Download - New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

Page 1: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

The 12 Levels of Being

Introduction and Level 1-Choice

© 2011 Sharon Snir. All Right Reserved . No part of this 24 week course may be reproduced, shared or copied without prior permission. You are also asked not to discuss the content of this course with anyone not enrolled in the course. To honour the integrity of this work a certification program is available to all graduates of The 12 Levels of Being who wish to teach this work.

Page 2: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

The 12 Levels of Being

I am so delighted you have chosen

to take this journey with me.

The 12 Levels of BEING is course that enables us to understanding our own lives and in doing so we can let go of all judgement and overcome all suffering. Sounds hard to believe doesn't it? But the next 24 weeks we will guided towards what I call the Grand Unravelling.

Page 3: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

Much of humanity has come to think of life as being so complex, and yet life is not mean to be that way at all.

Through the next 24 weeks the energy of The 12 Levels of Being will gently guide us towards understanding the gift of true simplicity.

We will begin see how we tend to over think, over analyse, and over interpret most things.

Page 4: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

So much of what we believe is what we have been told. We have not always taken the time to chew over what others tell us is The Truth.

We are told things as children that our parents were told when they were children and their parents before them.

We are shown things through the media that have bias perspectives, and yet how often do we fall into the trap of believing what we are told?

Page 5: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

The 12 Levels of Being helps us to know, accept and embrace who we are. As my teacher John the Beloved says, to stand in the truth of who you be. We all have countless examples of how we believe we were forced to do, say, be something we didn’t want. We all have had the experience of feeling unsafe and powerless in the face of a situation. The 12 Levels of Being invite you to reclaim your personal power. If you believe that who you are is simply a matter of life's circumstances, that you are a victim, a rescuer, a bully, or a martyr because you were taught to be that way, or your life situation took away your choices, you remain powerless . Some people believe that they don’t have a choice other than to live the way they do. There is a saying that says, if you believe it , then it is so. This course invites you to let go of all your beliefs and see what emerges.

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The first Level of Being is CHOICE. Discovering and embracing the truth that we have the power to choose to respond or to react to whatever comes our way. This is one of the most important aspects of Level 1. Responding comes from Love. Reacting comes from Fear. Every Level of Being is connected to this truth. If we react from fear in one area of our life, we will continue to feel powerless and react from fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter for growth to take place, may be surprising, confusing and perhaps even a little challenging but once you have chosen to embrace your power to choose, the universe will step in and give you all the help you need.

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The 12 Levels of BEING is a system of energy that facilitates our understanding of how each and every living thing evolves It gives us insight and understanding into how to live our lives from our highest potential. It holds the potential for every living being to move forward spiritually and

become fully and completely awake and conscious to the truth of who they are.

The 12 Levels of Being opens our hearts to the wisdom we hold within

ourselves. It opens our minds to the unconditional love that is our essence and it connects both heart and mind to our higher selves and that which lies beyond. Now is the time to Be who you are.

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And who you are is not your gender, your role, your job, your function your faith, perspectives or your beliefs . Who you are is a spiritual being who is having a physical experience in his or her own unique skin bag. Although many teachers claim that their course will reveal your true purpose, this course does not do that.

It is probably true that we were all born with a purpose. It is probably true that there is something each one of us was born to do. But the point of this course is not to find what that is because the truth is, it really doesn’t matter. You could spend your whole life saving dolphins and whales or fighting against world hunger or against cruelty to children and you may even help a few people along the way. However, unless you are having fun and living light-heartedly you are not really standing in the truth of who you are and you are not really choosing from Love.

And that’s the whole point.

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Over the next 24 weeks we will learn and experience

the 12 Levels of Being. If you begin to notice that you are living your life more light heartedly then pat yourself on the back.

If you continue to feel dis-content, dis-satisfaction,

dis-appointment or dis-ease in any part of your life and you are still prepared to do the course, including all the homework, then pat yourself on the back too. You are moving forward wonderfully well.

Page 10: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

Let’s look at the way the world began. It will help to clarify The 12 Levels of Being. This information was given to me, by an Ascended Master by the name of John the Beloved and to a number of students who have also studied with a well known trance medium named Helen Barton. She designed a course called The Seven Spiritual Truths and John the Beloved gave us this understanding of how the world and humanity began. Whether you call It Great Spirit, God, Allah, Mother Father God and Goddess, Lord, Holy One, All That Is, it all means the same. We are talking about the One, eternal, infinite and almighty. I personally prefer to use the word God. It is from God that we were created. God has always existed. God IS and for a very long time God’s ISness was content to be in formless ISness. But God became curious to understand Matter and so created sparks of It’s own Divine self. These sparks of Divinity were the Essence of God so we shall call them our Essence or as it is often called the Monad. These Essences of God given one of three Aspects of God. They were either WILL or INTENT LOVE or BALANCE INTELLIGENCE or CREATIVITY Each of these aspects of God vibrated a different colour/energy but all were equal aspects of God.

Page 11: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

The Monad, being made in the image of God was also able to create and in order to experience Matter it created the Soul. When the Soul was created initially it also did not have a physical form around it. It was and still is a point of light creating a form of light which has five points. Each of these points have connection and a relevance to the universal energy, the galactic energy, the solar system energy. These five points are simply points of connection between one dimension of reality and another. The eighth Chakra, which is about three feet above our head, was the original home of the Soul. Originally its purpose was to interact with all the dimensions and all the plane of consciousness. Because we were always able to connect to Source there was no need for emotions and lower mental bodies at that time. We did not experience the illusion of separation at all in the beginning. So the Soul was operating through the eighth Chakra able to interact between the spiritual dimensions of energy and the physical dimensions of energy. It was a middle man for want of a better description. Its job was to oversee all other life forms. It observed and guided and supported the life forms on this new planet called Earth.

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Now the Soul was obviously also created in the image of God and therefore it too could create, and so it decided being Light was not really experiencing the physical form and so it decided to embody itself. Of course this took a long time but the journey was exciting. Having a body was so much fun and for a while the soul connected to the higher realms and to the body and all was well. The Soul, still located at the 8th chakra gathered understanding from the physical body and conveyed it to the Essence. It was just a smooth flow of beautiful energy. So the soul was at this point connected to the Planetary dimension through the body. For a while all was going well. The ninth chakra or point of light within the disembodied Soul connected it to the Solar System. so it enabled it to operate its Soul at a systemic level. In other words to interact with many physical forms working together in unison as the solar system does, come and go, to be aware and present no matter its situation. Once that was accomplished, once that understanding was gathered, so there came connection to the Galaxy. Our soul has been operational in many galaxies as a disembodied form, prior to coming to this particular galaxy before taking a physical form.

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We had/ have connection to the universe as a whole. There are many, many universes. Not just this one. So to really bamboozle we are not only connected to this Universe and Galaxy and Solar System but our Soul also has connection to all of these energies in all universes simultaneously. So the Soul was multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and totally detached in its ability to interact with all life forms, in whatever form they be, as a means of understanding and conveying that understanding to the Essence. The Essence wanted to understand matter and so it send out this vehicle, this Soul to gather as much information about what occurs at a physical level as it possibly could. The more it conveyed to the Essence the more wisdom the Essence gained and the more wisdom the greater the understanding how light interpenetrates matter. And that is the purpose. Indeed that is the purpose of the Divine Plan, to understand light interpenetrating matter.

Page 14: New Introduction and Level 1-Choice · 2016. 1. 25. · fear until we go back to that situation and make a different choice. The choice is always ours. The experiences you will encounter

The first continent of human life was called Lemuria. After a while the Lemurians became bored with everything being so ‘perfect’ and decided to explore physicality from the perspective of the senses. Even that became a bit boring and soon they were experimenting with pleasure and how to get more and more of it. By focussing on the senses they began to lose contact with their 6th sense. They began to forget who they were. Slowly they stopped Accepting All That IS and the entire vibration of humanity slowed right down. So the soul could no longer remain at the 8th charkra and the higher mental plane was created to be its new position. At the same time a void was created to both protect the spiritual realm and those having a physical experience. Consider for a moment, if you are deciding to explore your five senses, and you are exploring passion, greed, love, hate, fear etc and the flow of energies are unimpeded to the higher spiritual realms and beyond, what might occur. And if there is no shield for the physical, and the energies of the higher planes were bombarding the physical, it could be destroyed.

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Humanity had chosen this particular experience and because we love in a world of free will, it was allowed to be. However, there was a consequence. The first consequence being that the Soul stepped down to the higher mental plane created because at the higher mental plane there is still the opportunity to connect to the Divine Plan and there is the potential for holding the memories created of all decisions, all choices, without attachment to judgment. There was also the need to create the emotional body because suddenly emotions were being experienced that had never been experienced. The Soul moved from the eighth Chakra into the physical body. Instead of overseeing, it became came a part of the game. The only way to be able to maintain connection to the life, and as a consequence it took its position in the heart Chakra. And at that point the Chakra system of the body was created. The seven Chakras, were created to enable the flow of energy within the physical to function within it and with the eighth to enable connection to the Divine who also created it.

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The eighth Chakra, instead of being a point of light, became a point of transition. Prior to this occurring, the eighth Chakra was the place through which light flooded into the physical world. After this it became a gateway. Once we have completed all that we need to in the physical can the 8th chakra be opened again. The 8th chakra also became a point of death. As the physical body deteriorated and the energy force withdrew from it, the light of the Soul withdrew through the heart, the throat, the brow, the crown, through the eighth Chakra to stand at that point and wait until the next physical form was created and down it went to the heart Chakra once again. It was at this point that humanity became mankind and it is still trying to regain its humanity. Through the 12 Levels of Being we can now complete to journey of reconnection with the source, with God whist in our physical bodies.