Download - NetDexterity Municipal CRM 2013

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Municipalities

December 12,2013

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NetDexterity and Municipal Dynamics CRM

2013-07-22 2

• 311Constituent


• Small Business Enterprise Centre

• Economic Development Outreach

Economic Development

• Fire & Emergency Call Logging

• Heritage Databases

Municipal Operations

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City of Birmingham – 311 contact center

We chose Microsoft Dynamics CRM because the technology is proven and will continue to steadily improve in the future.

Brian Malone

311 Call Center Director

City of Birmingham


preparation time

reduced by


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Constituent Relationship Management

Almost every municipality deals with a wide variety of requests from constituents. These calls can arrive in the city offices, in departmental offices and also into the information request call centers, or 311 facilities.

Requests come through various channels (for example);

• Phone Calls

• Email

• Web

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Constituent Relationship Management

• Integrated into Outlook for a familiar and efficient User Interface

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Insert a CRM Outlook pic here withEmails and track option

Constituent Relationship ManagementHandling e-Mail Requests

• Service Agents are able to efficiently and easily track incoming emails from Constituents

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Consolidation of Interactions with Resident

• Need Slide to show consolidation of all channel history

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Constituent Relationship ManagementHandling e-Mail Requests

• Service Agents have access to an up to date Knowledge Database to respond in an efficient and accurate fashion.

Insert a CRM Outlook pic here withKB

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Constituent Relationship ManagementHandling e-Mail Requests

• Information Sent out is consistent and accurate.

Insert a CRM Outlook pic here withArticle Attached.

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Constituent Relationship ManagementDocument Management

• Direct access to documents in SharePoint from CRM means Agents can provide more efficient and faster service.

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NetDexterity and Municipal Dynamics CRM

2013-07-22 11

• 311Constituent


• Small Business Enterprise Centre

• Economic Development Outreach

Economic Development

• Fire & Emergency Call Logging

• Heritage Databases

Municipal Operations

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Dynamics CRM for Municipal Economic Development

• Simplifies event management and attendee registration processes

• Inquiries can be automatically tracked using Activities or entered on a periodic (daily/weekly/monthly) basis

• Non-CRM inquiries including Website Hits can also be tracked

• Complete tracking for consultations and subsequent follow-up activities

• Dialog driven processes greatly simplify data entry

• Automatic generation of Consultation Follow-up reminders

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Dynamics CRM User Defined Dashboards

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Dynamics CRM for Municipalities

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• 311Constituent


• Small Business Enterprise Centre

• Economic Development Outreach

Economic Development

• Specialized Systems

• Heritage Databases

Municipal Operations

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Dynamics xRM Municipal Business Operations Solutions

Municipalities must also manage a wide range of city services provided to their constituents including building permits, water and other services.

Dynamics CRM enables municipalities to monitor and track city service information and relationships required for better decision-making and business interaction.

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Dynamic CRM On Premise or Online


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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Demonstration

December 12,2013

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Thank You –[email protected]

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