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New College English

(Book Four, Second Edition)

Unit 8 Time

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In-Class Reading2

After-Class Reading3

Translation & Writing 4


Time for Fun6


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Sayings: - Time Flies. - Time and Tide Wait

for no man. Expressions: - have a good time, - ahead of time.

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1. Word Association;

2. Reading a Poem.



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Activity 1: Directions:Directions: Work in groups. Try to think of as many expressions as possible that are related to time, such as “Time flies”, “Have a good time”. Then write them on the blackboard. The group who gets the most wins.

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Activity 1: - Expressions at the same time, arrange one’s time, afford the time, all the time, at times, before/ahead of one’s time, behind the time, for the time being, from time to time, gain time, hard times, have a good time, have no time for, in no time, in time, in one’s spare/free time, keep up/march with times, kill time, lose time, make up the time, on time, race against time, run out of time, spare time, take one’s time, take time off, time and again, time clock, time-consuming, time-saving, time limit, time zone, the concept of time, time-urgent, value time, waste time, work against time

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Activity 1: - Sayings Time flies. Time is money. Time is up. Time and tide wait for no man. Time is the best healer. Time tames the strongest grief. Lost time is never found again. Time tries all. Time heals most troubles. Time works wonders. Time will show. Time does not bow to you, you must bow to time. What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

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Activity 2: Reading A Poem Directions:Directions: work in pairs. Read and discuss the following poem about “time”. Try to answer the questions below.

- What are your impressions of the poem? - Can you cite some examples in support of or against what is mentioned in the poem?

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Activity 2: Reading A Poem

Time is too slow for those who wait,Too swift for those who fear,

Too long for those who grieve,Too short for those who rejoice,

But for those who love,Time is eternity.

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Activity 2: Reading A Poem

- It is a very beautiful poem. It shows how time changes depending on our point of view or our emotions.

- This is a poem in rhythm. The more you read this rhymed verse, the more you’ll like it. Pay attention to the verbs like “wait”, “fear”, “grieve”, “rejoice” and “love”. Different attitudes towards time lead to different length of time.

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How to Take Your Time

In-Class Reading

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Pre-Reading Questions

Text Organization Sentence Study

Words and Phrases

In-Class Reading

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Pre- Reading Questions

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The biological clock is the time system in plants and animals that controls behavior such as sleeping and eating. I think there is a biological clock in me because I often hear it tick. For example, I wake up at 6:30 almost every morning although I go to bed at different times. I always have my meals at the same time each day, otherwise I will feel very hungry and can’t wait to eat.

1. What’s a biological clock? Do you think there’s one in you? If so, give evidence.

Pre-reading Questions:

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Time may be related to health. Those who make good use of time are generally less stressed than those who don't know how to manage their time in an efficient way. And hose who work too hard and therefore don’t leave themselves enough time to rest are most likely to suffer from illnesses.

2. Have you ever thought of the relationship between time and health? Can you tell in what way they are related?

Pre-reading Questions:

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Text Organization

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1. A common problem: time sickness (Para.1-4)

2. General synchronisation and desynchronisation (Para. 5-6)

3. The mind can alter rhythm of time in many ways and culture perceive time differently. (Para. 7-8)

4. Simple techniques to change and master one’s own time. (Para. 9-14)

How to Take Your Time

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Sentence Study

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1. They remind me that my life is not ruled by clocks, 1. They remind me that my life is not ruled by clocks, that I can choose the time I that I can choose the time I live bylive by. (Line 2). (Line 2)

1.1. He lives by a strict moral code.He lives by a strict moral code.2. I have always tried to live by the principles which my 2. I have always tried to live by the principles which my parents taught me.parents taught me.

live by:live by:按按…………的原则过活,按照的原则过活,按照…………的规律生活的规律生活



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2. How a person thinks about time can kill him, according to Dossey, a pioneer in the emerging science of chronobiology, the study of how time interacts with life. (Line 4)

这两种化学物质在一定的气温条件下相互作用,产生出一种会引起爆炸的物质。These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.


译 文:译 文:译 文:译 文:

例 句:例 句:例 句:例 句:

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3. They were all time 3. They were all time addictsaddicts, taught since childhood to , taught since childhood to schedule their lives by society’s clock, and all felt schedule their lives by society’s clock, and all felt lost without the security of a timepiece. (Line 17)lost without the security of a timepiece. (Line 17)


译 文译 文译 文译 文

addict: 成性的人,上瘾的人a drug addicta baseball addict

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4. …isolated from external time cues of light, temperature and humidity, their own complex internal timekeeping rhythms became desynchronized; then they resynchronized in unison. (Line 28)

de- == down from deplane 下飞机 dethrone 使离王位 derail 使 ( 火车 ) 脱轨 de- == 向下、降低、减少 depress 压低,压下 depopulation 人口减少 devalue 贬值 de- == 使成 ..., 作成 ..., 或仅作加强意义 delimit 划定界限 denude 使裸露 depicture 描绘,描述 de- == not denationalize 非国有化 demilitarize 使非军事化 demobilize 复员 de- == 除去、取消、毁 desalt 除去盐份 deforest 砍伐森林 decontrol 取消管制

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5. …but culture differs in how they perceive time. (Line 42)

perceive. 察觉 ; 感知 [+that]

I perceived a man enter the


I can't perceive any difference between these coins.我看不出这些硬币有什么差别。

ceive: take, hold, seize, 表示“拿,抓,握住” conceive 想象;构想 conceivable 可想象的deceive 欺骗perceive: 知觉;发觉receive: 收到

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Words and Phrases

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1. addict n. 上瘾的人 【记忆】

addict vt. 使沉溺;使吸毒成瘾addiction n. 沉溺,吸毒成瘾addictive adj. 使成瘾的,上瘾的

【常用搭配】 be addicted to… 沉溺于 ······ ;喜欢

【例句】 1. He is addicted to smoking. 他嗜好吸烟。2. We have been addicted to rock music for a long time. 我们喜欢摇滚乐好久了。C.F.: workaholic

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2. industrialize vt. (使)工业化

【记忆】industry n. 工业industrial adj. 工业的industrialization n. 工业化 industrialist n. 实业家

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3. outgoing adj. 外向的

【记忆】 out (附在动词、名词、分词或形容词前,构成动词、名词、形容词,表示出、向外、在外、远)+ going =外向的,向外的。

outspread v. 伸开,伸展outspoken adj. 坦率的,毫无保留的outbuilding n. 外屋outlying adj. 远离中心的outpost n. 边远地区,前哨

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4. thereby adv. 因此,从而

【记忆】thereabout adv. 在那附近thereafter adv. 以后,此后 therefrom adv. 从那里,从那一点 therein adv. 在那里,在那时thereof adv. 由此,因此 thereon adv. 在其上

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5. stove

1. 火炉 , 暖炉2. ( 做菜用的 ) 小炉子 , 炉灶

oven: n. 烤炉 , 烤箱It is like an oven in here; please open the window.这里热得象火炉,请把窗户打开。

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Passage 1:

Social Time: The Heartbeat of Culture

After-Class Reading

Passage 2: The Voices of Time

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- attribute to;- break for;- in all honesty;- keep pace with;- culture shock;- in panic;- Tudo bem means How are you?- kick off one’s shoes means

really relax;

Passage 1: Social Time: The Heartbeat of


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- be subject to;- call on;- cool one’s heels;- in effect;- In question;- loud and clear;- sick and tired of;- to the effect;

Passage 2: The Voices of Time

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Translation & Writing

1. Translation Skills2. Writing Practice

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科技英语翻译( 1)


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Translation Skills


1 .意译

centrifugal force 离心力gear box 齿轮箱mathematic model 数学模型

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Translation Skills

2.本音译radar 雷达logic 逻辑nylon 尼龙


H-rail 工字轨

V-belt 三角带

cross bit 十字头


α-brass α 黄铜

X-ray X 射线

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Translation Skills二、在科技英语翻译中,有很多术语由词缀构成,因此,了解词缀很有必要。

1.常见科技词汇前缀:inter- 相互 interplay

micro- 微 microcosm

trans- 跨 transplant

circum- 绕 circumstance

contra- 相反 contradiction

multi- 多 multimedia

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Translation Skills2 .常见科技词汇后缀:

-ness 表示性质、状态 oneness, thoughtfulness, carelessness

-tion 表示动作、状态 examination, realization, decoration

-ity 表示性质、状态 reality, purity, gravity, formality

-ism 表示主义、学说 atomism, criticism, colloquialism

-sion 表示行为、状态 confusion, division, precision, conclusion

-ence 表示动作、性质 resilience, reference, existence

-ship 表示情况、状态 hardship, marksmanship

-hood 表示身份、资格 falsehood, likelihood

-ing 表示动作过程 engraving, accounting, banking

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Translation Skills



1 .复合词feed-back 反馈

radiophotography 无线电传真

anti-armored-fighting-vehicle-missile 反装甲车导弹

full-enclosed 全封闭的

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Translation Skills四、翻译误区:科技英语翻译的难点是专业术语的翻 译,有一些词汇看起来很简单,但是在科技文章中则产生了其他的含义。

英语 常见意义 专业术语含义pig 猪 金属锭块

cock 公鸡 吊车

coat 外衣 镀层

hand 手 手柄、指针

tooth 牙齿 粗糙面

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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a speech script entitled How to Manage Your Time in College. You should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below:

Situation: Suppose you are a senior. You are invited to deliver a speech to freshmen on time management.

Writing Practice

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Hello everyone, First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on passing the competitive national university entrance exams and becoming a college student at this prestigious (声望很高的) university. Since there are so many differences between high school and college, every freshman has to learn how to make good use of time in college years. As a senior, I sincerely hope you value your time and have a rewarding educational experience.

How to Manage Your Time in College

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Here are some tips from me and other upper-class students. Firstly, get a memo-book and mark all the important dates, events, deadlines on your calendar, and check from time to time. Secondly, you need to balance time spent on academic work and time spent on spare-time activities. Humorously put, every college student is a full-time worker, and one has to work hard to meet all the academic requirements. On the other hand, college years are an essential stage for you to turn into citizens and adults, so you are encouraged to squeeze time to participate in some social activities as well. Thirdly, a freshman has to be an efficient time-planner, working out both short-term plans and long-term plans. Last but not least, if you find your dorm flat is full of chatter boxes and you can hardly concentrate at study time, simply go to library, reading rooms, or self-study classrooms to make efficient use of limited time.

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Further Development:

1. Talking about Your Timing;

2. Talking about Punctuality;

3. Enriching Your Word Power;

4. Practice the Listening Skills.

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Time for Fun

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Enjoy the following joke and have fun!

A woman visited a family. At the end of her visit, she gave a small coin to the little boy whose family she had been visiting. He put it in his pocket without thanking her.His mother, thinking perhaps he was shy, asked,"What do you reply?""I don't know.""Yes you do. What do I say when your father gives me money?""You say 'Is that all?'"

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