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Page 1: New formulation of the discrete element method · Formulation of the discrete element method with de- ... It has been assumed that the discrete model represents an ... A discrete

CMM-2017 – 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, PolandCMM-2017 – 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, PolandCMM-2017 – 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, Poland

New formulation of the discrete element method

Jerzy Rojek1∗, Aleksander Zubelewicz2, Nikhil Madan1 and Szymon Nosewicz11Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

Pawinskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Polande-mail: [email protected]

2Faculty of Civil Engineering, The University of New MexicoNew Mexico, USA

e-mail: [email protected]


This work presents a new original formulation of the discrete element method based on the soft contact approach. The standard DEMhas been enhanced by introduction of the additional (global) deformation mode caused by the stresses in the particles induced by thecontact forces. Uniform stresses and strains are assumed for each particle. The stresses are calculated from the contact forces. Thestrains are obtained using an inverse constitutive relationship. The strains allow us to obtain deformed particle shapes. The deformedshapes (ellipses) are taken into account in contact detection and evaluation of the contact forces. The numerical example shows that aparticle deformation changes the particle interaction and the distribution of forces in the discrete element assembly.

Keywords: discrete element method; deformable particles; soft contact

1. Introduction

The discrete element method (DEM) is a powerful toolfor predicting the behaviour of various particulate and non-particulate materials such as soils, powders, rocks, concrete, orceramics [11, 9, 3, 10]. In the DEM, a material is representedby a large assembly of particles (discrete elements) interactingwith one another by contact. Two different approaches to contacttreatment in the DEM can be identified, the so-called soft-contactapproach [2] and the hard-contact concept [4]. In the soft-contactDEM formulation, the particles are treated as pseudo-rigid bod-ies with deformation concentrated at the contact points. A smalloverlap of the particles is allowed and it is considered as equiva-lent to the particle deformation at the contact point.

The material properties in DEM cannot be prescribed directly– they emerge from the collective response of the aggregate anddepend on the choice of the interparticle contact model as wellas the discrete element assembly characteristics [8]. Appropriaterepresentation of the macroscopic properties in the discrete el-ement method is still a challenge and it is sometimes difficultor impossible to obtain a required deformation behaviour [7].Some limitations of the discrete element method are due to theassumption of the rigidity of discrete elements. Their deformabil-ity would allow to enrich modelling capabilities of the DEM. Thesimplest way to introduce deformability in the discrete elementmethod is to discretize discrete elements with finite elements [6].This approach is computationally very expensive and it cannot beused for a large number of particles.

An alternative approach is by adding deformation modes to arigid motion of discrete elements [1, 12]. Until now this concepthas been applied to the discrete elements in the form of polygonalprisms (in 2D) or polyhedra (in 3D). The present work presentsan original formulation of the discrete element method based onthe soft contact approach with deformable circular discs. Thedeveloped numerical algorithm has been implemented in the au-thor’s own discrete element program. Preliminary numerical re-sults will be presented.

2. Formulation of the discrete element method with de-formable discs

We shall consider a discrete element model consisting of co-hesionless or cohesive cylindrical particles. The particles are as-sumed to be uniformly deformed under the internal particle stressinduced by the contact forces. The idea of the new formulationis shown in Fig. 1. A uniform stress is assumed in the particle.The internal particle stress ¯bsigp is obtained as the average stressderived from the contact forces using the following formula [5]:

σp =1


np c∑c=1


2(sc ⊗ Fc + Fc ⊗ sc) , (1)

where Vp is the particle volume, np c – number of elements beingin contact with the particle, sc – vector, connecting the particlecenter with the contact point, Fc – contact force, and the symbol⊗ denotes the outer (tensor) product. In case of a constrainedparticle, except for contact forces we have also reaction forces.






Figure 1: The idea of the deformable discrete element method

∗This work has been financed from the funds of Polish National Science Centre (NCN) awarded by the decision number DEC-2015/19/B/ST8/03983.

Page 2: New formulation of the discrete element method · Formulation of the discrete element method with de- ... It has been assumed that the discrete model represents an ... A discrete

CMM-2017 – 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, PolandCMM-2017 – 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, PolandCMM-2017 – 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, Poland

Particle strains are calculated using an inverse constitutive re-lationship

εp = D : σp (2)

where D is the elastic compliance tensor for the plane strain.The circle under an uniform strain is deformed into an ellipse

with its principal axes aligned with the prinicipal strain direc-tions. The normal contact force is determined as a linear func-tion of the overlap of such ellipses. This overlap is consideredas equivalent to local deformation of the particles. Similarly, asin the standard DEM the local damping is included in the normalinteraction. The tangential contact force is evaluated similarly asin the standard DEM.

3. Numerical example

A uniaxial compression of a rectangular specimen discretizedwith bonded discs as it is shown in Fig. 2 has been simulated us-ing the standard and new DEM formulation.

Figure 2: Uniaxial compression of a rectangular specimen –DEM model

a) b)Figure 3: Simulation results obtained with the standard DEM for-mulation – contours of displacements along: a) the y-axis, b) thex-axis.

a) b)Figure 4: Simulation results obtained with the new DEM formu-lation – contours of displacements along: a) the y-axis, b) thex-axis.

It has been assumed that the discrete model represents anelastic solid material. Figure 3 shows the results obtained with

the standard DEM formulation in the form of the contours of dis-placements along the y and x axes. It can be seen that all theelements have zero x displacements. This means that the macro-scopic effective Poisson’s ratio is zero in this model under theloading along the y axis. Figure 4 shows the results obtainedwith the new DEM formulation. One can notice non-zero dis-placements in the x direction which implies a non-zero Poisson’sratio. This shows that the new formulation allows us to capturethe Poisson’s effect even in such configuration of discs. This con-firms new capabilities of the proposed formulation with repsect tothe standard DEM.

The shape change of the particle a nonlocal contact model.The contact interaction between two particles influences indi-rectly (through the change of the shape of these particles) thecontact between these particle and the other particles. As a re-sult, the non-local interactions enhances capabilities of the DEMmethod.


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