Download - New Media New Technology 2011 - Space

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Workshop 2

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NMNT 2011


• Icons of Space Related New Media

• Group Exercise: Collect & Tag (Modern) Examples & Review

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NMNT 2011

Augmented Reality

Augmented Virtuality

Virtual Reality

Artificial Reality


Diminished Reality

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NMNT 2011

Milgram's Reality-Virtuality Continuum

Steve Mann. Mediated Reality with implementations for everyday life., the on line companion to the MIT Press journal PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Date Posted: 2002 August 6

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NMNT 2011

Sensorama (Morton Heilig, 1956)• Dissolving the

fourth wall of film

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SEEK @The Jewish Museum NYCArchitecture Machine Group, 1970 • Installation by MIT

Architecture Machine group at on exhibition held at Jewish Museum (1970)

• Computer stacks blocks, builds mental model of the world... But gerbils can topple stacks

• What is this piece about?

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• Sense and act in an environment, deal with unexpected events• Planning versus randomness• Smart environments – totalitarian mechanistic worlds

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ASPEN Movie MapArchitecture Machine Group 1979

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The Ultimate DisplayIvan Sutherland, 1965

• ‘The ultimate display would, of course, be a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter. A chair displayed in such a room would be good enough to sit in. Handcuffs displayed in such a room would be confining, and a bullet displayed in such a room would be fatal. With appropriate programming such a display could literally be the Wonderland into which Alice walked.’

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Head Mounted DisplayIvan Sutherland, 1965

• ‘Damocles Sword’

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NMNT 2011

Modern HUD example

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Responsive Environments- Myron Krueger

• All this HUD gear is bordersome!• Artist as Composer of Responsive

Environments – intelligent real time computer mediated spaces

• Response is the medium: focus on experience through interaction

• Immersiveness, audience participation, real time interaction, randomness, computer mediated spaces, ...




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NMNT 2011

Responsive Environments- Myron Krueger

• Glowflow, (‘69), METAPLAY (‘70),PSYCHIC SPACE (‘71), MAZE, VIDEOPLACE (‘75)

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NMNT 2011

Jeffrey Shaw• The Narrative Landscape (‘85)

– Hierarchical organization of images in space

• Going to the Heart of the Center of the Garden of Delights (’86)

– No screen, image projections are triggered by walking along a walkway through a museum

• Inventer La Terre (‘87)– No wall projection, ‘periscope

• The Narrative Landscape– Riding a bicycle through a six square

km envt– Cityplan based on Manhattan,

Amsterdam, Karlsruhe. Building were actually words, a visual story

• The Virtual Museum

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Modern Responsive Environment Example: Funky Forest

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Augmented Reality:ARQuake (2000)

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Augmented Reality: The Hand from Above

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Augmented Reality:The Ultimate Display, Revisited

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NMNT 2011

Random Examples of Other Space Related Themes

• Public Space• Participation – audience interaction• Privacy & Surveillance• Location Based Services, Tagging, RFID

• Shapes• Kinetic sculptures• Generative design – architecture, alife,

fractals, industrial design

• Visualization & mapping• Spatial Data Management – Dataland

(Richard Bolt, 1979)