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new acquisitions bulletin

issue 21 2015 The purpose of this bulletin is to keep you informed of selected major additions to the ETUI documentation centre’s collection (January and February 2015).

On Labourline you will find the complete lists of new articles and documents, in both printed and electronic format, automatically generated on a daily basis. …………………………………………………………………………………….....………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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Next issue: May 2015.


07-64836 Pistes pour une agriculture écologique et sociale (Ed. by) Garrouste, Laurent; Lyonnais, Laurence; Mitralias, Roxanne Paris - Syllepse, 2014, 142 p. agricultural policy / ecology / sustainable development "A l'heure de la mondialisation et des défis écologiques et climatiques, l'agriculture concentre bon nombre de questions. Le bilan du modèle industriel transposé à l'agriculture est catastrophique. Les questions agricoles et alimentaires permettent la rencontre des mouvements écologistes, paysans et des salariés en remettant en cause la domination des multinationales, de la finance et de la grande distribution. Sans passéisme ni idéalisation, il faut inventer un nouveau modèle agricole qui favor ise ...''

Business economics

03.04-64819 Studying organizations using critical realism: a practical guide (Ed. by) Edwards, Paul K.; O'Mahoney, Joe; Vincent, Steve New York - Oxford University Press, 2014, XV, 376 p. business organization / business economics / social sciences / research / network analysis "The development of Critical Realism (CR), as a philosophy of science, is generally attributed to a series of books by Roy Bhaskar. It has proven to be influential, not least because it has an affinity with many people's views about the way the world fits together, both within and outside of academia. Whilst there are numerous contributions outlining CR theory in sociological and organizational research, as well as general texts about realist ontology, work delineating the consequences of these ...''

03.04-64823 Business, environment, and society: themes and cases Veleva, Vesela Amityville - Baywood, 2014, 326 p. corporate social responsibility / sustainable development / environment / environmental management / USA "This book blends theory and practice to support courses in corporate social responsibility (CSR), business and society, and environmental management and sustainability. Based on her extensive work with companies, the author offers engaging readings and teaching cases that address key challenges for business today—measurement, supply chain management, public policy, and stakeholder pressures. Part I focuses on the macro-level and provides an overview of concepts such as the green economy,...''

03.04-64840 Understanding multinationals from emerging markets (Ed. by) Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro; Ramamurti, Ravi Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2014, XVII, 325 p. multinational enterprise / business economics / business strategy / developing countries

"Why have relatively poor and underdeveloped countries been able to spawn so many global firms in the last two decades? Are emerging market multinationals (EMNCs) really different from successful multinationals from developed economies? This book tackles these and other fundamental theoretical questions about EMNCs. A distinguished group of researchers assesses the unique strategies and behavior of successful EMNCs, from the Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei to the Indian conglomerate Tata, ...''


03.04-64848 Europe : sortir de la crise et inventer l'avenir Aglietta, Michel Paris - Michalon, 2014, 326 p. economic recession / economic policy / economic forecast / euro / sustainable development / European Union / EU countries "La zone euro inquiète par sa désunion et par l'appauvrissement d'une partie de sa population. Son échec à surmonter sa crise depuis 2010 se répercute sur toute l'Europe. Ne pas se résigner au déclin qu'entraînerait la poursuite du marasme actuel implique de changer de mentalité. Car l'absence de coopération de l'Allemagne pour soutenir la croissance de la zone euro réduit à néant les efforts de rigueur budgétaire des pays, dont la France, parce que les politiques d'austérité étouffent l'investissement ...''


08.12.4-64797 Un empoisonnement universel : comment les produits chimiques ont envahi la planète Nicolino, Fabrice Paris - Les liens qui libèrent, 2014, 445 p. chemicals / health hazards / cancer / environmental illness / chemical industry / international organization / liability / disclosure of information "C’est un livre sans précédent. Jamais on n’avait essayé de réunir tous les points pour faire enfin apparaître le dessin complet. Comment en est-on arrivé là ? Comment et pourquoi l’industrie chimique a pu libérer dans l’eau, dans l’air, dans le sol, dans les aliments, et jusque dans le sang des nouveau-nés plus de 70 millions de molécules chimiques, toute différentes les unes des autres ? Quels sont les liens entre le temps des alchimistes et celui du prix Nobel de chimie Fritz Haber, grand cri ...''

08.12.4-64810 Toxic injustice: a transnational history of exposure and struggle Rankin Bohme, Susanna Berkeley, CA - University of California Press, 2014, 343 p. pesticides / DBCP / health hazards / antifertility effects / agricultural worker / social movement / chemical industry / liability / social inequality / Central America / USA "The pesticide dibromochloropropane, known as DBCP, was developed by the chemical companies Dow and Shell in the 1950s to target wormlike, soil-dwelling creatures called nematodes. Despite signs that the chemical was dangerous, it was widely used in U.S. agriculture and on Chiquita and Dole banana plantations in Central America. In the late 1970s, DBCP was linked to male sterility, but an uneven regulatory process left many workers -especially on Dole’s banana farms- exposed for years after ...''

Collective bargaining

13.06.5-64789 Handbuch Tarifpolitik und Arbeitskampf: Theorie und Praxis gewerkschaftlicher Tarifarbeit und betrieblicher Arbeitskämpfe. 3., Aktualisierte Ausgabe Renneberg, Peter Hamburg - VSA-Verlag, 2014, 237 p. collective bargaining / collective agreement / trade union attitude / labour law / history / Germany / EU countries "Erfolgreiche gewerkschaftliche Tarifarbeit hängt entscheidend davon ab, wie es gelingt, Stellvertreterpolitik zu überwinden und Gewerkschaft im Betrieb als Kraft spürbar und erlebbar zu machen. Gefordert ist der aktive Einsatz der Mitglieder und Beschäftigten in ihren eigenen Angelegenheiten." '


13.06.5-64828 Negociar en crisis. Negociación colectiva en los país del Sur de Europa Baylos, Antonio; Castelli, Nunzia; Trillo, Francisco Albacete - Editorial Bomarzo, 2014, 104 p. collective bargaining / labour relations / EU policy / Italy / Spain / Portugal

"Se está delineando una frontera entre el norte y el sur del proyecto europeo que arroja un trato diferente y peyorativo a aquellos países que han incrementado su deuda soberana en razón de las dificultades crecientes de sus sistemas bancarios, cuyas economías están intervenidas por un pool monetario-administrativo (Troika). Este proceso ha generado otra fractura, de tipo normativo-institucional, en esta ocasión entre una legalidad constitucional "ordinaria" de la UE y la de la "gobernanza ...''

Economic development

Employment and social developments in Europe 2014 European Commission Luxembourg - Publications Office of the European Union, 2015, 330 p. economic and social development / employment / labour market / poverty / globalization / technological change / Europe 2020 / economic recession / gender / arrangement of working time / moonlighting / social expenditure / economic growth / EU countries / statistics / comparison

"This year's Employment and Social Development Review provides a broad overview of the challenges facing the European Union over the coming years as it slowly emerges from the worst recession in its history. It highlights the scale of the challenges, but also the benefits of continuing to invest in education, training and a wider labour market and social policies alongside the actions being taken to restore economic growth in the light of the Union's 2020 employment and social goals ."

03.02-64812 Le tigre et le moucheron : sur les traces de Chinois indociles Pouille, Jordan Paris - Arènes, 2014, 191 p. economic conditions / living conditions / working class / working poor / China

"Aujourd'hui, en Chine, il n'y a que l'argent qui compte ! » tonne Ma Lin, religieuse catholique chinoise. Le tigre a un appétit insatiable mais, dans son ombre, les sacrifiés de l'expansion se comptent également par millions. Ces indociles tourmentent les affidés du Parti-État, égarés entre capitalisme sauvage et vide moral post-Mao. Or, comme dans la fable de La Fontaine, Le Lion et le Moucheron, ce puissant-là doit aussi endurer « l'avorton » qui le harcèle, pique son museau et pénètre dans ...''

03.02-64841 The global minotaur: America, Europe and the future of the global economy Varoufakis, Yanis London - Zed Books, 2013, 280 p. economic system / economic and social development / economic model / economic recession / economic recovery / fiscal policy / globalization "In this remarkable and provocative book, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis explodes the myth that financialisation, ineffectual regulation of banks, greed and globalisation were the root causes of both the Eurozone crisis and the global economic crisis. Rather, they are symptoms of a much deeper malaise which can be traced all the way back to the Great Crash of 1929, then on through to the 1970s: the time when a 'Global Minotaur' was born. Just as the Athenians maintained a steady flow...''



03.01-64605 Buying time: the delayed crisis of democratic capitalism Streeck, Wolfgang London - Verso, 2014, 220 p. capitalism / democracy / economic policy / economic recession / politics / welfare state / social sciences "The financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 still has the world on tenterhooks. The gravity of the situation is matched by a general paucity of understanding about what is happening and how it started. In this book, based on his 2012 Adorno Lectures given in Frankfurt, Wolfgang Streeck places the crisis in the context of the long neoliberal transformation of postwar capitalism that began in the 1970s. He analyses the subsequent tensions and conflicts involving states, governments, ...''

03.01-64786 Kapitalizm po polsku Jasiecki, Krzysztof Warsaw - Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 2013, 486 p. capitalism / economic theory / sociology / Poland / EU countries

"Ksiazka ma charakter interdyscyplinarny. Mozna ja zaliczyc zarówno do prac z zakresu porównawczej ekonomii politycznej, jak i makrosocjologicznej analizy wielosci kapitalizmu czy nawet socjologii ekonomicznej lub nowego instytucjonalizmu. Krzysztof Jasiecki stawia pytanie o mozliwosc rozszerzenia koncepcji róznorodnosci kapitalizmu o doswiadczenia Europy Srodkowo-Wschodniej, w tym Polski, i daje bardzo kompetentny wglad w debate o wielosci kapitalizmu w kontekscie naszego regionu. Z recenzji pr ...''

03.01-64787 Business leaders and new varieties of capitalism in post-communist Europe (Ed. by) Bluhm, Katharina; Martens, Bernd; Trappmann, Vera Abingdon - Routledge, 2013, XIV, 253 p. capitalism / market economy / institutional economics / institutional reform / hidden economy / corporate social responsibility / labour relations / Eastern Europe / Germany / Hungary / Poland

"Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economies but they think and act within institutional settings. This book combines both an elite approach with a varieties-of-capitalism approach. Comparing Poland, Hungary and East and West Germany, we perceive the transformations in East Central Europe and in Germany after 1989 as being intertwined. Based on a joint survey, this book seeks to measure the level of the convergence of ideas among European business ...''

03.01-64788 Fallen heroes in global capitalism: workers and the restructuring of the Polish steel industry

Trappmann, Vera Basingstoke - Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, VIII, 284 p. transition economies / capitalism / industrial restructuring / steelworks / iron and steel industry / social dialogue / labour relations / regional policy / multinational enterprise / Poland

"This book challenges the one-sided account of Poland as a successful transition case, by exploring the huge social costs for workers in terms of impoverishment and employment precarity. The ambivalent role of the European Union in the economic restructuring of Poland emerges through comparisons to earlier rounds of restructuring of steel in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and other parts of the world. By offering an exemplary case of multi-level analysis, an in-depth case study and biographical ...''


03.01-64790 Das Gesellschaftsbild der LohnarbeiterInnen: Soziologische Untersuchungen in ost- und westdeutschen Industriebetrieben (Ed. by) Dörre, Klaus; Hänel, Anja; Matuschek, Ingo Hamburg - VSA-Verlag, 2013, 286 p. capitalism / economic recession / employees attitude / industrial enterprise / opinion / sociological aspect / Germany "Wie denken Lohnabhängige über den Kapitalismus und seine Zukunft? Welche Gesellschaftsbilder lassen sich identifizieren? Woraus speist sich alltägliche Kritik? Und was bindet ArbeiterInnen und Angestellte dennoch an den Status quo? Die hier präsentierten empirischen Studien zeigen die Grundstruktur eines Arbeitsbewusstseins, das mit der Formel »guter Betrieb, schlechte Gesellschaft« beschrieben wird. Ungerechtigkeits- und Missachtungserfahrungen sind unter den Lohnabhängigen weit verbreitet; ...''

03.01-64791 Supercrash: how to hijack the global economy Cunningham, Darryl Brighton - Myriad Editions, 2014, 239 p. economics / economic recession / globalization / glossary / illustration "Darryl Cunningham's latest graphic investigation takes us to the heart of free-world politics and the financial crisis, as he traces the roots of our age of selfishness to the right-wing thinkers of the previous century in three fascinating chapters - Ayn Rand, Supercrash, and The Age of Selfishness. Cunningham draws a fascinating portrait of the New Right and the charismatic Ayn Rand, whose soirees were attended by the young Alan Greenspan. He shows how the US Neo-Cons have hijacked the economic ...''

03.01-64804 Ce que l'argent ne saurait acheter : Les limites morales du marché Sandel, Michael J. Paris - Editions du Seuil, 2014, 332 p. economics / capitalism / wealth / ethics

"" Michael Rice, directeur adjoint du supermarché Walmart de Tilton, dans le New Hampshire, aidait une cliente à charger un poste de télévision dans sa voiture quand il eut une crise cardiaque : il mourut une semaine après. Une police d'assurance contractée sur sa vie rapporta 300 000 dollars, mais cette somme ne fut pas versée à la famille de cet homme : elle revint à Walmart, qui s'était désignée comme la bénéficiaire de cette police qu'elle avait souscrite sur la tête de Rice. "

Education and training

06-64794 Gamestorming: a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers and changemakers Gray, Dave; Brown, Sunni; Macanufo, James Cambridge - O'Reilly, 2010, XVII, 266 p. training / training material / training system

"Great things don't happen in a vacuum. But creating an environment for creative thinking and innovation can be a daunting challenge. How can you make it happen at your company? The answer may surprise you: gamestorming. This book includes more than 80 games to help you break down barriers, communicate better, and generate new ideas, insights, and strategies. The authors have identified tools and techniques from some of the world's most innovative professionals, whose teams collaborate and make ...''



13.01.3-64815 Con voz propia: la economia feminista como apuesta teórica y política (Ed. by) Carrasco, Cristina Madrid - La Oveja Roja, 2014, 250 p. employment / women / domestic work / womens empowerment / economic recession / gender equality

"La economía feminista no es ningún invento reciente. Su historia corre en paralelo a la del pensamiento económico y a la del feminismo, con un hito importante en los años sesenta del siglo XX. En ese momento, durante la segunda ola del pensamiento feminista, todas las disciplinas del conocimiento experimentaron su influencia, sus cuestionamientos independientes e innovadores. La economía feminista cobró así cuerpo. Su objetivo: salir de los estrechos márgenes de un paradigma dominante, el neo ...''


08.11-64826 Refuelling Europe: a roadmap for completing the Single Energy Market Buchan, David Brussels - Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, 2014, 58 p. energy source / energy policy / EU countries / renewable resources / Single European Market

"The Ukraine crisis has reignited debate in Europe surrounding the EU’s lack of a fully functioning single energy market. It has brought home to all member states the general need for a more coordinated energy policy, even though they may differ on aspects of what needs to be done. This research highlights that integration of the internal energy market should still be the EU’s main instrument to reach its three goals of cost competitiveness, security and emission reduction. A roadmap for complying ...''


16-64785 Climate justice: vulnerability and protection Shue, Henry New York - Oxford University Press, 2014, 353 p. climate change / environmental protection

"The fruit of twenty years of moral reflection on the emerging greatest challenge to humanity of the 21st century, these far-sighted and influential essays by a pioneering practical philosopher on the tangled questions of justice between nations and justice across generations confronting all attempts at international cooperation in controlling climate change sharply crystallize the central choices and offer constructive directions forward. Arguing that persistent attempts by U.S. negotiators to ...''

European Union

01.03.8-64800 The EU and the global financial crisis: new varieties of capitalism Schweiger, Christian Cheltenham - Edward Elgar, 2014, IX, 216 p. European Union / economic policy / economic recession / economic analysis / European integration / capitalism / European social model "The EU And The Global Financial Crisis analyses the emerging new political economy of the EU Single Market in the wake of the 2008–2009 global financial crisis. The crisis has initiated a new wave of functionalist spillover towards deeper integration in the eurozone, which in effect divides the EU into multiple integrative cores.


Providing the first comprehensive examination of the emerging policy framework in the EU and the eurozone after the global financial crisis, this rigorous study applies a neofunctionalist approach to the analysis of the crisis implications by considering the emergence of the system of multiple cores in the EU as a result of the return of political spillover. It outlines the EU's post-crisis varieties of capitalism and examines the effects of the financial crisis on selected key economies in the Single Market This authoritative book offers a complete breakdown of the EU's political economy in the wake of the global financial crisis and will therefore appeal to students of European politics, international political economy and European studies, as well as policy-makers and other stakeholders''

Financing and monetary policy

11.02-64781 The euro trap: on bursting bubbles, budgets and beliefs Sinn, Hans-Werner New York - Oxford University Press, 2014, 380 p. euro / EMU / economic recession / economic policy / ECB / European Union

"This book offers a critical assessment of the history of the euro, its crisis, and the rescue measures taken by the European Central Bank and the community of states. The euro induced huge capital flows from the northern to the southern countries of the Eurozone that triggered an inflationary credit bubble in the latter, deprived them of their competitiveness, and made them vulnerable to the financial crisis that spilled over from the US in 2007 and 2008. As private capital shied away from the ...''

Human rights

04.02-64852 The rights of the child - A European perspective Council of Europe Strasbourg - Council of Europe Publishing, 1996, 553 p. rights of the child / UN Convention / Council of Europe

"The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted on 20 November 1989, has led to widespread discussion about the place of the child in present-day society. In particular, it implies coherent planning at the national level of overall policies for the period of childhood itself, rather than an accumulation of individual measures which affect children. This book reflects the extraordinary richness of Council of Europe legal instruments concerning children, and will be of interest and inspiration ...''

Income distribution

03.03-64842 Inequality and the 1% Dorling, Danny London - Verso, 2014, 234 p. income distribution / social inequality / wealth / social class / economic recession / equal rights

"Since the great recession hit in 2008, the 1% has only grown richer while the rest find life increasingly tough. The gap between the haves and the have-nots has turned into a chasm. While the rich have found new ways of protecting their wealth, everyone else has suffered the penalties of austerity. But inequality is more than just economics. Being born outside the 1% has a dramatic impact on a person's potential: reducing life expectancy, limiting education and work prospects, and even affecting ...''


Industrial enterprise

08.02-64779 Le dumping social dans l'Union européenne Defossez, Alexandre Bruxelles - Larcier, 2014, 658 p. social dumping / social policy / secondment / EU policy / EU law "Cet ouvrage s’interroge sur l’impact qu’a eu le dumping social sur l’émergence, la construction et la consolidation de l’Europe sociale, à travers les perspectives historiques, économiques et juridiques. En effet, le dumping social n’est pas une problématique récente et fait l’objet, depuis la négociation du Traité de Rome lui-même, de débats vigoureux entre tenants de l’harmonisation sociale européenne et les adversaires de celle-ci. Il apparaît ainsi que de nombreuses dispositions trouvent ...''

Information and library science

19-64792 Designing web navigation Kalbach, James Cambridge - O'Reilly, 2007, XV, 394 p. Internet / design data / manual

"Thoroughly rewritten for today's web environment, this bestselling book offers a fresh look at a fundamental topic of web site development: navigation design. Amid all the changes to the Web in the past decade, and all the hype about Web 2.0 and various rich" interactive technologies the basic problems of creating a good web navigation system remain. "Designing Web Navigation" demonstrates that good navigation is not about technology - it's about the ways people find information and how you ...''

19-64793 Designing interfaces. 2nd ed. Tidwell, Jenifer Cambridge - O'Reilly, 2011, XXV, 547 p. Internet / design data / manual

"Designing a good interface isn't easy. Users demand software that is well-behaved, good-looking, and easy to use. Your clients or managers demand originality and a short time to market. Your UI technology -- web applications, desktop software, even mobile devices -- may give you the tools you need, but little guidance on how to use them well. UI designers over the years have refined the art of interface design, evolving many best practices and reusable ideas. If you learn these, and understand ...''

Labour economics

13.01.1-64844 The fissured workplace - Why work became so bad for so many and what can be done to improve it

Weil, David Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University Press, 2014, VIII, 410 p. labour force / quality of working life / employment / outsourcing / labour relations / franchising / wage determination / work / labour economics "For much of the twentieth century, large companies employing many workers formed the bedrock of the U.S. economy. Today, on the list of big business’s priorities, sustaining the employer-worker relationship ranks far below building a devoted customer base and delivering value to investors. As David Weil’s


'As David Weil's groundbreaking analysis shows, large corporations have shed their role as direct employers of the people responsible for their products, in favor of outsourcing work to small companies that compete fiercely with one another. The result has been declining wages, eroding benefits, inadequate health and safety conditions, and ever-widening income inequality. From the perspectives of CEOs and investors, fissuring--splitting off functions that were once managed internally--has been a phenomenally successful business strategy, allowing companies to become more streamlined and drive down costs. Despite giving up direct control to subcontractors, vendors, and franchises, these large companies have figured out how to maintain quality standards and protect the reputation of the brand. They produce brand-name products and services without the cost of maintaining an expensive workforce. But from the perspective of workers, this lucrative strategy has meant stagnation in wages and benefits and a lower standard of living--if they are fortunate enough to have a job at all.”

13.01.1-64847 L'âge du faire : hacking, travail, anarchie Lallement, Michel Paris - Editions du Seuil, 2015, 441 p. work / occupational sociology / information technology

"Depuis dix ans, une vague déferle sur les Etats-Unis et gagne le reste du monde, rappelant les philosophies qui ont émergé au début des années 1960 et qui tentaient de s'éloigner des modes de production industrielle et de consommation. Equipés de machines industrielles comme des plus récents équipements informatiques, les hackers inventent un nouveau modèle d'activité : le faire (make). Michel Lallement revient sur les sources de ce mouvement en Europe, sur les conditions de son implantation en ...''

Labour market

13.01.2-64814 El trabajo infantil en España (1700-1950) (Ed. by) Borrás Llop, José María Barcelona - Icaria, 2014, 511 p. child labour / history / labour market / Spain

"Con este libro, el primero dedicado específicamente al trabajo infantil en España, comienza a llenarse, por fin, un largo vacío en nuestra historiografía. En doce capítulos, destacados especialistas en historia económica, historia social y cultural, e historia de la medicina, analizan, en el largo período que transcurre entre el siglo XVIII y la primera mitad del XX, el empleo de niñas y niños en la agricultura, la manufactura, la pesca, la minería, la industria y el sector servicios. Cuatro te ...''

Labour relations

13.06.1-64820 Concertation et démocratie économique (1944-1978) Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques, Brussels; Arcq, Etienne Bruxelles - CRISP, 2014, 51 p. labour relations / social partners / tripartism / collective agreement / workers participation / economic policy / social policy / Belgium / history "Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un vaste projet de démocratie économique et sociale complétant la démocratie politique voit le jour en Belgique. Il se concrétise par l’institutionnalisation d’une double forme de concertation : sociale, d’une part, et économique, d’autre part. La concertation sociale vise à associer les interlocuteurs sociaux aux décisions politiques prises en matière de relations collectives de travail. La concertation économique a pour objectif d’instaurer un mode ...''


13.06.1-64839 Labor in the global digital economy: the cybertariat comes of age Huws, Ursula New York - Monthly Review Press, 2014, 208 p. economic theory / labour relations / politics / government policy / capitalism / social sciences / business / economics / labour law / social aspect / Marxism / work / mass media / Internet / trade union / globalization "For every person who reads this text on the printed page, many more will read it on a computer screen or mobile device. It’s a situation that we increasingly take for granted in our digital era, and while it is indicative of the novelty of twenty-first-century capitalism, it is also the key to understanding its driving force: the relentless impulse to commodify our lives in every aspect. Ursula Huws ties together disparate economic, cultural, and political phenomena of the last few decades ...''


04.01-46999 Case law at work. 11th Edition Labour Research Department, London; Bhatt, Lina(Ed. by) Peck, Stephanie London - LRD, 2015, 104 p. labour law / labour contract / conditions of employment / trade unionism / discrimination / pregnancy / dismissal / redundancy / wages / sick leave / case law / United Kingdom / annual report

"This is the 11th edition of Case Law at Work, the Labour Research Department's unique source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear and concise summaries of employment tribunal cases and updates of important cases decided by the Employment Appeal Tribunal, many of which are not contained in other legal guides."

04.01-64778 Histoire du droit en Europe jusqu'à 1815 Ménès-Redorat, Valérie Bruxelles - Larcier, 2014, 191 p. EU law / history / European Union

"Cette histoire du droit en Europe de l'Antiquité au Congrès de Vienne de 1815 s'intéresse particulièrement aux droits qui ont traversé l'Europe dans l'Antiquité, le Moyen Age, l'Ancien Régime et le début de la période contemporaine de la Méditerranée à la Scandinavie, en passant par l'empire Byzantin ou encore la Russie. De nombreuses matières juridiques y sont envisagées : droit de la famille, droit des obligations et des contrats, droit des villes et des corporations, droit de l'urbanisme, ...''

04.01-64799 Leveling the playing field: transnational regulatory integration and development (Ed. by) Bruszt, Laszlo; McDermott, Gerald A. New York - Oxford University Press, 2014, XVII, 365 p. regulation / governance / international law / economic policy / economic integration / industrial integration / international "Emerging market countries are currently facing the dual challenge of incorporating transnational regulations into their societies while building their own versions of regulatory capitalism. This raises a multitude questions and challenges. Will the diffusion of international public and private regulations of developed countries, benefit a few and marginalize less developed countries? Or, can these regulations foster transnational public-private experiments to improve local regulatory capacities ...''


04.01-64807 Viking, Laval and beyond (Ed. by) Freedland, Mark; Prassl, Jeremias Oxford - Hart Publishing, 2014, 371 p. labour law / Laval and Viking cases / EU law / labour relations / national level / EU countries

"EU Law in the Member States is a new series dedicated to exploring the impact of landmark CJEU judgments and secondary legislation in legal systems across the European Union. Each book will be written by a team of generalist EU lawyers and experts in the relevant field, bringing together perspectives from a wide range of different Member States in order to compare and analyse the effect of EU law on domestic legal systems and practice....''

04.01-64821 The right to strike: a comparative view (Ed. by) Waas, Bernd The Hague - Kluwer Law International, 2014, XLVIII, 621 p. right to strike / labour law / comparison / international

"The right of workers to ‘strike’ – to refuse to work pending the outcome of employer-employee negotiations concerning specified demands – is legally recognized virtually worldwide. Yet national laws on strike action vary enormously, both in terms of the extent of state regulation and of specific procedural rules. The importance of strike law becomes obvious when taking the enormous economic and financial consequences of strikes into account. Considering how many people and businesses are affected ...''

04.01-64822 Transnational labour law Ojeda-Aviles, Antonio The Hague - Kluwer Law International, 2014, XX, 320 p. labour law / EU law / labour relations / multinational bargaining / labour dispute / corporate social responsibility / code of conduct / European Union / international "It can no longer be denied that the centre of gravity in labour relations worldwide has shifted from governments to multinational companies and financial institutions. Accordingly, in contrast to traditional ‘international law’, which focuses on relations among nations and how they apply international conventions, a new approach is required: one of ‘transnational law’, which implies a horizontal perspective across world institutions, revealing new formulas of private regulation of economic and ...''

04.01-64824 EU labour law: a commentary (Ed. by) Schlachter, Monika The Hague - Kluwer Law International, 2015, 648 p. labour law / EU law / equal rights / conditions of employment / workers information / joint consultation / case law / EU Treaty / workers rights / European Union "Lawyers who apply EU labour law will find here a matchless aid to practice – an article-by-article commentary on each specific piece of EU legislation relevant to arguing labour law cases. In an utterly practical and straightforward format, the book presents all information necessary to quickly find the best and most complete answer to any question in EU labour law, no matter how arcane or controversial. Beginning with the relevant provisions of the EU Treaty , the chapters proceed through...''


04.01-64845 Protecting labour rights in a multi-polar supply chain and mobile global economy (Ed. by) Blanpain, Roger; Wouters, Jan; Rayp, Glenn; Beke, Laura; Marx, Axel New York - Aspen Publishers, 2014, XIV, 194 p. workers rights / forced labour / ILO Convention / migrant worker / woman worker / labour standard / trade policy / EU policy / role of ILO / globalization / outsourcing / labour law / recruitment / corporate social responsibility / Brazil / China / Dominican Republic / trade agreement / trade / EU countries / USA "In this important volume, nine studies identify the complexities of protecting labour rights in a mobile global economy by assessing the role of ILO standards, as well as public, private, and public-private initiatives, in countering the potentially negative impact of international trade and investment flows on labour rights. The editor’s powerfully summative introduction and conclusion pinpoint the crucial issues confronting labour law in this context, highlighting the need for policy coordination ...''

04.01-64846 Arbeitsrecht: Individualarbeitsrecht mit kollektivrechtlichen Bezügen (Ed. by) Däubler, Wolfgang; Hjort, Jens Peter; Schubert, Michael; Wolmerath, Martin Baden-Baden - Nomos, 2013, 3048 p. labour law / collective bargaining / labour legislation

"In der arbeitsrechtlichen Beratungspraxis überwiegen die Arbeitnehmer-Mandate. Der Kommentar vereint deshalb in einem Band alle relevanten Gesetze des Individualarbeitsrechts mit den bedeutsamen Bezügen zum kollektiven Arbeitsrecht. Die 2. Auflage berücksichtigt alle neuen Gesetze (z.B das Pflegezeitgesetz) sowie Gesetzesänderungen (z.B. im Datenschutzrecht) und befindet sich auf dem neuesten Stand der Rechtsprechung und Literatur.”

04.01-64850 The Oxford handbook of conflict management in organizations (Ed. by) Roche, William K.; Teague, Paul; Colvin, Alexander J.-S. New York - Oxford University Press, 2014, XIX, 541 p. dispute settlement / workers rights / labour relations / labour dispute / judicial procedure / collective bargaining / grievance / mediation / Germany / Japan / USA / United Kingdom / Australia / New Zealand / China "New ways of managing conflict are increasingly important features of work and employment in organizations. In the book the world's leading scholars in the field examine a range of innovative alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practices, drawing on international research and scholarship and covering both case studies of major exemplars and developments in countries in different parts of the global economy. Developments in the management of individual and collective conflict at work are address ...''

Occupational diseases Panthère noire dans un jardin Haas, Jean-François Paris - Editions du Seuil, 2014, 284 p. occupational disease / asbestos / mesothelioma / mortality / liability / literature

"Le Seigneur dit à Caïn : « Où est ton frère Abel ? Je ne sais, répondit-il. Suis-je le gardien de mon frère ? » Liées à ces questions, trois histoires... Celle de Paul Bergwald, victime du cancer de l'amiante comme le fut son père, de son frère Jacques et de son ami Favre, commissaire à l'Identité judiciaire. Celle de Maudruz, propriétaire de boutiques de vêtements pour jeunes, qui disparaît. Celle de Thomi et d'Ardian, deux « cabossés » que tout jette l'un contre l'autre. Tandis que ces histoires ...''


Occupational hazards

13.04.4-64843 Powerless science? Science and politics in a toxic world (Ed. by) Boudia, Soraya; Jas, Nathalie New York - Berghahn Books, 2013, XVIII, 280 p. toxicity / toxic effects / science / science policy / environmental policy / environmental pollution / ethics / political aspect "In spite of decades of research on toxicants, along with the growing role of scientific expertise in public policy and the unprecedented rise in the number of national and international institutions dealing with environmental health issues, problems surrounding contaminants and their effects on health have never appeared so important, sometimes to the point of appearing insurmountable. This calls for a reconsideration of the roles of scientific knowledge and expertise in the definition and management ...''

Occupational safety and health

13.04.2-64851 La santé au travail au prisme du genre : épistémologie, enquêtes et perspectives internationales

(Ed. by) Bercot, Régine Toulouse - Editions Octares, 2014, 125 p. occupational health / gender / working conditions / psychosocial risks / working time / work load / family responsibilities / woman worker "Comment rendre compte de la santé au travail en tenant compte des appartenances de genre ? Cette question suppose de saisir les différences tant au niveau sociétal qu'au niveau du travail lui-même, d'intégrer des dimensions liées à la socialisation et à l'ethos des groupes, de rendre compte des effets du travail dans son articulation aux contextes de vie et aux trajectoires. Que nous disent les grandes enquêtes quantitatives ? Prenant appui sur des enquêtes quantitatives nationales au Québec et ...''


04.04-64776 Les internationales de partis Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques, Brussels; Coosemans, Thierry Bruxelles - CRISP, 2014, 108 p. politics / political party / international "Tous les grands courants politiques prétendent, à des degrés divers, à une forme d’universalité : universalité de l’émancipation des classes laborieuses, universalité du message du christianisme, universalité de la liberté de l’homme, universalité des questions environnementales, etc. C’est pourquoi les partis se revendiquant d’un héritage commun mettent en place des structures de coopération mondiale, sous la forme d’internationales. …''

04.04-64809 Collective action in the European Union: interests and the new politics of associability (Ed. by) Aspinwall, Mark; Greenwood, Justin Abingdon - Routledge, 1997, 238 p. interest group / European integration / social mobilization / business / professional worker / consumer / environment / European Union "Collective Action in the European Union addresses fundamental questions surrounding the European political economy. The impressive array of contributors ask how and why collective action is formed at the European level. They also consider whether collective action at the transnational level is driven by rational,


utility maximising behaviour, or whether explanations explanations couched in social terms are more convincing. Many of the chapters introduce fresh empirical studies, in the domains of business, the professions, consumers and environmental interests.''

Psychosocial risks

13.04.5-63644 L'évaluation économique du stress au travail Lassagne, Marc; Perriard, Julien; Rozan, Anne; Trontin, Christian Versailles - Editions Quae, 2013, 72 p. stress / stress evaluation / stress factors / cost of diseases / France / Switzerland

" À l’heure où un véritable « marché de la souffrance au travail » est en train d’éclore, il est capital de fournir aux intéressés des clés de compréhension qui les aideront à opérer des choix stratégiques ou à envisager des actions de prévention. Cet ouvrage, le seul en français, présente et compare les différentes méthodes d’analyse économique de la santé au travail (stress professionnel) et explique comment sont « chiffrées » les conséquences du stress au travail."

13.04.5-64784 Approche interdisciplinaire des risques psychosociaux au travail (Ed. by) Lerouge, Loïc Toulouse - Editions Octares, 2014, 350 p. psychosocial risks / work organization / stress / burnout / suicide / psychosomatic disorders "Au cours des dernières décennies, de profonds développements dans le paysage économique, politique, technologique et social ont contribué à changer la nature du travail et la façon de travailler. Le travail a évolué ainsi que l'impact des organisations sur la santé des travailleurs. De ces évolutions a émergé le terme de « risques psychosociaux » (RPS) qui est devenu aujourd'hui incontournable, mais qui entretient une confusion entre les risques et les troubles qui en découlent. Les RPS couvrent ...''

Quality of working life

13.03.3-64806 Arbeitsleben 2025: Das Haus der Arbeitsfähigkeit im Unternehmen bauen (Ed. by) Giesert, Marianne Hamburg - VSA-Verlag, 2012, 293 p. quality of working life / work-life balance / occupational safety and health / ageing / Germany

"Das Konzept des 'Hauses der Arbeitsfähigkeit' ermöglicht es, die Balance zwischen Arbeitsanforderung und individueller bzw. kollektiver Leistung zu fördern und zu sichern. Beispiele aus der betrieblichen Praxis veranschau-lichen, dass dieses Konzept mittlerweile auf einem soliden Fundament -gemeinsamer Erfahrung steht. Außerdem wird die Entwicklung vom betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement zum betrieblichen Arbeitsfähigkeitsmanagement beschrieben. Das Individuum rückt dabei in den Mittelpunkt.''

Safety organization


13.04.6-64805 Handbuch Gesundheit & Beteiligung: Neue Instrumente für den Gesundheitsschutz in Betrieben und Behörden Becker, Karina; Brinkmann, Ulrich; Engel, Thomas; Satzer, Rolf Hamburg - VSA-Verlag, 2014, 286 p. plant safety and health organization / workers participation / safe working conditions / Germany

"Der betriebliche Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz bietet für Betriebs-, Personalräte und Beschäftigte eine Reihe von Mitbestimmungs- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, die in der Praxis häufig nicht ausgeschöpft werden. Dazu zählen gesetzliche Grundlagen und arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, die eine gesundheitsgerechte Gestaltung der betrieblichen Arbeitsorganisation, Arbeitszeiten und -mittel sowie Qualifizierungsbedarfe abzusichern helfen. Durch die verbesserte Beteiligung der Beschäftigten ...''

Social policy

02.01-64798 European social models from crisis to crisis: employment and inequality in the era of monetary integration Dølvik, Jon Erik; Martin, Andrew New York - Oxford University Press, 2014, XIII, 442 p. European social model / economic recession / social inequality / employment / EMU / European integration / EU countries "Provides a unique overview of social model developments in key European countries over the past 25 years Gathers a selection of outstanding international scholars which offer a comprehensive view on the recent crisis and its background causes Features case studies of 11 countries and comparative analysis of policy coalitions and labor market outcomes This book analyzes the interaction of European social models the institutions structuring labor markets' supply side and their turbulent macroeconomic ...''

Social protection

02.03-64831 La crise de la protection sociale en Europe : adaptation ou refondation (Ed. by) Turquet, Pascale Rennes - Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015, 135 p. social protection / social policy / EU policy / EU law / trade union attitude / EU countries

"Chercheurs et syndicalistes montrent dans cet ouvrage les multiples formes du « dé-tricotage du social » qui sont à l’œuvre dans l’Union européenne. L’étude est fondée sur une approche historique et juridique, une analyse de la crise économique et sociale actuelle et l’exposition des défis que doivent affronter les syndicats. Les contributions suggèrent également des pistes à suivre pour refonder une Europe sociale et démocratique."'

02.03-64849 Refonder le système de protection sociale : pour une nouvelle génération de droits sociaux Gazier, Bernard; Palier, Bruno; Périvier, Hélène Paris - Presses de Sciences Po, 2014, 200 p. social protection / social policy / equal rights / economic and social rights / France "Le système français de protection sociale a permis de consolider la cohésion sociale, de lutter contre la pauvreté et d'amortir les effets dévastateurs de la crise actuelle. Mais, bâti sur le modèle d'un homme chef de famille ayant à charge femme et enfants, il entérine les inégalités entre les sexes et néglige, voire pénalise, les évolutions de carrière. Dessinant une nouvelle architecture pour la protection sociale, ce livre montre qu'il est urgent et possible de refonder ce système....''


Social protection - Health policy

02.07-64817 Cómo comercian con tu salud: privatización y mercantilización en Catalunya (Ed. by) Martinez, Ana; Vergara, Montse Barcelona - Icaria, 2014, 99 p. health policy / privatization / economic recession / Spain "Las políticas austericidas y los recortes en la sanidad están dañando de forma desigual la salud de la población catalana, a la vez que son una estrategia para la mercantilización de la atención sanitaria. El programa neoliberal actual quiere convertir el derecho a la sanidad en una «sanidad como negocio». Para evitar que la salud sea una mercancía debemos reconstruir profundamente nuestro modelo sanitario. Debemos luchar por una sanidad realmente pública (en su propiedad, en su provisión y ...''

Social sciences, culture, humanities and art

05-64803 Foucault avec Marx Bidet, Jacques Paris - La Fabrique, 2014, 234 p. philosophy / Marxism / political power / social class "Foucault et Marx : quand on accole ces deux noms, c’est bien souvent pour les opposer. À Marx, théoricien du mouvement ouvrier, philosophe de la totalité, a répondu Foucault, penseur des singularités et des micro-pouvoirs, pourfendeur d’un marxisme essoufflé. Lire Foucault avec Marx, comme nous y invite ce livre, c’est au contraire reconnaître leur complémentarité, c’est dégager les points de rencontres possibles. C’est suivre Foucault sur le versant de l’exploitation resté inexploré par le mar ...''


18-03600 Key figures on the enlargement countries - 2014 edition European Commission; Eurostat Luxembourg - Publications Office of the European Union, 2014, 146 p. EU enlargement / demography / education / social indicator / labour force / national accounts / trade / energy / industry / transport / communication / information society / research and development / environment / candidate countries / Croatia / Iceland / Montenegro / Turkey / Albania / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Kosovo / Serbia / Macedonia , former Yugoslav Republic / statistics / comparison

"This extensive pocketbook on enlargement countries covers the years 2002 to 2012 and contains tables and graphs on demography, education, social conditions and labour force, national accounts, finance and prices, agriculture, energy, industry, construction and services, transport, communications and information society, as well as external trade, research and development and environment. A short commentary on the data and methodological notes are also included.“



12.06-64703 L'âge des low-tech : vers une civilisation techniquement soutenable Bihouix, Philippe Paris - Editions du Seuil, 2014, 330 p. technological change / sustainable development / natural resources / energy / employment

"Face aux signaux alarmants de la crise globale ; croissance en berne, tensions sur l'énergie et les matières premières, effondrement de la biodiversité, dégradation et destruction des sols, changement climatique et pollution généralisée, on cherche à nous rassurer. Les technologies "vertes" seraient sur le point de sauver la planète et la croissance grâce à une quatrième révolution industrielle, celle des énergies renouvelables, des réseaux intelligents, de l'économie circulaire, des nano-bio-t ...''

12.06-64802 The second machine age. Work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies Brynjolfsson, Erik; McAfee, Andrew New York - W.W. Norton & Company, 2014, 306 p. technological change / economic implication / future / future of work / information technology / economic development "A revolution is under way. In recent years, Google’s autonomous cars have logged thousands of miles on American highways and IBM’s Watson trounced the best human Jeopardy! players. Digital technologies—with hardware, software, and networks at their core—will in the near future diagnose diseases more accurately than doctors can, apply enormous data sets to transform retailing, and accomplish many tasks once considered uniquely human. ''

Trade unionism

13.06.3-64795 Global unions, local power: the new spirit of transnational labor organizing Mccallum, Jamie Ithaca, NY. - ILR Press, 2013, XV, 210 p. trade union / Global Union Federation / globalization / international trade union

"News about labor unions is usually pessimistic, focusing on declining membership and failed campaigns. But there are encouraging signs that the labor movement is evolving its strategies to benefit workers in rapidly changing global economic conditions. Global Unions, Local Power tells the story of the most successful and aggressive campaign ever waged by workers across national borders. It begins in the United States in 2007 as SEIU struggled to organize private security guards at G4S, a global ...''

13.06.3-64801 Notoriously militant: the story of a union branch Cohen, Sheila Monmouth - Merlin Press, 2013, 225 p. TGWU / trade unionism / trade union federation / history / transport / engineering industry / gender / ethnic group / shop floor level / USA "In 1946, after a series of stormy strikes and a mass occupation at Ford Motor Company’s plant in Dagenham, Essex, thousands of workers came together in a new branch of the Transport and General Workers Union. Later, in the early 1980s, a band of dedicated workplace activists brought branch 1/1107 to explosive life with support for a number working-class causes, from equal opportunities to the stunningly effective boycott of parts for South Africa. Notoriously Militant, which takes as its title ...''


13.06.3-64808 Le travail syndical (Ed. by) Lhuilier, Dominique; Meynaud, Hélène Yvonne Ramonville Saint-Agne - Editions Erès, 2015, 266 p. trade unionism / trade union / trade union officer / occupation / occupational sociology

"Aborder le syndicalisme comme un travail implique de le situer dans son contexte avec ses ressources et contraintes propres, de recenser les tâches à réaliser et les activités déployées, d'identifier les visées poursuivies, la diversité de ses interlocuteurs et de ses destinataires. Au coeur de ce travail se trouvent des questions essentielles : comment construire une cause collective à partir de cas particuliers ? Comment surmonter l'émiettement des situations contractuelles et la précarisation ...''

13.06.3-64827 Organizing: die Veränderung der gewerkschaftlichen Praxis durch das Prinzip Beteiligung (Ed. by) Wetzel, Detlef Hamburg - VSA-Verlag, 2013, 318 p. trade union / trade union power / trade unionism / IG Metall / labour relations / workers representation / workers participation / Germany / EU countries "Spätestens seit ein ehemaliger Organizer 2008 amerikanischer Präsident geworden ist, hat der Begriff Organizing Konjunktur. Die Bezugnahmen durch Gewerkschaften sind vielfältig: Sie reichen von »politischer Kommunikation«, »Erneuerungsdiskurs« über »bürgerschaftliches Engagement« hin zu der Annahme, es handele sich nur um ein anderes Wort für Mitgliederwerbung. Inzwischen gibt es eine mehrjährige gewerkschaftliche Organizing-Praxis auf verschiedenen Ebenen. Was für die IG Metall gilt, gilt auch ...''


13.01.4-64816 Desempleo juvenil, exclusión social y salud : investigaciónes, experiencias y acciones institucionales en España Espluga, Josep; Lemkow, Louis; Baltiérrez, Josep; Kieselbach, Thomas Barcelona - Icaria, 2004, 197 p. youth unemployment / social exclusion / Spain "En este libro analizamos las experiencias personales de una muestra de jóvenes con más de un año de desempleo para intentar así entender sus itinerarios, sus expectativas y las estrategias con que se enfrentan a la situación, y intentaremos determinar los factores de apoyo y de vulnerabilidad presentes en su entorno social. Hemos intentado también reflexionar sobre las acciones de las instituciones para resolver las problemáticas de estos jóvenes. Esto ha permitido ver como se articulan el dese ...''


14.04-64783 Femmes et défis pour la formation des adultes : un regard critique non-conformiste Ollagnier, Edmée Paris - L'Harmattan, 2014, 257 p. women / continuing vocational training / adult education / training policy / gender / feminist movement

"Quelle est la situation des femmes en formation des adultes ? Cet ouvrage interroge les principes dans ce domaine, observe les dispositifs de formation existants en francophonie comme ailleurs dans le monde pour en faire une analyse critique. Sa posture de féministe délibérée suggère un éventail de propositions pédagogiques pertinentes pour des contextes de formation et des publics qui ne se résument pas à celui des femmes."


Workers by category

13.09-64813 La mémoire ouvrière : recherche sur la mémoire du collectif Aucher, Laurent Paris - L'Harmattan, 2013, 249 p. worker / working class / metalworker / labour movement / archives / France "Le thème de la mémoire a toujours été de mise en ce qui concerne les grands hommes et les grands événements. Mais le thème de la mémoire des gens ordinaires est aujourdhui délaissé par la sociologie. Reprenant les premières formulations théoriques de Maurice Halbwachs, louvrage de Laurent Aucher redonne de lactualité à la question de la mémoire ouvrière. Lauteur sappuie pour cela sur une enquête réalisée à Vierzon (Cher) entre 2006 et 2012 auprès de deux générations de métallurgistes."

Workers participation and European works councils

13.06.7-64796 Les administrateurs salariés en France. Contribution à une sociologie de la participation des salariés aux décisions de l’entreprise Laboratoire interdisciplinaire pour la sociologie économique, Paris; Conchon, Aline 2014, 643 p. board level employee representation / workers participation / corporate governance / works council / labour relations / sociological aspect / thesis