Download - Net Banking final

  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final





      Smart Brainz is a Web Development and Mobile Application Development company to

    all business houses headquartered in India. Our team of professionals ith diverse s!ills and

    e"perience can provide top quality outsourcin# services. Smart Brainz focus to deliver hi#h

    quality soluctions to its clients at optimal costs by adoptin# the most relevant and advancedtechnolo#ies.

      If you are loo!in# for quality outsourcin# services then Smart Brainz ill be the ri#ht

    choice to deliver solutions for yours business. We can be your sin#le point of contact to ma!e

    your business activities easier. We provide services that could help you e"cel in your business 

    Our mission is to provide hi#h quality products and services ith all latest technolo#ies


    Web desi#n and Development  $earnin# Mana#ement System

      %ontent Mana#ement System

      &'commerce  IOS Application Development

      S&O(S&M Services


    Smart Brainz is a leadin# )* and %ape %omorin'based I+ company that offers a

    ide ran#e of Web Development, Softare Development and Mobile ApplicationDevelopment. +he company started out ith the #oal of revolutionizin# the

    interactive mar!etin# industry in India by introducin# more affordable alternative

    to the services offered by interactive a#encies ithout compromisin# the quality of

    the services. We continuously invest in advanced up'to'date technolo#y and s!illed


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    talents. We emphasize on lon# term en#a#ement models and innovative

     partnerships to assist our clients throu#h their business lon# term #roth. We or!

    ith our clients to create tailored business solutions that ultimately lead to

    si#nificant competitive advanta#es.

     Microsoft %ertified artner 

     %orporate and %reative

     Dedicated Developers

     /uality and Satisfaction

     ro'active and %ustomer 0riendly

    Smart Brainz is a leader for Web desi#n, and Website mar!etin# solutions. We have

     been providin# e"pert Website Development and desi#n services #lobally for

     businesses and or#anizations for over 1 years.Our team of hi#hly s!illed

     professionals can assist you ith your entire eb and desi#n needs.

     2our company is not able to #enerate atleast -3 leads from the ebsite daily.

     2our competitors4 ebsite more current and user friendly than yours.

     2ou not proud of your company4s ebsite and it honestly need a update.

     2ou loo!in# to desi#n a poerful eb based application hich increase your

    revenue or cut your operation cost.


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    Website maintenance is a continuous process of improvin# and supportin# a

    ebsite to !eep it or!in# and up'to'date. 6o can I benefit from ebsite


    +o attract visitors your site needs to chan#e and enhance. But developin# and

    updatin# of the ebsite can be a very time consumin# tas!, especially if you are

    not a specialist.

    6irin# a professional to do this 8ob can be much more effective, because,+hey

    already have !noled#e and e"perience, so the quality is hi#her and or! is done

    faster. +hey have necessary softare, so you don4t have to spend money on it. It

    saves you a lot of time and effort.

    -.5 OB9&%+I:&

    Online services have become important part of our lives as they allo anytime, anyhere access

    to information. %learly, such services are not only useful for Internet users, but they have also

     become indispensable for financial or#anizations because they help reduce operational costs. 0or 

    e"ample, there are millions of users ho use the Internet for performin# online ban!in#

    transactions. +he eb is convenient for users as they are not bound to the openin# hours of ban!s

    and do not have to be physically present. )nfortunately, the usefulness of online services has

     been overshadoed by lar#e'scale phishin# attac!s launched a#ainst Internet users.

    hishin# is a form of identity theft in hich a combination of social en#ineerin# and eb site

    spoofin# techniques are used to tric! a user into revealin# confidential information ith

    economic value. In a typical phishin# attac!, a lar#e number of spoofed e'mails are sent to

    random users ;i.e., analo#ous to spam e'mail

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    In order not to raise suspicion, the attac!ers have to provide a plausible e"planation for the

    sudden need to update this confidential information. 0or e"ample, early phishin# e'mails often

    contained the e"planation that the computer systems of the or#anization ere bein# restructured.

    6ence, customers ere supposedly bein# as!ed to =verify= that their information as correct.

    6oever, because phishin# has received si#nificant press covera#e and attention in the last

    couple of years, ironically, phisher are no often persuadin# victims to enter their online ban!in#

    credentials as a precaution for the imminent phishin# threat. In phishin# e'mails, the request to

    update confidential information is often accompanied by a subtle threat in order to ma!e the

     persuasion of the victim easier. 0or e"ample, the phishers may convince victims that the failure

    to update their information ill result in their ban!in# account bein# suspended.


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    Automation understands that a profitable, safe and sustainable operation is

    your #oal. As your partner, e offer industry and technolo#y'specific e"pertise to

    address your unique challen#es and meet your #oals. Our commitment to you is to

    help reduce pro8ect ris! and provide solutions specific to your needs ? e"ecuted

    #lobally and supported locally.

    Optimize Your Opertio!

    As your partner, e start ith an important step often overloo!ed in today@s

    competitive business orld e listen, to learn about your company, your issues

    and your #oals ? for today, tomorro and the future. After e understand your 

    unique situation, e dra on our #lobal pool of in'house e"perience and partner 

    resources to deliver tailored, repeatable, scalable and maintainable solutions.

    Prote"t Your I!#e$tme!t

    By levera#in# our #lobal infrastructure of support centers and sub8ect matter 

    e"perts, e@re here to help you protect your automation investment. Beyond

     providin# you peace of mind, as e help you !eep your plant runnin#, e@ll assess

    your entire operation and recommend the ri#ht mi" of services to help ma"imize

     productivity, optimize plant assets and improve your overall financial performance.

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    >.- &CIS+IE S2S+&M

      In e"istin# system, e have developed Antihish, a phishin# protection system that

     prevents sensitive user information from bein# entered on phishin# sites. +he drabac! is that

    this system requires cooperation from the user and occasionally raises false alarms. In this paper,

    e present an e"tension of our system ;called DOMAntihish< that miti#ates the shortcomin#s

    of our previous system. In particular, our novel approach levera#es layout similarity information

    to distin#uish beteen malicious and beni#n eb pa#es. +his ma!es it possible to reduce the

    involvement of the user and si#nificantly reduces the false alarm rate. Our e"perimental

    evaluation demonstrates that our solution is feasible in practice.In this paper a ne mechanism

    for application update is proposed, named phishin# Ban! account. In olden days hen it comes

    to #ot ille#al money from ban! comes under robbery. o days everythin# #ets di#italized. 6eree are ma!in# ille#al money transfer virtually ith defaced net ban!in#.

    Di$!t'e o( E)i$ti!' S*$tem


    Improper understandin#

    +heoretical approach

    Don@t have customer lo#in

    More static activities

    $ac! of options in 6ac!ers +erminals


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final



      propose a novel phishin# detection approach that e"ploits the relevant spatial layouts of eb

     pa#es. Son# metal use a vision'based pa#e se#mentation al#orithm to partition a eb pa#e into

    semantic bloc!s ith a hierarchical structure. +hen spatial features ;such as position and size<

    and content features ;such as the number of ima#es and lin!s< are e"tracted to construct a feature

    vector for each bloc! . A phishin# pa#e and its correspondin# #enuine pa#e are close to each

    other visually. %onsequently, pa#e elements ;e.#., te"t fields, ima#es, buttons, etc.< in the

     phishin# pa#e are probably placed at the same or similar positions and of the same or similar size

    to their counterparts in the #enuine one.

    +e m,e t-e (oo/i!' propo$e& "o!tri0utio!$ i! t-i$ pper

     ? 0irst, e define the spatial layout features for eb pa#es, and develop to feature e"traction

    methods that ma!e use of relevant functionality of modern eb brosers.

     ? Second, e present an effective eb pa#e similarity definition that ta!es into account the

     proposed pa#e spatial layout features.

     ? +hird, e desi#n an G'tree inde" for le#itimate eb pa#e library that is or#anized based on

    spatial layout features, and propose library search al#orithms for phishin# detection.

     ? 0ourth, e conduct an e"tensive e"perimental study to evaluate our proposals. +he results

    su##est the proposed approach is effective and efficient.


    We have real interface ith basic net' ban!in# feature can test ith all > lo#in


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    %omes ith Screen capture

    assord deception

    %an access customer account easily by sin#le clic!

     Ma!e use of relevant functionality of modern eb brosers.

    +he proposed approach is effective and efficient

    >.> 0&ASIBI$I+2 S+)D2

    %.%.1 E"o!omi" Fe$i0iit*

    &conomic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluatin# the

    effectiveness of a ne system. More commonly !non as cost(benefit analysis, the

     procedure is to determine the benefits and savin#s that are e"pected from a

    candidate system and compare them ith costs. If benefits outei#h costs, then the

    decision is made to desi#n and implement the system. An entrepreneur must

    accurately ei#h the cost versus benefits before ta!in# an action.

    %ost Based Study It is important to identify cost and benefit factors, hich can be

    cate#orized as follos -. Development costs and 5. Operatin# costs. +his is an

    analysis of the costs to be incurred in the system and the benefits derivable out of

    the system.

    +ime Based Study +his is an analysis of the time required to achieve a return on

    investments. the benefits derived from the system. +he future value of a pro8ect is

    also a factor.

    %.%.2 Opertio! Fe$i0iit*  Is a measure of ho ell a proposed system solves the problems, and

    ta!es advanta#es of the opportunities identified durin# scope definition and ho it

    satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system



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    %.%.% Te"-!i" Fe$i0iit*

      +he assessment is based on an outline desi#n of system requirements in terms

    of Input, rocesses, Output, 0ields, ro#rams, and rocedures. +his can be

    quantified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updatin#, etc. in order 

    to estimate hether the ne system ill perform adequately or not. +echnolo#ical

    feasibility is carried out to determine hether the company has the capability, in

    terms of softare, hardare, personnel and e"pertise, to handle the completion of 

    the pro8ect.


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    1.- 6AGDWAG& G&/)IG&M&+S

      Main rocessor %ore I> rocessor 

      6ard dis! -53 EB

      Gam - EB

      %) %loc! 5.> E6L

    1.5 SO0+WAG& G&/)IG&M&+S

     Operatin# System Server Windos C

    Database Server Mysql .3

     +ools Campp ;-.J<

    )ser Interface 6tml, %ss and hp.


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    H*per Te)t Mr,up L!'u'e ;HTML< is the main mar!up lan#ua#e for

    eb pa#es. 6+M$ elements are the basic buildin#'bloc!s of eb pa#es.

      6+M$ is ritten in the form of 6+M$ elements consistin# of ta#s enclosed

    in an#le brac!ets ;li!e htmlN

  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    Ap"-e Ser#er

    CAM4s name is an acronym for

    • C ;to be read as =cross=, meanin# cross'platform<

    • Apache 6++ Server 

    MyS/$• 6

    • erl

    +he pro#ram is released under the terms of the E) Eeneral ublic $icense

    and acts as a free eb server   capable of servin# dynamic pa#es. CAM is

    available for Microsoft Windos, $inu", Solaris, and Mac OS C, and is mainly

    used for eb development pro8ects. +his softare is useful hile you are creatin#

    dynamic ebpa#es usin# pro#rammin# lan#ua#es li!e 6, 9S, Servlets.

    CAM4s desi#ners intended it for use only as a development tool, to allo

    ebsite desi#ners and pro#rammers to test their or! on their on computers

    ithout any access to the Internet. +o ma!e this as easy as possible, many

    important security features are disabled by default. In practice, hoever, CAM

    is sometimes used to actually serve eb pa#es on the World Wide Web A special

    tool is provided to passord'protect the most important parts of the pac!a#e.

     CAM also provides support for creatin# and manipulatin# databases in MyS/$

    and S/$ite amon# others.


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    6 ;6 6yperte"t reprocessor< is an 6+M$'embedded pro#rammin#

    lan#ua#e hich e"ecutes scripts on a server and allos eb desi#ners to create

    dynamic content that interacts ith databases. It supports the use of database

    servers such as MyS/$, Informi" and Solid.6 outsourcin# services include

    6 and MyS/$ eb development, online shoppin# carts.


    A!t'e$ !& Feture$ o( PHP


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    the included command line tools, or donload MyS/$ front'ends from various

     parties that have developed des!top softare and eb applications to mana#e

    MyS/$ databases, build database structures, and or! ith data records.

    +he official MyS/$ Wor!bench is a free inte#rated environment developed by

    MyS/$ AB, that enables users to #raphically administer MyS/$ databases and

    visually desi#n database structures. MyS/$ Wor!bench replaces the previous

     pac!a#e of softare, MyS/$ E)I +ools. Similar to other third'party pac!a#es, but

    still considered the authoritative MyS/$ frontend, MyS/$ Wor!bench lets users

    mana#e the folloin#

    • Database desi#n modelin#

    • S/$ development ? replacin# MyS/$ /uery Broser 

    • Database administration ? replacin# MyS/$ Administrator 

    MyS/$ Wor!bench is available in to editions, the re#ular free and open

    source %ommunity &dition hich may be donloaded from the MyS/$ ebsite,

    and the proprietary Standard &dition hich e"tends and improves the feature set of 

    the %ommunity &dition.

    MyS/$ allos for many data types for columns, and it is very easy to for#et

    hat constraints there are on these data types. +his is especially important hen it

    comes to validation ' many developers do not chec! the len#th of data before

    insertin# it into a table. +his section lists the data types available and their 


    Many developers are completely unaare that MyS/$ actually has a hu#e

    number of functions built in, to do everythin# from re#ular e"pression'based strin#

    comparisons to complicated mathematical calculations. +he outsides of the cheat

    sheet list MyS/$ functions ;note a fe of the more unusual and least used

    functions have not been included due to constraints of space

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      F.- GOB$&M D&0II+IO

    Many eb sites incorporate maps and directions provided by a mappin#

    service directly into their eb pa#es, to display their store locations and provide

    drivin# directions. But end users have no control over this !ind of inte#ration. 0or

    e"ample, before buyin# a boo! from an online boo!store, a user may ant to !no

    hether it is available in the local library, a question that can be ansered by

    submittin# a query to the library@s online catalo# interface. 2et the online

     boo!store is unli!ely to provide this !ind of inte#ration, not only because it may

    lose sales, but because the choice of library is inherently local and personalized to

    the user.

    Any serious test automation is a softare development activity but of a different

    type. +est automation is a valuable addition to a tester4s toolbo" to enhance the

    reach of testin#. It does not and can not replace a human tester, particularly at the

    end'user level. Most test automation efforts fail because they don4t ta!e softaredevelopment architecture into account, they don4t plan for maintenance, and they

    tend to be understaffed, and are often staffed by non'pro#rammers. Over last 5

    decades, various authors and practitioners have cautioned a#ainst ta!in# a shortcut

    for deployin# automation solutions. 0e parameters and aspects li!e ' Pscope of 


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    or!Q, Pstaffin# requirementsQ, PAutomation toolQ, PAcceptance criteriaQ,

    PIdentifyin# and mana#in# sta!eholdersQ, PApproach to automationQ etc., ma!e

    automation pro8ects to be treated differently than other softare pro8ects. +hus

    mana#in# test automation pro8ect presents a unique and interestin# challen#e

    F.5 O:&G:I&W O0 +6& GO9&%+

    Automation readiness can be measured in terms of Availability of +est cases

    in a common repository, +est environment, +est data, roduct release plan,

    e"pectations from automation, availability of +ool licenses and other infrastructure

    requirements etc. An alert M ould insist on doin# a readiness chec! on both

    automation and client side to ensure that both are #eared up for the 8ourney.

    Automation readiness e"ercise ould also enable to identify some possible

     bottlenec!s or road bloc!s so that both client and automation team is aare of 

    them and can plan for miti#atin# the issues arisin# out of them

    A Development model for an automation pro8ect in its simplicity ould be li!e an

    ID& ;inte#rated development environment. +est Automation cannot pay immediately


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    1. 0or Sound +est automation, sound Manual +estin# infrastructure is a re'


    F.> P-i$-i!' Dete"tio! U$i!' Neur Net/or,$



    • P-i$-i!' Ser"- E!'i!e

    • API /it- P-i$- t!, 

    • API /it- 7oo'e De#eoper $er#i"e

    • A!*$i$ t-e +e0p'e /it- HTML "o!te!t

    • R!, t-e /e0p'e

    •8!, &mi!i$trtor o'i!

    • Cu$tomer or u$er o'i!

    • H",er termi!

    P-i$-i!' Ser"- e!'i!e

      +he module ma!es interface beteen bac!#round AI Store, Its send

    sequence request to online phish verifier.

    +he main dataset file are silently updates in the bac!#round of the en#ine.

    +he module are #ets some standard request to the port finder CM$ file.+he

    CM$ parser or!s bac!#round to #et result in the front of user.

    API +it- p-i$- t!,

    +he phish tan! is the eb service database for phishin# eb pa#es.Its #ive

    some re#ular service to the AI developer.We made a lin! beteen the phishtan! server to the search en#ine.

    +he phish tan! eb database are store the eb spam percenta#e, user 

    comments and ran! in hostin#.


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    +he database are simply cate#ories from phish site. +he maser su##ested

     phisher are published by the user in phish tan!.

    API /it- 7oo'e De#eoper $er#i"e !& SSL

    Eoo#le Search uses SS$ to encrypt the connection beteen your computer 

    and Eoo#le to help prevent intermediary parties, li!e internet cafes, ISs, and ifi

    hotspots, from interceptin# or interferin# ith your search activities. 0or supported

     brosers, Eoo#le may use this option by default.

    Additionally, hile SS$ encrypts the information you see on Eoo#le4s search

    results pa#e and your lo#in information, it does not alays protect

    • +he fact that you visited

    • +he search terms that you typed

    A!*$i$ t-e +e0p'e /it- HTML "o!te!t

    Its simply e"tract all the html source from the eb site. Its simply verify

    some standard techniques from the hac! or phish site.

    Simple verification for 6+M$ sites,

    • re define module search

    • Match mar!er form normal 6+M$

    R!, t-e /e0p'e


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    Its simply presents the eb ran!in# from the Eoo#le ssl and phish tan! site.

    Its commonly optimize from the bac!#round 6+M$ content.

    8!, &mi!i$trtor o'i!

      Ban! lo#in an administrator can add money to customer account they

     %an add ne customer and all administrator related activities .

    +his module made the ban! report #eneration easier ith very fe clic!s..

    Aesthetic report vie ma!es the user to analyze the data easier.

    Customer or user login

    In this module e secure each php pa#e ith the lo#in session data. If the sessiondata is not found the pa#e ill redirect to not_loggedin.php here user needs to

    lo#in credentials ;i.e., )sername or email and passord< to lo#in. If the lo#in is

    successful it redirects to the correspondin# pa#e. If the user lo##ed'in is in #roup

    of admin it redirects to admin dashboard and #ives the full functionality to the

    softare.)ser lo#in customer can man#e accounts they can transfer money and

    much more. As common as all net ban!in# offers 

    Hacker terminal

      +his terminal is actually not developed by Ban! or Administrator. It asdesi#ned by hac!ers here they can develop by defacin# the source code of the

    ebsite and creatin# their terminal


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    A data flo dia#ram ;D0D< is a #raphical representation of the =flo= of data throu#h an

    information system.

      +hey are a preliminary step used to create an overvie of the system hich can later beelaborated.

    H.-.- Data 0lo dia#ram $evel 3











    Source Server 

  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    H.5 &'G DIAEGAM

    &ntity'Gelationship ;&G< dia#ram, a #raphical representation of entities and

    their relationships to each other, typically used in computin# in re#ard to the

    or#anization of data ithin databases or information systems. An entity is a piece

    of data'an ob8ect or concept about hich data is stored. A relationship is ho the

    data is shared beteen entities.


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    )se case dia#rams overvie the usa#e requirements for a system. +hey are useful for 

     presentations to mana#ement and(or pro8ect sta!eholders, but for actual development you ill

    find that )se case provide si#nificantly more value because they describe =the meat= of the

    actual requirements.

    U$e "$e

     A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide somethin# of measurable value

    to an actor and is dran as a horizontal ellipse


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    %lass dia#rams are the mainstay of ob8ect'oriented analysis and desi#n. %lass dia#rams

    sho the classes of the system, their interrelationships ;includin# inheritance, a##re#ation, and


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    Sequence dia#rams model the flo of lo#ic ithin your system in a visual manner,

    enablin# you both to document and validate your lo#ic, and are commonly used for both analysis

    and desi#n purposes.

    Sequence dia#rams are the most popular )M$ artifact for dynamic modelin#, hich

    focuses on identifyin# the behavior ithin your system.


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  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    Dt (o/ Di'rm

      A data flo dia#ram ;D0D< is a #raphical representation of the =flo= of data

    throu#h an information system

      8!, &mi! o'i!


    Admin $o#in

     Account details


    Staff details


    Add necustomer details

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    U$er o'i!


    )ser  $o#in

    %reate account

    Money transfer 

  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final



    A"ti#it* &i'rm
















    hish tan! 



    Analysis theWebpa#e

    Admin lo#in



    )ser lo#in

    6ac!er lo#in

  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    Sequence dia#ram



    lo in


    lo inSearch en#ine








    6ac! detection


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final




    J.- +AB$& AM& %lientRDetails

    Nme T*pe Co!$tri!t De$"riptio!


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    IDID Intrimary


    %lient Id

    )sername :archar ;53< )sername of the %lient

    assord :archar;53< assord of the %lient

    Dob :archar;F3< dob of the %lient

    Eender :archar;3< #ender of the %lient

    &mail :archar;3< &mail Id of the %lient

    %ontact no :archar;-33< %ontact no of the %lient

    Address :archar;>33< %lient Address

    Desi#nation :archar;>33< %lient Desi#nation

    +able J.- %lient Details

    J.5 +AB$& AM& Mana#ement 0eedbac! 

    Nme T*pe Co!$tri!t De$"riptio!

    IDID Int forei#n !ey

    %lient Id

    desi#nation :archar;13< %lient Desi#nation

    Erade :archar;13< Erade of the %lient

    0eedbac! :archar;-33< 0eed Bac! of the %lient

      +able J.5 Mana#ement 0eedbac! 

    J.> +AB$& AM& %lient articipation

    Nme T*pe Co!$tri!t De$"riptio!

    IDID Int forei#n !ey Id

      desi#nation :archar;13< %lient Desi#nation


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


      evaluation :archar;13< &valuation of the %lient

    +able J.> %lient articipation

    J.1 +AB$& AM& %lient details

    Nme T*pe Co!$tri!t De$"riptio!

    IDID Intrimary

    !eyclients Id

    )sername :archar ;53< )sername of the clients

    assord :archar;53< assord of the clients

    Dob :archar;F3< dob of the clients

    Eender :archar;3< #ender of the clients

    &mail :archar;3< &mail Id of the clients

    %ontact no :archar;-33< %ontact no of the clientsAddress :archar;>33< %lients Address

    +able J.1 %lient Details

    -< J.1 +AB$& AM& P'e< Cu$tomiztio!

    Nme T*pe Co!$tri!t De$"riptio!

    IDID Intrimary



      $o#o :archar;13< %lient Desi#nation

    Description :archar;13< &valuation of the %lient


  • 8/18/2019 Net Banking final


    Site lin! :archar;F3< Site $in!  

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    Input desi#n of a system is preparation of input. +his input desi#n sta#e is

    necessary for successful development and implementation of the system. Input


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    desi#n is the process of convertin# user'ori#inated input to a computer based

    format. Input data are collected and or#anized into similar #roup of data the #oal

    of, input data is to ma!e data entry as easy, lo#ical and free from errors as possible.

      When the desi#n input has been revieed and the desi#n input requirements

    are determined to be acceptable, an iterative process of translatin# those

    requirements into a device desi#n be#ins. +he first step is conversion of the

    requirements into system or hi#h'level specifications. +hus, these specifications

    are a desi#n output. )pon verification that the hi#h'level specifications conform to

    the desi#n input requirements, they become the desi#n input for the ne"t step in the

    desi#n process, and so on.

    +his basic technique is used repeatedly throu#hout the desi#n process. &ach

    desi#n input is converted into a ne desi#n output each output is verified as

    conformin# to its input and it then becomes the desi#n input for another step in the

    desi#n process. In this manner, the desi#n input requirements are translated into a

    device desi#n conformin# to those requirements.=

    Input facilities the entry of data into the computer system. Input desi#n

    involves the selection of the best strate#y for #ettin# data into the computer system

    at the ri#ht time and as accurately as possible. +his is because the most difficult

    aspect of input desi#n in accuracy .+he use of ell'defined documents can

    encoura#e users to record data accurately ithout omission. 0or e"ample, if a

    customer4s telephone number is a needed input data, the slaes order form should

    have a specific line that is clearly labeled =customer telephone number=. 6avin#

    several lines labeled =customer information= ould be less effective. +his is

     because sometimes only the name and address ould be filled in leavin# out the

    telephone number. Input desi#n must capture all the data that the system needs,

    ithout introducin# any errors. Input errors can be #reatly reduced hen inputtin#


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    directly by usin# appropriate forms for data capture and ell desi#ned computer 

    screen layout.

    CHAPTER 1>



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    One of the most important features of an information system for users in the

    output it procedures. Output is the information delivered to user throu#h the

    information system. +his desi#n is essential to #ain the user acceptance. &fficient

    Output desi#n should improve the system relationship ith the user.

    %ost of the time hen e print records in 0ileMa!er, the output of every

    record appears pretty much the same, ith similar formattin# and desi#n. But hat

    if e ant records to print ith a completely different output desi#n dependin# on

    the type of record7 In this article e detail some of the various ays in hich this

    can be achieved, and the pros and cons of each method. &ach has been formatted as

    e ish for the question type to appear. o it is simply a case of tryin# to hide

    the to desi#ns that do not apply to the type of question for any #iven record.

    When all of the databases are stac!ed on top of each other, a cool thin#

    happens. +he to portals that do not sho a record ill not only sho nothin#, but

    they completely disappear from the output, it@s as if they aren4t on the layout. +his

    leaves the one remainin# portal that is shoin# contents to be the only portal

    visible on that record.

    A container field has been added to the table. +he idea is that e populate

    this container field ith an ima#e that loo!s li!e the question desi#n e ant to

    output. +o do this, e basically #o to one of the three layouts, ta!e a picture of the

    layout, then #o bac! to the container and paste in the results.


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    CHAPTER 11



      +he purpose of testin# is to discover errors. +estin# is the process of tryin# to discover 

    every conceivable fault or ea!ness in a or! product. It provides a ay to chec! the

    functionality of components, sub assemblies, assemblies and(or a finished product It is the

     process of e"ercisin# softare ith the intent of ensurin# that the Softare system meets its

    requirements and user e"pectations and does not fail in an unacceptable manner. +here are

    various types of test. &ach test type addresses a specific testin# requirement.


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      )nit testin# involves the desi#n of test cases that validate that the internal pro#ram lo#ic

    is functionin# properly, and that pro#ram input produce valid outputs. All decision branches andinternal code flo should be validated. It is the testin# of individual softare units of the

    application .it is done after the completion of an individual unit before inte#ration. +his is a

    structural testin#, that relies on !noled#e of its construction and is invasive. )nit tests perform

     basic tests at component level and test a specific business process, application, and(or system

    confi#uration. )nit tests ensure that each unique path of a business process performs accurately

    to the documented specifications and contains clearly defined inputs and e"pected results.


      Inte#ration tests are desi#ned to test inte#rated softare components to determine if they

    actually run as one pro#ram. +estin# is event driven and is more concerned ith the basic

    outcome of screens or fields. Inte#ration tests demonstrate that althou#h the components ere

    individually satisfaction, as shon by successfully unit testin#, the combination of components is

    correct and consistent. Inte#ration testin# is specifically aimed at e"posin# the problems that

    arise from the combination of components.


      0unctional tests provide a systematic demonstrations that functions tested are available as

    specified by the business and technical requirements, system documentation , and user manuals.


    :alid Input identified classes of valid input must be accepted.

    Invalid Input identified classes of invalid input must be re8ected.

    0unctions identified functions must be e"ercised.

    Output identified classes of application outputs must be e"ercised.

    Systems(rocedures interfacin# systems or procedures must be invo!ed.

      Or#anization and preparation of functional tests is focused on requirements, !ey functions, or 

    special test cases. In addition, systematic covera#e pertainin# to identify


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    Business process flos data fields, predefined processes, and successive processes must be

    considered for testin#. Before functional testin# is complete, additional tests are identified and

    the effective value of current tests is determined.


      System testin# ensures that the entire inte#rated softare system meets requirements. It tests

    a confi#uration to ensure !non and predictable results. An e"ample of system testin# is the

    confi#uration oriented system inte#ration test. System testin# is based on process descriptions

    and flos, emphasizin# pre'driven process lin!s and inte#ration points.


      White Bo" +estin# is a testin# in hich in hich the softare tester has !noled#e of theinner or!in#s, structure and lan#ua#e of the softare, or at least its purpose. It is purpose. It isused to test areas that cannot be reached from a blac! bo" level .

    8LAC: 8O? TESTIN7

      Blac! Bo" +estin# is testin# the softare ithout any !noled#e of the inner or!in#s,structure or lan#ua#e of the module bein# tested . Blac! bo" tests, as most other !inds of tests,must be ritten from a definitive source document, such as specification or requirements

    document, such as specification or requirements document. It is a testin# in hich the softareunder test is treated, as a blac! bo" .you cannot PseeQ into it. +he test provides inputs and

    responds to outputs ithout considerin# ho the softare or!s.

    5.1 UNIT TESTIN7

    )nit testin# is usually conducted as part of a combined code and unit test phase of the

    softare lifecycle, althou#h it is not uncommon for codin# and unit testin# to be conducted asto distinct phases.

    +est strate#y and approach

    0ield testin# ill be performed manually and functional tests ill be ritten in detail.


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    • All field entries must or! properly.

    • a#es must be activated from the identified lin!.

    •+he entry screen, messa#es and responses must not be delayed.


    • :erify that the entries are of the correct format

    •  o duplicate entries should be alloed

    • All lin!s should ta!e the user to the correct pa#e.


    Softare inte#ration testin# is the incremental inte#ration testin# of to or more

    inte#rated softare components on a sin#le platform to produce failures caused by interface


    +he tas! of the inte#ration test is to chec! that components or softare applications, e.#.

    components in a softare system or ? one step up ? softare applications at the company level ? 

    interact ithout error.


    +estin# the lin!s that call the %han#e )sername passord, Mi#ration and

    Synchronization screens etc.

    +he username should be retained throu#hout the application in the form of hidden

    variables or by usin# coo!ies.

    If the lo#in user does not have enou#h privile#es to invo!e a screen, the lin! should be


    Any modification in the Master server should be reflected in the Slave server.

    +he CM$ file should retrieve only the records, hich have been modified.

    +est Gesults All the test cases mentioned above passed successfully. o defects encountered.


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    )ser Acceptance +estin# is a critical phase of any pro8ect and requires si#nificant

     participation by the end user. It also ensures that the system meets the functional requirements.

    Acceptance testin# for Data Synchronization

    )sers have separate roles to modify the database tables.

    +he timestamp for all insertions and updatin# should be maintained.

    )sers should have the ability to modify the privile#e for a screen.

    Once the Synchronization starts, the Master server or Slave Server should not be stopped

    ithout notifyin# the other. +he CM$ file should be #enerated in short time, i.e., before the ne"t modification occurs.

    +est Gesults All the test cases mentioned above passed successfully. o defects encountered.


    Implementation is the sta#e in the pro8ect here the theoretical desi#n is turned Into a

    or!in# system and is #ivin# confidence on the ne system for the users , hich it ill or! 

    efficiently and effectively. It involves careful plannin# ,investi#ation of the current System and

    its constraints on implementation, desi#n of methods to achieve the chan#e over, an evaluation,

    of chan#e over methods. Apart from plannin# ma8or tas! of preparin# the implementation are

    education and trainin# of users. +he more comple" system bein# implemented, the more

    involved ill be the system analysis and the desi#n effort required 8ust for implementation.

    An implementation co'ordination committee based on policies of individual or#anization

    has been appointed. +he implementation process be#ins ith preparin# a plan for theimplementation of the system. Accordin# to this plan, the activities are to be carried out,

    discussions made re#ardin# the equipment and resources and the additional equipment has to be

    acquired to implement the ne system.

      Implementation is the final and important phase, the most critical sta#e in achievin# a

    successful ne system and in #ivin# the users confidence. +hat the ne system ill or! be


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    effective .+he system can be implemented only after throu#h testin# is done and if it found to

    or!in# accordin# to the specification . +his method also offers the #reatest security since the

    old system can ta!e over if the errors are found or inability to handle certain type of transactions

    hile usin# the


      After the system is implemented successfully, trainin# of the user is one of the most

    important subtas!s of the developer. 0or this purpose user manuals are prepared and handled

    over to the user to operate the developed system. +hus the users are trained to operate the

    developed systems successfully in future .In order to put ne application system into use, the

    folloin# activities ere ta!en care of

    • reparation of user and system documentation

    • %onductin# user trainin# ith demo and hands on

    • +est run for some period to ensure smooth sitchin# over the system.


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    CHAPTER 12


    +he ne system as started to operate alon# ith e"istin# system. +he

    result of the ne system as compared ith the old system. Suppose the result is

    ron#, the error must be debu##ed. After the acceptance of the user, the e"istin#

    system ill be placed by the ne system. +his softare pac!a#e has been made

    user friendly and menu driven. So any user can handle this pac!a#e very easily and

    it does not require any intensive trainin# for the user.

    -5.- IM$&M&+A+IO GO%&SS


    Before implementin# the system to important documents should


    )ser Manual

    It e"plains user about the #uidelines and procedures to use various functions

    available in the system. It includes the complete list of error messa#e and the

    appropriate action to be ta!en.

    System manual

    It e"plains all the aspects of desi#n hich is useful mainly for further. maintenance of the system 

    )ser trainin# and documentation


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    After successful completin# of acceptance testin#, the application pro8ect is

    ready to use. In order to put ne application system into use, folloin# activities

    should be completed.

    CHAPTER 1%


    +he system mana#es the total lifecycle of translated contents, from

    #ettin# the ra material from client, mana#in# and assi#nin# translator or!force

    and contractors all over &urope, and finally deliverin# the translated contents to


    +est Automation pro8ects are softare development pro8ects ' but of 

    different type. When e"ecuted separately, need to follo some structured process

    for successful completion. $i!e in softare development, Automation pro8ect also


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    ill have phases, milestones and deliverables. *ey to success in automation is to

    desi#n, develop, implement and maintain one such model for a #iven or#anization.

    +he model needs to specifically address unique characteristics, requirements,

    culture and other thin#s. It is recommended to not to 8ust blindly follo an

    PindustryQ standard model ithout evaluatin# the suitability of the model to the

    #roup and or#anization



    +est automation does not happen in any isolated system ? there are many

    related entities to be considered so that Automation as an improvement initiative

    #ets implemented and can sustain chan#es. +ool needs to inte#rate ith rest of 

    components. 9ust li!e a biolo#ical ecosystem, +est automation or!s in an

    ecosystem consistin# of various interdependent entities ith dynamic interactions.

    Also any action ta!en in the automation ecosystem ;e.#. pesticide in food chain<


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    has a potential domino effect on other entity of the system. &ntities Automation eco

    system ill have symbiotic relationships amon# themselves.

    +estin# tool alone ill not solve +estin# problems. In most of the cases, one

    tool ill not be sufficient for the purpose. What e need a P+est Automation +ool

     bo"Q ? An automation 0rameor!, a collection of ide variation of tools.

    ro8ect Mana#ement Bloc!

    -. ro8ect lan

    5. /uality lan