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A N N A L E S H I S T O R I C O - N A T U R A L E S M U S E I NATIONALIS H U N G A R I C I Tomus 72. Budapest 1980.

Nemestrinidae (Diptera) from Mongolia*

by J. M A J E R , P é c s

Abstract -— Three Nemestrinid species o f one genus are discussed o f which two are new to science : Nemestrinus cinereus sp. n . and N. oldroydi sp. n . W i t h 3 figures.

F i f teen species o f the genus Nemestrinus L A T R E I L L E , 1802, have been f o u n d i n the

Palaearct ic R e g i o n . M o s t o f t h e m i n h a b i t the M e d i t e r r a n e a n Subregion o f Europe , N e a r

East, S o u t h A s i a a n d Turkes t an . One species Nemestrinus rubriventris L A T R . have been

found i n M o n g o l i a . A m o n g the m o r e t h a n 86000 flies col lected by D R . Z . K A S Z A B d u r i n g

his expedi t ions t o M o n g o l i a ten Nemestrinus specimens were recognized representing 3 spe­

cies o f one genus; 2 species p roved t o be new t o science.

Nemestrinus rubriventris L A T R . (Fig. 1) — G o b i A l t a j a i m a k : zwischen Schargyn G o b i und Beger nuur, cca 20 k m O von Somon Chal ium, Chuural cacran, 1700 m , 25. V I . 1966 ( N r . 573) 1 9 J Baga nuuryn urd els, am SO Ecke des Sees D ö r ö ö n u u r , cca 1200m,13. V I I . 1966 (Nr . 681) 19-— C h o v d a i m a k : 3 k m N von Somon Uenc, i m Ta l des Flusses Uenc gol, 1450 m , 2-4. V I I . 1966 ( N r . 618) 1 9 ; 10 k m . SSW von Somon Bulgan, 1200 m , 4-6. V I I . 1966 ( N r . 630, 632) 2 9 .— U v s. a i m a k : Senke des Sees Uvs nuur am SW Rand des Sees, 84 k m W von Somon Zuungobi und 63 k m O von der Stadt Ulaangom, 790 m , 26. V I . 1968 ( N r . 1019) \ çf , \ 9 -

Nemestrinus cinereus sp. n . (Figs. 2-3)

H e a d yellowish grey, covered wi th th in , white hairs. Antennae quite black, their bases removed, small two basal jo in ts wi th stiff hairs, 3rd onion-shaped wi th a long bristle being longer than anten­nae. — F a c e prominent to some extent and developed in to a snout; side of latter bright, light b rown, front side dul l , covered wi th short, white hairs. Under snout and nape at margin o f eyes covered w i t h white, long, dense hairs. Palpi very long, dark brown, curved at a right angle upward at the apex o f snout. — T h o r a x shining black, covered wi th dense, white silvery, yellowish white hairs. Scutellum bright black, wi th long, erect, silvery grey hairs. -— W i n g s colourless in most part, ante­r ior border yellowish brown. Stalk of hal tères b rown, knob yellow. — L e g s slender. Femora black, knees reddish b rown, 1st and 2nd tibiae yellowish brown, 3rd black or dark b rown. Upper parts o f femora covered wi th long, whitish grey hairs, tibiae and tarsi wi th short golden or reddish yellow hairs. — A b d o m e n grey with white hairs. Posterior margin o f tergites 1-4 greyish brown. Ventra l part o f abdomen concave, light ashen-grey. Female genitalia bearing a characteristic, curved, erect and pointed bristle (Fig . 3). — Body length (without proboscis): 14-15 m m .

H o l o t y p e 9 - Chovd aimak : 3 k m N von Somon Uenc, i m Tal des Flusses Uenc gol, 1450 m , 3. V I I . 1966 ( N r . 621). — P a r a t y p e : G o b i Al ta j a imak: Baga nuuryn urd eis, am SO Ecke des. Sees D ö r ö ö nuur, cca 1200 m, 13. V I I . 1966, ( N r . 681), 1 9 .

* Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von D R . Z . K A S Z A B in der Mongolei , Nr . 455.

Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., 72, 1980

Fig . 1. Nemestrinus rubriventris L A T R . $ (drawn by L . VERES)

R e m a r k s — Nemestrinus cinereus sp. n . differs f r o m N. signatus L I C H T , by the vena t ion o f the w i n g , absence o f w h i t e spots o n the back o f the t ho rax , and the sternites o f a b d o m e n w i t h o u t w h i t e transverse stripes. Female 's geni tal ia o f N. signatus L I C H T have n o erect and p o i n t e d endbr is t le .

Nemestrinus oldroydi sp. n .

H e a d black, Irons covered wi th yellow hairs, under snout wi th dense, white hairs. Antennae and endbristle black. Proboscis longer than length o f body. Palps long, extending to snout, black. — T h o r a x bright black, margin o f back and pleure wi th dense, long, on the middle o f back wi th short, th in , white or yellowish white hairs. — W i n g moderately or rather long, uncoloured. A u x i l i ­ary 1st and 2nd longitudinal veins long, ending towards the wing t ip . 2nd beginning before middle o f wing and forking at the middle part. 3rd beginning near base o f 2nd, projected diagonally across wing, anastomosing wi th 4th, thence bent suddenly upwards. 4 th vein forked, upper branch again forked, branches straight parallel w i th 3rd vein and w i t h h ind margin o f wing ; lower branch forming basal and lower sides o f discal cell, meeting upper branch and thence turning down to h ind margin

Fig . 2. Nemestrinus cinereus sp. n . : holotype 0 (drawn by L . VERES)

receiving upper branch o f 5th vein just before the edge o f wing . T w o submarginal cells closed. Dis ­cal cell elongate, wider at base than t ip . Ha l t é ra black. — A b d o m e n shining, black, t ip pointed, margin and first tergite covered wi th dense, long, golden yellowish hairs. Sternites l ight grey. End o f female genitalia curved upward. — Body length (without proboscis): 14 m m .

H o l o t y p e ? : Uvs a imak: 3 k m N O von Somon Ö n d ö r c h a n g a j , Gebirge C h a n c h ö c h i j u l 2200 m . (Nr . 1091).

Fig. 3. Nemestrinus cinereus sp. n . : female genitalia

R e m a r k s — N. oldroydi sp. n is s imi l a r t o N. tropicus L I C H T , the m a i n differences-between the t w o species are t abu la ted b e l o w :

N. tropicus L I C H T . N. oldroydi sp. n .

1. Legs yellow. 1. Legs blackish grey. 2. Sucker shorter than lenght o f body. 2. Sucker longer than length o f body. 3. Snout short, wide and brown. 3. Snout long, narrow and shining black. 4. Venation forms lattice. 4. Venation not lattice.

A l l type-specimens are deposited i n the Hungarian Na tura l History Museum, Budapest.

I am most grateful to D R . Z O L T Á N K A S Z A B for making the invaluable material available to me for elaboration.


BEQUAERT, J. (1932): The Nemestrinidae i n the V . v. R ö d e r Collection — Zool. Am., 100: 13-33. BEQUAERT, J. (1935): Oriental Nemestrinidae — Psyche Comb., 42: 123-141. B R U N E T T I , E . (1920): Fauna o f Brit ish India, p . 144-152. KERTÉSZ, C. (1909): Catalogus Dip te rorum hucusque descriptorum, I V . — Budapest, p . 1-348. L I C H T W A R D T , B. (1909): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nemestriniden, Te i l I - V . — Dtsch. eut. Zschr.r

11: 507-515. L I C H T W A R D T , B . (1919): Die Nemestriniden des Ungarischen Nat ional Museums. — Ann. Mus. Nat.

Hung., 17: 24-27. L Y N E B O R G , L . (1975): Nemestrinidae — I n : A Catalog of Diptera of Oriental Region, 2: 157-158. N A G A T O M I , A . (1978): The Nemestrinidae o f Japan (Diptera) — / . Nat. Hist., 12 (6): p . 601-616. S A C K , P. (1936): Nemestrinidae — I n : E . L I N D N E R : Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, 4: 1-41.

Authors' address: D R . JÓZSEF M A I E R

Zoological Department College o f Education Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6, pf. 26 Hungary - 7644