Download - New Glyconutrition Vitamins and Minerals Proof Copy · 2019. 12. 6. · PhytoMatrix® that you need, but powerful standardized phytochemicals such as rutin, glucosinolates from broccoli,


Glyconutrition Ambrotose®

The Discovery of a LifetimeGlyconutrients are specialized plant sourced nutrients that provide targeted nourishment for your cells. They not only nourish, but also:• Support your immune system*• Support digestive functions for a healthy

gut*• Improve cognitive abilities*• Improve memory, concentration and

attentiveness*• Improve mood and decrease irritability and

much more*

The Mannatech Advantage

Mannatech scientists are the innovators of this incredible technology that is revolution-izing nutrition. In 1996, they formulated the first complete glyconutrient product, Ambrotose® . They have received over 50 patents on Ambrotose® alone, and have published numerous studies in peer reviewed scientific journals on its impact on health. Today, glycobiology is taught in medical schools, and is recognized worldwide by all science experts including the top scientific organization in the world, The Nat’l Acad. of Sciences. In their 2012 report, “Transforming Glycoscience”: “Glycans -also known as carbohydrates, saccharides or simply sugars - play central roles in many biological processes and have properties useful in an array of applications.”

Vitamins and MineralsPhytoMatrix®


Nothing new you say? Absolutely mistaken! 96% of all vitamin mineral supplements sold in the U.S. today are synthetic/chemically derived. Many of them are manufactured by drug companies, including the most popular brands. Virtually all minerals are harvested from the soil...were we meant to “eat the dirt?” No, but dirt is cheap.

Why not REAL FOOD?

Choose PhytoMatrix®

what nature intended all along

Critical to our longevity is fighting the oxidative stress that we all suffer fromdue to the excessive toxicity in our environment, the chemicals our bodies unintentionally take in from the foods and drinks we consume, and for athletes, the excessive amount of oxygen we breathe creating an overabundance of free radicals. How do we WIN? AO® is a breakthrough product developed by Mannatech scientists. Mannatech spent many years accumulating data on:1) Societies with the highest longevity in

the world,2) Foods naturally found in these

environments eaten regularly,3) Sophisticated testing blending these

nutrients to maximize the antioxidantresults “in vivo”(in your human blood) toproduce best results.Independent third party studies show that

just 2 AO® Capsules per day increase your antioxidant levels in blood by 37%. Eating 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables onlyincreases it by 13%.

All of these nutrients are food-matrixed, but even more amazing is the fact that Mannatech's innovativeprocess uses NO minerals harvested from the soil. All of their minerals are first plant digested through a hydroponic growing technique producing a greater absorption rate. This whole food matrix provides the body with maximum benefits and functionality. And, its not just vitamins and minerals in PhytoMatrix® that you need, but powerful standardized phytochemicals such as rutin, glucosinolates from broccoli, organic acids from cranberries, and polyphenols from grapes. This blend is proven to help the vitamins and minerals work together.

“I am 60 years old and recently had a 3-D galvanic scan, measuring over 60 different organs etc. in my body. After the scan, my doctor said ‘you may be 60 but you have the body of a 19 year old!’ I have been taking these 4 Core products every day for over 20 years and never plan to stop.”

Merri-jo Hillaker

Every human has glycans covering every cell of their body. Everyone can benefit by restoring these glycans to their cells on a daily basis.

Healthier Cells = Healthier Body


Complete vitamin, mineral and phytochemical nourishment

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GMO’s, Food Coloring, Chemicals,Additives, Synthetics, Transfats, Preservatives, Artificial Sweeteners...

“Is there any real food left?”We are not getting what we need!

Choose Health!

In regard to heart health, studies show that consuming two grams of phytosterols a day could benefit your overall heart health by 25%.

It is also beneficial for:• Bone Density*• Prostate Health*• Breast Health*• Colon Health*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Adminstration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

These 4 core products AmbrotoseTM PhytoMatrix®, AO® and PLUSTM represent nature’s best in supporting needs of the human body for the most part unmet by our modern 21st century diets. Knowing that deficiencies alter bodily functions and processes at the most basic cellular level, each one of us can experIence greater vitality by tackling these deficiencies.

Optimal Health System“A Strong Foundation for a

Healthy Lifestyle”

Plant SterolsPLUSTM

Start TodayYour Health is Irreplaceable

Your endrocrine system is your body’s communication system. When functioning well, its glands direct operations by producing vital hormones that send signals to keep you ready for anything and help your body stay balanced. PLUSTM is vital to Optimal provides nutritional support for your entire endocrine (glandular) system. It contains a proprietary blend of phytosterols, plant based saponins, amino acids and glyconutrients to support the endocrine system.

OSP contains PhytoMatrix®, AO®, and PLUSTM in convenient packets.

Savings of almost $100!Ambrotose® $138.25, OSP $126.25

Who is Mannatech, Inc.?• 22+ year old company• “The Science Company”• $50 Million+ in research and development• Over 119 patents on its nutritional products• Exceeds Current Good Manufacturing Practices• NSF certified products • 180 Day, 100% satisfaction guarantee!

As a society we are facing significant health problems.• The United States is ranked 72nd in overall health, and 37th in health care system by The World Health Organization• We have a workforce plagued with absenteeism and reduced productivity because of chronic health problems• 78 Percent of health-care expenditures are for the treatment of chronic disease• 74 Percent are overweight or obese (linked to over 46 different diseases)

Many researchers now believe that these problems are related to diet.

Simple choice... Incredible Results!

For More Information:

Hicks, Kevin B. and Moreau, Tolbert A., “ Phytosterols and Phytostanols:

Functional Food Cholesterol Busters”, Food Technology January 2001


Are you Ready?

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