Download - Never Mind The Legacy. Prologue

Page 1: Never Mind The Legacy. Prologue

Never Mind The Legacy follows the

life of Carrie Havar, the sixth child of

Regina and Klaus Havar. To fully

understand the family ties in the legacy, I

recommend reading all Havar related

entries. As soon as I’m done here I’ll be

adding a new post with a chronological list of Havar related posts. Reading them

in order is not required, but may


Page 2: Never Mind The Legacy. Prologue

‘Alice, why did you call us here? I thought it was agreed that we

never contact each other again!’

Rolling her chocolate

eyes, the Witch, Alice, smiles at the irate

Lycan. ‘I know, Jennifer. But this is


‘It had better be,’ a pale, red eyed man

grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘I came all the way from Romania to be here.’

‘Vlad, darling, do I ever disappoint you?’

the Witch asks, winking. ‘This is a

matter of great importance, something that I cannot handle on my own. You all know

I’d never call you for something that didn’t

require you, would I?’

Grudgingly the entire

party agrees.

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‘So, what is it?’ asks Alice’s sometimes husband, Cubone.

Xaviar’s eyes widen

and the Plantsim chuckles. ‘Not even

Cubone knows?’

Prettily Alice pouts. ‘I didn’t tell anyone yet!’ Her eyes flash dangerously. ‘Can I

get on with it now, or does anyone else

want to question my motivation for

gathering you all here?’

Chuckling, Xaviar gestures for her to

continue, before turning to Cubone

and stage whispering, ‘I don’t envy you that

spit fire. My wife is handful enough, and yet Alice makes her

look as obedient as a good hound.’

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Narrowly he ducks the vase that is sent flying at his head.

‘You guys are jerks! Cubone’s lucky to

have me!’ Hands on hips she burns the crowd with a fiery

stare. ‘The Fates are playing again!’

That silences them

all. Eyes widen and jaws drop.

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‘You’re sure?’ Pepper asks, the first to compose herself.

Sadly Alice nods to the Clairvoyant. ‘I’m sure. Last week I had to undertake the first of my biyearly visits

to the Otherplace.’

‘Huh?’ Xaviar grunts,

cocking his head. ‘What are you talking


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Alice sighs and sits back down. ‘I forgot

that you haven’t been with us that long. The

terms of my immortality are that twice a year I must

spend a week in the Otherplace.’


‘The realm of the

Gods and Goddesses. It’s split into three

main layers. Above, where the Gods live.

Below, where the Dead and their Gods

live, and the Fates work there too. And

then there’s the bit where Dreams are made. I have to go

there and work, basically.’

‘Like some kind of

supernatural slave?’

Her lip quirks at the corner. ‘Kind of like that, only I get paid

with eternal youth.’

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‘Usually Harod, the God of the Dead,

summons me before anyone else can, and

I spend most of my time Below, with

him.’ Her eyes roll again. ‘He’s utterly tactless. Anyway, I

was down there, sorting the Dead and

such like, chatting with the Reapers.

Same old, same old. Then, I had a

delivery of wool to take to the Fates.

Normally I’d get a lesser Demon to do it, but I decided to take it myself, and

say hi to the girls.’

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Her breathing hitches. ‘They were

planning a new game. Only this is

bigger than any other. It’s not just one life. They’re

calling it an “extended project”.’

‘What does that mean?’ Cubone

asks. ‘How extended? And why

have they decided to deviate from their

usual style. One life at a time, that was the game. Always

has been.’

Alice nods. ‘They got bored of the

same old game. This time it’s ten

generations long. They’ve decided to torture one family

for that long.’

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‘This is bad news,’ Emerald, the second

Vampire, says softly, ‘but I don’t see that it was worth contacting

us all.’

‘I know, but this is

closer to me than any of the others have

been, and I wanted help to make sure it

doesn’t get out of hand.’

Cubone’s forehead creases. ‘How is it


A tear runs down the Witch’s cheek, and

she sniffs. ‘They chose a random life string, as always. It

was Carrie Havar’s.’

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‘No!’ Vladimir exclaims. ‘That is

bad luck.’ He pauses, regarding the

distraught Witch closely. ‘Unless you believe that it wasn’t


Her head shakes. ‘As

unpleasant as the Fates may be, they stick to their rules.

That it is Carrie Havar is only part of the problem. As they

chose her, they also chose an adversary. A constant threat to the



‘You aren’t going to like this, Jennifer.’

The Lycan growls.


‘It’s your sister.’

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‘WHAT?’ The Lycan explodes, leaping to

her feet. ‘Amber?’

‘Yes, Amber. How many more sisters do

you have?’ Cubone snaps. ‘That was a lucky draw for the

Fates. A Pureblooded Lycan like Amber is immortal. She’ll be

terrorizing Carrie and her family long after

the ten generation game.’

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‘I was meant to take care of them,

Cubone,’ Alice whimpers, more tears

falling. ‘They were entrusted to me. The

entire Havar family is my responsibility, and now this.’ Her

shoulders slump. ‘Regina is going to

kill me! Klaus is gunna be so

disappointed. I don’t even want to think

about how Brian and the others will react

when I tell them what’s happening to

their sister! I’ve completely screwed this up! Carrie can’t

handle this! Of all the Havar kids, she’s the

least equipped to deal with something like


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‘ALICE!’ Cubone bellows when she shows no sign of

pausing for breath. Quietly she hiccups,

glaring and still crying. Shaking his

head sadly, the Lycan kneels before her,

taking her hands in his.

‘Alice, this is beyond even your control. The Fates are the

Fates, and this is what they do. Now, while

we can’t do anything about it now, we can

help Carrie and her family. The rest of the Supernatural Council will be arriving soon,

and together we can keep an eye on this,

intervening whenever you feel Amber and the Fates have gone

too far.’

‘Thanks,’ she gasps, still hiccupping. ‘I

just worry. Carrie’s…well…she’s…not the brightest bulb in the

box. I worry about her. She’s my


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‘I know,’ he soothes. ‘And she’ll be fine. I

promise.’ Suddenly his eyes light up with

an idea. ‘I’ve got it! A way for you to ease

your worry a bit.’ Grinning like a

Cheshire Cat, he leans in to whisper in

her ear. Slowly her pained face eases,

and she relaxes.

‘That’ll work. I’ll talk to the others.

Erik should be here soon, and Phil and

the others are always around.’ She presses

her forehead to his, smiling. ‘Cheers. I

guess we have plans to make.’

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And that's it! Short, wasn't it? Well, it is

the prologue. Chapter One should

be out soon; I already have all of the pictures. I just

have to finish writing it.

Thanks to my supernatural

council. All sims were made by me,

including my simself (Alice).

Cubone, however, is a bred sim (Gen C

spare from my Pokecy V2). As you can see, my simself really did not want to behave. She just

wanted to look at the rain. *eye roll*