Download - Natural'Aloe'KARELA'PLUS'2' Y: DM }th ª · Is the unique formula of our pharmaceutical therapy for diabetes mellitus\^¢2u D yzxg}po°[ With precise prescription of Phyla Nodiflora



Southern(Office(Blok(2,(#GG07,(Jalan(Permas(10,(((Permas(Sentral),(Bandar(Baru,(Permas(Jaya(81750(Masai(Johor,(Malaysia(T:(+607(3860545((M:+6012 7139338

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Karela Plus! Is the unique formula of our pharmaceutical therapy for diabetes mellitus\^¢2u��Dyzxg}po°[� With precise prescription of Phyla Nodiflora and bitter gourd Momordica Charantia, and two types of fine Aloe to enhance the quality of life for diabetic patients. Karela Plus is a natural substance bio-herbs. � Phyla Nodiflora��� Momordica Charantia����}¢[i6�-� 2����¡9��=K Karela Plus B�DM�}th�ª]PY:}?lt/n ¢� Our$research$group$headed$by$Mr$Stephen$Chang$(R$&$D$Director),$is$guided$by$a$senior$British$scientist$


Mohd$ Razin$ Jaffar,$ 1987$ medical$ graduates,$ was$ a$ qualified$ medical$ practitioner,$ whom$ has$ experience$ in$ promoting$



O���� ·} Mr Stephen Chang��4¤���\v 1 � �;º�t/¢n�@A Professor Dr Lawrence PUC�8 ¢¢[¶³ Dr Mohd Razin Jaffar }1.�Dr Mohd Razin Jaffar� 1987 0�d��\�6a}¨0��<¸_¨�F]WH�6#$xg}�¹���6���q�xg� ¢£%fx�Dr Mohd Razin Jaffar }²<��Dy�{z��k�m�yR§�� Karela&Plus Healing effect comes from the effective functions of Aloe, Phyla Nodiflora and Momordica Charantia. Aloe also transports nutrients, helps body absorbs the medication effects of Phyla Nodiflora and Momordica Charantia pharmaceutical. xZ,�\'4��¡�Phyla& Nodiflora ��� Momordica&Charantia }i6¢+��¡�1.¬¯£%���!« 7X Phyla& Nodiflora 8 Momordica& Charantia}¢nN(� According to the physician’s study, there are three major pharmaceutical ingredients in M. Charantia to lower blood sugar in patients with diabetes. `V0@A}���M.&Charantia] 3��©¢nN(5µ��DM�}¥�� 1. w |�(Steroidal Saponins) }�rs(Charatin) 2. �E��}¢( (Peptides) 3. Alkaloids M.&Charantia functions to lower blood glucoseµ�¥�}[J� Suppression of gastrointestinal absorption of sugar; promote muscle cells to absorb sugar and and convert into energy *b��7X�(�"®����7X�(&�Q¥�/ �± Diabetes patients can be beneficial from the following health improvements: �DM�5� L)��}$I~>� Tonic mending of pancreas j¦�� Protection of Beta Cells function in insulin output#S Beta Cells,���'�E� Maintain normal blood pressure�TcG¥3 Anti-oxidation to prevent cancerR%/�´{

Natural'Aloe'KARELA'PLUS'2'�������¢ Y:�DM�}th�ª $






