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    GGGGGeometry, as a logical system, is a means and even the most powerfu l

    means to make chi ldren feel the strength of the human spir it that is

    of their own spirit. H . FREUDENTHAL

    10.1 Introduction

    We are familiar with two-dimensional coordinate geometry

    from earlier classes. Mainly, it is a combination of algebra

    andgeometry. A systematic study of geometry by the use

    of algebra was first carried out by celebrated French

    philosopher and mathematician Ren Descartes, in his book

    La Gomtry, published in 1637. This book introduced the

    notion of the equation of a curve and related analytical

    methods into the study of geometry. The resulting

    combination of analysis and geometry is referred now as

    analytical geometry. In the earlier classes, we initiated

    the study of coordinate geometry, where we studied about

    coordinate axes, coordinate plane, plotting of points in a

    plane, distance between two points, section formulae, etc. All these concepts are the

    basics of coordinate geometry.

    Let us have a brief recall of coordinate geometry done in earlier classes. To

    recapitulate, the location of the points (6, 4) and

    (3, 0) in the XY-plane is shown in Fig 10.1.

    We may note that the point (6, 4) is at 6 units

    distance from they-axis measured along the positivex-axis and at 4 units distance from the x-axis

    measured along the negative y-axis. Similarly, the

    point (3, 0) is at 3 units distance from the y-axis

    measured along the positive x-axis and has zero

    distance from thex-axis.

    We also studied there following important




    Ren Descartes

    (1596 -1650)

    Fig 10.1

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    I. Distance between the points P (x1,

    y1) and Q (x


    2) is

    12 2

    2 2 1PQ x y y

    For example, distance between the points (6, 4) and (3, 0)is

    2 2

    3 6 0 4 9 16 5 units.

    II. The coordinates of a point dividing the line segment joining the points (x1,y


    and (x2,y2) internally, in the ratio m: nare




    xnxm 1212, .

    For example, the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining

    A (1, 3) and B (3, 9) internally, in the ratio 1: 3 are given by1 ( 3) 3 1

    01 3

    . .x





    III. In particular, if m= n, the coordinates of the mid-point of the line segment

    joining the points (x1,


    ) and (x2


    ) are



    2121 yyxx.

    IV. Area of the triangle whose vertices are (x1,

    y1), (x


    2) and (x


    3) is

    1 2 32 3 3 1 1 21

    2 y y y y y yx x x .

    For example, the area of the triangle, whose vertices are (4, 4), (3, 2) and ( 3, 16) is

    5414( 2 16) 3(16 4) ( 3)(4 2) 27.

    2 2

    RemarkIf the area of the triangle ABC is zero, then three points A, B and C lie on

    a line, i.e., they are collinear.

    In the this Chapter, we shall continue the study of coordinate geometry to studyproperties of the simplest geometric figure straight line.Despite its simplicity, the

    line is a vital concept of geometry and enters into our daily experiences in numerous

    interesting and useful ways. Main focus is on representing the line algebraically, for

    whichslopeis most essential.

    10.2 Slope of a Line

    A line in a coordinate plane forms two angles with thex-axis, which are supplementary.

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    The angle (say) made by the line lwith positivedirection ofx-axis and measured anti clockwise

    is called the inclination of the line. Obviously

    0 180 (Fig 10.2).We observe that lines parallel tox-axis, or

    coinciding withx-axis, have inclination of 0. The

    inclination of a vertical line (parallel to or

    coinciding withy-axis) is 90.

    Definition 1 If is the inclination of a linel, then tan is called the slopeorgradientofthe line l.

    The slope of a line whose inclination is 90 is not


    The slope of a line is denoted by m.

    Thus, m= tan , 90

    It may be observed that the slope ofx-axis is zero and slope ofy-axis is not defined.

    10.2.1Slope of a l ine when coordinates of any two points on the line are given

    We know that a line is completely determined when we are given two points on it.

    Hence, we proceed to find the slope of a

    line in terms of the coordinates of two points

    on the line.

    Let P(x1, y

    1) and Q(x

    2, y

    2) be two

    points on non-vertical line lwhose inclination

    is . Obviously,x1x

    2, otherwise the line

    will become perpendicular tox-axis and its

    slope will not be defined. The inclination of

    the line l may be acute or obtuse. Let us

    take these two cases.

    Draw perpendicular QR tox-axis and

    PM perpendicular to RQ as shown in

    Figs. 10.3 (i) and (ii).

    Case 1When angle is acute:

    In Fig 10.3 (i), MPQ = . ... (1)

    Therefore, slope of line l= m= tan .

    But in MPQ, we have 2 1

    2 1

    MQtan .


    y y

    x x

    ... (2)

    Fig 10.2

    Fig 10. 3 (i)

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    From equations (1) and (2), we have

    2 1

    2 1

    .y y


    Case II When angle is obtuse:In Fig 10.3 (ii), we have

    MPQ = 180 .

    Therefore, = 180 MPQ.

    Now, slope of the line l

    m= tan

    = tan ( 180 MPQ) = tan MPQ

    = 2 1

    1 2



    y y



    2 1

    2 1

    y y.

    x x

    Consequently, we see that in both the cases the slope mof the line through the points



    ) and (x2


    ) is given by2 1

    2 1

    y ym

    x x


    10.2.2Conditions for parallelism and perpendiculari ty of l ines in terms of their

    slopes In a coordinate plane, suppose that non-vertical lines l1andl

    2have slopesm


    and m2, respectively. Let their inclinations be and

    , respectively.

    If the line l1is parallel to l

    2(Fig 10.4), then their

    inclinations are equal, i.e.,

    = , and hence, tan = tan

    Therefore m1= m

    2, i.e., their slopes are equal.

    Conversely, if the slope of two lines l1and l2is same, i.e.,

    m1= m


    Then tan = tan .

    By the property of tangent function (between 0 and 180), = .

    Therefore, the lines are parallel.

    Fig 10. 3 (ii)

    Fig 10. 4

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    Hence, two non vertical lines l1and l

    2are parallel if and only if their slopes

    are equal.

    If the linesl1and l

    2are perpendicular (Fig 10.5), then = + 90.

    Therefore,tan = tan (+ 90)

    = cot =1


    i.e., m2




    or m1


    = 1

    Conversely, if m1 m

    2 = 1, i.e., tan tan = 1.

    Then tan = cot = tan (+ 90) or tan ( 90)

    Therefore, and differ by 90.

    Thus, linesl1and l

    2are perpendicular to each other.

    Hence, two non-vertical lines are perpendicular to each other if and only if

    their slopes are negative reciprocals of each other,

    i.e., m2=



    m or, m


    2= 1.

    Let us consider the following example.

    Example 1Find the slope of the lines:

    (a) Passing through the points (3, 2) and (1, 4),

    (b) Passing through the points (3, 2) and (7, 2),

    (c) Passing through the points (3, 2) and (3, 4),

    (d) Making inclination of 60 with the positive direction ofx-axis.

    Solution (a) The slope of the line through (3, 2) and ( 1, 4) is

    4 ( 2) 6 31 3 4 2

    m .

    (b) The slope of the line through the points (3, 2) and (7, 2) is





    m .

    (c) The slope of the line through the points (3, 2) and (3, 4)is

    Fig 10. 5

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    m , which is not defined.

    (d) Here inclination of the line = 60. Therefore, slope of the line is

    m= tan 60 = 3 .

    10.2.3 Angle between two l inesWhen we think about more than one line in a plane,

    then we find that these lines are either intersecting or parallel. Here we will discuss the

    angle between two lines in terms of their slopes.Let L

    1and L

    2be two non-vertical lines with slopes m

    1and m

    2,respectively. If


    and 2are the inclinations of lines L

    1and L

    2, respectively. Then

    tanandtan 2211 mm .

    We know that when two lines intersect each other, they make two pairs of

    vertically opposite angles such that sum of any two adjacent angles is 180. Let and

    be the adjacent angles between the lines L1and L

    2(Fig10.6). Then

    = 2



    2 90.

    Therefore tan = tan (2 1)2 1 2 1

    1 2 1 2

    tan tan

    1 tan tan 1

    m m

    m m

    (as 1 + m1m2 0)

    and = 180 so that

    tan = tan (180 ) = tan =2 1

    1 2


    m m

    m m

    , as 1 + m



    Fig 10. 6

    Now, there arise two cases:

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    Case I Ifmm





    is positive, then tan will be positive and tan will be negative,

    which means will be acute and will be obtuse.

    Case II Ifmm





    is negative, then tan will be negative and tan will be positive,

    which means that will be obtuse and will be acute.

    Thus, the acute angle (say ) between lines L1and L2with slopes m1and m2,respectively, is given by

    2 11 2

    1 2

    tan , as 1 01

    m mm m

    m m

    ... (1)

    The obtuse angle (say ) can be found by using =1800 .

    Example 2 If the angle between two lines is

    4and slope of one of the lines is


    2, find

    the slope of the other line.

    SolutionWe know that the acute angle between two lines with slopes m1and m


    is given by2 1

    1 2

    tan 1

    m m

    m m

    ... (1)

    Let m1=


    1, m

    2= mand =


    Now, putting these values in (1), we get

    1 1 2 2tan or 1

    1 141 1

    2 2

    m m,

    m m

    which gives

    1 1

    2 21 or 11 1

    1 12 2

    m m


    m m

    1Therefore 3 or

    3m m .

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    Fig 10. 7

    Hence, slope of the other line is

    3 or1

    3 . Fig 10.7 explains the

    reason of two answers.

    Fig 10. 8

    Example 3Line through the points (2, 6) and (4, 8) is perpendicular to the line

    through the points (8, 12) and (x, 24). Find the value ofx.

    SolutionSlope of the line through the points ( 2, 6) and (4, 8) is


    8 6 2 1

    4 2 6 3m

    Slope of the line through the points (8, 12) and (x, 24) is

    224 12 12

    8 8m


    Since two lines are perpendicular,


    2= 1, which gives

    1 12

    1 or = 43 8



    10.2.4Colli neari ty of three pointsWe

    know that slopes of two parallel lines are

    equal. If two lines having the same slopepass through a common point, then two

    lines will coincide. Hence, if A, B and C

    are three points in the XY-plane, then they

    will lie on a line, i.e., three points are

    collinear (Fig 10.8) if and only if slope of

    AB = slope of BC.

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    Example 4Three points P (h, k), Q (x1, y

    1) and R (x

    2, y

    2) lie on a line. Show that

    (h x1) (y

    2 y

    1) = (ky

    1) (x

    2 x


    SolutionSince points P, Q and R are collinear, we have

    Slope of PQ = Slope of QR, i.e.,1 2 1

    1 2 1

    ky y y

    x h x x

    or1 2 1

    1 2 1

    k y y y

    h x x x


    or (h x1) (y

    2 y

    1) = (k y

    1) (x

    2 x


    Example 5 In Fig 10.9, time and

    distance graph of a linear motion is given.

    Two positions of time and distance are

    recorded as, when T = 0, D = 2 and when

    T = 3, D= 8. Using the concept of slope,

    find law of motion, i.e., how distance

    depends upon time.

    SolutionLet (T, D) be any point on the

    line, where Ddenotes the distance at timeT. Therefore, points (0, 2), (3, 8) and

    (T, D) are collinear so that

    8 2 D 8

    or 6 (T 3) 3 (D 8)3 0 T 3

    or D = 2(T + 1),

    which is the required relation.

    EXERCISE 10.1

    1. Draw a quadrilateral in the Cartesian plane, whose vertices are ( 4, 5), (0, 7),

    (5, 5) and ( 4, 2). Also, find its area.2. The base of an equilateral triangle with side 2alies along they-axis such that the

    mid-point of the base is at the origin. Find vertices of the triangle.

    3. Find the distance between P (x1, y

    1) and Q (x

    2, y

    2) when : (i) PQ is parallel to the

    y-axis, (ii) PQ is parallel to thex-axis.

    4. Find a point on thex-axis, which is equidistant from the points (7, 6) and (3, 4).

    5. Find the slope of a line, which passes through the origin, and the mid-point of the

    line segment joining the points P (0,4) and B (8, 0).

    Fig 10.9

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    6. Without using the Pythagoras theorem, show that the points (4, 4), (3, 5) and

    (1,1) are the vertices of a right angled triangle.

    7. Find the slope of the line, which makes an angle of 30with the positive direction

    ofy-axis measured anticlockwise.

    8. Find the value ofx for which the points (x, 1), (2,1) and (4, 5) are collinear.

    9. Without using distance formula, show that points (2,1), (4, 0), (3, 3) and (3, 2)

    are the vertices of a parallelogram.

    10. Find the angle between thex-axis and the line joining the points (3,1) and (4,2).

    11. The slope of a line is double of the slope of another line. If tangent of the angle

    between them is3

    1, find the slopes of the lines.

    12. A line passes through (x1, y

    1) and (h, k). If slope of the line is m, show that

    k y1= m(h x


    13. If three points (h, 0), (a, b) and (0, k)lie on a line, show that 1k




    14. Consider the following population and year graph (Fig 10.10), find the slope of the

    line AB and using it, find what will be the population in the year 2010?

    Fig 10.10

    10.3 Various Formsof the Equation of a Line

    We know that every line in a plane contains infinitely many points on it. This relationship

    between line and points leads us to find the solution of the following problem:

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    How can we say that a given point lies on the given line? Its answer may be that

    for a given line we should have a definite condition on the points lying on the line.

    Suppose P (x, y) is an arbitrary point in the XY-plane and L is the given line. For the

    equation of L, we wish to construct a statementor conditionfor the point P that is

    true, when P is on L, otherwise false. Of course the statement is merely an algebraic

    equation involving the variablesxandy. Now, we will discuss the equation of a line

    under different conditions.

    10.3.1Horizontal and verti cal l inesIf a horizontal line L is at a distance afrom the

    x-axis then ordinate of every point lying on the line is either a or a [Fig 10.11 (a)].Therefore, equation of the line L is eithery= a ory =a. Choice of sign will depend

    upon the position of the line according as the line is above or below they-axis. Similarly,

    the equation of a vertical line at a distance b from the y-axis is either x = b or

    x = b [Fig 10.11(b)].

    Fig 10.11

    Example 6 Find the equations of the lines

    pa ra lle l to axes and passing through

    ( 2, 3).

    SolutionPosition of the lines is shown in the

    Fig 10.12. They-coordinate of every point on

    the line parallel tox-axis is 3, therefore, equation

    of the line parallel tox-axis and passing through

    ( 2, 3) isy= 3. Similarly, equation of the line

    parallel toy-axis and passing through ( 2, 3)

    isx= 2. Fig 10.12

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    10.3.2Point-slope form Suppose that


    0, y

    0) is a fixed point on a non-vertical

    line L, whose slope is m. Let P(x, y) be an

    arbitrary point on L (Fig 10.13).

    Then, by the definition, the slope of L is

    given by


    yym 00


    0 ,i.e.,


    Since the point P0(x

    0, y

    0) along with

    all points (x, y) on L satisfies (1) andno

    other point in the plane satisfies (1). Equation

    (1) is indeed the equation for the given line L.

    Thus, the point (x, y) lies on the line with slope mthrough the fixed point (x0, y


    if and only if, its coordinates satisfy the equation

    y y0= m(x x


    Example 7Find the equation of the line through ( 2, 3) with slope 4.

    SolutionHere m= 4 and given point (x0, y0) is ( 2, 3).By slope-intercept form formula

    (1) above, equation of the given

    line is

    y 3 = 4 (x + 2) or

    4x + y + 5 = 0, which is the

    required equation.

    10.3.3 Two-point formLet the

    line L passes through two given

    points P1(x

    1, y

    1) and P


    2, y


    Let P (x, y) be a general point

    on L (Fig 10.14).

    The three points P1, P

    2and P are

    collinear, therefore, we have

    slope of P1P = slope of P



    i.e.,1 2 1 2 1

    111 2 1 2 1

    ory y y y y y

    , y ( x ).yx x x x x x

    Fig 10.13

    Fig 10.14

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    Thus, equation of the line passing through the points (x1, y

    1) and (x

    2, y

    2) is given by

    )( 112




    ... (2)

    Example 8Write the equation of the line through the points (1, 1) and (3, 5).

    SolutionHerex1= 1,y

    1= 1,x

    2= 3 andy

    2= 5. Using two-point form (2) above

    for the equation of the line, we have




    or 043 yx , which is the required equation.

    10.3.4Slope-in tercept formSometimes a line is known to us with its slope and an

    intercept on one of the axes. We will now find equations of such lines.

    Case ISuppose a line L with slope m cuts they-axis at a distance cfrom the origin

    (Fig10.15). The distance cis called they-

    intercept of the line L. Obviously,

    coordinates of the point where the line meet

    they-axis are (0, c). Thus, L has slope m

    and passes through a fixed point (0, c).

    Therefore, by point-slope form, the equation

    of L is

    0 ory c m( x ) y mx c

    Thus, the point (x, y) on the line with slope

    mand y-intercept c lies on the line if and

    only if

    cmx ...(3)Note that the value of cwill be positive or negativeaccording asthe intercept is made

    on the positive or negative side of they-axis, respectively.

    Case IISuppose line L with slope mmakesx-intercept d. Then equation of L is

    dxmy ( ) ... (4)

    Students may derive this equation themselves by the same method as in Case I.

    Example 9Write the equation of the lines for which tan =2

    1, where is the

    inclination of the line and (i)y-intercept is3

    2 (ii)x-intercept is 4.

    Fig 10.15

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    Solution(i) Here, slope of the line is m=tan =2

    1andy - intercept c=



    Therefore, by slope-intercept form (3) above, the equation of the line is




    1 xyxy ,

    which is the required equation.

    (ii) Here, we have m=tan = 2

    1and d= 4.

    Therefore, by slope-intercept form (4) above, the equation of the line is


    1 xyxy ,

    which is the required equation.

    10.3.5I ntercept - formSuppose a line L makesx-intercept aandy-intercept bon the

    axes. Obviously L meetsx-axis at the point

    (a, 0) andy-axis at the point (0, b) (Fig .10.16).

    By two-point form of the equation of the line,

    we have

    00 ( ) or


    by x a ay bx ab



    i.e., 1b




    Thus, equation of the line making intercepts

    aand bonx-andy-axis, respectively, is




    x... (5)

    Example 10Find the equation of the line, which makes intercepts 3 and 2 on the

    x-andy-axes respectively.

    SolutionHere a= 3 and b= 2. By intercept form (5) above, equation of the line is

    1 or 2 3 6 03 2

    x yx y


    Fig 10.16

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    10.3.6Normal formSuppose a non-vertical line is known to us with following data:

    (i) Length of the perpendicular (normal) from origin to the line.

    (ii) Angle which normal makes with the positive direction ofx-axis.

    Let L be the line, whose perpendicular distance from origin O be OA =p and the

    angle between the positivex-axis and OA be XOA = . The possible positions of lineL in the Cartesian plane are shown in the Fig 10.17. Now, our purpose is to find slope

    of L and a point on it. Draw perpendicular AM on thex-axis in each case.

    In each case, we have OM =pcos and MA = psin , so that the coordinates of thepoint A are (pcos ,psin ).

    Further, line L is perpendicular to OA. Therefore

    The slope of the line L =1 1 cos

    slope of OA tan sin .

    Thus, the line L has slopesin

    cos and point A sin,cos pp on it. Therefore, by

    point-slope form, the equation of the line L is

    Fig 10.17

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    2 2cossin cos or cos sin ( )sin cos

    sin y p x p x y p

    or xcos +ysin =p.

    Hence, the equation of the line having normal distancep from the origin and angle which the normal makes with the positive direction ofx-axisis given by

    xcos +ysin =p ... (6)

    Example 11Find the equation of the line whose perpendicular distance from the

    origin is 4 units and the angle which the normal makes with positive direction ofx-axisis 15.

    SolutionHere, we are givenp= 4 and

    = 150(Fig10.18).

    Now cos 15 =3 1

    2 2

    and sin 15 =3 1

    2 2


    By the normal form (6) above, the equation of theline is

    0 0 3 1 3 1cos sin 4 or 4 or 3 1 3 1 8 215 152 2 2 2

    x y x y x y


    This is the required equation.

    Example 12The Fahrenheit temperature F and absolute temperature K satisfy a

    linear equation. Given that K = 273 when F = 32 and that K = 373 when F = 212.

    Express K in terms of F and find the value of F, when K= 0.

    SolutionAssuming F alongx-axis and K alongy-axis, we have two points (32, 273)

    and (212, 373) in XY-plane. By two-point form, the point (F, K) satisfies the equation

    373 273

    K 273212 32

    100F 32 or K 273 F 32


    or 5

    K F 32 2739

    ... (1)

    which is the required relation.

    Fig 10.18

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    When K = 0, Equation (1) gives

    5 273 9

    0 F 32 273 or F 32 491 4 or F= 459.49 5



    Al ternate methodWe know that simplest form of the equation of a line is y= mx+ c.

    Again assuming F alongx-axisand Kalong y-axis, we can take equation in the form

    K = mF + c ... (1)

    Equation (1) is satisfied by (32, 273) and (212, 373). Therefore

    273 = 32m+ c ... (2)

    and 373 = 212m+ c ... (3)

    Solving (2) and (3), we get


    5and c =



    Putting the values of mand cin (1), we get

    5 2297K F

    9 9 ... (4)

    which is the required relation. When K = 0, (4) gives F = 459.4.

    Note We know, that the equationy = mx+ c,contains two constants, namely,mand c.For finding these two constants, we need two conditions satisfied by the

    equation of line. In all the examples above, we are given two conditions to determine

    the equation of the line.

    EXERCISE 10.2

    In Exercises 1 to 8, find the equation of the line which satisfy the given conditions:

    1. Write the equations for thex-andy-axes.

    2. Passing through the point ( 4, 3) with slope



    3. Passing through (0, 0) with slope m.

    4. Passing through 32,2 and inclined with thex-axis at an angle of 75o.

    5. Intersecting thex-axis at a distance of 3 units to the left of origin with slope 2.

    6. Intersecting they-axis at a distance of 2 units above the origin and making an

    angle of 30owith positive direction of thex-axis.

    7. Passing through the points (1, 1) and (2, 4).

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    8. Perpendicular distance from the origin is 5 units and the angle made by the

    perpendicular with the positivex-axis is 300.

    9. The vertices of PQR are P (2, 1), Q (2, 3) and R (4, 5). Find equation of themedian through the vertex R.

    10. Find the equation of the line passing through (3, 5) and perpendicular to the line

    through the points (2, 5) and (3, 6).

    11. A line perpendicular to the line segment joining the points (1, 0) and (2, 3) divides

    it in the ratio 1: n. Find the equation of the line.

    12. Find the equation of a line that cuts off equal intercepts on the coordinate axes

    and passes through the point (2, 3).

    13. Find equation of the line passing through the point (2, 2) and cutting off intercepts

    on the axes whose sum is 9.

    14. Find equation of the line through the point (0, 2) making an angle2

    3with the

    positivex-axis. Also, find the equation of line parallel to it and crossing they-axis

    at a distance of 2 units below the origin.

    15. The perpendicular from the origin to a line meets it at the point (2, 9), find the

    equation of the line.

    16. The length L (in centimetre) of a copper rod is a linear function of its Celsius

    temperature C. In an experiment, if L = 124.942 when C = 20 and L= 125.134when C = 110, express L in terms of C.

    17. The owner of a milk store finds that, he can sell 980 litres of milk each week at

    Rs 14/litre and 1220 litres of milk each week at Rs 16/litre. Assuming a linear

    relationship between selling price and demand, how many litres could he sell

    weekly at Rs 17/litre?

    18. P (a, b) is the mid-point of a line segment between axes. Show that equation

    of the line is 2b




    19. Point R(h, k) divides a line segment between the axes in the ratio 1: 2. Find

    equation of the line.20. By using the concept of equation of a line, prove that the three points (3, 0),

    ( 2, 2) and (8, 2) are collinear.

    10.4 General Equation of a Line

    In earlier classes, we have studied general equation of first degree in two variables,

    Ax + By + C= 0, where A, B and C are real constants such that A and B are not zero

    simultaneously. Graph of the equation Ax + By + C= 0 is always a straight line.

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    Therefore, any equation of the form Ax + By + C= 0, where A and B are not zero

    simultaneously is called general linear equation or general equation of a line.

    10.4.1Di fferent forms ofAx + By + C = 0The general equation of a line can be

    reduced into various forms of the equation of a line, by the following procedures:

    (a)Slope-in tercept formIf B 0, then Ax + By + C= 0can be written as

    A C

    orB B

    y x y mx c ... (1)

    where A CandB B

    m c .

    We know that Equation (1) is the slope-intercept form of the equation of a line

    whose slope isA

    B , andy-intercept is


    B .

    If B= 0,then x=C

    A ,which is a vertical line whose slope is undefined and

    x-intercept isA

    C .

    (b) Intercept formIf C 0, then Ax + By + C = 0can be written as

    1 or 1

    C C

    A B

    x y x y

    a b

    ... (2)

    where a=A

    C and b=


    C .

    We know that equation (2) is intercept form of the equation of a line whose

    x-intercept isA

    C andy-intercept is


    C .

    If C = 0, then Ax + By + C= 0can be written as Ax + By = 0, which is a line

    passing through the origin and, therefore, has zero intercepts on the axes.

    (c) Normal form Letx cos +y sin =pbe the normal form of the line representedby the equation Ax + By + C= 0 or Ax + By = C.Thus, both the equations are

    same and therefore,A B C

    cos sin p

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    which givesA B

    cos and sin C C

    p p .

    Now 22

    2 2 A B 1sin cosC C

    p p



    2 2 2 2


    A B A Bpp







    Thus, the normal form of the equation Ax + By + C=0is

    x cos +y sin =p,

    where2 2 2 2 2 2

    A B Ccos , sin and

    A B A B A Bp


    Proper choice of signs is made so thatpshould be positive.

    Example 13Equation of a line is 3x 4y+ 10 = 0. Find its (i) slope, (ii) x - and


    Solution (i) Given equation 3x 4y+ 10 = 0 can be written as




    3 xy ... (1)

    Comparing (1) withy= mx+ c, we have slope of the given line as m=4


    (ii) Equation 3x 4y+ 10 = 0 can be written as

    3 4 10 or 110 5

    3 2

    x yx y

    ... (2)

    Comparing (2) with 1b



    x, we have x- intercept as a =


    10 an d

    y-intercept as b=5


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    Example 14Reduce the equation 083 yx into normal form. Find the values

    of pand .

    SolutionGiven equation is

    083 yx ... (1)

    Dividing (1) by 2 2

    3 1 2 , we get

    3 14 or cos 30 sin 30 4

    2 2x y x y ... (2)

    Comparing (2) withx cos +ysin =p, we getp= 4 and = 30.

    Example15Find the angle between the lines 053 xy and 3 6 0y x .

    SolutionGiven lines are

    053 xy or 53 xy ... (1)

    and 063 xy or1

    2 33

    y x ... (2)

    Slope of line (1) is m1= 3 and slope of line (2) is m2= 3


    The acute angle (say) between two lines is given by

    2 1

    1 2

    tan 1

    m m

    m m

    ... (3)

    Putting the values of m1and m

    2in (3), we get


    1 3 13tan 1 2 3 31 3


    which gives = 30. Hence, angle between two lines is either 30or 180 30 = 150.

    Example 16Show that two lines 0and0 222111 cybxacybxa ,

    where b1,b

    20 are:

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    (i) Parallel ifb







    1 , and (ii) Perpendicular if 02121 bbaa .

    SolutionGiven lines can be written as








    1 ... (1)

    and b







    2 ... (2)

    Slopes of the lines (1) and (2) are m1=




    1 and m2=b



    2 , respectively. Now

    (i) Lines are parallel, if m1= m

    2, which gives








    1 orb







    1 .

    (ii) Lines are perpendicular, if m1.m

    2= 1, which gives

    1 2

    1 2. 1

    a a

    b b

    or a1a2+ b1b2= 0

    Example 17Find the equation of a line perpendicular to the line 032 yx and

    passing through the point (1, 2).

    SolutionGiven line 032 yx can be written as




    1 xy ...(1)

    Slope of the line (1) is m1=


    1. Therefore, slope of the line perpendicular to line (1) is



    2 m


    Equation of the line with slope 2 and passing through the point (1, 2) is

    ( 2) 2( 1) or = 2y x y x ,

    which is the required equation.

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    10.5 Distance of a PointFroma Line

    The distance of a point from a line is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the

    point to the line. Let L :Ax+ By + C= 0 be a line, whose distance from the point

    P (x1,y

    1) is d. Draw a perpendicular PM from the point P to the line L (Fig10.19). If


    the line meets thex-andy-axes at the points Qand R,respectively. Then, coordinates

    of the points are Q



    and RC

    0 B,

    . Thus, the area of the triangle PQR

    is given by


    ( PQR) PM.QR 2

    , which gives2 area (PQR)

    PM =QR

    ... (1)

    Also, area 1 1 11 C C C

    (PQR) 0 0 02 B A B

    x y y


    1 1

    1 C C C

    2 B A AByx

    or 1 1C

    2 area (PQR) A B C andAB

    . ,yx


    2 2CC CQR 0 0 A BABA B

    Substituting the values of area (PQR) and QR in (1), we get

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    1 1

    2 2

    A B CPM

    A B


    or1 1

    2 2

    A B C

    A B



    Thus, the perpendicular distance (d) of a lineAx + By+ C= 0 from a point (x1,y


    is given by

    1 1

    2 2

    A B C

    A B



    10.5.1 Di stance between two

    parallel linesWe know that slopes

    of two parallel lines are equal.

    Therefore, two parallel lines can be

    taken in the form

    y= mx+ c1

    ... (1)

    and y= mx+ c2

    ... (2)

    Line (1) will intersectx-axis at the point

    A1 0



    as shown in Fig10.20.

    Distance between two lines is equal to the length of the perpendicular from point

    A to line (2). Therefore, distance between the lines (1) and (2) is

    1 21 2

    2 2or =

    1 1

    cm c

    c cmd

    m m


    Thus, the distance dbetween two parallel lines1

    mx c and2

    mx c is given by

    1 2



    c cd



    If lines are given in general form, i.e., Ax+ By+ C1= 0 and Ax+ By+ C

    2= 0,


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    then above formula will take the form1 2

    2 2

    C C

    A Bd

    Students can derive it themselves.

    Example 18Find the distance of the point (3, 5) from the line 3x 4y26 = 0.

    SolutionGiven line is 3x 4y26 = 0 ... (1)

    Comparing (1) with general equation of line Ax+ By+ C = 0, we get

    A = 3, B = 4 and C = 26.

    Given point is (x1,y

    1) = (3, 5). The distance of the given point from given line is

    1 1

    2 2 22

    3 3 4 5 26A B C 3.

    5A B 3 4

    . x yd

    Example 19Find the distance between the parallel lines 3x 4y +7 = 0 and

    3x 4y+ 5 = 0

    SolutionHere A = 3, B = 4, C1= 7 and C

    2= 5. Therefore, the required distance is


    7 5 2.

    53 4


    EXERCISE 10.3

    1. Reduce the following equations into slope - intercept form and find their slopes

    and the y - intercepts.

    (i) x+ 7y = 0, (ii) 6x+ 3y 5 = 0, (iii) y = 0.

    2. Reduce the following equations into intercept form and find their intercepts on

    the axes.

    (i) 3x+ 2y 12 = 0, (ii) 4x 3y = 6, (iii) 3y+2 = 0.

    3. Reduce the following equations into normal form. Find their perpendicular distances

    from the origin and angle between perpendicular and the positive x-axis.(i) x 3y + 8= 0, (ii) y 2 = 0, (iii) xy= 4.

    4. Find the distance of the point (1, 1) from the line 12(x + 6) = 5(y 2).

    5. Find the points on thex-axis, whose distances from the line 13 4

    x y are 4 units.

    6. Find the distance between parallel lines

    (i) 15x+ 8y 34= 0 and 15x+ 8y + 31 = 0 (ii) l (x+y) +p= 0 and l (x+y) r = 0.

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    7. Find equation of the line parallel to the line 3 4 2 0x y and passing through

    the point (2, 3).

    8. Find equation of the line perpendicular to the line x 7y + 5 = 0 and having

    xintercept 3.

    9. Find angles between the lines .13and13 yxyx

    10. The line through the points (h, 3) and (4, 1) intersects the line 7 9 19 0y .

    at right angle. Find the value of h.

    11.Prove that the line through the point (x


    1) and parallel to the line Ax + By + C = 0 is

    A(x x1)+ B(y y

    1) = 0.

    12. Two lines passing through the point (2, 3) intersects each other at an angle of 60o.

    If slope of one line is 2, find equation of the other line.

    13. Find the equation of the right bisector of the line segment joining the points (3, 4)

    and (1, 2).

    14. Find the coordinates of the foot of perpendicular from the point (1, 3) to the

    line 3x 4y 16 = 0.

    15. The perpendicular from the origin to the liney = mx + cmeets it at the point

    (1, 2). Find the values of mand c.

    16. If p and q are the lengths of perpendiculars from the origin to the

    lines 2cossincos kyx andxsec +ycosec = k, respectively, provethatp2+ 4q2= k2.

    17. In the triangle ABC with vertices A (2, 3), B (4,1) and C (1, 2), find the equation

    and length of altitude from the vertex A.

    18. Ifpis the length of perpendicular from the origin to the line whose intercepts on

    the axes are aand b, then show that .111


    Miscell aneous Examples

    Example 20 If the lines 2 3 0 5 3 0x y , x ky and 3 2 0x y are

    concurrent, find the value of k.

    SolutionThree lines are said to be concurrent, if they pass through a common point,

    i.e., point of intersection of any two lines lies on the third line. Here given lines are

    2x+y 3 = 0 ... (1)

    5x+ ky 3 = 0 ... (2)

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    3xy 2 = 0 ... (3)

    Solving (1) and (3) by cross-multiplication method, we get






    Therefore, the point of intersection of two lines is (1, 1). Since above three lines are

    concurrent, the point (1, 1) will satisfy equation (2) so that

    5.1 + k .1 3 = 0 or k= 2.

    Example 21 Find the distance of the line 4x y = 0 from the point P(4, 1) measured

    along the line making an angle of 135 with the positivex-axis.

    SolutionGiven line is 4x y = 0 ... (1)

    In order to find the distance of the

    line (1) from the point P (4, 1) along

    another line, we have to find the point

    of intersection of both the lines. For

    this purpose, we will first find the

    equation of the second line

    (Fig 10.21). Slope of second line is

    tan 135 = 1. Equation of the line

    with slope 1 through the point

    P (4, 1) is

    y 1 = 1 (x 4) orx+y 5 = 0 ... (2)

    Solving (1) and (2), we getx= 1 andy= 4 so that point of intersection of the two lines

    is Q (1, 4). Now, distance of line (1) from the point P (4, 1) along the line (2)

    = the distance between the points P (4, 1) and Q (1, 4).

    = 2 21 4 4 1 3 2 units .

    Example 22Assuming that straight lines work as the plane mirror for a point, find

    the image of the point (1, 2) in the line 043 yx .

    SolutionLet Q (h, k) is the image of the point P (1, 2) in the line

    x 3y+ 4 = 0 ... (1)

    Fig 10.21

    (1, 4)

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    Therefore, the line (1) is the perpendicular bisector of line segment PQ (Fig 10.22).

    Hence Slope of line PQ =1

    Slope of line 3 4 0x y


    so that 2 1 or 3 511


    kh k


    ... (2)

    and the mid-point of PQ, i.e., point




    1 khwill satisfy the equation (1) so that






    kh ... (3)

    Solving (2) and (3), we get h=5

    6and k=



    Hence, the image of the point (1, 2) in the line (1) is

    6 7

    5 5,


    Example 23Show that the area of the triangle formed by the lines

    cxmycmy 2211 , andx= 0 is


    1 2

    1 22


    m m



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    Solution Given lines are

    y= m1x+ c

    1... (1)

    y= m2x+ c

    2... (2)

    x = 0 ... (3)

    We know that liney = mx + cmeets

    the line x = 0 (y-axis) at the point

    (0, c). Therefore, two vertices of the

    triangle formed by lines (1) to (3) are

    P (0, c1) and Q (0, c2) (Fig 10. 23).

    Third vertex can be obtained by

    solving equations (1) and (2). Solving

    (1) and (2), we get

    2 1 1 2 2 1

    1 2 1 2

    andc c m c m c

    x ym m m m

    Therefore, third vertex of the triangle is R

    2 1 1 2 2 1

    1 2 1 2

    c c m c m c,

    m m m m


    Now, the area of the triangle is


    121 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1

    2 2 1 1

    1 21 2 1 2 1 2

    10 0

    2 2

    c cm c m c c c m c m cc c c c

    m m m m m m m m

    Example 24 A line is such that its segment

    between the lines

    5xy+ 4 = 0 and 3x+ 4y 4 = 0 is bisected at the

    point (1, 5). Obtain its equation.

    SolutionGiven lines are

    5xy+ 4 = 0 ... (1)

    3x+ 4y 4 = 0 ... (2)Let the required line intersects the lines (1) and (2)

    at the points, (1,

    1) and (


    2), respectively

    (Fig10.24). Therefore


    1+ 4 = 0 and

    3 2+ 4

    2 4 = 0

    Fig 10.23

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    or 1= 5

    1+ 4 and



    4 3

    4 .

    We are given that the mid point of the segment of the required line between ( 1,


    and (2,

    2) is (1, 5). Therefore






    or ,52






    or 20320and2 2121 ... (3)

    Solving equations in (3) for 1and

    2, we get


    26 =




    23and hence,





    1 .

    Equation of the required line passing through (1, 5) and (1,

    1) is





    xy or

    2225235 ( 1)



    y x

    or 107x 3y 92 = 0,

    which is the equation of required line.

    Example 25Show that the path of a moving point such that its distances from two

    lines 3x 2y= 5 and 3x+ 2y= 5 are equal is a straight line.

    SolutionGiven lines are

    3x 2y= 5 (1)

    and 3x+ 2y= 5 (2)

    Let (h, k) is any point, whose distances from the lines (1) and (2) are equal. Therefore







    which gives 3h 2k 5 = 3h+ 2k 5 or (3h 2k 5) = 3h+ 2k 5.

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    Solving these two relations we get k= 0 or h =3

    5. Thus, the point (h, k) satisfies the

    equations y= 0 or x=3

    5, which represent straight lines. Hence, path of the point

    equidistant from the lines (1) and (2) is a straight line.

    Miscel laneous Exercise on Chapter 10

    1. Find the values of kfor which the line (k3)x(4 k2)y+ k27k + 6 = 0 is

    (a) Parallel to thex-axis,

    (b) Parallel to they-axis,

    (c) Passing through the origin.

    2. Find the values of andp, if the equationxcos +ysin=pis the normal form

    of the line 3x +y+ 2 = 0.

    3. Find the equations of the lines, which cut-off intercepts on the axes whose sum

    and product are 1 and 6, respectively.

    4. What are the points on the y-axis whose distance from the line 13 4

    x y is

    4 units.

    5. Find perpendicular distance from the origin to the line joining the points (cos, sin )and (cos , sin ).

    6. Find the equation of the line parallel to y-axis and drawn through the point of

    intersection of the lines x 7y+ 5 = 0 and 3x+y=0.

    7. Find the equation of a line drawn perpendicular to the line 164


    through the

    point, where it meets they-axis.

    8. Find the area of the triangle formed by the linesy x = 0,x + y = 0 andx k = 0.

    9. Find the value ofpso that the three lines 3x + y 2= 0, px + 2y 3= 0 and

    2x y 3= 0 may intersect at one point.

    10. If three lines whose equations arey = m1x + c

    1,y= m

    2x+ c

    2andy= m

    3x + c


    concurrent, then show that m1(c

    2 c

    3) + m


    3 c

    1) + m


    1 c

    2) = 0.

    11. Find the equation of the lines through the point (3, 2) which make an angle of 45o

    with the linex2y= 3.

    12. Find the equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the lines

    4x + 7y 3 = 0 and 2x 3y+ 1 = 0 that has equal intercepts on the axes.

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    13. Show that the equation of the line passing through the origin and making an angle

    with the linetan

    1 tan

    y my mx c is

    x m


    14. In what ratio, the line joining (1, 1) and (5, 7) is divided by the linex +y= 4?

    15. Find the distance of the line 4x + 7y + 5 = 0 from the point (1, 2) along the line

    2x y = 0.

    16. Find the direction in which a straight line must be drawn through the point (1, 2)

    so that its point of intersection with the line x +y = 4 may be at a distance of

    3 units from this point.17. The hypotenuse of a right angled triangle has its ends at the points (1, 3) and

    ( 4, 1). Find an equation of the legs (perpendicular sides) of the triangle.

    18. Find the image of the point (3, 8) with respect to the linex +3y= 7 assuming the

    line to be a plane mirror.

    19. If the linesy= 3x +1 and 2y=x + 3 are equally inclined to the liney = mx + 4, find

    the value of m.

    20. If sum of the perpendicular distances of a variable point P (x, y) from the lines

    x +y 5 = 0 and 3x 2y +7 = 0 is always 10. Show that P must move on a line.

    21. Find equation of the line which is equidistant from parallel lines 9x + 6y 7 = 0

    and 3x + 2y + 6 = 0.

    22. A ray of light passing through the point (1, 2) reflects on thex-axis at point A and thereflected ray passes through the point (5, 3). Find the coordinates of A.

    23. Prove that the product of the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from the

    points 2 2 0a b , and 2 2 0a b , to the line 2cos sin 1isx y ba b


    24. A person standing at the junction (crossing) of two straight paths represented by

    the equations 2x 3y + 4 = 0 and 3x+ 4y 5 = 0 wants to reach the path whose

    equation is 6x 7y+ 8 = 0 in the least time. Find equation of the path that he

    should follow.


    Slope(m) of a non-vertical line passing through the points(x1, y1) and (x2, y2)

    is given by 2 1 1 2 1 22 1 1 2

    y y y ym x x, .

    x x x x

    If a line makes an angle with the positive direction ofx-axis, then the slope

    of the line is given by m = tan , 90.

    Slope of horizontal line is zero and slope of vertical line is undefined.

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    An acute angle (say ) between lines L1 and L2with slopes m1 and m2 is

    given by2 1

    1 2

    1 2

    tan 1 01

    m m, m m

    m m


    Two lines areparallelif and only if their slopes are equal.

    Two lines areperpendicularif and only if product of their slopes is 1.

    Three points A, B and C are collinear, if and only if slope of AB = slope of BC.

    Equation of the horizontal line having distance a from the x-axis is either

    y= a ory = a.

    Equation of the vertical line having distance b from the y-axis is either

    x= b orx = b.

    The point (x, y) lies on the line with slope mand through the fixed point (xo, yo),

    if and only if its coordinates satisfy the equation y yo = m (x x


    Equation of the line passing through the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given by

    ).( 112





    The point (x,y) on the line with slope mandy-intercept clies on the line if and

    only if cmxy .

    If a line with slope mmakes x-intercept d. Then equation of the line is

    y= m(x d).

    Equation of a line making intercepts a and b on the x-and y-axis,

    respectively, is 1b




    The equation of the line having normal distance from originpand angle between

    normal and the positivex-axis is given by pyx sincos .

    Any equation of the form Ax + By + C= 0, with A and B are not zero,

    simultaneously, is called thegeneral linear equation orgeneral equation of

    a line.

    The perpendicular distance (d) of a lineAx + By+ C= 0 from a point (x1

    , y1


    is given by1 1

    2 2

    A B C

    A B

    x yd


    Distance between the parallel lines Ax + By + C1= 0 and Ax + By + C2= 0,

    is given by21

    2 2

    C C

    A Bd
