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  • THE

    APRIL 2013


    Learn How To Learn,

    Special Section:


    HowtoRecognizetheSpirit,p. 14 SpiritualKnowledgeInfluences

    SecularKnowledge,p. 18 WhyEducationisImportant,p. 24

    PreparingforaMission,pp. 26, 28, 29, 32

    p. 8

  • I would like to start today by asking you to think with me of the prayers we read about in the scriptures. Of the many prayers in the scriptures, which come to your mind? Perhaps you think of Adam, who called upon God and offered sacrifices without knowing whyhe did it simply because the Lord commanded it. Perhaps you remember Hannahs prayer, Give unto thine handmaid a child.1 Or you may recall Daniels brave prayers when he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God,2 even though he knew he would be thrown into a den of lions as a result.

    Do you think of the time when the Lord prayed for you and for all His disciples? As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.3 Perhaps to you the most memorable prayer in the scriptures is when the Savior pleaded, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.4 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly.5

    -Always- PRAY

    -unto the-FATHER

    -in My-

    NAMEByDavidL.FrischknechtSome Church Dude

    Looking at the prayers we read in the scriptures

  • Why We Pray Have you ever been in agony and prayed more

    earnestly?Do you have any experiences with prayer

    that stand out in your memory as especially meaningful?

    One experience our family had with prayer occurred years ago. On December 1, 1991, I wrote in my journal:

    Gert Karnitschnig visited here for 1 1/22 hours (sic)The visit was mainly social but he did agree to watch a video [with us] tomorrow, receive a [missionary] discussion on Friday, and attend Church next week. The special part was when [our eight-year- old son] Nathan said, after Gert had gone, Well, at least our prayers got answered.

    The Lord said, Ye must always pray unto the Father in my name.6

    Pray AlwaysThis simple commandment is repeated in

    countless ways throughout the scriptures. We are told to pray continually 7 ; to pray without ceasing 8; to pray morning, mid-day, and evening 9; and to counsel with the Lord in all our doings 10. Simply put, Heavenly Father wants us to pray with faith every morning, every night, and often in between.

    When you pray with faith every morning, every night, and often in between, your life is better in every way than if you do not. You have the influence and power of the Holy Ghost. You choose the right more often. You avoid the wrong more often. You resist and avoid temptation more consistently.

    You think of others more readily. You love and serve your families, friends, and others better. You

    serve the Lord better.When you pray with faith every morning, every

    night, and often in between, you repent more promptly and more completely. You are better prepared for the blessings of the sacrament and the blessings of the temple. You share the gospel with others more frequently and with greater urgency and with deeper conviction.

    Become BetterYou are a better friend and you choose better

    friends. You do better at school and at work. You do better at sports and music and dancing and writing and speaking and any other righteous talent you pursue. Your mind works better. Your body works better. You are a better son, a better daughter, a better mother, a better father.

    When you pray with faith every morning, every night, and often in between, your successes are more meaningful. Your trials are more refining. Your sadness is shorter. Comfort and relief and strength come more quickly.

    PonderWhen you pray with faith every morning, every

    night, and often in between, you feel closer to your Heavenly Father. You know Him better and have stronger faith in Him and in the Lord Jesus Christ. In pleasant times and in hard times, you know what They want you to do, and you are more apt to do it.

    When you pray in faith every morning, every night, and often in between, your life is better in every way than if you do not.

    If you do not pray in faith every morning,

    A p r i l 2 0 1 3 5

    You are a better friend and you choose better friends. You do better at school and at work. You do better at sports and music and dancing and writing and speaking and any other righteous talent you pursue. Your mind works better. Your body works better.David L. Frischknecht

  • every night, and often in between, you live below your privileges. You forfeit blessings. You lose protection. You lose inspiration. You lose comfort. You lose opportunities. You lose light. You lose strength. Again, if you do not pray every morning, every night, and often in between, you live way below your privileges.

    Marvelous ResourcePresident Gordon B. Hinckley said, Prayer is

    a marvelous and miraculous resourcethe most marvelous and miraculous resource we have available to us.11

    President Monson affirmed that praying will solve more problems, alleviate more suffering, prevent more transgression, and bring about greater peace and contentment in the human soul than could be obtained in any other way.12

    I would like us, each one, to ponder this question: What importance should I place on morning prayer?

    The scriptures recount clearly the example of the Savior: And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.13

    Morning PrayerWe also remember that it was on the morning of

    a beautiful, clear day when Joseph Smith retired to the woods to pray aloud for the first time.14

    Of all the things we think we need to do in the morning, talking with our Heavenly Father is the first and most important. The practice of praying first has something in common with the practice of paying tithing first. Some say they dont have enough money to pay tithing. But when we pay our tithing first, the Lord blesses us to make better use of the remaining 90

    percent than if we had not paid tithing. Similarly, some people think they dont have enough time to pray, especially in the morning. But when the first thing we do each morning is to speak sincerely and humbly with our Father in Heaven, the rest of our day is more meaningful and inspired and productive. Because we have sought Him in prayer, early and first, we accomplish much more of what is important.

    When to PrayThere is always time to pray. So let us pray always

    pray anyway.In spite of clear direction from the Lord and His

    servants, many seek to excuse themselves from praying every morning, every night, and often in between. But the Lord does not excuse anyone from the need to pray.

    You may feel, I am not worthy to pray. But the Lord invites all to come unto him.15 So pray anyway.

    You may object, I dont feel like praying. But the Lords servants say, Kneel down and pray until you do feel like praying.16 So pray anyway.

    You may say, I dont think God cares or even notices me. But He says, Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.17 So pray anyway.

    You may think, I might pray for the wrong things. So dont pray for things. Pray to know His will. Pray to express thanks. Pray for other people. Pray anyway.

    You may rationalize, I am angry. But the Lord says, Be still.18 And pray.

    You may argue, Im not sure I believe in God. So explain to God how you feel and ask Him to give you a desire to believe. Pray.

    You may say, I dont feel like I get any answers. The Lord says He tests our patience and our faith, but He does hear and answer. 19 So pray.

    6 A p r i l 2 0 1 3

    Prayer is a marvelous and miraculous resourcethe most marvelous and miraculous resource we have available to us. And if life gets too hard to stand, kneel. Get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work. Try a little harder to be a little better.President Gordon B. Hinckley