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Networking Online: Twitter for Authors

Leigh-Anne Lawrence @writenowsocial #mafwi15

2015 Mid-Atlantic Fiction Writers Institute

Twitter by the Numbers

Current Stats

316 million monthly active users

1 billion total users

500 million tweets are sent each day

63% say that Twitter is a source of news for them

Legitimacy: Heads of state that have personal Twitter accounts = 67%

Most Followed Person?

Katy Perry73 Million Followers

Profile BasicsIt’s all about the look.

Professional photo Well-written bio

Link to website/blog Eye-catching cover photo

No Photoshop? No problem

Finding Your VoiceGet ready to shine.

What Makes You “You?”

How would you describe yourself?

Funny or wise-cracking?

Serious or scholarly?


Playful and upbeat?

This is your tone.

What to Share: Things you love (books, movies, hobbies, etc.)

Writing articles, tips, and recommendations

Information about YOUR writing process (successes, trials, and tribulations)

Interesting articles on subjects you’re passionate about (remember to share those blog posts if you’re a blogger!)

Photos from vacations, workshops, conferences, and other events (like this one!)

Once You’re Established…

Offer sneak peeks of your writing

Hold contests for fans

Offer giveaways (bookmarks, signed copies, etc.)

Hold a Twitter Chat to answer fan questions

Tweet live from events

Never Ever… Rant. That makes you look unprofessional

and petty. (Watch that Soapbox!)

Get defensive or throw a public tantrum.

Feed the Trolls. (Don’t get in arguments with followers.)

Talk solely about yourself. That’s boring.

Ignore questions or requests.

Disappear for months at a time.

Forget that your Twitter account is your PUBLIC face.

Always… Be gracious.

Be kind.

Share content by others.

Thank people who mention you or share your content.

Be positive (as much as possible).

Let people see the REAL you.

Your Public Persona = Your Brand

Writing for TwitterKnow the language and keep it short.

Twitter Lingo + Etiquette

Words to Know:




Hash Tag


Things to Do:

Tag Other Users

Use .@

Participate in #FF

Hash Tag Protocol1. Try to use one hash tag in every post.2. Don’t use more than five.3. Look up your hash tags in advance.

Two Types:

Trending Emphasis



Hash Tags to Know





#amediting or #amrevising




#mswl used by agents/editors looking for submissions

#askagent and #askeditor used to ask agents/editors questions

Crafting the Perfect Post

1. Your tweet needs to make sense.

2. Your tweet should include a hyperlink or an image.

3. Your tweet should include a hash tag.

Remember: Spelling and Grammar Count

MakE Time for Social MediaIt’s the new email.

How do you tweet every day?

Schedule your posts in advance

Track retweets and mentions

Track favorite hash tags or search terms

Sign Up for

Use that Smartphone Twitter and Hootsuite apps are easy

to use

Love taking photos? Connect your Twitter account to Instagram and share photos on both platforms simultaneously

One Hour Every week Find new accounts to follow

Decide what you want to share (your own content and others)

Go out of your way to engage with other users

Real Life Examples via Jane Friedman:

Debbie Ohi posts a daily doodle on social media as part of her creative process

Jeanne Bowerman started a Sunday night Twitter #scriptchat to learn about scriptwriting, and ended up becoming an expert herself in the topic she set out to study.

Robert Brewer issues a poem a day challenge to get himself and his community producing poetry.

Writers Who Rock TwitterFollow. Imitate. Emulate.








Share and Share AgainIf you build it, they will come.

Final TAkeaways

Be yourself. Be real and authentic. Your voice is your brand.

Be professional and respectful of others.

Focus on the positive instead of the negative.

Think before you post. Once something is online, it lives forever.

Be gracious. Thank followers who mention you or compliment your work.

Final TakeAways Share content by others. Don’t just promote yourself.

Create community. Schedule time to browse sites, read things that capture your interest, comment, and participate in online conversations.

Be consistent. Post content on a weekly or daily basis.

Treat social media like email. Check your accounts every day and respond to fan questions in a timely manner.

Remember: Social media is about engagement. If you don’t engage, your fan base won’t grow.

ResourcesSocial Media

Jeff Bullas

Business 2 Community


Social Times

Social Media Examiner

Social Media Today

Author Marketing + Branding

The Book Designer


Galley Cat

Jane Friedman

Where Writers Win

The Write Life

workshopGet the presentation online at:

@writenowsocial #mafwi15