Download - Nephrosis period 4

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NephrosisNephrosisNephrosisNephrosisNephrotic syndromeNephrotic syndromeNephrotic syndromeNephrotic syndrome

Sheetal Kafle & Veronica Sheetal Kafle & Veronica PinPin

Period 4Period 4

Page 2: Nephrosis period 4

What is nephrosis?What is nephrosis?What is nephrosis?What is nephrosis?

•Caused by other diseases

•From too much protein getting into the urine because glomeruli in your kidneys is not working.

•Glomeruli filters blood going through kidneys, and keeps blood proteins out of kidneys when it's working.

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•Nephrosis can also be known as nephrotic syndrome

•Affect both kidneys

•Many different kidney diseases can cause this syndrome

•Causes too much protein (mostly albumin) to be released into the urine

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Rick factorsRick factorsRick factorsRick factors

•Medications: non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs used to fight infections

•Infections:HIV, hepatitis B/C, malaria

•Kidney diseases: diabetes, lupus, other kidney disease

•Genetic and immune disorders

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•Usually caused by damage to clusters of tiny blood vessels (glomeruli) in kidneys.

•Most common cause in children: minimal change disease

•Adults: membranous glomerulonephritis

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Age of Canadians with Age of Canadians with the diseasethe disease

Age of Canadians with Age of Canadians with the diseasethe disease

•2-7 cases per one hundred thousand children

•Occurs more often in males than females,

•More often in children (age 2-6) than adults

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TreatmentsTreatmentsTreatmentsTreatments•Treat the disorder that the nephrosis derives from,

may need treatment for life

•Keep blood pressure lower than 130/80 mmHg

•Low salt diet/water pills may help with swelling in hands and legs

•Treat high cholesterol to reduce heart and blood vessel problems. Low fat and low cholesterol diets are not helpful, usually, so you may need to take medication to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

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•Hospital of Paediatrics of Toronto University





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