precinct 553 Chair Elisheva Levin, is considering a run for StateRepresentative, District 22.

See for more information concerning TheWeekly Sedition and New Mexico's Consumer Advocate.

Dona Ana County – The next scheduled Dona Ana County CentralCommittee Meeting is 13 January 2010 at 6:30 PM to plan for thecounty convention. Contact chair for more information. Thecommittee would be delighted to meet before then with any DoñaAna County Libertarian wishing support in running for office or withany ideas to advance the party or political issues that the partyshould address. Please contact the chair – [email protected] /575-541-9079, or check the LPDAC website –

Otero County   – The Otero County LP meets on Wednesday, 5

August – contact Dr. Gilberto Heredia for more information [[email protected] / 575-439-8234 ], or see the OCLP website for details – The OCLP hosted this year's stateconvention in April.

Rio Arriba – Lynette Cannon has recently signed up as the RioArriba County LP Chair, as well as the Taos County Chair.

Sandoval County – The LPSC is having its monthly meetings onthe fourth Tuesday of each month. Tuesday, 25 August – TheSandoval County Libertarian Party will meet – contact RonBjornstad [ [email protected] / 505-288-4228 ] for details.

Santa Fe County – Ed Nagel is working on organizing an LPNMcounty aff iliate for Santa Fe County. Contact him [email protected] or call him at 505-471-6928. He'd appreciate

any help he can get. The Santa Fe County LP meets at the SouthLibrary on Monday, 10 August at 6:30 PM. Contact Ed Nagel for details [ [email protected] / 505-474-0300 ].

Ed specified these directions for the South Library –

Although the mailing address is on Jaguar St, the best wayto get there is to turn south off Airport Rd onto Country ClubRd (by the golf course), proceed 6 tenths of a mile toValentine Way, and make a left (heading east), and animmediate right into the parking lot of the South Library.

Taos – Lynette Cannon has recently signed up as the Taos CountyLP Chair, as well as the Rio Arriba County Chair.

If you live in a county with an inactive affiliate and want to getinvolved, contact the county chair.



EMAIL [email protected]

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In reviewing our options, I have received offers for paid petitioto accomplish our task. However, the price tag that comes withis cost-prohibitive, and outside our current budget. There is nothat we can go that route alone, though it might yet be necesas we see what we ourselves can generate. Some of us have collecting signatures for months now, even though we havebeen notified, nor been given the “official” petition forms. having reviewed the forms over the years, it appears that the fothat we have been using should suffice. So, if you want tostarted, send me an email (  [email protected] ) and get you a party qualification petition form. These forms ha

blank for the county designation, as the signatures muscollected by that grouping. Make copies so that you can write incounty name as needed.

In order to regain party status, we need to collect nearly 3,000 signatures (the number is slightly higher than 2,700, but use 3as the official target). The key is the word valid. Many peopleare willing to sign petitions see that they are being asked to proan address. A lot of folks are reluctant to give a correct addusually out of fear of being added to a mailing list. Of course, ifcollect signatures by going door-to-door, it is difficult for them tprovide their correct address, but still might. The address onpetitions MUST BE in agreement with their voter registraddress (yes, that means the signatories must be regisvoters). What I have found to be successful is to assure the pe

even before they consider signing that this is not to be used mailing list; that after the purpose is completed, these formsmerely be shredded. Usually that takes away a lot of their conc

Another challenge that slows the process down is that people owant to spend time finding out about the Libertarian philosoThis does slow you down, but is helpful to expand our reputaWhen I collected signatures for my candidate bid, everywanted to take an hour or two of my time discussing the issThis puts you in a difficult position. It is up to you as to what you are willing to give to these questions, but I include that wahere because it will cost you time unless you manage it well. Tkeep the goal in mind, that we need to collect a significant amof signatures, but still recognize the value of giving the un-inforpublic some ideas as to what the Libertarian philosophy is all a

Balance that as you see fit.So I would ask all of you that are able to collect such signatureyou can. Even if all you are willing to do is grab 10-20 from immediate neighborhoods. I would estimate that one short eve(2-3 hours) could accomplish that. Even that count will adthrough all of our efforts. So I urge all of you to help out in whatway you can.

By the way, I mentioned the cost earlier of paid petitioners. Tadditional donations to the LPNM would be helpful, but the coso great that raising funds for a petition drive is not the prioritywould need thousands of dollars to cover that cost. It would be to have that kind of funds, so that we wouldn't need to dofootwork itself, but the gap between what we have today, and we would need is so great as to make raising funds as the

approach is a large task itself. At the end of this newsletter is a from which you can make donations, if that is your preference.

Thank you for your assistance in putting us back in play,

Ken CavanaughLPNM State Chair [email protected] 

Petitioning for Party Status

I will return to political science in later newsletters. For now, it hasbecome critical that we discuss the party status of the LPNM here

in New Mexico. Though the secretary of State, and then the CountyElection Boards have not distributed any notice (and I'm glad theyhaven't), we can rest assured that the LPNM has been disqualifiedas a minor party. We have been through this in the past, yet wenow face this challenge once again.

In last years election, the Presidential nominee Bob Barr failed toachieve the 0.5% of the total votes cast that was required in order to maintain minor party status. The LPNM is now faced with thetask of collecting signatures on party qualification petitions in order to regain this minor party status.

I know that many of you have been through this before, and don'treally want to go through it again. However, I need to ensure thatwe all understand the impact of not being a minor party. The mostimportant aspect of this is that any libertarian that wants to run for 

office (under statute) must collect signatures for their owncandidacy. This is required whether or not they run as a minor partycandidate, or a non-affiliated candidate. Yet there is a significantdifference between those two categories.

Depending on what office is being sought, a non-affiliatedcandidate might need as many as 3-4 times the number of signatures that a minor party candidate would need. In that way, torun as a minor party candidate takes less effort to obtain ballotaccess by a substantial amount.

Also, and this is absurd, if a candidate wants to run as a minor party candidate, they have to collect signatures on petitions thatstate the minor party name. These petitions aren't made officiallyavailable from the Secretary of State until October 1st (we arechallenging this in a lawsuit that has been filed). At the same time,

similar official petitions for party status also aren't made availableuntil the same date. What this does is place a potential candidateinto a quandary. They might collect signatures with a minor partydesignation, while the party members strive to obtain the necessarysignatures for minor party status. What can happen is that, if theparty supporters fail to obtain the requisite signatures for minor party status, all the efforts made by the candidates for runningunder a minor party label are discarded as useless.

Currently we have 1 active candidate (Dr. Alan Woodruff for U.S.House 1st District), and a few others that are considering running.These active and potential candidates would have their efforts atrisk since the LPNM itself is no longer qualified as a minor party. Astedious as it is to obtain petition signatures, can you imagine if a lotof hard work gets discarded because the party itself failed them?

For those that have never run for office, I can assure you that wouldbe devastating to potential candidates.

So, I am writing this (with a degree of reluctance) to start rampingup the effort that we will need to go through (again) to obtain minor party status once again. I have spoken with the national LPChairman (Bill Redpath) about how the national presidentialnominee has hurt us here in New Mexico. He and I have agreedthat, in order to have national presence, we are expected to permitnational nominees on our ballot, however, he has also agreed thatthe national organization will step up and help those states that loseparty status if that is the result. In that way, I expect someassistance down the road from the LP itself. Still, we need to do thebest we can to accomplish that which we can for ourselves.

Voice of the Chair by Ken Cavanaugh[ [email protected] ]

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They will demand that "something be done" about the out-of-cocosts of food as their tax burden escalates, and the politicianscomply.

Politicians typically have only one response to the cost explosthat their own policies cause: price controls, usually euphemistcalled "global budgeting," "price caps," or some other decphrase. The new price controls on food will stimulate consudemand even further, while stifling food production and susince they will take much of the profit out of farming, which fotime being will still be in private hands. Food shortages are

inevitable result, which of course will call for even more governmintervention in the form of a new government food-rationing bosimilar to what occurred during World War II when there were controls on food and many other items. The more affluent wable to bribe their way into adequate food purchases, whilepoor will simply be out of luck, as they always are whengovernment rations anything. The affluent always have political influence than the poor.

I would expect the new government grocery stores to be unionas the American Socialist Party will change the labor laws to mit mandatory, just as the government did with airport emploafter 9/11. This will give tremendous clout to the public grounion since a strike can literally shut down food distribution. Iessentially transfer much of the power to tax to the public emplgrocery union. Consequently, grocery industry workers wiamong the highest paid people in America. This will beadditional cause of a further cost explosion, which will ignite mtax-increasing campaigns and the demonization of the taxpapublic whenever it resists the additional plunder.

With no genuine profit-and-loss statements in our new single-pgrocery industry there will be no way in the world to know whor not agricultural resources are being used efficiently, thawhether say, a million dollars in grain is turned into food prodthat are worth more than a million dollars. When that occurs, is a profit in the private sector, but the private sector will be omemory. Consequently, there will be perpetual economic chathe food industry. We are talking about socialism here, after all.

Since civil service regulations make it all but impossible to

public employees, we can expect the highly paid food indbureaucrats to be as inefficient, lazy, and unproductive asgovernment bureaucrats anywhere. They will have no incentiacquire skills that enable them to be more efficient at servingcustomers. Instead, the "skills" they will acquire will be ponetworking, scheming, and conniving skills. Politics will be the to higher pay and perks, not customer service.

Not to mention management, who will all be political appoinwhose jobs will be protected by their politician/, spoiled food, high costs, filthy grocery stshortages, and all other costly problems will all be addressedone strategy: more tax increases and more governdemonization of tax resisters.

Since government-run monopolies are, well, monopolies

competition between the government grocery stores will be scontrolled or prohibited. The most likely means of doing this wto assign each person to a certain neighborhood grocery storas the government schools assign everyone to a certain governmonopoly school, and as the British nationalized healbureaucracy assigns everyone to a specific hospital. That wanew government-run grocery monopoly will have a truly capaudience of "customers."

[ Continued on Pa

New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pa

The American Socialist Party (ASP), whose members entertaininglycall themselves "Democrats," is determined to use its control of theexecutive and legislative branches of government to destroy theprivate health insurance and healthcare industries in favor of "single-payer" healthcare. Of course, when government is thesingle payer that means government-run monopoly . Averagepeople instinctively understand that monopoly is never in their bestinterest, but to politicians who will administer and benefit from themonopoly the thinking is apparently "it’s good to be the monopolist,"as Mel Brooks might say.

Moreover, there is no reason to believe that they will stop there. If agovernment-run monopoly is good for healthcare, they willeventually argue, why not food, cars, and other essentials of modern life? They are socialists, after all.

Since I always try to keep a step ahead of the bad guys, it will beuseful to think through how say, a single-payer grocery industry

would work. Such an exercise will also teach us some lessonsabout what can be expected of a "single-payer," government-runhealthcare monopoly.

Here’s my take on how central planning for the new Americansingle-payer grocery industry monopoly would work: First, allgroceries will be paid for by the taxpayers, who are sometimesconfused with "government" by the media. Anyone at any time –even illegal aliens – can walk into a grocery store and walk out withwhatever groceries and other items they "need." A nationalgovernment I.D. will be needed so that the state can "track" our grocery purchases with it. It will be as easy to obtain for illegalaliens as it is for citizens, since illegal aliens are such an importantvoting block in support of the American Socialist Party. Thegovernment grocery stores will keep track of all food purchases sothat they can better administer the state’s new anti-obesity/mandatory exercise campaign. The stated purpose of this"campaign" will be to cut healthcare costs by forcing us all intohealthier lifestyles (as defined by the state). With government incharge of health and lifestyle planning, that old saying will bealtered to say "a ton of prevention for an ounce of cure."

Since the laws of economics have not been repealed, one problemis that since groceries are free, many people will tend to consumefar more than is necessary. Cats and dogs will dine on filet mignon,salmon, and sushi, for example, which might drive the pet foodindustry out of existence. Good riddance, some would say. Ineconomics lingo, there will be an explosion of consumer demand,which will cause a subsequent explosion in costs in most of thefood industries (these are called "increasing cost industries" byeconomists, since average costs of production tend to increase as

they expand). Thus, "free" food will become expensive beyondbelief. This phenomenon is what economists call "the moral hazardproblem" of government subsidies.

In response to the government-created explosion of food costs, thegovernment will wage nationwide propaganda campaigns to raisetaxes, complete with televised pictures of starving babies, similar tothe "feed the children" television commercials that raise charitabledonations for starving children in the Third World. All opposition tothe tax increases will be denounced by Nancy Pelosi and her comrades as "Hitler-like," and worse.

The booboisie will eventually recognize that the food cost explosion(and the healthcare cost explosion that will inevitably come withsingle-payer healthcare) cannot be paid for indefinitely by the Fedchairman’s announcements of the printing and/or borrowing of another trillion dollars this week, a trillion more next week, etc.

Single-Payer Groceries, Anyone?by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

[  / [email protected] ]

7 August 2009

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[ Continued from Page 4 ]

Black markets for food will eventually crop up (no pun intended),but they would have to be harshly penalized by fines and evenimprisonment for the more egregious offenses, war-on-drugs style.Single payer means single payer, the government will ominouslypreach. Black market gardening will draw resources away from thegovernment-run grocery monopoly, which will be especially harmfulto "the children," the state will inform us. This is the argument thatis always made by the state in response to the creation of privateschools, increased homeschooling, or even school voucher 

proposals, and it will be repeated if there is any competition for thenew government grocery monopoly.

Some years ago I discussed this scenario in a class of undergraduate students and asked them if all of thesecharacteristics reminded them of any particular industry in America.(It’s how public schools are organized). One student who hadgrown up in the Republic of China (Taiwan) immediately shouted,"Communism!" Having grown up in the shadow of Chinesecommunism he was very familiar with the subject, and he was right,of course. I’m sure he would have the same opinion of "single-payer healthcare."

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Thomas J. DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola College

in Maryland and the author of The Real Lincoln, Lincoln Unmasked:What You’re Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe and How Capitalism Saved America. His latest book is Hamilton’sCurse: How Jefferson’s Archenemy Betrayed the AmericanRevolution – And What It Means for America Today.

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Gov. Bill Richardson has been touring New Mexico touting the"success" of the taxpayer-financed Rail Runner commuter train.Recently, he has promoted the idea of transforming the train from aregional, commuter rail system operating between Santa Fe andthe southern suburbs of Albuquerque to one that bisects the statetraveling through Las Cruces on to El Paso and keeps going far beyond Santa Fe all the way to Denver.

Ambitious goals indeed, but they are founded on the assumption onthe part of Richardson and other policymakers that the Rail Runner is a "success." The problem arises in defining what success shouldlook like.

In financial terms, it would be extremely hard to say the train issuccessful. After all, the infrastructure needed just to set the current100 mile system up from Belen to Santa Fe cost averagetaxpayers, whether they use it or not, $400 million. This is a sunkcost that will never be paid back. That's because the systemoperates at a significant and growing loss.

As the Rio Grande Foundation points out in a new study, "Red InkExpress," according to information obtained from the managers of the Rail Runner, from the first date of service in July 2006 throughMay 31, 2009, the average daily "ridership" on the train was a mere2,539. That number shrinks even further when its meaning isclarified. The Rail Runner's "ridership" is calculated based on eachindividual boarding.

That means a round-trip commuter to Santa Fe from Albuqueis counted twice, since they get on the train coming and going.actual average number of daily commuters using the Rail Rufor its three years of operations is just under 1,270.

In addition, its annual operating and maintenance deficexploding. The data received from the Rail Runner's manageshow that in 2006, the train's first year of operation the operdeficit was $7.8 million. Its operating deficit last year was $million. Its operating losses for its third year of operation to Ma2009, already exceeded $13.4 million. That is a total of $32 m

in operating losses so far.This means that the taxpayer subsidy per commuter has also increasing as the Rail Runner produces ever higher operatingmaintenance costs far in excess of the fares it charges. subsidy has grown from $6,128 per commuter in its first yemore than $10,500 this past year.

Taxpayers are effectively paying a select few to ride the instead of a taking a bus or driving. At the average daily ridersh2,539, taxpayers were kicking in $16.89 per ride during the year.

Considering that the trip from Las Cruces to Belen -- the cusouthern terminus of the Rail Runner -- is 191 miles, nearly tthe system's current length, and that the proposed Raton to SFe leg is an additional 176 miles, such an expansion of train se

would cost an additional $1.5 billion just to construct. Sinceprospective Rail Runner service areas are far more spapopulated than the current service area, operating losses wlikely exceed $50 million annually. These costs would, of coursfinanced by New Mexico taxpayers, whether they ride the tranot.

The fact is that New Mexico faces a $300 million budget shortfathe coming fiscal year. We could really have used the $400 mthat was spent to build the Rail Runner right now, but webeyond that point. With money scarce and the economy still inshape, it would seem that we should do the wise thing whenfinds oneself in a hole: stop digging.

Paul Gessing is the President of New Mexico's Rio GrFoundation [     ]. The Rio Gr

Foundation is an independent, non-partisan, tax-exempt reseand educational organization dedicated to promoting prosperitNew Mexico based on principles of limited government, econfreedom and individual responsibility.

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New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pa

Reports of Rail Runner's successgreatly exaggerated

Paul J. Gessing

[email protected] ] – 6 August 2009

Liberty, Opportunity, Prosperity

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County Contacts

Bernalillo – Blessing – 505-918-6567 / [email protected]

ColfaxRichard Moore – 575-377-6849 / [email protected]

Dona Ana – Ickler – 575-541-9079 / [email protected]

LeaChristina Groth – 575-397-9366

LincolnRichard Obergfell – 575-378-8025 / [email protected]

Los AlamosAllen Cogbill – 505-662-7833 / [email protected]

LunaMarilyn Steffen – 575-531-2556 / [email protected]

Otero – Gilberto Heredia – 575-439-8234 / [email protected]

RooseveltKen Sanders – 505-749-2085

San Juan – sjclp.orgGary Wood – [email protected]

SandovalRon Bjornstad – 505-288-4228 / [email protected]

Santa FeEd Nagel – 505-471-6928 / [email protected]


Abran Gabaldon – 505-864-6870 / [email protected]

LPNM Vacancies

Central Committee (1)

District 3 Representative, Seat A

County Contacts (20)

Catron / Chaves / Cibola / Curry / De Baca / Eddy / GrantGuadalupe / Harding / Hidalgo / McKinley / Mora / Quay

Rio Arriba / San Miguel / Sierra / Socorro / Taos / Torrance / U

College Contacts (3)

Eastern New Mexico University (Portales)New Mexico State University (Las Cruces)

New Mexico Tech (Socorro)University of New Mexico (Various Campuses)Western New Mexico University (Silver City)

Contact the state chair if you're interested in filling a sloIf you don't, who will?

New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pag

545 vs. 300,000,000Forwarded by Jay Vandersloot

545 PEOPLEBy Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problemsand then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and theRepublicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflationand high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote onappropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bankdoes.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nineSupreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible

for the domestic problems that plague this country.I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board becausethat problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congressdelegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to afederally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason.They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce asenator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-pickingthing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash.The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter whatthe lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determinehow he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincingyou that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in thiscommon con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is anexcessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have thegall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. Hecannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives soleresponsibility to the House of Representatives for originating andapproving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of theHouse? Nancy Pelosi. She is the leader of the majority party. Sheand fellow House members, not the president, can approve anybudget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannotreplace 545 people who stand convicted – by present facts – of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domesticproblem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. Whenyou fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is whatthey want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red . . . .

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ, it’s because they want them inIRAQ.

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirementplan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, wthey hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whoseand advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they givepower to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Aall, do not let them con you into the belief that there edisembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation"politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the pewho are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando SenNewspaper.

What you do with this article now that you have read it.......... to you.

This might be funny if it weren't so darned true.

Be sure to read all the way to the end:

What in the hell happened? Can you spell “politicians?”

New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pa

Tax his land,Tax his bed,Tax the tableAt which he's fed.

Tax his tractor,Tax his mule,Teach him taxesAre the rule.

Tax his work,Tax his pay,He works for peanutsAnyway!

Tax his cow,

Tax his goat,Tax his pants,Tax his coat.

Tax his ties,Tax his shirt,Tax his work,Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,Tax his drink,Tax him if heTries to think.

Tax his cigars,Tax his beers,

If he criesTax his tears.

Tax all he hasThen let him knowThat you won't be doneTill he has no dough.

When he screams and hollerThen tax him some more,Tax him tillHe's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,Tax his grave,Tax the sod inWhich he's laid.

Put these wordsUpon his tomb,"Taxes drove meTo my doom..."

When he's gone,Do not relax,It’s time to applyThe inheritance tax.

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LPNM Central Committee

Chair Ken Cavanaugh – 505-489-8099 / [email protected]

Vice Chair Jay Vandersloot – 505-362-1733 / [email protected]

SecretarySiebert Ickler – 575-541-9079 / [email protected]

Treasurer VACANT

At-Large Representative, Seat AAllen Cogbill – 505-662-7833 / [email protected]

At-Large Representative, Seat BAttila Csanyi –

District 1 Representative, Seat AMike Blessing – 505-918-6567 / [email protected]

District 1 Representative, Seat BBob Finch – 765-412-2374 / [email protected]

District 2 Representative, Seat AGilberto Heredia – 575-439-8234 / [email protected]

District 2 Representative, Seat B

Kathleen Hodgkinson –575-437-6042 / [email protected]

District 3 Representative, Seat ARon Bjornstad – 505-891-4541 / [email protected]

District 3 Representative, Seat BMike Moss – 505-564-4905 / [email protected]

Membership Coordinator Ron Bjornstad – 505-288-4228 / [email protected]

Press SecretaryBill Koehler – 505-264-0835 / [email protected]

Media Director Bob Finch – 765-412-2374 / [email protected]

Campus Contacts

Central New Mexico Community College [CNM] Blessing – 505-918-6567 / [email protected]

College of Santa FeMorgan Wells – [email protected]

New Mexico State University [NMSU]Kathleen Hodgkinson –575-437-6042 / [email protected]

Internet Resources

Official Website – lpnm.usLPNM Forum –

Caucus membership required, per the Central Committee

LPNM Discussion – forum (unmoderated for the most part)

Blog –

Facebook social utility –

Myspace group –

County Contacts

Bernalillo – Blessing – 505-918-6567 / [email protected]

ColfaxRichard Moore – 575-377-6849 / [email protected]

Dona Ana – Ickler – 575-541-9079 / [email protected]


Christina Groth – 575-397-9366LincolnRichard Obergfell – 575-378-8025 / [email protected]

Los AlamosAllen Cogbill – 505-662-7833 / [email protected]

LunaMarilyn Steffen – 575-531-2556 / [email protected]

Otero – Gilberto Heredia – 575-439-8234 / [email protected] 

Rio ArribaLynette Cannon – 575-756-1511 / [email protected] 


Ken Sanders – 575-749-2085

San Juan – sjclp.orgGary Wood – [email protected]

SandovalRon Bjornstad – 505-288-4228 / [email protected]

Santa FeEd Nagel – 505-471-6928 / [email protected]

TaosLynette Cannon – 575-756-1511 / [email protected] 

LPNM Vacancies

Executive Committee (1)


County Contacts (19)

Catron / Chaves / Cibola / Curry / De Baca / Eddy / GrantGuadalupe / Harding / Hidalgo / McKinley / Mora / Quay

San Miguel / Sierra / Socorro / Torrance / Union / Valencia

College Contacts (4)

Eastern New Mexico University (Portales)

New Mexico Tech (Socorro)

University of New Mexico (Various Campuses)

Western New Mexico University (Silver City)

Contact the state chair if you're interestedin filling a slot.

If you don't, who will?

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Administriviaby Mike Blessing, Editor 

If you have news, interesting stories, op-ed pieces, a letter to theeditor, or timely information that you think belongs in the newsletter,please send it along. I can be contacted at 505-918-6567, or justsend it to email address [email protected].

When sending your submission as an MS Word (or Open OfficeText) file, send it single-spaced in 9-pt Arial – like this is. Marginsshould be quarter-inch (0.25”) around, with no headers or footers. If you send it in a text-only format, make it clear to me if you wantanything in bold type, underlined, in italics, struck-through,different colors, etc. I’m not telepathic here, so help me out. AndNO Wordperfect files – I can't open those.

Graphics (pictures, cartoons, etc.) – send the highest qualitygraphics you can – email them to me at the address above, and I’lldo what I can to get them in the next issue. In particular, what Iwant are pictures of YOU the LPNM members, either at LPNM-sponsored events or at other peoples' events. Submission deadlinefor each issue – midnight, third Tuesday of the month.


As for writing your article, It should be concise (no longer than a fullpage) and topical. A bit of humor helps, especially for op-ed pieces.What I'm really looking for in the way of articles is what's going onin the LPNM – what YOU the membership are up to in spreadingthe message. For example, an article about the stupidity, insanityand evil of the UN might get put in, depending on available spaceand the quality of the article. A group of LPNM members counter-protesting the raising of a UN flag by the city council WILL get putin, and probably will get first priority.

Editorial Viewpoint

The basis for libertarian thought is the Zero Aggression Principle[ZAP] –

A libertarian is someone who believes that no human beinghas the right – under any circumstances – to initiate forceagainst another human being, nor to threaten, incite or 

delegate its initiation.New Mexico Liberty holds that Libertarian candidates, officeholdersor appointed spokespersons at all levels of government or the Partyshould refrain from advocating new or more restrictive laws, new or more expensive spending programs, or new or higher taxes. Toparaphrase from the medical profession, “First, do no harm.”

Submissions Policy

The editor reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for anyreason. The editor will most often be willing to explain any suchreasons. Appeals of the editor's refusal to post an advertisement,article, letter to editor, or anything else can be made to the LPNM'sState Chair, Central Committee and/or Judicial Council.


Copyright © 2003–2009 Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All rightsreserved. Permission is explicitly granted for subscribers to recopyNew Mexico Liberty  for non-commercial purposes, specifically asuse as an outreach tool, provided that New Mexico Liberty is copiedin its entirety. Use your imagination here.

Subscriptions and Correspondence

For a print subscription, contact Ron Bjornstad for details.Mexico Liberty will be posted to the web, in PDF format, to the section of the Google group I’ve set up for it –

If you are moving or change your mailing address, please use us in the loop so we can keep your  New Mexico Liberty comiyou – contact Ron Bjornstad [ [email protected] ] if youprint version subscriber. Otherwise, contact the editor.

Advertising in New Mexico Liberty 

Current rates for year-long spots

Full page Ø60.00Half page Ø30.00Quarter page Ø15.00Business card Ø 8.00

Rates are subject to change at the discretion of the editor.editor will do his best to make any such changes only wabsolutely necessary.

Inserts – For an insert into the PDF version that goes out oveinternet, contact the editor at email address . For an insert intprint edition, contact Ron Bjornstad at email add

[email protected] or phone number 505-288-4228.

Ø – The symbol for Federal Reserve Note(s), as used by BostoParty in his books. In plain-text message traffic (such as email)acronym “FRN” will be used by the editor. See  javelinpress.comore information. Also see the Wikipedia page for “FeReserve Note” –



918 Ivory Road SERio Rancho, NM 87124


If the date on your mailing label reads before 08/01/09, it's to renew your LPNM membership.


To the first person to write a logical and documented eshowing one of the following to be compatible with the Declarof Independence:

Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

Federal Communications Act of 1934National Firearms Act of 1934

Banking Act of 1935

The Internal Revenue CodeControlled Substances Act of 1970

RICO Act of 1970Federal Elections Act of 1970

Plumbing Products Efficiency Act of 1992Anti-Money Laundering Act of 1992

USA PATRIOT Act of 2001Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

This challenge is also on the web at

To claim your prize, contactMike Blessing at 505-918-6567 or 

send an email to  [email protected] 

New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pa

8/8/2019 New Mexico Liberty, August 2009 9/10

Libertarian Party of New MexicoEnrollment / Renewal / Donation Coupon

(Please print in all areas)

Name ___________________________________ Address ____________________________________ 

City ___________________________ State ________ Zip ______________ Phone _______________ 

Email _______________________ Employer ____________________ Occupation _________________ 

[ ] I am registered to vote as “Libertarian” in the State of New Mexico and wish to [ ] join or [ ] renew as a caumember. I am paying $25 annual dues. I will receive a one year (12 issues) subscription to the LPNM snewsletter “New Mexico Liberty” (the national “LP NEWS” IS NOT included) and I will have delegate status at sconventions. I oppose the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals:

Signed _____________________________________________ 

[ ] I am not registered to vote as “Libertarian” in the State of New Mexico and/or [ ] I do not wish to signstatement opposing the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals. I am paying $25.00 for a one yearissues) subscription to the LPNM state newsletter “New Mexico Liberty” (the national “LP NEWS” IS N

included). I understand that I will receive no other benefits.

[ ] I am making a DONATION to the LPNM in the amount of $ ________ to be applied as follows:

$_____ General Fund $_____ Chairman's Fund $_____ Major Player Fund $_____ Win One Fund

TOTAL of DUES or SUBSCRIPTION plus DONATION $_________ to be paid as follows:

[ ] by enclosed CHECK payable to “LPNM” (Sorry, we cannot accept corporate checks)

[ ] by CREDIT CARD (circle one): VISA / MASTERCARD

Number: __ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __ Expires: ____/____ 

Signature: _____________________________________________ 

Government mandated notices:

● The US Postal Service requires us to notify you that the annual New Mexico Liberty subscription cost isincluded in your LPNM membership dues of $25.00.

● The Internal Revenue Service requires us to print “political contributions are not tax deductible” on alfundraising appeals.

● The Federal Election Commission requires us to ask for the employer and occupation of each individuawhose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.

The preceding notices alone should be enough reason to join the Libertarian Party, the only political party worto increase your freedom.


LPNM c/o Ron Bjornstad918 IVORY RD SE


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Offering concealed carry and three levels of defensive close quarter handgtraining in the sunny Four Corners.

Located halfway between historic Durango, Colorado and Farmington, NMexico, we offer small classes with plenty of personalized instruction, minutes from either destination.

Train at our new facilities including classroom, moving targets, mechantargets and a shoot house at a private range, free from the norm


Individual and small group sessions available upon request.

Call 505-634-1171 or visit our website at 

We believe in all of the Amendments to the Bill of Rights!

New Mexico Liberty – August 2009 – Pag